[Collab-qa-commits] r503 - svnbuildstat/trunk/script

goneri-guest at alioth.debian.org goneri-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sat Nov 10 13:28:54 UTC 2007

Author: goneri-guest
Date: 2007-11-10 13:28:54 +0000 (Sat, 10 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 503

rename script/svnbuildstat_update-db.pl to script/svnbuildstat_update-db-svn.pl
since it works only with svn.

Copied: svnbuildstat/trunk/script/svnbuildstat_update-db-svn.pl (from rev 502, svnbuildstat/trunk/script/svnbuildstat_update-db.pl)
--- svnbuildstat/trunk/script/svnbuildstat_update-db-svn.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ svnbuildstat/trunk/script/svnbuildstat_update-db-svn.pl	2007-11-10 13:28:54 UTC (rev 503)
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use File::Temp qw/ tempfile /;
+use strict;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use File::Basename;
+use Time::Local 'timelocal_nocheck';
+use threads;
+use threads::shared;
+use Thread::Pool::Simple;
+use Thread::Pool::Simple;
+use lib '/home/sites/svnbuildstat.debian.net/svnbuildstat/lib';
+use SvnBuildStat::Schema;
+use SvnBuildStat::Config;
+use Logger::Syslog;
+my $config;
+my $schema;
+my $poolImportPkg;
+sub getRev {
+  my $uri = shift;
+  foreach (`LC_ALL=C svn info $uri`) {
+    return $1 if /Last Changed Rev:\ (\d+)/;
+  }
+  return;
+sub mkTarballFromPackage {
+  my $package = shift;
+  my $majorrelease = $$package->svndebrelease;
+  $majorrelease =~ s/^\d+://;
+  $majorrelease =~ s/-[+0-9A-Za-z\.~]*$//;
+  $$package->name.'_'.$majorrelease.".orig.tar.gz";
+sub testUrl {
+  my $url = shift;
+  return unless $url;
+  my $req = HTTP::Request->new(HEAD => $url);
+  my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+  $ua->agent("SvnBuildStat/0.1 ");
+  my $res = $ua->request($req);
+  $res->is_success;
+sub createTarballUrlFromTarballlayout {
+  my ($repository, $package) = @_;
+  return unless $$repository->tarballlayout;
+  my $packagename =  $$package->name;
+  my $tarball = mkTarballFromPackage($package);
+  my $tarballuri = $$repository->tarballlayout;
+  $tarballuri =~ s/\@TARBALL@/$tarball/;
+  $tarballuri =~ s/\@PACKAGE@/$packagename/;
+#  print  "\n--->".$tarballuri."\n";
+  return $tarballuri;
+sub getOnDebianData {
+  my $package = shift;
+  return unless $$package->name;
+  return unless $$package->svndebrelease;
+  my $svndebrelease = $$package->svndebrelease; 
+  $svndebrelease =~ s/^\d+://; # remove the EPOCH
+  my $isindebian = 'f';
+  my $tarballuri;
+  my $isnative = 'f';
+  my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+  $ua->agent("SvnBuildStat/0.1 ");
+  if ($$package->svndebrelease !~ /-[\d+\.]+$/) {
+    $isnative = 't';
+  } else {
+    my $debmirror = 'http://ftp.debian.org/debian';
+    my $debdiff .= $$package->name."_".$svndebrelease.".diff.gz";
+    my $tarball = mkTarballFromPackage($package);
+    if ($tarball) {
+      foreach my $section (qw/main contrib non-free/) {
+	my $tmp = "$1/".$$package->name if $$package->name =~ /^(lib.|.)/;
+	my $debdiffuri = $debmirror.'/pool/'.$section.'/'.$tmp.'/'.$debdiff;
+	my $tmp_tarballuri = $debmirror.'/pool/'.$section.'/'.$tmp.'/'.$tarball;
+	if (testUrl($debdiffuri)) {
+	  $isindebian = 't';
+	}
+	if (testUrl($tmp_tarballuri)) {
+	  $tarballuri = $tmp_tarballuri;
+	  $tarballuri =~ s/^$debmirror/\@DEBMIRROR@/;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return { tarballuri => $tarballuri, isindebian => $isindebian, isnative => $isnative };
