[Debburn-devel] preserve directory permission breaks -new-dir-mode

Roman Rakus rrakus at redhat.com
Tue Jul 1 13:08:39 UTC 2008

Hi all,
I have response for change (preserve directory permission):
"Another point, though:  Not to be nitpicky or anything, but this patch to
mkisofs effectively disables the -new-dir-mode option, at least for graft
points, presumably because the graft points are no longer treated as new
directories.  This may lead to some complaints if some users have come to rely
on this option to override the default mode for graft points, as they'll no
longer be able to do so (at least not with this option -- the more drastic
-dir-mode still works).  This may be a debatable point, but it might make more
sense if -new-dir-mode overrode the default mode of the graft point even with
this patch in place.  (I'm not sure there are other contexts in which mkisofs
would create new directories, and in which the -new-dir-mode option would still
have an effect.)"

What will be best to do? Do some changes or just change man page?

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