[debhelper-devel] Bug#864504: dh_systemd_enable: please go back using `disable` instead of `mask`

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Mon Oct 16 15:44:52 UTC 2017

Am 16.10.2017 um 12:40 schrieb Alan Jenkins:

> I suspect this would end up with Debian carrying the patch to the
> systemd generator.  But all it needs to do is test for
> `/var/lib/update-rc.d/${script}.removed` and then skip ${script}.
> Alan

I'm not very enthusiastic of keeping and maintaining (yet another) state
directory/file which could potentially get out-of-sync .

A much simpler idea could be, to remove the -x bit from the SysV init
script on remove (and reapply it on re-install). Afair, the
sysv-generator already ignores such init scripts. So nothing would have
to change on the systemd side.

dh_installinit (shipped by debhelper) would have to be updated to
generate maintainer scripts code to remove and (re)add the executable bit.

Still, we'd have to consider that we have upgraded systems which have
not been rebuilt with the new debhelper so we can't just remove the
current logic which masks uninstalled-but-not-purged init scripts.

Maybe in two or three releases we could revisit that.

Removing the -x bit of removed-but-not-purged init scripts would have
the nice side effect, that those are also not executed under

Are you interested in working on a patch for debhelper?
Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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