[buildd-tools-devel] Bug#635320: schroot: environment variable for setup.d scripts to detect alias

Vagrant Cascadian vagrant at debian.org
Mon Jul 25 04:20:47 UTC 2011

Package: schroot
Version: 1.4.23-1
Severity: wishlist

thanks for maintaining schroot!

it would be useful if schroot could set a variable (CHROOT_NAME_ALIAS?) that 
contained the alias used, much like CHROOT_NAME shows which chroot is used:

so in schroot.conf:

  lvm-snapshot-options=--size 2G
which would allow for a setup.d script:

  if [ "${CHROOT_NAME_ALIAS}" = "experimental" ] ; then
    # some magic that configures experimental chroot here...
  elif [ "${CHROOT_NAME_ALIAS}" = "some-wacky-sid-variant" ] ; then
    # some magic that configures some-wacky-sid-variant chroot here...

this would save the need of having to set up a separate schroot.conf entry for 
chroots that contain only minimal differences in the source chroot.

this would also allow options like apt-get dist-upgrade when using schroot 
--all-source-chroots behave with fewer surprises, since it won't treat the 
other entries as having a separate source chroot.

live well,

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