[Collab-qa-commits] r1792 - in udd/web: . cgi-bin

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at alioth.debian.org
Wed Sep 15 18:47:48 UTC 2010

Author: lucas
Date: 2010-09-15 18:47:43 +0000 (Wed, 15 Sep 2010)
New Revision: 1792

move scripts around

Copied: udd/web/bapase.cgi (from rev 1769, udd/web/cgi-bin/bapase.cgi)
--- udd/web/bapase.cgi	                        (rev 0)
+++ udd/web/bapase.cgi	2010-09-15 18:47:43 UTC (rev 1792)
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+require 'dbi'
+require 'cgi'
+tstart = Time::now
+class Actions
+  attr_reader :actions, :act_todo, :act_status, :act_comment
+  def initialize
+    @actions = []
+    @act_status = ""
+    @act_todo = false
+    @act_comment = ""
+  end
+  def add(desc)
+    desc.chomp!
+    date, who, act, comment = desc.split(' ', 4)
+    date = Date::parse(date)
+    if act =~ /^(.+)\((.+)\)$/
+      act_name, act_arg = $1, $2
+      if [ 'PROP_RM', 'PROP_RM_O', 'PROP_O', 'O', 'REQ_RM', 'RM', 'SEC_RM', 'O_PROP_RM' ].include?(act_name)
+        # FIXME check bug
+      elsif act_name == 'WAIT'
+        act_arg = act_arg.to_i
+      else
+        puts "Unknown action: #{act} (#{desc})"
+      end
+      @actions << [date, who, [act_name, act_arg], comment]
+    elsif act == 'OK'
+      act_name = 'OK'
+      act_arg = nil
+      @actions << [date, who, [act_name, act_arg], comment]
+    else
+      puts "Unparseable action: #{act} (#{desc})"
+      exit(1)
+    end
+  end
+  def analyze_actions
+    @actions.sort! { |a,b| b[0] <=> a[0] }
+    idx = 0
+    rm_o = false
+    while idx < @actions.length
+      if @actions[idx][2][0] == 'OK'
+        @act_status = ""
+        @act_comment = @actions[idx][3] if not @actions[idx][3].nil?
+        break
+      elsif @actions[idx][2][0] == 'WAIT'
+        if @actions[idx][0] + @actions[idx][2][1] <= CURDATE
+          idx += 1
+          next # OK not valid anymore, consider next action
+        else
+          # nothing to do except waiting
+          @act_status = "Waiting until #{@actions[idx][0] + @actions[idx][2][1]}"
+          @act_comment = @actions[idx][3] if not @actions[idx][3].nil?
+          break
+        end
+      elsif @actions[idx][2][0] == 'REQ_RM' or @actions[idx][2][0] == 'RM'
+        @act_status = "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{@actions[idx][2][1]}\">Removal was requested</a>"
+        @act_comment = @actions[idx][3] if not @actions[idx][3].nil?
+        break
+      elsif @actions[idx][2][0] == 'O'
+        @act_status = "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{@actions[idx][2][1]}\">Was orphaned</a>"
+        @act_comment = @actions[idx][3] if not @actions[idx][3].nil?
+        break
+      elsif @actions[idx][2][0] == 'PROP_RM_O'
+        @act_status = "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{@actions[idx][2][1]}\">Was orphaned, will need removal</a>"
+        rm_o = true
+        idx += 1
+        @act_comment = @actions[idx][3] if not @actions[idx][3].nil?
+        next
+      elsif @actions[idx][2][0] == 'PROP_RM'
+        ok = false
+        if @actions[idx][0] + WAIT_RM_O <= CURDATE and !rm_o
+          @act_status = "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{@actions[idx][2][1]}\">Should be orphaned before removal (since #{@actions[idx][0] + 50})</a>"
+          @act_todo = true
+          ok = true
+        end
+        if @actions[idx][0] + WAIT_RM_RM <= CURDATE
+          @act_status = "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{@actions[idx][2][1]}\">Should be removed (since #{@actions[idx][0] + 100})</a>"
+          @act_todo = true
+          ok = true
+        end
+        if !ok
+          @act_status = "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{@actions[idx][2][1]}\">Removal suggested (since #{@actions[idx][0]})</a>"
+        end
+        @act_comment = @actions[idx][3] if not @actions[idx][3].nil?
