[med-svn] r1237 - in trunk/community: . qa qa/DebianQA qa/Parse qa/oldscripts qa/templates

hanska-guest at alioth.debian.org hanska-guest at alioth.debian.org
Thu Jan 31 18:15:22 UTC 2008

Author: hanska-guest
Date: 2008-01-31 18:15:21 +0000 (Thu, 31 Jan 2008)
New Revision: 1237

Adding DebianQA scripts from Pkg-Perl team :)

Added: trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/Archive.pm
--- trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/Archive.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/Archive.pm	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:ai:sts=4
+# $Id: Archive.pm 13820 2008-01-29 06:11:41Z tincho-guest $
+# Module for retrieving data from the Debian archive, it reads Source.gz files,
+# and also downloads package lists from the NEW and INCOMING queues.
+# Copyright gregor herrmann <gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at>, 2007
+# Copyright Damyan Ivanov <dmn at debian.org>, 2007
+# Copyright Martín Ferrari <martin.ferrari at gmail.com>, 2007
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL 2
+package DebianQA::Archive;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our @ISA = "Exporter";
+our @EXPORT = qw(deb_download deb_get deb_get_consolidated);
+use DebianQA::Cache;
+use DebianQA::Common;
+use DebianQA::Config '%CFG';
+use DebianQA::Svn;
+use DebianQA::DebVersions;
+use Fcntl qw(:seek);
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+#use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip; # Only in lenny
+use Compress::Zlib ();
+use HTML::TableExtract;
+my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
+# Module for extracting source package listings from the Debian archive.
+# * If $force, current cache is ignored.
+# Re-generates and returns the cache of consolidated versions (key "archive"),
+# which is keyed on package name and contains:
+#  {
+#     most_recent => $most_recent_version,
+#     testing => $version_in_testing,
+#     ....
+#  }
+sub deb_download {
+    my $force = shift;
+    my @list = split(/\s*,\s*/, $CFG{archive}{suites});
+    my @ttls = split(/\s*,\s*/, $CFG{archive}{suites_ttl});
+    my %ttl = map({ $list[$_] => $ttls[$_] } (0..$#list));
+    if($CFG{archive}{new_url}) {
+        push @list, "new";
+        $ttl{new} = $CFG{archive}{new_ttl} || 60;
+    }
+    if($CFG{archive}{incoming_url}) {
+        push @list, "incoming";
+        $ttl{incoming} = $CFG{archive}{incoming_ttl} || 60;
+    }
+    my $data = {};
+    unless($force) {
+        $data = read_cache("archive", "", 0);
+    }
+    my $modified;
+    foreach my $src (@list) {
+        # I use find_stamp incorrectly on purpose: so each key acts as a root
+        if($force or ! $data->{$src}
+                or $ttl{$src} * 60 < time - find_stamp($data->{$src}, "")) {
+            info("$src is stale, getting new version") unless($force);
+            my $d;
+            if($src eq "new") {
+                $d = get_new();
+            } elsif($src eq "incoming") {
+                $d = get_incoming();
+            } else {
+                $d = get_sources($src);
+            }
+            if($d) {
+                update_cache("archive", $d, $src, 1, 0);
+                $modified = 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return unless($modified);
+    info("Re-generating consolidated hash");
+    my $pkgs = get_pkglist_hashref();
+    # retain lock, we need consistency
+    $data = read_cache("archive", "", 1);
+    my $g = {};
+    foreach my $suite (keys(%$data)) {
+        next unless($ttl{$suite});
+        foreach my $pkg (keys(%{$data->{$suite}})) {
+            next if($pkg =~ m#^/#);
+            next if(%$pkgs and not $pkgs->{$pkg});
+            $g->{$pkg}{$suite} = $data->{$suite}{$pkg};
+        }
+    }
+    # Hash for comparing equivalent versions in different suites
+    my %src_compare = (
+        oldstable   => 1, # not 0, so no need to test defined()
+        sarge       => 1,
+        stable      => 2,
+        etch        => 2,
+        testing     => 3,
+        lenny       => 3,
+        experimental => 4,
+        incoming    => 5,
+        new         => 6,
+        unstable    => 7,
+        sid         => 8,
+        other       => 9
+    );
+    foreach my $pkg (keys(%$g)) {
+        my @recent = sort( {
+                deb_compare_nofail($g->{$pkg}{$a}, $g->{$pkg}{$b}) or
+                ($src_compare{$a} || $src_compare{other}) <=>
+                ($src_compare{$b} || $src_compare{other})
+            } keys(%{$g->{$pkg}}));
+        $g->{$pkg}{most_recent} = $g->{$pkg}{$recent[-1]};
+        $g->{$pkg}{most_recent_src} = $recent[-1];
+    }
+    $data = update_cache("consolidated", $g, "archive", 1, 0);
+    unlock_cache("archive");
+    return;
+# Returns the consolidated hash of versions. Doesn't download anything.
+sub deb_get_consolidated {
+    my $path = shift || "";
+    return read_cache("consolidated", "archive/$path", 0);
+# Returns the hash of versions. Doesn't download anything.
+sub deb_get {
+    return read_cache("archive", shift, 0);
+sub get_sources {
+    my($suite) = shift;
+    my @sections = split(/\s*,\s*/, $CFG{archive}{sections});
+    my %vers;
+    foreach my $section(@sections) {
+        my $url = $CFG{archive}{mirror} . "/dists/$suite/$section/source/Sources.gz";
+        info("Downloading $url");
+        open(TMP, "+>", undef) or die $!;
+        my $res = $ua->get($url, ":content_cb" => sub {
+                print TMP $_[0] or die $!;
+            });
+        unless($res->is_success()) {
+            warn "Can't download $url: " . $res->message();
+            return 0;
+        }
+        seek(TMP, 0, SEEK_SET) or die "Can't seek: $!\n";
+        my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen(\*TMP, "rb")
+            or die "Can't open compressed file: $!\n";
+        my $data;
+        open($data, "+>", undef) or die $!;
+        my $buffer = " " x 4096;
+        my $bytes;
+        while(($bytes = $gz->gzread($buffer)) > 0) {
+            print $data $buffer;
+        }
+        die $gz->gzerror if($bytes < 0);
+        close TMP;
+        #my $z = new IO::Uncompress::Gunzip(\$data);
+        seek($data, 0, SEEK_SET) or die "Can't seek: $!\n";
+        # Blank line as "line" separator, so a "line" is a full record
+        local $/ = "";
+        while(<$data>) {
+            s/\n\s+//gm;
+            /^package:\s*(\S+)\s*$/mi or next;
+            my $pkg = $1;
+            /^version:\s*(\S+)\s*$/mi or next;
+            $vers{$pkg} = $1;
+        }
+        close $data;
+    }
+    return \%vers;
+sub get_incoming {
+    my $url = $CFG{archive}{incoming_url};
+    info("Downloading $url");
+    my $res = $ua->get($url);
+    unless($res->is_success()) {
+        warn "Can't download $url: " . $res->message();
+        return 0;
+    }
+    my $data = $res->decoded_content();
+    my %vers;
+    while($data =~ /<a href="([^_]+)_(.+)\.dsc">/g) {
+        debug("existing $1: $vers{$1} / $2") if(defined($vers{$1}));
+        if(!defined $vers{$1} or deb_compare($2, $vers{$1}) > 0) {
+            debug("replaced $1: $vers{$1} -> $2") if(defined($vers{$1}));
+            $vers{$1} = $2;
+        }
+    }
+    return \%vers;
+sub get_new {
+    my $url = $CFG{archive}{new_url};
+    info("Downloading $url");
+    my $res = $ua->get($url);
+    unless($res->is_success()) {
+        warn "Can't download $url: " . $res->message();
+        return 0;
+    }
+    my $data = $res->decoded_content();
+    my $te = new HTML::TableExtract( headers => [ qw(
+        Package Version Arch Distribution Age Maintainer Closes
+        ) ]);
+    $te->parse($data);
+    my %vers;
+    foreach my $table ($te->tables) {
+        foreach my $row ($table->rows) {
+            next unless $row->[2] =~ /source/;
+            my $pkg = $row->[0];
+            foreach(split(/\s+/, $row->[1])) {
+                next unless($_);
+                debug("existing $pkg: $vers{$pkg} / $_") if(
+                    defined($vers{$pkg}));
+                if(!defined $vers{$pkg} or deb_compare($_, $vers{$pkg}) > 0) {
+                    debug("replaced $pkg: $vers{$pkg} -> $_") if(
+                        defined($vers{$pkg}));
+                    $vers{$pkg} = $_;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return \%vers;

Added: trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/BTS.pm
--- trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/BTS.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/BTS.pm	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:ai:sts=4
+# $Id: BTS.pm 12750 2008-01-14 20:54:11Z tincho-guest $
+# Module for retrieving bugs from the BTS, using the SOAP interface
+# Copyright gregor herrmann <gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at>, 2007
+# Copyright Damyan Ivanov <dmn at debian.org>, 2007
+# Copyright Martín Ferrari <martin.ferrari at gmail.com>, 2007
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL 2
+package DebianQA::BTS;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our @ISA = "Exporter";
+our @EXPORT = qw(bts_download bts_get bts_get_consolidated);
+use DebianQA::Common;
+use DebianQA::Config '%CFG';
+use DebianQA::Cache;
+use DebianQA::Svn;
+use SOAP::Lite;
+#my $maint = 'pkg-perl-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org';
+sub bts_download {
+    my($force, @pkglist) = @_;
+    $force ||= 0;
+    debug("bts_download($force, (@pkglist))");
+    my @list;
+    my $cdata = {};
+    my $replace = 0;
+    my $soap = SOAP::Lite->uri($CFG{bts}{soap_uri})->proxy(
+        $CFG{bts}{soap_proxy});
+    unless($force) {
+        $cdata = read_cache("bts", "", 0);
+    }
+    my $pkginfo = get_pkglist_hashref();
+    if(@pkglist) {
+        # A list of packages to update has been received
+        unless($force) {
+            @pkglist = grep( {
+                    $CFG{bts}{ttl} * 60 < time - find_stamp($cdata, $_)
+                } @pkglist);
+            return $cdata unless(@pkglist); # Cache is up-to-date
+            info("BTS info for @pkglist is stale") if(@pkglist);
+        }
+        info("Downloading list of bugs of (", join(", ", @pkglist),
+            ")");
+        @list = @{$soap->get_bugs( src => [ @pkglist ] )->result()};
+    } elsif($force or $CFG{bts}{ttl} * 60 < time - find_stamp($cdata, "")) {
+        # No list of packages; forced operation or stale cache
+        info("BTS info is stale") unless($force);
+        $replace = 1;
+        @pkglist = keys %$pkginfo;
+        # TODO: could verificate that pkglist and maint = $maint are the same
+        # packages
+        if(@pkglist) {
+            info("Downloading list of bugs of packages in the repo");
+            @list = @{$soap->get_bugs( src => [ @pkglist ] )->result()};
+        } else {
+            # Doesn't make sense to search bugs if we don't have the list
+            # of packages.
+            return {};
+#            info("Downloading list of bugs assigned to $maint");
+#            @list = @{$soap->get_bugs( maint => $maint )->result()};
+        }
+    } else {
+        # Cache is up to date
+        return $cdata;
+    }
+    my $bugs_st = {};
+    if(@list) {
+        info("Downloading status for ", scalar @list, " bugs");
+        $bugs_st = $soap->get_status(@list)->result();
+    }
+    my %binmap;
+    foreach my $src (keys %$pkginfo) {
+        $binmap{$_} = $src foreach(@{$pkginfo->{$src}{binaries} || []});
+    }
+    my %bugs = ();
+    foreach my $bug (keys %$bugs_st) {
+        # Until #458822 is solved, we need to use our own bin -> src mapping
+        my $binname = $bugs_st->{$bug}->{package};
+        # There could be more than one package!
+        $binname =~ s/\s+//g;
+        my @binnames = split(/,/, $binname);
+        my $found = 0;
+        foreach(@binnames) {
+            my $srcname = exists $pkginfo->{$_} ? $_ : $binmap{$_} or next;
+            $bugs{$srcname}{$bug} = $bugs_st->{$bug};
+            $found++;
+        }
+        unless($found) {
+            warn("Can't find source package for $binname in bug #$bug");
+            next;
+        }
+    }
+    # retain lock, we need consistency
+    $cdata = update_cache("bts", \%bugs, "", $replace, 1);
+    info("Re-generating consolidated hash");
+    @pkglist = keys %$pkginfo;
+    # TODO: Interesting fields:
+    # keywords/tags, severity, subject, forwarded, date
+    my %cbugs;
+    foreach my $pkgname (@pkglist) {
+        $bugs{$pkgname} ||= {};
+        # bugs to ignore if keyword present
+        my %ign_keywords = map({ $_ => 1 }
+            split(/\s*,\s*/, $CFG{bts}{ignore_keywords}));
+        # bugs to ignore if of specified severities
+        my %ign_severities = map({ $_ => 1 }
+            split(/\s*,\s*/, $CFG{bts}{ignore_severities}));
+        $cbugs{$pkgname} = {};
+        foreach my $bug (keys %{ $bugs{$pkgname} }) {
+            next unless(ref $bugs{$pkgname}{$bug});
+            # Remove done bugs
+            next if($bugs{$pkgname}{$bug}{done});
+            # Remove if severity match
+            next if($ign_severities{$bugs{$pkgname}{$bug}{severity}});
+            # Remove if keyword match
+            my @keywords = split(/\s+/, $bugs{$pkgname}{$bug}{keywords});
+            next if(grep({ $ign_keywords{$_} } @keywords));
+            $cbugs{$pkgname}{$bug} = {
+                keywords => $bugs{$pkgname}{$bug}{keywords},
+                # need to use a new key for compatibility
+                keywordsA => \@keywords,
+                severity => $bugs{$pkgname}{$bug}{severity},
+                subject  => $bugs{$pkgname}{$bug}{subject},
+                forwarded=> $bugs{$pkgname}{$bug}{forwarded},
+            };
+        }
+    }
+    update_cache("consolidated", \%cbugs, "bts", 1, 0);
+    unlock_cache("bts");
+    return $cdata;
+# Returns the hash of bugs. Doesn't download anything.
+sub bts_get {
+    return read_cache("bts", shift, 0);
+# Returns the consolidated hash of bugs. Doesn't download anything.
+sub bts_get_consolidated {
+    my $path = shift || "";
+    return read_cache("consolidated", "bts/$path", 0);

Added: trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/Cache.pm
--- trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/Cache.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/Cache.pm	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:ai:sts=4
+# $Id: Cache.pm 12764 2008-01-15 12:07:48Z tincho-guest $
+# Routines for handling cache files 
+# Copyright Martín Ferrari <martin.ferrari at gmail.com>, 2007
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL 2
+package DebianQA::Cache;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our @ISA = "Exporter";
+our @EXPORT = (qw(
+    dump_cache unlock_cache read_cache update_cache find_stamp ));
+use DebianQA::Config '%CFG';
+use DebianQA::Common;
+use Storable qw(store_fd fd_retrieve);
+use Fcntl qw(:seek :flock);
+use File::Path;
+my %fd;         # Hash of open FDs, to keep locks.
+my %memcache;   # Memory cache for repeated requests
+sub dump_cache($;$) {
+    my($cache, $root) = @_;
+    $root ||= "";
+    $root =~ s{/+$}{};
+    if(! defined($fd{$cache})) {
+        mkpath $CFG{common}{cache_dir};
+        open $fd{$cache}, "<", "$CFG{common}{cache_dir}/$cache"
+            or die "Error opening cache: $!\n";
+        flock($fd{$cache}, LOCK_SH) or die "Error locking cache: $!\n";
+    }
+    my $fd = $fd{$cache};
+    seek($fd, 0, SEEK_SET) or die "Can't seek: $!\n";
+    my $data = {};
+    if(-s $fd) {
+        $data = fd_retrieve($fd) or die "Can't read cache: $!\n";
+    }
+    unlock_cache($cache);
+    require Data::Dumper;
+    print Data::Dumper::Dumper(dive_hash($data, $root));
+    1;
+# Releases any pending lock on a cache and closes the file.
+sub unlock_cache($) {
+    my $cache = shift;
+    return 0 unless($fd{$cache});
+    debug("Closing $CFG{common}{cache_dir}/$cache");
+    close($fd{$cache});
+    $fd{$cache} = undef;
+    1;
+sub read_cache($;$$) {
+    # * $root specifies a path inside the cache hash.
+    # * If $keep_lock, file is kept open and write-locked until the next
+    #   operation.
+    #
+    # In scalar context returns the data as a hashref. In array context also
+    # returns the effective stamp as a second element. The effective
+    # stamp is the value of a "/stamp" key at the same level (or up) as
+    # $root. If there are single elements with newer stamps, they will have
+    # a "/stamp" subkey.
+    my($cache, $root, $keep_lock) = @_;
+    $root ||= "";
+    $keep_lock ||= 0;
+    debug("read_cache($cache, $root, $keep_lock) invoked");
+    $root = "/$root";
+    $root =~ s{/+$}{};
+    my $file = "$CFG{common}{cache_dir}/$cache";
+    unless(-e $file) {
+        return({}, 0) if(wantarray);
+        return {};
+    }
+    my $use_memcache = 0;
+    if(! defined($fd{$cache})) {
+        mkpath $CFG{common}{cache_dir};
+        if($keep_lock) {
+            debug("Opening $file in RW mode");
+            open $fd{$cache}, "+<", $file or die "Error opening cache: $!\n";
+            flock($fd{$cache}, LOCK_EX) or die "Error locking cache: $!\n";
+        } else {
+            if($memcache{$cache} and $memcache{$cache}{mtime} == -M $file) {
+                $use_memcache = 1;
+            } else {
+                debug("Opening $file in R mode");
+                open $fd{$cache}, "<", $file or die "Error opening cache: $!\n";
+                flock($fd{$cache}, LOCK_SH) or die "Error locking cache: $!\n";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    my $data = {};
+    if($use_memcache) {
+        $data = $memcache{$cache}{data};
+    } else {
+        my $fd = $fd{$cache};
+        seek($fd, 0, SEEK_SET) or die "Can't seek: $!\n";
+        if(-s $fd) {
+            $data = fd_retrieve($fd) or die "Can't read cache: $!\n";
+        }
+        unlock_cache($cache) unless($keep_lock);
+        $memcache{$cache} = {
+            data => $data,
+            mtime => -M $file
+        };
+    }
+    my $rootd = dive_hash($data, $root);
+    return $rootd if(not wantarray);
+    return($rootd, find_stamp($data, $root));
+sub update_cache($$;$$$$) {
+    # * $root specifies a path inside the cache hash.
+    # * $data is the data to merge/replace (depending on $replace) in the cache
+    #   starting from $root. Note that it's merged at the first level: so
+    #   existent data inside a key won't be kept.
+    # * If $keep_lock, file is kept open and write-locked until the next
+    #   operation.
+    #
+    # A $stamp is added with key "/stamp", at the $root level if $replace,
+    # inside each key if not. If no $stamp is specified, the current unix time
+    # is used.
+    #
+    # Returns the whole cache
+    my($cache, $data, $root, $replace, $keep_lock, $stamp) = @_;
+    $root ||= "";
+    $root = "/$root";
+    $root =~ s{/+$}{};
+    $replace ||= 0;
+    $keep_lock ||= 0;
+    $stamp = time unless(defined $stamp);
+    debug("update_cache($cache, $data, $root, $replace, $keep_lock, $stamp) ",
+        "invoked");
+    my $file = "$CFG{common}{cache_dir}/$cache";
+    if(! defined($fd{$cache})) {
+        debug("Opening $file in RW mode");
+        if(-e $file) {
+            open($fd{$cache}, "+<", $file) or die "Error opening cache: $!\n";
+        } else {
+            mkpath $CFG{common}{cache_dir};
+            open($fd{$cache}, "+>", $file) or die "Error opening cache: $!\n";
+        }
+        flock($fd{$cache}, LOCK_EX) or die "Error locking cache: $!\n";
+    }
+    my $fd = $fd{$cache};
+    seek($fd, 0, SEEK_SET) or die "Can't seek: $!\n";
+    my $cdata = {};
+    if(-s $fd) {
+        $cdata = fd_retrieve($fd) or die "Can't read cache: $!\n";
+    }
+    if($replace) {
+        if($root =~ m{^/*$}) {
+            $root = $cdata = $data;
+        } else {
+            $root =~ s{/+([^/]+)$}{};
+            my $leaf = $1;
+            $root = dive_hash($cdata, $root);
+            $root = ($root->{$leaf} = $data);
+        }
+        $root->{"/stamp"} = $stamp;
+        $root->{"/version"} = $VERSION;
+    } else {
+        $root = dive_hash($cdata, $root);
+        foreach(keys(%$data)) {
+            $root->{$_} = $data->{$_};
+            $root->{$_}{"/stamp"} = $stamp;
+        }
+    }
+    seek($fd, 0, SEEK_SET) or die "Can't seek: $!\n";
+    store_fd($cdata, $fd) or die "Can't save cache: $!\n";
+    unless($keep_lock) {
+        unlock_cache($cache);
+        $memcache{$cache} = {
+            data => $cdata,
+            mtime => -M $file
+        };
+    }
+    return $cdata;
+# Return a reference into $hash, as specified with $path
+# Creates or replaces any component that is not a hashref
+sub dive_hash($;$) {
+    my($hash, $path) = @_;
+    $path ||= "";
+    debug("dive_hash($hash, $path) invoked");
+    die "Invalid hashref" unless($hash and ref $hash and ref $hash eq "HASH");
+    my @path = split(m#/+#, $path);
+    my $ref = $hash;
+    foreach(@path) {
+        next unless($_);
+        my $r = $ref->{$_};
+        unless($r and ref $r and ref $r eq "HASH") {
+            $r = $ref->{$_} = {};
+        }
+        $ref = $r;
+    }
+    return $ref;
+# Search a stamp in $hash, starting at $path and going upwards until the
+# root. Returns 0 if not found.
+# Remember to call it with the root of the cache, to have proper stamp and
+# version handling.
+sub find_stamp {
+    my($hash, $path) = @_;
+    $path ||= "";
+    debug("find_stamp($hash, $path) invoked");
+    die "Invalid hashref" unless($hash and ref $hash and ref $hash eq "HASH");
+    if(! $hash->{"/version"} or $hash->{"/version"} < $VERSION) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    my $ctsmp = 0;
+    if($path =~ s{^/*([^/]+)}{}) {
+        my $root = $1;
+        $ctsmp = find_stamp($hash->{$root}, $path) if($hash->{$root});
+    }
+    if(not $ctsmp and exists($hash->{"/stamp"})) {
+        $ctsmp = $hash->{"/stamp"};
+    }
+    return $ctsmp || 0;

Added: trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/Classification.pm
--- trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/Classification.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/Classification.pm	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:ai:sts=4
+# $Id: Classification.pm 12348 2008-01-09 22:42:14Z tincho-guest $
+# Module for classifying packages into problem clases. The idea is to make the
+# reporting scripts absolutely minimal, and to have a common code in different
+# report implementations.
+# Copyright gregor herrmann <gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at>, 2007
+# Copyright Damyan Ivanov <dmn at debian.org>, 2007
+# Copyright Martín Ferrari <martin.ferrari at gmail.com>, 2007
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL 2
+package DebianQA::Classification;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our @ISA = "Exporter";
+our @EXPORT = qw(classify);
+use DebianQA::Cache;
+#use DebianQA::Common;
+#use DebianQA::Config '%CFG';
+use DebianQA::DebVersions;
+# Takes a list of packages to process.
+# Returns an unique hash ready to use in reporting, keyed by package name.
+# package_name => {
+#   status => {                 # Hash to ease lookup, empty if OK (@notes)
+#       needs_upload => 1,
+#       needs_upgrade => 1,
+#       invalid_svn_version => 1,
+#       ...
+#   },
+#   notes => [ ... ],
+#   hilight => {                # Problems indexed by highlighted item
+#       archive => { needs_upload => 1, ... },
+#       bts => { has_bugs => 1 }, ...
+#   },
+#   svn_path => "...",
+#   upstream_url => "...",      # Already extracted data for ease of use
+#   bts => {},
+#   archive => {},
+#   svn => {},
+#   watch => {}                 # Copies from the caches
+# }
+my %error_hilight = (
+    archive_waiting => "archive",
+    needs_upload => "archive",
+    never_uploaded => "archive",
+    has_bugs => "bts",
+    not_finished => "svn",
+    repo_ancient => "svn",
+    needs_upgrade => "upstream",
+    upstream_ancient => "upstream",
+    watch_error => "upstream",
+#    native => "",
+sub classify(@) {
+    my @pkglist = @_;
+    my $data = read_cache(consolidated => "");
+    my %res = ();
+    foreach my $pkg (@pkglist) {
+        next if($pkg =~ /^\//);
+        my(%status, @notes);
+        # SVN versus archive
+        my $archive_ver = $data->{archive}{$pkg}{most_recent};
+        my $svn_ver = $data->{svn}{$pkg}{version};
+        my $svn_unrel_ver = $data->{svn}{$pkg}{un_version};
+        if(not $svn_ver or not $archive_ver) {
+            if(not $svn_ver) {
+                $status{not_finished} = 1;
+            }
+            if(not $archive_ver) {
+                $status{never_uploaded} = 1;
+            }
+        } elsif(deb_compare($archive_ver, $svn_ver) > 0) {
+            $status{repo_ancient} = 1;
+            push @notes, "$archive_ver > $svn_ver";
+        } elsif(deb_compare($archive_ver, $svn_ver) != 0
+                and not $svn_unrel_ver) {
+            $status{needs_upload} = 1;
+        }
+        # SVN versus upstream
+        my $repo_mangled_ver = $data->{svn}{$pkg}{mangled_ver};
+        my $repo_unrel_mangled_ver = $data->{svn}{$pkg}{mangled_un_ver};
+        my $upstream_mangled_ver = $data->{watch}{$pkg}{upstream_mangled};
+        # watch_error from svn is not needed, as Watch.pm copies it
+        my $watch_error = $data->{watch}{$pkg}{error};
+        if($watch_error and $watch_error eq "Native") {
+            #$status{native} = 1;
+        } elsif($watch_error) {
+            $status{watch_error} = 1;
+            push @notes, "Watch problem: $watch_error";
+        } elsif((not $repo_mangled_ver and not $repo_unrel_mangled_ver)
+                or not $upstream_mangled_ver) {
+            $status{watch_error} = 1; # Should not happen
+            push @notes, "Unexpected watchfile problem";
+        } elsif($repo_mangled_ver) { # Will not check if UNRELEASED (?)
+            if(deb_compare($repo_mangled_ver, $upstream_mangled_ver) > 0) {
+                $status{upstream_ancient} = 1;
+                push @notes, "$repo_mangled_ver > $upstream_mangled_ver";
+            }
+            if(deb_compare($repo_mangled_ver, $upstream_mangled_ver) < 0) {
+                $status{needs_upgrade} = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        # Archive
+        my $archive_latest = $data->{archive}{$pkg}{most_recent_src} || "";
+        if($archive_latest =~ /new|incoming/) {
+            $status{archive_waiting} = 1;
+        }
+        if($data->{bts}{$pkg} and %{$data->{bts}{$pkg}}) {
+            $status{has_bugs} = 1;
+        }
+        my %hilight;
+        foreach(keys %status) {
+            die "Internal error: $_ is not a valid status" unless(
+                $error_hilight{$_});
+            $hilight{$error_hilight{$_}}{$_} = 1;
+        }
+        $res{$pkg} = {
+            watch   => $data->{watch}{$pkg},
+            archive => $data->{archive}{$pkg},
+            svn     => $data->{svn}{$pkg},
+            bts     => $data->{bts}{$pkg},
+            #
+            svn_path => $data->{svn}{$pkg}{dir},
+            upstream_url => $data->{watch}{$pkg}{upstream_url},
+            #
+            status  => \%status,
+            notes   => \@notes,
+            hilight => \%hilight
+        };
+    }
+    return \%res;

Added: trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/Common.pm
--- trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/Common.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/Common.pm	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:ai:sts=4
+# $Id: Common.pm 12770 2008-01-15 13:35:02Z tincho-guest $
+# Common helper routines
+# Copyright Martín Ferrari <martin.ferrari at gmail.com>, 2007
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL 2
+package DebianQA::Common;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our @ISA = "Exporter";
+our @EXPORT = qw(debug info warn error $VERSION);
+#our $VERSION = join(".", q$Revision: 12770 $ =~ /(\d+)/g);
+# Cannot use this on alioth
+#use version;
+#our $VERSION = qv("1.000");
+# Bump this version in case of data file change
+our $VERSION = 1.002;
+use DebianQA::Config '%CFG';
+use POSIX;
+my $basename;
+sub print_msg {
+    my($level, @msg) = @_;
+    return if($level > $CFG{common}{verbose});
+    unless($basename) {
+        $basename = $0;
+        $basename =~ s{.*/+}{};
+    }
+    @msg = split(/\n+/, join("", @msg));
+    foreach(@msg) {
+        if($CFG{common}{formatted_log}) {
+            printf(STDERR "%s %s[%d]: %s\n",
+                strftime("%b %e %H:%M:%S", localtime), $basename, $$, $_);
+        } else {
+            printf(STDERR $_);
+        }
+    }
+sub error {
+    print_msg(0, @_);
+sub warn {
+    print_msg(1, @_);
+sub info {
+    print_msg(2, @_);
+sub debug {
+    print_msg(3, @_);

