New debtags suite just uploaded

Enrico Zini
Wed, 30 Jun 2004 03:26:41 +0200

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I just uploaded a new debtags suite to unstable.

Hoping that it'll get into the archive fine, from tomorrow we'll have:

 - different vocabularies per sources merged together
   Together with tags-current.gz, you can put in the repository a
   vocabulary.gz: if found, it will be downloaded and merged in the
   system vocabulary.  Among other things, it also means that we can
   update the vocabulary and people can use it without making a new
   version of debtags!

 - tags filtered by their vocabularies
   Tags in a tag collection are removed if not found in the vocabulary
   downloaded from that source or, if no vocabulary is provided, the
   system vocabulary

 - removal of tagged items not in APT database

   Items not in APT database are removed during "debtags update" to
   avoid obsolete data be around and (ehm..) crash apps :)=20

 - debtags ported to libdebtags

   The debtags tool now uses libdebtags; the update algorithm has been
   reimplemented using the APT fetcher and moved into the library, so
   that every application can issue a "debtags update" internally.

 - Debian Developers matchmaking!

   Find Debian Developers that share most of your interests!!
   debtags maintainers | tagcoll -d 15 related $DEBEMAIL
   (increase the value of -d to get more friends; decrease it to
   restrict to more close ones! :)

   (this feature came so easy to implement that I couldn't resist!)

A question for Erich: do you graph tag variations in the database?  I'd
be curious to see if and how much did debtags-edit bring new tagging



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