[med-svn] [SCM] aghermann branch, master, updated. 06bda7dfaa687aaf0708a024d192024e2cd58421

Andrei Zavada johnhommer at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 00:43:30 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 9d5ae063248e9aa94c8fab83ce2d627f051dc04b
Author: Andrei Zavada <johnhommer at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jan 9 19:32:18 2013 +0200

    patterns refactoring (part 1/2)

diff --git a/src/common/alg.hh b/src/common/alg.hh
index 692ce22..b6f4301 100644
--- a/src/common/alg.hh
+++ b/src/common/alg.hh
@@ -113,7 +113,6 @@ struct SSpan {
 template <typename T>
 sign( T x)
diff --git a/src/sigproc/Makefile.am b/src/sigproc/Makefile.am
index eab6284..ec567da 100644
--- a/src/sigproc/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/sigproc/Makefile.am
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ liba_a_SOURCES := \
 	exstrom.cc exstrom.hh \
 	ext-filters.cc ext-filters.hh ext-filters.ii \
 	sigproc.cc sigproc.hh sigproc.ii \
+	patterns.cc patterns.hh patterns.ii \
 	winfun.cc winfun.hh
 if DO_PCH
@@ -15,7 +16,8 @@ BUILT_SOURCES := \
 	ext-filters.hh.gch \
 	exstrom.hh.gch \
 	winfun.hh.gch \
-	sigproc.hh.gch
+	sigproc.hh.gch \
+	patterns.hh.gch
 %.hh.gch: %.hh
 	$(CXXCOMPILE) -c $<
diff --git a/src/sigproc/patterns.cc b/src/sigproc/patterns.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e7f989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sigproc/patterns.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// ;-*-C++-*-
+ *       File name:  sigproc/patterns.cc
+ *         Project:  Aghermann
+ *          Author:  Andrei Zavada <johnhommer at gmail.com>
+ * Initial version:  2013-01-09
+ *
+ *         Purpose:  CPattern explicit pattern instantiations be here
+ *
+ *         License:  GPL
+ */
+#include "patterns.hh"
+using namespace std;
+template sigproc::CPattern<TFloat>::CPattern( const SSignalRef<TFloat>&, size_t, size_t,
+					      const SPatternPPack<TFloat>&);
+template size_t sigproc::CPattern<TFloat>::find( const valarray<TFloat>&,
+						 const valarray<TFloat>&,
+						 const valarray<TFloat>&,
+						 const valarray<TFloat>&,
+						 ssize_t, int);
+template size_t sigproc::CPattern<TFloat>::find( const SSignalRef<TFloat>&,
+						 ssize_t, int);
+template size_t sigproc::CPattern<TFloat>::find( const valarray<TFloat>&,
+						 ssize_t, int);
+// eof
diff --git a/src/sigproc/patterns.hh b/src/sigproc/patterns.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b547cce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sigproc/patterns.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+// ;-*-C++-*-
+ *       File name:  sigproc/patterns.hh
+ *         Project:  Aghermann
+ *          Author:  Andrei Zavada <johnhommer at gmail.com>
+ * Initial version:  2013-01-09
+ *
+ *         Purpose:  class CPattern
+ *
+ *         License:  GPL
+ */
+#include <valarray>
+#include <array>
+#include "sigproc.hh"
+#if HAVE_CONFIG_H && !defined(VERSION)
+#  include "config.h"
+using namespace std;
+namespace sigproc {
+template <typename T>
+struct TMatch : public array<T, 4> {
+	TMatch (T _1, T _2, T _3, T _4)
+	      : array<T, 4> {{_1, _2, _3, _4}}
+		{}
+	TMatch<T> () = default;
+	TMatch<T>& operator/( T dvsr)
+		{
+			return ((array<T, 4>)(*this)) / dvsr;
+		}
+	bool good_enough( const TMatch<T>& rv) const
+		{
+			for ( size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
+				if ( (*this)[i] > rv[i] )
+					return false;
+			return true;
+		}
+template <typename T>
+struct SPatternPPack {
+	int	env_tightness;
+	double	bwf_ffrom,
+		bwf_fupto;
+	int	bwf_order;
+	double 	dzcdf_step,
+		dzcdf_sigma;
+	int	dzcdf_smooth;
+	bool operator==( const SPatternPPack<T>& rv) const // cannot be defaulted!
