[Debian-eeepc-devel] Eee1000HE: unable to turn off wifi

Alessandro Pellizzari alex at amiran.it
Mon May 18 08:36:37 UTC 2009

Il giorno gio, 14/05/2009 alle 18.10 +0100, Darren Salt ha scritto:
> I demand that Alessandro Pellizzari may or may not have written...
> [snip]
> > I am using 2.6.29, and rfkill and rfkill_input modules are loaded, but
> > still it doesn't kill the wifi.
> > Even with "1" in /sys/class/.../state, network manager is able to find and
> > connect to networks, and the "wifi" LED remains on.
> That's as it should be. Try 0.

Sorry, I meant to write "both with 1 or 0".

I would like to let you all know I solved this.
I just disabled WiFi in the BIOS settings, and from then on, the switch
worked flawlessly.

Fn-F2 turns it on then off, as it should be.

Thank you all for your help.

Alessandro Pellizzari

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