[med-svn] [r-cran-shinybs] 03/05: New upstream version 0.61

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Mon Oct 2 06:56:04 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-cran-shinybs.

commit 93e72237865c1062c51fb7a22b4f063257e33989
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Oct 2 08:50:24 2017 +0200

    New upstream version 0.61
 DESCRIPTION                                |  16 ++
 MD5                                        |  65 +++++++
 NAMESPACE                                  |  21 ++
 R/Alerts.R                                 |  82 ++++++++
 R/Buttons.R                                | 115 +++++++++++
 R/Collapses.R                              |  71 +++++++
 R/Modals.R                                 |  93 +++++++++
 R/Tooltips_and_Popovers.R                  | 164 ++++++++++++++++
 R/addPopover.R                             |  26 +++
 R/addTooltip.R                             |  25 +++
 R/bsAlert.R                                |  18 ++
 R/bsButton.R                               |  56 ++++++
 R/bsCollapse.R                             |  42 ++++
 R/bsCollapsePanel.R                        |  42 ++++
 R/bsExample.R                              |  41 ++++
 R/bsModal.R                                |  43 ++++
 R/bsPopover.R                              |  26 +++
 R/bsTooltip.R                              |  25 +++
 R/closeAlert.R                             |  18 ++
 R/createAlert.R                            |  30 +++
 R/misc.R                                   |  50 +++++
 R/popify.R                                 |  36 ++++
 R/removePopover.R                          |  18 ++
 R/removeTooltip.R                          |  18 ++
 R/tipify.R                                 |  35 ++++
 R/toggleModal.R                            |  19 ++
 R/updateButton.R                           |  37 ++++
 R/updateCollapse.R                         |  27 +++
 debian/changelog                           |   5 -
 debian/compat                              |   1 -
 debian/control                             |  23 ---
 debian/copyright                           |  30 ---
 debian/rules                               |   3 -
 debian/source/format                       |   1 -
 debian/tests/run-unit-test                 |  23 ---
 debian/watch                               |   2 -
 inst/examples/Alerts/server.R              |  22 +++
 inst/examples/Alerts/ui.R                  |  13 ++
 inst/examples/Buttons/server.R             |  49 +++++
 inst/examples/Buttons/ui.R                 |  23 +++
 inst/examples/Collapses/server.R           |  13 ++
 inst/examples/Collapses/ui.R               |  21 ++
 inst/examples/Modals/server.R              |  33 ++++
 inst/examples/Modals/ui.R                  |  21 ++
 inst/examples/TooltipsandPopovers/server.R |  30 +++
 inst/examples/TooltipsandPopovers/ui.R     |  20 ++
 inst/tests/tipify_test.R                   |  35 ++++
 inst/tests/tipify_test2.R                  |  46 +++++
 inst/www/shinyBS.css                       |   0
 inst/www/shinyBS.js                        | 303 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 man/Alerts.Rd                              |  96 +++++++++
 man/Buttons.Rd                             | 130 +++++++++++++
 man/Collapses.Rd                           |  86 ++++++++
 man/Modals.Rd                              | 108 ++++++++++
 man/Tooltips_and_Popovers.Rd               | 132 +++++++++++++
 man/addPopover.Rd                          |  48 +++++
 man/addTooltip.Rd                          |  46 +++++
 man/bsAlert.Rd                             |  30 +++
 man/bsButton.Rd                            |  54 +++++
 man/bsCollapse.Rd                          |  40 ++++
 man/bsCollapsePanel.Rd                     |  35 ++++
 man/bsExample.Rd                           |  32 +++
 man/bsModal.Rd                             |  37 ++++
 man/bsPopover.Rd                           |  46 +++++
 man/bsTooltip.Rd                           |  44 +++++
 man/closeAlert.Rd                          |  32 +++
 man/createAlert.Rd                         |  46 +++++
 man/popify.Rd                              |  47 +++++
 man/removePopover.Rd                       |  35 ++++
 man/removeTooltip.Rd                       |  35 ++++
 man/tipify.Rd                              |  44 +++++
 man/toggleModal.Rd                         |  33 ++++
 man/updateButton.Rd                        |  53 +++++
 man/updateCollapse.Rd                      |  43 ++++
 74 files changed, 3220 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)

new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10f60bf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Package: shinyBS
+Type: Package
+Title: Twitter Bootstrap Components for Shiny
+Version: 0.61
+Date: 2015-03-30
+Author: Eric Bailey
+Maintainer: Eric Bailey <ebailey at idem.in.gov>
+Description: Adds additional Twitter Bootstrap components to Shiny. 
+Imports: shiny (>= 0.11), htmltools
+URL: https://ebailey78.github.io/shinyBS
+BugReports: https://github.com/ebailey78/shinyBS/issues
+License: GPL-3
+Packaged: 2015-03-30 12:16:24 UTC; ebailey
+NeedsCompilation: no
+Repository: CRAN
+Date/Publication: 2015-03-31 07:52:38
diff --git a/MD5 b/MD5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e325aa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MD5
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+15ea70444680fb5d0108a083d24fcac1 *DESCRIPTION
+1dca4930370f75217c11eabb7d48af79 *NAMESPACE
+dc82b1393f8723e9449cfa2adf4d1c39 *R/Alerts.R
+e9c65e20d49fff1a65f656965a185d44 *R/Buttons.R
+878451801f7d1c3bb9bd80a84b841966 *R/Collapses.R
+1ba2160a431803d37097738cde34d59f *R/Modals.R
+34c2ec9fe8058caa75fba186b0c5cec8 *R/Tooltips_and_Popovers.R
+f08c6f48f1bae3fc4fd2eba330fb9839 *R/addPopover.R
+ea338ba0d9241eb23ec3c0e0398a9010 *R/addTooltip.R
+eb96ad8e104f75521ec4238f963780ec *R/bsAlert.R
+5d9261c1cc8dd7c02d33ba12bb75090d *R/bsButton.R
+0aae63a5bc20629f979e9d43f84eec1b *R/bsCollapse.R
+07fcf84989b5967a834656e6d9c04233 *R/bsCollapsePanel.R
+4e6575e7a9413135f586a90e0123df1d *R/bsExample.R
+b33bbaf0328551badb418ed642e7fe36 *R/bsModal.R
+399cabbb385957d4c84080c639ab087f *R/bsPopover.R
+00eeb0e6763106a5cc716ad0622c91cd *R/bsTooltip.R
+351d02eeb4cb2f6d3b1f2f3c34c17d5e *R/closeAlert.R
+78da980a1eac95d08179f1967b691c7e *R/createAlert.R
+6e5bc175fa69a2c95a5df265156bd913 *R/misc.R
+0e3e545904cc4f60fc0530be8b9ef403 *R/popify.R
+8b7170e64e50034dce862944a97e5183 *R/removePopover.R
+8b337c15dae05e9ed0f7990d4fce1f3a *R/removeTooltip.R
+7ddc875dd0ee298648a13826aed08469 *R/tipify.R
+8e88e3272554dd325c894caa41e4c7b5 *R/toggleModal.R
+5617918ae0fdc1b77218be949c491512 *R/updateButton.R
+4c2a76360b739a5a3c172d13b22afd54 *R/updateCollapse.R
+d9f2ca8a61724c5e9eb0d103e0ca7b28 *inst/examples/Alerts/server.R
+d36e74357f0cdc5bd04c0b8afee50c4c *inst/examples/Alerts/ui.R
+f10236e851d0dd7b3668cb3900280cec *inst/examples/Buttons/server.R
+67566abeceb4b4f9c39b674570a6601d *inst/examples/Buttons/ui.R
+851ff13067c51f2b158bde712e40508e *inst/examples/Collapses/server.R
+045fcb9577620f4caed314948b1356c8 *inst/examples/Collapses/ui.R
+96037cd7df97d979aef7f48950e27ea6 *inst/examples/Modals/server.R
+93e9774be6f4c887507cc0f1acf6bbb8 *inst/examples/Modals/ui.R
+7f5831c166672c11d785c4e8f9d1713e *inst/examples/TooltipsandPopovers/server.R
+1a364656bb71c9c213d15418e04e1557 *inst/examples/TooltipsandPopovers/ui.R
+2fd7d2a3902ad5a80cff43a9d9f2263b *inst/tests/tipify_test.R
+8469195abc3b70603a5e7138399e93f3 *inst/tests/tipify_test2.R
+d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e *inst/www/shinyBS.css
+5f10387e282adadbeb726b3d03066e0a *inst/www/shinyBS.js
+f9a9226b73b6e9be4fc7b380310294df *man/Alerts.Rd
+8687b27e6debc28f72c3582104e95248 *man/Buttons.Rd
+e20db9f532ba5b01e3331cb713cb520a *man/Collapses.Rd
+d7208759df5fe79583f69d73612c27ac *man/Modals.Rd
+311bc0f4b6e00f4ecb9fa8cba048fc4b *man/Tooltips_and_Popovers.Rd
+25fc6ee4eaa275a244e14504c38cf84f *man/addPopover.Rd
+3d9f0fe1da816cb6174ebbaf20717dab *man/addTooltip.Rd
+2852163f9e6416bfd1ad1874dd114d0b *man/bsAlert.Rd
+3a8a81eb6646c02b360c7af3dcdeac9f *man/bsButton.Rd
+1303bcdfd21e1e69e212039a1e7b4826 *man/bsCollapse.Rd
+8baf9b19eff59152d1d234ef3ea0a70f *man/bsCollapsePanel.Rd
+15b685a2947b89ed136430ba404f3a11 *man/bsExample.Rd
+e0cf52feefb85528d66b7a567dcfd2f6 *man/bsModal.Rd
+d5a6930c361ee71a6c42e4a96d9fece0 *man/bsPopover.Rd
+f4e23260719f4b2839bc6438d1bfc359 *man/bsTooltip.Rd
+78f757f3b15661469b1dc4dc5173f760 *man/closeAlert.Rd
+d41672e5804b274c18c41f6664806d52 *man/createAlert.Rd
+2bd8761f19585bf4a6e8fed0b40b9c21 *man/popify.Rd
+e10f2d50dde0c892f31b547dcb637753 *man/removePopover.Rd
+decc485f82d63482260b955bfb7a2418 *man/removeTooltip.Rd
+909903acd5072191fc5c5771b655cd1a *man/tipify.Rd
+afcade05141146854326cccaf3c8dbfc *man/toggleModal.Rd
+3fc0a1cd5c78ee93d65f25dc03249f5b *man/updateButton.Rd
+513ff6a786bac6dd25926c93c18eb351 *man/updateCollapse.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6548c74
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
diff --git a/R/Alerts.R b/R/Alerts.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7490d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/Alerts.R
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#'Alerts allow you to communicate information to the user on the fly. Standard
+#'Bootstrap styling options give the user a hint at the type of information
+#'contained in the Alert.
+#'@section Components:
+#'There are three functions in the Alerts family: 
+#'  \describe{
+#'    \item{\code{\link{bsAlert}}}{Used in the UI to create an anchor where your
+#'      Alerts will be displayed.}
+#'    \item{\code{\link{createAlert}}}{Used in the Server logic to create
+#'      alerts. This would be used within a reactive context to display error 
+#'      or success messages to the user based on the status of that context.}
+#'    \item{\code{\link{closeAlert}}}{Used in the Server logic to close an alert
+#'      that is already open. By default, Alerts are dismissable by the user,
+#'      but this offers you a way to close them programmatically.}
+#'  }
+#'To create alerts in your Shiny app you must place \code{bsAlert} in your ui.
+#'This serves as an anchor that tells shinyBS where to place the alerts created
+#'with \code{createAlert}. 
+#'Use \code{createAlert} in your server script to add alerts to the anchor 
+#'you created with \code{bsAlert} in your ui. You can place \code{createAlert}
+#'in observers, reactives, or outputs. A common usage may be to have logic that
+#'validates a user's inputs. If they are valid produce the requested output, if
+#'not use \code{createAlert} to give the user info about what they need to 
+#'@section Changes:
+#'\code{style} was called \code{type} in previous versions of shinyBS.
+#'\code{anchorId} was called \code{inputId} in previous versions of shinyBS.
+#'\code{content} was called \code{message} in previous versions of shinyBS.
+#'app = shinyApp(
+#'  ui = 
+#'    fluidPage(
+#'      sidebarLayout(
+#'        sidebarPanel(textInput("num1", NULL, value = 100), 
+#'          "divided by", textInput("num2", NULL, value = 20), 
+#'          "equals", textOutput("exampleOutput")),
+#'        mainPanel(
+#'          bsAlert("alert")
+#'        )
+#'      )
+#'  ),
+#'  server = 
+#'    function(input, output, session) {
+#'      output$exampleOutput <- renderText({
+#'        num1 <- as.numeric(input$num1)
+#'        num2 <- as.numeric(input$num2)
+#'        if(is.na(num1) | is.na(num2)) {
+#'          createAlert(session, "alert", "exampleAlert", title = "Oops", 
+#'            content = "Both inputs should be numeric.", append = FALSE)
+#'        } else if(num2 == 0) {
+#'          createAlert(session, "alert", "exampleAlert", title = "Oops", 
+#'            content = "You cannot divide by 0.", append = FALSE)
+#'        } else {
+#'          closeAlert(session, "exampleAlert")
+#'          return(num1/num2)
+#'        }
+#'      })    
+#'    }
+#'  runApp(app)
+#'@templateVar item_name Alerts
+#'@templateVar family_name Alerts
+#'@template footer
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/Buttons.R b/R/Buttons.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd6be6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/Buttons.R
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+#'Twitter Bootstrap gives many options for styling buttons that aren't made 
+#'available by standard Shiny. Use shinyBS to create buttons of different sizes,
+#'shapes, and colors.
+#'@section Components:
+#'There are two functions in the Buttons family: 
+#'  \describe{
+#'    \item{\code{\link{bsButton}}}{Used in the UI to create a button. Buttons 
+#'    can be of the type \code{action} or \code{toggle}.}
+#'    \item{\code{\link{updateButton}}}{Used in the Server logic to modify the
+#'    state of a button created with \code{\link{bsButton}}}
+#'  }
+#'Create a button in the UI with \code{\link{bsButton}}. If \code{type = "action"}
+#'the button will behave like the standard \code{\link{actionButton}} in shiny.