+        break
+      elsif @actions[idx][2][0] == 'PROP_O'
+        if @actions[idx][0] + WAIT_O_O <= CURDATE
+          @act_status = "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{@actions[idx][2][1]}\">Should be orphaned (since #{@actions[idx][0] + 50})</a>"
+          @act_todo = true
+        else
+          @act_status = "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{@actions[idx][2][1]}\">Orphaning suggested (since #{@actions[idx][0]})</a>"
+        end
+        @act_comment = @actions[idx][3] if not @actions[idx][3].nil?
+        break
+      elsif @actions[idx][2][0] == 'O_PROP_RM'
+        if @actions[idx][0] + WAIT_ORM_RM <= CURDATE
+          @act_status = "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{@actions[idx][2][1]}\">Should be removed (O pkg) (since #{@actions[idx][0] + 50})</a>"
+          @act_todo = true
+        else
+          @act_status = "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{@actions[idx][2][1]}\">Removal suggested (O pkg) (since #{@actions[idx][0]})</a>"
+        end
+        @act_comment = @actions[idx][3] if not @actions[idx][3].nil?
+        break
+      else
+        puts "Unknown act: #{@actions[idx][2][0]}"
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def Actions::fetch
+    d = IO::popen("svn cat svn://svn.debian.org/collab-qa/bapase/package-actions.txt")
+    f = d.read
+    d.close
+    return Actions::read(f)
+  end
+  def Actions::read(data)
+    pkgs = {}
+    data.each_line do |l|
+      next if l =~/^\s*#/ or l =~/^\s*$/
+      pkg, rest = l.split(' ',2)
+      if pkgs[pkg].nil?
+        pkgs[pkg] = Actions::new
+      end
+      pkgs[pkg].add(rest)
+    end
+    pkgs.each_pair { |k, v| v.analyze_actions }
+  end
+puts "Content-type: text/html\n\n"
+WAIT_RM_O = 50
+WAIT_RM_RM = 100
+WAIT_O_O = 50
+DATEZERO = Date::parse('0000-01-01')
+CURDATE = Date::today
+dbh = DBI::connect('DBI:Pg:dbname=udd;port=5441;host=localhost', 'guest')
+cgi = CGI.new
+type = cgi.params['t']
+if not type.nil?
+  type = type[0]
+if type == 'o'
+  orphaned = true
+  query = "select * from bapase where type is not null order by orphaned_age desc"
+elsif type == 'nmu'
+  orphaned = true
+  query = "select * from bapase where nmu and nmus > 1 order by nmus desc"
+elsif type == 'testing'
+  orphaned = true
+  query = "select * from bapase where source not in (select source from sources where distribution='debian' and release='squeeze') order by testing_age desc, first_seen asc"
+elsif type == 'nodd'
+  orphaned = true
+  query = <<EOF
+WITH active_emails AS (SELECT email FROM carnivore_emails, active_dds WHERE active_dds.id = carnivore_emails.id)
+select * from bapase where source in (
+SELECT source
+FROM sources
+WHERE distribution = 'debian' AND release = 'sid'
+AND sources.source NOT IN (
+SELECT sources.source
+FROM sources
+LEFT OUTER JOIN uploaders ON (sources.source = uploaders.source AND sources.version = uploaders.version AND sources.distribution = uploaders.distribution AND sources.release = uploaders.release AND sources.component = uploaders.component)
+WHERE sources.distribution = 'debian' AND sources.release = 'sid'
+AND (maintainer_email in (select email from active_emails)
+OR email in (SELECT email FROM active_emails)
+OR maintainer_email ~ '.*@lists.(alioth.)?debian.org'
+OR email ~ '.*@lists.(alioth.)?debian.org'))
+) order by upload_age desc
+elsif type == 'maintnmu'
+  orphaned = true
+  query = <<EOF
+select * from bapase where source in (
+  select source from sources where distribution='debian' and release='squeeze' and maintainer_email in (
+select nmus.email from
+(select email, count(*) as tot from
+(select maintainer_email as email, source from sources_uniq
+where release = 'sid'
+and distribution = 'debian'
+and component = 'main'
+select email, source from uploaders 
+where release = 'sid'
+and distribution = 'debian'
+and component = 'main') as foo
+group by email) as tot,
+(select email, count(*) as nmus from
+(select sources.maintainer_email as email, sources.source from sources_uniq sources, upload_history uh
+where release = 'sid'
