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<DIV id=yiv1742140928>I am Mr Islam Latif, By the grace of almighty allah, i still the Chief Executive Reporting Accountant Officer Central Bank of Africa(BOA), I didn't know you in person, I sort your email contact in my department, My residence address no:18 avenue de la charles Degaulle sect: 21.Box Postal: 01 bp 5256 Ouagadogou Burkina Faso.My Private email<FONT color=#008000>(</FONT><A href="http://us.mc1116.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=dir.latifislam@gmail.com" target=_blank rel=nofollow><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>dir.latifislam@gmail.com</FONT></A><FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#008000>)</FONT></FONT> Actually,I knew that this will come to you as a great surprise, I want to do a nice business with you that will favour both of us.But I will like to be reassured of the manner of person whom I am about to deal with, The amount involve is ($10,000,000.00).Therefore I have to get certain necessary facts about you are as follows: (1) Your full name................(2)Your occupation ...................(3)Your marital status ....................(4)Your full residential address..................(5)Your phone number ...................(6)A copy of Your photo scanned and sent to me by mail,immediately i received those above informations from you,I will send to the details abide the business..If you are interested Or Not... I need your urgent respond so that i will know what to do. I am still waiting for your respond..............<BR> </DIV> </body>