Bug#329403: [Buildd-tools-devel] Bug#329403: schroot: Clobbers files in the chroot without warning

Daniel Jacobowitz dan at debian.org
Sun Sep 25 17:22:23 UTC 2005

On Sun, Sep 25, 2005 at 05:07:53PM +0100, Roger Leigh wrote:
> I've make a slight change to this scheme.  There are now two script
> directories:
>   - /etc/schroot/setup.d   Scripts used to create, set up and destroy
>                            chroots (same as existing scheme).  Run
>                            once during chroot setup, and once during
>                            teardown.
>   - /etc/schroot/session.d Scripts run on chroot entry and exit to do
>                            additional setup/cleanup.  These may be run
>                            multiple times during the chroot lifetime.
> "Lifetime" here refers to creation and destruction of persistent
> session state.  For LVM snapshots, this will correspond with creation
> of the snapshot and its removal.  For block devices, it corresponds
> with mounting and unmounting, and for plain chroots means doing
> nothing except perhaps mounting ancillary filesystems and passwd
> setup.

I'm trying to map this onto the simple way I use it and I'm not having
much luck.  What's the "lifetime" of a chroot?  I assumed it was "while
any sessions are running" except (a) you can't usefully judge that; I
run daemons in a chroot using schroot; and (b) your example further
down shows a session ending and then another one starting without the
chroot being "destroyed".

Especially since the schroot documentation that I'm looking at here
doesn't say anything about creating snapshots, mounting devices, et
cetera, so I assume this is all something new...

All I was looking for was a superior and packaged alternative to
dchroot.  I'm worried that as you make schroot increasingly more
powerful it's going to get harder to do simple things with it.

Daniel Jacobowitz
CodeSourcery, LLC

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