[Debburn-devel] cdrkit-1.1.6: retry_scan_open loops on missing ATA devices

Sebastian Kemper sebastian_ml at gmx.net
Sat Oct 6 08:46:57 UTC 2007

Hello list,

I'm using k3b-0.12.17 which uses the old SCSI mapping when calling 
cdrecord, in my case dev=2,0,0.
This isn't a problem when I'm working on my ATA-only box with 
its /dev/hdc burner, but on a SATA-only box retry_scan_open loops.

What happens is that all /dev/hd* devices are probed (there are _none_) 
and in the end goto jumps right back and does is again - so the switch 
instruction never gets to probe my (existing) /dev/scd* devices _when 
not in scanmode_.

I'm running Gentoo with kernel 2.6.22 (no ATA support, support for SATA 

Attached is a patch that simply removes the "if... goto" at the end of 
retry_scan_open. Now wodim works fine for me, but not knowing the code 
I can't tell if this is a legit solution - probably one of you knows 

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