Added: trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/Config.pm
--- trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/Config.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/Config.pm	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:ai:sts=4
+# $Id: Config.pm 12750 2008-01-14 20:54:11Z tincho-guest $
+# Module that holds configuration variables. Also has subroutines for parsing
+# command line options and the configuration file.
+# Copyright Martín Ferrari <martin.ferrari at gmail.com>, 2007
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL 2
+package DebianQA::Config;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin;
+use Getopt::Long;
+our @EXPORT = qw(%CFG read_config getopt_common);
+our @ISA = "Exporter";
+# Default values
+my %defaults = (
+    qareport_cgi => {
+        templates_path => "templates",
+        default_template => "by_category",
+        group_name => "Unnamed Packaging Group",
+        group_url => "http://www.debian.org/",
+        wsvn_url => undef,
+    },
+    svn => {
+        repository => undef,
+        packages_path => "trunk",
+        post_path => ""
+    },
+    archive => {
+        mirror => "ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian",
+        suites => "unstable, testing, stable, oldstable, experimental",
+        sections => "main, contrib, non-free",
+        suites_ttl => "360, 360, 10080, 10080, 360",
+        new_url => 'http://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html',
+        new_ttl => 60,
+        incoming_url => 'http://incoming.debian.org',
+        incoming_ttl => 60,
+    },
+    watch => {
+        ttl => 360,
+        use_cpan => 1,
+        cpan_mirror => "ftp://cpan.org/ls-lR.gz",
+        cpan_ttl => 360 # 6 hours
+    },
+    bts => {
+        ttl => 360, # 6 hours
+        soap_proxy => 'http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/soap.cgi',
+        soap_uri => 'Debbugs/SOAP',
+        ignore_keywords => "",
+        ignore_severities => ""
+    },
+    common => {
+        cache_dir => "$ENV{HOME}/.debianqa/yourgroup",
+        # verbosity level: error => 0, warn => 1, info => 2, debug => 3
+        # Should be 1 by default, 0 for quiet mode
+        verbose => 1,
+        # Prepend syslog-style format?
+        formatted_log => 1
+    }
+our %CFG = %defaults; # Global configuration
+my %valid_cfg;
+foreach my $section (keys %defaults) {
+    $valid_cfg{$section} = { map({ $_ => 1 } keys(%{$defaults{$section}})) };
+sub read_config(;$) {
+    my $file = shift;
+    unless($file) {
+        if($ENV{DEBIAN_QA_CONF}) {
+            $file = $ENV{DEBIAN_QA_CONF};
+        } elsif(-e "$ENV{HOME}/.debianqa/debianqa.conf") {
+            $file = "$ENV{HOME}/.debianqa/debianqa.conf";
+        } elsif(-e "/etc/debianqa.conf") {
+            $file = "/etc/debianqa.conf";
+        } elsif(-e "debianqa.conf") {
+            $file = "debianqa.conf";
+        } elsif(-e "$FindBin::Bin/debianqa.conf") {
+            $file = "$FindBin::Bin/debianqa.conf";
+        } else {
+            die "Can't find any configuration file!\n";
+        }
+    }
+    die "Can't read configuration file: $file\n" unless(-r $file);
+    my $section = "common";
+    open(CFG, "<", $file) or die "Can't open $file: $!\n";
+    while(<CFG>) {
+        chomp;
+        s/(?<!\S)[;#].*//;
+        s/\s+$//;
+        next unless($_);
+        if(/^\s*\[\s*(\w+)\s*\]\s*$/) {
+            $section = lc($1);
+            die "Invalid section in configuration file: $section\n" unless(
+                exists($valid_cfg{$section}));
+            next;
+        }
+        unless(/^\s*([^=]+?)\s*=\s*(.*)/) {
+            die "Unrecognised line in configuration file: $_\n";
+        }
+        my($key, $val) = ($1, $2);
+        unless(exists($valid_cfg{$section}{$key})) {
+            die("Unrecognised configuration parameter $key in section " .
+                "$section\n");
+        }
+        if($val =~ s/^~\///) { # UGLY!
+            $val = $ENV{HOME} . "/$val";
+        }
+        $CFG{$section}{$key} = $val;
+    }
+    close CFG;
+# Parses command line options, loads configuration file if specified, removes
+# arguments from @ARGV and returns a hash with the parsed options.
+# If $passthru, ignores unknown parameters and keeps them in @ARGV.
+# If $readconf, will call read_config even if the user didn't say --conf
+sub getopt_common(;$$) {
+    my($passthru, $readconf) = @_;
+    my($conffile, $force, $v, $q) = (undef, 0, 0, 0);
+    my $p = new Getopt::Long::Parser;
+    $p->configure(qw(no_ignore_case bundling),
+        $passthru ? ("pass_through") : ());
+    $p->getoptions(
+        'conf|c=s' => \$conffile, 'force|f!' => \$force,
+        'verbose|v:+' => \$v, 'quiet|q:+' => \$q
+    ) or die("Error parsing command-line arguments\n");
+    read_config($conffile) if($conffile or $readconf);
+    $CFG{common}{verbose} += $v - $q;
+    return {
+        force => $force     # only one argument for now
+    };

Added: trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/DebVersions.pm
--- trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/DebVersions.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/DebVersions.pm	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:ai:sts=4
+# $Id: DebVersions.pm 9707 2007-11-24 05:12:07Z tincho-guest $
+# Routines for comparing package versions, based on policy + dpkg code
+# I'm not using AptPkg::Version since it depends on having a working apt and
+# dpkg, it's overly complicated and underdocumented.
+# Copyright Martín Ferrari <martin.ferrari at gmail.com>, 2007
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL 2
+package DebianQA::DebVersions;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp;
+our @ISA = "Exporter";
+our @EXPORT = qw( deb_compare deb_compare_nofail );
+sub deb_parse($) {
+    my $v = shift;
+    unless(defined $v) {
+        carp "Empty debian package version passed";
+        return ();
+    }
+    unless($v =~ /^(?:(\d+):)?([A-Za-z0-9+.:~_-]*?)(?:-([+.~_A-Za-z0-9]+))?$/) {
+        warn "Invalid debian package version: $v\n";
+        return ();
+    };
+    return($1 || 0, $2, $3 || "");
+sub dpkg_order($) {
+    my $v = shift;
+    return 0 if (! defined($v) or $v =~ /[0-9]/);
+    return -1 if ($v eq '~');
+    return ord($v) if ($v =~ /[a-zA-Z]/);
+    return ord($v) + 256;
+sub deb_verrevcmp($$) {
+    my($a, $b) = @_;
+    my($x, $y);
+    while(length($a) or length($b)) {
+        while(1) {
+            $x = length($a) ? substr($a, 0, 1) : undef;
+            $y = length($b) ? substr($b, 0, 1) : undef;
+            last unless((defined $x and $x =~ /\D/) or
+                (defined $y and $y =~ /\D/));
+            my $r = dpkg_order($x) <=> dpkg_order($y);
+            return $r if($r);
+            substr($a, 0, 1, "") if(defined $x);
+            substr($b, 0, 1, "") if(defined $y);
+        }
+        $a =~ s/^(\d*)//;
+        $x = $1 || 0;
+        $b =~ s/^(\d*)//;
+        $y = $1 || 0;
+        my $r = $x <=> $y;
+        return $r if($r);
+    }
+    return 0;
+sub deb_compare($$) {
+    my @va = deb_parse($_[0]) or return undef;
+    my @vb = deb_parse($_[1]) or return undef;
+    # Epoch
+    return $va[0] <=> $vb[0] unless($va[0] == $vb[0]);
+    my $upstreamcmp = deb_verrevcmp($va[1], $vb[1]);
+    return $upstreamcmp unless(defined $upstreamcmp and $upstreamcmp == 0);
+    return deb_verrevcmp($va[2], $vb[2]);
+sub deb_compare_nofail($$) {
+    my @va = deb_parse($_[0]) or return 1;
+    my @vb = deb_parse($_[1]) or return -1;
+    # Epoch
+    return $va[0] <=> $vb[0] unless($va[0] == $vb[0]);
+    my $upstreamcmp = deb_verrevcmp($va[1], $vb[1]);
+    return $upstreamcmp unless(defined $upstreamcmp and $upstreamcmp == 0);
+    return deb_verrevcmp($va[2], $vb[2]);

Added: trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/Svn.pm
--- trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/Svn.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/Svn.pm	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:ai:sts=4
+# $Id: Svn.pm 12767 2008-01-15 13:12:33Z tincho-guest $
+# Module for retrieving data from the SVN repository. It understands SVN
+# revisions and uses them instead of timestamps for checking cache validity. It
+# parses changelog and watch files.
+# Copyright gregor herrmann <gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at>, 2007
+# Copyright Damyan Ivanov <dmn at debian.org>, 2007
+# Copyright Martín Ferrari <martin.ferrari at gmail.com>, 2007
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL 2
+package DebianQA::Svn;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our @ISA = "Exporter";
+our @EXPORT = (qw(
+    svn_download svn_get svn_get_consolidated
+    svndir2pkgname pkgname2svndir get_pkglist get_pkglist_hashref
+    ));
+use IO::Scalar;
+use Digest::MD5 "md5_hex";
+use Parse::DebianChangelog;
+use DebianQA::Cache;
+use DebianQA::Common;
+use DebianQA::Config '%CFG';
+use DebianQA::DebVersions;
+use Parse::DebControl;
+use SVN::Client;
+# Returns the list of changed directories
+sub svn_download {
+    my($force, $revision, @dirlist) = @_;
+    $force ||= 0;
+    $revision ||= 0;
+    debug("svn_download($force, $revision, (@dirlist))");
+    die "Missing SVN repository" unless($CFG{svn}{repository});
+    my $svnpath = $CFG{svn}{repository};
+    # Sanitise, as SVN::Client is too stupid
+    $svnpath =~ s{/+$}{};
+    $svnpath .= "/";
+    $svnpath .= $CFG{svn}{packages_path} if($CFG{svn}{packages_path});
+    $svnpath =~ s{/+$}{};
+    my $svnpostpath = $CFG{svn}{post_path} || "";
+    # Always has a slash if not empty
+    $svnpostpath =~ s{^/*(.*?)/*$}{/$1} if($svnpostpath);
+    my $complete = ! @dirlist;
+    our $svn = SVN::Client->new();
+    unless($revision) {
+        info("Retrieving last revision number from SVN");
+        $svn->info($svnpath, undef, "HEAD", sub {
+                $revision = $_[1]->rev();
+            }, 0);
+    }
+    if($complete) {
+        info("Retrieving list of directories in SVN");
+        my %dirlist = %{$svn->ls($svnpath, 'HEAD', 0)};
+        @dirlist = grep({ $dirlist{$_}->kind() == $SVN::Node::dir }
+            keys(%dirlist));
+        info(scalar @dirlist, " directories to process");
+    }
+    my(%changed, %svn);
+    if($force) {
+        %changed = map({ $_ => 1 } @dirlist);
+    } else {
+        my $cdata = read_cache("svn", "", 0);
+        if(find_stamp($cdata, "") == $revision
+                and keys(%$cdata) > @dirlist + 1) {
+            return (); # Cache is up-to-date
+        }
+        # Stamps from cache
+        my %cache_vers = map({ $_ => find_stamp($cdata, $_) }
+            grep({ $cdata->{$_} } @dirlist));
+        # Never updated
+        %changed = map({ $_ => 1 } grep( { not $cache_vers{$_} } @dirlist));
+        # Now search in the SVN log to see if there's any interesting change
+        # Remove from list already updated parts of the cache
+        # Also remove invalid dirs
+        my %invalid;
+        foreach my $dir (grep({ $cache_vers{$_}
+                    and $cache_vers{$_} < $revision } @dirlist)) {
+            $dir =~ s{^/*(.*?)/*$}{$1};
+            my $pkghome = "$svnpath/$dir$svnpostpath";
+            safe_svn_op($svn, "log", [ $pkghome ], $cache_vers{$dir},
+                "HEAD", 1, 1, sub {
+                    foreach (keys %{$_[0]}) {
+                        $changed{$dir} = 1 if(m{/debian/(changelog|control|watch)$});
+                    }
+                }) or $invalid{$dir} = 1;
+        }
+        foreach(keys %invalid) {
+            info("Removing invalid $_ directory");
+            $svn{$_} = {};
+        }
+        # Copy the not-changed dirs that we want to have the stamp bumped
+        foreach(grep({ ! $changed{$_} } @dirlist)) {
+            $svn{$_} = $cdata->{$_} if($cdata->{$_});
+        }
+    }
+    my @changed = keys %changed;
+    foreach my $dir (@changed) {
+        $dir =~ s{^/*(.*?)/*$}{$1};
+        my $debdir = "$svnpath/$dir$svnpostpath/debian";
+        $svn{$dir} = {};
+        info("Retrieving control information for $dir");
+        my $control = get_svn_file($svn, "$debdir/control");
+        unless($control) {
+            $svn{$dir}{error} = "MissingControl";
+            # Check if it's an invalid dir
+            safe_svn_op($svn, "ls", $debdir, 'HEAD', 0) and next;
+            info("Removing invalid $dir directory");
+            $svn{$dir} = {};
+            next;
+        }
+        info("Retrieving changelog for $dir");
+        my $changelog = get_svn_file($svn, "$debdir/changelog");
+        unless($changelog) {
+            $svn{$dir}{error} = "MissingChangelog";
+            next;
+        }
+        # Parse::DebControl hands back a strange structure... A hash-like
+        # thing, where [0] includes the debian/control fields for the
+        # source package and [1] for the first binary package (and, were 
+        # they to exist, [2] and on for the other binary packages - which 
+        # we will wisely ignore)
+        my ($ctrl_data, $short, $long);
+        $control =~ s/^#.*\n//gm; # stripComments looks like nonsense to me
+        $ctrl_data = Parse::DebControl->new->parse_mem($control, {
+                discardCase => 1 # unreliable if don't
+            });
+        ($short, $long) = split_description($ctrl_data->[1]{description});
+        $svn{$dir}{pkgname} = $ctrl_data->[0]{source};
+        my @section = split(/\s*\/\s*/, $ctrl_data->[0]{section});
+        unshift @section, "main" unless(@section > 1);
+        $svn{$dir}{section} = $section[0];
+        $svn{$dir}{subsection} = $section[1];
+        $svn{$dir}{uploaders} = $ctrl_data->[0]{uploaders};
+        $svn{$dir}{maintainer} = $ctrl_data->[0]{maintainer};
+        $svn{$dir}{std_version} = $ctrl_data->[0]{'standards-version'};
+        $svn{$dir}{b_d} = $ctrl_data->[0]{'build-depends'};
+        $svn{$dir}{b_d_i} = $ctrl_data->[0]{'build-depends-indep'};
+        $svn{$dir}{short_descr} = $short;
+        $svn{$dir}{long_descr} = $long;
+        my %bins;
+        foreach(1..$#$ctrl_data) {
+            my $bin = $ctrl_data->[$_];
+            my ($shd, $lnd) = split_description($bin->{description});
+            $svn{$dir}{bindata}[$_-1] = {
+                %$bin,
+                short_descr => $shd,
+                long_descr => $lnd,
+            };
+            delete $svn{$dir}{bindata}[$_-1]{description};
+            $bins{$bin->{package}} = 1;
+            if($bin->{provides}) {
+                foreach(split(/\s*,\s*/, $bin->{provides})) {
+                    $bins{$_} = 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $svn{$dir}{binaries} = [ sort keys %bins ];
+        my $parser = Parse::DebianChangelog->init({
+                instring => $changelog });
+        my $error = $parser->get_error() or $parser->get_parse_errors();
+        if($error) {
+            error($error);
+            $svn{$dir}{error} = "InvalidChangelog";
+            next;
+        }
+        my($lastchl, $unfinishedchl);
+        foreach($parser->data()) {
+            if($_->Distribution =~ /^(?:unstable|experimental)$/) {
+                $lastchl = $_;
+                last;
+            }
+            if(! $unfinishedchl and $_->Distribution eq "UNRELEASED") {
+                $unfinishedchl = $_;
+            }
+        }
+        unless($lastchl or $unfinishedchl) {
+            $svn{$dir}{error} = "InvalidChangelog";
+            next;
+        }
+        if($lastchl) {
+            $svn{$dir}{version} = $lastchl->Version;
+            $svn{$dir}{date}    = $lastchl->Date;
+            $svn{$dir}{changer} = $lastchl->Maintainer;
+            $svn{$dir}{text}    = join(
+                "\n",
+                map( $lastchl->$_, qw(Header Changes Trailer) ),
+            );
+        }
+        if($unfinishedchl) {
+            $svn{$dir}{un_version} = $unfinishedchl->Version;
+            $svn{$dir}{un_date}    = $unfinishedchl->Date;
+            $svn{$dir}{un_changer} = $unfinishedchl->Maintainer;
+            $svn{$dir}{un_text}    = join(
+                "\n",
+                map( $unfinishedchl->$_, qw(Header Changes Trailer) ),
+            );
+        }
+        if($svn{$dir}{pkgname} ne $parser->dpkg()->{Source}) {
+            $svn{$dir}{error} = "SourceNameMismatch";
+            next;
+        }
+        info("Retrieving watchfile for $dir");
+        my $watchdata = get_svn_file($svn, "$debdir/watch");
+        unless($watchdata) {
+            if($svn{$dir}{version} and $svn{$dir}{version} !~ /-/) {
+                $svn{$dir}{watch_error} = "Native";
+            } else {
+                $svn{$dir}{watch_error} = "Missing";
+            }
+            next;
+        }
+        my $watch = parse_watch($svn{$dir}{version}, $watchdata);
+        # Returns undef on error
+        unless($watch and @$watch) {
+            $svn{$dir}{watch_error} = "Invalid";
+            next;
+        }
+        my @versions = sort({ deb_compare_nofail($a, $b) }
+            grep(defined, map({ $_->{mangled_ver} } @$watch)));
+        $svn{$dir}{mangled_ver} = $versions[-1];
+        $svn{$dir}{watch} = $watch;
+        # Again for unreleased
+        $watch = parse_watch($svn{$dir}{un_version}, $watchdata) if(
+            $svn{$dir}{un_version});
+        # Returns undef on error
+        if($watch and @$watch) {
+            @versions = sort({ deb_compare_nofail($a, $b) }
+                grep(defined, map({ $_->{mangled_ver} } @$watch)));
+            $svn{$dir}{mangled_un_ver} = $versions[-1];
+        }
+    }
+    # Retain lock
+    my $cdata = update_cache("svn", \%svn, "", $complete, 1, $revision);
+    my @pkglist = grep({ ref $cdata->{$_} and $cdata->{$_}{pkgname} }
+        keys(%$cdata));
+    my %pkglist;
+    foreach(@pkglist) {
+        $pkglist{$cdata->{$_}{pkgname}} = {
+            svndir => $_,
+            binaries => $cdata->{$_}{binaries}
+        };
+    }
+    update_cache("consolidated", \%pkglist, "pkglist", 1, 1);
+    my %svn2;
+    foreach(keys(%$cdata)) {
+        next unless ref($cdata->{$_});
+        my $pkgname = $cdata->{$_}{pkgname} or next;
+        # Shallow copy, it's enough here, but can't be used for anything else
+        $svn2{$pkgname} = { %{$cdata->{$_}} };
+        $svn2{$pkgname}{dir} = $_;
+        delete $svn2{$pkgname}{$_} foreach(
+            qw(watch pkgname text un_text long_descr bindata)
+        );
+    }
+    update_cache("consolidated", \%svn2, "svn", 1, 0);
+    unlock_cache("svn");
+    return @changed;
+# Returns the hash of svn info. Doesn't download anything.
+sub svn_get {
+    return read_cache("svn", shift, 0);
+# Returns the consolidated hash of svn info. Doesn't download anything.
+sub svn_get_consolidated {
+    my $path = shift || "";
+    return read_cache("consolidated", "svn/$path", 0);
+# Searches the source package name given a svn directory name
+# Returns undef if not found
+sub svndir2pkgname($) {
+    my $dir = shift;
+    my $data = read_cache("svn", $dir, 0);
+    return $data->{pkgname};
+# Searches the svn directory name given a source package name
+# Returns undef if not found
+sub pkgname2svndir($) {
+    my $pkg = shift;
+    my $data = read_cache("svn", "", 0);
+    my @dirs = grep({ ref $data->{$_} and $data->{$_}{pkgname} and
+            $data->{$_}{pkgname} eq $pkg } keys %$data);
+    return $dirs[0] if(@dirs);
+    return undef;
+# Returns the list of source packages detected in the svn repository
+sub get_pkglist {
+    my $list = get_pkglist_hashref();
+    return keys %$list;
+sub get_pkglist_hashref {
+    my $list = read_cache("consolidated", "pkglist", 0);
+    foreach(grep({ /^\// } keys %$list)) {
+        delete $list->{$_};
+    }
+    return $list;
+# Parses watchfile, returns an arrayref containing one element for each source,
+# consisting of the URL spec, an MD5 sum of the line (to detect changes from
+# the watch module), the mangled debian version, and a hash of options.
+sub parse_watch($$) {
+    my($version, $watch) = @_;
+    $version ||= '';
+    $watch ||= '';
+    debug("parse_watch('$version', '...')");
+    $watch =~ s/\\\n//gs;
+    # Strip epoch and debian release
+    $version =~ s/^(?:\d+:)?(.+?)(?:-[^-]+)?$/$1/;
+    my @watch_lines = split(/\n/, $watch);
+    @watch_lines = grep((!/^#/ and !/^version\s*=/ and !/^\s*$/),
+        @watch_lines);
+    my @wspecs;
+    foreach(@watch_lines) {
+        debug("Watch line: $_");
+        # opts either contain no spaces, or is enclosed in double-quotes
+        my $opts = $1 if(s!^\s*opts="([^"]*)"\s+!! or
+            s!^\s*opts=(\S*)\s+!!);
+        debug("Watch line options: $opts") if($opts);
+        # several options are separated by comma and commas are not allowed
+        # within
+        my @opts = split(/\s*,\s*/, $opts) if($opts);
+        my %opts;
+        foreach(@opts) {
+            next if /^(?:active|passive|pasv)$/;
+            /([^=]+)=(.*)/;
+            my($k, $v) = ($1, $2);
+            debug("Watch option $k: $v");
+            if($k eq 'versionmangle') {
+                push @{$opts{uversionmangle}}, $v;
+                push @{$opts{dversionmangle}}, $v;
+            } else {
+                push @{$opts{$k}}, $v;
+            }
+        }
+        my $mangled = $version;
+        if($version and $opts{dversionmangle}) {
+            foreach(split(/;/, join(";", @{$opts{dversionmangle}}))) {
+                debug("Executing \$mangled =~ $_");
+                eval "\$mangled =~ $_";
+                if($@) {
+                    error("Invalid watchfile: $@");
+                    return undef;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        debug("Mangled version: $mangled");
+        push @wspecs, {
+            line => $_,
+            mangled_ver => $mangled,
+            md5 => md5_hex(($opts || "").$_),
+            opts => \%opts
+        };
+    }
+    return \@wspecs;
+sub get_svn_file($$) {
+    my($svn, $target) = @_;
+    my $svn_error;
+    my $data;
+    my $fh = IO::Scalar->new(\$data);
+    safe_svn_op($svn, "cat", $fh, $target , 'HEAD');
+    return $data;
+sub safe_svn_op($$@) {
+    my($svn, $op, @opts) = @_;
+    local $SVN::Error::handler = undef;
+    my ($svn_error) = eval "\$svn->$op(\@opts)";
+    die $@ if($@);
+    if(SVN::Error::is_error($svn_error)) {
+        if($svn_error->apr_err() == $SVN::Error::FS_NOT_FOUND) {
+            $svn_error->clear();
+            return 0;
+        } else {
+            SVN::Error::croak_on_error($svn_error);
+        }
+    }
+    return 1;
+sub split_description($) {
+    # The 'description' field in debian/control is, IMHO, wrongly handled - Its
+    # first line is the short description, and the rest (second to last lines)
+    # is the long description. So... Here we just split it, for proper 
+    # handling. 
+    # 
+    # Gets the full description as its only parameter, returns the short and 
+    # the long descriptions.
+    my ($str, $offset, $short, $long);
+    $str = shift;
+    $offset = index($str, "\n");
+    $short = substr($str, 0, $offset);
+    $long = substr($str, $offset+1);
+    return ($short, $long);

