[Debian-astro-maintainers] Bug#806138: testsuite times out

Antonio Terceiro terceiro at debian.org
Tue Nov 24 19:49:02 UTC 2015

Hi Ole,

On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 08:08:46PM +0100, Ole Streicher wrote:
> Control: tags -1 moreinfo
> Hi Antonio,
> are you sure this is against the correct package? saods9 is not mysql,
> and the link you provided shows the saods9 package failing, but not
> timing out.
> The failure of saods9 is actually made by some other package
> (libfuntools0), which needs to be corrected -- to test this, it be
> actually contraproductive to blacklist saods9.
> Please re-check and confirm if your really mean the saods9 package.

Yes, I do mean saods9. I copied & pasted the email body and missed the
"mysql-5.5" there, but saods9 *is* timing out as you can see in:

The last entry (2015-11-24 17:45:45 UTC) is different because I killed
the tests in the server instead of waiting for it time out, but all the
others are the original timeouts (e.g. 2015-10-21 21:24:54 UTC), e.g.:

adt-run [18:38:10]: test saods9: [-----------------------
ERROR: no compiler found for filter compilation
E: Caught signal ‘Terminated’: terminating immediatelyo

Session terminated, terminating shell... ...terminated.
adt-run [21:24:54]: ERROR: testbed failed: timed out on command "env LANG=C.UTF-8 su -s /bin/bash debci -c set -e; export USER=`id -nu`; . /etc/profile >/dev/null 2>&1 || true;  . ~/.profile >/dev/null 2>&1 || true; buildtree="/tmp/adt-run.7orlYY/build.XkT/saods9-7.4~b7+repack"; mkdir -p -m 1777 -- "/tmp/adt-run.7orlYY/saods9-artifacts"; export ADT_ARTIFACTS="/tmp/adt-run.7orlYY/saods9-artifacts"; export ADTTMP=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir adttmp.XXXXXX); trap "rm -rf $ADTTMP" EXIT INT QUIT PIPE; chmod 755 $ADTTMP; cd "$buildtree"; export LANG=C.UTF-8; chmod +x /tmp/adt-run.7orlYY/build.XkT/saods9-7.4~b7+repack/debian/tests/saods9; touch /tmp/adt-run.7orlYY/saods9-stdout /tmp/adt-run.7orlYY/saods9-stderr; /tmp/adt-run.7orlYY/build.XkT/saods9-7.4~b7+repack/debian/tests/saods9 2> >(tee -a /tmp/adt-run.7orlYY/saods9-stderr >&2) > >(tee -a /tmp/adt-run.7orlYY/saods9-stdout); " (kind: test)

It seems to be missing test dependencies, and hanging forever just after
"ERROR: no compiler found for filter compilation"?

Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at debian.org>
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