[Debian-hebrew-common] Why is myspell-he extra?

Baruch Even baruch at debian.org
Tue Oct 31 21:32:07 CET 2006

* Amos Shapira <amos.shapira at gmail.com> [061031 22:26]:
> On 01/11/06, Baruch Even <baruch at debian.org> wrote:
> >
> >In any case, my aim is for user-he to help novice users, those who want
> >to configure a console only system can probably do it themselves, and we
> >do not handle the console anyway with regard to Hebrew.
> Actually I found user-he useful in configuring the new style X11
> keymaps, for instance.

X11 is not a console app :)

The only console stuff that is configured by user-he is timezone and
locale. And usually when you have a console only system it's even a
server and you configure the timezone to whatever you want and probably
won't bother with locale at all.


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