+#'If \code{type = "toggle"} the button will behave like a \code{\link{checkboxInput}}
+#'with an on and off state. It will return \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} to the Server
+#'depending on its state.
+#'You can update the style and state of a \code{\link{bsButton}} from the Server 
+#'logic with \code{\link{updateButton}}. For example, a button could be set to
+#'\code{disabled = TRUE} until the user has made some other selections, then once
+#'those selections have been made, an observer on the Server could use \code{\link{updateButton}}
+#'to enable the button allowing the user to proceed. Alternatively, you could set
+#'the button to \code{style = "success"} to let them know that the button is ready
+#'to be clicked.
+#'@section Changes:
+#'\code{bsActionButton} and \code{bsToggleButton} were replaced with just 
+#'\code{\link{bsButton}} with a \code{type} argument.
+#'\code{icon} was added to allow placing an icon in the button.
+#'app = shinyApp(
+#'  ui = 
+#'    fluidPage(
+#'      sidebarLayout(
+#'        sidebarPanel(
+#'          sliderInput("bins",
+#'                      "Move the slider to see its effect on the button below:",
+#'                      min = 1,
+#'                      max = 50,
+#'                      value = 1),
+#'          bsButton("actTwo", label = "Click me if you dare!", icon = icon("ban")),
+#'          tags$p("Clicking the first button below changes the disabled state of the second button."),
+#'          bsButton("togOne", label = "Toggle button disabled status", 
+#'                   block = TRUE, type = "toggle", value = TRUE),
+#'          bsButton("actOne", label = "Block Action Button", block = TRUE)
+#'        ),
+#'        mainPanel(
+#'          textOutput("exampleText")
+#'        )
+#'      )  
+#'    ),
+#'  server = 
+#'    function(input, output, session) {
+#'      observeEvent(input$togOne, ({
+#'        updateButton(session, "actOne", disabled = !input$togOne)
+#'      }))
+#'      observeEvent(input$bins, ({
+#'        b <- input$bins
+#'        disabled = NULL
+#'        style = "default"
+#'        icon = ""
+#'        if(b < 5) {
+#'          disabled = TRUE
+#'          icon <- icon("ban")
+#'        } else {
+#'          disabled = FALSE
+#'        }
+#'        if(b < 15 | b > 35) {
+#'          style = "danger"
+#'        } else if(b < 20 | b > 30) {
+#'          style = "warning"
+#'        } else {
+#'          style = "default"
+#'          icon = icon("check")
+#'        }
+#'        updateButton(session, "actTwo", disabled = disabled, style = style, icon = icon)
+#'      }))
+#'      output$exampleText <- renderText({
+#'        input$actTwo
+#'        b <- isolate(input$bins)
+#'        txt = ""
+#'        if((b > 5 & b < 15) | b > 35) {
+#'          txt = "That was dangerous."
+#'        } else if((b > 5 & b < 20) | b > 30) {
+#'          txt = "I warned you about that."
+#'        } else if(b >= 20 &  b <= 30) {
+#'          txt = "You have chosen... wisely."
+#'        }
+#'        return(txt)
+#'      })
+#'    }
+#'  runApp(app)
+#'@templateVar item_name Buttons
+#'@templateVar family_name Buttons
+#'@template footer
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/Collapses.R b/R/Collapses.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d744235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/Collapses.R
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#' Collapse panels allow you to reduce clutter in your Shiny app by making 
+#' panels of information that open and close with a user's click. Any type of
+#' content can go in a collapse panel. Standard Bootstrap styling options are
+#' available.
+#'@section Components:
+#' \describe{
+#'  \item{\code{\link{bsCollapse}}}{A container for holder the individual panels created by \code{\link{bsCollapsePanel}}.}
+#'  \item{\code{\link{bsCollapsePanel}}}{Creates an individual Collapse Panel that resides within a \code{\link{bsCollapse}}.}
+#'  \item{\code{\link{updateCollapse}}}{Used within your server logic to open/close collapse panels or change their style.}
+#'Collapses are designed to mimic \code{\link{tabsetPanel}} in their implementation. 
+#'Start with \code{bsCollapse} to create a panel group, then fill it with panels
+#'using \code{bsCollapsePanel}. 
+#'\code{bsCollapse} acts as an input, so you can retrieve which panels are open 
+#'from the input object passed to the function in \code{\link{shinyServer}}. 
+#'\code{updateCollapse} can be used within your server logic to open/close 
+#'collapse panels or to change their style.
+#'@section Changes:
+#'\code{style} is a new option that wasn't available in previous versions of 
+#'app = shinyApp(
+#'  ui = 
+#'  fluidPage(
+#'    sidebarLayout(
+#'      sidebarPanel(HTML("This button will open Panel 1 using <code>updateCollapse</code>."), 
+#'                   actionButton("p1Button", "Push Me!"),
+#'                   selectInput("styleSelect", "Select style for Panel 1", 
+#'                    c("default", "primary", "danger", "warning", "info", "success"))
+#'      ),
+#'      mainPanel(
+#'        bsCollapse(id = "collapseExample", open = "Panel 2",
+#'                   bsCollapsePanel("Panel 1", "This is a panel with just text ",
+#'                    "and has the default style. You can change the style in ",
+#'                    "the sidebar.", style = "info"),
+#'                   bsCollapsePanel("Panel 2", "This panel has a generic plot. ",
+#'                    "and a 'success' style.", plotOutput("genericPlot"), style = "success")
+#'        )
+#'      )
+#'    )
+#'  ),
+#'  server = 
+#'  function(input, output, session) {
+#'    output$genericPlot <- renderPlot(plot(rnorm(100)))  
+#'    observeEvent(input$p1Button, ({
+#'      updateCollapse(session, "collapseExample", open = "Panel 1")
+#'    }))
+#'    observeEvent(input$styleSelect, ({
+#'      updateCollapse(session, "collapseExample", style = list("Panel 1" = input$styleSelect))
+#'    }))
+#'  }
+#'  runApp(app)
+#'@templateVar item_name Collapses
+#'@templateVar family_name Collapses
+#'@template footer
diff --git a/R/Modals.R b/R/Modals.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9268c34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/Modals.R
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+#'Modal windows are similar to popups but are rendered within the
+#'original window. They can contain any combination of shiny inputs, shiny
+#'outputs, and html. Possible uses include extra controls that you don't want
+#'cluttering up the main app display or help pages to explain your apps
+#'@section Components:
+#'There are only two functions in the Modals family: 
+#'  \describe{
+#'    \item{\code{\link{bsModal}}}{Used in the UI to create a modal window.}
+#'    \item{\code{\link{toggleModal}}}{Used in the Server logic to open or
+#'    close a modal window programmatically.}
+#'  }
+#'Use \code{\link{bsModal}} in your UI to create a modal window. It works 
+#'like \code{\link{Collapses}} or \code{\link{tabPanel}}, any non-named arguments
+#'will be passed as content for the modal.
+#'Create a button or link and assign its \code{inputId} as the \code{trigger}
+#'in \code{\link{bsModal}}.
+#'@section Changes:
+#'There is now a \code{toggle} argument in \code{\link{toggleModal}} that allows
+#'you to specify whether you want the modal to open or close.
+#'The \code{size} argument in \code{\link{bsModal}} allows you to specify the 
+#'size of the modal window. Either \code{small} or \code{large}.
+#'app = shinyApp(
+#'  ui =   
+#'  fluidPage(
+#'    sidebarLayout(
+#'      sidebarPanel(
+#'        sliderInput("bins",
+#'                    "Number of bins:",
+#'                    min = 1,
+#'                    max = 50,
+#'                    value = 30),
+#'        actionButton("tabBut", "View Table")
+#'      ),
+#'      mainPanel(
+#'        plotOutput("distPlot"),
+#'        bsModal("modalExample", "Data Table", "tabBut", size = "large", 
+#'          dataTableOutput("distTable"))
+#'      )
+#'    )
+#'  ),
+#'  server = 
+#'  function(input, output, session) {
+#'    output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
+#'      x    <- faithful[, 2]
+#'      bins <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = input$bins + 1)
+#'      # draw the histogram with the specified number of bins
+#'      hist(x, breaks = bins, col = 'darkgray', border = 'white')
+#'    })
+#'    output$distTable <- renderDataTable({
+#'      x    <- faithful[, 2]
+#'      bins <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = input$bins + 1)
+#'      # draw the histogram with the specified number of bins
+#'      tab <- hist(x, breaks = bins, plot = FALSE)
+#'      tab$breaks <- sapply(seq(length(tab$breaks) - 1), function(i) {
+#'        paste0(signif(tab$breaks[i], 3), "-", signif(tab$breaks[i+1], 3))
+#'      })
+#'      tab <- as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, tab))
+#'      colnames(tab) <- c("Bins", "Counts", "Density")
+#'      return(tab[, 1:3])
+#'    }, options = list(pageLength=10))
+#'  }
+#'  runApp(app)
+#'@templateVar family_name Modals
+#'@templateVar item_name Modals
+#'@template footer
diff --git a/R/Tooltips_and_Popovers.R b/R/Tooltips_and_Popovers.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3450d31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/Tooltips_and_Popovers.R
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+#'Tooltips and Popovers
+#'Tooltips and Popovers allow you to add additional information about controls
+#'or outputs without cluttering up your user interface. You can add a tooltip to 
+#'a button that displays on hover and better explains what the button will do, or
+#'you could add a popover to an output providing further analysis of that output.
+#'@section Components:
+#'There are eight functions in the Tooltips and Popovers family: 
+#'  \describe{
+#'    \item{\code{\link{bsTooltip}}}{Used in the UI to add a tooltip to an element
+#'    in your UI.}
+#'    \item{\code{\link{bsPopover}}}{Used in the UI to add a popover to an element
+#'    in your UI.}
+#'    \item{\code{\link{tipify}}}{Wrap any UI element in \code{tipify} to add a
+#'    tooltip to the wrapped element. Preferred for elemented created with 
+#'    \code{\link{renderUI}}.}
+#'    \item{\code{\link{popify}}}{Wrap any UI element in \code{popify} to add a
+#'    popover to the wrapped element. Preferred for elements created with 
+#'    \code{\link{renderUI}}.}
+#'    \item{\code{\link{addTooltip}}}{Used in the Server logic to add a tooltip 
+#'    to an element in your UI.}
+#'    \item{\code{\link{addPopover}}}{Used in the Server logic to add a popover 
+#'    to an element in your UI.}
+#'    \item{\code{\link{removeTooltip}}}{Used in the Server logic to remove a 
+#'    tooltip from an element in your UI.}
+#'    \item{\code{\link{removePopover}}}{Used in the Server logic to remove a 
+#'    popover from an element in your UI.}
+#'  }
+#'You can create tooltips and popovers from either the UI script or within the
+#'Server logic. \code{\link{bsTooltip}} and \code{\link{bsPopover}} are used in
+#'the UI, and \code{\link{addTooltip}} and \code{\link{addPopover}} are used in
+#'the Server logic. \code{\link{tipify}} and \code{\link{popify}} can be used 
+#'within the UI or from within a \code{\link{renderUI}} in the Server logic. They
+#'also have the added advantage of not requiring that the UI element have an ID
+#'Tooltips and Popovers cannot contain shiny inputs or outputs.
+#'There must be at least one \code{shinyBS} component in the UI of your
+#'app in order for the necessary dependencies to be loaded. Because of this,
+#'\code{\link{addTooltip}} and \code{\link{addPopover}} will not work if they
+#'are the only shinyBS components in your app.
+#'Tooltips and popovers may not work on some of the more complex shiny inputs 
+#'or outputs. If you encounter a problem with tooltips or popovers not appearing
+#'please file a issue on the github page so I can fix it.
+#'@section Changes:
+#'An \code{options} argument has been added to the creation functions to allow
+#'advanced users more control over how the tooltips and popovers appear. See
+#'the \href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3 documentation} for more
+#'app = shinyApp(
+#'  ui = 
+#'  fluidPage(
+#'    sidebarLayout(
+#'      sidebarPanel(
+#'        sliderInput("bins",
+#'                    "Number of bins:",
+#'                    min = 1,
+#'                    max = 50,
+#'                    value = 30),
+#'        bsTooltip("bins", "The wait times will be broken into this many equally spaced bins", 
+#'          "right", options = list(container = "body"))
+#'      ),
+#'      mainPanel(
+#'        plotOutput("distPlot"),
+#'        uiOutput("uiExample")       
+#'      )
+#'    )  
+#'  ),
+#'  server = 
+#'  function(input, output, session) {
+#'    output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
+#'      # generate bins based on input$bins from ui.R
+#'      x    <- faithful[, 2]
+#'      bins <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = input$bins + 1)
+#'      # draw the histogram with the specified number of bins
+#'      hist(x, breaks = bins, col = 'darkgray', border = 'white')
+#'    })
+#'    output$uiExample <- renderUI({
+#'      tags$span(
+#'        popify(bsButton("pointlessButton", "Button", style = "primary", size = "large"), 
+#'          "A Pointless Button", 
+#'          "This button is <b>pointless</b>. It does not do <em>anything</em>!"),
+#'        tipify(bsButton("pB2", "Button", style = "inverse", size = "extra-small"),
+#'          "This button is pointless too!")
+#'      )
+#'    })
+#'    addPopover(session, "distPlot", "Data", content = paste0("<p>Waiting time between ",
+#'      "eruptions and the duration of the eruption for the Old Faithful geyser ",
+#'      "in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA.</p><p>Azzalini, A. and ",
+#'      "Bowman, A. W. (1990). A look at some data on the Old Faithful geyser. ",
+#'      "Applied Statistics 39, 357-365.</p>"), trigger = 'click')
+#'  }
+#'  runApp(app)
+#'@templateVar item_name Tooltips_and_Popovers
+#'@templateVar family_name Tooltips_and_Popovers
+#'@template footer
+## These Functions are common to multiple tooltip and popover functions
+# Shared functions with really long names...
