<P><BR><STRONG>Good Day!</STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>I am Mrs. Gloria C. Simon, a widow to late Mr. Paul Simon,
36 years old, suffering from long time breast cancer which also
affected my brain.<BR>It has become a known fact that thousands of emails
originates from the internet as scam, and all in a bid to deceive innocent
person that are not careful enough to read in between the
lines.</STRONG><STRONG><BR>However, there are some genuine emails that have
been termed as scam as a result of the Internet scam stigma. In this light,
I would want to crave your indulgence to assist me in taking care of some
little business in your country.<BR>You should bear in mind in leaving with
you a faith sum until the project is completed. Let it be known to you that
transparency and commitment is the basics of this project.<BR>My late
Husband was killed during the u.s. raid against terrorism in
Afghanistan, and during the period of our marriage we couldn't produce any
child. <BR> <BR>The amount we are about transferring will
be open up once i receive your positive reply, I wish to solicit for
your partnership and assistance in providing a good and reliable bank
account where the fund can be transfered into for further joint investment
in your country or any country where you deem condusive and lucrative for
Real estate investment preferably or any other business you may introdice
me into, I have all the legal covering documents and the deposite
attestation for the said fund which my late husband secured from the
bank incharge when he made this deposit and also it was
insribed in the deposit agreement between my late hunband the
bank that this fund can be only transfered
into any foreign beneficiary account that will be supplied by me as
the apparent next of kin (HEIR) to this Bequest deposit which stands to
be the only FURTUNE i have inhertited from my late
<P><STRONG>It is up to you to decide whether if we could get the much
needed trust and confidentiality in this project from you. A percentage 15%
will be given to you for your assistance and efforts to help me get this
fund transfered out from here and an extra 5% will be maped out to
set up the investment scheme for the fund once it gets into your
account/country.<BR>From my personal finding from the bank
which i have notified them about my interest to claim the
fund and have it deposited into my foreign
partner's account, what i will be needing from you at the
moment is for you to send me the following:<BR> <BR>1. Your Full
name.<BR>2. Your mailing and contact address.<BR>3. Your telephone
numbers.(private)<BR>4. Your Age and occupation<BR>7. A letter of intent
confirming to me your acceptance of my proposal.<BR> <BR>Upon receipt
of the above, I shall communicate with you, and let you know the details of
the transfer hence i have already informed the bank here.<BR>I thank you
for taking time to read this email and i anticipate your full
co-operation.<BR> <BR>Best personal regards.<BR>Mrs. Gloria C.