+sub getUscanData {
+  my $package = shift;
+  my $cmd;
+  return unless $$package->svndebrelease;
+  return unless $$package->vcsuri;
+  $cmd = "svn cat ".$$package->vcsuri."/debian/watch";
+  my $watch = `$cmd`;
+  return unless $watch;
+  my ($fh, $watchfile) = tempfile(SUFFIX => '.uscan');
+  print $fh $watch;
+  close ($fh);
+  my $majorrelease = $$package->svndebrelease;
+  $majorrelease =~ s/^\d+://;
+  $majorrelease =~ s/-[0-9A-Za-z\.~]*$//;
+  $majorrelease =~ s/dfsg.*//;
+  $majorrelease =~ s/\d+://;
+  $cmd = "uscan --package ".$$package->name." --dehs --upstream-version ".$majorrelease." --watchfile ".$watchfile;
+#  print $cmd."\n";
+  my @uscan = `$cmd`;
+  unlink $watchfile or warn;
+  return unless @uscan > 2; # empty output
+  my $tarballuri;
+  my $isuptodate = 'f';
+  my $iswatchfilebroken = 'f';
+  my $upstreamrelease;
+  foreach (@uscan) {
+#    print;
+    $tarballuri = $1 if (/^<upstream-url>(.+tar\.gz)<\/upstream-url>$/i);
+    $isuptodate = 't' if (/^<status>up to date<\/status>$/);
+    $upstreamrelease = $1 if (/^<upstream-version>(.+)<\/upstream-version>$/);
+    $iswatchfilebroken = 't' if (/^<errors>/);
+  }
+  $iswatchfilebroken = 't' unless $upstreamrelease;
+  $tarballuri = '' unless $isuptodate eq 't';
+  return {tarballuri => $tarballuri, isuptodate => $isuptodate, upstreamrelease => $upstreamrelease, iswatchfilebroken => $iswatchfilebroken};
+sub updateChangelog {
+  my $package = shift;
+  print "UPDATE CHANGELOG\n";
+  my $last_rev;
+  my $vcschangelog_rs = $schema->resultset('Vcschangelog')->search({
+      package_id => $$package->id,
+    }, {order_by => "rev DESC"});
+  $last_rev = $vcschangelog_rs->first->rev if ($vcschangelog_rs->first);
+  if (!$last_rev) {
+    my $build_rs = $schema->resultset('Build')->search({
+	package_id => $$package->id,
+      }, {order_by => "rev"});
+    $last_rev = $build_rs->first->rev if ($build_rs->first);
+  }
+  return unless $last_rev;
+  print "LAST REV:". $last_rev."\n";
+  my $cmd = "LC_ALL=C svn log -r ".$last_rev.":".$$package->rev." ".$$package->vcsuri;
+  my $begin;
+  my $entry;
+  foreach (`$cmd`) {
+    if (/^------------------------------------------------------------------------/) {
+      $begin = 1;
+      $entry->update if $entry;
+      $entry = undef;
+    } elsif ($begin) {
+      if (/r(\d+)\s\|\s(\S+)\s\|\s(20\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)/) {
+	my $rev = $1;
+	my $login = $2;
+	my $date = $3;
+	my $userlogin = $schema->resultset('Userlogin')->find_or_create({name=>$login});
+	$entry = $schema->resultset('Vcschangelog')->create({
+	    userlogin_id =>$userlogin->id,
+	    package_id => $$package->id,
+	    date => $date,
+	    rev => $rev,
+	  });
+	$begin = 0;
+      }
+    } elsif ($entry) {
+      $entry->log($entry->log.$_);
+    }
+  }
+  $entry->update if $entry;
+sub importPkg {
+  my( $repository, $uri, $tarballonrepository) = @_;
+  my @maintainer;
+  my $packagesrc;
+  my $svndebrelease;
+  my $tarballuri;
+  my $rev = getRev($uri);
+  my $todo;
+  my $currentpendingbug;
+  my $currentchangelogentry;
+# arch
+  my $i386 = 'f';
+  my $powerpc = 'f';
+  my $sparc = 'f';
+  my $amd64 = 'f';
+  return unless $rev;
+  my @control = `svn cat $uri/debian/control`;
+  return unless @control;
+  foreach (@control) {
+    $packagesrc = $1 if /^Source:\ *(.*)/;
+    if (/^(Maintainer|Uploaders):\ *(.*)/) {
+      my $tmp = $2;
+      foreach (split /,/, $tmp) {
+	if (/(.+)<(.+)>/) {