+		{
+			return	env_tightness == rv.env_tightness &&
+				bwf_ffrom == rv.bwf_ffrom &&
+				bwf_fupto == rv.bwf_fupto &&
+				bwf_order == rv.bwf_order &&
+				dzcdf_step == rv.dzcdf_step &&
+				dzcdf_sigma == rv.dzcdf_sigma &&
+				dzcdf_smooth == rv.dzcdf_smooth &&
+				criteria == rv.criteria;
+		}
+	TMatch<T>
+		criteria;
+}; // keep fields in order, or edit ctor by initializer_list
+template <typename T>
+class CPattern
+  : public SPatternPPack<T> {
+	CPattern () = delete;
+    public:
+      // the complete pattern signature is made of:
+      // (a) signal breadth at given tightness;
+      // (b) its course;
+      // (c) target frequency (band-passed);
+      // (d) instantaneous frequency at fine intervals;
+	TMatch<T>
+		match; // resulting
+	CPattern (const SSignalRef<T>& thing,
+		  size_t ctx_before_, size_t ctx_after_,
+		  const SPatternPPack<T>& Pp_)
+	      : SPatternPPack<T> (Pp_),
+		match (NAN, NAN, NAN, NAN),
+		penv (thing),
+		ptarget_freq (thing),
+		pdzcdf (thing),
+		samplerate (thing.samplerate),
+		ctx_before (ctx_before_), ctx_after (ctx_after_)
+		{
+			if ( ctx_before + ctx_after >= thing.signal.size() )
+				throw invalid_argument ("pattern.size too small");
+			crit_linear_unity =
+				penv(Pp_.env_tightness).first.max() -
+				penv(Pp_.env_tightness).second.min();
+			crit_dzcdf_unity =
+				pdzcdf(Pp_.dzcdf_step,
+				       Pp_.dzcdf_sigma,
+				       Pp_.dzcdf_smooth).max();
+		}
+	size_t find( const SSignalRef<T>& field,
+		     ssize_t start,
+		     int inc);
+	size_t find( const valarray<T>& field,
+		     ssize_t start,
+		     int inc);
+	size_t find( const valarray<T>& env_u,  // broken-down field
+		     const valarray<T>& env_l,
+		     const valarray<T>& target_freq,
+		     const valarray<T>& dzcdf,
+		     ssize_t start,
+		     int inc);
+	size_t size_with_context() const
+		{
+			return ptarget_freq.signal.size();
+		}
+	size_t size_essential() const
+		{
+			return size_with_context()
+				- ctx_before - ctx_after;
+		}
+    private:
+	SCachedEnvelope<T>
+		penv;
+	SCachedBandPassCourse<T>
+		ptarget_freq;
+	SCachedDzcdf<T>
+		pdzcdf;
+	size_t	samplerate;
+	size_t	ctx_before,
+		ctx_after;
+	T	crit_linear_unity;
+	double	crit_dzcdf_unity;
+#include "patterns.ii"
+} // namespace sigproc
+// eof
diff --git a/src/sigproc/patterns.ii b/src/sigproc/patterns.ii
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b64c1a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sigproc/patterns.ii
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+// ;-*-C++-*-
+ *       File name:  sigproc/patterns.ii
+ *         Project:  Aghermann
+ *          Author:  Andrei Zavada <johnhommer at gmail.com>
+ * Initial version:  2013-01-09
+ *
+ *         Purpose:  CPattern templates
+ *
+ *         License:  GPL
+ */
+extern template CPattern<TFloat>::CPattern( const SSignalRef<TFloat>&, size_t, size_t,
+					    const SPatternPPack&);
+extern template size_t CPattern<TFloat>::find( const valarray<TFloat>&,
+					       const valarray<TFloat>&,
+					       const valarray<TFloat>&,
+					       const valarray<TFloat>&,
+					       ssize_t, int);
+extern template size_t CPattern<TFloat>::find( const SSignalRef<TFloat>&,
+					       ssize_t, int);
+extern template size_t CPattern<TFloat>::find( const valarray<TFloat>&,
+					       ssize_t, int);
+template <typename T>
+find( const valarray<T>& fenv_u,
+      const valarray<T>& fenv_l,
+      const valarray<T>& ftarget_freq,
+      const valarray<T>& fdzcdf,
+      ssize_t start,
+      int inc)
+	if ( inc == 0 || inc > (ssize_t)ftarget_freq.size() ) {
+		fprintf( stderr, "CPattern::find(): bad search increment: %d\n", inc);
+		return (size_t)-1;
+	}
+	// printf( "course.size = %zu, fcourse.size = %zu, start = %zu\n",
+	//  	course.size(), fcourse.size(), start);
+	ssize_t	iz = (inc > 0) ? ftarget_freq.size() - size_with_context() : 0;
+	size_t	essential_part = size_essential();
+	// bool	looking_further = false;
+	// T	ax, bx, cx;
+	for ( ssize_t i = start; (inc > 0) ? i < iz : i > iz; i += inc ) {
+		TMatch<T>
+			diff;
+		for ( size_t j = 0; j < essential_part; ++j ) {