Added: trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/Watch.pm
--- trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/Watch.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/DebianQA/Watch.pm	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:ai:sts=4
+# $Id: Watch.pm 11498 2007-12-23 10:41:25Z tincho-guest $
+# Module for scanning watch files and checking upstream versions.
+# Copyright gregor herrmann <gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at>, 2007
+# Copyright Damyan Ivanov <dmn at debian.org>, 2007
+# Copyright Martín Ferrari <martin.ferrari at gmail.com>, 2007
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL 2
+package DebianQA::Watch;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our @ISA = "Exporter";
+our @EXPORT = qw(watch_download watch_get watch_get_consolidated);
+use Compress::Zlib ();
+use CPAN::DistnameInfo;
+use DebianQA::Cache;
+use DebianQA::Common;
+use DebianQA::Config '%CFG';
+use DebianQA::Svn;
+use DebianQA::DebVersions;;
+use Fcntl qw(:seek);
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+my $cpanregex = qr#^((?:http|ftp)://\S*(?:cpan|backpan)\S*)/(dist|modules/by-module|(?:by-)?authors/id)\b#i;
+my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
+sub watch_download {
+    my($force, @pkglist) = @_;
+    $force ||= 0;
+    debug("watch_download($force, (@pkglist))");
+    if($CFG{watch}{use_cpan}) {
+        cpan_dist_download($force);
+        cpan_index_download($force);
+    }
+    my $complete;
+    if(not @pkglist) {
+        $complete = 1;
+        @pkglist = grep(! /^\//, get_pkglist());
+    }
+    my $cdata = watch_get() unless($force);
+    my(%watch, %watch2, @not_updated);
+    foreach my $pkg (@pkglist) {
+        debug("Retrieving svn info for $pkg");
+        my $svndata = svn_get(pkgname2svndir($pkg));
+        if($svndata->{watch_error}) {
+            $watch2{$pkg} = { error => $svndata->{watch_error} };
+            next;
+        }
+        unless($svndata->{watch} and ref $svndata->{watch}
+                and ref $svndata->{watch} eq "ARRAY") {
+            $watch2{$pkg} = { error => "Missing" };
+            next;
+        }
+        my @wlines = @{$svndata->{watch}};
+        unless(@wlines) {
+            $watch2{$pkg} = { error => "Empty" };
+            next;
+        }
+        my @wresult;
+        foreach my $wline (@wlines) {
+            my $md5 = $wline->{md5};
+            next unless($md5);
+            if(not $force and $cdata->{$md5} and
+                $CFG{watch}{ttl} * 60 > time - find_stamp($cdata, $md5)) {
+                $watch{$md5} = $cdata->{$md5};
+                push @not_updated, $md5;
+            } else {
+                my ($watcherr, %uscand) = uscan($wline->{line},
+                    %{$wline->{opts}});
+                if($watcherr) {
+                    warn("Error while processing $pkg watch file: $watcherr");
+                } else {
+                    info("Found: version $uscand{upstream_version} ",
+                        "from $uscand{upstream_url} ",
+                        "(mangled: $uscand{upstream_mangled})");
+                }
+                $watch{$md5} = { watch_error => $watcherr, %uscand };
+            }
+            my $diff = 0;
+            if(not $watch{$md5}{upstream_mangled}) {
+                $watch{$md5}{watch_error} ||= "Error";
+            } elsif($wline->{mangled_ver}) {
+                $diff = deb_compare($wline->{mangled_ver},
+                    $watch{$md5}{upstream_mangled});
+                $watch{$md5}{watch_error} = "InvalidVersion" unless(
+                    defined $diff);
+            }
+            push @wresult, { diff => $diff, %{$watch{$md5}} };
+        }
+        my @noerror = grep({ not $_->{watch_error} } @wresult);
+        @noerror = sort({
+                deb_compare_nofail($a->{upstream_mangled},
+                    $b->{upstream_mangled}) } @noerror);
+        unless(@noerror) {
+            $watch2{$pkg} = { error => $wresult[0]{watch_error} };
+            next;
+        }
+        my @result;
+        if(@result = grep({ $_->{diff} < 0 } @noerror)) {
+            $watch2{$pkg} = $result[-1];
+        } elsif(@result = grep( { not $_->{diff} } @noerror)) {
+            $watch2{$pkg} = $result[0];
+        } else {
+            $watch2{$pkg} = $noerror[0];
+        }
+        delete($watch2{$pkg}{diff}) unless($watch2{$pkg}{diff});
+        delete($watch2{$pkg}{watch_error}) unless($watch2{$pkg}{watch_error});
+    }
+    delete $watch{$_} foreach(@not_updated);
+    update_cache("watch", \%watch, "", $complete && @not_updated == 0, 1);
+    update_cache("consolidated", \%watch2, "watch", $complete, 0);
+    unlock_cache("watch");
+    info("watch: ", scalar @pkglist, " packages scanned");
+# Returns the hash of bugs. Doesn't download anything.
+sub watch_get {
+    return read_cache("watch", shift, 0);
+# Returns the consolidated hash of bugs. Doesn't download anything.
+sub watch_get_consolidated {
+    my $path = shift || "";
+    return read_cache("consolidated", "watch/$path", 0);
+sub uscan($) {
+    my($wline, %opts) = @_;
+    info("Processing watch line $wline");
+    $wline =~ s{^http://sf\.net/(\S+)}{http://qa.debian.org/watch/sf.php/$1};
+    # Fix URIs with no path
+    $wline =~ s{^(\w+://[^\s/]+)(\s|$)}{$1/$2};
+    unless($wline =~ m{^(?:(?:https?|ftp)://\S+?)/}) {
+        warn("Invalid watch line: $wline");
+        return("Invalid");
+    }
+    my @items = split(/\s+/, $wline);
+    my($dir, $filter);
+    # Either we have single URL/pattern
+    # or URL/pattern + extra
+    if($items[0] =~ /\(/) {
+        # Since '+' is greedy, the second capture has no slashes
+        ($dir, $filter) = $items[0] =~ m{^(.+)/(.+)$};
+    } elsif(@items >= 2 and $items[1] =~ /\(/) {
+        # or, we have a homepage plus pattern
+        # (plus optional other non-interesting stuff)
+        ($dir, $filter) = @items[0,1];
+    }
+    unless($dir and $filter) {
+        return("Invalid");
+    }
+    debug("uscan $dir $filter");
+    my @vers;
+    if($CFG{watch}{use_cpan} and $dir =~ $cpanregex) {
+        @vers = cpan_lookup($dir, $filter);
+        my $status = shift @vers;
+        if($status) {
+            warn("CPAN lookup failed for $dir + $filter: $status");
+            return $status;
+        } elsif(not @vers) {
+            warn("CPAN lookup failed for $dir + $filter");
+        }
+    }
+    unless(@vers) {
+        @vers = recurse_dirs($filter, $dir, "");
+        my $status = shift @vers;
+        return $status || "NotFound" unless(@vers);
+    }
+    my @mangled;
+    foreach my $uver (@vers) {
+        push @mangled, $uver->{upstream_version};
+        next unless($opts{uversionmangle});
+        debug("Mangle option: ", join(", ", @{$opts{uversionmangle}}));
+        foreach(split(/;/, join(";", @{$opts{uversionmangle}}))) {
+            debug("Executing '\$mangled[-1] =~ $_'");
+            eval "\$mangled[-1] =~ $_";
+            if($@) {
+                error("Invalid watchfile: $@");
+                return("Invalid");
+            }
+        }
+        debug("Mangled version: $mangled[-1]");
+    }
+    my @order = sort({ deb_compare_nofail($mangled[$a], $mangled[$b]) }
+        (0..$#vers));
+    return(undef,
+        %{$vers[$order[-1]]},
+        upstream_mangled => $mangled[$order[-1]]);
+sub recurse_dirs($$$);
+sub recurse_dirs($$$) {
+    my($filter, $base, $remaining) = @_;
+    debug("recurse_dirs($filter, $base, $remaining)");
+    if($base =~ s{/([^/]*?\(.*)}{}) {
+        $remaining = "$1/$remaining";
+    }
+    my @rparts = split(/\/+/, $remaining) if($remaining);
+    while(@rparts and $rparts[0] !~ /\(/) {
+        $base .= "/" . shift @rparts;
+    }
+    if(@rparts) {
+        my ($status, @data) = recurse_dirs($rparts[0]."/?", $base, "");
+        return $status unless(@data);
+        @data = sort({ deb_compare_nofail($a->{upstream_version},
+                    $b->{upstream_version}) } @data);
+        $base = $data[-1]{upstream_url};
+    }
+    unless($base =~ m{(^\w+://[^/]+)(/.*?)/*$}) {
+        error("Invalid base: $base");
+        return("Invalid");
+    }
+    my $site = $1;
+    my $path = $2;
+    my $pattern;
+    if($filter =~ m{^/}) {
+        $pattern = qr{(?:^\Q$site\E)?$filter};
+    } elsif($filter !~ m{^\w+://}) {
+        $pattern = qr{(?:(?:^\Q$site\E)?\Q$path\E/)?$filter};
+    } else {
+        $pattern = $filter;
+    }
+    debug("Downloading $base");
+    my $res = $ua->get($base);
+    unless($res->is_success) {
+        error("Unable to get $base: " . $res->message());
+        return ("NotFound") if($res->code == 404);
+        return ("DownloadError");
+    }
+    my $page = $res->decoded_content();
+    $page =~ s/<!--.*?-->//gs;
+    $page =~ s/\n+/ /gs;
+    my @candidates;
+    if($base =~ /^ftp/) {
+        @candidates = split(/\s+/, $page);
+    } else {
+        @candidates = grep(defined, ($page =~
+                m{<a\s[^>]*href\s*=\s*(?:"([^"]+)"|'([^']+)'|([^"]\S+))}gi));
+    }
+    my @vers;
+    foreach my $url (grep(m{^$pattern$}, @candidates)) {
+        $url =~ m{^$pattern$};
+        my @ver = map({substr($url, $-[$_], $+[$_] - $-[$_])} (1..$#+));
+        if($url =~ m{^/}) {
+            $url = $site . $url;
+        } elsif($url !~ m{^\w+://}) {
+            $url = $site . $path . "/" . $url;
+        }
+        push @vers, {
+            upstream_version => join(".", @ver),
+            upstream_url => $url };
+    }
+    debug("Versions found: ", join(", ", map({ $_->{upstream_version} }
+                @vers)));
+    return(undef, @vers);
+sub cpan_lookup($$) {
+    my($dir, $filter) = @_;
+    $dir =~ $cpanregex or return ();
+    my $base = $1;
+    my $type = $2;
+    $dir =~ s{/+$}{};
+    my $origdir = $dir;
+    $type =~ s/.*(dist|modules|authors).*/$1/ or return ();
+    my $cpan;
+    if($type eq "dist") {
+        $filter =~ s/.*\///;
+        $cpan = cpan_dist_download();
+    } else {
+        $cpan = cpan_index_download()->{$type};
+    }
+    $dir =~ s/$cpanregex//i;
+    $dir =~ s{^/+}{};
+    debug("Looking for $dir + $filter into CPAN $type cache");
+    #return ("NotFound") unless(exists($cpan->{$dir}));
+    # Allow this to gracefully degrade to a normal uscan check
+    return () unless(exists($cpan->{$dir}));
+    my @res;
+    foreach(keys %{$cpan->{$dir}}) {
+        next unless ($_ =~ $filter);
+        my $filt_ver = $1;
+        if($type eq "dist") {
+            my $cpan_ver = $cpan->{$dir}{$_}{version};
+            if($filt_ver ne $cpan_ver) {
+                # Try to remove initial "v"s, if any
+                $cpan_ver =~ s/^v//;
+            }
+            if($filt_ver ne $cpan_ver) {
+                warn("Version mismatch: uscan says $filt_ver, ",
+                    "cpan says $cpan_ver");
+                return ("VersionMismatch");
+            }
+        }
+        push @res, {
+            upstream_version => $filt_ver,
+            upstream_url => (
+                $type eq "dist" ?
+                "$base/CPAN/authors/id/" . $cpan->{$dir}{$_}{path} :
+                "$origdir/$_"
+            )
+        };
+    }
+    # Allow this to gracefully degrade to a normal uscan check
+    #return ("NotFound") unless(@res);
+    return (undef, @res);
+sub cpan_dist_download(;$) {
+    my $force = shift;
+    unless($force) {
+        my $cpan = read_cache("cpan_dists", "", 0);
+        if($CFG{watch}{cpan_ttl} * 60 > time - find_stamp($cpan, "")) {
+            return $cpan;
+        }
+    }
+    my $url = $CFG{watch}{cpan_mirror} . "/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz";
+    info("Rebuilding CPAN dists cache from $url");
+    open(TMP, "+>", undef) or die $!;
+    my $res = $ua->get($url, ":content_cb" => sub {
+            print TMP $_[0] or die $!;
+        });
+    unless($res->is_success()) {
+        warn "Can't download $url: " . $res->message();
+        return 0;
+    }
+    seek(TMP, 0, SEEK_SET) or die "Can't seek: $!\n";
+    my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen(\*TMP, "rb")
+        or die "Can't open compressed file: $!\n";
+    my $data;
+    open($data, "+>", undef) or die $!;
+    my $buffer = " " x 4096;
+    my $bytes;
+    while(($bytes = $gz->gzread($buffer)) > 0) {
+        print $data $buffer;
+    }
+    die $gz->gzerror if($bytes < 0);
+    close TMP;
+    #my $z = new IO::Uncompress::Gunzip(\$data);
+    seek($data, 0, SEEK_SET) or die "Can't seek: $!\n";
+    # Skip header
+    while(<$data>) {
+        chomp;
+        last if(/^$/);
+    }
+    my $cpan = {};
+    while(<$data>) {
+        chomp;
+        my $tarball = (split)[2];
+        my $distinfo = new CPAN::DistnameInfo($tarball);
+#       next if($distinfo->maturity() eq "developer");
+        my $distname = $distinfo->dist();
+        unless($distname) {
+            info("Invalid CPAN distribution: $tarball");
+            next;
+        }
+        my $version = $distinfo->version();
+        my $filename = $distinfo->filename();
+        $cpan->{$distname}{$filename} = {
+            path => $tarball,
+            version => $version
+        };
+    }
+    close $data;
+    update_cache("cpan_dists", $cpan, "", 1);
+    return $cpan;
+sub cpan_index_download(;$) {
+    my $force = shift;
+    unless($force) {
+        my $cpan = read_cache("cpan_index", "", 0);
+        if($CFG{watch}{cpan_ttl} * 60 > time - find_stamp($cpan, "")) {
+            return $cpan;
+        }
+    }
+    my $url = $CFG{watch}{cpan_mirror} . "/indices/ls-lR.gz";
+    info("Rebuilding CPAN indices cache from $url");
+    open(TMP, "+>", undef) or die $!;
+    my $res = $ua->get($url, ":content_cb" => sub {
+            print TMP $_[0] or die $!;
+        });
+    unless($res->is_success()) {
+        warn "Can't download $url: " . $res->message();
+        return 0;
+    }
+    seek(TMP, 0, SEEK_SET) or die "Can't seek: $!\n";
+    my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen(\*TMP, "rb")
+        or die "Can't open compressed file: $!\n";
+    my $data;
+    open($data, "+>", undef) or die $!;
+    my $buffer = " " x 4096;
+    my $bytes;
+    while(($bytes = $gz->gzread($buffer)) > 0) {
+        print $data $buffer;
+    }
+    die $gz->gzerror if($bytes < 0);
+    close TMP;
+    #my $z = new IO::Uncompress::Gunzip(\$data);
+    seek($data, 0, SEEK_SET) or die "Can't seek: $!\n";
+    my $cpan = {};
+    my($dir, $type);
+    while(<$data>) {
+        chomp;
+        if(/^(.+):$/) {
+            my $subdir = $1;
+            $type = undef;
+            $subdir =~ m{/.*(authors/id|modules/by-module)/+(.*?)/*$} or next;
+            $dir = $2;
+            $1 =~ /(authors|modules)/ and $type = $1;
+            next;
+        }
+        next unless($type and /^[-l]r.....r/);
+        s/ -> .*//;
+        my $file = (split)[8];
+        $file =~ m{\.(?:bz2|gz|zip|pl|pm|tar|tgz)$}i or next;
+        $cpan->{$type}{$dir}{$file} = 1;
+    }
+    close $data;
+    update_cache("cpan_index", $cpan, "", 1);
+    return $cpan;

Added: trunk/community/qa/Parse/DebControl.pm
--- trunk/community/qa/Parse/DebControl.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/Parse/DebControl.pm	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,811 @@
+package Parse::DebControl;
+#       Parse::DebControl - Parse debian-style control
+#		files (and other colon key-value fields)
+#       Copyright 2003 - Jay Bonci <jaybonci at cpan.org>
+#       Licensed under the same terms as perl itself
+use strict;
+use IO::Scalar;
+use Compress::Zlib;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '2.005';
+sub new {
+	my ($class, $debug) = @_;
+	my $this = {};
+	my $obj = bless $this, $class;
+	if($debug)
+	{
+		$obj->DEBUG();
+	}
+	return $obj;
+sub parse_file {
+	my ($this, $filename, $options) = @_;
+	unless($filename)
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("parse_file failed because no filename parameter was given");
+		return;
+	}	
+	my $fh;
+	unless(open($fh,"$filename"))
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("parse_file failed because $filename could not be opened for reading");
+		return;
+	}
+	return $this->_parseDataHandle($fh, $options);
+sub parse_mem {
+	my ($this, $data, $options) = @_;
+	unless($data)
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("parse_mem failed because no data was given");
+		return;
+	}
+	my $IOS = new IO::Scalar \$data;
+	unless($IOS)
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("parse_mem failed because IO::Scalar creation failed.");
+		return;
+	}
+	return $this->_parseDataHandle($IOS, $options);
+sub parse_web {
+	my ($this, $url, $options) = @_;
+	unless($url)
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("No url given, thus no data to parse");
+		return;
+	}
+	my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+	my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
+	unless($request)
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("Failed to instantiate HTTP Request object");
+		return;
+	}
+	my $response = $ua->request($request);
+	if ($response->is_success) {
+		return $this->parse_mem($response->content(), $options);
+	} else {
+		$this->_dowarn("Failed to fetch $url from the web");
+		return;
+	}
+sub write_file {
+	my ($this, $filenameorhandle, $dataorarrayref, $options) = @_;
+	unless($filenameorhandle)
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("write_file failed because no filename or filehandle was given");
+		return;
+	}
+	unless($dataorarrayref)
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("write_file failed because no data was given");
+		return;
+	}
+	my $handle = $this->_getValidHandle($filenameorhandle, $options);
+	unless($handle)
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("write_file failed because we couldn't negotiate a valid handle");
+		return;
+	}
+	my $string = $this->write_mem($dataorarrayref, $options);
+	$string ||= "";
+	print $handle $string;
+	close $handle;
+	return length($string);
+sub write_mem {
+	my ($this, $dataorarrayref, $options) = @_;
+	unless($dataorarrayref)
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("write_mem failed because no data was given");
+		return;
+	}
+	my $arrayref = $this->_makeArrayref($dataorarrayref);
+	my $string = $this->_makeControl($arrayref);
+	$string .= "\n" if $options->{addNewline};
+	$string = Compress::Zlib::memGzip($string) if $options->{gzip};
+	return $string;
+sub DEBUG
+        my($this, $verbose) = @_;
+        $verbose = 1 unless(defined($verbose) and int($verbose) == 0);
+        $this->{_verbose} = $verbose;
+        return;
+sub _getValidHandle {
+	my($this, $filenameorhandle, $options) = @_;
+	if(ref $filenameorhandle eq "GLOB")
+	{
+		unless($filenameorhandle->opened())
+		{
+			$this->_dowarn("Can't get a valid filehandle to write to, because that is closed");
+			return;
+		}
+		return $filenameorhandle;
+	}else
+	{
+		my $openmode = ">>";
+		$openmode=">" if $options->{clobberFile};
+		$openmode=">>" if $options->{appendFile};
+		my $handle;
+		unless(open $handle,"$openmode$filenameorhandle")
+		{
+			$this->_dowarn("Couldn't open file: $openmode$filenameorhandle for writing");
+			return;
+		}
+		return $handle;
+	}
+sub _makeArrayref {
+	my ($this, $dataorarrayref) = @_;
+        if(ref $dataorarrayref eq "ARRAY")
+        {
+		return $dataorarrayref;
+        }else{
+		return [$dataorarrayref];
+	}
+sub _makeControl
+	my ($this, $dataorarrayref) = @_;
+	my $str = "";
+	foreach my $stanza(@$dataorarrayref)
+	{
+		foreach my $key(keys %$stanza)
+		{
+			$stanza->{$key} ||= "";
+			my @lines = split("\n", $stanza->{$key});
+			if (@lines) {
+				$str.="$key\: ".(shift @lines)."\n";
+			} else {
+				$str.="$key\:\n";
+			}
+			foreach(@lines)
+			{
+				if($_ eq "")
+				{
+					$str.=" .\n";
+				}
+				else{
+					$str.=" $_\n";
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		$str ||= "";
+		$str.="\n";
+	}
+	chomp($str);
+	return $str;
+sub _parseDataHandle
+	my ($this, $handle, $options) = @_;
+	my $structs;
+	unless($handle)
+	{
+		$this->_dowarn("_parseDataHandle failed because no handle was given. This is likely a bug in the module");
+		return;
+	}
+	if($options->{tryGzip})
+	{
+		if(my $gunzipped = $this->_tryGzipInflate($handle))
+		{
+			$handle = new IO::Scalar \$gunzipped
+		}
+	}
+	my $data = $this->_getReadyHash($options);
+	my $linenum = 0;
+	my $lastfield = "";
+	foreach my $line (<$handle>)
+	{
+		#Sometimes with IO::Scalar, lines may have a newline at the end
+		#$line =~ s/\r??\n??$//; #CRLF fix, but chomp seems to clean it
+		chomp $line;
+		if($options->{stripComments}){
+			next if $line =~ /^\s*\#[^\#]/;
+			$line =~ s/\#$//;
+			$line =~ s/(?<=[^\#])\#[^\#].*//;
+			$line =~ s/\#\#/\#/;
+		}
+		$linenum++;
+		if($line =~ /^\S/)
+		{
+			#we have a valid key-value pair
+			if($line =~ /(.*?)\s*\:\s*(.*)$/)
+			{
+				my $key = $1;
+				my $value = $2;
+				if($options->{discardCase})
+				{
+					$key = lc($key);
+				}
+				unless($options->{verbMultiLine})
+				{
+					$value =~ s/[\s\t]+$//;
+				}
+				$data->{$key} = $value;
+				if ($options->{verbMultiLine} 
+					&& (($data->{$lastfield} || "") =~ /\n/o)){
+					$data->{$lastfield} .= "\n";
+				}
+				$lastfield = $key;
+			}else{
+				$this->_dowarn("Parse error on line $linenum of data; invalid key/value stanza");
+				return $structs;
+			}
+		}elsif($line =~ /^(\s+)(\S.*)/)
+		{
+			#appends to previous line
+			unless($lastfield)
+			{
+				$this->_dowarn("Parse error on line $linenum of data; indented entry without previous line");
+				return $structs;
+			}
+			if($options->{verbMultiLine}){
+				$data->{$lastfield}.="\n$1$2";
+			}elsif($2 eq "." ){
+				$data->{$lastfield}.="\n";
+			}else{
+				my $val = $2;
+				$val =~ s/\s+$//;
+				$data->{$lastfield}.="\n$val";
+			}
+		}elsif($line =~ /^\s*$/){
+		        if ($options->{verbMultiLine} 
+			    && ($data->{$lastfield} =~ /\n/o)) {
+			    $data->{$lastfield} .= "\n";
+			}
+			if(keys %$data > 0){
+				push @$structs, $data;
+			}
+			$data = $this->_getReadyHash($options);
+			$lastfield = "";
+		}else{
+			$this->_dowarn("Parse error on line $linenum of data; unidentified line structure");
+			return $structs;
+		}
+	}
+	if(keys %$data > 0)
+	{
+		push @$structs, $data;
+	}
+	return $structs;
+sub _tryGzipInflate
+	my ($this, $handle) = @_;
+	my $buffer;
+	{
+		local $/ = undef;
+		$buffer = <$handle>;
+	}
+	return Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($buffer) || $buffer;
+sub _getReadyHash
+	my ($this, $options) = @_;
+	my $data;
+	if($options->{useTieIxHash})
+	{
+		eval("use Tie::IxHash");
+		if($@)
+		{
+			$this->_dowarn("Can't use Tie::IxHash. You need to install it to have this functionality");
+			return;
+		}
+		tie(%$data, "Tie::IxHash");
+		return $data;
+	}
+	return {};
+sub _dowarn
+        my ($this, $warning) = @_;
+        if($this->{_verbose})
+        {
+                warn "DEBUG: $warning";
+        }
+        return;
+=head1 NAME
+Parse::DebControl - Easy OO parsing of debian control-like files
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+	use Parse::DebControl
+	$parser = new Parse::DebControl;
+	$data = $parser->parse_mem($control_data, $options);
+	$data = $parser->parse_file('./debian/control', $options);
+	$data = $parser->parse_web($url, $options);
+	$writer = new Parse::DebControl;
+	$string = $writer->write_mem($singlestanza);
+	$string = $writer->write_mem([$stanza1, $stanza2]);
+	$writer->write_file($filename, $singlestanza, $options);
+	$writer->write_file($filename, [$stanza1, $stanza2], $options);
+	$writer->write_file($handle, $singlestanza, $options);
+	$writer->write_file($handle, [$stanza1, $stanza2], $options);
+	$parser->DEBUG();
+	Parse::DebControl is an easy OO way to parse debian control files and 
+	other colon separated key-value pairs. It's specifically designed
+	to handle the format used in Debian control files, template files, and
+	the cache files used by dpkg.
+	For basic format information see:
+	http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-controlsyntax
+	This module does not actually do any intelligence with the file content
+	(because there are a lot of files in this format), but merely handles
+	the format. It can handle simple control files, or files hundreds of lines 
+	long efficiently and easily.
+=head2 Class Methods
+=over 4
+=item * C<new()>
+=item * C<new(I<$debug>)>
+Returns a new Parse::DebControl object. If a true parameter I<$debug> is 
+passed in, it turns on debugging, similar to a call to C<DEBUG()> (see below);
+=over 4
+=item * C<parse_file($control_filename,I<$options>)>
+Takes a filename as a scalar and an optional hashref of options (see below). 
+Will parse as much as it can, warning (if C<DEBUG>ing is turned on) on 
+parsing errors. 
+Returns an array of hashrefs, containing the data in the control file, split up
+by stanza.  Stanzas are deliniated by newlines, and multi-line fields are
+expressed as such post-parsing.  Single periods are treated as special extra
+newline deliniators, per convention.  Whitespace is also stripped off of lines
+as to make it less-easy to make mistakes with hand-written conf files).
+The options hashref can take parameters as follows. Setting the string to true
+enables the option.
+	useTieIxHash - Instead of an array of regular hashrefs, uses Tie::IxHash-
+		based hashrefs
+	discardCase  - Remove all case items from keys (not values)		
+	stripComments - Remove all commented lines in standard #comment format.
+		Literal #'s are represented by ##. For instance
+		Hello there #this is a comment
+		Hello there, I like ##CCCCCC as a grey.
+		The first is a comment, the second is a literal "#".
+	verbMultiLine - Keep the description AS IS, and no not collapse leading
+		spaces or dots as newlines. This also keeps whitespace from being
+		stripped off the end of lines.
+	tryGzip	- Attempt to expand the data chunk with gzip first. If the text is
+		already expanded (ie: plain text), parsing will continue normally. 
+		This could optionally be turned on for all items in the future, but
+		it is off by default so we don't have to scrub over all the text for
+		performance reasons.
+=over 4
+=item * C<parse_mem($control_data, I<$options>)>
+Similar to C<parse_file>, except takes data as a scalar. Returns the same
+array of hashrefs as C<parse_file>. The options hashref is the same as 
+C<parse_file> as well; see above.
+=over 4
+=item * C<parse_web($url, I<$options>)>
+Similar to the other parse_* functions, this pulls down a control file from
+the web and attempts to parse it. For options and return values, see C<parse_file>, 
+=over 4
+=item * C<write_file($filename, $data, I<$options>)>
+=item * C<write_file($handle, $data)>
+=item * C<write_file($filename, [$data1, $data2, $data3], I<$options>)>
+=item * C<write_file($handle, [$data, $data2, $data3])>
+This function takes a filename or a handle and writes the data out.  The 
+data can be given as a single hashref or as an arrayref of hashrefs. It
+will then write it out in a format that it can parse. The order is dependant
+on your hash sorting order. If you care, use Tie::IxHash.  Remember for 
+reading back in, the module doesn't care.
+The I<$options> hashref can contain one of the following two items:
+	addNewline - At the end of the last stanza, add an additional newline.
+	appendFile  - (default) Write to the end of the file
+	clobberFile - Overwrite the file given.
+	gzip - Compress the data with gzip before writing
+Since you determine the mode of your filehandle, passing it along with an 
+options hashref obviously won't do anything; rather, it is ignored.
+The I<addNewline> option solves a situation where if you are writing
+stanzas to a file in a loop (such as logging with this module), then
+the data will be streamed together, and won't parse back in correctly.
+It is possible that this is the behavior that you want (if you wanted to write 
+one key at a time), so it is optional.
+This function returns the number of bytes written to the file, undef 
+=over 4
+=item * C<write_mem($data)>
+=item * C<write_mem([$data1,$data2,$data3])>;
+This function works similarly to the C<write_file> method, except it returns
+the control structure as a scalar, instead of writing it to a file.  There
+is no I<%options> for this file (yet);
+=over 4
+=item * C<DEBUG()>
+Turns on debugging. Calling it with no paramater or a true parameter turns
+on verbose C<warn()>ings.  Calling it with a false parameter turns it off.
+It is useful for nailing down any format or internal problems.
+=head1 CHANGES
+B<Version 2.005> - January 13th, 2004
+=over 4
+=item * More generic test suite fix for earlier versions of Test::More
+=item * Updated copyright statement
+B<Version 2.004> - January 12th, 2004
+=over 4
+=item * More documentation formatting and typo fixes
+=item * CHANGES file now generated automatically
+=item * Fixes for potential test suite failure in Pod::Coverage run
+=item * Adds the "addNewline" option to write_file to solve the streaming stanza problem.
+=item * Adds tests for the addNewline option
+B<Version 2.003> - January 6th, 2004
+=over 4
+=item * Added optional Test::Pod test
+=item * Skips potential Win32 test failure in the module where it wants to write to /tmp.
+=item * Added optional Pod::Coverage test
+B<Version 2.002> - October 7th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * No code changes. Fixes to test suite
+B<Version 2.001> - September 11th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * Cleaned up more POD errors
+=item * Added tests for file writing
+=item * Fixed bug where write_file ignored the gzip parameter
+B<Version 2.0> - September 5th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * Version increase.
+=item * Added gzip support (with the tryGzip option), so that compresses control files can be parsed on the fly
+=item * Added gzip support for writing of control files
+=item * Added parse_web to snag files right off the web. Useful for things such as apt's Sources.gz and Packages.gz
+B<Version 1.10b> - September 2nd, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * Documentation fix for ## vs # in stripComments
+B<Version 1.10> - September 2nd, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * Documentation fixes, as pointed out by pudge
+=item * Adds a feature to stripComments where ## will get interpolated as a literal pound sign, as suggested by pudge.
+B<Version 1.9> - July 24th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * Fix for warning for edge case (uninitialized value in chomp)
+=item * Tests for CRLF
+B<Version 1.8> - July 11th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * By default, we now strip off whitespace unless verbMultiLine is in place.  This makes sense for things like conf files where trailing whitespace has no meaning. Thanks to pudge for reporting this.
+B<Version 1.7> - June 25th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * POD documentation error noticed again by Frank Lichtenheld
+=item * Also by Frank, applied a patch to add a "verbMultiLine" option so that we can hand multiline fields back unparsed.
+=item * Slightly expanded test suite to cover new features
+B<Version 1.6.1> - June 9th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * POD cleanups noticed by Frank Lichtenheld. Thank you, Frank.
+B<Version 1.6> - June 2nd, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * Cleaned up some warnings when you pass in empty hashrefs or arrayrefs
+=item * Added stripComments setting
+=item * Cleaned up POD errors
+B<Version 1.5> - May 8th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * Added a line to quash errors with undef hashkeys and writing
+=item * Fixed the Makefile.PL to straighten up DebControl.pm being in the wrong dir
+B<Version 1.4> - April 30th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * Removed exports as they were unnecessary. Many thanks to pudge, who pointed this out.
+B<Version 1.3> - April 28th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * Fixed a bug where writing blank stanzas would throw a warning.  Fix found and supplied by Nate Oostendorp.
+B<Version 1.2b> - April 25th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * A bug in the test suite where IxHash was not disabled in 40write.t. Thanks to Jeroen Latour from cpan-testers for the report.
+B<Version 1.2> - April 24th, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * A bug in IxHash support where multiple stanzas might be out of order
+B<Version 1.1> - April 23rd, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * Writing support
+=item * Tie::IxHash support
+=item * Case insensitive reading support
+B<Version 1.0> - April 23rd, 2003
+=over 4
+=item * This is the initial public release for CPAN, so everything is new.
+=head1 BUGS
+The module will let you parse otherwise illegal key-value pairs and pairs with spaces. Badly formed stanzas will do things like overwrite duplicate keys, etc.  This is your problem.
+As of 1.10, the module uses advanced regexp's to figure out about comments.  If the tests fail, then stripComments won't work on your earlier perl version (should be fine on 5.6.0+)
+=head1 TODO
+Change the name over to the Debian:: namespace, probably as Debian::ControlFormat.  This will happen as soon as the project that uses this module reaches stability, and we can do some minor tweaks.
+Parse::DebControl is copyright 2003,2004 Jay Bonci E<lt>jaybonci at cpan.orgE<gt>.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as Perl itself.