+	  my $name = $1;
+	  my $email = $2;
+	  $name =~ s/^\ *//;
+	  $name =~ s/\ $//;
+	  my $maintainer = $schema->resultset('Maintainer')->find_or_create({email=>$email});
+	  $maintainer->name($name);
+	  $maintainer->update();
+	  push @maintainer, $maintainer;
+	}
+      }
+    } elsif (/^Architecture: (.*)/) {
+      my $arch = $1;
+      $i386 = 't' if $arch =~ /(any|all|i386)/;
+      $powerpc = 't' if $arch =~ /(any|all|powerpc)/;
+      $sparc = 't' if $arch =~ /(any|all|sparc)/;
+      $amd64 = 't' if $arch =~ /(any|all|amd64)/;
+    }
+  }
+  if (!$packagesrc) {
+    print "Parse error: $uri/debian/control";
+    return;
+  }
+  my $package = $schema->resultset('Package')->find_or_create({name => $packagesrc});
+  # if the source is not in the pool I can suppose the tarball was missing for the last
+  # check and so I need to check periodicly to see if the status has changed
+  if (defined($rev) && defined ($package->rev) && $rev > $package->rev) {
+    if (!$package->issrcinmypool) {
+      my ($year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = ($package->lastcheck =~ /(\d{4})-(\d+)-(\d+)\ (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/);
+      my $lastcheck = timelocal_nocheck($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year);
+      if ($lastcheck > time - 3600*24) {
+	print "No need to refresh ".$package->name."\n";
+	return;
+      }
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  print "GO ".$package->name."\n";
+  $package->issrcinmypool (0);
+  my @changelog = `svn cat $uri/debian/changelog`;
+  if (@changelog) {
+     if ($changelog[0] =~ /^.*\ \((.*)\)/) {
+    }
+    foreach (@changelog) {
+      if (/^\S/ && $currentchangelogentry) {
+	# I ignore svn-bp empty template entry
+	if ($currentchangelogentry =~ /^.*\n\s\s\*\sNOT RELEASED YET\n\n\s--.*/m) {
+	  $currentchangelogentry = '';
+	} else {
+	  last; 
+	}
+      }
+      $currentchangelogentry .= $_;
+    }
+    if ($currentchangelogentry =~ /^.*\ \((.*)\)/) {
+      $svndebrelease = $1; 
+    }
+    # looks for bug closed in the changelog entry
+    # the regex come from the BTS documentation
+    # TODO dpkg-parsechangelog is probably more suitable for the job :D
+    foreach ($currentchangelogentry =~ /closes:\s*(?:bug)?\#\s*\d+(?:,\s*(?:bug)?\#\s*\d+)*/ig) {
+      s/([A-Za-z]|#|:|\s)//g;
+      $currentpendingbug .= $_.',' if $_;
+    }
+  } else {
+    print "Parse error: $uri/debian/changelog\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  my @todo = `svn cat $uri/debian/TODO`;
+  @todo = `svn cat $uri/debian/TODO.Debian` unless @todo;
+  @todo = `svn cat $uri/debian/todo` unless @todo;
+  if (@todo) {
+    $todo .= $_ foreach @todo;
+  }
+  $package->update_from_related('repository_id',$$repository);
+  $package->svndebrelease ($svndebrelease);
+  $package->vcsuri($uri);
+  $package->repository_id($$repository);
+  foreach my $maintainer (@maintainer) {
+    my $package_maintainer =
+    $package->find_or_create_related('package_maintainers', {
+	'maintainer_id' => $maintainer->id});
+  }
+#  updateChangelog(\$package);
+  # Search for the tarball
+  my $tarball = mkTarballFromPackage(\$package);
+  my $uscandata = getUscanData(\$package);
+  my $ondebiandata = getOnDebianData(\$package);
+  my $tarballurlfromtarballlayout = createTarballUrlFromTarballlayout($repository,\$package);
+  $package->iswatchfilebroken($uscandata->{iswatchfilebroken});
+  # Is the tarball on a Debian mirror?