+createTooltipOrPopoverOnServer <- function(session, id, type, options) {
+  data <- list(action = "add", type = type, id = id, options = options)
+  session$sendCustomMessage(type = "updateTooltipOrPopover", data)
+createTooltipOrPopoverOnUI <- function(id, type, options) {
+  options = paste0("{'", paste(names(options), options, sep = "': '", collapse = "', '"), "'}")
+  bsTag <- shiny::tags$script(shiny::HTML(paste0("$(document).ready(function() {setTimeout(function() {shinyBS.addTooltip('", id, "', '", type, "', ", options, ")}, 500)});")))
+  htmltools::attachDependencies(bsTag, shinyBSDep)  
+buildTooltipOrPopoverOptionsList <- function(title, placement, trigger, options, content) {
+  if(is.null(options)) {
+    options = list()
+  }
+  if(!missing(content)) {
+    if(is.null(options$content)) {
+      options$content = shiny::HTML(content)
+    }
+  }
+  if(is.null(options$placement)) {
+    options$placement = placement
+  }
+  if(is.null(options$trigger)) {
+    if(length(trigger) > 1) trigger = paste(trigger, collapse = " ")
+    options$trigger = trigger
+  }
+  if(is.null(options$title)) {
+    options$title = title
+  }
+  return(options)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/addPopover.R b/R/addPopover.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1797050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/addPopover.R
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#'\code{addPopover} is used within the Server logic of an app to add a popover to a Shiny
+#'input or output.
+#'@param session The session object passed to function given to shinyServer.
+#'@param id The id of the element to attach the popover to.
+#'@param title The title of the popover.
+#'@param content The main content of the popover.
+#'@param placement Where the popover should appear relative to its target 
+#'(\code{top}, \code{bottom}, \code{left}, or \code{right}). Defaults to \code{bottom}.
+#'@param trigger What action should cause the popover to appear? (\code{hover},
+#'\code{focus}, \code{click}, or \code{manual}). Defaults to \code{hover}.
+#'@param options A named list of additional options to be set on the popover.
+#'@templateVar item_name addPopover
+#'@templateVar family_name Tooltips_and_Popovers
+#'@template item_details
+#'@template footer
+addPopover <- function(session, id, title, content, placement = "bottom", trigger = "hover", options = NULL) {
+  options <- buildTooltipOrPopoverOptionsList(title, placement, trigger, options, content)
+  createTooltipOrPopoverOnServer(session, id, "popover", options)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/addTooltip.R b/R/addTooltip.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..077c109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/addTooltip.R
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#'\code{addTooltip} is used within the Server logic of an app to add a tooltip to a Shiny
+#'input or output.
+#'@param session The session object passed to function given to shinyServer.
+#'@param id The id of the element to attach the tooltip to.
+#'@param title The content of the tooltip.
+#'@param placement Where the tooltip should appear relative to its target 
+#'(\code{top}, \code{bottom}, \code{left}, or \code{right}). Defaults to \code{"bottom"}.
+#'@param trigger What action should cause the tooltip to appear? (\code{hover},
+#'\code{focus}, \code{click}, or \code{manual}). Defaults to \code{"hover"}.
+#'@param options A named list of additional options to be set on the tooltip.
+#'@templateVar item_name addTooltip
+#'@templateVar family_name Tooltips_and_Popovers
+#'@template item_details
+#'@template footer
+addTooltip <- function(session, id, title, placement = "bottom", trigger = "hover", options = NULL) {
+  options <- buildTooltipOrPopoverOptionsList(title, placement, trigger, options)
+  createTooltipOrPopoverOnServer(session, id, "tooltip", options)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/bsAlert.R b/R/bsAlert.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..860f8bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/bsAlert.R
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#'\code{bsAlert} creates an anchor point in your UI definition. This anchor point
+#'is where alerts created in your Server logic will be displayed.
+#'@param anchorId A unique id the identifies the anchor.
+#'@templateVar item_name bsAlert
+#'@templateVar family_name Alerts
+#'@template item_details
+#'@template footer
+bsAlert <- function(anchorId) {
+  bsTag <- shiny::tags$div(class = "sbs-alert", id = anchorId, " ")
+  htmltools::attachDependencies(bsTag, shinyBSDep)
diff --git a/R/bsButton.R b/R/bsButton.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e263cd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/bsButton.R
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#'\code{bsButton} is used in your UI script to create customizable action and toggle
+#'@inheritParams shiny::actionButton
+#'@param style A Bootstrap style to apply to the button. (\code{default}, \code{primary},
+#'\code{success}, \code{info}, \code{warning}, or \code{danger})
+#'@param size The size of the button (\code{extra-small}, \code{small}, 
+#'\code{default}, or \code{large})
+#'@param type The type of button to create. (\code{action} or \code{toggle})
+#'@param block \bold{logical} Should the button take the full width of the parent element?
+#'@param disabled \bold{logical} Should the button be disabled (un-clickable)?
+#'@param value \bold{logical} If \code{type = "toggle"}, the initial value of the button.
+#'@templateVar item_name bsButton
+#'@templateVar family_name Buttons
+#'@template item_details
+#'@template footer
+bsButton <- function(inputId, label, icon = NULL, ..., style = "default",
+                     size = "default", type = "action", block = FALSE,
+                     disabled = FALSE, value = FALSE) {
+  btn <- shiny::actionButton(inputId, label, icon, ...)
+  if(type == "toggle") {
+    btn <- removeClass(btn, "action-button")
+    btn <- addClass(btn, "sbs-toggle-button")
+    if(value == TRUE) {
+      btn <- addClass(btn, "active")
+    }
+  }
+  if(style != "default") {
+    btn <- removeClass(btn, "btn-default")
+    btn <- addClass(btn, paste0("btn-", style))
+  }
+  size <- switch(size,
+                 "extra-small" = "btn-xs",
+                 "small" = "btn-sm",
+                 "large" = "btn-lg",
+                 "default")
+  if(size != "default") {
+    btn <- addClass(btn, size)
+  }
+  if(block == TRUE) {
+    btn <- addClass(btn, "btn-block")
+  }
+  if(disabled) {
+    btn <- addAttribs(btn, disabled = "disabled")
+  }
+  htmltools::attachDependencies(btn, shinyBSDep)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/bsCollapse.R b/R/bsCollapse.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e47b70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/bsCollapse.R
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#'\code{bsCollapse} is used in your UI to create a collapse panel group. Use
+#'\code{\link{bsCollapsePanel}} to populate this object with panels.
+#'@param \dots \code{\link{bsCollapsePanel}} elements to include in the Collapse.
+#'@param id \bold{Optional} You can use \code{input$id} in your Server logic to 
+#'determine which panels are open, and \code{\link{updateCollapse}} to open/close
+#'@param multiple Can more than one panel be open at a time? Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
+#'@param open The \code{value}, (or if none was supplied, the \code{title}) of 
+#'the panel(s) you want open on load.
+#'@templateVar item_name bsCollapse
+#'@templateVar family_name Collapses
+#'@template item_details
+#'@template footer
+bsCollapse <- function(..., id = NULL, multiple = FALSE, open = NULL) {
+  if(is.null(id)) id = paste0("collapse", sprintf("%07i", as.integer(stats::runif(1, 1, 1000000))))
+  if(!multiple & length(open) > 1) {
+    open <- open[1]
+  }
+  panels <- list(...)
+  for(i in seq(length(panels))) {
+    if(getAttribs(panels[[i]])$value %in% open) {
+      panels[[i]]$children[[2]] <- addClass(panels[[i]]$children[[2]], "in")
+    }
+    if(!multiple) {
+      panels[[i]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]] <- addAttribs(panels[[i]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]], 'data-parent' = paste0("#", id))
+    }
+  }
+  bsTag <- shiny::tags$div(class = "panel-group sbs-panel-group", "data-sbs-multi" = multiple, id=id, role = "tablist", panels)
+  htmltools::attachDependencies(bsTag, shinyBSDep)
diff --git a/R/bsCollapsePanel.R b/R/bsCollapsePanel.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..346f8ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/bsCollapsePanel.R
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#'\code{bsCollapsePanel} creates individual panels within a \code{\link{bsCollapse}} object.
+#'@param title The title to display at the top of the panel.
+#'@param \dots UI elements to include within the panel.
+#'@param value \bold{Optional} The value to return when this panel is open. Defaults to \code{title}.
+#'@param style \bold{Optional} A Bootstrap style to apply to the panel. (\code{primary}, \code{danger}, \code{warning}, \code{info}, or \code{success})
+#'@templateVar item_name bsCollapsePanel
+#'@templateVar family_name Collapses
+#'@template item_details
+#'@template footer
+bsCollapsePanel <- function(title, ..., value = title, style = NULL) {
+  content <- list(...)
+  id <- paste0("cpanel", sprintf("%07i", as.integer(stats::runif(1, 1, 1000000))))
+  if(is.null(value)) {
+    value = title
+  }
+  if(is.null(style)) {
+    style = "default"
+  }
+  bsTag <- shiny::tags$div(class = paste0("panel panel-", style), value = value,
+                    shiny::tags$div(class = "panel-heading", role = "tab", id = paste0("heading_", id),
+                             shiny::tags$h4(class = "panel-title",
+                                     shiny::tags$a("data-toggle" = "collapse", href = paste0("#", id), title)
+                             )
+                    ),
+                    shiny::tags$div(id = id, class = "panel-collapse collapse", role = "tabpanel",
+                             shiny::tags$div(class = "panel-body", content)         
+                    )
+  )
+  htmltools::attachDependencies(bsTag, shinyBSDep)
diff --git a/R/bsExample.R b/R/bsExample.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8eb51a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/bsExample.R
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#'A function to view examples of shinyBS functionality. Will run the examples
+#'found in the examples sections of shinyBS documentation. Use this instead of 
+#'@param family A shinyBS family name
+#'@param display.mode The display mode to use when running the example. See
+#'@param \dots Other parameters to pass to \code{\link{runApp}}.
+#'This function is just a wrapper for \code{\link{runApp}} that runs copies of the
+#'examples found in the family documention pages of \code{shinyBS}. By default,
+#'\code{display.mode} is set to \code{showcase} so you can see the code while 
+#'the app is running.
+#'    bsExample("Alerts")}
+bsExample <- function(family, display.mode = "showcase", ...) {
+  exp <- system.file("examples", package="shinyBS")
+  fams <- list.dirs(exp, full.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE)
+  appname <- gsub(" ", "", family, fixed = TRUE)
+  appname <- gsub("_", "", appname, fixed = TRUE)
+  if(appname %in% fams) {
+    appname <- normalizePath(paste0(exp, "/", appname))
+    shiny::runApp(appname, display.mode = display.mode, ...)
+  } else {
+    stop("Could not find shinyBS family: ", family, "\nAvailable families are: ", paste0(fams, collapse = ", "))
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/bsModal.R b/R/bsModal.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..571f788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/bsModal.R
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#'\code{bsModal} is used within the UI to create a modal window.
+#'@param id A unique identifier for the modal window
+#'@param title The title to appear at the top of the modal
+#'@param trigger The id of a button or link that will open the modal.
+#'@param \dots UI elements to include within the modal
+#'@param size \bold{Optional} What size should the modal be? (\code{small} or \code{large})
+#'@templateVar item_name bsModal
+#'@templateVar family_name Modals
+#'@template item_details
+#'@template footer
+bsModal <- function(id, title, trigger, ..., size) {
+  if(!missing(size)) {
+    if(size == "large") {
+      size = "modal-lg"
+    } else if(size == "small") {
+      size = "modal-sm"
+    }
+    size <- paste("modal-dialog", size)
+  } else {
+    size <- "modal-dialog"
+  }
+  bsTag <- shiny::tags$div(class = "modal sbs-modal fade", id = id, tabindex = "-1", "data-sbs-trigger" = trigger,
+                 shiny::tags$div(class = size,
+                          shiny::tags$div(class = "modal-content",
+                                   shiny::tags$div(class = "modal-header",
+                                            shiny::tags$button(type = "button", class = "close", "data-dismiss" = "modal", shiny::tags$span(shiny::HTML("×"))),
+                                            shiny::tags$h4(class = "modal-title", title)
+                                   ),
+                                   shiny::tags$div(class = "modal-body", list(...)),
+                                   shiny::tags$div(class = "modal-footer",
+                                            shiny::tags$button(type = "button", class = "btn btn-default", "data-dismiss" = "modal", "Close")
+                                   )
+                          )
+                 )
+  )
+  htmltools::attachDependencies(bsTag, shinyBSDep)
diff --git a/R/bsPopover.R b/R/bsPopover.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fffdaf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/bsPopover.R
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#'\code{bsPopover} is used within the UI of an app to add a popover to a Shiny
+#'input or output.
+#'@param id The id of the element to attach the popover to.
+#'@param title The title of the popover.
+#'@param content The main content of the popover.
+#'@param placement Where the popover should appear relative to its target 
+#'(\code{top}, \code{bottom}, \code{left}, or \code{right}). Defaults to \code{"bottom"}.
+#'@param trigger What action should cause the popover to appear? (\code{hover},
+#'\code{focus}, \code{click}, or \code{manual}). Defaults to \code{"hover"}.
+#'@param options A named list of additional options to be set on the popover.
+#'@templateVar item_name bsPopover
+#'@templateVar family_name Tooltips_and_Popovers
+#'@template item_details
+#'@template footer
+bsPopover <- function(id, title, content, placement="bottom", trigger="hover", options = NULL) {
+  options = buildTooltipOrPopoverOptionsList(title, placement, trigger, options, content)
+  createTooltipOrPopoverOnUI(id, "popover", options)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/bsTooltip.R b/R/bsTooltip.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d897323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/bsTooltip.R
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#'\code{bsTooltip} is used within the UI of an app to add a tooltip to a Shiny
+#'input or output.
+#'@param id The id of the element to attach the tooltip to.
+#'@param title The content of the tooltip.
+#'@param placement Where the tooltip should appear relative to its target 
+#'(\code{top}, \code{bottom}, \code{left}, or \code{right}). Defaults to \code{"bottom"}.
+#'@param trigger What action should cause the tooltip to appear? (\code{hover},
+#'\code{focus}, \code{click}, or \code{manual}). Defaults to \code{"hover"}.
+#'@param options A named list of additional options to be set on the tooltip.
+#'@templateVar item_name bsTooltip
+#'@templateVar family_name Tooltips_and_Popovers
+#'@template item_details
+#'@template footer
+bsTooltip <- function(id, title, placement="bottom", trigger="hover", options = NULL) {
+  options = buildTooltipOrPopoverOptionsList(title, placement, trigger, options)
+  createTooltipOrPopoverOnUI(id, "tooltip", options)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/closeAlert.R b/R/closeAlert.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e23d3eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/closeAlert.R
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#'\code{closeAlert} is used within your Server logic to close an alert that you 
+#'created with \code{\link{createAlert}}.