Added: trunk/community/qa/README
--- trunk/community/qa/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/README	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# TODO: add some intro about commoncheck, maintainercheck, packagecheck,
+# wnppcheck
+About the new DebianQA scripts
+There are a bunch of perl modules under the DebianQA namespace, some of them
+provide certain common functionality and the others are responsible of data
+collection from different sources.
+Data collection is completely separated from presentation. There are a couple
+of very simple scripts that provide the latter: qareport and qareport.cgi. They
+give more or less the same information on stdout, but the latter is meant to be
+used as a CGI script.
+The script that controls data collection is fetchdata, which is meant to be run
+from a cronjob and/or post-commit hook.
+You can ask for basic help with the --help option (not in the cgi version).
+All the scripts read from the same configuration file, which you specify with
+the --conf option, or with the DEBIAN_QA_CONF environment variable. The CGI
+script doesn't have the --conf option, obviously.
+For a sample configuration file, see the debianqa.conf-sample file. It is
+mostly self-explaining. Don't forget to set a suitable cache_dir, that other
+members of your group can write to, and put an absolute path for the template
+Cheat sheet for usual svn layouts:
+Layout 1 (python-modules example):
+For a structure like:
+You should use:
+wsvn_url = http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/python-modules/packages/%s/trunk
+repository = svn://svn.debian.org/svn/python-modules/
+packages_path = packages
+post_path = trunk
+Layout 2 (pkg-perl example):
+For a structure like:
+You should use:
+wsvn_url = http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/%s
+repository = svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-perl/
+packages_path = trunk
+post_path = /
+First run
+After configuring, you run the initial download, it could take a long time:
+$ <path>/fetchdata --conf <pathtoconf> [-v[v..]] [-j]
+-v increases verbosity, and -j enables working in parallel (3 threads).
+After that, it will use the cached data if it's not stale, or it will download
+what's necessary. You can also specify package directories to avoid updating
+the whole database.
+Package status in the command line
+With qareport you can see in your shell the packages' status, you can have the
+full listing or only the specified packages:
+$ <path>/qareport --conf <pathtoconf> [<package> [<package> ... ]]
+ - Version status: Watchfile problem
+   + Watch status: DownloadError
+   + SVN: 1:1.4.13~dfsg-1 (mangled: 1.4.13) (unreleased: 1:1.4.13~dfsg-2) Archive: 1:1.4.13~dfsg-1 (unstable) Upstream: Unknown (mangled: Unknown)
+   + Bugs: #396499, #448171, #433779, #337209, #386114, #399807, #399970, #449706, #381786, #438702, #293751, #353227
+Using the CGI script
+Copy or symlink qareport.cgi to your project's cgi-bin directory, and copy the
+htaccess (renaming it to .htaccess). There you should configure the paths to
+find the libraries and the configuration.
+Once done that, you will be able to see a nice XHTML version of the status
+report. You can write your own template, and switch between them with a GET
+parameter: http://..../cgi-bin/qareport.cgi?template=my_nice_template
+Setting a post-commit hook
+If you want to have the information updated the moment you commit a change, you
+can add this lines in your post-commit hook:
+umask 002
+PERL5LIB=$BASE $BASE/fetchdata \
+        -c <path_to_conf>/qa.conf -r "$REV"
+The -r switch sets post-commit mode: it only checks changes in the repository,
+and then verifies if it needs to update upstream information for the packages
+Setting a cron job
+All the data you downloaded in the first run gets stale after some time, so you
+need to run a full check to acquire again what's old (the time to live of each
+data source is controlled from the configuration file). So, the best thing to
+do is to set up an periodic cron job (once each one or two hours is a good
+period, it won't waste bandwith if the data is still current):
+$ crontab -l
+# m h  dom mon dow   command
+0 * * * * $BINDIR/fetchdata -c <path_to_conf>/qa.conf
+$Id: README 13821 2008-01-29 06:47:39Z tincho-guest $

Added: trunk/community/qa/commoncheck
--- trunk/community/qa/commoncheck	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/commoncheck	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# defaults
+# special hosts
+case $HOST in
+	belanna|nerys)
+		MIRROR=ftp://ftp.at.debian.org
+		CPAN=ftp://gd.tuwien.ac.at/pub/CPAN
+		;;
+	alioth)
+		REPO=file:///svn/pkg-perl
+		MIRROR=ftp://ftp.nl.debian.org
+		CPAN=ftp://cpan.wanadoo.nl/pub/CPAN
+		;;
+# This mirror is near alioth. From #alioth:
+# <ard> ard at c32791:~$ sudo  /usr/sbin/traceroute -A cpan.wanadoo.nl|grep AS1200
+# <ard> traceroute to ftp.wanadoo.nl (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
+# <ard>  5  ams-ix.euro.net ( [AS1200]  1 ms  1 ms  1 ms
+# <ard> jups
+# <ard> 10G going to as1200
+# <ard> As long as it passes as1200 it's ok... Everything else is $$ :-(
+# CPAN=ftp://cpan.wanadoo.nl/pub/CPAN

Added: trunk/community/qa/debian-med.conf
--- trunk/community/qa/debian-med.conf	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/debian-med.conf	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+; vim:syntax=dosini
+; Sample config for DebianQA scripts
+; A "~/" appearing at the beginning of a string will be replaced for the user's
+; home directory
+templates_path = templates
+default_template = by_category
+group_name = Debian-Med
+group_url = http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/
+; sprintf format for the package wsvn location, takes one parameter, the
+; package directory.
+wsvn_url = http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-med/trunk/packages/%s/trunk/?rev=0&sc=0
+repository = svn://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-med/trunk
+packages_path = packages
+; path after the package name, should be the parent of the "debian/" directory
+post_path = trunk
+mirror = ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian
+suites = unstable, testing, stable, oldstable, experimental
+sections = main, contrib, non-free
+suites_ttl = 360, 360, 10080, 10080, 360
+new_url = http://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html
+new_ttl = 60
+incoming_url = http://incoming.debian.org
+incoming_ttl = 60
+#[watch] # Not implemented yet
+#ttl = 360 # 6 hours
+##use_cpan = 1
+#cpan_mirror = ftp://cpan.org
+#cpan_ttl = 360 # 6 hours
+ttl = 360 # 6 hours
+soap_proxy = http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/soap.cgi
+soap_uri = Debbugs/SOAP
+; wontfix, pending, etch, sarge, etc
+ignore_keywords =
+; wishlist, minor
+ignore_severities =
+; Parameters before any section header go into the [common] section
+cache_dir = ~/.debianqa
+; verbosity level: error => 0, warn => 1, info => 2 debug => 3
+verbose = 2
+; Prepend syslog-style format?
+formatted_log => 1

Added: trunk/community/qa/debianqa.conf-sample
--- trunk/community/qa/debianqa.conf-sample	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/debianqa.conf-sample	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+; vim:syntax=dosini
+; Sample config for DebianQA scripts
+; A "~/" appearing at the beginning of a string will be replaced for the user's
+; home directory
+templates_path = templates
+default_template = by_category
+group_name = Debian Foo Group
+group_url = http://pkg-foo.alioth.debian.org/
+; sprintf format for the package wsvn location, takes one parameter, the
+; package directory.
+;wsvn_url = http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/%s
+repository = svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-foo
+packages_path = trunk
+; path after the package name, should be the parent of the "debian/" directory
+; post_path = trunk
+mirror = ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian
+suites = unstable, testing, stable, oldstable, experimental
+sections = main, contrib, non-free
+suites_ttl = 360, 360, 10080, 10080, 360
+new_url = http://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html
+new_ttl = 60
+incoming_url = http://incoming.debian.org
+incoming_ttl = 60
+[watch] # Not implemented yet
+ttl = 360 # 6 hours
+use_cpan = 1
+cpan_mirror = ftp://cpan.org
+cpan_ttl = 360 # 6 hours
+ttl = 360 # 6 hours
+soap_proxy = http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/soap.cgi
+soap_uri = Debbugs/SOAP
+; wontfix, pending, etch, sarge, etc
+ignore_keywords =
+; wishlist, minor
+ignore_severities =
+; Parameters before any section header go into the [common] section
+cache_dir = ~/.debianqa
+; verbosity level: error => 0, warn => 1, info => 2 debug => 3
+verbose = 1
+; Prepend syslog-style format?
+formatted_log => 1

Added: trunk/community/qa/fetchdata
--- trunk/community/qa/fetchdata	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/fetchdata	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:ai:sts=4
+# $Id: fetchdata 9026 2007-11-08 12:09:53Z tincho-guest $
+# Program for invoking the different data-fetching routines. To use from a
+# cronjob, interactively or on post-commit hooks.
+# Copyright Martín Ferrari <martin.ferrari at gmail.com>, 2007
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL 2
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use DebianQA::Archive;
+use DebianQA::BTS;
+use DebianQA::Common;
+use DebianQA::Config;
+use DebianQA::Svn;
+use DebianQA::Watch;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $opts = getopt_common(1, 1);
+my $p = new Getopt::Long::Parser;
+$p->configure(qw(no_ignore_case bundling));
+my $list_is_packages = 0;
+my $svn_rev;
+my $parallel = 0;
+my $only;
+$p->getoptions('help|h|?' => \&help, 'packages!' => \$list_is_packages,
+	'svn-revision|r=i' => \$svn_rev, 'parallel|j!' => \$parallel,
+    'only=s' => \$only) or die "Error parsing command-line arguments!\n";
+die "Invalid module $only" if($only and $only !~ /^(svn|watch|bts|archive)$/);
+if($svn_rev) {
+    info("Enabling post-commit mode");
+    $only = "svn";
+    $opts->{force} = 0;
+my @dirs = @ARGV;
+my @pkgs;
+if($list_is_packages) {
+    @pkgs = @dirs;
+    foreach(0..$#pkgs) {
+        $dirs[$_] = pkgsname2svndir($pkgs[$_]) || $pkgs[$_]; # Fallback
+    }
+} else {
+    foreach(0..$#dirs) {
+        $pkgs[$_] = svndir2pkgname($dirs[$_]) || $dirs[$_]; # Fallback
+    }
+# We need this first
+my @changed_pkgs = svn_download($opts->{force}, $svn_rev, @dirs) if(
+    !$only or $only eq "svn");
+# returns dirs, not packages
+foreach(0..$#changed_pkgs) {
+    $changed_pkgs[$_] = svndir2pkgname($changed_pkgs[$_]) || $changed_pkgs[$_];
+info(scalar @changed_pkgs, " changed packages in svn");
+debug("Changed packages in svn: ", join(", ", @changed_pkgs));
+if($parallel) {
+    local $SIG{CHLD} = "IGNORE";
+    my @pids;
+    my $pid;
+    foreach(0..2) {
+        unless(defined($pid = fork())) {
+            die "Can't fork: $!";
+        }
+        last unless($pid);
+        push @pids, $pid;
+    }
+    if(@pids == 2) {
+        deb_download($opts->{force}) if(!$only or $only eq "archive"); exit 0;
+    } elsif(@pids == 1) {
+        bts_download($opts->{force}, @pkgs) if(!$only or $only eq "bts");
+        exit 0;
+    } elsif(@pids == 0) {
+        if($svn_rev and @changed_pkgs) { # post-commit mode
+            watch_download($opts->{force}, @changed_pkgs);
+        } else {
+            watch_download($opts->{force}, @pkgs) if(!$only
+                    or $only eq "watch");
+        }
+        exit 0;
+    } else {
+        waitpid($_, 0) foreach(@pids);
+    }
+} else {
+    deb_download($opts->{force}) if(!$only or $only eq "archive");
+    bts_download($opts->{force}, @pkgs) if(!$only or $only eq "bts");
+    if($svn_rev and @changed_pkgs) { # post-commit mode
+        watch_download($opts->{force}, @changed_pkgs);
+    } else {
+        watch_download($opts->{force}, @pkgs) if(!$only or $only eq "watch");
+    }
+sub help {
+    print <<END;
+ $0 [options] [dirname [dirname ...]]
+ For each named directory, updates the databases with information retrieved
+ from the Debian archive, BTS, watchfiles and the Subversion repository.
+ --help, -h         This help.
+ --conf, -c FILE    Specifies a configuration file, uses defaults if not
+                    present.
+ --force, -f        Force operation: ignore caches.
+ --packages         Treat the parameters as source package names, instead of
+                    directories.
+ --svn-revision,
+  -r REV            Current revision for scanning the Subversion repository,
+                    only scans svn and watch files changed (post-commit mode).
+ --parallel, -j     Process in parallel (it will fork three processes).
+ --only MODULE      Only run update for MODULE (svn|archive|watch|bts).
+    exit 0;

Property changes on: trunk/community/qa/fetchdata
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/community/qa/htaccess
--- trunk/community/qa/htaccess	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/htaccess	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+SetEnv PERL5LIB ../scripts/qa
+SetEnv DEBIAN_QA_CONF ../.debianqa/qa.conf

Added: trunk/community/qa/maintainercheck
--- trunk/community/qa/maintainercheck	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/maintainercheck	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Copyright gregor herrmann <gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at>, 2007, 2008
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL 2
+. $(dirname $0)/commoncheck
+DIR=$(mktemp -d)
+for P in $(svn ls $REPO/trunk/); do
+	P=${P%/}
+	CONTROL="$DIR/$P.control"
+	svn export $REPO/trunk/$P/debian/control $CONTROL > /dev/null
+	if ! grep "Maintainer: Debian Perl Group <pkg-perl-maintainers at lists\.alioth\.debian\.org>" $CONTROL > /dev/null ; then
+		echo $P
+		egrep "(Maintainer|Uploaders)" $CONTROL | sort
+		echo
+	fi
+rm -rf $DIR

Property changes on: trunk/community/qa/maintainercheck
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/Common.pm
--- trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/Common.pm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/Common.pm	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# $Id: Common.pm 8974 2007-11-07 15:28:29Z gregoa-guest $
+package Common;
+use strict;
+use Sys::Hostname;
+use base 'Exporter';
+our @EXPORT = qw(
+    $SVN_REPO
+    $MIRROR
+our $SVN_REPO = "svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-perl";
+our $MIRROR = "MIRROR=ftp://ftp.debian.org";
+our $CPAN_MIRROR = "ftp://cpan.org/pub/CPAN";
+# special hosts
+for( hostname )
+    # alioth
+    /alioth/ && do {
+        $SVN_REPO = "file:///svn/pkg-perl";
+        $MIRROR = "ftp://ftp.nl.debian.org";
+        $CPAN_MIRROR = "ftp://cpan.wanadoo.nl/pub/CPAN";
+        last;
+    };
+    # Gregor
+    /belanna|nerys/ && do {
+        $MIRROR = "ftp://ftp.at.debian.org";
+        $CPAN_MIRROR = "ftp://gd.tuwien.ac.at/pub/CPAN";
+        last;
+    };
+    # dam
+    /pc1/ && do {
+        $MIRROR = "http://proxy:9999";
+        $CPAN_MIRROR = "ftp://ftp.uni-sofia.bg/cpan";
+        last;
+    };
+    /beetle/ && do {
+        $MIRROR = "http://localhost:9999";
+        $CPAN_MIRROR = "ftp://ftp.uni-sofia.bg/cpan";
+        last;
+    };
+    # Tincho
+    /abraxas/ && do {
+        $MIRROR = "file:///media/IOMega/mirror/";
+        $CPAN_MIRROR = "ftp://cpan.ip.pt/pub/cpan/";
+        last;
+    };
+    die "Unknown host $_";
+# This mirror is near alioth. From #alioth:
+# <ard> ard at c32791:~$ sudo  /usr/sbin/traceroute -A cpan.wanadoo.nl|grep AS1200
+# <ard> traceroute to ftp.wanadoo.nl (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
+# <ard>  5  ams-ix.euro.net ( [AS1200]  1 ms  1 ms  1 ms
+# <ard> jups
+# <ard> 10G going to as1200
+# <ard> As long as it passes as1200 it's ok... Everything else is $$ :-(
+# CPAN=ftp://cpan.wanadoo.nl/pub/CPAN
+use CPAN;
+my $home = $ENV{HOME};
+$CPAN::Config = {
+  'build_cache' => q[10],
+  'build_dir' => "$home/.cpan/build",
+  'cache_metadata' => q[1],
+  'cpan_home' => "$home/.cpan",
+  'cpan_version_check' => q[0],
+  'dontload_hash' => {  },
+  'ftp' => q[],
+  'ftp_proxy' => q[],
+  'getcwd' => q[cwd],
+  'gpg' => q[/usr/bin/gpg],
+  'gzip' => q[/bin/gzip],
+  'histfile' => "/dev/null",
+  'histsize' => q[100],
+  'http_proxy' => q[],
+  'inactivity_timeout' => q[0],
+  'index_expire' => q[1],
+  'inhibit_startup_message' => q[1],
+  'keep_source_where' => "$home/.cpan/sources",
+  'lynx' => q[/usr/bin/lynx],
+  'make' => q[/usr/bin/make],
+  'make_arg' => q[],
+  'make_install_arg' => q[],
+  'makepl_arg' => q[INSTALLDIRS=site],
+  'ncftp' => q[],
+  'ncftpget' => q[],
+  'no_proxy' => q[],
+  'pager' => q[/usr/bin/less],
+  'prerequisites_policy' => q[ignore],
+  'scan_cache' => q[never],
+  'shell' => q[/bin/bash],
+  'tar' => q[/bin/tar],
+  'term_is_latin' => q[0],
+  'unzip' => q[],
+  'urllist' => [ $CPAN_MIRROR ],
+  'wget' => q[/usr/bin/wget],

Added: trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/versioncheck
--- trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/versioncheck	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/versioncheck	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Copyright gregor herrmann <gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at>, 2007
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL 2
+. $(dirname $0)/commoncheck
+# get basic info
+DIR=$(mktemp -d)
+echo > $DIR/Packages
+for BRANCH in main contrib non-free; do
+	wget -q -O- $MIRROR/debian/dists/unstable/$BRANCH/source/Sources.gz | gzip -d | egrep "^(Package|Version)" >> $DIR/Packages
+wget -q -O- http://incoming.debian.org | html2text -nobs -width 255 > $DIR/incoming
+wget -q -O- http://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html | html2text -nobs -width 255 > $DIR/newqueue
+# loop over packages
+for P in $(svn ls $REPO/trunk/); do
+	P=$(echo $P | sed -e 's;/;;')
+	PA=$(grep -A 1 $P $DIR/Packages | grep Version | perl -pe 's/Version: //')
+	RE=$(svn cat $REPO/trunk/${P}/debian/changelog | grep -m 1 "$P.*unstable;" | perl -pe 's/.*\((.+)\).*/$1/')
+	IN=$(grep "$P.*\.dsc" $DIR/incoming | perl -pe 's/.*_(.+)\.dsc.*/\1/')
+	NE=$(grep $P $DIR/newqueue | perl -pe "s/.*$P\s+([^\s]+)\s+source.*/\1/g")
+	if [ "$RE" != "$PA" -a "$RE" != "$IN" -a "$RE" != "$NE" ]; then
+		echo "$P ==>"
+		echo -e "\trepository: $RE"
+		echo -e "\tpackages: $PA"
+		[ -n "$IN" ] && echo -e "\tincoming: $IN"
+		[ -n "$NE" ] && echo -e "\tnew: $NE"
+	fi
+rm -rf $DIR
+exit 0

Property changes on: trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/versioncheck
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/versioncheck-html
--- trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/versioncheck-html	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/versioncheck-html	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# Copyright gregor herrmann <gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at>, 2007
+# Copyright Damyan Ivanov <dmn at debian.org>, 2007
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL 2
+THIS_REVISION='$Id: versioncheck-html 8974 2007-11-07 15:28:29Z gregoa-guest $'
+. $(dirname $0)/commoncheck
+set -u
+# get basic info
+DIR=$(mktemp -d)
+echo > $DIR/Packages
+for BRANCH in main contrib non-free; do
+	wget -q -O- $MIRROR/debian/dists/unstable/$BRANCH/source/Sources.gz | gzip -d | egrep "^(Package|Version)" >> $DIR/Packages
+wget -q -O- http://incoming.debian.org | html2text -nobs -width 255 > $DIR/incoming
+wget -q -O- http://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html | html2text -nobs -width 255 > $DIR/newqueue
+wget -q -O- $CPAN/modules/01modules.index.html | html2text -nobs -width 500 > $DIR/cpan
+cat <<_EOF
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
+   "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+	<title>pkg-perl TODO</title>
+	<style type="text/css">
+		body {
+			background: white;
+			color: black;
+		}
+		table {
+			border: 1px solid black;
+			border-collapse: collapse;
+		}
+		td, th {
+			border: 1px solid black;
+		}
+		.upload {
+			background: lightsalmon;
+		}
+		.upgrade {
+			background: lightblue;
+		}
+	</style>
+<tr><td class="upload">Needs uploading</td></tr>
+<tr><td class="upgrade">Needs upgrade from upstream</td></tr>
+	<th>Package</th>
+	<th>Repository</th>
+	<th>Archive</th>
+	<th>upstream</th>
+# loop over packages
+for P in $(svn ls $REPO/trunk/); do
+	P=$(echo $P | sed -e 's;/;;')
+	# Get changelog from repo and version + last uploader
+	cat /dev/null > $DIR/changelog
+	svn cat $REPO/trunk/${P}/debian/changelog > $DIR/changelog
+	RE=$(grep -m 1 "$P.*unstable;" $DIR/changelog | perl -pe 's/.*\((.+)\).*/$1/')
+	UL=$(grep -m 1 "^ --" $DIR/changelog | perl -pe 's/^ -- (.+>)  (.*)/$1 ($2)/')
+	# Get versions in Packages, incoming and NEW
+	PA=$(grep -A 1 $P $DIR/Packages | grep Version | perl -pe 's/Version: //')
+	IN=$(grep "$P.*\.dsc" $DIR/incoming | perl -pe 's/.*_(.+)\.dsc.*/\1/')
+	NE=$(grep $P $DIR/newqueue | perl -pe "s/.*$P\s+([^\s]+)\s+source.*/\1/g")
+	# Get the watch file, mangling CPAN URLs to use
+	# our fast mirror
+	cat /dev/null > $DIR/watch
+	svn cat $REPO/trunk/${P}/debian/watch \
+		| sed -e "s!^http://www.cpan.org/!$CPAN/!" \
+		| sed -e "s!^ftp://www.cpan.org/!$CPAN/!" \
+		| sed -e "s!^http://backpan.perl.org/authors/!$CPAN/modules/by-author/!" \
+		| sed -e "s!^http://mirrors.kernel.org/cpan/!$CPAN/!" \
+		| sed -e "s!^ftp://mirrors.kernel.org/cpan/!$CPAN/!" \
+		> $DIR/watch
+	UPCUR=$(echo $RE | perl -pe 's/^(?:\d:)?(.+?)(?:-[^-]+)?$/\1/')
+	UPNEW=""
+	if [ -s $DIR/watch ]; then
+		if egrep -qi '^(ftp|http).+cpan' $DIR/watch; then
+			VER_REGEX=$(egrep '^http|^ftp' $DIR/watch | perl -pe 's{.+/\s*}{}; s/\s.*$//')
+			if [ -n "$VER_REGEX" ]; then
+				UPNEW=$(perl -ne "if(/\\s${VER_REGEX}\\s/){ \$last_ver = \$1 if \$1 > \$last_ver; } END { print \$last_ver } " $DIR/cpan)
+			else
+				UPNEW="Invalid debian/watch"
+			fi
+		fi
+		# Either unknown watch URL or a module without
+		# meta-information; fall back to uscan
+		if [ -z "$UPNEW" ]; then
+			UPNEW=$(uscan --watchfile $DIR/watch --upstream-version $UPCUR --package $P --report-status | perl -ne 'print if s/Newest version on remote site is (.+),.*/\1/')
+		fi
+	else
+		if echo "$RE" | egrep -q -- '-.+$'; then
+			UPNEW="no debian/watch"
+		else
+			# native package
+		fi
+	fi
+	if [ "$UPCUR" != "$UPNEW" -o "$RE" != "$PA" -a "$RE" != "$IN" -a "$RE" != "$NE" ]; then
+		echo "<tr>"
+		echo "<td><a href=\"http://packages.qa.debian.org/$P\">$P</a> <span style=\"font-size: smaller\">[<a href=\"http://bugs.debian.org/src:$P\">BTS</a>]</span></td>"
+		echo -n "<td title='$UL'"
+		if [ "$RE" != "$PA" ] ; then
+			echo -n " class='upload'"
+		fi
+		echo ">${RE:--}</td>"
+		echo "<td>${PA:--}"
+		[ -n "$IN" ] && echo "Incoming:&nbsp;$IN"
+		[ -n "$NE" ] && echo "NEW:&nbsp;$NE"
+		echo "</td>"
+		if [ "$UPCUR" != "$UPNEW" ] ; then 
+			echo "<td class='upgrade'>${UPNEW:-No upstream sources!?}</td>"
+		else
+			echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>"
+		fi
+		echo "</tr>"
+		TOTAL=$(( $TOTAL + 1 ))
+	fi
+echo "<tr><td colspan=\"4\"><b>TOTAL: $TOTAL</b></td></tr>"
+echo "</table>"
+echo "<hr>"
+LANG=C date
+echo "<br><i>$THIS_REVISION</i>"
+echo "</body>"
+rm -rf $DIR
+exit 0

