[SCM] Gerris Flow Solver branch, upstream, updated. b3aa46814a06c9cb2912790b23916ffb44f1f203

Stephane Popinet s.popinet at niwa.co.nz
Fri May 15 02:51:57 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit 90b2acfd3310f6f2d260053dd2ebc055febce289
Author: Stephane Popinet <s.popinet at niwa.co.nz>
Date:   Fri Jun 10 16:43:58 2005 +1000

    OutputScalar takes the new GfsFunction as argument instead of a GfsVariable

diff --git a/src/output.c b/src/output.c
index a5ffb3d..e4f10e1 100644
--- a/src/output.c
+++ b/src/output.c
@@ -1395,24 +1395,19 @@ GfsOutputClass * gfs_output_boundaries_class (void)
 static void gfs_output_scalar_destroy (GtsObject * o)
-  if (GFS_OUTPUT_SCALAR (o)->box)
-    gts_object_destroy (GTS_OBJECT (GFS_OUTPUT_SCALAR (o)->box));
+  GfsOutputScalar * output = GFS_OUTPUT_SCALAR (o);
+  if (output->box)
+    gts_object_destroy (GTS_OBJECT (output->box));
+  gts_object_destroy (GTS_OBJECT (output->f));
+  g_free (output->name);
   (* GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_output_scalar_class ())->parent_class->destroy) (o);
 static void gfs_output_scalar_read (GtsObject ** o, GtsFile * fp)
-  GtsFileVariable var[] = {
-    {GTS_DOUBLE, "min",      TRUE},
-    {GTS_DOUBLE, "max",      TRUE},
-    {GTS_STRING, "v",        TRUE},
-    {GTS_INT,    "maxlevel", TRUE},
-    {GTS_STRING, "box",      TRUE},
-    {GTS_NONE}
-  };
   GfsOutputScalar * output;
-  GfsDomain * domain;
-  gchar * vname = NULL, * box = NULL;
   if (GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_output_scalar_class ())->parent_class->read)
     (* GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_output_scalar_class ())->parent_class->read) 
@@ -1421,114 +1416,180 @@ static void gfs_output_scalar_read (GtsObject ** o, GtsFile * fp)
   output = GFS_OUTPUT_SCALAR (*o);
-  domain = GFS_DOMAIN (gfs_object_simulation (output));
   output->autoscale = TRUE;
-  var[0].data = &output->min;
-  var[1].data = &output->max;
-  var[2].data = &vname;
-  var[3].data = &output->maxlevel;
-  var[4].data = &box;
-  gts_file_assign_variables (fp, var);
-  if (fp->type == GTS_ERROR)
+  if (fp->type != '{') {
+    gts_file_error (fp, "expecting an opening brace");
-  if (vname != NULL) {
-    gfs_derived_last->next = domain->variables;
-    output->v = gfs_variable_from_name (gfs_derived_first, vname);
-    if (output->v == NULL) {
-      gts_file_variable_error (fp, var, "v", "unknown scalar `%s'", vname);
-      g_free (vname);
-      g_free (box);
-      return;
-    }
-    g_free (vname);
-  if (box != NULL) {
-    gchar * s = strtok (box, ",");
+  fp->scope_max++;
+  gts_file_next_token (fp);
-    output->box = GTS_BBOX (gts_object_new (GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gts_bbox_class ())));
-    if (s == NULL) {
-      gts_file_variable_error (fp, var, "box", "expecting a number (x1)");
-      g_free (box);
-      return;
-    }
-    output->box->x1 = atof (s);
-    s = strtok (NULL, ",");
-    if (s == NULL) {
-      gts_file_variable_error (fp, var, "box", "expecting a number (y1)");
-      g_free (box);
-      return;
+  while (fp->type != GTS_ERROR && fp->type != '}') {
+    if (fp->type == '\n') {
+      gts_file_next_token (fp);
+      continue;
-    output->box->y1 = atof (s);
-    s = strtok (NULL, ",");
-#if (!FTT_2D)
-    if (s == NULL) {
-      gts_file_variable_error (fp, var, "box", "expecting a number (z1)");
-      g_free (box);
+    if (fp->type != GTS_STRING) {
+      gts_file_error (fp, "expecting a keyword");
-    output->box->z1 = atof (s);
-    s = strtok (NULL, ",");
-#endif /* 3D */
-    if (s == NULL) {
-      gts_file_variable_error (fp, var, "box", "expecting a number (x2)");
-      g_free (box);
-      return;
+    else if (!strcmp (fp->token->str, "v")) {
+      gts_file_next_token (fp);
+      if (fp->type != '=') {
+	gts_file_error (fp, "expecting '='");
+	return;
+      }
+      gts_file_next_token (fp);
+      gfs_function_read (output->f, gfs_object_simulation (*o), fp);
+      output->name = gfs_function_description (output->f);
-    output->box->x2 = atof (s);
-    if (output->box->x2 < output->box->x1) {
