[Debian-olpc-devel] python-xklavier -- Python bindings for libxklavier

Luke Faraone luke at faraone.cc
Sat Apr 17 21:48:26 UTC 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 04/17/2010 02:53 PM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> I would sort the license sections according to relevancy: Main licensing
> of the code topmost, then variations (e.g. if main is GPL-2+, then list
> GPL-2 and then GPL-3), with the most obscure ones at the bottom.  I
> would not necessarily put all other-* licenses at the bottom, it depends
> on how they relate to the main license - e.g. in GNU-style projects I
> would list GPL licenses first, then other-GAP-* ones, then BSD-like ones
> and other "weird" ones from the POV of the main license.

Done in 3dfccb5.

> You list a license as other-GAD.  It might simply be a typo, as it seems
> to be the GNU GAP (GNU All Permissive) license.  Also, beware that the
> actual wording varies, so it is not entirely correct to list them
> together as you do.  Either (what I did until recently - see ghostscript
> for inspiration) list each wording separately and name them according to
> some distinctive part, e.g. other-GAP and other-GAP-Makefile.in, or (my
> newest idea - see calf package for inspiration) use a single section but
> then explicitly mention that some strings vary.
> In file sections I would list copyright owners sorted by year, with
> oldest year first, then oldest + additional year(s), then newer
> year(s).  That sorting gives the highest chance of a simpler diff if
> someone else joins the project later.  Specifically I would list Aleksey
> before yourself in the ./debian/* section.

Both corrected in b1d3ea8.

- -- 
Luke Faraone
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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