Property changes on: trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/versioncheck-html
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/versioncheck.pl
--- trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/versioncheck.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/versioncheck.pl	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,821 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Copyright gregor herrmann <gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at>, 2007
+# Copyright Damyan Ivanov <dmn at debian.org>, 2007
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL 2
+### TODO ###
+# Try harder to use 02packages.details.gz for authoritative CPAN
+#  version source, regardless of whether debian/watch uses by-module URL
+#  or by-author one
+# Use AptPkg::Version for
+#  - version comparison
+#  - stripping debian revision off from a version
+our $THIS_REVISION = '$Id: versioncheck.pl 8974 2007-11-07 15:28:29Z gregoa-guest $';
+    my $self_dir = $0;
+    $self_dir =~ s{/[^/]+$}{};
+    unshift @INC, $self_dir;
+use strict;
+use Common;
+use LWP::Simple ();
+use Compress::Zlib ();
+use HTML::TableExtract;
+use SVN::Client;
+use SVN::Core;
+use IO::Scalar;
+use Parse::DebianChangelog;
+use Getopt::Long;
+our $opt_debug = 0;
+    'debug!'    => \$opt_debug,
+sub debugmsg(@)
+    warn @_ if $opt_debug;
+# Get some information globally
+use Storable();
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+debugmsg( "CPAN mirror is $CPAN_MIRROR\n" );
+debugmsg( "HOME=$ENV{HOME}\n" );
+sub from_cache($$$)
+    my( $ref, $name, $max_age) = @_;
+    my $dir = $ENV{HOME}.'/.dpg/versioncheck';
+    return undef unless -f "$dir/$name" and -M(_) <= $max_age/24;
+    my $data = Storable::retrieve("$dir/$name");
+    return undef unless $data;
+    debugmsg("$name loaded from cache (".scalar(keys(%$data)).")\n");
+    %$ref = %$data;
+    return 1;
+sub to_cache($$)
+    my( $ref, $name) = @_;
+    my $home = $ENV{HOME};
+    -d "$home/.dpg" or mkdir("$home/.dpg") or die $!;
+    -d "$home/.dpg/versioncheck" or mkdir("$home/.dpg/versioncheck") or die $!;
+    Storable::store($ref, "$home/.dpg/versioncheck/$name");
+sub scan_packages($$)
+    my( $suite, $hash ) = @_;
+    foreach my $section ( qw( main contrib non-free ) )
+    {
+        # TODO This is somewhat brute-force, reading the whole sources into
+        # memory, then de-compressing them also in memory.
+        # Should be made incremental using reasonable-sized buffer
+        my $url = "$MIRROR/debian/dists/$suite/$section/source/Sources.gz";
+        my $sources_gz = LWP::Simple::get($url);
+        $sources_gz or die "Can't download $url";
+        my $sources = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$sources_gz);
+        my $src_io = IO::Scalar->new(\$sources);
+        my $pkg;
+        while( <$src_io> )
+        {
+            chomp;
+            if( s/^Package: // )
+            {
+                $pkg = $_;
+                next;
+            }
+            if( s/^Version: // )
+            {
+                $hash->{$pkg} = $_;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    debugmsg(
+        sprintf(
+            "Information about %d %s packages loaded\n",
+            scalar(keys(%$hash)),
+            $suite,
+        ),
+    );
+    to_cache($hash, $suite);
+my %packages;   # contains {package => version} pairs
+    'unstable', \%packages,
+) unless from_cache(\%packages, 'unstable', 6);
+my %experimental;   # contains {package => version} pairs
+    'experimental', \%experimental,
+) unless from_cache(\%experimental, 'experimental', 6);
+my %stable;   # contains {package => version} pairs
+    'stable', \%stable,
+) unless from_cache(\%stable, 'stable', 168);   # 1 week
+my %oldstable;   # contains {package => version} pairs
+    'oldstable', \%oldstable,
+) unless from_cache(\%oldstable, 'oldstable', 168); # 1 week
+my %incoming;   # contains {package => version} pairs
+do {
+    my $incoming = LWP::Simple::get('http://incoming.debian.org')
+        or die "Unable to retreive http://incoming.debian.org";
+    my $inc_io = IO::Scalar->new(\$incoming);
+    while( <$inc_io> )
+    {
+        chomp;
+        next unless /a href="([^_]+)_(.+)\.dsc"/;
+        $incoming{$1} = $2;
+    }
+debugmsg( sprintf("Information about %d incoming packages loaded\n", scalar(keys(%incoming))) );
+my %new;    # contains {package => version} pairs
+do {
+    my  $new = LWP::Simple::get('http://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html');
+    my $te = HTML::TableExtract->new(
+        headers=> [
+            qw(Package Version Arch Distribution Age Maintainer Closes)
+        ],
+    );
+    $te->parse($new);
+    foreach my $table( $te->tables )
+    {
+        foreach my $row( $table->rows )
+        {
+            next unless $row->[2] =~ /source/;
+            my @versions = split(/\n/, $row->[1]);
+            s/<br>// foreach @versions;
+            $new{$row->[0]} = $versions[-1];# use the last uploaded version
+        }
+    }
+debugmsg( sprintf("Information about %d NEW packages loaded\n", scalar(keys(%new))) );
+my %cpan_authors;
+my %cpan_modules;
+do {
+    open(TMP, '+>', undef) or die "Unable to open anonymous temporary file";
+    my $old = select(TMP);
+    my $lslr = LWP::Simple::getprint("$CPAN_MIRROR/ls-lR.gz");
+    select($old);
+    seek(TMP, 0, 0);
+    my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen(\*TMP, 'rb') or die $Compress::Zlib::gzerrno;
+    my $storage;
+    my ($section, $path);
+    while( $gz->gzreadline($_) )
+    {
+        chomp;
+        next unless $_;
+        if( m{^\./authors/id/(.+):} )
+        {
+            $storage = $cpan_authors{$1} ||= [];
+        }
+        elsif( m{^\./modules/by-module/(.+):} )
+        {
+            $storage = $cpan_modules{$1} ||= [];
+        }
+        elsif( m{\..*:} )
+        {
+            undef($storage);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            next unless $storage;
+            my(
+                $perm, $ln, $o, $g, $size, $month, $day, $time, $what, $where,
+            ) =  split(/\s+/);
+            next unless $what and $what =~ /(?:tar\.gz|\.tgz|\.zip|\.tar\.bz2|\.tbz)$/;
+            push @$storage, $what;
+        }
+    }
+    close(TMP);
+    to_cache(\%cpan_modules, 'cpan_modules');
+    to_cache(\%cpan_authors, 'cpan_authors');
+} unless from_cache(\%cpan_authors, 'cpan_authors', 12)
+    and from_cache(\%cpan_modules, 'cpan_modules', 12);
+#  1 if first version is bigger
+#  0 if both versions are equal
+# -1 if second version is bigger
+sub cmp_ver($$)
+    my($a,$b) = @_;
+    while( $a and $b )
+    {
+        $a =~ s/^(\w*)//; my $a_w = $1||'';
+        $b =~ s/^(\w*)//; my $b_w = $1||'';
+        my $r = $a_w cmp $b_w;
+        return $r if $r;
+        $a =~ s/^(\d*)//; my $a_d = (defined($1) and $1 ne '') ? $1 : -1;
+        $b =~ s/^(\d*)//; my $b_d = (defined($1) and $1 ne '') ? $1 : -1;
+        $r = $a_d <=> $b_d;
+        return $r if $r;
+        $a =~ s/^(\D*)//; my $a_nd = $1||'';
+        $b =~ s/^(\D*)//; my $b_nd = $1||'';
+        $r = $a_nd cmp $b_nd;
+        return $r if $r;
+    }
+    return 1 if $a;
+    return -1 if $b;
+    return 0;
+sub unmangle( $ $ )
+    my( $ver, $mangles ) = @_;
+    return $ver unless $mangles;
+    my @vms = map( split(/;/, $_), @$mangles );
+    foreach my $vm( @vms )
+    {
+        eval "\$ver =~ $vm";
+        die "<<\$_ =~ $vm>> $@" if $@;
+        debugmsg("     mangled: $ver\n");
+    }
+    return $ver;
+# RETURNS undef if all watch files point to CPAN
+sub latest_upstream_from_watch($)
+    my ($watch) = @_;
+    my @vers;
+    foreach(@$watch)
+    {
+        my( $wline, $opts ) = @$_;
+        $wline =~ m{^(http://\S+)/};
+        my $url = $1;
+        $url =~ s{^http://sf.net/}{http://sf.net.projects/};
+        $wline =~ s{^http://sf\.net/(\S+)}{http://qa.debian.org/watch/sf.php/$1};
+        if( $wline =~ m{
+                ^((?:http|ftp)://\S*?)  # http://server/some/path - captured
+                                        #  non-greedy to not eat up the pattern
+                (?:/\s*|\s+)            # delimiter - '/' for ver3 or space for ver2
+                ([^\s/]+)               # the search pattern - no spaces, no slashes - captured
+                (?:
+                    (?!.*\()            # followed by non-(search pattern)
+                    |
+                    \s*$                # or EOL
+                )
+            }ix )
+        {
+            my( $dir, $filter ) = ($1, $2);
+            debugmsg( "   uscan $dir $filter\n" );
+            $url ||= $dir;
+            my $page = LWP::Simple::get($dir) or return "Unable to get $dir (".__LINE__.")";
+            my $page_io = IO::Scalar->new(\$page);
+            while( <$page_io> )
+            {
+                warn $_ if 1;
+                if( $dir =~ /^http/ )
+                {
+                    while( s/<a [^>]*href="([^"]+)"[^>]*>//i )
+                    {
+                        my $href = $1;
+                        push @vers, [
+                            unmangle( $1, $opts->{uversionmangle} ),
+                            $url,
+                        ] if $href =~ $filter;
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    while( s/(?:^|\s+)$filter(?:\s+|$)// )
+                    {
+                        push @vers, [
+                            unmangle( $1, $opts->{uversionmangle} ),
+                            $url,
+                        ];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return "bad watch URL $wline";
+        }
+    }
+    @vers = sort { cmp_ver($a->[0],$b->[0]) } @vers;
+    my $ver = $vers[-1] || '';
+    my $url;
+    ($ver, $url) = $ver ? @$ver : (undef, undef);
+    return wantarray ? ($ver, $url) : $ver;
+# returns array of [ver, path]
+sub cpan_versions($$$)
+    my($where, $wline, $opts) = @_;
+    $wline =~ m{
+                ^(\S*?)                 # some/path - captured
+                                        #  non-greedy to not eat up the pattern
+                (?:/\s*|\s+)            # delimiter - '/' for ver3 or space for ver2
+                ([^\s/]+)               # the search pattern - no spaces, no slashes - captured
+                (?!.*\()                # not followed by search pattern
+            }ix;
+    my( $key, $filter) = ($1, $2);
+    debugmsg( sprintf( "   module search %s %s\n", $key, $filter ) );
+    my $list = $where->{$key};
+    unless($list)
+    {
+        debugmsg("directory $key not found (from $wline) [".__LINE__."]\n");
+        return();
+    }
+    my @vers;
+    foreach(@$list)
+    {
+        if( $_ =~ $filter )
+        {
+            debugmsg("     looking at $_\n") if 1;
+            my $ver = unmangle( $1, $opts->{uversionmangle} );
+            push @vers, [$ver, $key];
+        }
+    }
+    return @vers;
+# returns (version, URL)
+sub latest_upstream_from_cpan($)
+    my ($watch) = @_;
+    my @cpan = grep( $_->[0] =~ m{(?:^|\s)(?:http|ftp)://\S*cpan}i, @$watch );
+    return undef unless @cpan;
+    my @vers;
+    foreach(@cpan)
+    {
+        my( $wline, $opts ) = @$_;
+        if( $wline =~ s{^(?:http|ftp)://\S*cpan\S*/modules/by-module/}{}i )
+        {
+            # lookup by module
+            push @vers, map(
+                [ $_->[0], "http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/".$_->[1] ],
+                cpan_versions(\%cpan_modules, $wline, $opts),
+            );
+        }
+        elsif( $wline =~ s{^(?:http|ftp)://\S*cpan\S*/authors/(?:by-)?id/}{}i
+                or
+            $wline =~ s{^(?:http|ftp)://\S*cpan\S*/(?:by-)?authors/id/}{}i
+        )
+        {
+            # lookup by author
+            push @vers, map(
+                [ $_->[0], "http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/".$_->[1] ],
+                cpan_versions(\%cpan_authors, $wline, $opts),
+            );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            debugmsg( sprintf( "    can't determine type of search for %s\n", $wline ) );
+            return undef;
+        }
+    }
+    @vers = sort { cmp_ver($a->[0],$b->[0]) } @vers;
+    my $ver = $vers[-1];
+    my $url;
+    if( $ver )
+    {
+        ($ver, $url) = @$ver;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        undef($ver); undef($url);
+    }
+    return wantarray ? ($ver, $url) : $ver;
+sub unmangle_debian_version($$)
+    my($ver, $watch) = @_;
+    foreach( @$watch )
+    {
+        my $dvm = $_->[1]->{dversionmangle} if $_->[1];
+        $dvm ||= [];
+        do {
+            eval "\$ver =~ $_";
+            die "\$ver =~ $dvm  -> $@" if $@;
+        } foreach @$dvm;
+    }
+    return $ver;
+print <<_EOF;
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
+   "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+	<title>pkg-perl package versions</title>
+	<style type="text/css">
+		body {
+			background: white;
+			color: black;
+		}
+		table {
+			border: 1px solid black;
+			border-collapse: collapse;
+                        empty-cells: show;
+		}
+		td, th {
+			border: 1px solid black;
+		}
+		.upload {
+			background: lightsalmon;
+		}
+		.upgrade {
+			background: lightblue;
+		}
+	</style>
+<tr><td class="upload">Needs uploading</td></tr>
+<tr><td class="upgrade">Needs upgrade from upstream</td></tr>
+	<th>Package</th>
+	<th>Repository</th>
+	<th>Archive</th>
+	<th>upstream</th>
+my $total = 0;
+my $total_shown = 0;
+my $svn = SVN::Client->new();
+sub check_package($)
+    my( $dir ) = @_;
+    debugmsg( "Examining $dir\n" );
+    my $pkg = "";
+    my $changelog = "";
+    my $in_svn = 'Unknown SVN version';
+    my $svn_changer = "";
+    my $svn_date = "";
+    my $svn_error;
+    my $svn = SVN::Client->new();
+    {
+        my $changelog_fh = IO::Scalar->new( \$changelog );
+        local $SVN::Error::handler = undef;
+        ($svn_error) = $svn->cat(
+            $changelog_fh,
+            "$SVN_REPO/trunk/$dir/debian/changelog",
+            'HEAD',
+        );
+    }
+    if(SVN::Error::is_error($svn_error))
+    {
+        if($svn_error->apr_err() == $SVN::Error::FS_NOT_FOUND)
+        {
+            $in_svn = 'Missing debian/changelog';
+            $svn_error->clear();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            SVN::Error::croak_on_error($svn_error);
+        }
+    }
+    my @cl;
+    if($changelog) {
+        @cl = Parse::DebianChangelog->init({instring=>$changelog})->data;
+    }
+    foreach( @cl )
+    {
+        next unless $_->Distribution eq 'unstable';
+        next if $_->Changes =~ /NOT RELEASED/;
+        $in_svn = $_->Version;
+        $svn_changer = $_->Maintainer;
+        $svn_date = $_->Date;
+        $pkg = $_->Source;
+        last;
+    }
+    my $in_archive = $packages{$pkg} || '';
+    debugmsg( sprintf(" - Archive has %s\n", $in_archive||'none') );
+    my $in_experimental = $experimental{$pkg};
+    debugmsg( sprintf( " - experimental has %s\n", $in_experimental||'none' ) );
+    my $in_stable = $stable{$pkg};
+    debugmsg( sprintf( " - stable has %s\n", $in_stable||'none' ) );
+    my $in_oldstable = $oldstable{$pkg};
+    debugmsg( sprintf( " - oldstable has %s\n", $in_oldstable||'none' ) );
+    my $upstream = '';
+    my $upstream_is_cpan;
+    my $in_cpan = '';
+    my $upstream_url;
+    my @watch;
+    my $watch;
+    {
+        my $watch_io = IO::Scalar->new(\$watch);
+        local $SVN::Error::handler = undef;
+        ($svn_error) = $svn->cat(
+            $watch_io,
+            "$SVN_REPO/trunk/$dir/debian/watch",
+            'HEAD',
+        );
+        $watch_io->close();
+    }
+    if(SVN::Error::is_error($svn_error))
+    {
+        if($svn_error->apr_err() == $SVN::Error::FS_NOT_FOUND)
+        {
+            $upstream = (
+                ( $in_svn =~ /-.+$/ )
+                ? 'Missing debian/watch'
+                : $in_svn # native package
+            );
+            $svn_error->clear();
+            $watch = "";
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            SVN::Error::croak_on_error($svn_error);
+        }
+    }
+    $watch =~ s/\\\n//gs;
+    my @watch_lines = split(/\n/, $watch) if $watch;
+    @watch_lines = grep( (!/^#/ and !/^version=/ and !/^\s*$/), @watch_lines );
+    foreach(@watch_lines)
+    {
+        debugmsg( "   watch line $_\n" ) if 0;
+        # opts either contain no spaces, or is enclosed in double-quotes
+        my $opts = $1 if s!^\s*opts="([^"]*)"\s+!! or s!^\s*opts=(\S*)\s+!!;
+        debugmsg( "     watch options = $opts\n" ) if $opts;
+        # several options are separated by comma and commas are not allowed within
+        my @opts = split(/\s*,\s*/, $opts) if $opts;
+        my %opts;
+        foreach(@opts)
+        {
+            next if /^(?:active|passive|pasv)$/;
+            /([^=]+)=(.*)/;
+            debugmsg( "      watch option $1 = $2\n" );
+            if( $1 eq 'versionmangle' )
+            {
+                push @{ $opts{uversionmangle} }, $2;
+                push @{ $opts{dversionmangle} }, $2;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                push @{ $opts{$1} }, $2;
+            }
+        }
+        s!^http://www.cpan.org/!$CPAN_MIRROR/!;
+        s!^ftp://www.cpan.org/!$CPAN_MIRROR/!;
+        s!^http://backpan.perl.org/authors/!$CPAN_MIRROR/authors/!;
+        s!^http://mirrors.kernel.org/cpan/!$CPAN_MIRROR/!;
+        s!^ftp://mirrors.kernel.org/cpan/!$CPAN_MIRROR/!;
+        push @watch, [ $_, \%opts ];
+    }
+    my $up_svn = $in_svn;
+    $up_svn =~ s/^(?:\d+:)?(.+?)(?:-[^-]+)?$/$1/ if $up_svn;
+    $up_svn = unmangle_debian_version($up_svn, \@watch) if @watch;
+    debugmsg(
+        sprintf(
+            " - SVN has %s (upstream version=%s)\n",
+            $in_svn||'none',
+            $up_svn||'none',
+        )
+    );
+    if( @watch )
+    {
+        ($in_cpan,  $upstream_url) = latest_upstream_from_cpan(\@watch);
+        debugmsg( sprintf( " - CPAN has %s (%s)\n", $in_cpan||'none', $upstream_url||'no url' ) );
+        if( $in_cpan )
+        {
+            $upstream_is_cpan = 1;
+            $upstream = $in_cpan;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ($upstream, $upstream_url) = latest_upstream_from_watch(\@watch);
+        }
+        debugmsg( sprintf( " - upstream has %s (%s)\n", $upstream||'none', $upstream_url||'no url' ) );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        $upstream ||= (
+            ( $in_svn =~ /-.+$/ )
+            ? qq(Invalid <a href="http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/$dir/debian/watch?op=file&amp;rev=0&amp;sc=0">debian/watch</a>)
+            : $in_svn # native package
+        );
+    }
+    my $in_incoming = $incoming{$pkg}||'';
+    debugmsg( sprintf( " - incoming has %s\n", $in_incoming||'none' ) );
+    my $in_new = $new{$pkg}||'';
+    debugmsg( sprintf( " - NEW has %s\n", $in_new||'none' ) );
+    if( $up_svn ne $upstream
+            or
+        $in_svn ne $in_archive
+            and
+        $in_svn ne $in_incoming
+            and
+        $in_svn ne $in_new
+    )
+    {
+        print "<tr>\n";
+        print "<td>".(
+            ($in_archive)
+            ? qq(<a href="http://packages.qa.debian.org/$pkg">$pkg</a>)
+            : qq($pkg)
+        )."</td>\n";
+        my $in_svn_text = qq(<a href="http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/$dir/debian/changelog?op=file&amp;rev=0&amp;sc=0" title="$svn_changer\n$svn_date">$in_svn</a>);
+        print "<td".(
+            ($in_svn ne $in_archive)
+            ? ' class="upload"'
+            : ''
+        ).">$in_svn_text</td>\n";
+        my $archive_text = join(
+            "\n",
+            $in_archive||(),
+            (
+                ($in_incoming)
+                ? "Incoming:&nbsp;$in_incoming"
+                : ()
+            ),
+            (
+                ($in_new)
+                ? "NEW:&nbsp;$in_new"
+                : ()
+            ),
+            (
+                ($in_experimental)
+                ? "experimental:&nbsp;$in_experimental"
+                : ()
+            ),
+            (
+                ($in_stable and not $in_archive and not $in_experimental)
+                ? "stable:&nbsp;$in_stable"
+                : ()
+            ),
+            (
+                ($in_oldstable and not $in_stable and not $in_archive and not $in_experimental)
+                ? "oldstable:&nbsp;$in_oldstable"
+                : ()
+            ),
+        );
+        $archive_text = qq(<a href="http://packages.qa.debian.org/$pkg">$archive_text</a> [<a style="font-size:smaller" href="http://bugs.debian.org/src:$pkg">BTS</a>]) if $in_archive or $in_experimental or $in_stable or $in_oldstable;
+        print "<td>$archive_text</td>\n";
+        my $upstream_text = (
+            $upstream_is_cpan
+            ? "CPAN:&nbsp;$in_cpan"
+            : $upstream
+        );
+        $upstream_text = qq(<a href="$upstream_url">$upstream_text</a>) if $upstream_url;
+        print(
+            ($up_svn ne $upstream)
+            ? qq(<td class="upgrade">$upstream_text</td>\n)
+            : "<td></td>\n"
+        );
+        print "</tr>\n";
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+my @pkgs_to_check;
+if( @ARGV )
+    @pkgs_to_check = @ARGV;
+# loop over packages
+    my $svn_packages = $svn->ls("$SVN_REPO/trunk", 'HEAD', 0);
+    debugmsg(
+        sprintf(
+            "%d entries in trunk\n",
+            scalar(keys(%$svn_packages)),
+        ),
+    );
+    @pkgs_to_check = sort(keys %$svn_packages);
+foreach my $pkg( @pkgs_to_check )
+    $total++;
+    $total_shown++ if check_package($pkg);
+my $date = gmtime;
+print <<_EOF;
+<tr><td colspan=\"4\"><b>TOTAL: $total_shown/$total</b></td></tr>
+$date UTC<br>
+exit 0
+# vim: et:sts=4:ai:sw=4

Property changes on: trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/versioncheck.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/versioncheck2.pl
--- trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/versioncheck2.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/versioncheck2.pl	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,1054 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Copyright gregor herrmann <gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at>, 2007
+# Copyright Damyan Ivanov <dmn at debian.org>, 2007
+# Copyright Martín Ferrari <martin.ferrari at gmail.com>, 2007
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL 2
+### TODO ###
+# Try harder to use 02packages.details.gz for authoritative CPAN
+#  version source, regardless of whether debian/watch uses by-module URL
+#  or by-author one
+# Use AptPkg::Version for
+#  - version comparison
+#  - stripping debian revision off from a version
+our $THIS_REVISION = '$Id: versioncheck2.pl 8974 2007-11-07 15:28:29Z gregoa-guest $';
+    my $self_dir = $0;
+    $self_dir =~ s{/[^/]+$}{};
+    unshift @INC, $self_dir;
+use strict;
+use Carp qw(confess);
+use Common;
+use LWP::Simple ();
+use Compress::Zlib ();
+use HTML::TableExtract;
+use SVN::Client;
+use SVN::Core;
+use IO::Scalar;
+use Parse::DebianChangelog;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Path;
+our $opt_debug = 0;
+my $force_cpan = 0;
+my $force_rescan = 0;
+my @pkg_rescan = ();
+our $CACHEDIR = "$ENV{HOME}/.dpg/versioncheck";
+our $svn = SVN::Client->new();
+    'debug!'         => \$opt_debug,
+    'force-cpan!'    => \$force_cpan,
+    'force-rescan!'  => \$force_rescan,
+    'rescan=s'       => \@pkg_rescan,
+    'cache-dir=s'    => \$CACHEDIR
+sub debugmsg(@)
+    warn @_ if $opt_debug;
+mkpath $CACHEDIR;
+my $lockfile = "$CACHEDIR/.lock";
+if(-e $lockfile) {
+    if(-M $lockfile > 1/24) { # 1 hour
+        debugmsg("Stale lock file -- deleting\n");
+        unlink $lockfile or die $!;
+    } else {
+        die("Other instance of $0 is running!\n");
+    }
+$SIG{HUP} = $SIG{INT} = $SIG{QUIT} = \&sighandler;
+$SIG{SEGV} = $SIG{PIPE} = $SIG{TERM} = \&sighandler;
+$SIG{__DIE__} = \&diehandler;
+open(LOCK, ">", $lockfile) or die $!;
+close(LOCK) or die $!;
+# Get some information globally
+use Storable();
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+debugmsg( "CPAN mirror is $CPAN_MIRROR\n" );
+debugmsg( "The cache is in $CACHEDIR\n" );
+sub diehandler
+    die @_ if($^S); # eval
+    debugmsg("Removing lockfile...\n");
+    unlink $lockfile;
+    die @_;
+sub sighandler
+    my $sig = shift;
+    warn "Caught $sig signal...\n";
+    debugmsg("Removing lockfile...\n");
+    unlink $lockfile;
+    # signal myself again
+    $SIG{$sig} = "DEFAULT";
+    kill $sig, $$;
+sub from_cache($$$)
+    my( $ref, $name, $max_age) = @_;
+    my $dir = $CACHEDIR;
+    return undef unless -f "$dir/$name" and -M(_) <= $max_age/24;
+    my $data = Storable::retrieve("$dir/$name");
+    return undef unless $data;
+    debugmsg("$name loaded from cache (".scalar(keys(%$data)).")\n");
+    %$ref = %$data;
+    return 1;
+sub to_cache($$)
+    my( $ref, $name) = @_;
+    Storable::store($ref, "$CACHEDIR/$name");
+sub scan_packages($$)
+    my( $suite, $hash ) = @_;
+    foreach my $section ( qw( main contrib non-free ) )
+    {
+        # TODO This is somewhat brute-force, reading the whole sources into
+        # memory, then de-compressing them also in memory.
+        # Should be made incremental using reasonable-sized buffer
+        my $url = "$MIRROR/debian/dists/$suite/$section/source/Sources.gz";
+        my $sources_gz = LWP::Simple::get($url);
+        unless($sources_gz) {
+            warn "Can't download $url";
+            return 0;
+        }
+        my $sources = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$sources_gz);
+        my $src_io = IO::Scalar->new(\$sources);
+        my $pkg;
+        while( <$src_io> )
+        {
+            chomp;
+            if( s/^Package: // )
+            {
+                $pkg = $_;
+                next;
+            }
+            if( s/^Version: // )
+            {
+                $hash->{$pkg} = $_;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    debugmsg(
+        sprintf(
+            "Information about %d %s packages loaded\n",
+            scalar(keys(%$hash)),
+            $suite,
+        ),
+    );
+    to_cache($hash, $suite);
+    1;
+my %packages;   # contains {package => version} pairs
+unless(from_cache(\%packages, 'unstable', 6)) {
+    scan_packages('unstable', \%packages)
+        or from_cache(\%packages, 'unstable', 999) or die;
+my %experimental;   # contains {package => version} pairs
+unless(from_cache(\%experimental, 'experimental', 6)) {
+    scan_packages('experimental', \%experimental)
+        or from_cache(\%experimental, 'experimental', 999) or die;
+my %stable;   # contains {package => version} pairs
+unless(from_cache(\%stable, 'stable', 168)) {
+    scan_packages('stable', \%stable)
+        or from_cache(\%stable, 'stable', 999) or die;
+my %oldstable;   # contains {package => version} pairs
+unless(from_cache(\%oldstable, 'oldstable', 168)) {
+    scan_packages('oldstable', \%oldstable)
+        or from_cache(\%oldstable, 'oldstable', 999) or die;
+my %incoming;   # contains {package => version} pairs
+unless(from_cache(\%incoming, 'incoming', 1)) {
+    scan_incoming(\%incoming)
+        or from_cache(\%incoming, 'incoming', 999) or die;
+my %new;   # contains {package => version} pairs
+unless(from_cache(\%new, 'new', 1)) {
+    scan_new(\%new)
+        or from_cache(\%new, 'new', 999) or die;
+my( %cpan_authors, %cpan_modules, %cpan_dists, $cpan_updated );
+unless(not $force_cpan
+        and from_cache(\%cpan_authors, 'cpan_authors', 12)
+        and from_cache(\%cpan_modules, 'cpan_modules', 12)
+        and from_cache(\%cpan_dists,   'cpan_dists',   12))
+    if(scan_cpan(\%cpan_authors, \%cpan_modules, \%cpan_dists)) {
+        $cpan_updated = 1;
+    } else {
+        from_cache(\%cpan_authors, 'cpan_authors', 999) or die;
+        from_cache(\%cpan_modules, 'cpan_modules', 999) or die;
+        from_cache(\%cpan_dists,   'cpan_dists',   999) or die;
+    }
+sub scan_incoming {
+    my $inchash = shift;
+    my $incoming = LWP::Simple::get('http://incoming.debian.org')
+        or die "Unable to retreive http://incoming.debian.org";
+    my $inc_io = IO::Scalar->new(\$incoming);
+    while( <$inc_io> )
+    {
+        chomp;
+        next unless /a href="([^_]+)_(.+)\.dsc"/;
+        $inchash->{$1} = $2;
+    }
+    to_cache($inchash, "incoming");
+    debugmsg( sprintf("Information about %d incoming packages loaded\n",
+            scalar(keys(%$inchash))) );
+sub scan_new {
+    my $newhash = shift;
+    my  $new = LWP::Simple::get('http://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html');
+    my $te = HTML::TableExtract->new(
+        headers=> [
+            qw(Package Version Arch Distribution Age Maintainer Closes)
+        ],
+    );
+    $te->parse($new);
+    foreach my $table( $te->tables )
+    {
+        foreach my $row( $table->rows )
+        {
+            next unless $row->[2] =~ /source/;
+            my @versions = split(/\n/, $row->[1]);
+            s/<br>// foreach @versions;
+            $newhash->{$row->[0]} = $versions[-1];# use the last uploaded version
+        }
+    }
+    to_cache($newhash, "new");
+    debugmsg( sprintf("Information about %d NEW packages loaded\n",
+            scalar(keys(%$newhash))) );
+sub scan_cpan {
+    my( $cpauth, $cpmod, $cpdist ) = @_;
+    open(TMP, '+>', undef) or die "Unable to open anonymous temporary file";
+    my $old = select(TMP);
+    my $lslr = LWP::Simple::getprint("$CPAN_MIRROR/ls-lR.gz");
+    unless(-s TMP) {
+        close TMP;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    select($old);
+    seek(TMP, 0, 0);
+    my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen(\*TMP, 'rb') or die $Compress::Zlib::gzerrno;
+    my $storage;
+    my ($section, $path);
+    while( $gz->gzreadline($_) )
+    {
+        chomp;
+        next unless $_;
+        # catch dist
+        if( m{
+                \s              # blank
+                (               # $1 will capture the whole file name
+                    (\S+?)      # dist name - in $2
+                    -           # separator - dash
+                    v?          # optional 'v' before the version
+                    (?:             # version
+                        \d          # starts with a digit
+                        [\d._]+     # followed by digits, periods and underscores
+                    )
+                    (?:             # file extension
+                        \.tar       # .tar
+                        (?:\.gz)?   # most probably followed with .gz
+                        | \.zip     # yeah, that ugly OS is not wiped yet
+                    )
+                )$}x            # and this finishes the line
+        )
+        {
+            $cpdist->{$2} ||= [];
+            push @{ $cpdist->{$2} }, $1;
+        }
+        if( m{^\./authors/id/(.+):} )
+        {
+            $storage = $cpauth->{$1} ||= [];
+        }
+        elsif( m{^\./modules/by-module/(.+):} )
+        {
+            $storage = $cpmod->{$1} ||= [];
+        }
+        elsif( m{\..*:} )
+        {
+            undef($storage);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            next unless $storage;
+            my(
+                $perm, $ln, $o, $g, $size, $month, $day, $time, $what, $where,
+            ) =  split(/\s+/);
+            next unless $what and $what =~ /(?:tar\.gz|\.tgz|\.zip|\.tar\.bz2|\.tbz)$/;
+            push @$storage, $what;
+        }
+    }
+    close(TMP);
+    to_cache($cpauth, 'cpan_authors');
+    to_cache($cpmod,  'cpan_modules');
+    to_cache($cpdist, 'cpan_dists'  );
+    1;
+#  1 if first version is bigger
+#  0 if both versions are equal
+# -1 if second version is bigger
+sub cmp_ver($$)
+    my($a,$b) = @_;
+    while( $a and $b )
+    {
+        $a =~ s/^(\w*)//; my $a_w = $1||'';
+        $b =~ s/^(\w*)//; my $b_w = $1||'';
+        my $r = $a_w cmp $b_w;
+        return $r if $r;
+        $a =~ s/^(\d*)//; my $a_d = (defined($1) and $1 ne '') ? $1 : -1;
+        $b =~ s/^(\d*)//; my $b_d = (defined($1) and $1 ne '') ? $1 : -1;
+        $r = $a_d <=> $b_d;
+        return $r if $r;
+        $a =~ s/^(\D*)//; my $a_nd = $1||'';
+        $b =~ s/^(\D*)//; my $b_nd = $1||'';
+        $r = $a_nd cmp $b_nd;
+        return $r if $r;
+    }
+    return 1 if $a;
+    return -1 if $b;
+    return 0;
+sub unmangle( $ $ )
+    my( $ver, $mangles ) = @_;
+    return $ver unless $mangles;
+    my @vms = map( split(/;/, $_), @$mangles );
+    foreach my $vm( @vms )
+    {
+        eval "\$ver =~ $vm";
+        die "<<\$_ =~ $vm>> $@" if $@;
+        debugmsg("     mangled: $ver\n");
+    }
+    return $ver;
+# RETURNS undef if all watch files point to CPAN
+sub latest_upstream_from_watch($)
+    my ($watch) = @_;
+    my @vers;
+    foreach(@$watch)
+    {
+        my( $wline, $opts ) = @$_;
+        $wline =~ m{^((?:http|ftp)://\S+)/};
+        my $url = $1 or confess "Invalid watch line given? '$wline'";
+        $url =~ s{^http://sf.net/}{http://sf.net.projects/};
+        $wline =~ s{^http://sf\.net/(\S+)}{http://qa.debian.org/watch/sf.php/$1};
+        my @items = split(/\s+/, $wline);
+        my( $dir, $filter );
+        # Either we have single URL/pattern
+        # or URL/pattern + extra
+        if( $items[0] =~ /\(/ )
+        {
+            # Since '+' is greedy, the second capture has no slashes
+            ($dir, $filter) = $items[0] =~ m{^(.+)/(.+)$};
+        }
+        # or, we have a homepage plus pattern
+        # (plus optional other non-interesting stuff)
+        elsif( @items >= 2 and $items[1] =~ /\(/ )
+        {
+            ($dir, $filter) = @items[0,1];
+        }
+        if( $dir and $filter )
+        {
+            debugmsg( "   uscan $dir $filter\n" );
+            $url ||= $dir;
+            my $page = LWP::Simple::get($dir) or return "Unable to get $dir (".__LINE__.")";
+            my $page_io = IO::Scalar->new(\$page);
+            while( <$page_io> )
+            {
+                warn $_ if 0;
+                if( $dir =~ /^http/ )
+                {
+                    while( s/<a [^>]*href="([^"]+)"[^>]*>//i )
+                    {
+                        my $href = $1;
+                        push @vers, [
+                            unmangle( $1, $opts->{uversionmangle} ),
+                            $url,
+                        ] if $href =~ $filter;
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    while( s/(?:^|\s+)$filter(?:\s+|$)// )
+                    {
+                        push @vers, [
+                            unmangle( $1, $opts->{uversionmangle} ),
+                            $url,
+                        ];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return "bad watch URL $wline";
+        }
+    }
+    @vers = sort { cmp_ver($a->[0],$b->[0]) } @vers;
+    my $ver = $vers[-1];
+    my $url;
+    ($ver, $url) = $ver ? @$ver : (undef, undef);
+    return wantarray ? ($ver, $url) : $ver;
+# returns array of [ver, path]
+sub cpan_versions($$$)
+    my($where, $wline, $opts) = @_;
+    my( $key, $filter );
+    # watch line is either:
+    #   path/pattern
+    # or
+    #   path pattern
+    my @elements = split(/\s+/, $wline);
+    # ignore version and script for version=2 watchlines
+    # (consider the first element only unless the second contains a capture)
+    @elements = $elements[0] if $elements[1] and $elements[1] !~ m{\(};
+    if( @elements == 1 )
+    {   # "path/pattern"
+        $wline =~ m{
+                    ^(\S*?)                 # some/path - captured
+                                            #  non-greedy to not eat up the pattern
+                    /                       # delimiter - '/'
+                    ([^\s/]+)               # the search pattern - no spaces, no slashes - captured
+                    (?!.*\()                # not followed by search pattern
+                }ix
+        and
+            ( $key, $filter ) = ($1, $2)
+        or
+            die "Strange one-element watchline '$wline'";
+    }
+    else
+    {   # "path" "pattern" "other things" (ignored)
+        ( $key, $filter ) = @elements[0..1];
+        # could this be a dist search?
+        if ( $key =~ m{^http://search.cpan.org/dist/([^/]+)/$} )
+        {
+            $key = $1;
+            $filter =~ s{^.*/}{};  # remove prepended paths
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            # remove trailing slash (if present)
+            $key =~ s{/$}{};
+        }
+    }
+    debugmsg( sprintf( "   module search %s %s\n", $key, $filter ) );
+    my $list = $where->{$key};
+    unless($list)
+    {
+        debugmsg("directory $key not found (from $wline) [".__LINE__."]\n");
+        return();
+    }
+    my @vers;
+    foreach(@$list)
+    {
+        if( $_ =~ $filter )
+        {
+            debugmsg("     looking at $_\n") if 0;
+            my $ver = unmangle( $1, $opts->{uversionmangle} );
+            push @vers, [$ver, $key];
+        }
+    }
+    return @vers;
+# returns (version, URL)
+sub latest_upstream_from_cpan($$$$)
+    my ($watch, $cpauth, $cpmod, $cpdist) = @_;
+    my @cpan = grep( $_->[0] =~ m{(?:^|\s)(?:http|ftp)://\S*cpan}i, @$watch );
+    return undef unless @cpan;
+    my @vers;
+    foreach(@cpan)
+    {
+        my( $wline, $opts ) = @$_;
+        if( $wline =~ s{^(?:http|ftp)://\S*cpan\S*/modules/by-module/}{}i )
+        {
+            # lookup by module
+            push @vers, map(
+                [ $_->[0], "http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/".$_->[1] ],
+                cpan_versions($cpmod, $wline, $opts),
+            );
+        }
+        elsif( $wline =~ s{^(?:http|ftp)://\S*cpan\S*/authors/(?:by-)?id/}{}i
+                or
+            $wline =~ s{^(?:http|ftp)://\S*cpan\S*/(?:by-)?authors/id/}{}i
+        )
+        {
+            # lookup by author
+            push @vers, map(
+                [ $_->[0], "http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/".$_->[1] ],
+                cpan_versions($cpauth, $wline, $opts),
+            );
+        }
+        elsif( $wline =~ m{(?:http|ftp)://search.cpan.org/dist/([^/]+)/?\s} )
+        {
+            # lookup by dist
+            my $dist = $1;
+            push @vers, map(
+                [ $_->[0], "http://search.cpan.org/dist/$dist/" ],
+                cpan_versions($cpdist, $wline, $opts),
+            );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            debugmsg( sprintf( "    can't determine type of search for %s\n", $wline ) );
+            return undef;
+        }
+    }
+    @vers = sort { cmp_ver($a->[0],$b->[0]) } @vers;
+    my $ver = $vers[-1];
+    my $url;
+    if( $ver )
+    {
+        ($ver, $url) = @$ver;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        undef($ver); undef($url);
+    }
+    return wantarray ? ($ver, $url) : $ver;
+sub unmangle_debian_version($$)
+    my($ver, $watch) = @_;
+    foreach( @$watch )
+    {
+        my $dvm = $_->[1]->{dversionmangle} if $_->[1];
+        $dvm ||= [];
+        do {
+            eval "\$ver =~ $_";
+            die "\$ver =~ $dvm  -> $@" if $@;
+        } foreach @$dvm;
+    }
+    return $ver;
+sub read_changelog ($) {
+    my( $dir ) = @_;
+    debugmsg("Retrieving changelog for $dir\n" );
+    my $changelog;
+    my $svn_error;
+    {
+        my $changelog_fh = IO::Scalar->new( \$changelog );
+        local $SVN::Error::handler = undef;
+        ($svn_error) = $svn->cat(
+            $changelog_fh,
+            "$SVN_REPO/trunk/$dir/debian/changelog",
+            'HEAD',
+        );
+    }
+    if(SVN::Error::is_error($svn_error))
+    {
+        if($svn_error->apr_err() == $SVN::Error::FS_NOT_FOUND)
+        {
+            $svn_error->clear();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            SVN::Error::croak_on_error($svn_error);
+        }
+    }
+    if(! $changelog) {
+        return { chl_ver => "Missing changelog" };
+    }
+    my @chl = Parse::DebianChangelog->init({instring=>$changelog})->data;
+    my @validchl = grep({ $_->Distribution eq 'unstable' and
+            $_->Changes !~ /NOT RELEASED/ } @chl);
+    my($chl, $ver);
+    if(@validchl) {
+        $chl = shift @validchl;
+        $ver = $chl->Version;
+    } elsif(@chl) {
+        $chl = shift @chl;
+        $ver = "Unreleased";
+    } else {
+        return { chl_ver => "Invalid changelog" };
+    }
+    return {
+        chl_ver => $ver,
+        chl_changer => $chl->Maintainer,
+        chl_date => $chl->Date,
+        chl_pkg => $chl->Source,
+        chl_native => scalar($chl->Version !~ /-./)
+    };
+sub read_watch ($) {
+    my( $dir ) = @_;
+    debugmsg("Retrieving watch for $dir\n" );
+    my $svn_error;
+    my $watch;
+    {
+        my $watch_io = IO::Scalar->new(\$watch);
+        local $SVN::Error::handler = undef;
+        ($svn_error) = $svn->cat(
+            $watch_io,
+            "$SVN_REPO/trunk/$dir/debian/watch",
+            'HEAD',
+        );
+        $watch_io->close();
+    }
+    if(SVN::Error::is_error($svn_error))
+    {
+        if($svn_error->apr_err() == $SVN::Error::FS_NOT_FOUND)
+        {
+            $svn_error->clear();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            SVN::Error::croak_on_error($svn_error);
+        }
+    }
+    if( not $watch) {
+        return 'missing';
+    }
+    $watch =~ s/\\\n//gs;
+    my @watch_lines = split(/\n/, $watch) if $watch;
+    @watch_lines = grep( (!/^#/ and !/^version=/ and !/^\s*$/), @watch_lines );
+    my @watch;
+    foreach(@watch_lines)
+    {
+        debugmsg( "   watch line $_\n" ) if 0;
+        # opts either contain no spaces, or is enclosed in double-quotes
+        my $opts = $1 if s!^\s*opts="([^"]*)"\s+!! or s!^\s*opts=(\S*)\s+!!;
+        debugmsg( "     watch options = $opts\n" ) if $opts;
+        # several options are separated by comma and commas are not allowed within
+        my @opts = split(/\s*,\s*/, $opts) if $opts;
+        my %opts;
+        foreach(@opts)
+        {
+            next if /^(?:active|passive|pasv)$/;
+            /([^=]+)=(.*)/;
+            debugmsg( "      watch option $1 = $2\n" );
+            if( $1 eq 'versionmangle' )
+            {
+                push @{ $opts{uversionmangle} }, $2;
+                push @{ $opts{dversionmangle} }, $2;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                push @{ $opts{$1} }, $2;
+            }
+        }
+        s!^http://www.cpan.org/!$CPAN_MIRROR/!;
+        s!^ftp://www.cpan.org/!$CPAN_MIRROR/!;
+        s!^http://backpan.perl.org/authors/!$CPAN_MIRROR/authors/!;
+        s!^http://mirrors.kernel.org/cpan/!$CPAN_MIRROR/!;
+        s!^ftp://mirrors.kernel.org/cpan/!$CPAN_MIRROR/!;
+        push @watch, [ $_, \%opts ];
+    }
+    if( not @watch )
+    {
+        warn "invalid debian/watch" if 0;
+        return 'invalid';
+    }
+    debugmsg('Found valid debian/watch') if 0;
+    return ( 'valid', @watch );
+my $header = <<_EOF;
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
+   "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+	<title>pkg-perl package versions</title>
+	<style type="text/css">
+		body {
+			background: white;
+			color: black;
+		}
+		table {
+			border: 1px solid black;
+			border-collapse: collapse;
+                        empty-cells: show;
+		}
+		td, th {
+			border: 1px solid black;
+		}
+		.upload {
+			background: lightsalmon;
+		}
+		.upgrade {
+			background: lightblue;
+		}
+	</style>
+<tr><td class="upload">Needs uploading</td></tr>
+<tr><td class="upgrade">Needs upgrade from upstream</td></tr>
+    <a href="http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/">http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org</a>
+	<th>Package</th>
+	<th>Repository</th>
+	<th>Archive</th>
+	<th>upstream</th>
+my $total = 0;
+my $total_shown = 0;
+my $chunk;
+# loop over packages
+my @svn_packages = sort(keys(%{$svn->ls("$SVN_REPO/trunk", 'HEAD', 0)}));
+my $cur_ver;
+$svn->info("$SVN_REPO/trunk", undef, "HEAD", sub {
+        $cur_ver = $_[1]->rev();
+    }, 0);
+my %maindata;
+my(@wmodified, @cmodified);
+if(not $force_rescan and from_cache(\%maindata, "maindata", 168)) { # 1 week
+    if($maindata{packages}) {
+        debugmsg("Converting maindata hash\n");
+        my %md;
+        $md{"//lastrev"} = $maindata{lastrev};
+        $md{$_} = $maindata{packages}{$_} foreach(
+            keys %{$maindata{packages}});
+        %maindata = %md;
+    }
+    $svn->log( ["$SVN_REPO/trunk"], $maindata{"//lastrev"}, "HEAD", 1, 1, sub {
+            return if($_[1] <= $maindata{"//lastrev"});
+            debugmsg("Scanning changes from revision $_[1]:\n");
+            foreach(keys %{$_[0]}) {
+                debugmsg("- $_\n");
+                if(m{^/?trunk/([^/]+)/debian/(changelog|watch)$}) {
+                    if($2 eq "changelog") {
+                        push @cmodified, $1;
+                    } else {
+                        push @wmodified, $1;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    );
+$maindata{"//lastrev"} = $cur_ver;
+foreach(@pkg_rescan) { # forced rescan of packages
+    push @wmodified, $_;
+    push @cmodified, $_;
+foreach(@svn_packages) {
+    next if($maindata{$_});
+    $maindata{$_} = {};
+    push @wmodified, $_;
+    push @cmodified, $_;
+my %tmp = map({ $_ => 1 } @cmodified); # eliminate dupes
+foreach my $pkg (keys %tmp) {
+    $maindata{$pkg} ||= {};
+    foreach(keys %{$maindata{$pkg}}) {
+        delete $maindata{$pkg}{$_} if(/^chl_/);
+    }
+    my $data = read_changelog($pkg);
+    foreach(keys %$data) {
+        $maindata{$pkg}{$_} = $data->{$_};
+    }
+    delete $maindata{$pkg}{watch_unmangled_ver};
+    if($maindata{$pkg}{chl_ver} and $maindata{$pkg}{watch}) {
+        my $up_svn = $maindata{$pkg}{chl_ver};
+        $up_svn =~ s/^(?:\d+:)?(.+?)(?:-[^-]+)?$/$1/;
+        $up_svn = unmangle_debian_version($up_svn, $maindata{$pkg}{watch});
+        $maindata{$pkg}{watch_unmangled_ver} = $up_svn;
+    }
+if($cpan_updated) {
+    push @wmodified, grep(
+        { $maindata{$_}{watch_cpan} }
+        @svn_packages );
+%tmp = map({ $_ => 1 } @wmodified); # eliminate dupes
+foreach(keys %tmp) {
+    my $pkg = $maindata{$_};
+    my($st, @data) = read_watch($_);
+    debugmsg("$_: $st ".scalar(@data)) if 0;
+    foreach(keys %{$pkg}) {
+        delete $pkg->{$_} if(/^watch_/);
+    }
+    $pkg->{watch_url} = ""; 
+    $pkg->{watch_ver} = ""; 
+    $pkg->{watch_unmangled_ver} = $pkg->{chl_ver};
+    unless($st eq "valid") {
+        if($st eq "missing" and $pkg->{chl_native}) {
+            $pkg->{watch_ver} = $pkg->{chl_ver};
+        } elsif($st eq "invalid") {
+            $pkg->{watch_ver} = "Invalid debian/watch";
+            $pkg->{watch_url} = qq(http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/$_/debian/watch?op=file&amp;rev=0&amp;sc=0);
+        } else { # missing
+            $pkg->{watch_ver} = "Missing debian/watch";
+        }
+        next;
+    }
+    $pkg->{watch} = \@data;
+    my($upstream_ver, $upstream_url) = latest_upstream_from_cpan(\@data,
+        \%cpan_authors, \%cpan_modules, \%cpan_dists);
+    if( $upstream_ver ) {
+        $pkg->{watch_cpan} = 1;
+    } else {
+        ($upstream_ver, $upstream_url) = latest_upstream_from_watch(\@data);
+    }
+    if( $upstream_ver ) {
+        $pkg->{watch_ver} = $upstream_ver;
+        $pkg->{watch_url} = $upstream_url || "";
+    } else {
+        $pkg->{watch_ver} = "Invalid debian/watch";
+        $pkg->{watch_url} = qq(http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/$_/debian/watch?op=file&amp;rev=0&amp;sc=0);
+    }
+    if($pkg->{chl_ver}) {
+        my $up_svn = $pkg->{chl_ver};
+        $up_svn =~ s/^(?:\d+:)?(.+?)(?:-[^-]+)?$/$1/;
+        $up_svn = unmangle_debian_version($up_svn, \@data);
+        $pkg->{watch_unmangled_ver} = $up_svn;
+    }
+to_cache(\%maindata, "maindata");
+my @pkgs_to_check;
+my $showalways;
+if( @ARGV )
+    @pkgs_to_check = @ARGV;
+    $showalways = 1;
+    debugmsg(
+        sprintf(
+            "%d entries in trunk\n",
+            scalar(@svn_packages)
+        ),
+    );
+    @pkgs_to_check = @svn_packages;
+print $header;
+foreach ( @pkgs_to_check )
+    $total++;
+    my $pkgd = $maindata{$_};
+    my $spkg = $maindata{$_}{chl_pkg} or die "No source package for $_?";
+    debugmsg("Examining $_ (src:$spkg)\n" );
+    debugmsg(sprintf(" - Archive has %s\n", $packages{$spkg} || 'none'));
+    debugmsg(sprintf(" - experimental has %s\n",
+            $experimental{$spkg} || 'none'));
+    debugmsg(sprintf(" - stable has %s\n", $stable{$spkg} || 'none'));
+    debugmsg(sprintf(" - oldstable has %s\n", $oldstable{$spkg} || 'none'));
+    debugmsg(sprintf(" - incoming has %s\n", $incoming{$spkg} || 'none' ));
+    debugmsg(sprintf(" - NEW has %s\n", $new{$spkg} || 'none'));
+    debugmsg(sprintf(" - %s has %s (%s)\n",
+            $pkgd->{watch_cpan} ? "CPAN" : "upstream",
+            $pkgd->{watch_ver} || 'none', $pkgd->{watch_url} || 'no url'));
+    debugmsg(sprintf(" - SVN has %s (upstream version=%s)\n",
+            $pkgd->{chl_ver} || 'none', $pkgd->{watch_unmangled_ver} || 'none'));
+    next unless($showalways or
+        $pkgd->{watch_unmangled_ver} ne $pkgd->{watch_ver}
+            or
+        (! $packages{$spkg} or $pkgd->{chl_ver} ne $packages{$spkg})
+            and
+        (! $incoming{$spkg} or $pkgd->{chl_ver} ne $incoming{$spkg})
+            and
+        (! $new{$spkg} or $pkgd->{chl_ver} ne $new{$spkg})
+    );
+    $total_shown++;
+    my $text = "<tr>\n";
+    $text .= "<td>".(
+        ($packages{$spkg})
+        ? qq(<a href="http://packages.qa.debian.org/$spkg">$spkg</a>)
+        : qq($spkg)
+        )."</td>\n";
+    $text .= "<td".(
+        (! $packages{$spkg} or $pkgd->{chl_ver} ne $packages{$spkg})
+        ? ' class="upload">'
+        : '>');
+    $text .= qq(<a href="http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/$_/debian/changelog?op=file&amp;rev=0&amp;sc=0" title=") . $pkgd->{chl_changer} . "\n" . $pkgd->{chl_date} . "\">" .$pkgd->{chl_ver} . "</a></td>\n";
+    my $archive_text = join(
+        "\n",
+        $packages{$spkg}||(),
+        (
+            ($incoming{$spkg})
+            ? "Incoming:&nbsp;$incoming{$spkg}"
+            : ()
+        ),
+        (
+            ($new{$spkg})
+            ? "NEW:&nbsp;$new{$spkg}"
+            : ()
+        ),
+        (
+            ($experimental{$spkg})
+            ? "experimental:&nbsp;$experimental{$spkg}"
+            : ()
+        ),
+        (
+            ($stable{$spkg} and not $packages{$spkg} and not $experimental{$spkg})
+            ? "stable:&nbsp;$stable{$spkg}"
+            : ()
+        ),
+        (
+            ($oldstable{$spkg} and not $stable{$spkg} and not $packages{$spkg} and not $experimental{$spkg})
+            ? "oldstable:&nbsp;$oldstable{$spkg}"
+            : ()
+        ),
+    );
+    $archive_text = qq(<a href="http://packages.qa.debian.org/$spkg">$archive_text</a> [<a style="font-size:smaller" href="http://bugs.debian.org/src:$spkg">BTS</a>]) if $packages{$spkg} or $experimental{$spkg} or $stable{$spkg} or $oldstable{$spkg};
+    $text .= "<td>$archive_text</td>\n";
+    my $upstream_text = (
+        $pkgd->{watch_cpan} ? "CPAN:&nbsp;" : "") . $pkgd->{watch_ver};
+    $upstream_text = qq(<a href=") . $pkgd->{watch_url} .  qq(">$upstream_text</a>) if $pkgd->{watch_url};
+    $text .= (
+        ($pkgd->{watch_unmangled_ver} ne $pkgd->{watch_ver})
+        ? qq(<td class="upgrade">$upstream_text</td>\n)
+        : "<td></td>\n"
+    );
+    $text .= "</tr>\n";
+    print $text;
+my $date = gmtime;
+my $footer = <<_EOF;
+<tr><td colspan=\"4\"><b>TOTAL: $total_shown/$total</b></td></tr>
+$date UTC<br>
+print $footer;
+unlink $lockfile or die $!;
+# vim: et:sts=4:ai:sw=4