+			diff[0] += fdim( penv.centre( SPatternPPack<T>::env_tightness, ctx_before + j),
+					 (fenv_u[i+j] + fenv_l[i+j])/2);
+			diff[1] += fdim( penv.breadth( SPatternPPack<T>::env_tightness, ctx_before + j),
+					 (fenv_u[i+j] - fenv_l[i+j]));
+			diff[2] += fdim( ptarget_freq( SPatternPPack<T>::bwf_ffrom,
+						       SPatternPPack<T>::bwf_fupto,
+						       SPatternPPack<T>::bwf_order) [ctx_before + j],
+					 ftarget_freq[i+j]);
+			diff[3] += fdim( pdzcdf( SPatternPPack<T>::dzcdf_step,
+						 SPatternPPack<T>::dzcdf_sigma,
+						 SPatternPPack<T>::dzcdf_smooth) [ctx_before + j],
+					 fdzcdf[i+j]);
+		}
+		diff = diff / essential_part;
+		diff[0] /= crit_linear_unity; // normalise
+		diff[1] /= crit_linear_unity;
+		diff[2] /= crit_linear_unity;
+		diff[3] /= crit_dzcdf_unity;
+		// if ( i % 250 == 0 ) printf( "at %zu diff_course = %g,\tdiff_breadth = %g\t diff_dzcdf = %g\n", i, diff_course, diff_breadth, diff_dzcd);
+		if ( diff.good_enough(SPatternPPack<T>::criteria) ) {
+			// if ( !looking_further ) {
+			// 	looking_further = true;
+			match = diff;
+			return i;
+		}
+	}
+	match = {1., 1., 1., 1.};
+	return (size_t)-1;
+template <typename T>
+find( const SSignalRef<T>& signal,
+      ssize_t start,
+      int inc)
+	if ( signal.samplerate != samplerate )
+		throw invalid_argument( "CPattern::find( SSignalRef&): not same samplerate");
+	return find( signal.signal,
+		     start, inc);
+template <typename T>
+find( const valarray<T>& signal,
+      ssize_t start,
+      int inc)
+	valarray<T> fenv_u, fenv_l;
+	envelope( {signal, samplerate}, SPatternPPack<T>::env_tightness,
+		  1./samplerate, &fenv_u, &fenv_l);
+	auto ftarget_freq =
+		exstrom::band_pass( signal, samplerate,
+				    SPatternPPack<T>::bwf_ffrom,
+				    SPatternPPack<T>::bwf_fupto,
+				    SPatternPPack<T>::bwf_order, true);
+	auto fdzcdf =
+		dzcdf( SSignalRef<T> {signal, samplerate},
+		       SPatternPPack<T>::dzcdf_step,
+		       SPatternPPack<T>::dzcdf_sigma,
+		       SPatternPPack<T>::dzcdf_smooth);
+	return find( fenv_u, fenv_l, ftarget_freq, fdzcdf,
+		     start, inc);
+// eof
diff --git a/src/sigproc/sigproc.cc b/src/sigproc/sigproc.cc
index a87e821..4266a3b 100644
--- a/src/sigproc/sigproc.cc
+++ b/src/sigproc/sigproc.cc
@@ -23,14 +23,11 @@ using namespace std;
 template void sigproc::smooth( valarray<TFloat>&, size_t);
 template void sigproc::normalize( valarray<TFloat>&);
 template valarray<TFloat> sigproc::derivative( const valarray<TFloat>&);
-template size_t sigproc::envelope( const valarray<float>&, size_t, size_t, double, valarray<float>*, valarray<float>*, vector<size_t>*, vector<size_t>*);
-template size_t sigproc::envelope( const valarray<double>&, size_t, size_t, double, valarray<double>*, valarray<double>*, vector<size_t>*, vector<size_t>*);
-template valarray<TFloat> sigproc::dzcdf( const valarray<TFloat>&, size_t, float, float, size_t);
-template sigproc::CPattern<TFloat>::CPattern( const valarray<TFloat>&, size_t, size_t, size_t, const SPatternParamPack&, float, float, float);
-template size_t sigproc::CPattern<TFloat>::find( const valarray<TFloat>&, const valarray<TFloat>&, const valarray<TFloat>&, ssize_t, int);
-template size_t sigproc::CPattern<TFloat>::find( const valarray<TFloat>&, ssize_t, int);
+template size_t sigproc::envelope( const SSignalRef<float>&, size_t, double, valarray<float>*, valarray<float>*, vector<size_t>*, vector<size_t>*);
+template size_t sigproc::envelope( const SSignalRef<double>&, size_t, double, valarray<double>*, valarray<double>*, vector<size_t>*, vector<size_t>*);
+template valarray<TFloat> sigproc::dzcdf( const SSignalRef<TFloat>&, double, double, size_t);
 template double sigproc::sig_diff( const valarray<TFloat>&, const valarray<TFloat>&, int);
-template double sigproc::phase_diff( const valarray<TFloat>&, const valarray<TFloat>&, size_t, size_t, size_t, float, float, unsigned, size_t);
+template double sigproc::phase_diff( const SSignalRef<TFloat>&, const SSignalRef<TFloat>&, size_t, size_t, double, double, unsigned, size_t);
diff --git a/src/sigproc/sigproc.hh b/src/sigproc/sigproc.hh
