[Debian-ha-maintainers] Processed: limit source to libqb, tagging 794566

Christoph Berg christoph.berg at credativ.de
Mon Aug 10 15:09:50 UTC 2015

Re: Ferenc Wagner 2015-08-04 <87h9off1jc.fsf at lant.ki.iif.hu>
> Btw. can't you use arch tags in a generic symbols file instead of having
> separate kfreebsd and ppc ones?  I mean something like
> (arch=!kfreebsd-any)qb_epoll_init at Base 0.14.2
> for example.

deb-symbols(5) doesn't mention that possibility, though it would be
handy to have. (OTOH it would probably be break the way symbols files
are maintained atm, namely using patch files. Or be pretty hard to
implement sanely.)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Christoph Berg
Senior Berater, Tel.: +49 (0)21 61 / 46 43-187
credativ GmbH, HRB Mönchengladbach 12080, USt-ID-Nummer: DE204566209
Hohenzollernstr. 133, 41061 Mönchengladbach
Geschäftsführung: Dr. Michael Meskes, Jörg Folz, Sascha Heuer
pgp fingerprint: 5C48 FE61 57F4 9179 5970  87C6 4C5A 6BAB 12D2 A7AE

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