[debhelper-devel] Bug#879667: Acknowledgement (Missing component in generated control file Section: line for dbgsym packages)

Mihai Moldovan ionic at ionic.de
Tue Oct 24 13:22:47 UTC 2017

FWIW, this might be a consequence of running dh_gencontrol in parallel mode.

I'm not really able to explain what is going on, though, since only the
autogenerated dbgsym packages seem to be affected. The only way this could
happen is if package_section($package) is returning something invalid (like
"unknown") when called within the parallel section of dh_gencontrol.

This can be the case if DH_Lib has not been initialized correctly before calling
package_section($package) - incidentally, which is happening when DOPACKAGES is
set. Given that exec discard the original state, if we hit a package that
requires a dbgsym packages to be built as the first package in a forked process,
the call to package_section($package) will fail to get the correct value.

Does this make sense to you?


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