+#'@param alertId The id of the alert to be dismissed.
+#'@inheritParams createAlert
+#'@templateVar item_name closeAlert
+#'@templateVar family_name Alerts
+#'@template item_details
+#'@template footer
+closeAlert <- function(session, alertId) {
+  session$sendCustomMessage(type="bsAlertClose", alertId)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/createAlert.R b/R/createAlert.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41f02ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/createAlert.R
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#'\code{createAlert} is used within the Server logic of your Shiny app to display
+#'an alert to the user.
+#'@param session The session object passed to function given to shinyServer.
+#'@param anchorId The unique identifier of the anchor where the alert should be
+#'@param alertId \bold{Optional} A unique identifier for the Alert.
+#'@param title \bold{Optional} A title for the Alert.
+#'@param content The main body of the Alert. HTML tags are allowed.
+#'@param style A bootstrap style to apply. Defaults to \code{info}.
+#'@param dismiss \code{logical} Should the Alert be user dismissable? Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
+#'@param append \code{logical} Should the Alert be appended below existing Alerts? Default to \code{TRUE}.
+#'@templateVar item_name createAlert
+#'@templateVar family_name Alerts
+#'@template item_details
+#'@template footer
+createAlert <- function(session, anchorId, alertId = NULL, title=NULL, 
+                        content=NULL, style=NULL, dismiss=TRUE, append=TRUE) {
+  data <- dropNulls(list(id = anchorId, alertId = alertId, title = title, 
+                         content = content, style = style, dismiss = dismiss, 
+                         append = append))
+  session$sendCustomMessage(type="bsAlertCreate", data)
diff --git a/R/misc.R b/R/misc.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73c4174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/misc.R
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+.onAttach <- function(...) {
+  # Create link to javascript and css files for package
+  shiny::addResourcePath("sbs", system.file("www", package="shinyBS"))
+shinyBSDep <- htmltools::htmlDependency("shinyBS", packageVersion("shinyBS"), src = c("href" = "sbs"), script = "shinyBS.js", stylesheet = "shinyBS.css")
+# Copy of dropNulls function for shiny to avoid using shiny:::dropNulls
+dropNulls <- function(x) {
+  x[!vapply(x, is.null, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]
+# Takes a tag and removes any classes in the remove argument
+removeClass <- function(tag, remove) {
+  if(length(remove) == 1) remove <- strsplit(remove, " ", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
+  class <- strsplit(tag$attribs$class, " ", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
+  class <- class[!(class %in% remove)]
+  tag$attribs$class <- paste(class, collapse = " ")
+  return(tag)
+addClass <- function(tag, add) {
+  tag$attribs$class <- paste(tag$attribs$class, add)
+  return(tag)
+addAttribs <- function(tag, ...) {
+  a <- list(...)
+  for(i in seq(length(a))) {
+    tag$attribs[names(a)[i]] = a[[i]]
+  }
+  return(tag)
+removeAttribs <- function(tag, ...) {
+  a <- list(...)
+  for(i in seq(length(a))) {
+    tags$attribs[a[[i]]] = NULL
+  }
+  return(tag)
+getAttribs <- function(tag) {
+  tag$attribs
diff --git a/R/popify.R b/R/popify.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1ada47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/popify.R
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#'\code{popify} can be wrapped around any shiny UI element to add a popover to the
+#'wrapped element. This should be a safer way to add popovers to elements created with
+#'@param el A shiny UI element.
+#'@param title The title of the popover.
+#'@param content The main content of the popover.
+#'@param placement Where the popover should appear relative to its target 
+#'(\code{top}, \code{bottom}, \code{left}, or \code{right}). Defaults to \code{"bottom"}.
+#'@param trigger What action should cause the popover to appear? (\code{hover},
+#'\code{focus}, \code{click}, or \code{manual}). Defaults to \code{"hover"}.
+#'@param options A named list of additional options to be set on the popover.
+#'@templateVar item_name popify
+#'@templateVar family_name Tooltips_and_Popovers
+#'@template item_details
+#'@template footer
+popify <- function(el, title, content, placement="bottom", trigger="hover", options = NULL) {
+  id <- el$attribs$id
+  if(is.null(id)) {
+    id <- paste0("tipify", as.integer(runif(1, 1, 10000000)))
+    el <- addAttribs(el, id = id)
+  }
+  options = buildTooltipOrPopoverOptionsList(title, placement, trigger, options, content)
+  script <- createTooltipOrPopoverOnUI(id, "popover", options)
+  return(shiny::tagList(el, script))  
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/removePopover.R b/R/removePopover.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0612a57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/removePopover.R
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#'\code{removePopover} is used within the Server logic of an app to remove an
+#'existing popover from a Shiny input or output.
+#'@param session The session object passed to function given to shinyServer.
+#'@param id The id of the element to remove the popover from.
+#'@templateVar item_name removePopover
+#'@templateVar family_name Tooltips_and_Popovers
+#'@template item_details
+#'@template footer
+removePopover <- function(session, id) {
+  session$sendCustomMessage(type="updateTooltipOrPopover", list(action = "remove", type = "popover", id = id))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/removeTooltip.R b/R/removeTooltip.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d820e3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/removeTooltip.R
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#'\code{removeTooltip} is used within the Server logic of an app to remove an
+#'existing tooltip from a Shiny input or output.
+#'@param session The session object passed to function given to shinyServer.
+#'@param id The id of the element to remove the tooltip from.
+#'@templateVar item_name removeTooltip
+#'@templateVar family_name Tooltips_and_Popovers
+#'@template item_details
+#'@template footer
+removeTooltip <- function(session, id) {
+  session$sendCustomMessage(type="updateTooltipOrPopover", list(action = "remove", type = "tooltip", id = id))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/tipify.R b/R/tipify.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc6c3ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/tipify.R
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#'\code{tipify} can be wrapped around any shiny UI element to add a tooltip to the
+#'wrapped element. This should be a safer way to add tooltips to elements created with
+#'@param el A shiny UI element.
+#'@param title The content of the tooltip.
+#'@param placement Where the tooltip should appear relative to its target 
+#'(\code{top}, \code{bottom}, \code{left}, or \code{right}). Defaults to \code{"bottom"}.
+#'@param trigger What action should cause the tooltip to appear? (\code{hover},
+#'\code{focus}, \code{click}, or \code{manual}). Defaults to \code{"hover"}.
+#'@param options A named list of additional options to be set on the tooltip.
+#'@templateVar item_name tipify
+#'@templateVar family_name Tooltips_and_Popovers
+#'@template item_details
+#'@template footer
+tipify <- function(el, title, placement="bottom", trigger="hover", options = NULL) {
+  id <- el$attribs$id
+  if(is.null(id)) {
+    id <- paste0("tipify", as.integer(runif(1, 1, 10000000)))
+    el <- addAttribs(el, id = id)
+  }
+  options = buildTooltipOrPopoverOptionsList(title, placement, trigger, options)
+  script <- createTooltipOrPopoverOnUI(id, "tooltip", options)
+  return(shiny::tagList(el, script))  
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/toggleModal.R b/R/toggleModal.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7729688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/toggleModal.R
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#'\code{toggleModal} is used within your Server logic to open or close a modal
+#'@param session The session object passed to function given to shinyServer.
+#'@param modalId The id of the modal window you want to open/close
+#'@param toggle Should the modal window \code{open}, \code{close}, or \code{toggle}?
+#'@templateVar item_name toggleModal
+#'@templateVar family_name Modals
+#'@template item_details
+#'@template footer
+toggleModal <- function(session, modalId, toggle = "toggle") {
+  session$sendInputMessage(modalId, list(toggle = toggle))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/updateButton.R b/R/updateButton.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1c8899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/updateButton.R
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#'\code{updateButton} is used in your Server logic to update the style or state
+#'of a button.
+#'@inheritParams bsButton
+#'@param session The session object passed to function given to shinyServer.
+#'@details Because of the way it is coded, \code{updateButton} may work on buttons not
+#'created by \code{\link{bsButton}} such as \code{\link{submitButton}}.
+#'See \code{\link{Buttons}} for more information about how to use \code{updateButton} with the rest of the Buttons family.
+#'@templateVar item_name updateButton
+#'@templateVar family_name Buttons
+#'@template item_details
+#'@template footer
+updateButton <- function(session, inputId, label = NULL, icon = NULL, value = NULL, style = NULL,
+                         size = NULL, block = NULL, disabled = NULL) {
+  if(!is.null(icon)) icon <- as.character(icon)
+  if(!is.null(size)) {
+    size <- switch(size,
+                   "extra-small" = "btn-xs",
+                   "small" = "btn-sm",
+                   "large" = "btn-lg",
+                   "default" = "default")
+  }
+  data <- dropNulls(list(id = inputId, label = label, icon = icon, value = value, style = style,
+                         size = size, block = block, disabled = disabled))
+  session$sendCustomMessage("bsButtonUpdate", data)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/R/updateCollapse.R b/R/updateCollapse.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bfde96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/updateCollapse.R
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#'\code{updateCollapse} is used within the Server logic of your Shiny app to
+#'modify a Collapse after load.
+#'@param session The session object passed to function given to shinyServer.
+#'@param id The id of the Collapse object you want to change.
+#'@param open A vector of \code{value} (or \code{title} if no \code{value} was 
+#'provided) values identifying the panels you want to open.
+#'@param close A vector of \code{value} (or \code{title} if no \code{value} was 
+#'provided) values identifying the panels you want to close. 
+#'@param style A named list of Bootstrap styles (\code{primary}, \code{danger}, \code{info},
+#'\code{warning}, \code{success}, or \code{default}). The names should correspond
+#'to the \code{value} (or \code{title} if no \code{value} was provided) of the 
+#'\code{\link{bsCollapsePanel}} you want to change.
+#'@templateVar item_name updateCollapse
+#'@templateVar family_name Collapses
+#'@template item_details
+#'@template footer
+updateCollapse <- function(session, id, open = NULL, close = NULL, style = NULL) {
+  data <- dropNulls(list(open = open, close = close, style = style))
+  session$sendInputMessage(id, data)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
deleted file mode 100644
index a400e72..0000000
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-r-cran-shinybs (0.61-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Initial release (closes: #829216)
- -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>  Fri, 01 Jul 2016 15:50:33 +0200
diff --git a/debian/compat b/debian/compat
deleted file mode 100644
index ec63514..0000000
--- a/debian/compat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
deleted file mode 100644
index 722accb..0000000
--- a/debian/control
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-Source: r-cran-shinybs
-Maintainer: Debian Med Packaging Team <debian-med-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Uploaders: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
-Section: gnu-r
-Priority: optional
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9),
-               cdbs,
-               r-base-dev,
-               r-cran-shiny
-Standards-Version: 3.9.8
-Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/debian-med/trunk/packages/R/r-cran-shinybs/trunk/
-Vcs-Svn: svn://anonscm.debian.org/debian-med/trunk/packages/R/r-cran-shinybs/trunk/
-Homepage: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/shinyBS
-Package: r-cran-shinybs
-Architecture: all
-Depends: ${misc:Depends},
-         ${R:Depends},
-         r-cran-shiny
-Description: GNU R Twitter bootstrap components for Shiny
- This GNU R package adds additional Twitter Bootstrap components to Shiny.
- .
- Shiny is a GNU R web application framework.
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
deleted file mode 100644
index cb691b2..0000000
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Format: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
-Upstream-Name: shinyBS
-Upstream-Contact: Eric Bailey <ebailey at idem.in.gov>
-Source: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/shinyBS
-Files: *
-Copyright: 2013-2016 Eric Bailey <ebailey at idem.in.gov>
-License: GPL-3+
-Files: debian/*
-Copyright: 2016 Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
-License: GPL-3+
-License: GPL-3+
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
- .
-    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
- .
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- .
- On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public
- License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3'.
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
deleted file mode 100755
index 2fbba2d..0000000
--- a/debian/rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/make -f
-include /usr/share/R/debian/r-cran.mk
diff --git a/debian/source/format b/debian/source/format
deleted file mode 100644
index 163aaf8..0000000
--- a/debian/source/format
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-3.0 (quilt)
diff --git a/debian/tests/run-unit-test b/debian/tests/run-unit-test
deleted file mode 100644
index 01b71d3..0000000
--- a/debian/tests/run-unit-test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-cat <<EOT
-These tests result in something like
-   Listening on
-and can not be used as autopkgtest in this form.
-pkg=r-cran-`echo $oname | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
-if [ "$ADTTMP" = "" ] ; then
-  ADTTMP=`mktemp -d /tmp/${pkg}-test.XXXXXX`
-  trap "rm -rf $ADTTMP" 0 INT QUIT ABRT PIPE TERM
-cp -a /usr/lib/R/site-library/${oname}/tests/* $ADTTMP
-find . -name "*.gz" -exec gunzip \{\} \;
-for rfile in *.[rR] ; do
-  R CMD BATCH $rfile
-  echo "$rfile passed"
diff --git a/debian/watch b/debian/watch
deleted file mode 100644
index f35bbc9..0000000
--- a/debian/watch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/inst/examples/Alerts/server.R b/inst/examples/Alerts/server.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19ba436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/examples/Alerts/server.R
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+   function(input, output, session) {
+     output$exampleOutput <- renderText({
+       num1 <- as.numeric(input$num1)
+       num2 <- as.numeric(input$num2)
+       if(is.na(num1) | is.na(num2)) {
+         createAlert(session, "alert", "exampleAlert", title = "Oops",
+           content = "Both inputs should be numeric.", append = FALSE)
+       } else if(num2 == 0) {
+         createAlert(session, "alert", "exampleAlert", title = "Oops",
+           content = "You cannot divide by 0.", append = FALSE)
+       } else {
+         closeAlert(session, "exampleAlert")
+         return(num1/num2)
+       }
+     })
+   }
diff --git a/inst/examples/Alerts/ui.R b/inst/examples/Alerts/ui.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54aed3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/examples/Alerts/ui.R
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+   fluidPage(
+     sidebarLayout(
+       sidebarPanel(textInput("num1", NULL, value = 100),
+         "divided by", textInput("num2", NULL, value = 20),
+         "equals", textOutput("exampleOutput")),
+       mainPanel(
+         bsAlert("alert")
+       )
+     )
diff --git a/inst/examples/Buttons/server.R b/inst/examples/Buttons/server.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95ec313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/examples/Buttons/server.R
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+   function(input, output, session) {
+     observeEvent(input$togOne, ({
+       updateButton(session, "actOne", disabled = !input$togOne)
+     }))
+     observeEvent(input$bins, ({
+       b <- input$bins
+       disabled = NULL
+       style = "default"
+       icon = ""
+       if(b < 5) {
+         disabled = TRUE
+         icon <- icon("ban")
+       } else {
+         disabled = FALSE
+       }
+       if(b < 15 | b > 35) {
+         style = "danger"
+       } else if(b < 20 | b > 30) {
+         style = "warning"
+       } else {
+         style = "default"
+         icon = icon("check")
+       }
+       updateButton(session, "actTwo", disabled = disabled, style = style, icon = icon)
+     }))
+     output$exampleText <- renderText({
+       input$actTwo
+       b <- isolate(input$bins)
+       txt = ""
+       if((b > 5 & b < 15) | b > 35) {
+         txt = "That was dangerous."