+  if ($ondebiandata->{isnative} eq 't') {
+    $package->isnative(1);
+    $package->tarballuri('');
+    $package->istarballpresent(0);
+  } else {
+      $package->isnative(0);
+    if ($ondebiandata->{tarballuri}) {
+      $package->tarballuri($ondebiandata->{tarballuri});
+      $package->istarballpresent(1);
+      # Or on upstream repository (using uscan)
+    } elsif($uscandata->{tarballuri}) {
+      $package->tarballuri($uscandata->{tarballuri});
+      $package->istarballpresent(1);
+      # Or on a HTTP/FTP space is a tarball layout exists
+    } elsif (testUrl($tarballurlfromtarballlayout)) {
+      $package->tarballuri($tarballurlfromtarballlayout);
+      $package->istarballpresent(1);
+      # Or on the same repository
+    } elsif(exists $tarballonrepository->{$tarball}) {
+      my $t = $tarballonrepository->{$tarball};
+      $t =~ s!svn://svn.debian.org/svn/(.*)!http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/$1?op=file&rev=0&sc=0!;
+    } else {
+      $package->tarballuri('');
+      $package->istarballpresent(0);
+    }
+  } 
+  # 
+  $package->isuptodate($uscandata->{isuptodate});
+  $package->upstreamrelease($uscandata->{upstreamrelease});
+  $package->isindebian($ondebiandata->{isindebian});
+  $package->i386($i386);
+  $package->powerpc($powerpc);
+  $package->sparc($sparc);
+  $package->amd64($amd64);
+  $package->todo($todo);
+  $package->currentchangelogentry($currentchangelogentry);
+  $package->currentpendingbug($currentpendingbug);
+  $package->lastcheck('now');
+  $package->rev($rev); # at the end since it marks in the new status of the package ins the DB
+  $package->update();
+$config = new SvnBuildStat::Config();
+$schema = SvnBuildStat::Schema->connect(
+  $config->db_dsn,
+  $config->db_user,
+  $config->db_password,
+  {AutoCommit => 1, debug => 1}
+sub importRepository {
+  my $repository = shift;
+  my $tarballonrepository;
+  print "Repository: ".$$repository->name."\n";
+  my $t = 'svn ls -R '.$$repository->vcsuri;
+  my $rev = getRev($$repository->vcsuri);
+  if(! $rev) {
+    print "Failed to get the current revision of ".$$repository->name."\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  if ($$repository->rev eq $rev && $$repository->lastcheck) {
+    # If he repository is up to date, a still do a refresh every 48h
+    # this because of the tarball check
+    #
+    my ($year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = ($$repository->lastcheck =~ /(\d{4})-(\d+)-(\d+)\ (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/);
+    my $lastcheck = timelocal_nocheck($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year);
+    if ($lastcheck > time - 3600*48) {
+      print "No need to refresh ".$$repository->name."\n";
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  my @uri;
+  foreach (`$t`) {
+    chomp;
+    my $uri = $$repository->vcsuri.'/'.$_;
+    $tarballonrepository->{basename($_)}=$uri if /\.tar\.gz$/;
+    $uri =~ s/\/$//;
+    next if /\/(tags|branches|attic)\//; # I want trunk!
+    next if /\/(sarge|etch)\//; # Try to avoid sarge and etch backport 
+    next unless /debian\/control$/;
+    $uri =~ s/(|\/)debian\/control$//;
+    push @uri, $uri;
+  }
+  foreach my $uri (@uri) {
+    # look for packages
+    $poolImportPkg->add($repository,$uri,$tarballonrepository) or die "Fucked\n";
+  }
+  $$repository->rev($rev);
+  $$repository->lastcheck('now');
+  $$repository->update();
+  print "end import Repo\n";
+############### MAIN ##############################
+info ("starting");
+########## THREAD POOLS #####
+$poolImportPkg = Thread::Pool::Simple->new(
+   min => 5,
+   max => 5,
+   load => 3,
+   do => [\&importPkg],
+   lifespan => 1
+ );
+# Import packages
+my $repository_rs = $schema->resultset('Repository')->search({enabled => 'true'});
+while (my $repository = $repository_rs->next) {
+  importRepository(\$repository) or warn "importRepository failed for ".$repository->name."\n";
+# Purge the removed packages
+# This semems to be fucked?
