[debian-edu-commits] r83850 - trunk/src/archive

ccscanf-guest at alioth.debian.org ccscanf-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sat Sep 20 10:43:04 UTC 2014

Author: ccscanf-guest
Date: 2014-09-20 10:43:04 +0000 (Sat, 20 Sep 2014)
New Revision: 83850

Migration to git.

Added: trunk/src/archive/README.migrated2git
--- trunk/src/archive/README.migrated2git	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/archive/README.migrated2git	2014-09-20 10:43:04 UTC (rev 83850)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+The directory archive has been migrated to Git on Alioth:

Deleted: trunk/src/archive/ask.pl
--- trunk/src/archive/ask.pl	2014-09-20 09:27:27 UTC (rev 83849)
+++ trunk/src/archive/ask.pl	2014-09-20 10:43:04 UTC (rev 83850)
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-use strict; 
-use Data::Dumper;
-use AptPkg::Version;
-use AptPkg::Config '$_config';
-use AptPkg::System '$_system';
-my $dump = "/tmp/changes.dump";
-my $debug=0;
-my $accepted;
-my $dir = "/org/ftp.skolelinux.org/queue/done/";
-# initialise the global config object with the default values
-# determine the appropriate system type
-$_system = $_config->system;
-my $vs = $_system->versioning;
-if ( -f $dump ) {
-        open (FH, "$dump");
-        my $data_string = join '', <FH>;
-        close (FH);
-        eval $data_string;
-} else {
-	die "Could not open cache: $!";
-opendir(DIR, $dir);
-my @package_list = readdir(DIR);
-close DIR;
-my @array;
-my @new_list;
-foreach my $list (@package_list) {
-	next if ($list =~ m/^\./);
-	@array = split(/_/, $list);
-	push (@new_list, $array[0]);
-foreach my $package (@new_list) {
-	if (! exists $accepted->{ $package }) { print "$package does not exist\n"; next }
-	my @versions;
-	for my $version (keys %{$accepted->{$package}}) {
-		push (@versions, "$version");	
-	}
-	my @sorted = sort { $vs->compare($b, $a) } @versions; 
-	print "Package: " . $package . "\nLast version: $sorted[0] \n" . 
-	"Changed by: " . $accepted->{$package}{$sorted[0]}{'changed'} ."\n" .
-	"Signed by: " .  $accepted->{$package}{$sorted[0]}{'uploaded'} . "\n\n";

Deleted: trunk/src/archive/gather.pl
--- trunk/src/archive/gather.pl	2014-09-20 09:27:27 UTC (rev 83849)
+++ trunk/src/archive/gather.pl	2014-09-20 10:43:04 UTC (rev 83850)
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-use strict; 
-use Data::Dumper; 
-my $changes = "/org/ftp.skolelinux.org/queue/done/";
-my $dump = "/tmp/changes.dump";
-my $change_data = "";
-my $accepted;
-my $debug = 0; 
-opendir(DIR, "$changes/") || die "can't opendir $changes: $!";
-while (my $file = readdir(DIR)) {
-	next if ($file =~ m/^\./);	
-	next unless ($file =~ m/\.changes$/);
-	#next unless ($file =~ m/zsh/);
-	print "Processing $file\n" if $debug;
-	open (FH, "$changes/$file"); 
-	my ($changed, $date, $version, $source, $uploaded,$architecture) = ""; 
-	while (my $line = <FH>) {
-		chomp($line);
-		if ($line =~ m/^Changed-By: (.*)/) {
-			$changed = "$1";
-		}
-		if ($line =~ m/^Source: (.*)/) {
-			$source = "$1";
-		}
-		if ($line =~ m/^Date: (.*)/) {
-			$date = "$1";
-		}
-		if ($line =~ m/^Version: ([^ ]*)$/) {
-			$version = "$1";
-		}
-		if ($line =~ m/^Architecture: (.*)/) {
-			$architecture = "$1"; 
-		}
-	}
-	next if exists $accepted->{ $source }{$version};
-	next unless  $architecture =~ /source/; 
-	$accepted->{ $source }{$version}{ 'changed' } = $changed;
-	$accepted->{ $source }{$version}{ 'date' } = $date;
-	close (FH);
-	open (FH, '-|', "gpg --no-greeting --no-secmem-warning --no-options --no-verbose --keyring /home/builder/src/debian-edu/src/archive/keyring.gpg  --verify $changes/$file 2>&1");
-	while (my $line = <FH>) {
-		if ($line =~ m/^gpg: Good signature from (.*)/) {
-			$uploaded = "$1";
-			$uploaded =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
-		}
-	}
-	$accepted->{$source}{$version}{'uploaded'} = $uploaded;
-close DIR;
-if ($debug) {
-	for my $package ( keys %{$accepted} ) {
-		for my $version ( keys %{$accepted->{$package}} ){
-			print "$package ($version)\n";
-			for my $key ( keys %{$accepted->{$package}{$version}} ){
-				print "$key => " . $accepted->{$package}{$version}{$key} . "\n";
-			}
-		}
-	}
-$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
-$Data::Dumper::Purity = 1;
-$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
-open (FH, ">", "$dump") or die "Could not open dump $dump for writing: $!"; 
-print FH Data::Dumper->Dump([$accepted],['accepted']);
-close (FH);

