[Bash-completion-devel] mount, umount completions

Raphaël raphael.droz at gmail.com
Sat Dec 3 11:47:54 UTC 2011

On Fri, Dec 02, 2011 at 06:55:13PM +0400, Igor Murzov wrote:
> > * is ' sshfs#HOST:RPATH PATH ' syntax in the scope of the device path
> >   completion within mount ? (so would be obex#, ... and a bunch of other
> >   fuse FS :) )
> I have sshfs installed now, but I can't figure out how to mount sshfs
> with the `mount` command. There is no /sbin/mount.sshfs in my package
> and no examples for this in the man page.

quick reply,

I was thinking about handling the "proto#device" column of /etc/fstab
But since this branch does not focuses on /etc/fstab mount-point anymore
but filedir -d instead, my abpve comment is simply wrong now.

Moreover, after a deeper look, handling the fstab "device" semantic is
mostly useless, especially in the case of {ssh,obex,...}fs where the
mount path is usually shorter.
I wouldn't myself use mount obex<tab> so please just ignore my suggestion.

But I've *guessed* something else:

$ umount <tab>
# list the entries including /home/me/private
$ cd /home/me
$ umount pri<tab>
# list pri* with filedir -d instead of "private" only

Though not tested with your branch, so forgive me if this behavior does
not happen.



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