[Blends-commit] [Git][debian-astro-team/debian-astro][master] Re-organize astropy affiliated packages in tasks

Ole Streicher (@olebole) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Aug 5 09:36:57 BST 2022

Ole Streicher pushed to branch master at Debian Astro Team / debian-astro

3df006a1 by Ole Streicher at 2022-08-05T10:36:50+02:00
Re-organize astropy affiliated packages in tasks

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- tasks/python3


@@ -16,19 +16,57 @@ Why: Generic Python packages for astronomy
 Recommends: python3-astropy-affiliated, python3-astropy-coordinated
-Recommends: python3-astroscrappy, python3-astroplan, python3-astroquery,
- python3-ccdproc, python3-gwcs, python3-halotools, python3-imexam,
- python3-montage-wrapper, python3-naima, python3-photutils, python3-pydl,
- python3-sncosmo, python3-spectral-cube, python3-specutils,
- python3-regions, python3-astropy-healpix, python3-radio-beam,
- python3-specreduce, python3-synphot
+Recommends: python3-asdf-astropy, python3-astropy-healpix, python3-astroquery,
+ python3-ccdproc, python3-photutils, python3-regions, python3-reproject,
+ python3-specreduce, python3-specutils
+Why: Astropy coordinated packages
+Recommends: python3-aplpy, python3-astroml, python3-astroplan,
+ python3-astroscrappy, python3-einsteinpy, python3-galpy, python3-gammapy,
+ python3-ginga, python3-glue, python3-gwcs, python3-hips,
+ python3-imexam, python3-poliastro, python3-pydl, python3-regions,
+ python3-spectral-cube, python3-synphot
 Why: Astropy affiliated packages
-Recommends: python3-aplpy, python3-astroml, python3-galpy, python3-gammapy,
- python3-ginga, python3-glue, python3-maltpynt, python3-omnifit,
- python3-pyregion, python3-cpl, python3-pyvo, python3-reproject,
- python3-spherical-geometry
-Why: Astropy affiliated packages (provisionally)
+Recommends: python3-astroalign
+Why: Astropy affiliated package
+WNPP: 978432
+Recommends: python3-pyspeckit
+Why: Astropy affiliated package
+WNPP: 881699
+Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyspeckit
+Pkg-Description: Toolkit for fitting and manipulating spectroscopic data
+ This is a code framework designed to allow for analysis of
+ spectroscopic data from a wide variety of astronomical instruments.
+ It is motivated by the lack of general spectroscopic analysis tools
+ applicable at multiple wavelengths (compare to IRAF, SPLAT, etc. -
+ these are wavelength-specific and/or do not make user scripting
+ easy).  Initial implementation focuses on optical and radio
+ applications, e.g.  gaussian and voigt profile fitting,
+ baseline/continuum fitting, and equivalent width measurements.
+Recommends: python3-sncosmo
+Why: Astropy affiliated package
+WNPP: 757096
+Pkg-Description: Python 3 library for high-level supervova cosmology analysis
+ SNCosmo is a Python library for high-level supernova cosmology analysis. It
+ aims to make such analysis both as flexible and clear as possible. It is
+ built on NumPy, SciPy and AstroPy. Package Features:
+ .
+  * SN models: Synthesize supernova spectra and photometry from SN models.
+  * Fitting and sampling: Functions for fitting and sampling SN model
+    parameters given photometric light curve data.
+  * Dust laws: Fast implementations of several commonly used extinction laws;
+    can be used to construct SN models that include dust.
+  * I/O: Convenience functions for reading and writing peculiar data formats
+    used in other packages and getting dust values from SFD (1998) maps.
+  * Built-in supernova models such as SALT2, MLCS2k2, Hsiao, Nugent, PSNID,
+    SNANA and Whalen models, as well as a variety of built-in bandpasses and
+    magnitude systems.
+  * Extensible: New models, bandpasses, and magnitude systems can be defined,
+    using an object-oriented interface.
+Homepage: https://sncosmo.github.io/
 Recommends: python3-drizzle
@@ -38,7 +76,7 @@ Recommends: python3-pyavm
 Recommends: python3-astlib
-Recommends: python3-yt
+Recommends: python3-yt, python3-cmyt, python3-unyt
 Recommends: python3-gyoto
@@ -73,27 +111,6 @@ Pkg-Description: Modeling and fitting in Python 3
 Homepage: http://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/sherpa/
-Recommends: python3-sncosmo
-WNPP: 757096
-Pkg-Description: Python 3 library for high-level supervova cosmology analysis
- SNCosmo is a Python library for high-level supernova cosmology analysis. It
- aims to make such analysis both as flexible and clear as possible. It is
- built on NumPy, SciPy and AstroPy. Package Features:
- .
-  * SN models: Synthesize supernova spectra and photometry from SN models.
-  * Fitting and sampling: Functions for fitting and sampling SN model
-    parameters given photometric light curve data.
-  * Dust laws: Fast implementations of several commonly used extinction laws;
-    can be used to construct SN models that include dust.
-  * I/O: Convenience functions for reading and writing peculiar data formats
-    used in other packages and getting dust values from SFD (1998) maps.
-  * Built-in supernova models such as SALT2, MLCS2k2, Hsiao, Nugent, PSNID,
-    SNANA and Whalen models, as well as a variety of built-in bandpasses and
-    magnitude systems.
-  * Extensible: New models, bandpasses, and magnitude systems can be defined,
-    using an object-oriented interface.
-Homepage: https://sncosmo.github.io/
 Recommends: python3-extinction
 WNPP: 850195
 Homepage: https://github.com/kbarbary/extinction
@@ -104,19 +121,6 @@ Pkg-Description:  Fast interstellar dust extinction laws
 Recommends: python3-mvpa2
 Why: ASCL Id 1703.009
-Recommends: python3-pyspeckit
-WNPP: 881699
-Homepage: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyspeckit
-Pkg-Description: Toolkit for fitting and manipulating spectroscopic data
- This is a code framework designed to allow for analysis of
- spectroscopic data from a wide variety of astronomical instruments.
- It is motivated by the lack of general spectroscopic analysis tools
- applicable at multiple wavelengths (compare to IRAF, SPLAT, etc. -
- these are wavelength-specific and/or do not make user scripting
- easy).  Initial implementation focuses on optical and radio
- applications, e.g.  gaussian and voigt profile fitting,
- baseline/continuum fitting, and equivalent width measurements.
 Recommends: python3-pyraf
 Recommends: python3-ndcube
@@ -132,8 +136,6 @@ Recommends: python3-poliastro
 Recommends: python3-cvxopt
 Why: ASCL-Id 2008.017
-Recommends: python3-hips
 Recommends: python3-skyfield
 WNPP: 911646
 Homepage: https://rhodesmill.org/skyfield/
@@ -171,8 +173,6 @@ Pkg-Description: interactive visualization for web browsers
  like to quickly and easily create interactive plots, dashboards, and
  data applications.
-Recommends: python3-einsteinpy
 Recommends: python3-pynpoint
 Recommends: python3-orbit-predictor
@@ -209,6 +209,3 @@ Why: Machine learning packages used in astronomy
 Recommends: python3-bdsf
 Recommends: python3-pyerfa
-Recommends: python3-astroalign
-WNPP: 978432
\ No newline at end of file

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