Deleted: trunk/src/archive/katha
--- trunk/src/archive/katha	2014-09-20 09:27:27 UTC (rev 83849)
+++ trunk/src/archive/katha	2014-09-20 10:43:04 UTC (rev 83850)
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Author: Steffen Joeris <steffen.joeris at skolelinux.de>
-# License: This tool is licensed under the GPL v.2 or higher
-# katha is the Debian-Edu/Skolelinux tool for moving the packages from 
-# the -test into the stable pool. It is a small frontend for madison and 
-# heidi. Please make sure that you check the packages before moving them
-# into the stable pool. Only do it if the developer requests it.
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long; # command line arguments
-use Mail::Sendmail; # used for email sending
-use Template; # used for working on the template
-my $TESTING = "etch";
-my $arg_string = 's';
-my ($suite, $version);
-my $package;
-my @target_suite;
-my %mail;
-my $template = Template->new({INCLUDE_PATH => '/org/ftp.skolelinux.org/katie/templates/'});
-my @new_version;
-my @old_version;
-my $output;
-my $vars;
-GetOptions( "suite|s=s" => \$suite, "version|v=s" => \$version, "<>" => \&package ) or &error();
-if (not $suite || not $version || @ARGV) {
-        # no arguments, so exit
-        &error;
-sub error {
-        print "You have to specify an argument and use the right suite with -test\n";
-        print "Use: katha [-s <FromSUITE> | -v <Version>] <Package>\n";
-        exit 1;
-sub package {
-	$package = $_;
-sub bind_args {
-	if ( $suite ) {
-		# get needed information, also check if the suites are correct
-		@target_suite = split(/-/, $suite[0]);
-		if ( "$target_suite[0]" eq "$suite" ) {
-			&error;
-		}elsif ( "$target_suite[1]" ne "test" ) {
-			&error;
-			# expand me when we start to use new suites
-		}elsif ( "$target_suite[0]" ne "sarge" && "$target_suite[0]" ne "etch" ) {
-			print "Suite $target_suite[0] is unknown\n";
-			exit 1;
-		}
-	}
-sub mailing {
-        if (! $output) {
-		print "Unable to create the mail, please check if the template is ready\n";
-		exit 1;
-	}
-	# create mail
-                        %mail = (       From	=> 'ftpmaster at skolelinux.org',
-                                        To      => 'commits at skolelinux.org',
-                                        Subject => 'Package version in a stable development pool changed',
-                                        Message => "$output",
-                                       );
-        sendmail(%mail) or die $Mail::Sendmail::error;
-	print "Sending mail about changes\n";
-sub versioning {
-	if ( ! $version ) {
-		# getting new version
-		open(VERSION, "madison -s $suite $package -S -f heidi |");
-		@new_version = <VERSION>;
-		close(VERSION);
-		if (! @new_version ) {
-			print "Unable to find a valid package version called $package in $suite\n";
-			&error;
-		}
-	}
-	# getting old version
-	if ( @target_suite ) {
-		open(VERSION, "madison -s $target_suite[0] $package -S -f heidi |");
-	}else {
-		open(VERSION, "madison -s $TESTING $package -S -f heidi|");
-	}
-	@old_version = <VERSION>;
-	close(VERSION);
-	if (! @old_version ) {
-		print "There is no old version of $package in ";
-		if ( @target_suite ) {
-			print "$target_suite[0]";
-		}else {
-			print "$TESTING";
-		}
-		print " so trying to add ...\n";
-	}
-	#comparing versions
-	if ( @new_version && "@old_version" eq "@new_version" ) {
-		print "The package in $suite and $target_suite[0] are already the same\n";
-		exit 1;
-	}
-sub templating {
-	if (! @old_version ) {
-		@old_version = "no old version";
-	}
-	$vars = {
-		'suite' => $target_suite[0],
-                'old_version' => $old_version[0],
-                'new_version' => $new_version[0],
-		};
-	$template->process('katha.template', $vars, \&get_output);
-sub get_output {
-	$output = shift;
-if ( $suite && @target_suite ) {
-	system("madison -s $suite $package -S -f heidi | heidi -a $target_suite[0] && touch /org/ftp.skolelinux.org/RUN-DINSTALL");
-	print "Moving package $package from $suite to $target_suite[0]\n";
-}else {
-	system("madison -s $TESTING $package -S -f heidi | heidi -a $TESTING && touch /org/ftp.skolelinux.org/RUN-DINSTALL");
-	print "Moving package $package version $version to $TESTING\n";