+       } else if((b > 5 & b < 20) | b > 30) {
+         txt = "I warned you about that."
+       } else if(b >= 20 &  b <= 30) {
+         txt = "You have chosen... wisely."
+       }
+       return(txt)
+     })
+   }
diff --git a/inst/examples/Buttons/ui.R b/inst/examples/Buttons/ui.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fdf773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/examples/Buttons/ui.R
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+   fluidPage(
+     sidebarLayout(
+       sidebarPanel(
+         sliderInput("bins",
+                     "Move the slider to see its effect on the button below:",
+                     min = 1,
+                     max = 50,
+                     value = 1),
+         bsButton("actTwo", label = "Click me if you dare!", icon = icon("ban")),
+         tags$p("Clicking the first button below changes the disabled state of the second button."),
+         bsButton("togOne", label = "Toggle button disabled status",
+                  block = TRUE, type = "toggle", value = TRUE),
+         bsButton("actOne", label = "Block Action Button", block = TRUE)
+       ),
+       mainPanel(
+         textOutput("exampleText")
+       )
+     )
diff --git a/inst/examples/Collapses/server.R b/inst/examples/Collapses/server.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e99242
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/examples/Collapses/server.R
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ function(input, output, session) {
+   output$genericPlot <- renderPlot(plot(rnorm(100)))
+   observeEvent(input$p1Button, ({
+     updateCollapse(session, "collapseExample", open = "Panel 1")
+   }))
+   observeEvent(input$styleSelect, ({
+     updateCollapse(session, "collapseExample", style = list("Panel 1" = input$styleSelect))
+   }))
+ }
diff --git a/inst/examples/Collapses/ui.R b/inst/examples/Collapses/ui.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dff25e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/examples/Collapses/ui.R
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ fluidPage(
+   sidebarLayout(
+     sidebarPanel(HTML("This button will open Panel 1 using <code>updateCollapse</code>."),
+                  actionButton("p1Button", "Push Me!"),
+                  selectInput("styleSelect", "Select style for Panel 1",
+                   c("default", "primary", "danger", "warning", "info", "success"))
+     ),
+     mainPanel(
+       bsCollapse(id = "collapseExample", open = "Panel 2",
+                  bsCollapsePanel("Panel 1", "This is a panel with just text ",
+                   "and has the default style. You can change the style in ",
+                   "the sidebar.", style = "info"),
+                  bsCollapsePanel("Panel 2", "This panel has a generic plot. ",
+                   "and a 'success' style.", plotOutput("genericPlot"), style = "success")
+       )
+     )
+   )
diff --git a/inst/examples/Modals/server.R b/inst/examples/Modals/server.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36ec50b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/examples/Modals/server.R
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ function(input, output, session) {
+   output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
+     x    <- faithful[, 2]
+     bins <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = input$bins + 1)
+     # draw the histogram with the specified number of bins
+     hist(x, breaks = bins, col = 'darkgray', border = 'white')
+   })
+   output$distTable <- renderDataTable({
+     x    <- faithful[, 2]
+     bins <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = input$bins + 1)
+     # draw the histogram with the specified number of bins
+     tab <- hist(x, breaks = bins, plot = FALSE)
+     tab$breaks <- sapply(seq(length(tab$breaks) - 1), function(i) {
+       paste0(signif(tab$breaks[i], 3), "-", signif(tab$breaks[i+1], 3))
+     })
+     tab <- as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, tab))
+     colnames(tab) <- c("Bins", "Counts", "Density")
+     return(tab[, 1:3])
+   }, options = list(pageLength=10))
+ }
diff --git a/inst/examples/Modals/ui.R b/inst/examples/Modals/ui.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80723c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/examples/Modals/ui.R
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ fluidPage(
+   sidebarLayout(
+     sidebarPanel(
+       sliderInput("bins",
+                   "Number of bins:",
+                   min = 1,
+                   max = 50,
+                   value = 30),
+       actionButton("tabBut", "View Table")
+     ),
+     mainPanel(
+       plotOutput("distPlot"),
+       bsModal("modalExample", "Data Table", "tabBut", size = "large",
+         dataTableOutput("distTable"))
+     )
+   )
diff --git a/inst/examples/TooltipsandPopovers/server.R b/inst/examples/TooltipsandPopovers/server.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f2a1c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/examples/TooltipsandPopovers/server.R
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ function(input, output, session) {
+   output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
+     # generate bins based on input$bins from ui.R
+     x    <- faithful[, 2]
+     bins <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = input$bins + 1)
+     # draw the histogram with the specified number of bins
+     hist(x, breaks = bins, col = 'darkgray', border = 'white')
+   })
+   output$uiExample <- renderUI({
+     tags$span(
+       popify(bsButton("pointlessButton", "Button", style = "primary", size = "large"),
+         "A Pointless Button",
+         "This button is <b>pointless</b>. It does not do <em>anything</em>!"),
+       tipify(bsButton("pB2", "Button", style = "inverse", size = "extra-small"),
+         "This button is pointless too!")
+     )
+   })
+   addPopover(session, "distPlot", "Data", content = paste0("<p>Waiting time between ",
+     "eruptions and the duration of the eruption for the Old Faithful geyser ",
+     "in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA.</p><p>Azzalini, A. and ",
+     "Bowman, A. W. (1990). A look at some data on the Old Faithful geyser. ",
+     "Applied Statistics 39, 357-365.</p>"), trigger = 'click')
+ }
diff --git a/inst/examples/TooltipsandPopovers/ui.R b/inst/examples/TooltipsandPopovers/ui.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bb17c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/examples/TooltipsandPopovers/ui.R
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ fluidPage(
+   sidebarLayout(
+     sidebarPanel(
+       sliderInput("bins",
+                   "Number of bins:",
+                   min = 1,
+                   max = 50,
+                   value = 30),
+       bsTooltip("bins", "The wait times will be broken into this many equally spaced bins",
+         "right", options = list(container = "body"))
+     ),
+     mainPanel(
+       plotOutput("distPlot"),
+       uiOutput("uiExample")
+     )
+   )
diff --git a/inst/tests/tipify_test.R b/inst/tests/tipify_test.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee0f99f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/tests/tipify_test.R
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+  ui =
+    fluidPage(
+      tabsetPanel(
+        tabPanel("Tab #1",
+          plotOutput("genericPlot")
+        ),
+        tabPanel("Tab #2",
+          checkboxInput("showOptions", "Show Options"),
+          uiOutput("ui_multiview_customize"),
+          plotOutput("multiview_plot")
+        )
+      )
+    ),  
+  server =
+    function(input, output, session) {
+      output$genericPlot <- renderPlot(plot(rnorm(1000)))
+      output$multiview_plot <- renderPlot(plot(runif(1000)))
+      output$ui_multiview_customize <- renderUI({
+        if(input$showOptions) {
+          bsCollapse(
+            bsCollapsePanel(title = "View Options",
+                            checkboxInput("multiview_checkbox", label = "Include warmup", value = FALSE),
+                            hr(),
+                            tipify(downloadButton("download_multiview", "Save as ggplot2 objects"), 
+                                   title = "Save ggplot2 object in .RData file.", placement="right")
+            )
+          )
+        }
+      })
+    }
diff --git a/inst/tests/tipify_test2.R b/inst/tests/tipify_test2.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..936f1bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/tests/tipify_test2.R
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+app <- shinyApp(
+  ui = 
+    fluidPage(
+      sidebarLayout(
+        sidebarPanel(HTML("This button will open Panel 1 using <code>updateCollapse</code>."), 
+                     actionButton("p1Button", "Push Me!"),
+                     selectInput("styleSelect", "Select style for Panel 1", 
+                                 c("default", "primary", "danger", "warning", "info", "success"))
+        ),
+        mainPanel(
+          bsCollapse(id = "collapseExample", open = "Panel 2",
+                     bsCollapsePanel("Panel 1", "This is a panel with just text ",
+                                     "and has the default style. You can change the style in ",
+                                     "the sidebar.", style = "info"),
+                     bsCollapsePanel("Panel 2", "This panel has a generic plot. ",
+                                     "and a 'success' style.", plotOutput("genericPlot"), style = "success")
+          ),
+          uiOutput("tooltip_test"),
+          actionButton("test2", "Test2"),
+          bsTooltip("test2", title = "Test2", placement="right"),
+          tipify(tags$button("Hello"), "Test without ID")
+        )
+      )
+    ),
+  server = 
+    function(input, output, session) {
+      output$genericPlot <- renderPlot(plot(rnorm(100)))  
+      observeEvent(input$p1Button, ({
+        updateCollapse(session, "collapseExample", open = "Panel 1")
+      }))
+      observeEvent(input$styleSelect, ({
+        updateCollapse(session, "collapseExample", style = list("Panel 1" = input$styleSelect))
+      }))
+      output$tooltip_test <- renderUI({
+        tipify(actionButton("test", "Test"), title = "test", placement = "right")
+      })
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inst/www/shinyBS.css b/inst/www/shinyBS.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/inst/www/shinyBS.js b/inst/www/shinyBS.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96561be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/www/shinyBS.js
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+var shinyBS = {inputBindings: {}};
+shinyBS.inputBindings.toggle = new Shiny.InputBinding();
+$.extend(shinyBS.inputBindings.toggle, {
+  find: function(scope) {
+    return $(scope).find(".sbs-toggle-button");
+  },
+  getValue: function(el) {
+    return $(el).hasClass("active");
+  },
+  subscribe: function(el, callback) {
+    $(el).on("click", function(e) {
+      $(el).toggleClass("active").blur();
+      callback();
+    })
+  },
+  unsubscribe: function(el) {
+    $(el).off("click");
+  }
+shinyBS.inputBindings.modal = new Shiny.InputBinding();
+$.extend(shinyBS.inputBindings.modal, {
+  find: function(scope) {
+    return $(scope).find(".sbs-modal");
+  },
+  getValue: function(el) {
+    return $(el).hasClass("in");
+  },
+  subscribe: function(el, callback) {
+    $(el).on("hidden.bs.modal shown.bs.modal", callback)
+  },
+  unsubscribe: function(el) {
+    $(el).off("hidden.bs.modal shown.bs.modal")
+  },
+  receiveMessage: function(el, data) {
+    if(data.hasOwnProperty("toggle")) {
+      if(data.toggle == "show") {
+        $(el).modal("show");
+      } else if(data.toggle == "hide") {
+        $(el).modal("hide");
+      } else {
+        $(el).modal("toggle");
+      }
+    };
+  },
+  initialize: function(el) {
+    $("#" + $(el).attr("data-sbs-trigger")).attr({"data-toggle": "modal", "data-target": "#" + $(el).attr("id")});
+  }
+shinyBS.inputBindings.collapse = new Shiny.InputBinding();
+$.extend(shinyBS.inputBindings.collapse, {
+  find: function(scope) {
+    return $(scope).find(".sbs-panel-group");
+  },
+  getValue: function(el) {
+    return $(el).data("sbs-value");
+  },
+  receiveMessage: function(el, data) {
+    var $el = $(el);
+/* I would think this code should work, but it doesn't for some reason so I am 
+   commenting it out.
+    if(data.hasOwnProperty('multiple')) {
+      if(data.multiple) {
+        $el.find(".collapse").each(function(i) {$(this).collapse({parent: false, toggle: false})});
+      } else {
+        $el.find(".collapse").each(function(i) {$(this).collapse({parent: "#"+$el.attr("id"), toggle: false})});
+      }
+    }
+    if(data.hasOwnProperty('style')) {
+      var panels = Object.keys(data.style)
+      for(var i = 0; i < panels.length; i++) {
+        var $p = $el.find("div[value='" + panels[i] + "']")
+        $p
+          .removeClass("panel-primary panel-danger panel-warning panel-error panel-info panel-success")
+          .addClass("panel-" + data.style[panels[i]]);
+      }
+    }
+    if(data.hasOwnProperty('open')) {
+      if(!Array.isArray(data.open)) {
+        data.open = [data.open]
+      }
+      data.open.forEach(function(value, index, array) {
+        $el.find("div[value='" + value + "'] > .panel-collapse").collapse("show");
+      })
+    }
+    if(data.hasOwnProperty("close")) {
+      if(!Array.isArray(data.close)) {
+        data.close = [data.close];
+      }
+      data.close.forEach(function(value, index, array) {
+        $el.find("div[value='" + value + "'] > .panel-collapse").collapse("hide");
+      })
+    }
+  },
+  subscribe: function(el, callback) {
+    $(el).find(".collapse").on("shown.bs.collapse hidden.bs.collapse", callback);
+  },
+  initialize: function(el) {
+    var $el = $(el);
+    var $panels = $el.children(".panel");
+    var val = [];
+    $panels.each(function(i) {
+      if($(this).children("div.panel-collapse.collapse").hasClass("in")) {
+        val.push($(this).attr("value"));
+      }
+      var $pan = $(this).children("div.panel-collapse.collapse");
+      if($el.attr("data-sbs-multi") == "FALSE") {
+        var par = "#" + $el.attr("id");
+      } else {
+        var par = false;
+      }
+      $pan.collapse({parent: par, toggle: false});
+    });
+    $el.data("sbs-value", val);
+    $panels.on("show.bs.collapse", function(event) {
+      var val = $el.data("sbs-value");
+      val.push($(this).attr("value"));
+      $el.data("sbs-value", val)
+    });
+    $panels.on("hide.bs.collapse", function(event) {
+      var val = $el.data("sbs-value");
+      var i = val.indexOf($(this).attr("value"))
+      if(i != -1) {
+        val.splice(i, 1);
+        $el.data("sbs-value", val);
+      }
+    });
+  }
+Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler("bsAlertCreate", function(data) {
+  var create = true;
+  if(data.hasOwnProperty("alertId")) {
+    if($("#" + data.alertId).length > 0) {
+      create = false;
+    }
+  }
+  if(create) {
+    var $alert = $("<div class = 'alert'></div>");
+    if(data.hasOwnProperty('style')) {
+      $alert.addClass("alert-" + data.style);
+    } else {
+      $alert.addClass("alert-info");
+    }
+    if(data.hasOwnProperty("dismiss")) {
+      $alert.addClass("alert-dismissable");
+    }
+    if(data.hasOwnProperty("alertId")) {
+      $alert.attr("id", data.alertId);
+    }
+    if(data.hasOwnProperty('dismiss')) {
+      if(data.dismiss == true) {
+        $alert.append("<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert'>×</button>")
+      }
+    }
+    if(data.hasOwnProperty('title')) {
+      $alert.append("<h4>" + data.title + "</h4>");
+    }
+    if(data.hasOwnProperty("content")) {
+      $alert.append(data.content);
+    }
+    if(data.append == true) {
+      $alert.appendTo("#" + data.id);
+    } else {
+      $("#" + data.id).html($alert);
+    }
+  }
+Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler("bsAlertClose", function(alertId) {
+  $("#" + alertId).alert('close');
+// The following function refer to tooltips but are used in the creation of 
+// tooltips and popovers because there structure is so similar. type="popover"
+// will create a popover.