Property changes on: trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/versioncheck2.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/versioncheck3.pl
--- trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/versioncheck3.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/versioncheck3.pl	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,1102 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Copyright gregor herrmann <gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at>, 2007
+# Copyright Damyan Ivanov <dmn at debian.org>, 2007
+# Copyright Martín Ferrari <martin.ferrari at gmail.com>, 2007
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL 2
+### TODO ###
+# Try harder to use 02packages.details.gz for authoritative CPAN
+#  version source, regardless of whether debian/watch uses by-module URL
+#  or by-author one
+# Use AptPkg::Version for
+#  - version comparison
+#  - stripping debian revision off from a version
+our $THIS_REVISION = '$Id: versioncheck3.pl 8974 2007-11-07 15:28:29Z gregoa-guest $';
+    my $self_dir = $0;
+    $self_dir =~ s{/[^/]+$}{};
+    unshift @INC, $self_dir;
+use strict;
+use Carp qw(confess);
+use Common;
+use LWP::Simple ();
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use Compress::Zlib ();
+use HTML::TableExtract;
+use SVN::Client;
+use SVN::Core;
+use IO::Scalar;
+use Parse::DebianChangelog;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Path;
+use SOAP::Lite;
+our $opt_debug = 0;
+my $force_cpan = 0;
+my $force_rescan = 0;
+my @pkg_rescan = ();
+our $CACHEDIR = "$ENV{HOME}/.dpg/versioncheck";
+our $svn = SVN::Client->new();
+    'debug!'         => \$opt_debug,
+    'force-cpan!'    => \$force_cpan,
+    'force-rescan!'  => \$force_rescan,
+    'rescan=s'       => \@pkg_rescan,
+    'cache-dir=s'    => \$CACHEDIR
+sub debugmsg(@)
+    warn @_ if $opt_debug;
+mkpath $CACHEDIR;
+my $lockfile = "$CACHEDIR/.lock";
+if(-e $lockfile) {
+    if(-M $lockfile > 1/24) { # 1 hour
+        debugmsg("Stale lock file -- deleting\n");
+        unlink $lockfile or die $!;
+    } else {
+        die("Other instance of $0 is running!\n");
+    }
+$SIG{HUP} = $SIG{INT} = $SIG{QUIT} = \&sighandler;
+$SIG{SEGV} = $SIG{PIPE} = $SIG{TERM} = \&sighandler;
+$SIG{__DIE__} = \&diehandler;
+open(LOCK, ">", $lockfile) or die $!;
+close(LOCK) or die $!;
+# Get some information globally
+use Storable();
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+debugmsg( "CPAN mirror is $CPAN_MIRROR\n" );
+debugmsg( "The cache is in $CACHEDIR\n" );
+sub diehandler
+    die @_ if($^S); # eval
+    debugmsg("Removing lockfile...\n");
+    unlink $lockfile;
+    die @_;
+sub sighandler
+    my $sig = shift;
+    warn "Caught $sig signal...\n";
+    debugmsg("Removing lockfile...\n");
+    unlink $lockfile;
+    # signal myself again
+    $SIG{$sig} = "DEFAULT";
+    kill $sig, $$;
+sub from_cache($$$)
+    my( $ref, $name, $max_age) = @_;
+    my $dir = $CACHEDIR;
+    return undef unless -f "$dir/$name" and -M(_) <= $max_age/24;
+    my $data = Storable::retrieve("$dir/$name");
+    return undef unless $data;
+    debugmsg("$name loaded from cache (".scalar(keys(%$data)).")\n");
+    %$ref = %$data;
+    return 1;
+sub to_cache($$)
+    my( $ref, $name) = @_;
+    Storable::store($ref, "$CACHEDIR/$name");
+sub scan_packages($$)
+    my( $suite, $hash ) = @_;
+    foreach my $section ( qw( main contrib non-free ) )
+    {
+        # TODO This is somewhat brute-force, reading the whole sources into
+        # memory, then de-compressing them also in memory.
+        # Should be made incremental using reasonable-sized buffer
+        my $url = "$MIRROR/debian/dists/$suite/$section/source/Sources.gz";
+        my $sources_gz = LWP::Simple::get($url);
+        unless($sources_gz) {
+            warn "Can't download $url";
+            return 0;
+        }
+        my $sources = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$sources_gz);
+        my $src_io = IO::Scalar->new(\$sources);
+        my $pkg;
+        while( <$src_io> )
+        {
+            chomp;
+            if( s/^Package: // )
+            {
+                $pkg = $_;
+                next;
+            }
+            if( s/^Version: // )
+            {
+                $hash->{$pkg} = $_;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    debugmsg(
+        sprintf(
+            "Information about %d %s packages loaded\n",
+            scalar(keys(%$hash)),
+            $suite,
+        ),
+    );
+    to_cache($hash, $suite);
+    1;
+my %packages;   # contains {package => version} pairs
+unless(from_cache(\%packages, 'unstable', 6)) {
+    scan_packages('unstable', \%packages)
+        or from_cache(\%packages, 'unstable', 999) or die;
+my %experimental;   # contains {package => version} pairs
+unless(from_cache(\%experimental, 'experimental', 6)) {
+    scan_packages('experimental', \%experimental)
+        or from_cache(\%experimental, 'experimental', 999) or die;
+my %stable;   # contains {package => version} pairs
+unless(from_cache(\%stable, 'stable', 168)) {
+    scan_packages('stable', \%stable)
+        or from_cache(\%stable, 'stable', 999) or die;
+my %oldstable;   # contains {package => version} pairs
+unless(from_cache(\%oldstable, 'oldstable', 168)) {
+    scan_packages('oldstable', \%oldstable)
+        or from_cache(\%oldstable, 'oldstable', 999) or die;
+my %incoming;   # contains {package => version} pairs
+unless(from_cache(\%incoming, 'incoming', 1)) {
+    scan_incoming(\%incoming)
+        or from_cache(\%incoming, 'incoming', 999) or die;
+my %new;   # contains {package => version} pairs
+unless(from_cache(\%new, 'new', 1)) {
+    scan_new(\%new)
+        or from_cache(\%new, 'new', 999) or die;
+my %bugs;   # contains {package => bugcount} pairs
+unless(from_cache(\%bugs, 'bugs', 6)) {
+    scan_bugs(\%bugs)
+        or from_cache(\%new, 'new', 999) or die;
+my( %cpan_authors, %cpan_modules, %cpan_dists, $cpan_updated );
+unless(not $force_cpan
+        and from_cache(\%cpan_authors, 'cpan_authors', 12)
+        and from_cache(\%cpan_modules, 'cpan_modules', 12)
+        and from_cache(\%cpan_dists,   'cpan_dists',   12))
+    if(scan_cpan(\%cpan_authors, \%cpan_modules, \%cpan_dists)) {
+        $cpan_updated = 1;
+    } else {
+        from_cache(\%cpan_authors, 'cpan_authors', 999) or die;
+        from_cache(\%cpan_modules, 'cpan_modules', 999) or die;
+        from_cache(\%cpan_dists,   'cpan_dists',   999) or die;
+    }
+sub scan_incoming {
+    my $inchash = shift;
+    my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
+    $ua->timeout(10);
+    my $res = $ua->get('http://incoming.debian.org');
+    return 0 unless $res->is_success;
+    my $incoming =  $res->content();
+    my $inc_io = IO::Scalar->new(\$incoming);
+    while( <$inc_io> )
+    {
+        chomp;
+        next unless /a href="([^_]+)_(.+)\.dsc"/;
+        $inchash->{$1} = $2;
+    }
+    to_cache($inchash, "incoming");
+    debugmsg( sprintf("Information about %d incoming packages loaded\n",
+            scalar(keys(%$inchash))) );
+sub scan_new {
+    my $newhash = shift;
+    my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
+    $ua->timeout(10);
+    my $res = $ua->get('http://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html');
+    return 0 unless $res->is_success;
+    my $new =  $res->content();
+    my $te = HTML::TableExtract->new(
+        headers=> [
+            qw(Package Version Arch Distribution Age Maintainer Closes)
+        ],
+    );
+    $te->parse($new);
+    foreach my $table( $te->tables )
+    {
+        foreach my $row( $table->rows )
+        {
+            next unless $row->[2] =~ /source/;
+            my @versions = split(/\n/, $row->[1]);
+            s/<br>// foreach @versions;
+            $newhash->{$row->[0]} = $versions[-1];# use the last uploaded version
+        }
+    }
+    to_cache($newhash, "new");
+    debugmsg( sprintf("Information about %d NEW packages loaded\n",
+            scalar(keys(%$newhash))) );
+sub scan_bugs {
+    my $bughash = shift;
+    my $soap = SOAP::Lite->uri('Debbugs/SOAP')->proxy('http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/soap.cgi');
+    my $pkgperlbugs = $soap->get_status($soap->get_bugs(maint=>'pkg-perl-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org')->result())->result;
+    foreach my $bug(keys %$pkgperlbugs) 
+    {
+        my $pkgname = $pkgperlbugs->{$bug}->{package};
+        my $done = $pkgperlbugs->{$bug}->{done};
+        $bughash->{$pkgname}++ unless $done;
+    }
+    to_cache($bughash, "bugs");
+    debugmsg( sprintf("Information about bugs for %d packages loaded\n",
+            scalar(keys(%$bughash))) );
+sub scan_cpan {
+    my( $cpauth, $cpmod, $cpdist ) = @_;
+    open(TMP, '+>', undef) or die "Unable to open anonymous temporary file";
+    my $old = select(TMP);
+    my $lslr = LWP::Simple::getprint("$CPAN_MIRROR/ls-lR.gz");
+    unless(-s TMP) {
+        close TMP;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    select($old);
+    seek(TMP, 0, 0);
+    my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen(\*TMP, 'rb') or die $Compress::Zlib::gzerrno;
+    my $storage;
+    my ($section, $path);
+    while( $gz->gzreadline($_) )
+    {
+        chomp;
+        next unless $_;
+        # catch dist
+        if( m{
+                \s              # blank
+                (               # $1 will capture the whole file name
+                    (\S+?)      # dist name - in $2
+                    -           # separator - dash
+                    v?          # optional 'v' before the version
+                    (?:             # version
+                        \d          # starts with a digit
+                        [\d._]+     # followed by digits, periods and underscores
+                    )
+                    (?:             # file extension
+                        \.tar       # .tar
+                        (?:\.gz)?   # most probably followed with .gz
+                        | \.zip     # yeah, that ugly OS is not wiped yet
+                    )
+                )$}x            # and this finishes the line
+        )
+        {
+            $cpdist->{$2} ||= [];
+            push @{ $cpdist->{$2} }, $1;
+        }
+        if( m{^\./authors/id/(.+):} )
+        {
+            $storage = $cpauth->{$1} ||= [];
+        }
+        elsif( m{^\./modules/by-module/(.+):} )
+        {
+            $storage = $cpmod->{$1} ||= [];
+        }
+        elsif( m{\..*:} )
+        {
+            undef($storage);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            next unless $storage;
+            my(
+                $perm, $ln, $o, $g, $size, $month, $day, $time, $what, $where,
+            ) =  split(/\s+/);
+            next unless $what and $what =~ /(?:tar\.gz|\.tgz|\.zip|\.tar\.bz2|\.tbz)$/;
+            push @$storage, $what;
+        }
+    }
+    close(TMP);
+    to_cache($cpauth, 'cpan_authors');
+    to_cache($cpmod,  'cpan_modules');
+    to_cache($cpdist, 'cpan_dists'  );
+    1;
+#  1 if first version is bigger
+#  0 if both versions are equal
+# -1 if second version is bigger
+sub cmp_ver($$)
+    my($a,$b) = @_;
+    while( $a and $b )
+    {
+        $a =~ s/^(\w*)//; my $a_w = $1||'';
+        $b =~ s/^(\w*)//; my $b_w = $1||'';
+        my $r = $a_w cmp $b_w;
+        return $r if $r;
+        $a =~ s/^(\d*)//; my $a_d = (defined($1) and $1 ne '') ? $1 : -1;
+        $b =~ s/^(\d*)//; my $b_d = (defined($1) and $1 ne '') ? $1 : -1;
+        $r = $a_d <=> $b_d;
+        return $r if $r;
+        $a =~ s/^(\D*)//; my $a_nd = $1||'';
+        $b =~ s/^(\D*)//; my $b_nd = $1||'';
+        $r = $a_nd cmp $b_nd;
+        return $r if $r;
+    }
+    return 1 if $a;
+    return -1 if $b;
+    return 0;
+sub unmangle( $ $ )
+    my( $ver, $mangles ) = @_;
+    return $ver unless $mangles;
+    my @vms = map( split(/;/, $_), @$mangles );
+    foreach my $vm( @vms )
+    {
+        eval "\$ver =~ $vm";
+        die "<<\$_ =~ $vm>> $@" if $@;
+        debugmsg("     mangled: $ver\n");
+    }
+    return $ver;
+# RETURNS undef if all watch files point to CPAN
+sub latest_upstream_from_watch($)
+    my ($watch) = @_;
+    my @vers;
+    foreach(@$watch)
+    {
+        my( $wline, $opts ) = @$_;
+        $wline =~ m{^((?:http|ftp)://\S+)/};
+        my $url = $1 or confess "Invalid watch line given? '$wline'";
+        $url =~ s{^http://sf.net/}{http://sf.net.projects/};
+        $wline =~ s{^http://sf\.net/(\S+)}{http://qa.debian.org/watch/sf.php/$1};
+        my @items = split(/\s+/, $wline);
+        my( $dir, $filter );
+        # Either we have single URL/pattern
+        # or URL/pattern + extra
+        if( $items[0] =~ /\(/ )
+        {
+            # Since '+' is greedy, the second capture has no slashes
+            ($dir, $filter) = $items[0] =~ m{^(.+)/(.+)$};
+        }
+        # or, we have a homepage plus pattern
+        # (plus optional other non-interesting stuff)
+        elsif( @items >= 2 and $items[1] =~ /\(/ )
+        {
+            ($dir, $filter) = @items[0,1];
+        }
+        if( $dir and $filter )
+        {
+            debugmsg( "   uscan $dir $filter\n" );
+            $url ||= $dir;
+            my $page = LWP::Simple::get($dir) or return "Unable to get $dir (".__LINE__.")";
+            my $page_io = IO::Scalar->new(\$page);
+            while( <$page_io> )
+            {
+                warn $_ if 1;
+                if( $dir =~ /^http/ )
+                {
+                    while( s/<a [^>]*href="([^"]+)"[^>]*>//i )
+                    {
+                        my $href = $1;
+                        push @vers, [
+                            unmangle( $1, $opts->{uversionmangle} ),
+                            $url,
+                        ] if $href =~ $filter;
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    while( s/(?:^|\s+)$filter(?:\s+|$)// )
+                    {
+                        push @vers, [
+                            unmangle( $1, $opts->{uversionmangle} ),
+                            $url,
+                        ];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return "bad watch URL $wline";
+        }
+    }
+    @vers = sort { cmp_ver($a->[0],$b->[0]) } @vers;
+    my $ver = $vers[-1] || '';
+    my $url;
+    ($ver, $url) = $ver ? @$ver : (undef, undef);
+    return wantarray ? ($ver, $url) : $ver;
+# returns array of [ver, path]
+sub cpan_versions($$$)
+    my($where, $wline, $opts) = @_;
+    my( $key, $filter );
+    # watch line is either:
+    #   path/pattern
+    # or
+    #   path pattern
+    my @elements = split(/\s+/, $wline);
+    # ignore version and script for version=2 watchlines
+    # (consider the first element only unless the second contains a capture)
+    @elements = $elements[0] if $elements[1] and $elements[1] !~ m{\(};
+    if( @elements == 1 )
+    {   # "path/pattern"
+        $wline =~ m{
+                    ^(\S*?)                 # some/path - captured
+                                            #  non-greedy to not eat up the pattern
+                    /                       # delimiter - '/'
+                    ([^\s/]+)               # the search pattern - no spaces, no slashes - captured
+                    (?!.*\()                # not followed by search pattern
+                }ix
+        and
+            ( $key, $filter ) = ($1, $2)
+        or
+            die "Strange one-element watchline '$wline'";
+    }
+    else
+    {   # "path" "pattern" "other things" (ignored)
+        ( $key, $filter ) = @elements[0..1];
+        # could this be a dist search?
+        if ( $key =~ m{^http://search.cpan.org/dist/([^/]+)/$} )
+        {
+            $key = $1;
+            $filter =~ s{^.*/}{};  # remove prepended paths
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            # remove trailing slash (if present)
+            $key =~ s{/$}{};
+        }
+    }
+    debugmsg( sprintf( "   module search %s %s\n", $key, $filter ) );
+    my $list = $where->{$key};
+    unless($list)
+    {
+        debugmsg("directory $key not found (from $wline) [".__LINE__."]\n");
+        return();
+    }
+    my @vers;
+    foreach(@$list)
+    {
+        if( $_ =~ $filter )
+        {
+            debugmsg("     looking at $_\n") if 0;
+            my $ver = unmangle( $1, $opts->{uversionmangle} );
+            push @vers, [$ver, $key];
+        }
+    }
+    return @vers;
+# returns (version, URL)
+sub latest_upstream_from_cpan($$$$)
+    my ($watch, $cpauth, $cpmod, $cpdist) = @_;
+    my @cpan = grep( $_->[0] =~ m{(?:^|\s)(?:http|ftp)://\S*cpan}i, @$watch );
+    return undef unless @cpan;
+    my @vers;
+    foreach(@cpan)
+    {
+        my( $wline, $opts ) = @$_;
+        if( $wline =~ s{^(?:http|ftp)://\S*cpan\S*/modules/by-module/}{}i )
+        {
+            # lookup by module
+            push @vers, map(
+                [ $_->[0], "http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/".$_->[1] ],
+                cpan_versions($cpmod, $wline, $opts),
+            );
+        }
+        elsif( $wline =~ s{^(?:http|ftp)://\S*cpan\S*/authors/(?:by-)?id/}{}i
+                or
+            $wline =~ s{^(?:http|ftp)://\S*cpan\S*/(?:by-)?authors/id/}{}i
+        )
+        {
+            # lookup by author
+            push @vers, map(
+                [ $_->[0], "http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/".$_->[1] ],
+                cpan_versions($cpauth, $wline, $opts),
+            );
+        }
+        elsif( $wline =~ m{(?:http|ftp)://search.cpan.org/dist/([^/]+)/?\s} )
+        {
+            # lookup by dist
+            my $dist = $1;
+            push @vers, map(
+                [ $_->[0], "http://search.cpan.org/dist/$dist/" ],
+                cpan_versions($cpdist, $wline, $opts),
+            );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            debugmsg( sprintf( "    can't determine type of search for %s\n", $wline ) );
+            return undef;
+        }
+    }
+    @vers = sort { cmp_ver($a->[0],$b->[0]) } @vers;
+    my $ver = $vers[-1];
+    my $url;
+    if( $ver )
+    {
+        ($ver, $url) = @$ver;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        undef($ver); undef($url);
+    }
+    return wantarray ? ($ver, $url) : $ver;
+sub unmangle_debian_version($$)
+    my($ver, $watch) = @_;
+    foreach( @$watch )
+    {
+        my $dvm = $_->[1]->{dversionmangle} if $_->[1];
+        $dvm ||= [];
+        do {
+            eval "\$ver =~ $_";
+            die "\$ver =~ $dvm  -> $@" if $@;
+        } foreach @$dvm;
+    }
+    return $ver;
+sub read_changelog ($) {
+    my( $dir ) = @_;
+    debugmsg("Retrieving changelog for $dir\n" );
+    my $changelog;
+    my $svn_error;
+    {
+        my $changelog_fh = IO::Scalar->new( \$changelog );
+        local $SVN::Error::handler = undef;
+        ($svn_error) = $svn->cat(
+            $changelog_fh,
+            "$SVN_REPO/trunk/$dir/debian/changelog",
+            'HEAD',
+        );
+    }
+    if(SVN::Error::is_error($svn_error))
+    {
+        if($svn_error->apr_err() == $SVN::Error::FS_NOT_FOUND)
+        {
+            $svn_error->clear();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            SVN::Error::croak_on_error($svn_error);
+        }
+    }
+    if(! $changelog) {
+        return { chl_ver => "Missing changelog" };
+    }
+    my @chl = Parse::DebianChangelog->init({instring=>$changelog})->data;
+    my @validchl = grep({ $_->Distribution eq 'unstable' and
+            $_->Changes !~ /NOT RELEASED/ } @chl);
+    my($chl, $ver);
+    if(@validchl) {
+        $chl = shift @validchl;
+        $ver = $chl->Version;
+    } elsif(@chl) {
+        $chl = shift @chl;
+        $ver = "Unreleased";
+    } else {
+        return { chl_ver => "Invalid changelog" };
+    }
+    return {
+        chl_ver => $ver,
+        chl_changer => $chl->Maintainer,
+        chl_date => $chl->Date,
+        chl_pkg => $chl->Source,
+        chl_native => scalar($chl->Version !~ /-./)
+    };
+sub read_watch ($) {
+    my( $dir ) = @_;
+    debugmsg("Retrieving watch for $dir\n" );
+    my $svn_error;
+    my $watch;
+    {
+        my $watch_io = IO::Scalar->new(\$watch);
+        local $SVN::Error::handler = undef;
+        ($svn_error) = $svn->cat(
+            $watch_io,
+            "$SVN_REPO/trunk/$dir/debian/watch",
+            'HEAD',
+        );
+        $watch_io->close();
+    }
+    if(SVN::Error::is_error($svn_error))
+    {
+        if($svn_error->apr_err() == $SVN::Error::FS_NOT_FOUND)
+        {
+            $svn_error->clear();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            SVN::Error::croak_on_error($svn_error);
+        }
+    }
+    if( not $watch) {
+        return 'missing';
+    }
+    $watch =~ s/\\\n//gs;
+    my @watch_lines = split(/\n/, $watch) if $watch;
+    @watch_lines = grep( (!/^#/ and !/^version=/ and !/^\s*$/), @watch_lines );
+    my @watch;
+    foreach(@watch_lines)
+    {
+        debugmsg( "   watch line $_\n" ) if 0;
+        # opts either contain no spaces, or is enclosed in double-quotes
+        my $opts = $1 if s!^\s*opts="([^"]*)"\s+!! or s!^\s*opts=(\S*)\s+!!;
+        debugmsg( "     watch options = $opts\n" ) if $opts;
+        # several options are separated by comma and commas are not allowed within
+        my @opts = split(/\s*,\s*/, $opts) if $opts;
+        my %opts;
+        foreach(@opts)
+        {
+            next if /^(?:active|passive|pasv)$/;
+            /([^=]+)=(.*)/;
+            debugmsg( "      watch option $1 = $2\n" );
+            if( $1 eq 'versionmangle' )
+            {
+                push @{ $opts{uversionmangle} }, $2;
+                push @{ $opts{dversionmangle} }, $2;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                push @{ $opts{$1} }, $2;
+            }
+        }
+        s!^http://www.cpan.org/!$CPAN_MIRROR/!;
+        s!^ftp://www.cpan.org/!$CPAN_MIRROR/!;
+        s!^http://backpan.perl.org/authors/!$CPAN_MIRROR/authors/!;
+        s!^http://mirrors.kernel.org/cpan/!$CPAN_MIRROR/!;
+        s!^ftp://mirrors.kernel.org/cpan/!$CPAN_MIRROR/!;
+        push @watch, [ $_, \%opts ];
+    }
+    if( not @watch )
+    {
+        warn "invalid debian/watch" if 0;
+        return 'invalid';
+    }
+    debugmsg('Found valid debian/watch') if 0;
+    return ( 'valid', @watch );
+my $header = <<_EOF;
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
+   "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+	<title>pkg-perl package versions</title>
+	<style type="text/css">
+		body {
+			background: white;
+			color: black;
+		}
+		table {
+			border: 1px solid black;
+			border-collapse: collapse;
+                        empty-cells: show;
+		}
+		td, th {
+			border: 1px solid black;
+		}
+		.upload {
+			background: lightsalmon;
+		}
+		.bugs {
+			background: lightseagreen;
+		}
+		.upgrade {
+			background: lightblue;
+		}
+	</style>
+<tr><td class="upload">Needs uploading</td></tr>
+<tr><td class="bugs">Needs bug fixing</td></tr>
+<tr><td class="upgrade">Needs upgrade from upstream</td></tr>
+    <a href="http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/">http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org</a>
+	<th>Package</th>
+	<th>Repository</th>
+	<th>Archive</th>
+	<th>Bugs</th>
+	<th>Upstream</th>
+my $total = 0;
+my $total_shown = 0;
+my $chunk;
+# loop over packages
+my @svn_packages = sort(keys(%{$svn->ls("$SVN_REPO/trunk", 'HEAD', 0)}));
+my $cur_ver;
+$svn->info("$SVN_REPO/trunk", undef, "HEAD", sub {
+        $cur_ver = $_[1]->rev();
+    }, 0);
+my %maindata;
+my(@wmodified, @cmodified);
+if(not $force_rescan and from_cache(\%maindata, "maindata", 168)) { # 1 week
+    if($maindata{packages}) {
+        debugmsg("Converting maindata hash\n");
+        my %md;
+        $md{"//lastrev"} = $maindata{lastrev};
+        $md{$_} = $maindata{packages}{$_} foreach(
+            keys %{$maindata{packages}});
+        %maindata = %md;
+    }
+    $svn->log( ["$SVN_REPO/trunk"], $maindata{"//lastrev"}, "HEAD", 1, 1, sub {
+            return if($_[1] <= $maindata{"//lastrev"});
+            debugmsg("Scanning changes from revision $_[1]:\n");
+            foreach(keys %{$_[0]}) {
+                debugmsg("- $_\n");
+                if(m{^/?trunk/([^/]+)/debian/(changelog|watch)$}) {
+                    if($2 eq "changelog") {
+                        push @cmodified, $1;
+                    } else {
+                        push @wmodified, $1;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    );
+$maindata{"//lastrev"} = $cur_ver;
+foreach(@pkg_rescan) { # forced rescan of packages
+    push @wmodified, $_;
+    push @cmodified, $_;
+foreach(@svn_packages) {
+    next if($maindata{$_});
+    $maindata{$_} = {};
+    push @wmodified, $_;
+    push @cmodified, $_;
+my %tmp = map({ $_ => 1 } @cmodified); # eliminate dupes
+foreach my $pkg (keys %tmp) {
+    $maindata{$pkg} ||= {};
+    foreach(keys %{$maindata{$pkg}}) {
+        delete $maindata{$pkg}{$_} if(/^chl_/);
+    }
+    my $data = read_changelog($pkg);
+    foreach(keys %$data) {
+        $maindata{$pkg}{$_} = $data->{$_};
+    }
+    delete $maindata{$pkg}{watch_unmangled_ver};
+    if($maindata{$pkg}{chl_ver} and $maindata{$pkg}{watch}) {
+        my $up_svn = $maindata{$pkg}{chl_ver};
+        $up_svn =~ s/^(?:\d+:)?(.+?)(?:-[^-]+)?$/$1/;
+        $up_svn = unmangle_debian_version($up_svn, $maindata{$pkg}{watch});
+        $maindata{$pkg}{watch_unmangled_ver} = $up_svn;
+    }
+if($cpan_updated) {
+    push @wmodified, grep(
+        { $maindata{$_}{watch_cpan} }
+        @svn_packages );
+%tmp = map({ $_ => 1 } @wmodified); # eliminate dupes
+foreach(keys %tmp) {
+    my $pkg = $maindata{$_};
+    my($st, @data) = read_watch($_);
+    debugmsg("$_: $st ".scalar(@data)) if 0;
+    foreach(keys %{$pkg}) {
+        delete $pkg->{$_} if(/^watch_/);
+    }
+    $pkg->{watch_url} = ""; 
+    $pkg->{watch_ver} = ""; 
+    $pkg->{watch_unmangled_ver} = $pkg->{chl_ver};
+    unless($st eq "valid") {
+        if($st eq "missing" and $pkg->{chl_native}) {
+            $pkg->{watch_ver} = $pkg->{chl_ver};
+        } elsif($st eq "invalid") {
+            $pkg->{watch_ver} = "Invalid debian/watch";
+            $pkg->{watch_url} = qq(http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/$_/debian/watch?op=file&amp;rev=0&amp;sc=0);
+        } else { # missing
+            $pkg->{watch_ver} = "Missing debian/watch";
+        }
+        next;
+    }
+    $pkg->{watch} = \@data;
+    my($upstream_ver, $upstream_url) = latest_upstream_from_cpan(\@data,
+        \%cpan_authors, \%cpan_modules, \%cpan_dists);
+    if( $upstream_ver ) {
+        $pkg->{watch_cpan} = 1;
+    } else {
+        ($upstream_ver, $upstream_url) = latest_upstream_from_watch(\@data);
+    }
+    if( $upstream_ver ) {
+        $pkg->{watch_ver} = $upstream_ver;
+        $pkg->{watch_url} = $upstream_url || "";
+    } else {
+        $pkg->{watch_ver} = "Invalid debian/watch";
+        $pkg->{watch_url} = qq(http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/$_/debian/watch?op=file&amp;rev=0&amp;sc=0);
+    }
+    if($pkg->{chl_ver}) {
+        my $up_svn = $pkg->{chl_ver};
+        $up_svn =~ s/^(?:\d+:)?(.+?)(?:-[^-]+)?$/$1/;
+        $up_svn = unmangle_debian_version($up_svn, \@data);
+        $pkg->{watch_unmangled_ver} = $up_svn;
+    }
+to_cache(\%maindata, "maindata");
+my @pkgs_to_check;
+my $showalways;
+if( @ARGV )
+    @pkgs_to_check = @ARGV;
+    $showalways = 1;
+    debugmsg(
+        sprintf(
+            "%d entries in trunk\n",
+            scalar(@svn_packages)
+        ),
+    );
+    @pkgs_to_check = @svn_packages;
+print $header;
+foreach ( @pkgs_to_check )
+    $total++;
+    my $pkgd = $maindata{$_};
+    my $spkg = $maindata{$_}{chl_pkg} or die "No source package for $_?";
+    debugmsg("Examining $_ (src:$spkg)\n" );
+    debugmsg(sprintf(" - Archive has %s\n", $packages{$spkg} || 'none'));
+    debugmsg(sprintf(" - experimental has %s\n",
+            $experimental{$spkg} || 'none'));
+    debugmsg(sprintf(" - stable has %s\n", $stable{$spkg} || 'none'));
+    debugmsg(sprintf(" - oldstable has %s\n", $oldstable{$spkg} || 'none'));
+    debugmsg(sprintf(" - incoming has %s\n", $incoming{$spkg} || 'none' ));
+    debugmsg(sprintf(" - NEW has %s\n", $new{$spkg} || 'none'));
+    debugmsg(sprintf(" - Bug number: %d\n", $bugs{$spkg} || 'none'));
+    debugmsg(sprintf(" - %s has %s (%s)\n",
+            $pkgd->{watch_cpan} ? "CPAN" : "upstream",
+            $pkgd->{watch_ver} || 'none', $pkgd->{watch_url} || 'no url'));
+    debugmsg(sprintf(" - SVN has %s (upstream version=%s)\n",
+            $pkgd->{chl_ver} || 'none', $pkgd->{watch_unmangled_ver} || 'none'));
+    next unless($showalways or
+        $pkgd->{watch_unmangled_ver} ne $pkgd->{watch_ver}
+            or
+        ($bugs{$spkg} and $bugs{$spkg} > 0)
+            or
+        (! $packages{$spkg} or $pkgd->{chl_ver} ne $packages{$spkg})
+            and
+        (! $incoming{$spkg} or $pkgd->{chl_ver} ne $incoming{$spkg})
+            and
+        (! $new{$spkg} or $pkgd->{chl_ver} ne $new{$spkg})
+    );
+    $total_shown++;
+    my $text = "<tr>\n";
+    $text .= "<td>".(
+        ($packages{$spkg})
+        ? qq(<a href="http://packages.qa.debian.org/$spkg">$spkg</a>)
+        : qq($spkg)
+        )."</td>\n";
+    $text .= "<td".(
+        (! $packages{$spkg} or $pkgd->{chl_ver} ne $packages{$spkg})
+        ? ' class="upload">'
+        : '>');
+    $text .= qq(<a href="http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/$_/debian/changelog?op=file&amp;rev=0&amp;sc=0" title=") . $pkgd->{chl_changer} . "\n" . $pkgd->{chl_date} . "\">" .$pkgd->{chl_ver} . "</a></td>\n";
+    my $archive_text = join(
+        "\n",
+        $packages{$spkg}||(),
+        (
+            ($incoming{$spkg})
+            ? "Incoming:&nbsp;$incoming{$spkg}"
+            : ()
+        ),
+        (
+            ($new{$spkg})
+            ? "NEW:&nbsp;$new{$spkg}"
+            : ()
+        ),
+        (
+            ($experimental{$spkg})
+            ? "experimental:&nbsp;$experimental{$spkg}"
+            : ()
+        ),
+        (
+            ($stable{$spkg} and not $packages{$spkg} and not $experimental{$spkg})
+            ? "stable:&nbsp;$stable{$spkg}"
+            : ()
+        ),
+        (
+            ($oldstable{$spkg} and not $stable{$spkg} and not $packages{$spkg} and not $experimental{$spkg})
+            ? "oldstable:&nbsp;$oldstable{$spkg}"
+            : ()
+        ),
+    );
+    $archive_text = qq(<a href="http://packages.qa.debian.org/$spkg">$archive_text</a>) if $packages{$spkg} or $experimental{$spkg} or $stable{$spkg} or $oldstable{$spkg};
+    $text .= "<td>$archive_text</td>\n";
+    my $bug_text = qq(<a href="http://bugs.debian.org/src:$spkg">$bugs{$spkg}</a>);
+    $text .= (
+        $bugs{$spkg} > 0
+        ? qq(<td class="bugs">$bug_text</td>\n)
+        : "<td></td>\n" 
+    );
+    my $upstream_text = (
+        $pkgd->{watch_cpan} ? "CPAN:&nbsp;" : "") . $pkgd->{watch_ver};
+    $upstream_text = qq(<a href=") . $pkgd->{watch_url} .  qq(">$upstream_text</a>) if $pkgd->{watch_url};
+    $text .= (
+        ($pkgd->{watch_unmangled_ver} ne $pkgd->{watch_ver})
+        ? qq(<td class="upgrade">$upstream_text</td>\n)
+        : "<td></td>\n"
+    );
+    $text .= "</tr>\n";
+    print $text;
+my $date = gmtime;
+my $footer = <<_EOF;
+<tr><td colspan=\"4\"><b>TOTAL: $total_shown/$total</b></td></tr>
+$date UTC<br>
+print $footer;
+unlink $lockfile or die $!;
+# vim: et:sts=4:ai:sw=4