+#my $interval = "< repository_id.lastcheck - interval '1 day'";
+#my $package_rs = $schema->resultset('Package')->search({'me.lastcheck' => \$interval} , {join => => 'repository_id'});
+info ("stopping");

Deleted: svnbuildstat/trunk/script/svnbuildstat_update-db.pl
--- svnbuildstat/trunk/script/svnbuildstat_update-db.pl	2007-11-10 13:27:14 UTC (rev 502)
+++ svnbuildstat/trunk/script/svnbuildstat_update-db.pl	2007-11-10 13:28:54 UTC (rev 503)
@@ -1,479 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use File::Temp qw/ tempfile /;
-use strict;
-use LWP::UserAgent;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use File::Basename;
-use Time::Local 'timelocal_nocheck';
-use threads;
-use threads::shared;
-use Thread::Pool::Simple;
-use Thread::Pool::Simple;
-use lib '/home/sites/svnbuildstat.debian.net/svnbuildstat/lib';
-use SvnBuildStat::Schema;
-use SvnBuildStat::Config;
-use Logger::Syslog;
-my $config;
-my $schema;
-my $poolImportPkg;
-sub getRev {
-  my $uri = shift;
-  foreach (`LC_ALL=C svn info $uri`) {
-    return $1 if /Last Changed Rev:\ (\d+)/;
-  }
-  return;
-sub mkTarballFromPackage {
-  my $package = shift;
-  my $majorrelease = $$package->svndebrelease;
-  $majorrelease =~ s/^\d+://;
-  $majorrelease =~ s/-[+0-9A-Za-z\.~]*$//;
-  $$package->name.'_'.$majorrelease.".orig.tar.gz";
-sub testUrl {
-  my $url = shift;
-  return unless $url;
-  my $req = HTTP::Request->new(HEAD => $url);
-  my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
-  $ua->agent("SvnBuildStat/0.1 ");
-  my $res = $ua->request($req);
-  $res->is_success;
-sub createTarballUrlFromTarballlayout {
-  my ($repository, $package) = @_;
-  return unless $$repository->tarballlayout;
-  my $packagename =  $$package->name;
-  my $tarball = mkTarballFromPackage($package);
-  my $tarballuri = $$repository->tarballlayout;
-  $tarballuri =~ s/\@TARBALL@/$tarball/;
-  $tarballuri =~ s/\@PACKAGE@/$packagename/;
-#  print  "\n--->".$tarballuri."\n";
-  return $tarballuri;
-sub getOnDebianData {
-  my $package = shift;
-  return unless $$package->name;
-  return unless $$package->svndebrelease;
-  my $svndebrelease = $$package->svndebrelease; 
-  $svndebrelease =~ s/^\d+://; # remove the EPOCH
-  my $isindebian = 'f';
-  my $tarballuri;
-  my $isnative = 'f';
-  my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
-  $ua->agent("SvnBuildStat/0.1 ");
-  if ($$package->svndebrelease !~ /-[\d+\.]+$/) {
-    $isnative = 't';
-  } else {
-    my $debmirror = 'http://ftp.debian.org/debian';
-    my $debdiff .= $$package->name."_".$svndebrelease.".diff.gz";
-    my $tarball = mkTarballFromPackage($package);
-    if ($tarball) {
-      foreach my $section (qw/main contrib non-free/) {
-	my $tmp = "$1/".$$package->name if $$package->name =~ /^(lib.|.)/;
-	my $debdiffuri = $debmirror.'/pool/'.$section.'/'.$tmp.'/'.$debdiff;
-	my $tmp_tarballuri = $debmirror.'/pool/'.$section.'/'.$tmp.'/'.$tarball;
-	if (testUrl($debdiffuri)) {
-	  $isindebian = 't';
-	}
-	if (testUrl($tmp_tarballuri)) {
-	  $tarballuri = $tmp_tarballuri;
-	  $tarballuri =~ s/^$debmirror/\@DEBMIRROR@/;
-	}
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return { tarballuri => $tarballuri, isindebian => $isindebian, isnative => $isnative };
-sub getUscanData {
-  my $package = shift;
-  my $cmd;
-  return unless $$package->svndebrelease;
-  return unless $$package->vcsuri;