+shinyBS.addTooltip = function(id, type, opts) {
+  var $id = shinyBS.getTooltipTarget(id);
+  var dopts = {html: true};
+  opts = $.extend(opts, dopts);
+  if(type == "tooltip") {
+    $id.tooltip("destroy");
+    $id.tooltip(opts);
+  } else if(type == "popover") {
+    $id.popover("destroy");
+    $id.popover(opts);
+  }
+shinyBS.removeTooltip = function(id, type) {
+  var $id = shinyBS.getTooltipTarget(id);
+  if(type == "tooltip") {
+    $id.tooltip("destroy");
+  } else if(type == "popover") {
+    $id.popover("destroy");
+  }
+// Makes adjustments to the tooltip and popover targets for specialized 
+// shiny inputs/outputs
+shinyBS.getTooltipTarget = function(id) {
+  var $id = $("#" + id);
+  if($id.hasClass("js-range-slider")) {
+    $id = $id.parent();
+  } else if($id.hasClass("selectized")) {
+    $id = $id.siblings("div.selectize-control")
+  }
+  return $id;
+Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler("updateTooltipOrPopover", function(data) {
+  if(data.action == "add") {
+    shinyBS.addTooltip(data.id, data.type, data.options);
+  } else if(data.action == "remove") {
+    shinyBS.removeTooltip(data.id, data.type)
+  }
+Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler("bsButtonUpdate", function(data) {
+  var btn = $("button#" + data.id);
+  var ico = btn.find("i");
+  if(ico.length > 0) {
+    ico = ico[0].outerHTML;
+  } else {
+    ico = "";
+  };
+  if(data.hasOwnProperty("label")) {
+    btn.html(ico + data.label);
+  };
+  if(data.hasOwnProperty("icon")) {
+    var ch = btn.children();
+    if(ch.length == 0) {
+      btn.prepend(data.icon);
+    } else {
+      btn.find("i").replaceWith(data.icon);
+    };
+  };
+  if(data.hasOwnProperty("value")) {
+    if(btn.hasClass("sbs-toggle-button")) {
+      if(data.value != btn.hasClass("active")) {
+        btn.trigger("click");
+      };
+    };
+  };
+  if(data.hasOwnProperty("style")) {
+    btn
+      .removeClass("btn-default btn-primary btn-success btn-info btn-warning btn-danger btn-link")
+      .addClass("btn-" + data.style);
+  };
+  if(data.hasOwnProperty("size")) {
+    btn.removeClass("btn-lg btn-sm btn-xs")
+    if(data.size != "default") {
+      btn.addClass(data.size);
+    };
+  };
+  if(data.hasOwnProperty("block")) {
+    btn.toggleClass("btn-block", data.block);
+  };
+  if(data.hasOwnProperty("disabled")) {
+    if(data.disabled) {
+      btn.attr("disabled", "disabled")
+    } else {
+      btn.attr("disabled", false)
+    };
+  };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/man/Alerts.Rd b/man/Alerts.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5302ab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/Alerts.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/Alerts.R
+Alerts allow you to communicate information to the user on the fly. Standard
+Bootstrap styling options give the user a hint at the type of information
+contained in the Alert.
+To create alerts in your Shiny app you must place \code{bsAlert} in your ui.
+This serves as an anchor that tells shinyBS where to place the alerts created
+with \code{createAlert}.
+Use \code{createAlert} in your server script to add alerts to the anchor
+you created with \code{bsAlert} in your ui. You can place \code{createAlert}
+in observers, reactives, or outputs. A common usage may be to have logic that
+validates a user's inputs. If they are valid produce the requested output, if
+not use \code{createAlert} to give the user info about what they need to
+Run \code{bsExample("Alerts")} for an example
+of \code{Alerts} functionality.
+There are three functions in the Alerts family:
+ \describe{
+   \item{\code{\link{bsAlert}}}{Used in the UI to create an anchor where your
+     Alerts will be displayed.}
+   \item{\code{\link{createAlert}}}{Used in the Server logic to create
+     alerts. This would be used within a reactive context to display error
+     or success messages to the user based on the status of that context.}
+   \item{\code{\link{closeAlert}}}{Used in the Server logic to close an alert
+     that is already open. By default, Alerts are dismissable by the user,
+     but this offers you a way to close them programmatically.}
+ }
+\code{style} was called \code{type} in previous versions of shinyBS.
+\code{anchorId} was called \code{inputId} in previous versions of shinyBS.
+\code{content} was called \code{message} in previous versions of shinyBS.
+app = shinyApp(
+ ui =
+   fluidPage(
+     sidebarLayout(
+       sidebarPanel(textInput("num1", NULL, value = 100),
+         "divided by", textInput("num2", NULL, value = 20),
+         "equals", textOutput("exampleOutput")),
+       mainPanel(
+         bsAlert("alert")
+       )
+     )
+ ),
+ server =
+   function(input, output, session) {
+     output$exampleOutput <- renderText({
+       num1 <- as.numeric(input$num1)
+       num2 <- as.numeric(input$num2)
+       if(is.na(num1) | is.na(num2)) {
+         createAlert(session, "alert", "exampleAlert", title = "Oops",
+           content = "Both inputs should be numeric.", append = FALSE)
+       } else if(num2 == 0) {
+         createAlert(session, "alert", "exampleAlert", title = "Oops",
+           content = "You cannot divide by 0.", append = FALSE)
+       } else {
+         closeAlert(session, "exampleAlert")
+         return(num1/num2)
+       }
+     })
+   }
+ runApp(app)
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Alerts: \code{\link{bsAlert}};
+  \code{\link{closeAlert}}; \code{\link{createAlert}}
diff --git a/man/Buttons.Rd b/man/Buttons.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c69e0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/Buttons.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/Buttons.R
+Twitter Bootstrap gives many options for styling buttons that aren't made
+available by standard Shiny. Use shinyBS to create buttons of different sizes,
+shapes, and colors.
+Create a button in the UI with \code{\link{bsButton}}. If \code{type = "action"}
+the button will behave like the standard \code{\link{actionButton}} in shiny.
+If \code{type = "toggle"} the button will behave like a \code{\link{checkboxInput}}
+with an on and off state. It will return \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} to the Server
+depending on its state.
+You can update the style and state of a \code{\link{bsButton}} from the Server
+logic with \code{\link{updateButton}}. For example, a button could be set to
+\code{disabled = TRUE} until the user has made some other selections, then once
+those selections have been made, an observer on the Server could use \code{\link{updateButton}}
+to enable the button allowing the user to proceed. Alternatively, you could set
+the button to \code{style = "success"} to let them know that the button is ready
+to be clicked.
+Run \code{bsExample("Buttons")} for an example
+of \code{Buttons} functionality.
+There are two functions in the Buttons family:
+ \describe{
+   \item{\code{\link{bsButton}}}{Used in the UI to create a button. Buttons
+   can be of the type \code{action} or \code{toggle}.}
+   \item{\code{\link{updateButton}}}{Used in the Server logic to modify the
+   state of a button created with \code{\link{bsButton}}}
+ }
+\code{bsActionButton} and \code{bsToggleButton} were replaced with just
+\code{\link{bsButton}} with a \code{type} argument.
+\code{icon} was added to allow placing an icon in the button.
+app = shinyApp(
+ ui =
+   fluidPage(
+     sidebarLayout(
+       sidebarPanel(
+         sliderInput("bins",
+                     "Move the slider to see its effect on the button below:",
+                     min = 1,
+                     max = 50,
+                     value = 1),
+         bsButton("actTwo", label = "Click me if you dare!", icon = icon("ban")),
+         tags$p("Clicking the first button below changes the disabled state of the second button."),
+         bsButton("togOne", label = "Toggle button disabled status",
+                  block = TRUE, type = "toggle", value = TRUE),
+         bsButton("actOne", label = "Block Action Button", block = TRUE)
+       ),
+       mainPanel(
+         textOutput("exampleText")
+       )
+     )
+   ),
+ server =
+   function(input, output, session) {
+     observeEvent(input$togOne, ({
+       updateButton(session, "actOne", disabled = !input$togOne)
+     }))
+     observeEvent(input$bins, ({
+       b <- input$bins
+       disabled = NULL
+       style = "default"
+       icon = ""
+       if(b < 5) {
+         disabled = TRUE
+         icon <- icon("ban")
+       } else {
+         disabled = FALSE
+       }
+       if(b < 15 | b > 35) {
+         style = "danger"
+       } else if(b < 20 | b > 30) {
+         style = "warning"
+       } else {
+         style = "default"
+         icon = icon("check")
+       }
+       updateButton(session, "actTwo", disabled = disabled, style = style, icon = icon)
+     }))
+     output$exampleText <- renderText({
+       input$actTwo
+       b <- isolate(input$bins)
+       txt = ""
+       if((b > 5 & b < 15) | b > 35) {
+         txt = "That was dangerous."
+       } else if((b > 5 & b < 20) | b > 30) {
+         txt = "I warned you about that."
+       } else if(b >= 20 &  b <= 30) {
+         txt = "You have chosen... wisely."
+       }
+       return(txt)
+     })
+   }
+ runApp(app)
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Buttons: \code{\link{bsButton}};
+  \code{\link{updateButton}}
diff --git a/man/Collapses.Rd b/man/Collapses.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1596a9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/Collapses.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/Collapses.R
+Collapse panels allow you to reduce clutter in your Shiny app by making
+panels of information that open and close with a user's click. Any type of
+content can go in a collapse panel. Standard Bootstrap styling options are
+Collapses are designed to mimic \code{\link{tabsetPanel}} in their implementation.
+Start with \code{bsCollapse} to create a panel group, then fill it with panels
+using \code{bsCollapsePanel}.
+\code{bsCollapse} acts as an input, so you can retrieve which panels are open
+from the input object passed to the function in \code{\link{shinyServer}}.
+\code{updateCollapse} can be used within your server logic to open/close
+collapse panels or to change their style.
+Run \code{bsExample("Collapses")} for an example
+of \code{Collapses} functionality.
+ \item{\code{\link{bsCollapse}}}{A container for holder the individual panels created by \code{\link{bsCollapsePanel}}.}
+ \item{\code{\link{bsCollapsePanel}}}{Creates an individual Collapse Panel that resides within a \code{\link{bsCollapse}}.}
+ \item{\code{\link{updateCollapse}}}{Used within your server logic to open/close collapse panels or change their style.}
+\code{style} is a new option that wasn't available in previous versions of
+app = shinyApp(
+ ui =
+ fluidPage(
+   sidebarLayout(
+     sidebarPanel(HTML("This button will open Panel 1 using <code>updateCollapse</code>."),
+                  actionButton("p1Button", "Push Me!"),
+                  selectInput("styleSelect", "Select style for Panel 1",
+                   c("default", "primary", "danger", "warning", "info", "success"))
+     ),
+     mainPanel(
+       bsCollapse(id = "collapseExample", open = "Panel 2",
+                  bsCollapsePanel("Panel 1", "This is a panel with just text ",
+                   "and has the default style. You can change the style in ",
+                   "the sidebar.", style = "info"),
+                  bsCollapsePanel("Panel 2", "This panel has a generic plot. ",
+                   "and a 'success' style.", plotOutput("genericPlot"), style = "success")
+       )
+     )
+   )
+ ),
+ server =
+ function(input, output, session) {
+   output$genericPlot <- renderPlot(plot(rnorm(100)))
+   observeEvent(input$p1Button, ({
+     updateCollapse(session, "collapseExample", open = "Panel 1")
+   }))
+   observeEvent(input$styleSelect, ({
+     updateCollapse(session, "collapseExample", style = list("Panel 1" = input$styleSelect))
+   }))
+ }
+ runApp(app)
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Collapses: \code{\link{bsCollapsePanel}};
+  \code{\link{bsCollapse}}; \code{\link{updateCollapse}}
diff --git a/man/Modals.Rd b/man/Modals.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fddf67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/Modals.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/Modals.R
+Modal windows are similar to popups but are rendered within the
+original window. They can contain any combination of shiny inputs, shiny
+outputs, and html. Possible uses include extra controls that you don't want
+cluttering up the main app display or help pages to explain your apps
+Use \code{\link{bsModal}} in your UI to create a modal window. It works
+like \code{\link{Collapses}} or \code{\link{tabPanel}}, any non-named arguments
+will be passed as content for the modal.
+Create a button or link and assign its \code{inputId} as the \code{trigger}
+in \code{\link{bsModal}}.
+Run \code{bsExample("Modals")} for an example
+of \code{Modals} functionality.