+and distribution = 'debian'
+and component = 'main'
+and sources.source = uh.source and sources.version = uh.version
+and uh.nmu
+select email, uploaders.source from uploaders, upload_history uh
+where release = 'sid'
+and distribution = 'debian'
+and component = 'main'
+and uploaders.source = uh.source and uploaders.version = uh.version
+and uh.nmu
+) as foo
+group by email) as nmus
+where nmus * 100 / tot >= 100
+and nmus.email = tot.email)
+union (select source from uploaders where distribution='debian' and release='squeeze' and email in (
+select nmus.email from
+(select email, count(*) as tot from
+(select maintainer_email as email, source from sources_uniq sources
+where release = 'sid'
+and distribution = 'debian'
+and component = 'main'
+select email, source from uploaders 
+where release = 'sid'
+and distribution = 'debian'
+and component = 'main') as foo
+group by email) as tot,
+(select email, count(*) as nmus from
+(select sources.maintainer_email as email, sources.source from sources_uniq sources, upload_history uh
+where release = 'sid'
+and distribution = 'debian'
+and component = 'main'
+and sources.source = uh.source and sources.version = uh.version
+and uh.nmu
+select email, uploaders.source from uploaders, upload_history uh
+where release = 'sid'
+and distribution = 'debian'
+and component = 'main'
+and uploaders.source = uh.source and uploaders.version = uh.version
+and uh.nmu
+) as foo
+group by email) as nmus
+where nmus * 100 / tot >= 100
+and nmus.email = tot.email
+))) order by nmus
+  puts <<-EOF
+  <h1>Bapase</h1>
+  <ul>
+  <li><a href="bapase.cgi?t=o">Orphaned packages</a></li>
+  <li><a href="bapase.cgi?t=nmu">Packages maintained with NMUs</a></li>
+  <li><a href="bapase.cgi?t=testing">Packages not in testing</a></li>
+  <li><a href="bapase.cgi?t=nodd">Packages not maintained by DDs</a></li>
+  <li><a href="bapase.cgi?t=maintnmu">Packages maintained or co-maintained by people with lots of NMUs</a></li>
+  </ul>
+  </body></html>
+  EOF
+  exit(0)
+# FIXME add case where type is uknown
+$actions = Actions::fetch
+puts <<-EOF
+<style type="text/css">
+  td, th {
+    border: 1px solid gray;
+    padding-left: 2px;
+    padding-right: 2px;
+  }
+  th {
+    font-size: 8pt;
+  }
+  tr:hover  {
+    background-color: #ccc;
+  }
+  table {
+    border-collapse: collapse;
+  }
+<table border="1"><tr>
+puts "<th>Orphaned</th>" if orphaned
+puts <<-EOF
+<th>Last upload</th>
+tqs = Time::now
+sth = dbh.prepare(query)
+tqe = Time::now
+res = sth.fetch_all
+n = 0
+res.each do |r|
+  n += 1
+  pkg = r['source']
+  puts "<tr><td>#{n}</td>"
+  puts "<td><a href=\"http://packages.qa.debian.org/#{pkg}\">#{pkg}</a>"
+  # FIXME removals
+  if $actions[pkg]
+    if $actions[pkg].act_todo
+      puts "<td><b>#{$actions[pkg].act_status}</b></td>"
+    else
+      puts "<td>#{$actions[pkg].act_status}</td>"
+    end
+  else
+    puts "<td></td>"
+  end
+  if orphaned
+    if r['type']
+      puts "<td><a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{r['bug']}\">#{r['type']}</a>&nbsp;(#{r['orphaned_age']})</td>"
+    else
+      puts "<td></td>"
+    end
+  end
+  if r['testing_age'] and r['testing_age'] > 1
+    puts "<td>#{r['testing_age']}</td>"
+  else
+    puts "<td></td>"
+  end
+  if r['sync_age'] and r['sync_age'] > 1
+    puts "<td>#{r['sync_age']}</td>"
+  else
+    puts "<td></td>"
+  end
+  puts "<td>#{r['insts']}&nbsp;/&nbsp;#{r['vote']}</td>"
+  puts "<td><a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/src:#{pkg}\">#{r['rc_bugs']}&nbsp;/&nbsp;#{r['all_bugs']}</a></td>"
+  puts "<td>#{r['upload_age']}</td>"
+  puts "<td>#{r['nmus']}</td>"
+  puts "<td></td>"
+  if $actions[pkg]
+    comment = $actions[pkg].act_comment.gsub(/#\d+/) do |bug|
+      bugn = bug.gsub(/^#/, '')
+      "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{bugn}\">#{bug}</a>"
+    end
+    puts "<td>#{comment}</td>"
+  else
+    puts "<td></td>"
+  end
+  puts "</tr>"
+puts "</table>"
+tstop = Time::now
+puts " -- #{res.length} packages listed. Page generated in #{tstop - tstart} seconds. Query took #{tqe - tqs} seconds."
