New tagcolledit

Enrico Zini
Tue, 20 Apr 2004 17:24:07 +0100

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On Tue, Apr 20, 2004 at 12:00:05AM +0200, Erich Schubert wrote:

> right now i'm working on producing a proper vocabulary from your data.
> I don't know yet if i'll be able to finish that today (or even this
> week, month.. :-( )

That's great!  I can help.  I'm downloading the vocabulary and I'll
begin sending you patches.

By looking at the newly downloaded tag collection, I see that
not-yet-tagged tags are being generated without facet/namespace: could
you please update your scripts to generate them as
special::not-yet-tagged* ?

> One small note: I think lisp is different from scheme. Lisp is kind of
> ooscheme if i'm correct. So it's similar to scheme, like C++ is similar
> to C probably. ;-)

Fair enough: two separate languages it is, then.
What about guile?  I'm fine with treating it as a separate language,

> Junior apps are not just games. Also learning software and in general
> software so easy that it is easy to understand.

I started working the junior facet/namespace by converting meta packages
into tags.  So far I mainly tackled game metapackages (I went in
alphabetical order :)  but others are to come (for example, junior::art
should be around already).

My intention is to use "junior" as an example on how CDDs can provide
and maintain their own facet/namespace (their own point of view on

> You have lots of old packages in your database, btw.

Uh... they came a "debtags update" I did a couple of weeks ago.  Now
I'll adopt the new collection just downloaded, which has the correct
package list AND the latest version of the tags, so the old packages
should have gone.

> Ah, i'm mostly done... check out

Navigation seems to be a bit awkward, probably because I got used at
seeing the facets/namespaces as "points of views" instead of tags, and
I'm finding strange to see them intermixed with tags.

It could be interesting to present them a bit expanded, like:

  gaming, editing, chatting, printing, converting, login, proxying,
  searching, scanning

  wiki, browser, server, blog, cms, application, webmail, scripting,

...and so on.  It should also give efficient and compact navigation.

> with the new vocabulary being at

I'll send you patches and after we stabilize a bit make a new debtags
package with the new vocabulary.

> Please check out the list of used tags, too.

Sorry, I can't understand: what do you mean here?

> If you send me an updated vocabulary, please make sure it is complete.
> For packages sending tagcoll-diffs is fine, as long as we have only one
> authorative database (i.e. either you collect them or me ;-)

I'll start sending you tagcoll-diffs generated with
  debtags update; debtags mkpatch <file>
that is, diffs against the latest debtags-available database.

I'll work on converting non-faceted tags with faceted ones, and do other
tagging as I test the new nice features of tagcolledit :)

BTW, while reading unrelated things I found a definition of "hygienic"
which can nicely define "utility": hygienic is something which is
necessary for a task, but it's not the reason for which the task is
performed.  For example, hygiene is necessary in a workplace, but
you don't go to work just because it's a clean place :)

We could use the same logic to define "utility": a program which is
necessary in some task, but which purpose is not to perform that task.

In light of this, I added "utility" to "role::".  I'll add the
description to the vocabulary.



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