+There are only two functions in the Modals family:
+ \describe{
+   \item{\code{\link{bsModal}}}{Used in the UI to create a modal window.}
+   \item{\code{\link{toggleModal}}}{Used in the Server logic to open or
+   close a modal window programmatically.}
+ }
+There is now a \code{toggle} argument in \code{\link{toggleModal}} that allows
+you to specify whether you want the modal to open or close.
+The \code{size} argument in \code{\link{bsModal}} allows you to specify the
+size of the modal window. Either \code{small} or \code{large}.
+app = shinyApp(
+ ui =
+ fluidPage(
+   sidebarLayout(
+     sidebarPanel(
+       sliderInput("bins",
+                   "Number of bins:",
+                   min = 1,
+                   max = 50,
+                   value = 30),
+       actionButton("tabBut", "View Table")
+     ),
+     mainPanel(
+       plotOutput("distPlot"),
+       bsModal("modalExample", "Data Table", "tabBut", size = "large",
+         dataTableOutput("distTable"))
+     )
+   )
+ ),
+ server =
+ function(input, output, session) {
+   output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
+     x    <- faithful[, 2]
+     bins <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = input$bins + 1)
+     # draw the histogram with the specified number of bins
+     hist(x, breaks = bins, col = 'darkgray', border = 'white')
+   })
+   output$distTable <- renderDataTable({
+     x    <- faithful[, 2]
+     bins <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = input$bins + 1)
+     # draw the histogram with the specified number of bins
+     tab <- hist(x, breaks = bins, plot = FALSE)
+     tab$breaks <- sapply(seq(length(tab$breaks) - 1), function(i) {
+       paste0(signif(tab$breaks[i], 3), "-", signif(tab$breaks[i+1], 3))
+     })
+     tab <- as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, tab))
+     colnames(tab) <- c("Bins", "Counts", "Density")
+     return(tab[, 1:3])
+   }, options = list(pageLength=10))
+ }
+ runApp(app)
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Modals: \code{\link{bsModal}};
+  \code{\link{toggleModal}}
diff --git a/man/Tooltips_and_Popovers.Rd b/man/Tooltips_and_Popovers.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f483c1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/Tooltips_and_Popovers.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/Tooltips_and_Popovers.R
+\title{Tooltips and Popovers}
+Tooltips and Popovers allow you to add additional information about controls
+or outputs without cluttering up your user interface. You can add a tooltip to
+a button that displays on hover and better explains what the button will do, or
+you could add a popover to an output providing further analysis of that output.
+You can create tooltips and popovers from either the UI script or within the
+Server logic. \code{\link{bsTooltip}} and \code{\link{bsPopover}} are used in
+the UI, and \code{\link{addTooltip}} and \code{\link{addPopover}} are used in
+the Server logic. \code{\link{tipify}} and \code{\link{popify}} can be used
+within the UI or from within a \code{\link{renderUI}} in the Server logic. They
+also have the added advantage of not requiring that the UI element have an ID
+Tooltips and Popovers cannot contain shiny inputs or outputs.
+There must be at least one \code{shinyBS} component in the UI of your
+app in order for the necessary dependencies to be loaded. Because of this,
+\code{\link{addTooltip}} and \code{\link{addPopover}} will not work if they
+are the only shinyBS components in your app.
+Tooltips and popovers may not work on some of the more complex shiny inputs
+or outputs. If you encounter a problem with tooltips or popovers not appearing
+please file a issue on the github page so I can fix it.
+Run \code{bsExample("Tooltips_and_Popovers")} for an example
+of \code{Tooltips_and_Popovers} functionality.
+There are eight functions in the Tooltips and Popovers family:
+ \describe{
+   \item{\code{\link{bsTooltip}}}{Used in the UI to add a tooltip to an element
+   in your UI.}
+   \item{\code{\link{bsPopover}}}{Used in the UI to add a popover to an element
+   in your UI.}
+   \item{\code{\link{tipify}}}{Wrap any UI element in \code{tipify} to add a
+   tooltip to the wrapped element. Preferred for elemented created with
+   \code{\link{renderUI}}.}
+   \item{\code{\link{popify}}}{Wrap any UI element in \code{popify} to add a
+   popover to the wrapped element. Preferred for elements created with
+   \code{\link{renderUI}}.}
+   \item{\code{\link{addTooltip}}}{Used in the Server logic to add a tooltip
+   to an element in your UI.}
+   \item{\code{\link{addPopover}}}{Used in the Server logic to add a popover
+   to an element in your UI.}
+   \item{\code{\link{removeTooltip}}}{Used in the Server logic to remove a
+   tooltip from an element in your UI.}
+   \item{\code{\link{removePopover}}}{Used in the Server logic to remove a
+   popover from an element in your UI.}
+ }
+An \code{options} argument has been added to the creation functions to allow
+advanced users more control over how the tooltips and popovers appear. See
+the \href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3 documentation} for more
+app = shinyApp(
+ ui =
+ fluidPage(
+   sidebarLayout(
+     sidebarPanel(
+       sliderInput("bins",
+                   "Number of bins:",
+                   min = 1,
+                   max = 50,
+                   value = 30),
+       bsTooltip("bins", "The wait times will be broken into this many equally spaced bins",
+         "right", options = list(container = "body"))
+     ),
+     mainPanel(
+       plotOutput("distPlot"),
+       uiOutput("uiExample")
+     )
+   )
+ ),
+ server =
+ function(input, output, session) {
+   output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
+     # generate bins based on input$bins from ui.R
+     x    <- faithful[, 2]
+     bins <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = input$bins + 1)
+     # draw the histogram with the specified number of bins
+     hist(x, breaks = bins, col = 'darkgray', border = 'white')
+   })
+   output$uiExample <- renderUI({
+     tags$span(
+       popify(bsButton("pointlessButton", "Button", style = "primary", size = "large"),
+         "A Pointless Button",
+         "This button is <b>pointless</b>. It does not do <em>anything</em>!"),
+       tipify(bsButton("pB2", "Button", style = "inverse", size = "extra-small"),
+         "This button is pointless too!")
+     )
+   })
+   addPopover(session, "distPlot", "Data", content = paste0("<p>Waiting time between ",
+     "eruptions and the duration of the eruption for the Old Faithful geyser ",
+     "in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA.</p><p>Azzalini, A. and ",
+     "Bowman, A. W. (1990). A look at some data on the Old Faithful geyser. ",
+     "Applied Statistics 39, 357-365.</p>"), trigger = 'click')
+ }
+ runApp(app)
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Tooltips_and_Popovers: \code{\link{addPopover}};
+  \code{\link{addTooltip}}; \code{\link{bsPopover}};
+  \code{\link{bsTooltip}}; \code{\link{popify}};
+  \code{\link{removePopover}}; \code{\link{removeTooltip}};
+  \code{\link{tipify}}
diff --git a/man/addPopover.Rd b/man/addPopover.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc6ecb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/addPopover.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/addPopover.R
+addPopover(session, id, title, content, placement = "bottom",
+  trigger = "hover", options = NULL)
+\item{session}{The session object passed to function given to shinyServer.}
+\item{id}{The id of the element to attach the popover to.}
+\item{title}{The title of the popover.}
+\item{content}{The main content of the popover.}
+\item{placement}{Where the popover should appear relative to its target
+(\code{top}, \code{bottom}, \code{left}, or \code{right}). Defaults to \code{bottom}.}
+\item{trigger}{What action should cause the popover to appear? (\code{hover},
+\code{focus}, \code{click}, or \code{manual}). Defaults to \code{hover}.}
+\item{options}{A named list of additional options to be set on the popover.}
+\code{addPopover} is used within the Server logic of an app to add a popover to a Shiny
+input or output.
+See \link{Tooltips_and_Popovers} for more information about how to use \code{addPopover} with the
+rest of the Tooltips_and_Popovers family.
+Run \code{bsExample("Tooltips_and_Popovers")} for an example
+of \code{addPopover} functionality.
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Tooltips_and_Popovers: \code{\link{Tooltips_and_Popovers}};
+  \code{\link{addTooltip}}; \code{\link{bsPopover}};
+  \code{\link{bsTooltip}}; \code{\link{popify}};
+  \code{\link{removePopover}}; \code{\link{removeTooltip}};
+  \code{\link{tipify}}
diff --git a/man/addTooltip.Rd b/man/addTooltip.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04f4969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/addTooltip.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/addTooltip.R
+addTooltip(session, id, title, placement = "bottom", trigger = "hover",
+  options = NULL)
+\item{session}{The session object passed to function given to shinyServer.}
+\item{id}{The id of the element to attach the tooltip to.}
+\item{title}{The content of the tooltip.}
+\item{placement}{Where the tooltip should appear relative to its target
+(\code{top}, \code{bottom}, \code{left}, or \code{right}). Defaults to \code{"bottom"}.}
+\item{trigger}{What action should cause the tooltip to appear? (\code{hover},
+\code{focus}, \code{click}, or \code{manual}). Defaults to \code{"hover"}.}
+\item{options}{A named list of additional options to be set on the tooltip.}
+\code{addTooltip} is used within the Server logic of an app to add a tooltip to a Shiny
+input or output.
+See \link{Tooltips_and_Popovers} for more information about how to use \code{addTooltip} with the
+rest of the Tooltips_and_Popovers family.
+Run \code{bsExample("Tooltips_and_Popovers")} for an example
+of \code{addTooltip} functionality.
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Tooltips_and_Popovers: \code{\link{Tooltips_and_Popovers}};
+  \code{\link{addPopover}}; \code{\link{bsPopover}};
+  \code{\link{bsTooltip}}; \code{\link{popify}};
+  \code{\link{removePopover}}; \code{\link{removeTooltip}};
+  \code{\link{tipify}}
diff --git a/man/bsAlert.Rd b/man/bsAlert.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4a2985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/bsAlert.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/bsAlert.R
+\item{anchorId}{A unique id the identifies the anchor.}
+\code{bsAlert} creates an anchor point in your UI definition. This anchor point
+is where alerts created in your Server logic will be displayed.
+See \link{Alerts} for more information about how to use \code{bsAlert} with the
+rest of the Alerts family.
+Run \code{bsExample("Alerts")} for an example
+of \code{bsAlert} functionality.
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Alerts: \code{\link{Alerts}};
+  \code{\link{closeAlert}}; \code{\link{createAlert}}
diff --git a/man/bsButton.Rd b/man/bsButton.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e9f301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/bsButton.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/bsButton.R
+bsButton(inputId, label, icon = NULL, ..., style = "default",
+  size = "default", type = "action", block = FALSE, disabled = FALSE,
+  value = FALSE)
+\item{inputId}{Specifies the input slot that will be used to access the
+\item{label}{The contents of the button or link--usually a text label, but
+you could also use any other HTML, like an image.}
+\item{icon}{An optional \code{\link{icon}} to appear on the button.}
+\item{...}{Named attributes to be applied to the button or link.}
+\item{style}{A Bootstrap style to apply to the button. (\code{default}, \code{primary},
+\code{success}, \code{info}, \code{warning}, or \code{danger})}
+\item{size}{The size of the button (\code{extra-small}, \code{small},
+\code{default}, or \code{large})}
+\item{type}{The type of button to create. (\code{action} or \code{toggle})}
+\item{block}{\bold{logical} Should the button take the full width of the parent element?}
+\item{disabled}{\bold{logical} Should the button be disabled (un-clickable)?}
+\item{value}{\bold{logical} If \code{type = "toggle"}, the initial value of the button.}
+\code{bsButton} is used in your UI script to create customizable action and toggle
+See \link{Buttons} for more information about how to use \code{bsButton} with the
+rest of the Buttons family.
+Run \code{bsExample("Buttons")} for an example
+of \code{bsButton} functionality.
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Buttons: \code{\link{Buttons}};
+  \code{\link{updateButton}}
diff --git a/man/bsCollapse.Rd b/man/bsCollapse.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..804d858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/bsCollapse.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/bsCollapse.R
+bsCollapse(..., id = NULL, multiple = FALSE, open = NULL)
+\item{id}{\bold{Optional} You can use \code{input$id} in your Server logic to
+determine which panels are open, and \code{\link{updateCollapse}} to open/close
+\item{multiple}{Can more than one panel be open at a time? Defaults to \code{FALSE}.}
+\item{open}{The \code{value}, (or if none was supplied, the \code{title}) of
+the panel(s) you want open on load.}
+\item{\dots}{\code{\link{bsCollapsePanel}} elements to include in the Collapse.}
+\code{bsCollapse} is used in your UI to create a collapse panel group. Use
+\code{\link{bsCollapsePanel}} to populate this object with panels.
+See \link{Collapses} for more information about how to use \code{bsCollapse} with the
+rest of the Collapses family.
+Run \code{bsExample("Collapses")} for an example
+of \code{bsCollapse} functionality.
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Collapses: \code{\link{Collapses}};
+  \code{\link{bsCollapsePanel}};
+  \code{\link{updateCollapse}}
diff --git a/man/bsCollapsePanel.Rd b/man/bsCollapsePanel.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57eeb7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/bsCollapsePanel.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/bsCollapsePanel.R
+bsCollapsePanel(title, ..., value = title, style = NULL)
+\item{title}{The title to display at the top of the panel.}
+\item{value}{\bold{Optional} The value to return when this panel is open. Defaults to \code{title}.}
+\item{style}{\bold{Optional} A Bootstrap style to apply to the panel. (\code{primary}, \code{danger}, \code{warning}, \code{info}, or \code{success})}
+\item{\dots}{UI elements to include within the panel.}
+\code{bsCollapsePanel} creates individual panels within a \code{\link{bsCollapse}} object.
+See \link{Collapses} for more information about how to use \code{bsCollapsePanel} with the
+rest of the Collapses family.
+Run \code{bsExample("Collapses")} for an example
+of \code{bsCollapsePanel} functionality.
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Collapses: \code{\link{Collapses}};
+  \code{\link{bsCollapse}}; \code{\link{updateCollapse}}
diff --git a/man/bsExample.Rd b/man/bsExample.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bae7cd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/bsExample.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/bsExample.R
+bsExample(family, display.mode = "showcase", ...)