-  $cmd = "svn cat ".$$package->vcsuri."/debian/watch";
-  my $watch = `$cmd`;
-  return unless $watch;
-  my ($fh, $watchfile) = tempfile(SUFFIX => '.uscan');
-  print $fh $watch;
-  close ($fh);
-  my $majorrelease = $$package->svndebrelease;
-  $majorrelease =~ s/^\d+://;
-  $majorrelease =~ s/-[0-9A-Za-z\.~]*$//;
-  $majorrelease =~ s/dfsg.*//;
-  $majorrelease =~ s/\d+://;
-  $cmd = "uscan --package ".$$package->name." --dehs --upstream-version ".$majorrelease." --watchfile ".$watchfile;
-#  print $cmd."\n";
-  my @uscan = `$cmd`;
-  unlink $watchfile or warn;
-  return unless @uscan > 2; # empty output
-  my $tarballuri;
-  my $isuptodate = 'f';
-  my $iswatchfilebroken = 'f';
-  my $upstreamrelease;
-  foreach (@uscan) {
-#    print;
-    $tarballuri = $1 if (/^<upstream-url>(.+tar\.gz)<\/upstream-url>$/i);
-    $isuptodate = 't' if (/^<status>up to date<\/status>$/);
-    $upstreamrelease = $1 if (/^<upstream-version>(.+)<\/upstream-version>$/);
-    $iswatchfilebroken = 't' if (/^<errors>/);
-  }
-  $iswatchfilebroken = 't' unless $upstreamrelease;
-  $tarballuri = '' unless $isuptodate eq 't';
-  return {tarballuri => $tarballuri, isuptodate => $isuptodate, upstreamrelease => $upstreamrelease, iswatchfilebroken => $iswatchfilebroken};
-sub updateChangelog {
-  my $package = shift;
-  print "UPDATE CHANGELOG\n";
-  my $last_rev;
-  my $vcschangelog_rs = $schema->resultset('Vcschangelog')->search({
-      package_id => $$package->id,
-    }, {order_by => "rev DESC"});
-  $last_rev = $vcschangelog_rs->first->rev if ($vcschangelog_rs->first);
-  if (!$last_rev) {
-    my $build_rs = $schema->resultset('Build')->search({
-	package_id => $$package->id,
-      }, {order_by => "rev"});
-    $last_rev = $build_rs->first->rev if ($build_rs->first);
-  }
-  return unless $last_rev;
-  print "LAST REV:". $last_rev."\n";
-  my $cmd = "LC_ALL=C svn log -r ".$last_rev.":".$$package->rev." ".$$package->vcsuri;
-  my $begin;
-  my $entry;
-  foreach (`$cmd`) {
-    if (/^------------------------------------------------------------------------/) {
-      $begin = 1;
-      $entry->update if $entry;
-      $entry = undef;
-    } elsif ($begin) {
-      if (/r(\d+)\s\|\s(\S+)\s\|\s(20\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)/) {
-	my $rev = $1;
-	my $login = $2;
-	my $date = $3;
-	my $userlogin = $schema->resultset('Userlogin')->find_or_create({name=>$login});
-	$entry = $schema->resultset('Vcschangelog')->create({
-	    userlogin_id =>$userlogin->id,
-	    package_id => $$package->id,
-	    date => $date,
-	    rev => $rev,
-	  });
-	$begin = 0;
-      }
-    } elsif ($entry) {
-      $entry->log($entry->log.$_);
-    }
-  }
-  $entry->update if $entry;
-sub importPkg {
-  my( $repository, $uri, $tarballonrepository) = @_;
-  my @maintainer;
-  my $packagesrc;
-  my $svndebrelease;
-  my $tarballuri;
-  my $rev = getRev($uri);
-  my $todo;
-  my $currentpendingbug;
-  my $currentchangelogentry;
-# arch
-  my $i386 = 'f';
-  my $powerpc = 'f';
-  my $sparc = 'f';
-  my $amd64 = 'f';
-  return unless $rev;
-  my @control = `svn cat $uri/debian/control`;
-  return unless @control;
-  foreach (@control) {
-    $packagesrc = $1 if /^Source:\ *(.*)/;
-    if (/^(Maintainer|Uploaders):\ *(.*)/) {
-      my $tmp = $2;
-      foreach (split /,/, $tmp) {
-	if (/(.+)<(.+)>/) {
-	  my $name = $1;
-	  my $email = $2;