index b875fb8..5f04a5c 100644
--- a/src/sigproc/sigproc.hh
+++ b/src/sigproc/sigproc.hh
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
  *          Author:  Andrei Zavada <johnhommer at gmail.com>
  * Initial version:  2011-01-26
- *         Purpose:  various standalone signal processing functions, class CPattern
+ *         Purpose:  various standalone signal processing functions
  *         License:  GPL
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include <samplerate.h>
 #include "common/lang.hh"
+#include "common/alg.hh"
 #include "exstrom.hh"
 #if HAVE_CONFIG_H && !defined(VERSION)
@@ -32,6 +33,8 @@ using namespace std;
 namespace sigproc {
+// simple functions operating irrespective of samplerate
 template <typename T>
 smooth( valarray<T>&, size_t side);
@@ -65,8 +68,6 @@ resample( const valarray<double>& signal,
 	  int alg);
 interpolate_d( const vector<size_t>&,
 	       unsigned, const valarray<double>&, float);
@@ -88,11 +89,22 @@ interpolate( const vector<size_t>& xi,
+// signal with samplerate
+template <typename T>
+struct SSignalRef {
+	const valarray<T>&
+		signal;
+	size_t	samplerate;
 template <typename T>
-envelope( const valarray<T>& in,
+envelope( const SSignalRef<T>& in,
 	  size_t dh,  // tightness
-	  size_t samplerate,
 	  double dt,
 	  valarray<T>* env_lp = nullptr,  // return interpolated
 	  valarray<T>* env_up = nullptr,  // return vector of points
@@ -100,79 +112,23 @@ envelope( const valarray<T>& in,
 	  vector<size_t> *maxi_p = nullptr);
-template <typename T>
-sign( const T& v)
-	return v >= 0. ? 1 : -1;
 template <typename T>
-dzcdf( const valarray<T>& in,
-       size_t samplerate,
-       float dt,
-       float sigma,
+dzcdf( const SSignalRef<T>& in,
+       double dt,
+       double sigma,
        size_t smooth);
-template <typename T>
-struct SSignalRef {
-	const valarray<T>&
-		signal;
-	unsigned
-		samplerate;
 // cached signal property providers
 template <typename T>
-struct SCachedDzcdf
-  : public SSignalRef<T> {
-	SCachedDzcdf (const valarray<T>& signal_, unsigned samplerate_)
-	      : SSignalRef<T> {signal_, samplerate_}
-		{}
-	SCachedDzcdf (const SCachedDzcdf&) = delete;
-	// other ctors deleted implicitly due to a member of reference type
-	const valarray<T>&
-	operator()( float step_, float sigma_, unsigned smooth_)
-		{
-			if ( data.size() == 0 ||
-			     step != step_ || sigma != sigma_ || smooth != smooth_ )
-				data = dzcdf<T>(
-					SSignalRef<T>::signal, SSignalRef<T>::samplerate,
-					step = step_, sigma = sigma_, smooth = smooth_);
-			return data;
-		}
-	void drop()
-		{
-			data.resize(0);
-		}
-    private:
-	float	step,
-		sigma;
-	unsigned
-		smooth;
-	valarray<T>
-		data;
-template <typename T>
 struct SCachedEnvelope
   : public SSignalRef<T> {
-	SCachedEnvelope (const valarray<T>& signal_, unsigned samplerate_)
-	      : SSignalRef<T> {signal_, samplerate_}
+	SCachedEnvelope (const SSignalRef<T>& signal_)
+	      : SSignalRef<T> (signal_)
 	SCachedEnvelope (const SCachedEnvelope&) = delete;
@@ -180,12 +136,14 @@ struct SCachedEnvelope
 	operator()( unsigned tightness_)
 			if ( lower.size() == 0 ||
-			     tightness != tightness_ )
-				envelope( SSignalRef<T>::signal,
-					  tightness = tightness_, SSignalRef<T>::samplerate,
+			     tightness != tightness_ ) {
+				envelope( (SSignalRef<T>)*this,
+					  tightness = tightness_,
 					  &upper); // don't need anchor points, nor their count
+				mid = (upper + lower)/2;
+			}
 			return {lower, upper};
 	void drop()
@@ -194,7 +152,7 @@ struct SCachedEnvelope
-	float breadth( unsigned tightness_, size_t i)
+	T breadth( unsigned tightness_, size_t i)
 			(*this)( tightness_);
 			return upper[i] - lower[i];
@@ -205,24 +163,68 @@ struct SCachedEnvelope
 			return upper - lower;
+	T centre( unsigned tightness_, size_t i)
+		{
+			(*this)( tightness_);
+			return mid[i];
+		}
+	valarray<T> centre( unsigned tightness_)
+		{
+			(*this)( tightness_);
+			return mid;
+		}
+		mid,
 template <typename T>
+struct SCachedDzcdf
+  : public SSignalRef<T> {
+	SCachedDzcdf (const SSignalRef<T>& signal_)
