[med-svn] [bart] branch master updated (94ced94 -> 08cf828)

Martin Uecker uecker-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jan 8 18:23:28 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

uecker-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository bart.

      from  94ced94   really add bart_completion.sh
       new  d015d7f   ecalib: add -S to help
       new  3062d8e   add target to (re-)produce release tarballs
       new  dcd088c   add estdims to estimate noncartesian dimension
       new  c7741ca   move estdims from TBASE to TRECO
       new  3fb88f8   removed -lnoncart from bbox
       new  d675d5d   Merge pull request #16 from frankong/master
       new  cfa99fd   fix estdims modules
       new  2b39268   fix estdims modules
       new  7e941f0   Merge pull request #17 from frankong/master
       new  9b9a9d7   fixed bart.m memory bug. bug: when bart.m errors, the tmp memories are not deleted
       new  91ea04a   Merge pull request #18 from frankong/master
       new  6d0fbae   use -lz only for static linking
       new  95aaf2a   add initial bart completion script
       new  789ad1d   prefer commands in TOOLBOX_PATH if set
       new  1c416d3   improve bart script
       new  088dc63   homodyne: input in image domain
       new  c8a1a96   homodyne: treat all dimensions as equals
       new  e350609   use ramp filter (but leave in staircase step filter)
       new  7b4bd25   homodyne: add option to change the slope/size of the ramp filter, between 0 and 1
       new  5e00882   homodyne: call num_init for parallelization
       new  0560440   update help string
       new  b804fa8   add missing -g option
       new  621bf72   Makefile fix
       new  39931b9   typo
       new  becc3c0   bart matlab script: check for empty args + formatting
       new  41dd453   move bart_completion.sh
       new  8df9dea   add least-absolute deviation
       new  9830f0b   add rdiag operator
       new  577a1a2   remove some #ifdefs
       new  89036fb   new function for processing of cmline options
       new  0d69d76   use cmdline in fft
       new  7ff1d9d   fix warnings
       new  4aa8e3a   update option processing
       new  35b7ffa   use 'cmdline' function in some tools
       new  ff7ac34   convert more tools
       new  e26804c   add vec3/select
       new  8f21cec   cmdline: convert rest of the tools
       new  57c42f0   Merge branch 'opts'
       new  75398e9   update to grasp script (courtesy of tobias block)
       new  0e8983c   Makefile improvements
       new  95693ac   use libc's j1
       new  c306467   add our own modified bessel function
       new  7723d83   use it
       new  fedc08b   remove GSL
       new  71c6c0a   update README
       new  995d182   Merge pull request #22 from mrirecon/specfun
       new  a8fda75   save command line options
       new  2bf8053   always save cmdline
       new  e7aef89   quote function
       new  44887f8   simplify
       new  e35513a   remove deprecated commands
       new  14eb376   remove imshow3.m (should be moved to matlab examples)
       new  f0f4204   README update
       new  0833b88   references
       new  1fd296b   move update-* scripts to rules/
       new  6f56708   name in manpage
       new  b77ea2e   build fix
       new  8b397d0   use xmalloc
       new  2ecbbc7   copyright
       new  b89ebab   system-wide addon commands
       new  285366b   makefile
       new  3b3691f   build fix cuda
       new  3fc7a3a   makefile fix
       new  e164461   type-save option macros, and formatting
       new  5471c07   fix buffer overrun
       new  aca2437   add some help strings
       new  4e98ed9   add MIP/mIP tool
       new  e943412   mip:copyright
       new  cda61b6   fix bug in nufft argument handling
       new  c8f24e8   allow lowercase 'd' as well
       new  ccc38ab   remove sizeinit
       new  df2a6b4   deprecate upper-case vector options
       new  077fc93   Merge branch 'grlee77-nufft_bugfix'
       new  95a4ba1   add 3d phantom
       new  d401ba0   phantom: permute dims
       new  856d987   bump version
       new  407104d   Merge tag 'v0.3.00'
       new  52121b7   remove GSL dependency
       new  eb31797   add README.Debian
       new  db38601   copyright
       new  257a96f   add files to bart-dev
       new  08cf828   update changelog