Deleted: trunk/src/archive/katha.py
--- trunk/src/archive/katha.py	2014-09-20 09:27:27 UTC (rev 83849)
+++ trunk/src/archive/katha.py	2014-09-20 10:43:04 UTC (rev 83850)
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2.4
-katha is the Debian-Edu/Skolelinux tool for moving the packages from 
-the -test into the stable pool. It is a small frontend for madison and 
-heidi. Please make sure that you check the packages before moving them
-into the stable pool. Only do it if the developer requests it.
-Unfortunately, the DAK tools are only available as scripts and do not
-have a Python API for specific tasks. So we have to call them manually.
-This tool was originally written in the language Perl by Steffen Joeris
-<steffen.joeris at skolelinux.de>, then rewritten in Python by Alexander
-Schremmer <alex AT alexanderweb DOT de>.
-License: This tool is licensed under the GPL v.2 or higher
-template_path = "/org/ftp.skolelinux.org/katie/templates/katha.template.txt"
-import os, sys, pwd
-from optparse import OptionParser
-from smtplib import SMTP
-from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
-from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-from string import Template
-class KathaException(Exception): pass
-def main():
-    usage = "usage: %prog [options] args"
-    parser = OptionParser(usage)
-    parser.add_option("-s", "--suite", dest="suite",
-                      help="The suite where the package should be copied from. It needs to end with '-test'.")
-    parser.add_option("-v", "--version", dest="version", help="If supplied, use the specified version instead of the most current package.")
-    options, args = parser.parse_args()
-    if len(args) > 0:
-        packagename = args[0]
-    else:
-        packagename = None
-    if not options.suite:
-        parser.error("You have to specify an argument and use the right suite with -test")
-    suite_tokens = options.suite.split("-")
-    if len(suite_tokens) != 2 or suite_tokens[1] != "test":
-        parser.error("The suite has to end with -test.")
-    if suite_tokens[0] not in ("etch", "sarge"):
-        parser.error("Unknown suite.")
-    target_suite = suite_tokens[0]
-    try:
-        old_version, new_version = get_versions(options.suite, target_suite, packagename, options.version)
-    except KathaException, e:
-        parser.error(e.args[0])
-    text = get_mail(target_suite, old_version, new_version)
-    print "Moving package %r from %r to %r" % (packagename, options.suite, target_suite)
-    os.system("madison -s %s %s -S -f heidi | heidi -a %s && touch /org/ftp.skolelinux.org/RUN-DINSTALL" % (options.suite, packagename, target_suite));
-    sendmail(text, packagename)
-def sendmail(text, package):
-    msg = MIMEText(text)
-    from_addr = 'ftpmaster at skolelinux.org'
-    to_addr = 'commits at skolelinux.org'
-    msg['Subject'] = 'Package version of %s in a stable development pool changed' % package
-    msg['From'] = from_addr
-    msg['To'] = to_addr
-    msg['X-Username'] = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]
-    s = SMTP()
-    s.connect()
-    print "Sending mail about changes"
-    s.sendmail(from_addr, [to_addr], msg.as_string())
-    s.close()
-def get_versions(suite, target_suite, package, override_version=None):
-    new_version = Popen(("madison -s %s %s -S -f heidi" % (suite, package)).split(), stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
-    if not new_version:
-        raise KathaException("Unable to find a valid version for the package %r in %r." % (package, suite))
-    old_version = Popen(("madison -s %s %s -S -f heidi" % (target_suite, package)).split(), stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
-    if not old_version:
-        print "There is no old version of %r in %r. Trying to add it ..." % (package, target_suite)
-    if old_version == new_version:
-        raise KathaException("The package in %r and %r are already the same" % (suite, target_suite))
-    if override_version:
-        print "Overriding the version to %r" % override_version
-        new_version = override_version
-    return old_version, new_version
-def get_mail(target_suite, old_version, new_version):
-    if not old_version:
-        old_version = "No old version"
-    vars = {
-        'suite': target_suite,
-        'old_version': old_version,
-        'new_version': new_version,
-    }
-    return Template(template_path).substitute(vars)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()