+	      : SSignalRef<T> (signal_)
+		{}
+	SCachedDzcdf (const SCachedDzcdf&) = delete;
+	// other ctors deleted implicitly due to a member of reference type
+	const valarray<T>&
+	operator()( double step_, double sigma_, unsigned smooth_)
+		{
+			if ( data.size() == 0 ||
+			     step != step_ || sigma != sigma_ || smooth != smooth_ )
+				data = dzcdf<T>(
+					(SSignalRef<T>)*this,
+					step = step_, sigma = sigma_, smooth = smooth_);
+			return data;
+		}
+	void drop()
+		{
+			data.resize(0);
+		}
+    private:
+	double	step,
+		sigma;
+	unsigned
+		smooth;
+	valarray<T>
+		data;
+template <typename T>
 struct SCachedLowPassCourse
   : public SSignalRef<T> {
-	SCachedLowPassCourse (const valarray<T>& signal_, unsigned samplerate_)
-	      : SSignalRef<T> {signal_, samplerate_}
+	SCachedLowPassCourse (const SSignalRef<T>& signal_)
+	      : SSignalRef<T> (signal_)
 	SCachedLowPassCourse (const SCachedLowPassCourse&) = delete;
 	const valarray<T>&
-	operator()( float fcutoff_, unsigned order_)
+	operator()( double fcutoff_, unsigned order_)
 			if ( data.size() == 0 ||
 			     fcutoff != fcutoff_ || order != order_ )
@@ -237,7 +239,7 @@ struct SCachedLowPassCourse
-	float	fcutoff;
+	double	fcutoff;
@@ -247,13 +249,13 @@ struct SCachedLowPassCourse
 template <typename T>
 struct SCachedBandPassCourse
   : public SSignalRef<T> {
-	SCachedBandPassCourse (const valarray<T>& signal_, unsigned samplerate_)
-	      : SSignalRef<T> {signal_, samplerate_}
+	SCachedBandPassCourse (const SSignalRef<T>& signal_)
+	      : SSignalRef<T> (signal_)
 	SCachedBandPassCourse (const SCachedBandPassCourse&) = delete;
 	const valarray<T>&
-	operator()( float ffrom_, float fupto_, unsigned order_)
+	operator()( double ffrom_, double fupto_, unsigned order_)
 			if ( data.size() == 0 ||
 			     ffrom != ffrom_ || fupto != fupto_ || order != order_ )
@@ -268,7 +270,7 @@ struct SCachedBandPassCourse
-	float	ffrom, fupto;
+	double	ffrom, fupto;
@@ -279,102 +281,26 @@ struct SCachedBandPassCourse
-struct SPatternParamPack {
-	int	bwf_order;
-	double	bwf_ffrom,
-		bwf_fupto;
-	double 	dzcdf_step,
-		dzcdf_sigma;
-	int	dzcdf_smooth,
-		env_tightness;
-	bool operator==( const SPatternParamPack& rv) const // cannot be defaulted!
-		{
-			return	bwf_order == rv.bwf_order &&
-				bwf_ffrom == rv.bwf_ffrom &&
-				bwf_fupto == rv.bwf_fupto &&
-				dzcdf_step == rv.dzcdf_step &&
-				dzcdf_sigma == rv.dzcdf_sigma &&
-				dzcdf_smooth == rv.dzcdf_smooth &&
-				env_tightness == rv.env_tightness;
-		}
-}; // keep fields in order, or edit ctor by initializer_list
-template <typename T>
-class CPattern {
-	CPattern () = delete;
-    public:
-      // the complete pattern signature is made of:
-      // (a) course of the mean (low-freq component);
-      // (b) instantaneous frequency at fine intervals;
-      // (c) signal breadth at given tightness.
-      // data for individual constituents of the pattern:
-	SPatternParamPack
-		params;
-	float	a, b, c; // strictness
-	// resulting
-	float	match_a,
-		match_b,
-		match_c;
-	CPattern (const valarray<T>& pattern,
-		  size_t _context_before, size_t _context_after,
-		  size_t _samplerate,
-		  const SPatternParamPack&,
-		  float _a, float _b, float _c);
-	size_t size_with_context() const
-		{
-			return course.size();
-		}
-	size_t size_essential() const
-		{
-			return size_with_context() - context_before - context_after;
-		}
-	size_t find( const valarray<T>& course,
-		     const valarray<T>& breadth,
-		     const valarray<T>& dzcdf,
-		     ssize_t start,
-		     int inc);
-	size_t find( const valarray<T>& signal,
-		     ssize_t start,
-		     int inc);
-    private:
-	valarray<T>
-		course,
-		breadth,
-		dzcd;
-	size_t	samplerate,
-		context_before,
-		context_after;
 template <typename T>
 sig_diff( const valarray<T>& a, const valarray<T>& b, int d);
 template <typename T>
-phase_diff( const valarray<T>& sig1,
-	    const valarray<T>& sig2,
-	    size_t samplerate,
+phase_diff( const SSignalRef<T>& sig1,
+	    const SSignalRef<T>& sig2,
 	    size_t sa, size_t sz,
-	    float fa, float fz,