+puts "</body></html>"

Property changes on: udd/web/bapase.cgi
Added: svn:executable
   + *
Added: svn:mergeinfo

Deleted: udd/web/cgi-bin/bapase.cgi
--- udd/web/cgi-bin/bapase.cgi	2010-09-15 18:43:35 UTC (rev 1791)
+++ udd/web/cgi-bin/bapase.cgi	2010-09-15 18:47:43 UTC (rev 1792)
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
-require 'dbi'
-require 'cgi'
-tstart = Time::now
-class Actions
-  attr_reader :actions, :act_todo, :act_status, :act_comment
-  def initialize
-    @actions = []
-    @act_status = ""
-    @act_todo = false
-    @act_comment = ""
-  end
-  def add(desc)
-    desc.chomp!
-    date, who, act, comment = desc.split(' ', 4)
-    date = Date::parse(date)
-    if act =~ /^(.+)\((.+)\)$/
-      act_name, act_arg = $1, $2
-      if [ 'PROP_RM', 'PROP_RM_O', 'PROP_O', 'O', 'REQ_RM', 'RM', 'SEC_RM', 'O_PROP_RM' ].include?(act_name)
-        # FIXME check bug
-      elsif act_name == 'WAIT'
-        act_arg = act_arg.to_i
-      else
-        puts "Unknown action: #{act} (#{desc})"
-      end
-      @actions << [date, who, [act_name, act_arg], comment]
-    elsif act == 'OK'
-      act_name = 'OK'
-      act_arg = nil
-      @actions << [date, who, [act_name, act_arg], comment]
-    else
-      puts "Unparseable action: #{act} (#{desc})"
-      exit(1)
-    end
-  end
-  def analyze_actions
-    @actions.sort! { |a,b| b[0] <=> a[0] }
-    idx = 0
-    rm_o = false
-    while idx < @actions.length
-      if @actions[idx][2][0] == 'OK'
-        @act_status = ""
-        @act_comment = @actions[idx][3] if not @actions[idx][3].nil?
-        break
-      elsif @actions[idx][2][0] == 'WAIT'
-        if @actions[idx][0] + @actions[idx][2][1] <= CURDATE
-          idx += 1
-          next # OK not valid anymore, consider next action
-        else
-          # nothing to do except waiting
-          @act_status = "Waiting until #{@actions[idx][0] + @actions[idx][2][1]}"
-          @act_comment = @actions[idx][3] if not @actions[idx][3].nil?
-          break
-        end
-      elsif @actions[idx][2][0] == 'REQ_RM' or @actions[idx][2][0] == 'RM'
-        @act_status = "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{@actions[idx][2][1]}\">Removal was requested</a>"
-        @act_comment = @actions[idx][3] if not @actions[idx][3].nil?
-        break
-      elsif @actions[idx][2][0] == 'O'
-        @act_status = "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{@actions[idx][2][1]}\">Was orphaned</a>"
-        @act_comment = @actions[idx][3] if not @actions[idx][3].nil?
-        break
-      elsif @actions[idx][2][0] == 'PROP_RM_O'
-        @act_status = "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{@actions[idx][2][1]}\">Was orphaned, will need removal</a>"
-        rm_o = true
-        idx += 1
-        @act_comment = @actions[idx][3] if not @actions[idx][3].nil?