+\item{family}{A shinyBS family name}
+\item{display.mode}{The display mode to use when running the example. See
+\item{\dots}{Other parameters to pass to \code{\link{runApp}}.}
+A function to view examples of shinyBS functionality. Will run the examples
+found in the examples sections of shinyBS documentation. Use this instead of
+This function is just a wrapper for \code{\link{runApp}} that runs copies of the
+examples found in the family documention pages of \code{shinyBS}. By default,
+\code{display.mode} is set to \code{showcase} so you can see the code while
+the app is running.
+   bsExample("Alerts")}
diff --git a/man/bsModal.Rd b/man/bsModal.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03218c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/bsModal.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/bsModal.R
+bsModal(id, title, trigger, ..., size)
+\item{id}{A unique identifier for the modal window}
+\item{title}{The title to appear at the top of the modal}
+\item{trigger}{The id of a button or link that will open the modal.}
+\item{size}{\bold{Optional} What size should the modal be? (\code{small} or \code{large})}
+\item{\dots}{UI elements to include within the modal}
+\code{bsModal} is used within the UI to create a modal window.
+See \link{Modals} for more information about how to use \code{bsModal} with the
+rest of the Modals family.
+Run \code{bsExample("Modals")} for an example
+of \code{bsModal} functionality.
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Modals: \code{\link{Modals}};
+  \code{\link{toggleModal}}
diff --git a/man/bsPopover.Rd b/man/bsPopover.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5ad677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/bsPopover.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/bsPopover.R
+bsPopover(id, title, content, placement = "bottom", trigger = "hover",
+  options = NULL)
+\item{id}{The id of the element to attach the popover to.}
+\item{title}{The title of the popover.}
+\item{content}{The main content of the popover.}
+\item{placement}{Where the popover should appear relative to its target
+(\code{top}, \code{bottom}, \code{left}, or \code{right}). Defaults to \code{"bottom"}.}
+\item{trigger}{What action should cause the popover to appear? (\code{hover},
+\code{focus}, \code{click}, or \code{manual}). Defaults to \code{"hover"}.}
+\item{options}{A named list of additional options to be set on the popover.}
+\code{bsPopover} is used within the UI of an app to add a popover to a Shiny
+input or output.
+See \link{Tooltips_and_Popovers} for more information about how to use \code{bsPopover} with the
+rest of the Tooltips_and_Popovers family.
+Run \code{bsExample("Tooltips_and_Popovers")} for an example
+of \code{bsPopover} functionality.
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Tooltips_and_Popovers: \code{\link{Tooltips_and_Popovers}};
+  \code{\link{addPopover}}; \code{\link{addTooltip}};
+  \code{\link{bsTooltip}}; \code{\link{popify}};
+  \code{\link{removePopover}}; \code{\link{removeTooltip}};
+  \code{\link{tipify}}
diff --git a/man/bsTooltip.Rd b/man/bsTooltip.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d23c6d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/bsTooltip.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/bsTooltip.R
+bsTooltip(id, title, placement = "bottom", trigger = "hover",
+  options = NULL)
+\item{id}{The id of the element to attach the tooltip to.}
+\item{title}{The content of the tooltip.}
+\item{placement}{Where the tooltip should appear relative to its target
+(\code{top}, \code{bottom}, \code{left}, or \code{right}). Defaults to \code{"bottom"}.}
+\item{trigger}{What action should cause the tooltip to appear? (\code{hover},
+\code{focus}, \code{click}, or \code{manual}). Defaults to \code{"hover"}.}
+\item{options}{A named list of additional options to be set on the tooltip.}
+\code{bsTooltip} is used within the UI of an app to add a tooltip to a Shiny
+input or output.
+See \link{Tooltips_and_Popovers} for more information about how to use \code{bsTooltip} with the
+rest of the Tooltips_and_Popovers family.
+Run \code{bsExample("Tooltips_and_Popovers")} for an example
+of \code{bsTooltip} functionality.
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Tooltips_and_Popovers: \code{\link{Tooltips_and_Popovers}};
+  \code{\link{addPopover}}; \code{\link{addTooltip}};
+  \code{\link{bsPopover}}; \code{\link{popify}};
+  \code{\link{removePopover}}; \code{\link{removeTooltip}};
+  \code{\link{tipify}}
diff --git a/man/closeAlert.Rd b/man/closeAlert.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e554c08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/closeAlert.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/closeAlert.R
+closeAlert(session, alertId)
+\item{session}{The session object passed to function given to shinyServer.}
+\item{alertId}{The id of the alert to be dismissed.}
+\code{closeAlert} is used within your Server logic to close an alert that you
+created with \code{\link{createAlert}}.
+See \link{Alerts} for more information about how to use \code{closeAlert} with the
+rest of the Alerts family.
+Run \code{bsExample("Alerts")} for an example
+of \code{closeAlert} functionality.
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Alerts: \code{\link{Alerts}}; \code{\link{bsAlert}};
+  \code{\link{createAlert}}
diff --git a/man/createAlert.Rd b/man/createAlert.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aa8212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/createAlert.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/createAlert.R
+createAlert(session, anchorId, alertId = NULL, title = NULL,
+  content = NULL, style = NULL, dismiss = TRUE, append = TRUE)
+\item{session}{The session object passed to function given to shinyServer.}
+\item{anchorId}{The unique identifier of the anchor where the alert should be
+\item{alertId}{\bold{Optional} A unique identifier for the Alert.}
+\item{title}{\bold{Optional} A title for the Alert.}
+\item{content}{The main body of the Alert. HTML tags are allowed.}
+\item{style}{A bootstrap style to apply. Defaults to \code{info}.}
+\item{dismiss}{\code{logical} Should the Alert be user dismissable? Defaults to \code{TRUE}.}
+\item{append}{\code{logical} Should the Alert be appended below existing Alerts? Default to \code{TRUE}.}
+\code{createAlert} is used within the Server logic of your Shiny app to display
+an alert to the user.
+See \link{Alerts} for more information about how to use \code{createAlert} with the
+rest of the Alerts family.
+Run \code{bsExample("Alerts")} for an example
+of \code{createAlert} functionality.
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Alerts: \code{\link{Alerts}}; \code{\link{bsAlert}};
+  \code{\link{closeAlert}}
diff --git a/man/popify.Rd b/man/popify.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a1dcbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/popify.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/popify.R
+popify(el, title, content, placement = "bottom", trigger = "hover",
+  options = NULL)
+\item{el}{A shiny UI element.}
+\item{title}{The title of the popover.}
+\item{content}{The main content of the popover.}
+\item{placement}{Where the popover should appear relative to its target
+(\code{top}, \code{bottom}, \code{left}, or \code{right}). Defaults to \code{"bottom"}.}
+\item{trigger}{What action should cause the popover to appear? (\code{hover},
+\code{focus}, \code{click}, or \code{manual}). Defaults to \code{"hover"}.}
+\item{options}{A named list of additional options to be set on the popover.}
+\code{popify} can be wrapped around any shiny UI element to add a popover to the
+wrapped element. This should be a safer way to add popovers to elements created with
+See \link{Tooltips_and_Popovers} for more information about how to use \code{popify} with the
+rest of the Tooltips_and_Popovers family.
+Run \code{bsExample("Tooltips_and_Popovers")} for an example
+of \code{popify} functionality.
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Tooltips_and_Popovers: \code{\link{Tooltips_and_Popovers}};
+  \code{\link{addPopover}}; \code{\link{addTooltip}};
+  \code{\link{bsPopover}}; \code{\link{bsTooltip}};
+  \code{\link{removePopover}}; \code{\link{removeTooltip}};
+  \code{\link{tipify}}
diff --git a/man/removePopover.Rd b/man/removePopover.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19eb4fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/removePopover.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/removePopover.R
+removePopover(session, id)
+\item{session}{The session object passed to function given to shinyServer.}
+\item{id}{The id of the element to remove the popover from.}
+\code{removePopover} is used within the Server logic of an app to remove an
+existing popover from a Shiny input or output.
+See \link{Tooltips_and_Popovers} for more information about how to use \code{removePopover} with the
+rest of the Tooltips_and_Popovers family.
+Run \code{bsExample("Tooltips_and_Popovers")} for an example
+of \code{removePopover} functionality.
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Tooltips_and_Popovers: \code{\link{Tooltips_and_Popovers}};
+  \code{\link{addPopover}}; \code{\link{addTooltip}};
+  \code{\link{bsPopover}}; \code{\link{bsTooltip}};
+  \code{\link{popify}}; \code{\link{removeTooltip}};
+  \code{\link{tipify}}
diff --git a/man/removeTooltip.Rd b/man/removeTooltip.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75fe564
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/removeTooltip.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/removeTooltip.R
+removeTooltip(session, id)
+\item{session}{The session object passed to function given to shinyServer.}
+\item{id}{The id of the element to remove the tooltip from.}
+\code{removeTooltip} is used within the Server logic of an app to remove an
+existing tooltip from a Shiny input or output.
+See \link{Tooltips_and_Popovers} for more information about how to use \code{removeTooltip} with the
+rest of the Tooltips_and_Popovers family.
+Run \code{bsExample("Tooltips_and_Popovers")} for an example
+of \code{removeTooltip} functionality.
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Tooltips_and_Popovers: \code{\link{Tooltips_and_Popovers}};
+  \code{\link{addPopover}}; \code{\link{addTooltip}};
+  \code{\link{bsPopover}}; \code{\link{bsTooltip}};
+  \code{\link{popify}}; \code{\link{removePopover}};
+  \code{\link{tipify}}
diff --git a/man/tipify.Rd b/man/tipify.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d8402b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/tipify.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/tipify.R
+tipify(el, title, placement = "bottom", trigger = "hover", options = NULL)
+\item{el}{A shiny UI element.}
+\item{title}{The content of the tooltip.}
+\item{placement}{Where the tooltip should appear relative to its target
+(\code{top}, \code{bottom}, \code{left}, or \code{right}). Defaults to \code{"bottom"}.}
+\item{trigger}{What action should cause the tooltip to appear? (\code{hover},
+\code{focus}, \code{click}, or \code{manual}). Defaults to \code{"hover"}.}
+\item{options}{A named list of additional options to be set on the tooltip.}
+\code{tipify} can be wrapped around any shiny UI element to add a tooltip to the
+wrapped element. This should be a safer way to add tooltips to elements created with
+See \link{Tooltips_and_Popovers} for more information about how to use \code{tipify} with the
+rest of the Tooltips_and_Popovers family.
+Run \code{bsExample("Tooltips_and_Popovers")} for an example
+of \code{tipify} functionality.
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Tooltips_and_Popovers: \code{\link{Tooltips_and_Popovers}};
+  \code{\link{addPopover}}; \code{\link{addTooltip}};
+  \code{\link{bsPopover}}; \code{\link{bsTooltip}};
+  \code{\link{popify}}; \code{\link{removePopover}};
+  \code{\link{removeTooltip}}
diff --git a/man/toggleModal.Rd b/man/toggleModal.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd6b961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/toggleModal.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/toggleModal.R
+toggleModal(session, modalId, toggle = "toggle")
+\item{session}{The session object passed to function given to shinyServer.}
+\item{modalId}{The id of the modal window you want to open/close}
+\item{toggle}{Should the modal window \code{open}, \code{close}, or \code{toggle}?}
+\code{toggleModal} is used within your Server logic to open or close a modal
+See \link{Modals} for more information about how to use \code{toggleModal} with the
+rest of the Modals family.
+Run \code{bsExample("Modals")} for an example
+of \code{toggleModal} functionality.
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Modals: \code{\link{Modals}}; \code{\link{bsModal}}
diff --git a/man/updateButton.Rd b/man/updateButton.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97a717e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/updateButton.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/updateButton.R
+updateButton(session, inputId, label = NULL, icon = NULL, value = NULL,
+  style = NULL, size = NULL, block = NULL, disabled = NULL)
+\item{session}{The session object passed to function given to shinyServer.}
+\item{inputId}{Specifies the input slot that will be used to access the
+\item{label}{The contents of the button or link--usually a text label, but
+you could also use any other HTML, like an image.}
+\item{icon}{An optional \code{\link{icon}} to appear on the button.}
+\item{value}{\bold{logical} If \code{type = "toggle"}, the initial value of the button.}
+\item{style}{A Bootstrap style to apply to the button. (\code{default}, \code{primary},
+\code{success}, \code{info}, \code{warning}, or \code{danger})}
+\item{size}{The size of the button (\code{extra-small}, \code{small},
+\code{default}, or \code{large})}
+\item{block}{\bold{logical} Should the button take the full width of the parent element?}
+\item{disabled}{\bold{logical} Should the button be disabled (un-clickable)?}
+\code{updateButton} is used in your Server logic to update the style or state
+of a button.
+Because of the way it is coded, \code{updateButton} may work on buttons not
+created by \code{\link{bsButton}} such as \code{\link{submitButton}}.
+See \code{\link{Buttons}} for more information about how to use \code{updateButton} with the rest of the Buttons family.
+Run \code{bsExample("Buttons")} for an example
+of \code{updateButton} functionality.
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Buttons: \code{\link{Buttons}};
+  \code{\link{bsButton}}
diff --git a/man/updateCollapse.Rd b/man/updateCollapse.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f644788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/updateCollapse.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/updateCollapse.R
+updateCollapse(session, id, open = NULL, close = NULL, style = NULL)
+\item{session}{The session object passed to function given to shinyServer.}
+\item{id}{The id of the Collapse object you want to change.}
+\item{open}{A vector of \code{value} (or \code{title} if no \code{value} was
+provided) values identifying the panels you want to open.}
+\item{close}{A vector of \code{value} (or \code{title} if no \code{value} was
+provided) values identifying the panels you want to close.}
+\item{style}{A named list of Bootstrap styles (\code{primary}, \code{danger}, \code{info},
+\code{warning}, \code{success}, or \code{default}). The names should correspond
+to the \code{value} (or \code{title} if no \code{value} was provided) of the
+\code{\link{bsCollapsePanel}} you want to change.}
+\code{updateCollapse} is used within the Server logic of your Shiny app to
+modify a Collapse after load.
+See \link{Collapses} for more information about how to use \code{updateCollapse} with the
+rest of the Collapses family.
+Run \code{bsExample("Collapses")} for an example
+of \code{updateCollapse} functionality.
+\href{http://getbootstrap.com}{Twitter Bootstrap 3}
+Other Collapses: \code{\link{Collapses}};
+  \code{\link{bsCollapsePanel}}; \code{\link{bsCollapse}}

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