[Bash-completion-devel] completion for ipv6calc

Ville Skyttä ville.skytta at iki.fi
Thu Jan 14 19:21:21 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 06 January 2010, Adrian Friedli wrote:

> Cheers, Adi

Cheers!  And thanks to Raph for reviewing this.

Added to git with the following changes:

- Filtered cruft from --in/--out/--action completions; at least my ipv6calc
returns more than just the options, e.g. stuff like:

$ ipv6calc --action -h
ipv6calc: version 0.72.2
(P) & (C) 2001-2008 by Peter Bieringer <pb (at) bieringer.de>

 Available action types:
  auto          : Automatic selection of action (default)
  geneui64      : Converts a MAC address to an EUI-64 address
  conv6to4      : Converts IPv4 address <-> 6to4 IPv6 address (prefix)
  genprivacyiid : Generates a privacy interface ID out of a given one and a token
  anonymize     : Anonymize IPv4/IPv6 address without loosing much information
  prefixmac2ipv6: Generates an IPv6 address out of a prefix and a MAC address

- Added Local variables block at end of file

- Added -o filenames to the complete line (for _filedir and bash < 4).

- Added basic test suite files and Makefile.am entry

One remaining question: what's the "=" for in the _get_cword call, and if it
is intentional, is it intentional that the _get_pword call doesn't have it?

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