[buildd-tools-devel] Status of logging in sbuild

Roger Leigh rleigh at codelibre.net
Wed Jan 25 17:54:19 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 02:17:02PM +0100, Max Thoursie wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 1:55 PM, Roger Leigh <rleigh at codelibre.net> wrote:
> > Ideally, sbuild would just send *everything* to stdout/err and not
> > contain any logging at all, leaving this up to buildd, which could
> > redirect the streams when invoking it, but it looks like we're
> > stuck with it for the time being.
> That would be the best for my uses. Why do you say were stuck with it?
> Do you depend on the current behavior?

Other tools (buildd) depend on it, and since it's been doing this
since the start, I would imagine other people may also be depending
upon it.

That said, it's been a long-term goal to separate sbuild and buildd by
removing buildd-specific code from sbuild where possible.  I
would like sbuild to be, as far as is practical, a wrapper around
dpkg-buildpackage which does a build in a chroot, installs build-deps
and leaves everything else to higher-level tools.  This keeps different
responsibilities separate, and keeps the tools simple and focussed to
a single task.

We've come quite a long way here, but there are still some bits to move
(e.g. write_stats).  The creation of the "fake" wanna-build in
test/wanna-build now permits buildd to be tested in isolation.  I've
previously been *very* wary of touching buildd, precisely because it
couldn't be tested outside a full buildd context.  This is due to
having breakage in the past, usually trivial, but which was only
picked up after deployment.  Now we have this ability, we can move
it and test it, and be confident that it works correctly.  The same
could potentially apply to logging: we can move the log mailing code
into buildd, and potentially also log creation.  This would greatly
simplify things.

Where we draw the line depends upon the general consensus of what
belongs where.  I would argue that the log mailing is buildd-specific.
The logging itself could go in either; I don't have a particularly
strong opinion either way on this one, though I think buildd might
be a better fit--it just depends upon how many people need/expect it.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux             http://people.debian.org/~rleigh/
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