+	    double fa, double fz,
 	    unsigned order,
 	    size_t scope);
 #include "sigproc.ii"
 } // namespace sigproc
diff --git a/src/sigproc/sigproc.ii b/src/sigproc/sigproc.ii
index c937bd0..845ddb9 100644
--- a/src/sigproc/sigproc.ii
+++ b/src/sigproc/sigproc.ii
@@ -14,14 +14,11 @@ extern template void smooth( valarray<TFloat>&, size_t);
 extern template void normalize( valarray<TFloat>&);
 extern template valarray<TFloat> derivative( const valarray<TFloat>&);
 // this one is used for both T = float and double
-extern template size_t envelope( const valarray<float>&, size_t, size_t, double, valarray<float>*, valarray<float>*, vector<size_t>*, vector<size_t>*);
-extern template size_t envelope( const valarray<double>&, size_t, size_t, double, valarray<double>*, valarray<double>*, vector<size_t>*, vector<size_t>*);
-extern template valarray<TFloat> dzcdf( const valarray<TFloat>&, size_t, float, float, size_t);
-extern template CPattern<TFloat>::CPattern( const valarray<TFloat>&, size_t, size_t, size_t, const SPatternParamPack&, float, float, float);
-extern template size_t CPattern<TFloat>::find( const valarray<TFloat>&, const valarray<TFloat>&, const valarray<TFloat>&, ssize_t, int);
-extern template size_t CPattern<TFloat>::find( const valarray<TFloat>&, ssize_t, int);
+extern template size_t envelope( const SSignalRef<float>&, size_t, double, valarray<float>*, valarray<float>*, vector<size_t>*, vector<size_t>*);
+extern template size_t envelope( const SSignalRef<double>&, size_t, double, valarray<double>*, valarray<double>*, vector<size_t>*, vector<size_t>*);
+extern template valarray<TFloat> dzcdf( const SSignalRef<TFloat>&, double, double, size_t);
 extern template double sig_diff( const valarray<TFloat>&, const valarray<TFloat>&, int);
-extern template double phase_diff( const valarray<TFloat>&, const valarray<TFloat>&, size_t, size_t, size_t, float, float, unsigned, size_t);
+extern template double phase_diff( const SSignalRef<TFloat>&, const SSignalRef<TFloat>&, size_t, size_t, double, double, unsigned, size_t);
@@ -74,9 +71,8 @@ derivative( const valarray<T>& a)
 template <typename T>
-envelope( const valarray<T>& in,
+envelope( const SSignalRef<T>& in,
 	  size_t dh,  // tightness
-	  size_t samplerate,
 	  double dt,
 	  valarray<T>* env_lp = nullptr,    // return interpolated
 	  valarray<T>* env_up = nullptr,
@@ -84,7 +80,7 @@ envelope( const valarray<T>& in,
 	  vector<size_t> *maxi_p = nullptr)
 	size_t	i, j,
-		n_samples = in.size();
+		n_samples = in.signal.size();
@@ -96,19 +92,19 @@ envelope( const valarray<T>& in,
 	for ( i = dh; i < n_samples-dh; ++i ) {
 		for ( j = 1; j <= dh; ++j )
-			if ( in[i-j] <= in[i] )  // [i] is not a local min
+			if ( in.signal[i-j] <= in.signal[i] )  // [i] is not a local min
 				goto inner_continue;
 		for ( j = 1; j <= dh; ++j )
-			if ( in[i+j] <= in[i] )  // [i] is not
+			if ( in.signal[i+j] <= in.signal[i] )  // [i] is not
 				goto inner_continue;
 		mini.push_back( i);
 		for ( j = 1; j <= dh; ++j )
-			if ( in[i-j] >= in[i] )  // [i] is not a local max
+			if ( in.signal[i-j] >= in.signal[i] )  // [i] is not a local max
 				goto outer_continue;
 		for ( j = 1; j <= dh; ++j )
-			if ( in[i+j] >= in[i] )  // [i] is not
+			if ( in.signal[i+j] >= in.signal[i] )  // [i] is not
 				goto outer_continue;
 		maxi.push_back( i);
@@ -121,9 +117,9 @@ envelope( const valarray<T>& in,
 	if ( mini.size() > 5 && maxi.size() > 5 ) {
 		if ( env_lp )
-			*env_lp = interpolate( mini, samplerate, in, dt);
+			*env_lp = interpolate( mini, in.samplerate, in.signal, dt);
 		if ( env_up )
-			*env_up = interpolate( maxi, samplerate, in, dt);
+			*env_up = interpolate( maxi, in.samplerate, in.signal, dt);
 		if ( mini_p )
 			*mini_p = mini;
 		if ( maxi_p )
@@ -141,43 +137,38 @@ envelope( const valarray<T>& in,
 template <typename T>
-dzcdf( const valarray<T>& in,
-       size_t samplerate,
-       float dt,
-       float sigma,
+dzcdf( const SSignalRef<T>& in,
+       double dt,
+       double sigma,
        size_t smooth_side)
 	size_t i;
-		tmp (in),
-		derivative (0., in.size());
+		tmp (in.signal),