Property changes on: trunk/community/qa/oldscripts/versioncheck3.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/community/qa/packagecheck
--- trunk/community/qa/packagecheck	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/packagecheck	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+# Copyright 2007, 2008 gregor herrmann <gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at>
+# Copyright 2007, 2008 Damyan Ivanov <dmn at debian.org>
+# Copyright 2007 David Paleino <d.paleino at gmail.com>
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL version 2
+# To be run a directory above trunk/
+# (which name can be specified as the first argument)
+# functions #
+usage() {
+	[ -n "$1" ] && echo "ERROR: $1" && echo
+	echo "Usage:"
+	echo "  $(basename $0) -{VHMWCR|A|h} {-c | [-p pkg] trunk}"
+	echo
+	echo "  At least one parameter must be present."
+	echo
+	echo "  Parameters:"
+	echo "  -V       - debian/control: add _V_cs-(Svn|Browser) fields;"
+	echo "             remove XS-Vcs-(Svn|Browser) fields"
+	echo "  -H       - debian/control: add _H_omepage field; remove"
+	echo "             pseudo-field Homepage"
+	echo "  -M       - debian/control: check _M_aintainer field for"
+	echo "             Debian Perl Group <pkg-perl-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>"
+	echo "  -W       - debian/_w_atch: change CPAN URLs to"
+	echo "             http://search.cpan.org/dist/Mod-Ule/"
+	echo "  -C       - if -W is given, create debian/watch if it does not"
+	echo "             exist"
+	echo "  -R       - debian/rules: _r_mdir /usr/\{lib,share\}/perl5"
+	echo "             only if they exist"
+	echo "  -A       - all checks"
+	echo
+	echo "  -p <pkg> - check only package <pkg>"
+	echo "  -h       - this help"
+	echo "  -c       - test only the package that is checked out in the"
+	echo "             current working directory"
+	exit 1
+# given source directory, try to find out the cannonical distribution name
+detect_dist() {
+	DIR=$1
+	local PERLNAME
+	if [ -s $DIR/Build.PL ]; then
+		PERLNAME=$(perl -n -e "print if s;^.*module_name.*=>.*['\"[]([a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+)[]'\"].*\$;\$1;" $DIR/Build.PL | sed -e 's/::/-/g' | head -n 1)
+	fi
+	if [ -s $DIR/Makefile.PL ]; then
+		PERLNAME=$(perl -n -e "print if s;^.*(?:DIST)?NAME.*=>.*['\"[]([a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+)[]'\"].*\$;\$1;" $DIR/Makefile.PL | sed -e 's/::/-/g' | head -n 1)
+	fi
+	if [ -s $DIR/META.yml ]; then
+		PERLNAME=$(perl -n -e "print if s;^name:.* ([a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+).*\$;\$1;" $DIR/META.yml | head -n 1)
+	fi
+	if [ -n "$PERLNAME" ]; then
+		if curl --silent http://search.cpan.org/dist/$PERLNAME/ | grep '<title>.*</title>' | grep --silent $PERLNAME; then
+			echo $PERLNAME
+		fi
+	fi
+testvcs() {
+	DIR=$1
+	PKG=$(basename $(realpath $DIR))
+	# check for and add missing Vcs-Svn field
+	if ! grep ^Vcs-Svn $DIR/debian/control > /dev/null; then
+		echo "$PKG: adding missing Vcs-Svn field"
+		perl -pi -e "s;(Standards-Version:.+);\$1\nVcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-perl/trunk/$PKG/;" $DIR/debian/control
+		MSG_CONTROL_ADD="${MSG_CONTROL_ADD:+$MSG_CONTROL_ADD; }Vcs-Svn field (source stanza)"
+	fi
+	# check for and add missing Vcs-Browser field
+	if ! grep ^Vcs-Browser $DIR/debian/control > /dev/null; then
+		echo "$PKG: adding missing Vcs-Browser field"
+		perl -pi -e "s;(^Vcs-Svn:.+);\$1\nVcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/$PKG/;" $DIR/debian/control
+		MSG_CONTROL_ADD="${MSG_CONTROL_ADD:+$MSG_CONTROL_ADD; }Vcs-Browser field (source stanza)"
+	fi
+	# remove old XS-Vcs-(Svn|Browser) fields
+	if grep ^XS-Vcs- $DIR/debian/control > /dev/null; then
+		echo "$PKG: removing old XS-Vcs-* fields"
+		sed -i -e '/^XS-Vcs-/ d' $DIR/debian/control
+		MSG_CONTROL_RM="${MSG_CONTROL_RM:+$MSG_CONTROL_RM; }XS-Vcs-Svn fields (source stanza)"
+	fi
+testhomepage() {
+	DIR=$1
+	PKG=$(basename $(realpath $DIR))
+	# check for and remove old Homepage from long description
+	OLDHP=$(egrep "^  Homepage: " $DIR/debian/control | egrep -o "http.+")
+	if [ -n "$OLDHP" ] ; then
+		echo "$PKG: removing Homepage: pseudo-field from Description"
+		perl -e "undef \$/; my \$buf=<STDIN>; \$buf =~ s/\n \.\n  Homepage: .*//; print \$buf" < $DIR/debian/control > $DIR/debian/control.new
+		mv $DIR/debian/control.new $DIR/debian/control
+		MSG_CONTROL_RM="${MSG_CONTROL_RM:+$MSG_CONTROL_RM; }Homepage pseudo-field (Description)"
+	fi
+	# check for and add missing new Homepage to source stanza
+	if ! egrep "^Homepage: " $DIR/debian/control > /dev/null; then
+		echo "$PKG: trying to add missing Homepage field to source stanza"
+		# only construct new URL if we don't have a "real one"
+		if [ -z "$NEWHP" ] || echo "$NEWHP" | grep cpan\.org > /dev/null; then
+			PERLNAME=`detect_dist`
+			if [ -n "$PERLNAME" ]; then
+				NEWHP="http://search.cpan.org/dist/$PERLNAME/"
+			fi
+			# get NEWHP from somewhere else? debian/watch? debian/copyright?
+		fi
+		if [ -n "$NEWHP" ]; then
+			perl -pi -e "s;(Standards-Version:.+);\$1\nHomepage: $NEWHP;" $DIR/debian/control
+			MSG_CONTROL_ADD="${MSG_CONTROL_ADD:+$MSG_CONTROL_ADD; }Homepage field (source stanza)"
+		fi
+	fi
+testmaintainer() {
+	DIR=$1
+	PKG=$(basename $(realpath $DIR))
+	# get Maintainer, check and change
+	OLDMAINT=$(grep ^Maintainer: $DIR/debian/control | cut -f2- -d" ")
+	if [ "$OLDMAINT" != "Debian Perl Group <pkg-perl-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>" ] ; then
+		echo "$PKG: setting Maintainer to Debian Perl Group <pkg-perl-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>"
+		perl -pi -e "s;^Maintainer:.+;Maintainer: Debian Perl Group <pkg-perl-maintainers\@lists.alioth.debian.org>;" $DIR/debian/control
+		MSG_CONTROL_CH="${MSG_CONTROL_CH:+$MSG_CONTROL_CH; }Maintainer set to Debian Perl Group <pkg-perl-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org> (was: $OLDMAINT)"
+		# keep old Maintainer in Uploaders unless it's the group in some other form
+		# TODO: remove DPG from Uploaders if we've added it to Maintainer
+		if ! echo $OLDMAINT | grep pkg-perl-maintainers ; then
+			if grep Uploaders $DIR/debian/control > /dev/null; then
+				perl -pi -e "BEGIN { our \$m=shift @ARVG }; s;(Uploaders:.+);\$1, \$m;" "$OLDMAINT" $DIR/debian/control
+			else
+				perl -pi -e "BEGIN { our \$m=shift @ARGV }; s;(Maintainer:.+);\$1\nUploaders: \$m;" "${OLDMAINT}" $DIR/debian/control
+			fi
+		fi
+	fi
+testwatchdist() {
+	DIR=$1
+	PKG=$(basename $(realpath $DIR))
+	# watchfile
+	if [ -e $DIR/debian/watch ] && ! grep search\.cpan\.org/dist/ $DIR/debian/watch >/dev/null; then
+		echo "$PKG: trying to change URL in debian/watch"
+		if perl -i -e "my \$changed=1; while(<>){ \$changed=0 if s{(?:^|\s+)(?:ht|f)tp://.*cpan.+/\s*(\S+)-(?:\S+)(\s.+)?$}{http://search.cpan.org/dist/\$1/   .*/\$1-v?(\\\\d[\\\\d_.]+)\\\\.(?:tar(?:\\\\.gz|\\\\.bz2)?|tgz|zip)\$2}i; print;} exit \$changed" $DIR/debian/watch ; then
+			perl -pi -e "s;^version=2;version=3;" $DIR/debian/watch
+			MSG_WATCH="debian/watch: use dist-based URL."
+		fi
+	elif [ ! -e $DIR/debian/watch ] && [ -n "$CREATE_WATCH" ]; then
+		echo "$PKG: creating debian/watch"
+		if dist_name=`detect_dist $DIR`; then
+			version_re='v?(\d[\d_.-]+)\.(?:tar(?:\.gz|\.bz2)?|tgz|zip)'
+			echo "version=3" > $DIR/debian/watch
+			echo "http://search.cpan.org/dist/$dist_name/  .+/$dist_name-$version_re\$" >> $DIR/debian/watch
+			svn add $DIR/debian/watch
+			MSG_WATCH="Add debian/watch."
+		else
+			echo "ERROR: unable to find distribution name"
+		fi
+	fi
+testrmdir() {
+	DIR=$1
+	PKG=$(basename $(realpath $DIR))
+	# handle rmdir /usr/{share,lib}/perl5
+	if egrep -m 1 "(rmdir.*ignore-fail-on-non-empty|rm -r.*usr/(lib|share)(/perl5)?$)" $DIR/debian/rules | grep -v "\[ \! -d" > /dev/null ; then
+		ARCH=$(grep -m 1 -h "Architecture:" $DIR/debian/control | awk '{print $2;}')
+		case $ARCH in
+			any)
+				DELDIR="/share/perl5"
+				;;
+			all)
+				DELDIR="/lib/perl5"
+				;;
+			*)
+				;;
+		esac
+		echo "$PKG: trying to make rmdir /usr${DELDIR} conditional"
+		if perl -i -e "my \$changed=1; while(<>){ \$changed=0 if s{rmdir.*ignore-fail-on-non-empty.*\s(\S+)$DELDIR}{[ ! -d \$1${DELDIR} ] || rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty --parents --verbose \$1${DELDIR}}; print;} exit \$changed" $DIR/debian/rules ; then
+			MSG_RULES="debian/rules: delete /usr${DELDIR} only if it exists." && \
+		fi
+		if perl -i -e "my \$changed=1; while(<>){ \$changed=0 if s{-?rm -r.* (.*usr)/(?:lib|share)(?:/perl5)?\$}{[ ! -d \$1${DELDIR} ] || rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty --parents --verbose \$1${DELDIR}}; print;} exit \$changed" $DIR/debian/rules ; then
+			MSG_RULES="debian/rules: delete /usr${DELDIR} only if it exists." && \
+		fi
+		if perl -i -e "my \$changed=1; while(<>){ \$changed=0 if s{-?find.+xargs.+rmdir.+}{[ ! -d \\\$(CURDIR)/debian/\\\$(shell dh_listpackages)/usr${DELDIR} ] || rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty --parents --verbose \\\$(CURDIR)/debian/\\\$(shell dh_listpackages)/usr${DELDIR}}; print;} exit \$changed" $TRUNK/$1/debian/rules ; then
+			MSG_RULES="debian/rules: delete /usr${DELDIR} only if it exists." && \
+		fi
+	fi
+# main #
+# parse options
+[ $# -ge 1 ] || usage "No parameter."
+while getopts p:cVHMWCRAh O; do
+	case "$O" in
+		p)
+			;;
+		c)
+			;;
+		V)
+			;;
+		M)
+			;;
+		H)
+			;;
+		W)
+			;;
+		C)
+			;;
+		R)
+			;;
+		A)
+			;;
+		h)
+			usage
+			;;
+		*)
+			usage "Unknown parameter."
+			;;
+	esac
+shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) # bash: shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+	# reset variables
+	p=$1
+	# TESTVCS - -V debian/control: add _V_cs-(Svn|Browser) fields; remove XS-Vcs-(Svn|Browser) field
+	[ "$TESTVCS" = 1 ] && testvcs $p
+	# TESTHOMEPAGE - -H debian/control: add _H_omepage field; remove pseudo-field Homepage
+	[ "$TESTHOMEPAGE" = 1 ] && testhomepage $p
+	# TESTMAINTAINER - -H debian/control: check _M_aintainer field for "Debian Perl Group <pkg-perl-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>"
+	[ "$TESTMAINTAINER" = 1 ] && testmaintainer $p
+	# TESTWATCHDIST - -W debian/_w_atch: change CPAN URLs to http://search.cpan.org/dist/Mod-Ule/
+	[ "$TESTWATCHDIST" = 1 ] && testwatchdist $p
+	# TESTRMDIR - -R debian/rules: _r_mdir /usr/\{lib,share\}/perl5 only if they exist
+	[ "$TESTRMDIR" = 1 ] && testrmdir $p
+	# changelog
+	if [ -n "$MSG_CONTROL_ADD" -o -n "$MSG_CONTROL_RM" -o -n "$MSG_CONTROL_CH" ] ; then
+		MSG_CONTROL="debian/control:"
+		dch --mainttrailer --release-heuristic=changelog --changelog $p/debian/changelog "$MSG_CONTROL"
+	fi
+	if [ -n "$MSG_WATCH" ] ; then
+		dch --mainttrailer --release-heuristic=changelog --changelog $p/debian/changelog "$MSG_WATCH"
+	fi
+	if [ -n "$MSG_RULES" ] ; then
+		dch --mainttrailer --release-heuristic=changelog --changelog $p/debian/changelog "$MSG_RULES"
+	fi
+# start the game
+if [ -n "$ONLY_CURDIR" ]; then
+	WORK_DIR="."
+elif [ -n "$PKG" ]; then
+echo "Running svn up $WORK_DIR ..."
+svn up $WORK_DIR
+echo "Checking if $WORK_DIR is clean ..."
+UNCLEAN=$(svn st $WORK_DIR |egrep -v '^\?')
+if [ -n "$UNCLEAN" ]; then
+	echo "$UNCLEAN"
+	echo WARNING: $WORK_DIR is not clean
+if [ -n "$ONLY_CURDIR" ]; then
+	check_package .
+elif [ -n "$PKG" ]; then
+	check_package $TRUNK/$PKG
+	# loop over packages
+	echo "Grepping through packages ..."
+	for PKG in $(svn ls $TRUNK); do 
+		PKG=${PKG%/}
+		check_package $TRUNK/$PKG
+	done
+# work is done. svn diff? svn commit?
+if [ "$CHANGED" = "1" ]; then
+	read -p "Show svn diff $WORK_DIR (y|N)? " DIFF
+	case $DIFF in
+		y|Y)
+			svn diff $WORK_DIR | less
+			;;
+		*)
+			;;
+	esac
+	if [ -n "$UNCLEAN" ]; then
+		echo $WORK_DIR was not clean at start. Please commit manually.
+	else
+		read -p "Commit $WORK_DIR (y|N)? " COMMIT
+		case $COMMIT in
+			y|Y)
+				svn ci -m "[packagecheck] fixed Vcs-(Svn|Browser)/Homepage field(s) in debian/control and/or URL in debian/watch and/or rmdir /usr/{lib|share}/perl5 in debian/rules." $WORK_DIR
+				;;
+			*)
+				;;
+		esac
+	fi
+	echo "Nothing changed."
+exit 0
+# vi: set noet sts=0 sw=8:

