[Bash-completion-devel] some patches

Raphaël raphael.droz at gmail.com
Sat Jun 11 21:43:15 UTC 2011

On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 10:32:17PM +0200, David Paleino wrote:
> On Sat, 11 Jun 2011 21:54:35 +0200, Raphaël wrote:
> > So... you'll find:
> Better, but I would've liked the brand-new completions to be posted as git
> commits too :)
> (also, those patches aren't handled by "git am", something wrong must've
> happened. I work-arounded it with git apply+git commit)

I will be more careful about this the next time.
[edit, I wasn't, see below]

> > - a completion specific to the mysql client.
> Added, with some minor modifications (in a couple of lines you used tabs
> instead of four spaces), and with the usage of _parse_help instead of
> hardcoding the options list.

I didn't use it because of:
diff	\
 <(mysql --help|grep -woE -- '--[a-z0-9-]+'|sort -u|grep -v 'variable-name')	\
 <(_parse_help mysql|sort -u|sed s/=//)

> > - a completion for the boinc client derived from upstream's wiki.
> Uhm. The Debian package (boinc-client) installs it, and the source for 6.12.28
> ships it too (I haven't checked the last one, but I suppose they didn't drop
> it -- why would they?). I think other distributions install it as well.
> I suggest you send this completion upstream to BOINC :), specifying the minimum
> required version of bash-completion (maybe just a comment at the top of the
> file is ok).

I didn't noticed that (using gentoo these months), I'll send it to the
boinc devs.
> > - the patch previously mentioned about mplayer, options list and i18n
> I'm not entirely sure about this. I don't understand why LC_LANG can't be
> used -- but usually "LANG=C command" works everywhere. If it works, I'd prefer
> this way, since otherwise we should hardcode every language mplayer is/will be
> translated to :)

I looked at the $(strings mplayer). English strings appears but it seems
to be only the untranslated strings.
The 'Name.*Min Max' string IS translated. It confirms what says
mplayer's ./configure:
	  --language=lang		 default language to use [en]
	  (The LINGUAS environment variable is honored).
Should we ask mplayer devs to put a hint character to help parsing ?
or use sed 1,3d ? :)

> > - a patch for sitecopy which avoids a failure with grep in some case
> > - a patch which adds lpr(1) and lpq(1) to the cups tools completions
> Both applied.


I also forgot it above, I attached a completion for wget(1).
This is a raw file (again) because the last change on it was mixed with
others (its bad) + I changed part of its content in same commit I
renamed it.
I don't want to spend "yet another night in git help *", I already tried
a lot -M X% -B trickery of git format-patch without success.
[ sorry for the git hassle ]

-------------- next part --------------
# wget(1) completion for bash 4
# Raphaël Droz <raphael.droz+floss at gmail.com>
# License: GNU GPL v2 or later
# $Id: wget,v 0.5 2011/11/06 23:18:16 drzraf Exp $

have wget || return

_wget() {
    local cur prev
    _get_comp_words_by_ref -n = cur prev

    # If `cur' is long option containing `=', reassign prev and cur
    # because we used _get_comp_words_by_ref -n
    # it allows both form of long option ('=' and ' ')
    # if [[ "$cur" == --*=* ]]; then
    # 	prev=${cur/=*}
    # 	cur=${cur/*=}
    # fi

    # TODO: test this instead of the above

    case "$prev" in
	    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'bar dot' -- $cur ) )
	    return 0
	    return 0
	    local excludes
	    [[ "${cur}" =~ (unix|windows), ]] && excludes="|windows|unix"
	    [[ "${cur}" =~ (low|upp)ercase, ]] && excludes+="|lowercase|uppercase"
	    [[ "${cur}" =~ nocontrol ]] && excludes+="|nocontrol"
	    [[ "${cur}" =~ ascii ]] && excludes+="|ascii"
	    local lastopt=${cur/*,}
	    # non-workaround 1
	    # COMP_WORDBREAKS=${WORDBREAKS} COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -X "@(${excludes/|})" -W 'unix windows nocontrol ascii lowercase uppercase' -- $lastopt ) )

