[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Status/Jessie" by PetterReinholdtsen

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Thu Aug 28 15:02:30 UTC 2014

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The "DebianEdu/Status/Jessie" page has been changed by PetterReinholdtsen:

Installer broken today.

  == Known problems we want to fix ==
+  * Installation in Jessie is broken because acl uses bzip2 format (DebianBug:759327 og DebianBug:759367).
   * the jessie manual is missing.
   * ldap-client: Not only one PAM module of krb5, ldap and sss is enabled
   * postoffice: postoffice service is not listening on imaps/tcp (conf file needs to be adjusted).

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