A loser at ATT

Jerry Stuckle j.stuckle at outlook.com
Sun Jun 8 05:58:35 UTC 2014

Honestly I've been looking inward on myself for the past 25 years and I've no achievements to show.

For the past 25 years I've been working at the same US corporation that Americans have come to love to call "Big Brother" which was, and still is, A (America) T (Tatter) T (tale).

And for the past 25 years I've only been promoted once and since then I have been stuck in my position. Some members of my team have been promoted and their payscales are way above mine. I avoid them at coffee breaks and give excuses whenever I can to not mix with them.

I caught Tammy in bed with my best friend. To save face, I demanded an outright divorce.

I now spend my waking hours at the computer, even today, which is a Sunday when most Americans are hanging out with their families and friends.

My doctor has advised me to stop drinking but how can I do that? I seek solace in beer and it has been my unwavering companion since my ex-wife left for another man.

Jerry Stuckle
A sore loser
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