[Debian-eeepc-devel] Debian packages for bluetooth and elantech kernel patches

Damyan Ivanov dmn at debian.org
Sun Dec 21 11:57:43 UTC 2008

-=| Eric Cooper, Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 03:59:58PM -0500 |=-
> I've packaged the Bluetooth-support patch for the eeepc-laptop kernel
> module in eeepc-bluetooth.git, and the Elantech-support patch for the
> psmouse module in elantech.git (both in the debian-eeepc directory on
> git.debian.org)

I finally got to giving the -bluettooth package a try. Nice work!

> They produce *-source debs, which when installed can be used with
> module-assistant to produce *-modules-NNN debs, which can then be
> installed on the Eee.  They use /etc/depmod.d/* files to make sure
> depmod and modprobe use the correct modules, since they shadow
> existing ones.

Works as expected without any file-level conflicts.

> These are intended for use with the 2.6.26 Lenny kernel (and
> build-depend on the source tree). Later kernel versions will probably
> include these features already.
> I don't really see a need to get them into the official Debian archive --
> they're just a stopgap measure.  I think it would make sense to put
> the source debs on the debian-eeepc.debian.net repository, though.


I have few minor points:

 * Is eeepc-bluetooth package native or not? Changelog says version 
   1.0-1, but I don't find any means of retrieving .orig.tar.gz. Not 
   surprising, as the upstream "source" is actually just one patch. 
   Perhaps the package should be made native?

 * It seems more natural to me to have source package name be the 
   same as the resulting binary package name (i.e. rename Source to 

 * I also think it would be useful if both eeepc-bluetooth-source and 
   eeepc-bluetooth-modules-NNN packages are on eeepc.debian.net 
   package repository. That way people not found of builting from 
   source can get the functionality a bit easier.

Your work on this is much appreciated!

dam            JabberID: dam at jabber.minus273.org
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