Deleted: trunk/src/archive/katha.template
--- trunk/src/archive/katha.template	2014-09-20 09:27:27 UTC (rev 83849)
+++ trunk/src/archive/katha.template	2014-09-20 10:43:04 UTC (rev 83850)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Hi Developers,
-a new package version hits a stable development suite.
-The following change happened to [% suite %] :
-old version: [% old_version %]
-new version: [% new_version %]

Deleted: trunk/src/archive/katha.template2
--- trunk/src/archive/katha.template2	2014-09-20 09:27:27 UTC (rev 83849)
+++ trunk/src/archive/katha.template2	2014-09-20 10:43:04 UTC (rev 83850)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Hi Developers,
-a new package version hits a stable development suite.
-The following change happened to $suite:
-old version: $old_version
-new version: $new_version

Deleted: trunk/src/archive/sabine
--- trunk/src/archive/sabine	2014-09-20 09:27:27 UTC (rev 83849)
+++ trunk/src/archive/sabine	2014-09-20 10:43:04 UTC (rev 83850)
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Author: Steffen Joeris <steffen.joeris at skolelinux.de>
-# License: This tool is licensed under the GPL v.2 or higher
-# sabine is the account creation tool.
-# It is the Debian-Edu/Skolelinux version of uma.
-# Notice that this tool just adds the key to the keyring and writes
-# a mail to the new uploader. You do not need to have superuser rights,
-# neither in the database nor on the system, you use katie rights.
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Std; # command line arguments
-use Mail::Sendmail; # used for email sending
-use Term::Prompt; # used for command line interaction
-my $arg_string = 'k';
-my $gpg = "/usr/bin/gpg";
-my $uploader;
-my $template = "/org/ftp.skolelinux.org/katie/templates/sabine.template";
-my @mailbody;
-my $list;
-my @key;
-my $first_address_try;
-my @uploader_address;
-my @half_finish_address;
-my @finish_address;
-my %mail;
-my @id;
-my $question;
-sub error {
-	print "You have to specify an argument\n";
-	print "Use: sabine -k keyid\n";
-	exit 1;
-sub get_address {
-	open(ADDRESS, "$gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /opt/dak/keyrings/keyring.gpg --list-key @ARGV |");
-	@key = <ADDRESS>;
-	close(ADDRESS);
-	@uploader_address = split(/ /, $key[1]);
-	foreach my $address ( @uploader_address ) {
-		next if not ($address =~ "@");
-		$address =~ s/<//;
-		$address =~ s/>//;
-		return $address;
-	}
-sub mailing {
-	# get mailbody from template
-	open(MAILBODY, $template);
-	@mailbody = <MAILBODY>;
-	close (MAILBODY);
-	my $uploader = get_address;
-	chomp $uploader;
-	# create mail
-		  	%mail = ( 	From    => 'ftpmaster at skolelinux.org',
-                                        To      => "$uploader",
-                                        Cc      => 'Sysadmin group <drift at skolelinux.org>',
-				        Subject => 'Your account on ftp.skolelinux.org has been activated',
-                                        Message => join("", @mailbody),
-                                       );
-	sendmail(%mail) or die $Mail::Sendmail::error;
-getopts( "$arg_string", \my %opt);
-if (not scalar %opt or (scalar keys %opt == 1 and $opt{"x"})) {
-	# no arguments, so exit
-	&error;
-# doing the action
-if ( $ARGV[0] && $opt{"k"} && ! $ARGV[1] ) {
-	# download the key into katie's keyring first
-	system("gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --no-default-keyring --keyring /var/lib/dak/.gnupg/keyring.gpg --recv-keys @ARGV");
-	open(PRINT, "$gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /var/lib/dak/.gnupg/keyring.gpg --fingerprint @ARGV |");
-	@id = <PRINT>;
-	close(PRINT);
-	chomp @id;
-	# do we really want to proceed?
-	$question = prompt("y", "Do you really want to add the following key to the internal keyring: $id[1]", "Y|y / N|n", "n");
-	if ( $question ) {
-		print "Adding keyid @ARGV to the Debian-Edu/Skolelinux keyring\n";
-		# do the magic
-		system("$gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --no-default-keyring --keyring /opt/dak/keyrings/keyring.gpg --recv-keys @ARGV");
-		my $uploader = get_address;
-		chomp $uploader;
-		if ( ! $uploader ) {
-			print "Could not determine the uploaders address\n";
-			&error;
-		}
-		&mailing;
-		print "Mail sent to new Uploader: $uploader\n";
-		print "Now please write down the mail address to the mail-whitelist and add the name to the uploaders-list found in the wiki\n";
-		exit 0;
-	}else{
-		print "Aborting ...\n";
-	}
-	&error;

