[Debian-eeepc-devel] Wiki Models pages need help, 1005HA and 1008HA are new

Ben Armstrong synrg at sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
Sat Aug 8 12:12:00 UTC 2009

We try to stay on top of the differences between models at
http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEeePC/Models but Asus has released so many
new models that it is a tough job.  As developers, we have very few of
these models so we rely on you, the users, to help keep these pages

Even if you have successfully installed Debian on your model and
therefore may not feel you need these pages anymore, please consider
giving back to the community by checking the page for your model and
making edits as needed.

Today I just added 1005HA and 1008HA to this page.  Particularly if you
have one of these models, we want to hear from you, since so far as I
know, none of our developers has one.

If you're going to edit the table on this page, I strongly urge you to
use an external editor for the table, turn off autowrap and use a small
font so that you can keep the whole thing aligned with standard
8-character tab stops.  When you're done editing the table, paste it
back into the wiki page.

If you see anything in any of these pages you would like to contribute
don't feel comfortable editing it yourself, just drop us a note and
we'll do the editing.


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