-        next
-      elsif @actions[idx][2][0] == 'PROP_RM'
-        ok = false
-        if @actions[idx][0] + WAIT_RM_O <= CURDATE and !rm_o
-          @act_status = "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{@actions[idx][2][1]}\">Should be orphaned before removal (since #{@actions[idx][0] + 50})</a>"
-          @act_todo = true
-          ok = true
-        end
-        if @actions[idx][0] + WAIT_RM_RM <= CURDATE
-          @act_status = "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{@actions[idx][2][1]}\">Should be removed (since #{@actions[idx][0] + 100})</a>"
-          @act_todo = true
-          ok = true
-        end
-        if !ok
-          @act_status = "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{@actions[idx][2][1]}\">Removal suggested (since #{@actions[idx][0]})</a>"
-        end
-        @act_comment = @actions[idx][3] if not @actions[idx][3].nil?
-        break
-      elsif @actions[idx][2][0] == 'PROP_O'
-        if @actions[idx][0] + WAIT_O_O <= CURDATE
-          @act_status = "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{@actions[idx][2][1]}\">Should be orphaned (since #{@actions[idx][0] + 50})</a>"
-          @act_todo = true
-        else
-          @act_status = "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{@actions[idx][2][1]}\">Orphaning suggested (since #{@actions[idx][0]})</a>"
-        end
-        @act_comment = @actions[idx][3] if not @actions[idx][3].nil?
-        break
-      elsif @actions[idx][2][0] == 'O_PROP_RM'
-        if @actions[idx][0] + WAIT_ORM_RM <= CURDATE
-          @act_status = "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{@actions[idx][2][1]}\">Should be removed (O pkg) (since #{@actions[idx][0] + 50})</a>"
-          @act_todo = true
-        else
-          @act_status = "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{@actions[idx][2][1]}\">Removal suggested (O pkg) (since #{@actions[idx][0]})</a>"
-        end
-        @act_comment = @actions[idx][3] if not @actions[idx][3].nil?
-        break
-      else
-        puts "Unknown act: #{@actions[idx][2][0]}"
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  def Actions::fetch
-    d = IO::popen("svn cat svn://svn.debian.org/collab-qa/bapase/package-actions.txt")
-    f = d.read
-    d.close
-    return Actions::read(f)
-  end
-  def Actions::read(data)
-    pkgs = {}
-    data.each_line do |l|
-      next if l =~/^\s*#/ or l =~/^\s*$/
-      pkg, rest = l.split(' ',2)
-      if pkgs[pkg].nil?
-        pkgs[pkg] = Actions::new
-      end
-      pkgs[pkg].add(rest)
-    end
-    pkgs.each_pair { |k, v| v.analyze_actions }
-  end
-puts "Content-type: text/html\n\n"
-WAIT_RM_O = 50
-WAIT_RM_RM = 100
-WAIT_O_O = 50
-DATEZERO = Date::parse('0000-01-01')
-CURDATE = Date::today
-dbh = DBI::connect('DBI:Pg:dbname=udd;port=5441;host=localhost', 'guest')
-cgi = CGI.new
-type = cgi.params['t']
-if not type.nil?
-  type = type[0]
-if type == 'o'
-  orphaned = true
-  query = "select * from bapase where type is not null order by orphaned_age desc"
-elsif type == 'nmu'
-  orphaned = true
-  query = "select * from bapase where nmu and nmus > 1 order by nmus desc"
-elsif type == 'testing'
-  orphaned = true
-  query = "select * from bapase where source not in (select source from sources where distribution='debian' and release='squeeze') order by testing_age desc, first_seen asc"
-elsif type == 'nodd'
-  orphaned = true
-  query = <<EOF
-WITH active_emails AS (SELECT email FROM carnivore_emails, active_dds WHERE active_dds.id = carnivore_emails.id)
-select * from bapase where source in (
-SELECT source
-FROM sources
-WHERE distribution = 'debian' AND release = 'sid'
-AND sources.source NOT IN (
-SELECT sources.source
-FROM sources
-LEFT OUTER JOIN uploaders ON (sources.source = uploaders.source AND sources.version = uploaders.version AND sources.distribution = uploaders.distribution AND sources.release = uploaders.release AND sources.component = uploaders.component)
-WHERE sources.distribution = 'debian' AND sources.release = 'sid'
-AND (maintainer_email in (select email from active_emails)
-OR email in (SELECT email FROM active_emails)
-OR maintainer_email ~ '.*@lists.(alioth.)?debian.org'
-OR email ~ '.*@lists.(alioth.)?debian.org'))
-) order by upload_age desc
-elsif type == 'maintnmu'
-  orphaned = true
-  query = <<EOF
-select * from bapase where source in (
-  select source from sources where distribution='debian' and release='squeeze' and maintainer_email in (
-select nmus.email from
-(select email, count(*) as tot from