+		deriv = derivative( in.signal);
 	smooth( tmp, smooth_side);
-      // get derivative
-	for ( i = 1; i < in.size(); ++i )
-		derivative[i-1] = (tmp[i] - tmp[i-1]);
       // collect zerocrossings
 	vector<size_t> izx;
-	for ( i = 1; i < in.size(); ++i )
-		if ( sign( derivative[i-1]) != sign( derivative[i]) )
+	for ( i = 1; i < in.signal.size(); ++i )
+		if ( agh::alg::sign( deriv[i-1]) != agh::alg::sign( deriv[i]) )
 			izx.push_back( i);
       // prepare structures for interpolation
-	size_t out_size = (float)in.size()/samplerate / dt;
+	size_t out_size = (double)in.signal.size()/in.samplerate / dt;
 	vector<size_t> xi (out_size);
-	valarray<T> y (in.size());
+	valarray<T> y (in.signal.size());
       // calculate the bloody zcdf
-	float	window = 4*dt; // half a second, good enough
-	float	t = 0., tdiff;
+	double	window = 4*dt; // half a second, good enough
+	double	t = 0., tdiff;
 	size_t	I = 0, J;
 	for ( i = 0; i < out_size; ++i ) {
-		xi[i] = i * dt * samplerate;
+		xi[i] = i * dt * in.samplerate;
 		for ( J = I; J > 0; --J ) {
-			tdiff = (float)izx[J]/samplerate - t;
+			tdiff = (double)izx[J]/in.samplerate - t;
 			if ( tdiff >  window )
 			if ( tdiff < -window )
@@ -185,7 +176,7 @@ dzcdf( const valarray<T>& in,
 			y[ xi[i] ] += exp( -gsl_pow_2(tdiff) / gsl_pow_2(sigma));
 		for ( ; J < izx.size(); ++J ) {
-			tdiff = (float)izx[J]/samplerate - t;
+			tdiff = (double)izx[J]/in.samplerate - t;
 			if ( tdiff < -window )
 			if ( tdiff >  window )
@@ -195,129 +186,7 @@ dzcdf( const valarray<T>& in,
 		t = i*dt;
 		I = J;
-	return interpolate( xi, samplerate, y, 1./samplerate);
-template <typename T>
-CPattern (const valarray<T>& pattern,
-	  size_t _context_before, size_t _context_after,
-	  size_t _samplerate,
-	  const SPatternParamPack& params_,
-	  float _a, float _b, float _c)
-      : params (params_),
-	a (_a), b (_b), c (_c),
-	match_a (NAN), match_b (NAN), match_c (NAN),
-	samplerate (_samplerate),
-	context_before (_context_before), context_after (_context_after)
-	if ( context_before + context_after >= pattern.size() )
-		throw invalid_argument ("pattern.size too small");
-	course =
-		exstrom::band_pass(
-			pattern, samplerate,
-			params.bwf_ffrom, params.bwf_fupto,
-			params.bwf_order, true);
-	valarray<T> env_u, env_l;
-	envelope( pattern, params.env_tightness, samplerate,
-		  1./samplerate,
-		  &env_l, &env_u);
-	breadth.resize( env_u.size());
-	breadth = env_u - env_l;
-	dzcd = dzcdf( pattern, samplerate,
-		      params.dzcdf_step, params.dzcdf_sigma, params.dzcdf_smooth);
-template <typename T>
-find( const valarray<T>& fcourse,
-      const valarray<T>& fbreadth,
-      const valarray<T>& fdzcd,
-      ssize_t start,
-      int inc)
-	if ( inc == 0 || inc > (ssize_t)fcourse.size() ) {
-		fprintf( stderr, "CSignalPattern::find(): bad search increment: %d\n", inc);
-		return (size_t)-1;
-	}
-	T	diff_course,
-		diff_breadth,
-		diff_dzcd;
-	// printf( "course.size = %zu, fcourse.size = %zu, start = %zu\n",
-	//  	course.size(), fcourse.size(), start);
-	ssize_t	iz = (inc > 0) ? fcourse.size() - size_with_context() : 0;
-	size_t	essential_part = size_essential();
-	// bool	looking_further = false;
-	// T	ax, bx, cx;
-	for ( ssize_t i = start; (inc > 0) ? i < iz : i > iz; i += inc ) {
-		diff_course = diff_breadth = diff_dzcd = 0.;
-		for ( size_t j = 0; j < essential_part; ++j ) {
-			diff_course  += fdim( course [context_before + j], fcourse [i+j]);
-			diff_breadth += fdim( breadth[context_before + j], fbreadth[i+j]);
-			diff_dzcd    += fdim( dzcd   [context_before + j], fdzcd   [i+j]);
-		}
-		diff_course  /= essential_part;
-		diff_breadth /= essential_part;
-		diff_dzcd    /= essential_part;
-		// if ( i % 250 == 0 ) printf( "at %zu diff_course = %g,\tdiff_breadth = %g\t diff_dzcdf = %g\n", i, diff_course, diff_breadth, diff_dzcd);
-		if ( diff_course < a && diff_breadth < b && diff_dzcd < c ) {
-			// if ( !looking_further ) {
-			// 	looking_further = true;
-			match_a = diff_course, match_b = diff_breadth, match_c = diff_dzcd;
-			return i;
-		}
-	}
-	return (size_t)-1;
-template <typename T>