The 82 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 LICENSE                                            |   7 +-
 Makefile                                           |  91 +++--
 README                                             |  12 +-
 debian/README.Debian                               |  23 ++
 debian/bart-dev.install                            |   4 +
 debian/changelog                                   |   2 +-
 debian/control                                     |   2 +-
 debian/copyright                                   |   4 +-
 doc/bart.1                                         |   6 +-
 doc/references.txt                                 | 292 ++++++++++++--
 matlab/bart.m                                      |  37 +-
 matlab/imshow3.m                                   |  50 ---
 matlab/writecfl.m                                  |   1 +
 rules/misc.mk                                      |   2 +-
 update-if-changed.sh => rules/update-if-changed.sh |   0
 update-version.sh => rules/update-version.sh       |   2 +-
 {debian => scripts}/bart_completion.sh             |   0
 scripts/grasp.sh                                   |  57 ++-
 src/bart.c                                         |  42 +-
 src/bench.c                                        |  63 +--
 src/bitmask.c                                      |  57 +--
 src/bpsense.c                                      | 126 ++----
 src/calib/direct.c                                 |  18 +-
 src/calmat.c                                       |  86 +---
 src/cc.c                                           |  97 +----
 src/cdf97.c                                        |  62 +--
 src/conv.c                                         |  54 +--
 src/ecalib.c                                       | 194 +++------
 src/ecaltwo.c                                      |  92 ++---
 src/estdims.c                                      |  48 +++
 src/estvar.c                                       |  87 ++--
 src/fakeksp.c                                      |  75 +---
 src/fft.c                                          |  72 +---
 src/filter.c                                       |  60 +--
 src/fmac.c                                         |  74 +---
 src/homodyne.c                                     | 164 +++-----
 src/iter/lad.c                                     | 124 ++++++
 src/iter/lad.h                                     |  38 ++
 src/join.c                                         |  57 +--
 src/linops/finite_diff.c                           |   1 +
 src/linops/someops.c                               |  52 ++-
 src/linops/someops.h                               |   1 +
 src/lowrank/lrthresh.c                             |   1 +
 src/lrmatrix.c                                     | 206 ++++------
 src/mip.c                                          |  82 ++++
 src/misc/debug.c                                   |  65 +--
 src/misc/misc.c                                    | 136 +++++--
 src/misc/misc.h                                    |   4 +
 src/misc/opts.c                                    | 293 ++++++++++++++
 src/misc/opts.h                                    |  59 +++
 src/nlinv.c                                        |  98 ++---
 src/noise.c                                        |  78 +---
 src/noncart/grid.c                                 |  19 +-
 src/nrmse.c                                        |  54 +--
 src/nufft.c                                        | 105 ++---
 src/num/gpuops.c                                   |   3 +-
 src/num/lapack.c                                   |   1 +
 src/num/sf.c                                       |  77 ++++
 src/num/sf.h                                       |   5 +
 src/phantom.c                                      | 118 +++---
 src/pics.c                                         | 441 +++++++++------------
 src/pocsense.c                                     | 113 ++----
 src/poisson.c                                      | 129 ++----
 src/relnorm.c                                      |  84 ----
 src/reshape.c                                      |  55 +--
 src/resize.c                                       |  58 +--
 src/rsense.c                                       | 122 ++----
 src/sake.c                                         |  77 +---
 src/sdot.c                                         |  47 +--
 src/sense/recon.c                                  |   7 -
 src/show.c                                         |  56 +--
 src/simu/phantom.c                                 |  93 ++++-
 src/simu/phantom.h                                 |   4 +
 src/simu/shepplogan.c                              | 149 +++++--
 src/simu/shepplogan.h                              |  24 +-
 src/svd.c                                          |  55 +--
 src/threshold.c                                    |  77 +---
 src/toimg.c                                        |   3 +-
 src/traj.c                                         |  87 +---
 src/twixread.c                                     | 118 ++----
 src/version.c                                      |   3 +-
 src/walsh.c                                        |  82 +---
 src/wave.c                                         |  93 +----
 version.txt                                        |   2 +-
 84 files changed, 2603 insertions(+), 3116 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 debian/README.Debian
 delete mode 100644 matlab/imshow3.m
 rename update-if-changed.sh => rules/update-if-changed.sh (100%)
 rename update-version.sh => rules/update-version.sh (57%)
 copy {debian => scripts}/bart_completion.sh (100%)
 mode change 100755 => 100644 scripts/grasp.sh
 create mode 100644 src/estdims.c
 create mode 100644 src/iter/lad.c
 create mode 100644 src/iter/lad.h
 create mode 100755 src/mip.c
 create mode 100644 src/misc/opts.c
 create mode 100644 src/misc/opts.h
 create mode 100644 src/num/sf.c
 create mode 100644 src/num/sf.h
 delete mode 100644 src/relnorm.c

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/bart.git

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