[Debian-ha-maintainers] Pacemaker 1.1.13 on Debian/Jessie

Cédric Dufour - Idiap Research Institute cedric.dufour at idiap.ch
Wed Sep 23 13:48:37 UTC 2015

On 23/09/15 14:26, Ferenc Wagner wrote:
> Cédric Dufour - Idiap Research Institute <cedric.dufour at idiap.ch>
> writes:
>> Based on the available source packages (I followed your pointers on
>> "Debian-HA ClustersFromScratch" page), I have successfully rebuilt all
>> packages, including upgrading to Pacemaker 1.1.13 (released June
>> 2015).
> You can find fresher Corosync and Pacemaker (and DLM) packages at
> deb http://apt.niif.hu/debian jessie main.  This is my somewhat volatile
> testing repo, which represents more closely that we plan to upload.

Ok. Thanks. I'll have a look.

>> The only problems I met:
>>  - maybe add an explicit libqb version dependency (>= 0.17.1) in
>>    corosync control file
> I know that at least >= 0.12 is needed, but did not test anything in
> between.  Is 0.17.1 a strict lower limit?

0.12 is definitely not good; I accidentally ran a build against it and it generated an undefined constant error ("QB_IPC_something"; unfortunately don't remember which one exactly)

>>  - fence-agents tests fail because of wrong /usr/sbin/vgs path in
>>    tests/data/metadata/fence_scsi.xml (correct path is /sbin/vgs)
> Thanks; I haven't reviewed fence-agents yet, but this info will come
> handy.
>> Also find available for download the debian.tar.xz modified for
>> Pacemaker 1.1.13:
>> https://www.idiap.ch/~cdufour/download/pacemaker_1.1.13-0idiap1.debian.tar.xz
>> PS: I add to demote crmsh to 'Recommends' because of circular
>> dependency error at build time.
> Right, I also changed that part.
>> I shall deploy this stack in production in a very small cluster
>> (redundant LVS-backed load-balancer) by the end of the year; if
>> interested, I can keep you posted or help for "on the field" tests you
>> may need.
> That would be excellent.  Field testing is something we really need.

I'll keep you posted then.

I allready noticed some discrepancies in ldirectord package now that it uses systemd and the actual (default) configuration has moved to /etc/ha.d/ldirectord.cf (and no longer in /etc/ldirectord.cf, as used to be and still referenced in /etc/default/ldirectord and /etc/init.d/ldirectord, both ignored by ldirectord.service)


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