-(select maintainer_email as email, source from sources_uniq
-where release = 'sid'
-and distribution = 'debian'
-and component = 'main'
-select email, source from uploaders 
-where release = 'sid'
-and distribution = 'debian'
-and component = 'main') as foo
-group by email) as tot,
-(select email, count(*) as nmus from
-(select sources.maintainer_email as email, sources.source from sources_uniq sources, upload_history uh
-where release = 'sid'
-and distribution = 'debian'
-and component = 'main'
-and sources.source = uh.source and sources.version = uh.version
-and uh.nmu
-select email, uploaders.source from uploaders, upload_history uh
-where release = 'sid'
-and distribution = 'debian'
-and component = 'main'
-and uploaders.source = uh.source and uploaders.version = uh.version
-and uh.nmu
-) as foo
-group by email) as nmus
-where nmus * 100 / tot >= 100
-and nmus.email = tot.email)
-union (select source from uploaders where distribution='debian' and release='squeeze' and email in (
-select nmus.email from
-(select email, count(*) as tot from
-(select maintainer_email as email, source from sources_uniq sources
-where release = 'sid'
-and distribution = 'debian'
-and component = 'main'
-select email, source from uploaders 
-where release = 'sid'
-and distribution = 'debian'
-and component = 'main') as foo
-group by email) as tot,
-(select email, count(*) as nmus from
-(select sources.maintainer_email as email, sources.source from sources_uniq sources, upload_history uh
-where release = 'sid'
-and distribution = 'debian'
-and component = 'main'
-and sources.source = uh.source and sources.version = uh.version
-and uh.nmu
-select email, uploaders.source from uploaders, upload_history uh
-where release = 'sid'
-and distribution = 'debian'
-and component = 'main'
-and uploaders.source = uh.source and uploaders.version = uh.version
-and uh.nmu
-) as foo
-group by email) as nmus
-where nmus * 100 / tot >= 100
-and nmus.email = tot.email
-))) order by nmus
-  puts <<-EOF
-  <h1>Bapase</h1>
-  <ul>
-  <li><a href="bapase.cgi?t=o">Orphaned packages</a></li>
-  <li><a href="bapase.cgi?t=nmu">Packages maintained with NMUs</a></li>
-  <li><a href="bapase.cgi?t=testing">Packages not in testing</a></li>
-  <li><a href="bapase.cgi?t=nodd">Packages not maintained by DDs</a></li>
-  <li><a href="bapase.cgi?t=maintnmu">Packages maintained or co-maintained by people with lots of NMUs</a></li>
-  </ul>
-  </body></html>
-  EOF
-  exit(0)
-# FIXME add case where type is uknown
-$actions = Actions::fetch
-puts <<-EOF
-<style type="text/css">
-  td, th {
-    border: 1px solid gray;
-    padding-left: 2px;
-    padding-right: 2px;
-  }
-  th {
-    font-size: 8pt;
-  }
-  tr:hover  {
-    background-color: #ccc;
-  }
-  table {
-    border-collapse: collapse;
-  }
-<table border="1"><tr>
-puts "<th>Orphaned</th>" if orphaned
-puts <<-EOF
-<th>Last upload</th>
-tqs = Time::now
-sth = dbh.prepare(query)
-tqe = Time::now
-res = sth.fetch_all
-n = 0
-res.each do |r|
-  n += 1
-  pkg = r['source']
-  puts "<tr><td>#{n}</td>"
-  puts "<td><a href=\"http://packages.qa.debian.org/#{pkg}\">#{pkg}</a>"
-  # FIXME removals
-  if $actions[pkg]
-    if $actions[pkg].act_todo
-      puts "<td><b>#{$actions[pkg].act_status}</b></td>"
-    else
-      puts "<td>#{$actions[pkg].act_status}</td>"
-    end
-  else
-    puts "<td></td>"
-  end
-  if orphaned
-    if r['type']
-      puts "<td><a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{r['bug']}\">#{r['type']}</a>&nbsp;(#{r['orphaned_age']})</td>"
-    else
-      puts "<td></td>"
-    end
-  end
-  if r['testing_age'] and r['testing_age'] > 1
-    puts "<td>#{r['testing_age']}</td>"
-  else
-    puts "<td></td>"
-  end
-  if r['sync_age'] and r['sync_age'] > 1
-    puts "<td>#{r['sync_age']}</td>"
-  else
-    puts "<td></td>"
-  end
-  puts "<td>#{r['insts']}&nbsp;/&nbsp;#{r['vote']}</td>"
-  puts "<td><a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/src:#{pkg}\">#{r['rc_bugs']}&nbsp;/&nbsp;#{r['all_bugs']}</a></td>"
-  puts "<td>#{r['upload_age']}</td>"
-  puts "<td>#{r['nmus']}</td>"
-  puts "<td></td>"
-  if $actions[pkg]
-    comment = $actions[pkg].act_comment.gsub(/#\d+/) do |bug|
-      bugn = bug.gsub(/^#/, '')
-      "<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/#{bugn}\">#{bug}</a>"
-    end
-    puts "<td>#{comment}</td>"
-  else
-    puts "<td></td>"
-  end
-  puts "</tr>"
-puts "</table>"
-tstop = Time::now
-puts " -- #{res.length} packages listed. Page generated in #{tstop - tstart} seconds. Query took #{tqe - tqs} seconds."