-	  $name =~ s/^\ *//;
-	  $name =~ s/\ $//;
-	  my $maintainer = $schema->resultset('Maintainer')->find_or_create({email=>$email});
-	  $maintainer->name($name);
-	  $maintainer->update();
-	  push @maintainer, $maintainer;
-	}
-      }
-    } elsif (/^Architecture: (.*)/) {
-      my $arch = $1;
-      $i386 = 't' if $arch =~ /(any|all|i386)/;
-      $powerpc = 't' if $arch =~ /(any|all|powerpc)/;
-      $sparc = 't' if $arch =~ /(any|all|sparc)/;
-      $amd64 = 't' if $arch =~ /(any|all|amd64)/;
-    }
-  }
-  if (!$packagesrc) {
-    print "Parse error: $uri/debian/control";
-    return;
-  }
-  my $package = $schema->resultset('Package')->find_or_create({name => $packagesrc});
-  # if the source is not in the pool I can suppose the tarball was missing for the last
-  # check and so I need to check periodicly to see if the status has changed
-  if (defined($rev) && defined ($package->rev) && $rev > $package->rev) {
-    if (!$package->issrcinmypool) {
-      my ($year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = ($package->lastcheck =~ /(\d{4})-(\d+)-(\d+)\ (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/);
-      my $lastcheck = timelocal_nocheck($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year);
-      if ($lastcheck > time - 3600*24) {
-	print "No need to refresh ".$package->name."\n";
-	return;
-      }
-    }
-    return;
-  }
-  print "GO ".$package->name."\n";
-  $package->issrcinmypool (0);
-  my @changelog = `svn cat $uri/debian/changelog`;
-  if (@changelog) {
-     if ($changelog[0] =~ /^.*\ \((.*)\)/) {
-    }
-    foreach (@changelog) {
-      if (/^\S/ && $currentchangelogentry) {
-	# I ignore svn-bp empty template entry
-	if ($currentchangelogentry =~ /^.*\n\s\s\*\sNOT RELEASED YET\n\n\s--.*/m) {
-	  $currentchangelogentry = '';
-	} else {
-	  last; 
-	}
-      }
-      $currentchangelogentry .= $_;
-    }
-    if ($currentchangelogentry =~ /^.*\ \((.*)\)/) {
-      $svndebrelease = $1; 
-    }
-    # looks for bug closed in the changelog entry
-    # the regex come from the BTS documentation
-    # TODO dpkg-parsechangelog is probably more suitable for the job :D
-    foreach ($currentchangelogentry =~ /closes:\s*(?:bug)?\#\s*\d+(?:,\s*(?:bug)?\#\s*\d+)*/ig) {
-      s/([A-Za-z]|#|:|\s)//g;
-      $currentpendingbug .= $_.',' if $_;
-    }
-  } else {
-    print "Parse error: $uri/debian/changelog\n";
-    return;
-  }
-  my @todo = `svn cat $uri/debian/TODO`;
-  @todo = `svn cat $uri/debian/TODO.Debian` unless @todo;
-  @todo = `svn cat $uri/debian/todo` unless @todo;
-  if (@todo) {
-    $todo .= $_ foreach @todo;
-  }
-  $package->update_from_related('repository_id',$$repository);
-  $package->svndebrelease ($svndebrelease);
-  $package->vcsuri($uri);
-  $package->repository_id($$repository);
-  foreach my $maintainer (@maintainer) {
-    my $package_maintainer =
-    $package->find_or_create_related('package_maintainers', {
-	'maintainer_id' => $maintainer->id});
-  }
-#  updateChangelog(\$package);
-  # Search for the tarball
-  my $tarball = mkTarballFromPackage(\$package);
-  my $uscandata = getUscanData(\$package);
-  my $ondebiandata = getOnDebianData(\$package);
-  my $tarballurlfromtarballlayout = createTarballUrlFromTarballlayout($repository,\$package);
-  $package->iswatchfilebroken($uscandata->{iswatchfilebroken});
-  # Is the tarball on a Debian mirror?