Deleted: trunk/src/archive/stable-update.template
--- trunk/src/archive/stable-update.template	2014-09-20 09:27:27 UTC (rev 83849)
+++ trunk/src/archive/stable-update.template	2014-09-20 10:43:04 UTC (rev 83850)
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-Debian-Edu/Skolelinux Stable Package Update
-The Debian-Edu/Skolelinux developers have updated the following
-package(s) in the stable repository. We advise you to upgrade to 
-the newest stable version.
-New version:
-Upgrade Instructions
-Make sure the line
-        deb http://ftp.skolelinux.org/skolelinux/ etch local
-is present in your /etc/apt/sources.list and run 'aptitude update' to
-update your package lists. Then run
-	'aptitude upgrade'
-to upgrade the package mentioned above. This might upgrade other
-packages too, and if you only want to upgrade the package above, you
-should run
-	'aptitude install <packagename>'
-where <packagename> is the package name in paranthesis from the package 
-section above.
-The official CD(s)/DVD will not be updated immediately, but when we release a 
-new point release. Then the new package version will be included onto the 
-Mailing lists: debian-edu-announce at lists.debian.org
-Package info: `apt-cache show <pkg>'

Deleted: trunk/src/archive/trigger_builds
--- trunk/src/archive/trigger_builds	2014-09-20 09:27:27 UTC (rev 83849)
+++ trunk/src/archive/trigger_builds	2014-09-20 10:43:04 UTC (rev 83850)
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# make sure that everyone can trigger a build on administrator
-# for every daily build
-# - white 03.03.2007
-  edu-testing-nolocal-netinst\
-  squeeze-amd64-i386-netinst\
-  squeeze-dvd\
-  squeeze-source-dvd\
-  squeeze-test-amd64-i386-netinst\
-  squeeze-test-dvd\
-  wheezy-amd64-i386-netinst\
-  wheezy-i386-dvd\
-  wheezy-source-dvd\
-  wheezy-usbstick\
-  wheezy-test-amd64-i386-netinst\
-  wheezy-test-usbstick\
-  "
-function error() {
-        /bin/cat << EOF
-        Please specify the daily build which you want to trigger a build for
-        Use: trigger_build daily_build
-        valid values for daily_build are:
-	for suite in $suites ; do
-	    echo "        $suite"
-	done
-        echo "        all"
-exit 0
-if /usr/bin/test -z "$1" ; then
-        error
-#exit if we are not running as builder
-#if [ `whoami` != "builder" ] ; then 
-#	echo "you are not builder, setuid bit missing?!?" 
-#	exit 50
-for suite in $@ ; do
-    found=false
-    for valid in $suites ; do
-	if [ "$suite" = "$valid" ] ; then
-            $TOUCH $path-$suite
-	    $CHMOD g+w $path-$suite
-	    found=true
-	fi
-    done
-    if $found ; then
-	continue
-    fi
-    case "$suite" in
-	all)
-		for i in $suites ; do
-			$TOUCH $path-$i
-			$CHMOD g+w $path-$i
-		done
-	;;
-        *)
-                error
-        ;;
-    esac

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