[Amavisd-new-debian-devel] Amavisd-new with SQL backend : per user quarantine

VUILLEMIN Jonathan jonathan.vuillemin at articmedia.net
Wed Mar 14 13:48:30 CET 2007

Hello list,

I'm trying to configure amavisd-new to work with virtual users (in 
Postfix), and policy of them are stored in Postgres.
I've alrealdy managed to set per-user policy, such as spam-tags, 
spam-score, etc ...works fine.
But I want to have a per-user quarantine, but i dont want to store spams 
in postgres, but in dedicated folders for each virtual users.

I've try to use recipient delimiter n o managed per user quarantine, 
like this :
 * when i send a spam to jo at test.net, I've configured his user policy 
(in amavis) to quarantine to jo+spam at test.net
    (with my SQL policy table as  - spam_quarantine_to='spam-quarantine'
                                                     - spam_tag_level=3, 
                                                     - spam_kill_level=999
 *with this trick with recipient delimiter, I want the spam to go in the 
subfolder "spam" of jo at test.net 's mailbox

I really don't manage to do it, when i send a (gtube)spam to such a 
mailbox, it goes directly in the normal inbox.

For more precisions, my setup for amavisd-new :

$final_virus_destiny      = D_BOUNCE;  # (data not lost, see virus 
$final_banned_destiny     = D_BOUNCE;   # D_REJECT when front-end MTA
$final_spam_destiny       = D_DISCARD;
$final_bad_header_destiny = D_PASS;

@lookup_sql_dsn =
   ( ['DBI:Pg:database=abms2;host=localhost', 'mailreader', 'secret']);

#lookup des politiques spam via sql : indique comment amavis delivre le 
spam en quarantaine
$spam_quarantine_method = 'local:';

##decommenter pour activer le stockage des mails dans postgres
#@storage_sql_dsn = @lookup_sql_dsn;

#Redefinition requete SQL de récupération des information sur la 
politique de l'utilisateur %k
$sql_select_policy = 'SELECT *,users.id FROM users,policy'.
   ' WHERE (users.policy_id=policy.id) AND (users.email IN (%k))'.
   ' ORDER BY users.priority DESC';

#Redefinition requete SQL de récupération des informations sur les 
white/black listes de l'utilisateur %k
   $sql_select_white_black_list = 'SELECT wb FROM wblist,mailaddr'.
     ' WHERE (wblist.rid=?) AND (wblist.sid=mailaddr.id)'.
     '   AND (mailaddr.email IN (%k))'.
     ' ORDER BY mailaddr.priority DESC';

$recipient_delimiter = '+';
#@addr_extension_spam_maps = ('spam');

Does anybody have some info to solve my problem ?
Or is there any other way to have per user quarantine in some dedicated 
folder ?

Regards, Jo.

Centre d'affaires ADIANIS 
27, rue des Garennes - 57155 MARLY
Tel. 03 87 30 61 76 - Fax 03 87 31 96 78
e-Mail : jonathan.vuillemin at articmedia.net

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