-puts "</body></html>"

Deleted: udd/web/cgi-bin/sponsorstats.cgi
--- udd/web/cgi-bin/sponsorstats.cgi	2010-09-15 18:43:35 UTC (rev 1791)
+++ udd/web/cgi-bin/sponsorstats.cgi	2010-09-15 18:47:43 UTC (rev 1792)
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
-require 'dbi'
-puts "Content-type: text/html\n\n"
-dbh = DBI::connect('DBI:Pg:dbname=udd;port=5441;host=localhost', 'guest')
-sth = dbh.prepare("select s.source, s.version, u.changed_by, nmu, signed_by, cl.login
-from sources s, upload_history u, carnivore_emails ce1, carnivore_emails ce2, carnivore_login cl
-where s.distribution = 'debian' and s.release = 'sid'
-and s.source = u.source
-and s.version = u.version
-and u.changed_by_email = ce1.email
-and u.signed_by_email = ce2.email
-and ce1.id != ce2.id
-and ce2.id = cl.id
-and u.changed_by_email not in (
-select email from carnivore_emails, carnivore_login where carnivore_login.id = carnivore_emails.id)
-names = {}
-uploaders = {}
-uploads = {}
-while row = sth.fetch do
-  if not uploaders.has_key?(row['login'])
-    uploaders[row['login']] = {}
-    names[row['login']] = row['key_id']
-    uploads[row['login']] = 0
-  end
-  uploads[row['login']] += 1
-  if not uploaders[row['login']].has_key?(row['changed_by'])
-    uploaders[row['login']][row['changed_by']] = []
-  end
-  uploaders[row['login']][row['changed_by']] << [ row['source'], row['version'], row['nmu'] ]
-puts "<html><body>"
-puts "<h1>Sponsoring stats, powered by UDD!</h1>"
-puts "<p>Uploads in <b>bold</b> were NMUs.</p>"
-puts "<p>That excludes uploads done for people who are now DD, even if the upload was done while they were not DD.</p>"
-puts '<a href="http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/collab-qa/udd/web/cgi-bin/sponsorstats.cgi?op=file&rev=0&sc=0">source code</a><br/>'
-puts "<ul>"
-rank = 0
-uploaders.to_a.sort { |a,b| uploads[a[0]] <=> uploads[b[0]] }.reverse.each do |k|
-  k, v = k
-  rank += 1
-  puts "<li>#{rank}. #{k} -- #{names[k]} (#{uploads[k]} uploads)\n<ul>"
-  v.to_a.sort { |a,b| a[1].length <=> b[1].length }.reverse.each do |k2|
-    k2, v = k2
-    puts "<li>#{k2} (#{v.length} uploads)\n<ul>"
-    v.each do |u|
-      if u[2]
-        puts "<li><b>#{u[0]} #{u[1]}</b></li>"
-      else
-        puts "<li>#{u[0]} #{u[1]}</li>"
-      end
-    end
-    puts "</ul></li>"
-  end
-  puts "</ul></li>"
-puts "</ul>"

Modified: udd/web/index.html
--- udd/web/index.html	2010-09-15 18:43:35 UTC (rev 1791)
+++ udd/web/index.html	2010-09-15 18:47:43 UTC (rev 1792)
@@ -13,6 +13,13 @@
     <p><b>More information about UDD is available at
     <a href="http://wiki.debian.org/UltimateDebianDatabase"><tt>wiki.debian.org/UltimateDebianDatabase</tt></a>.</b></p>
+    <h2>UDD-based services</h2>
+    <ul>
+        <li><a href="bugs.cgi">Bugs Search</a>: multi-criteria search engine for bugs</li>
+        <li><a href="sponsorstats.cgi">Sponsors Stats</a> gives some statistics about who is sponsoring uploads to Debian</li>
+	    <li><a href="bapase.cgi">Bapase</a> allows to search for "interesting" packages using various criterias</li>
