[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#798900: Source files

Bastien Roucaries roucaries.bastien at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 08:35:54 UTC 2015

Le 14 octobre 2015 08:51:16 GMT+02:00, Ole Streicher <olebole at debian.org> a écrit :
>Am 13.10.2015 um 22:23 schrieb Walter Landry:
>> Ole Streicher <olebole at debian.org> wrote:
>>> Walter Landry <wlandry at caltech.edu> writes:
>>>> Ole Streicher <olebole at debian.org> wrote:
>>>>> What are the general guidelines here? Somewhere in written form?
>>>>> DFSG does not contain a hint here.
>>>> The rule of thumb that I have seen applied is that 'source' is the
>>>> preferred form of modification for the people making modifications.
>>>> If a person really prefers editing 1400 character lines, then that
>>>> the source.  However, you can not just state that you prefer that.
>>> I'd prefer just to ignore the line: it is a comment line that is not
>>> needed for the functionality, so I see no reason to touch it at all.
>>> only reason to touch it for me would be to delete it.
>> Sorry, I had not noticed that it was a comment.  I am confused as to
>> why it is there.  Do you know why?  Could you get upstream to delete
>> this seemingly useless line?  That would solve your immediate problem
>> and clean up the code.
>Upstream included the code on my request as an external source. I think
>it would be not a good idea to ask them for the removal of the line,
>since then their version would deviate from the original source.
>I am not a specialist at all for Javascript, and all I try is just to
>keep a Python package (with a very responsive upstream!) in a good
>shape. Unfortunately, nobody with Javascript experience and also nobody
>from the Lintian team (who wrote the heuristics to identify this file
>non-source, and also underlined that they still claim the file to be
>non-source) took part in the discussion here so far. It looks a bit
>weird for me that they create a Lintian "error" and seem not to have a
>(even preliminary and discussable) "source" definition. So, I think
>the lintian tag in question is more a "wild guess" and should be marked
>as such.

Next Lintian version will count ; and ne more clever.

However line > 512 will be tagged due to regex récursion problèm and  it is totally insane.

>Best regards

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