	    # workaround 2
	    local prevopt=
	    [[ "${cur}" =~ , ]] && prevopt=${cur%,*}
	    # prevopt is the previous options string used as a prefix
	    # to avoid COMPREPLY replacing them with the $lastopt completion
	    [ -n "$prevopt" ] && prevopt+=,
	    compopt -o nospace
	    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -S ',' -P "${prevopt}" -X "@(${excludes/|})" -W 'unix windows nocontrol ascii lowercase uppercase' -- $lastopt ) )

	    # trying here to make the last option append a space (no more comma-separated option available)
	    #[[ ${#COMPREPLY[@]} -eq 0 ]] && {
	    #	compopt +o nospace
	    #	COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -P "${prevopt}" -X "@(${excludes/|})" -W 'unix windows nocontrol ascii lowercase uppercase' -- $lastopt ) )
	    return 0
	    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'IPv4 IPv6 none' -- $cur ) )
            return 0
            # check if the line below is needed (should not)
            # compopt -o filenames
            _filedir -d
            return 0
	    return 0
	    _filedir && COMPREPLY=( "${COMPREPLY[@]}" - )
	    return 0
	    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'auto SSLv2 SSLv3 TLSv1' -- $cur ) )
	    return 0
	    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'PEM DER' -- $cur ) )
	    return 0
	    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'a abbr acronym address applet area b base basefont bdo big blockquote \
	     		body br button caption center cite code col colgroup dd del dir div dfn dl dt em fieldset \
	     		font form frame frameset h6 head hr html i iframe img input ins isindex kbd label legend \
	     		li link map menu meta noframes noscript object ol optgroup option p param pre q s samp \
	     		script select small span strike strong style sub sup table tbody td textarea tfoot th \
	     		thead title tr tt u ul var xmp' -- $cur ) )
	    return 0
	    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "{0..9}" -- $cur ) )
	    return 0
	    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "{0..9}{k,m}" -- $cur ) )
	    return 0
	    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$(sed -n '/^login/s/^[[:blank:]]*login[[:blank:]]//p' ~/.netrc)" -- $cur ) )
	    return 0
	    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "{1..5}" -- $cur ) )
            return 0
	    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'Accept Accept-Charset Accept-Encoding Accept-Language \
	     		Accept-Ranges Age Allow Authorization Cache-Control Connection Content-Encoding \
	     		Content-Language Content-Length Content-Location Content-MD5 Content-Range \
	     		Content-Type Date ETag Expect Expires From Host If-Match If-Modified-Since \
	     		If-None-Match If-Range If-Unmodified-Since Last-Modified Location Max-Forwards \
	     		Pragma Proxy-Authenticate Proxy-Authorization Range Referer Retry-After \
	     		Server TE Trailer Transfer-Encoding Upgrade User-Agent Vary Via Warning \
	     		WWW-Authenticate' -- $cur ) )
	    return 0
    case "$cur" in
            _longopt wget
	    return 0
	# choose this behavior
	    compopt -o nospace
	    COMPREPLY=( -- )
	    return 0
	# or this one (every short option has a long equivalent)
	    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$(wget -h | sed -n 's/^[ [:blank:]]*\(-[a-zA-A46]\).*$/\1/p')" -- $cur ) )
	    return 0
	    compopt -o nospace
	    # option 1 :
	    # cur=`_get_cword :`
	    # COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "http{,s}://{,www.} ftp://" -- $cur ) )
	    # option 2 (TODO: not the long-term solution):
	    # see: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bash/2011-06/msg00032.html
	    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "http{,s}://{,www.} ftp://" -- $cur ) )
            return 0
    return 0
complete -F _wget wget
-------------- next part --------------
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