[Debian-in-workers] Introducing xz compression for deb

Vasudev Kamath kamathvasudev at gmail.com
Fri Jun 22 19:35:33 UTC 2012

Hello List,

Recently pkg-fonts team decided to move their space intensive fonts to
use *xz* compression instead of bzip2. *xz* is consider to be best in
compression but on the same hand it is slower. I'm planning to
introduce this same to some packages in *Debian-IN* team.

I've already done this to fonts-smc which was around 1 MB in size in debian archive
after building with xz its size will be reduced to 784 kb not much of
a gain but still it will save some bandwidth atleast in India
;-). Rest of fonts are not very huge in size so I don't think its
worth introducing xz there, but this is my view I request others to
share theirs :-)

If you see any package in Debian-IN team as huge (according to Indian
b/w) please consider using xz for that. If you are not developer then
please point us out.

With Regards

Vasudev Kamath
Connect on ~friendica: copyninja@{frndk.de | vasudev.homelinux.net}
IRC nick: copyninja | vasudev {irc.oftc.net | irc.freenode.net}
GPG Key: C517 C25D E408 759D 98A4  C96B 6C8F 74AE 8770 0B7E
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