Property changes on: trunk/community/qa/packagecheck
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/community/qa/qareport
--- trunk/community/qa/qareport	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/qareport	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:ai:sts=4
+# $Id: qareport 11877 2007-12-31 06:48:26Z tincho-guest $
+# Draft of a report
+# Copyright Martín Ferrari <martin.ferrari at gmail.com>, 2007
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL 2
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+#use DebianQA::Cache;
+use DebianQA::Classification;
+#use DebianQA::Common;
+use DebianQA::Config;
+#use DebianQA::DebVersions;
+use DebianQA::Svn;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $p = new Getopt::Long::Parser;
+$p->configure(qw(no_ignore_case bundling pass_through));
+my $list_is_dirs = 0;
+my $show_all = 0;
+$p->getoptions('help|h|?' => \&help, 'directories!' => \$list_is_dirs,
+    'showall|a!' => \$show_all
+    ) or die "Error parsing command-line arguments!\n";
+my $opts = getopt_common(0, 1); # No passthru, load config
+my @dirs = @ARGV;
+if($list_is_dirs) {
+    foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
+        $dir = svndir2pkgname($dir) || $dir; # Fallback
+    }
+my @pkglist = @dirs;
+ at pkglist = get_pkglist() unless(@pkglist);
+my $csfy = classify(@pkglist);
+unless($show_all) {
+    foreach(keys %$csfy) {
+        delete $csfy->{$_} unless(%{$csfy->{$_}{hilight}});
+    }
+print("Showing ", scalar keys %$csfy, " out of ", scalar @pkglist,
+    " packages\n");
+foreach my $pkg (sort keys %$csfy) {
+    my %data = %{$csfy->{$pkg}};
+    print "$pkg:";
+    if($pkg ne $data{svn_path}) {
+        print " (SVN: $data{svn_path})";
+    }
+    print " ", $data{svn}{short_descr} if($data{svn}{short_descr});
+    print "\n";
+    if(%{$data{status}}) {
+        print " - Problems: ", join(", ", keys %{$data{status}}), "\n";
+    }
+    if(@{$data{notes}}) {
+        print " - Notes: ", join(", ", @{$data{notes}}), "\n";
+    }
+    print " - Repository status: ";
+    if($data{hilight}{svn}) {
+        print join(", ", keys %{$data{hilight}{svn}}), "\n";
+    } else {
+        print "OK\n";
+    }
+    if($data{svn}{version}) {
+        print "   + Latest released: $data{svn}{version} ";
+        print "($data{svn}{changer})\n";
+    }
+    if($data{svn}{un_version}) {
+        print "   + Latest unreleased: $data{svn}{un_version}\n";
+    }
+    #
+    print " - Debian archive status: ";
+    if($data{hilight}{archive}) {
+        print join(", ", keys %{$data{hilight}{archive}}), "\n";
+    } else {
+        print "OK\n";
+    }
+    if($data{archive}{most_recent}) {
+        print "   + Latest version: $data{archive}{most_recent} ";
+        print "(from $data{archive}{most_recent_src})\n";
+    }
+    #
+    print " - BTS status: ";
+    if($data{hilight}{bts}) {
+        print join(", ", keys %{$data{hilight}{bts}}), "\n";
+    } else {
+        print "OK\n";
+    }
+    foreach(keys %{$data{bts}}) {
+        print "    + Bug #$_ - $data{bts}{$_}{subject}\n";
+    }
+    #
+    print " - Upstream status: ";
+    if($data{hilight}{upstream}) {
+        print join(", ", keys %{$data{hilight}{upstream}}), "\n";
+    } else {
+        print "OK\n";
+    }
+    print "   + URL: $data{upstream_url}\n" if($data{upstream_url});
+    if($data{watch}{upstream_version}) {
+        print "   + Latest version: $data{watch}{upstream_version}\n";
+    }
+#use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $data;
+sub help {
+    print <<END;
+ $0 [options] [dirname [dirname ...]]
+ For each named directory, updates the databases with information retrieved
+ from the Debian archive, BTS, watchfiles and the Subversion repository.
+ --help, -h         This help.
+ --conf, -c FILE    Specifies a configuration file, uses defaults if not
+                    present.
+ --directories      Treat the parameters as repository directory names, instead
+                    of source package names.
+ --showall          Show status of all packages, including OK packages.
+    exit 0;

Property changes on: trunk/community/qa/qareport
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/community/qa/qareport-chlog.cgi
--- trunk/community/qa/qareport-chlog.cgi	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/qareport-chlog.cgi	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:ai:sts=4
+# $Id: qareport-chlog.cgi 11907 2008-01-02 12:19:39Z dmn $
+# Report packages version states
+# Copyright Martín Ferrari <martin.ferrari at gmail.com>, 2007
+# Copyright Damyan Ivanov <dmn at debian.org>, 2007
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL 2
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use DebianQA::Config qw(read_config %CFG);
+use DebianQA::Svn;
+use CGI ':fatalsToBrowser';
+use CGI;
+my $cgi = new CGI;
+    print $cgi->header(
+        -content_type   => 'text/html; charset=utf-8',
+    );
+my $pkg = $cgi->param('pkg') or exit 0;
+my $rel = $cgi->param('rel') || '';
+my $svn = svn_get();
+my $text = $svn->{$pkg}{ ($rel eq 'rel')?'text' : 'un_text' };
+$text =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
+$text =~ s/'/&quot;/g;
+$text =~ s/</&lt;/g;
+$text =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
+$text =~ s{\r?\n}{<br/>}g;
+# replace bug-numbers with links
+$text =~ s{
+    (               # leading
+        ^           # start of string
+        |\W         # or non-word
+    )
+    \#(\d+)         # followed by a bug ID
+    \b              # word boundary
+{$1<a href="http://bugs.debian.org/$2">#$2</a>}xgm;
+# treat text as multi-line
+# Same for CPAN's RT
+$text =~ s{\bCPAN#(\d+)\b}
+{<a href="http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=$1">CPAN#$1</a>}gm;
+print qq(<a style="float: right; margin: 0 0 1pt 1pt; clear: none;" href="javascript:more_chlog('$pkg', '$rel')">reload</a>\n);
+print qq(<code style="white-space: pre">$text</code>);
+exit 0;

Property changes on: trunk/community/qa/qareport-chlog.cgi
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/community/qa/qareport.cgi
--- trunk/community/qa/qareport.cgi	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/qareport.cgi	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:ai:sts=4
+# $Id: qareport.cgi 13063 2008-01-21 03:01:53Z tincho-guest $
+# Report packages version states
+# Copyright Martín Ferrari <martin.ferrari at gmail.com>, 2007
+# Copyright Damyan Ivanov <dmn at debian.org>, 2007
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL 2
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use DebianQA::Cache;
+use DebianQA::Classification;
+use DebianQA::Config qw(read_config %CFG);
+use DebianQA::Svn;
+use CGI ();
+use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
+use POSIX qw(locale_h);
+use Template ();
+use Date::Parse ();
+my $cgi = new CGI;
+my $cache = read_cache(consolidated => "");
+my $script_date = '$Date: 2008-01-21 04:01:53 +0100 (lun, 21 gen 2008) $';
+$script_date = join( ' ', (split(/ /, $script_date))[1..3] );
+my @modified = sort(
+    map(
+        {
+            # Each key of the consolidated cache works like a root cache
+            find_stamp($cache->{$_}, "")
+        } qw(svn watch archive bts pkglist),
+    ),
+    Date::Parse::str2time($script_date),
+my $last_modified = $modified[-1];
+my $ims;
+my @pkglist = get_pkglist();
+my $cls = classify(@pkglist);
+my( @no_prob, @for_upload, @for_upgrade, @weird, @waiting, @wip, @with_bugs,
+    @all );
+    foreach(keys %$cls)
+    {
+        delete $cls->{$_} unless(%{$cls->{$_}{hilight}});
+    }
+foreach my $pkg (sort keys %$cls)
+    my $data = $cls->{$pkg};
+    my $dest;   # like "destiny" :)
+    my %info = (
+        name => $pkg,
+        map(
+            ($_=>$data->{$_}),
+            qw( watch archive svn bts notes hilight ),
+        ),
+    );
+    my $status = $data->{status};   # to save some typing
+    $dest ||= \@for_upgrade if $status->{needs_upgrade};
+    $dest ||= \@wip if $status->{not_finished} or $status->{invalid_svn_version};
+    $dest ||= \@for_upload if $status->{needs_upload} or $status->{never_uploaded};
+    $dest ||= \@weird if $status->{repo_ancient} or $status->{svn_ancient}
+        or $status->{upstream_ancient};
+    $dest ||= \@wip if $status->{watch_error};
+    $dest ||= \@waiting if $status->{archive_waiting};
+    $dest ||= \@with_bugs if $status->{has_bugs};
+    $dest ||= \@no_prob;
+    push @$dest, \%info;
+    push @all, \%info;
+    my $htmlp = $cgi->Accept("text/html");
+    my $xhtmlp = $cgi->Accept("application/xhtml+xml");
+    $ims = $cgi->http('If-Modified-Since');
+    $ims = Date::Parse::str2time($ims) if $ims;
+    if( $ims and $ims >= $last_modified )
+    {
+        print $cgi->header('text/html', '304 Not modified');
+        exit 0;
+    }
+    my $old_locale = setlocale(LC_TIME);
+    setlocale(LC_TIME, "C");
+    print $cgi->header(
+        -content_type   => (
+                ($xhtmlp and $xhtmlp > $htmlp)
+                ? 'application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8'
+                : 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
+            ),
+        -last_modified   => POSIX::strftime(
+            "%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z",
+            gmtime($last_modified),
+        ),
+        $cgi->param("refresh") ? (-refresh => $cgi->param("refresh")) : (),
+    );
+    setlocale(LC_TIME, $old_locale);
+my $template = $cgi->param("template") || $CFG{qareport_cgi}{default_template};
+my $tt = new Template(
+    {
+        INCLUDE_PATH => $CFG{qareport_cgi}{templates_path},
+        INTERPOLATE  => 1,
+        POST_CHOMP   => 1,
+        FILTERS      => {
+            'quotemeta' => sub { quotemeta(shift) },
+        },
+    }
+    $template,
+    {
+        data        => $cls,
+        group_name  => $CFG{qareport_cgi}{group_name},
+        group_url   => $CFG{qareport_cgi}{group_url},
+        wsvn_url    => $CFG{qareport_cgi}{wsvn_url},
+        (
+            ( ($cgi->param('format')||'') eq 'list' )
+            ? (
+                all => \@all
+            )
+            : (
+                all         => \@no_prob,
+                for_upgrade => \@for_upgrade,
+                weird       => \@weird,
+                for_upload  => \@for_upload,
+                waiting     => \@waiting,
+                wip         => \@wip,
+                with_bugs   => \@with_bugs,
+            )
+        ),
+        shown_packages  => scalar(@all),
+        total_packages  => scalar(@pkglist),
+#        params          => scalar($cgi->Vars()),
+    },
+) || die $tt->error;
+exit 0;

Property changes on: trunk/community/qa/qareport.cgi
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/community/qa/svncruftcheck
--- trunk/community/qa/svncruftcheck	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/svncruftcheck	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright gregor herrmann <gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at>, 2007, 2008
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL 2
+. commoncheck
+echo "CHECK: $REPO/branches/upstream"
+for p in $(svn ls $REPO/branches/upstream); do
+	p=${p%/}
+	echo "  $p"
+	if ! svn ls $REPO/trunk/$p >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+		echo "$p is in $REPO/branches/upstream but not in $REPO/trunk"
+	fi
+echo "CHECK: $REPO/tags"
+for p in $(svn ls $REPO/tags); do
+	p=${p%/}
+	echo "  $p"
+	if ! svn ls $REPO/trunk/$p >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+		echo "$p is in $REPO/tags but not in $REPO/trunk"
+	fi

Property changes on: trunk/community/qa/svncruftcheck
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/community/qa/templates/by_category
--- trunk/community/qa/templates/by_category	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/templates/by_category	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:ai:sts=4:syntax=xhtml
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+[% USE CGI %]
+[% SET hide_binaries = CGI.param("hide_binaries") %]
+[% SET start_collapsed = CGI.param("start_collapsed") %]
+[% BLOCK bts_link %]
+[% IF pkg.bts.size %]
+<div class="bts-info"><div class=" popup"><a href="http://bugs.debian.org/$pkg.name"
+<!-- span class="paren">[</span -->
+<table class="bts-info-details balloon">
+[% FOREACH bug IN pkg.bts.nsort %]
+    <td>
+        <a class="bts-${pkg.bts.$bug.severity}"
+            href="http://bugs.debian.org/$bug">#$bug</a>
+        [% IF pkg.bts.$bug.forwarded %]
+        [% SET F = pkg.bts.$bug.forwarded %]
+        [% qm = BLOCK %]^https?:[% FILTER quotemeta %]//rt.cpan.org/[% END %].+html\?id=(\d+)[% '$' %][% END %]
+        [% rt = F.match(qm) %]
+        <div style="font-size: smaller">
+            [% IF rt.0 %]
+            <a href="$F">cpan#[% rt.0 %]</a>
+            [% ELSE %]
+            <a href="[% IF F.match("^http") %][% GET F | html %][% ELSE %]mailto:[% GET F | uri %][% END %]">forwarded</a>
+            [% END %]
+        </div>
+        [% END %]
+        [% IF pkg.bts.$bug.keywordsA.size > 0 %]
+        <div style="font-size: smaller">
+            [% pkg.bts.$bug.keywordsA.join(", ") | html %]
+        </div>
+        [% END %]
+    </td>
+    <td>
+        [% qm = BLOCK %][% pkg | quotemeta %][% END %]
+        [% pkg.bts.$bug.subject.replace("^$qm:\\s*",'') | html %]</td>
+<!-- span class="paren">]</span -->
+[% END #IF bugs %]
+[% END #BLOCK bts_link %]
+[% BLOCK package %]
+    [% SET arch_ver = pkg.archive.most_recent %]
+    [% SET arch_src = pkg.archive.most_recent_src %]
+    [% SET svn_ver = pkg.svn.version %]
+    [% SET svn_un_ver = pkg.svn.un_version %]
+    <tr>
+        <td>[% IF pkg.notes.size %]<span class="popup">$pkg.name<span
+                    class="balloon" style="margin-left:0">[% 
+                    pkg.notes.join(', ')
+                    %]</span></span>[% ELSE %]$pkg.name[% END %]
+            [% IF pkg.svn.section AND pkg.svn.section != "main" %]
+            <span class="section-$pkg.svn.section">[$pkg.svn.section]</span>
+            [% END #IF %]
+            [% IF ! hide_binaries
+                AND pkg.svn.binaries AND pkg.svn.binaries.size
+                AND (
+                    pkg.svn.binaries.size > 1
+                    OR pkg.svn.binaries.first != pkg.name
+                ) %]<br/><span style="font-size: smaller">([%
+                pkg.svn.binaries.join(', ') %])</span>[% END %]
+        </td>
+        <td[% IF pkg.hilight.svn %] class="todo"[% END %]>
+            [% chlog_url = BLOCK %][% pkg.name | format("$wsvn_url")
+            %]/debian/changelog?op=file&amp;rev=0&amp;sc=0[% END %]
+            <span class="popup"><a href="$chlog_url">$svn_ver</a><span
+                    id="${pkg.name}_rel_chlog_baloon" class="balloon"><a
+                        href="javascript:more_chlog('$pkg.name','rel')">[%
+                        pkg.svn.changer | html %] &mdash; [% pkg.svn.date |
+                        html %]</a>
+            </span></span>
+            [% IF svn_un_ver AND (svn_un_ver != svn_ver) %]
+            <span class="popup" style="font-size: smaller"><a
+                    href="$chlog_url">($svn_un_ver)</a><span
+                    id="${pkg.name}_unrel_chlog_baloon" class="balloon"><a
+                        href="javascript:more_chlog('$pkg.name','unrel')">[%
+                        pkg.svn.un_changer | html %] &mdash; [% pkg.svn.un_date
+                        | html %]</a></span></span>[% END #IF %]
+        </td>
+        <td[% IF pkg.hilight.archive %] class="todo"[% END %]>
+            [% IF arch_ver %]
+            [% IF arch_src != "new" OR pkg.archive.unstable %]
+            <a href="http://packages.qa.debian.org/$pkg.name">$arch_ver</a>
+            [% ELSE %]
+            <a href="http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/${pkg.name}_${arch_ver}.html">$arch_ver</a>
+            [% END #IF %]
+            [% END #IF %]
+            [% IF arch_src AND arch_src != "unstable" %]
+            ($arch_src)
+            [% END #IF %]
+        </td>
+        <td>[% INCLUDE bts_link pkg=pkg %]</td>
+        <td[% IF pkg.hilight.upstream %] class="todo"[% END %]><a href="[% IF
+                pkg.watch.upstream_mangled %][% pkg.watch.upstream_url | html
+                %][% ELSE %][% "${pkg.name}" | format("$wsvn_url")
+                %]/debian/watch?op=file&amp;rev=0&amp;sc=0[% END %]">[%
+                pkg.watch.upstream_mangled || pkg.watch.error
+            %]</a>
+            [% IF pkg.hilight.upstream AND pkg.watch.error %]<a
+                href="[% "${pkg.name}" | format("$wsvn_url")
+                        %]/debian/copyright?op=file&amp;rev=0&amp;sc=0"
+                >(copyright info)</a>
+            [% END %]
+            </td>
+    </tr>
+[% END #BLOCK package %]
+[% BLOCK section %]
+    [% IF list.0 %]
+    [% IF title and name %]
+    <thead>
+        <tr>
+            <th colspan="5" class="clickable"><a style="display: block" href="javascript:toggle_visibility('$name')">$title ($list.size)</a></th>
+        </tr>
+    </thead>
+    [% END #IF title and name %]
+    <tbody[% IF name %] id="$name" style="display: [% IF start_collapsed %]none[% ELSE %]table-row-group[% END %]"[% END %]>
+        <tr>
+            <th>Package</th>
+            <th>Repository</th>
+            <th>Archive</th>
+            <th>Bugs</th>
+            <th>Upstream</th>
+        </tr>
+        [% FOREACH pkg IN list %]
+        [% INCLUDE package pkg=pkg %]
+        [% END #FOREACH list %]
+    </tbody>
+    [% END #IF list.size %]
+[% END #BLOCK section %]
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
+    <title>${group_name} packages overview</title>
+    <style type="text/css">
+        body {
+            background: white;
+            color: black;
+            margin: 0;
+            padding: 8px;
+        }
+        table {
+            border: 1px solid black;
+            border-collapse: collapse;
+            empty-cells: show;
+        }
+        td, th {
+            border: 1px solid black;
+            padding: 0.2em;
+        }
+        th.clickable, th.clickable a, th.clickable a:visited {
+            background: #404040;
+            color: white;
+        }
+        a {
+            text-decoration: none;
+        }
+/*  before enabling this, think about the link colors -- they all have to
+    be visible with the new background
+        tr:hover td, tr:hover th {
+            background: #F5F5B5;
+            color: black;
+        }
+        #main_table {
+            width: 95%;
+        }
+        .todo {
+            background: #ADDBE6;    /* lightblue */
+        }
+        .section-non-free { color: red; }
+        .section-contrib { color: maroon; }
+        .bts-wishlist {
+            color: green;
+        }
+        .bts-minor {
+            color: #004000;  /* darkgreen */
+        }
+        .bts-normal, .bts-important {
+        }
+        .bts-grave, .bts-serious {
+            color: red;
+        }
+        .bts-critical {
+            color: red;
+            text-decoration: blink;
+        }
+        /* From ikiwiki templates */
+        .popup {
+            border-bottom: 1px dotted;
+        }
+        .popup .balloon,
+        .popup .paren,
+        .popup .expand {
+            display: none;
+        }
+        .popup:hover .balloon,
+        .popup:focus .balloon {
+            position: absolute;
+            display: block;
+            min-width: 15em;
+            max-width: 40em;
+            max-height: 75%;
+            overflow: auto;
+            margin: 0em 0 0 -15em;
+            padding: 0.5em;
+            border: 2px outset #F5F5B5;     /* light yellowish */
+            background: #F5F5B5;            /* light yellowish */
+            color: black;
+            /* Nonstandard, but very nice. */
+            opacity: 0.95;
+            -moz-opacity: 0.95;
+            filter: alpha(opacity=95);
+        }
+        table.bts-info-details td:first-child {
+            text-align: center;
+        }
+        div.bts-info div.popup {
+            text-align: center;
+        }
+        .bts-info-details p {
+            text-indent: -3em;
+            margin: 0 0 0 3em;
+        }
+        table.bts-info-details td {
+            border: 0;
+            vertical-align: top;
+            text-align: left;
+        }
+        #options {
+            float: left;
+            padding: .5em;
+            border: 1px black dashed;
+            margin-bottom: 1em;
+        }
+        #options h2 { font-size: 110%; margin: 0; }
+        #options div { display: none }
+        #w3org { clear: both; }
+    </style>
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+        //<![CDATA[
+        <!--
+        function toggle_visibility(id)
+        {
+            var el = document.getElementById(id);
+            el.style.display = (el.style.display == 'none' ? 'table-row-group' : 'none');
+        }
+        function more_chlog(pkg,rel)
+        {
+            var xml;
+            if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
+                xml = new XMLHttpRequest();
+            } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
+                xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+            } else {
+                alert("Your browser lacks the needed ability to use Ajax. Sorry.");
+                return false;
+            }
+            xml.open('GET', 'qareport-chlog.cgi?pkg='+pkg+';rel='+rel);
+            xml.onreadystatechange = function() {
+                ajaxStateChanged(xml, pkg, rel);
+            };
+            xml.send('');
+        }
+        function ajaxStateChanged(xml, pkg, rel)
+        {
+            var el = document.getElementById(pkg+'_'+rel+'_chlog_baloon');
+            if( !el )
+            {
+                alert('Element "'+pkg+'_'+rel+'_chlog_baloon'+'" not found');
+                return false;
+            }
+            if( xml.readyState <= 1 )
+            {
+                el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML + "<br/>Loading...";
+            }
+            if( xml.readyState == 3 )
+            {
+                el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML + ".";
+            }
+            if( xml.readyState == 4 )
+            {
+                if( xml.status == 200 )
+                {
+                    el.innerHTML = xml.responseText;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    el.innerHTML = xml.status+': '+xml.StatusText;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        //-->
+        //]]>
+    </script>
+<h1><a href="${group_url}">${group_name}</a></h1>
+<table id="main_table">
+    [% INCLUDE section data=data list=for_upgrade name="for_upgrade" title="Newer upstream available" %]
+    [% INCLUDE section data=data list=for_upload name="for_upload" title="Ready for upload" %]
+    [% INCLUDE section data=data list=waiting name="waiting" title="NEW and incoming" %]
+    [% INCLUDE section data=data list=weird name="weird" title="Packages with strange versions in the repository" %]
+    [% INCLUDE section data=data list=wip name="wip" title="Work in progress" %]
+    [% INCLUDE section data=data list=with_bugs name="with_bugs" title="With bugs" %]
+    [% INCLUDE section data=data list=all name='unclassified' title='Unclassified' %]
+<div id="options">
+[% CGI.start_form({ Method => 'GET' }) %]
+[% CGI.checkbox({ Name => 'show_all', Label => "Show all packages" }) %]
+[% CGI.checkbox({ Name => 'start_collapsed', Label => "Collapse tables" }) %]
+[% CGI.checkbox({ Name => 'hide_binaries',
+    Label => "Don't show binary package names" }) %]
+<p>Order: [% CGI.radio_group({
+    Name => 'format',
+    Values => [ 'list', 'categories' ],
+    Default => 'categories',
+    Labels => {
+         categories => "by category",
+         list => "by name",
+    }
+}).join("\n") %]</p>
+<p>Refresh: [% CGI.radio_group({
+    Name => 'refresh',
+    Values => [ 0, 1800, 3600, 7200 ],
+    Default => 0,
+    Labels => {
+        "0" => "No refresh",
+        "1800" => "30 min",
+        "3600" => "1 hour",
+        "7200" => "2 hours"
+    }
+}).join("\n") %]</p>
+<p>[% CGI.submit({ Label => 'Reload' }) %]</p>
+[% CGI.end_form.join("\n") %]
+<p id="w3org">
+    <a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer"><img
+        style="border:0;width:88px;height:31px"
+        src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-xhtml10-blue"
+        alt="Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict"/></a>
+    <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer">
+        <img style="border:0;width:88px;height:31px"
+        src="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/images/vcss" 
+        alt="Valid CSS!" /></a>
+[% META id='$Id: by_category 13824 2008-01-29 07:54:35Z dmn $' %]
+<p style="border-top: 1px solid black">
+    <code>$template.id</code>

Added: trunk/community/qa/wnppcheck
--- trunk/community/qa/wnppcheck	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/community/qa/wnppcheck	2008-01-31 18:15:21 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright gregor herrmann <gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at>, 2007
+# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL 2
+echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd'>"
+echo "<html><head><title>WNPP bugs wrt lib*-perl</title></head>"
+echo "<body><h1>WNPP bugs wrt lib*-perl</h1><pre>"
+wget -q -O - "$URL" | \
+	sed -e '/H2.*Forwarded/,$ d' | \
+	html2text -nobs -width 255 | \
+	egrep -A 1 "\#.+lib.+-perl" | \
+	sed -e 's/_/ /g' -e 's/</\&lt;/g' -e 's/>/\&gt;/g' -e '/^--$/ d' | \
+	sed -e 's;#\([0-9]\+\);<a href="http://bugs.debian.org/\1">#\1</a>;g'
+echo "</pre></body></html>"
+exit 0

Property changes on: trunk/community/qa/wnppcheck
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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