-find( const valarray<T>& signal,
-      ssize_t start,
-      int inc)
-      // low-pass signal being searched, too
-	valarray<T> fcourse =
-		exstrom::band_pass( signal, samplerate,
-				    params.bwf_ffrom, params.bwf_fupto,
-				    params.bwf_order, true);
-      // prepare for comparison by other criteria:
-	// signal envelope and breadth
-	valarray<T> env_u, env_l;
-	envelope( signal, params.env_tightness, samplerate,
-		  1./samplerate, &env_u, &env_l);
-	valarray<T> fbreadth (env_u.size());
-	fbreadth = env_u - env_l;
-	// dzcdf
-	valarray<T> fdzcd =
-		dzcdf( signal, samplerate,
-		       params.dzcdf_step, params.dzcdf_sigma, params.dzcdf_smooth);
-	return find( fcourse, fbreadth, fdzcd,
-		     start, inc);
+	return interpolate( xi, in.samplerate, y, 1./in.samplerate);
@@ -341,20 +210,22 @@ sig_diff( const valarray<T>& a, const valarray<T>& b,
 template <typename T>
-phase_diff( const valarray<T>& sig1,
-	    const valarray<T>& sig2,
-	    size_t samplerate,
+phase_diff( const SSignalRef<T>& sig1,
+	    const SSignalRef<T>& sig2,
 	    size_t sa, size_t sz,
-	    float fa, float fz,
+	    double fa, double fz,
 	    unsigned order,
 	    size_t scope)
+	if ( sig1.samplerate != sig2.samplerate )
+		throw invalid_argument ("sigproc::phase_diff(): sig1.samplerate != sig2.samplerate");
 	if ( order == 0 )
-		throw invalid_argument ("NExstrom::phase_diff(): order == 0");
+		throw invalid_argument ("sigproc::phase_diff(): order == 0");
       // bandpass sig1 and sig2
-		sig1p = exstrom::band_pass( valarray<T> (&sig1[sa], sz - sa), samplerate, fa, fz, order, true),
-		sig2p = exstrom::band_pass( valarray<T> (&sig2[sa], sz - sa), samplerate, fa, fz, order, true);
+		sig1p = exstrom::band_pass( valarray<T> (&sig1.signal[sa], sz - sa), sig1.samplerate, fa, fz, order, true),
+		sig2p = exstrom::band_pass( valarray<T> (&sig2.signal[sa], sz - sa), sig2.samplerate, fa, fz, order, true);
       // slide one against the other a little
 	double	diff = INFINITY, old_diff, diff_min = INFINITY;
@@ -374,7 +245,7 @@ phase_diff( const valarray<T>& sig1,
 			diff_min = diff, dist_min = dist;
 	} while (  (dist++) < (int)scope && old_diff > diff );
-	return (double)dist_min / samplerate;
+	return (double)dist_min / sig1.samplerate;
diff --git a/src/ui/sf/sf-channel.cc b/src/ui/sf/sf-channel.cc
index cf928ba..51fad68 100644
--- a/src/ui/sf/sf-channel.cc
+++ b/src/ui/sf/sf-channel.cc
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ SChannel( agh::CRecording& r,
 	annotations (r.F().annotations(name)),
 	artifacts (r.F().artifacts(name)),
 	_p (parent),
-	signal_lowpass (signal_filtered, samplerate()),
-	signal_bandpass (signal_filtered, samplerate()),
-	signal_envelope (signal_filtered, samplerate()),
-	signal_dzcdf (signal_filtered, samplerate()),
+	signal_lowpass  ({signal_filtered, samplerate()}),
+	signal_bandpass ({signal_filtered, samplerate()}),
+	signal_envelope ({signal_filtered, samplerate()}),
+	signal_dzcdf    ({signal_filtered, samplerate()}),
 	zeroy (y0),
 	// let them be read or recalculated
 	signal_display_scale( NAN),
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ SChannel( agh::CRecording& r,
 	} else if ( type == sigfile::SChannel::TType::emg ) {
 		valarray<TFloat> env_u, env_l;
-		sigproc::envelope( signal_original,
-				   5, samplerate(), 1.,
+		sigproc::envelope( {signal_original, samplerate()},
+				   5, 1.,
 				   &env_l, &env_u);
 		emg_profile.resize( env_l.size());
 		emg_profile = env_u - env_l;
diff --git a/src/ui/sf/sf.hh b/src/ui/sf/sf.hh
index 0548cfd..ad55f71 100644
--- a/src/ui/sf/sf.hh
+++ b/src/ui/sf/sf.hh
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 #include "common/config-validate.hh"
 #include "sigproc/winfun.hh"
 #include "sigproc/sigproc.hh"
+#include "sigproc/patterns.hh"
 #include "metrics/phasic-events.hh"
 #include "expdesign/primaries.hh"
 #include "ica/ica.hh"
@@ -501,7 +502,7 @@ class SScoringFacility
 	      // own copies of parent's same
-		sigproc::SPatternParamPack
+		sigproc::SPatternPPack<TFloat>

Sleep experiment manager

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