-  if ($ondebiandata->{isnative} eq 't') {
-    $package->isnative(1);
-    $package->tarballuri('');
-    $package->istarballpresent(0);
-  } else {
-      $package->isnative(0);
-    if ($ondebiandata->{tarballuri}) {
-      $package->tarballuri($ondebiandata->{tarballuri});
-      $package->istarballpresent(1);
-      # Or on upstream repository (using uscan)
-    } elsif($uscandata->{tarballuri}) {
-      $package->tarballuri($uscandata->{tarballuri});
-      $package->istarballpresent(1);
-      # Or on a HTTP/FTP space is a tarball layout exists
-    } elsif (testUrl($tarballurlfromtarballlayout)) {
-      $package->tarballuri($tarballurlfromtarballlayout);
-      $package->istarballpresent(1);
-      # Or on the same repository
-    } elsif(exists $tarballonrepository->{$tarball}) {
-      my $t = $tarballonrepository->{$tarball};
-      $t =~ s!svn://svn.debian.org/svn/(.*)!http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/$1?op=file&rev=0&sc=0!;
-    } else {
-      $package->tarballuri('');
-      $package->istarballpresent(0);
-    }
-  } 
-  # 
-  $package->isuptodate($uscandata->{isuptodate});
-  $package->upstreamrelease($uscandata->{upstreamrelease});
-  $package->isindebian($ondebiandata->{isindebian});
-  $package->i386($i386);
-  $package->powerpc($powerpc);
-  $package->sparc($sparc);
-  $package->amd64($amd64);
-  $package->todo($todo);
-  $package->currentchangelogentry($currentchangelogentry);
-  $package->currentpendingbug($currentpendingbug);
-  $package->lastcheck('now');
-  $package->rev($rev); # at the end since it marks in the new status of the package ins the DB
-  $package->update();
-$config = new SvnBuildStat::Config();
-$schema = SvnBuildStat::Schema->connect(
-  $config->db_dsn,
-  $config->db_user,
-  $config->db_password,
-  {AutoCommit => 1, debug => 1}
-sub importRepository {
-  my $repository = shift;
-  my $tarballonrepository;
-  print "Repository: ".$$repository->name."\n";
-  my $t = 'svn ls -R '.$$repository->vcsuri;
-  my $rev = getRev($$repository->vcsuri);
-  if(! $rev) {
-    print "Failed to get the current revision of ".$$repository->name."\n";
-    return;
-  }
-  if ($$repository->rev eq $rev && $$repository->lastcheck) {
-    # If he repository is up to date, a still do a refresh every 48h
-    # this because of the tarball check
-    #
-    my ($year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = ($$repository->lastcheck =~ /(\d{4})-(\d+)-(\d+)\ (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/);
-    my $lastcheck = timelocal_nocheck($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year);
-    if ($lastcheck > time - 3600*48) {
-      print "No need to refresh ".$$repository->name."\n";
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  my @uri;
-  foreach (`$t`) {
-    chomp;
-    my $uri = $$repository->vcsuri.'/'.$_;
-    $tarballonrepository->{basename($_)}=$uri if /\.tar\.gz$/;
-    $uri =~ s/\/$//;
-    next if /\/(tags|branches|attic)\//; # I want trunk!
-    next if /\/(sarge|etch)\//; # Try to avoid sarge and etch backport 
-    next unless /debian\/control$/;
-    $uri =~ s/(|\/)debian\/control$//;
-    push @uri, $uri;
-  }
-  foreach my $uri (@uri) {
-    # look for packages
-    $poolImportPkg->add($repository,$uri,$tarballonrepository) or die "Fucked\n";
-  }
-  $$repository->rev($rev);
-  $$repository->lastcheck('now');
-  $$repository->update();
-  print "end import Repo\n";
-############### MAIN ##############################
-info ("starting");
-########## THREAD POOLS #####
-$poolImportPkg = Thread::Pool::Simple->new(
-   min => 5,
-   max => 5,
-   load => 3,
-   do => [\&importPkg],
-   lifespan => 1
- );
-# Import packages
-my $repository_rs = $schema->resultset('Repository')->search({enabled => 'true'});
-while (my $repository = $repository_rs->next) {
-  importRepository(\$repository) or warn "importRepository failed for ".$repository->name."\n";
-# Purge the removed packages
-# This semems to be fucked?
-#my $interval = "< repository_id.lastcheck - interval '1 day'";
-#my $package_rs = $schema->resultset('Package')->search({'me.lastcheck' => \$interval} , {join => => 'repository_id'});
-info ("stopping");

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