Proposal of an additional flyer for the Social Contract

Elena ``of Valhalla'' Grandi valhalla-d at
Tue Oct 3 17:09:00 UTC 2017


ages ago I prepared a flyer with the italian translation of the social
contract and DFSG, with a layout inspired by the debian flyer, to
distribute at events organized by our LUG.

Today I realised I still hadn't prepared the english version, and fixed

Do you think it could be useful to have it in the repo?

In that case, I have prepared a branch ``social_contract`` on
(or git:// to fetch)
which can be merged in the debian-flyers repo.

Building it is slightely different from the debian flyer as it uses
xelatex to directly generate a PDF (and requires librsvg2-bin to prepare
the swirl image), with the correct dependencies installed running make
will generally do the right thing; if there is interest for this flyer I
will prepare a README.txt with proper instructions.

Elena ``of Valhalla''
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