+    </ul>
@@ -21,12 +28,6 @@
 	    the source code</a>.</p>
-    <p>There are also some more complex "applications" using UDD:</p>
-    <ul>
-	    <li><a href="cgi-bin/bapase.cgi">Bapase</a> allows to search for "interesting" packages using various criterias</li>
-	    <li><a href="cgi-bin/sponsorstats.cgi">SponsorStats</a> gives some statistics about who is sponsoring uploads to Debian</li>
-    </ul>
     <h2>Timing information</h2>
     <p>If you want to know when UDD is being updated, you can check the <a

Copied: udd/web/sponsorstats.cgi (from rev 1769, udd/web/cgi-bin/sponsorstats.cgi)
--- udd/web/sponsorstats.cgi	                        (rev 0)
+++ udd/web/sponsorstats.cgi	2010-09-15 18:47:43 UTC (rev 1792)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+require 'dbi'
+puts "Content-type: text/html\n\n"
+dbh = DBI::connect('DBI:Pg:dbname=udd;port=5441;host=localhost', 'guest')
+sth = dbh.prepare("select s.source, s.version, u.changed_by, nmu, signed_by, cl.login
+from sources s, upload_history u, carnivore_emails ce1, carnivore_emails ce2, carnivore_login cl
+where s.distribution = 'debian' and s.release = 'sid'
+and s.source = u.source
+and s.version = u.version
+and u.changed_by_email = ce1.email
+and u.signed_by_email = ce2.email
+and ce1.id != ce2.id
+and ce2.id = cl.id
+and u.changed_by_email not in (
+select email from carnivore_emails, carnivore_login where carnivore_login.id = carnivore_emails.id)
+names = {}
+uploaders = {}
+uploads = {}
+while row = sth.fetch do
+  if not uploaders.has_key?(row['login'])
+    uploaders[row['login']] = {}
+    names[row['login']] = row['key_id']
+    uploads[row['login']] = 0
+  end
+  uploads[row['login']] += 1
+  if not uploaders[row['login']].has_key?(row['changed_by'])
+    uploaders[row['login']][row['changed_by']] = []
+  end
+  uploaders[row['login']][row['changed_by']] << [ row['source'], row['version'], row['nmu'] ]
+puts "<html><body>"
+puts "<h1>Sponsoring stats, powered by UDD!</h1>"
+puts "<p>Uploads in <b>bold</b> were NMUs.</p>"
+puts "<p>That excludes uploads done for people who are now DD, even if the upload was done while they were not DD.</p>"
+puts '<a href="http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/collab-qa/udd/web/cgi-bin/sponsorstats.cgi?op=file&rev=0&sc=0">source code</a><br/>'
+puts "<ul>"
+rank = 0
+uploaders.to_a.sort { |a,b| uploads[a[0]] <=> uploads[b[0]] }.reverse.each do |k|
+  k, v = k
+  rank += 1
+  puts "<li>#{rank}. #{k} -- #{names[k]} (#{uploads[k]} uploads)\n<ul>"
+  v.to_a.sort { |a,b| a[1].length <=> b[1].length }.reverse.each do |k2|
+    k2, v = k2
+    puts "<li>#{k2} (#{v.length} uploads)\n<ul>"
+    v.each do |u|
+      if u[2]
+        puts "<li><b>#{u[0]} #{u[1]}</b></li>"
+      else
+        puts "<li>#{u[0]} #{u[1]}</li>"
+      end
+    end
+    puts "</ul></li>"
+  end
+  puts "</ul></li>"
+puts "</ul>"

Property changes on: udd/web/sponsorstats.cgi
Added: svn:executable
   + *
Added: svn:mergeinfo

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