-      gts_file_variable_error (fp, var, "box", "x2 must be larger than x1");
-      g_free (box);
-      return;
+    else if (!strcmp (fp->token->str, "min")) {
+      gts_file_next_token (fp);
+      if (fp->type != '=') {
+	gts_file_error (fp, "expecting '='");
+	return;
+      }
+      gts_file_next_token (fp);
+      if (fp->type != GTS_INT && fp->type != GTS_FLOAT) {
+	gts_file_error (fp, "expecting a number (min)");
+	return;
+      }
+      output->min = atof (fp->token->str);
+      if (output->min > output->max) {
+	gts_file_error (fp, "min `%g' must be smaller than or equal to max `%g'", 
+			output->min, output->max);
+	return;
+      }
+      output->autoscale = FALSE;
+      gts_file_next_token (fp);
-    s = strtok (NULL, ",");
-    if (s == NULL) {
-      gts_file_variable_error (fp, var, "box", "expecting a number (y2)");
-      g_free (box);
-      return;
+    else if (!strcmp (fp->token->str, "max")) {
+      gts_file_next_token (fp);
+      if (fp->type != '=') {
+	gts_file_error (fp, "expecting '='");
+	return;
+      }
+      gts_file_next_token (fp);
+      if (fp->type != GTS_INT && fp->type != GTS_FLOAT) {
+	gts_file_error (fp, "expecting a number (max)");
+	return;
+      }
+      output->max = atof (fp->token->str);
+      if (output->max < output->min) {
+	gts_file_error (fp, "max `%g' must be larger than or equal to min `%g'", 
+			output->max, output->min);
+	return;
+      }
+      output->autoscale = FALSE;
+      gts_file_next_token (fp);
-    output->box->y2 = atof (s);
-    if (output->box->y2 < output->box->y1) {
-      gts_file_variable_error (fp, var, "box", "y2 must be larger than y1");
-      g_free (box);
-      return;
+    else if (!strcmp (fp->token->str, "maxlevel")) {
+      gts_file_next_token (fp);
+      if (fp->type != '=') {
+	gts_file_error (fp, "expecting '='");
+	return;
+      }
+      gts_file_next_token (fp);
+      if (fp->type != GTS_INT) {
+	gts_file_error (fp, "expecting an integer (maxlevel)");
+	return;
+      }
+      output->maxlevel = atoi (fp->token->str);
+      gts_file_next_token (fp);
+    else if (!strcmp (fp->token->str, "box")) {
+      gchar * box, * s;
+      gts_file_next_token (fp);
+      if (fp->type != '=') {
+	gts_file_error (fp, "expecting '='");
+	return;
+      }
+      gts_file_next_token (fp);
+      if (fp->type != GTS_STRING) {
+	gts_file_error (fp, "expecting a string (box)");
+	return;
+      }
+      box = g_strdup (fp->token->str);
+      s = strtok (box, ",");
+      output->box = GTS_BBOX (gts_object_new (GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gts_bbox_class ())));
+      if (s == NULL) {
+	gts_file_error (fp, "expecting a number (x1)");
+	g_free (box);
+	return;
+      }
+      output->box->x1 = atof (s);
+      s = strtok (NULL, ",");
+      if (s == NULL) {
+	gts_file_error (fp, "expecting a number (y1)");
+	g_free (box);
+	return;
+      }
+      output->box->y1 = atof (s);
+      s = strtok (NULL, ",");
 #if (!FTT_2D)
-    s = strtok (NULL, ",");
-    if (s == NULL) {
-      gts_file_variable_error (fp, var, "box", "expecting a number (z2)");
+      if (s == NULL) {
+	gts_file_error (fp, "expecting a number (z1)");
+	g_free (box);
+	return;
+      }
+      output->box->z1 = atof (s);
+      s = strtok (NULL, ",");
+#endif /* 3D */
+      if (s == NULL) {
+	gts_file_error (fp, "expecting a number (x2)");
+	g_free (box);
+	return;
+      }
+      output->box->x2 = atof (s);
+      if (output->box->x2 < output->box->x1) {
+	gts_file_error (fp, "x2 must be larger than x1");
+	g_free (box);
+	return;
+      }
+      s = strtok (NULL, ",");
+      if (s == NULL) {
+	gts_file_error (fp, "expecting a number (y2)");
+	g_free (box);
+	return;
+      }
+      output->box->y2 = atof (s);
+      if (output->box->y2 < output->box->y1) {
+	gts_file_error (fp, "y2 must be larger than y1");
+	g_free (box);
+	return;
+      }
+#if (!FTT_2D)
+      s = strtok (NULL, ",");
+      if (s == NULL) {
+	gts_file_error (fp, "expecting a number (z2)");
+	g_free (box);
+	return;
+      }
+      output->box->z2 = atof (s);
+      if (output->box->z2 < output->box->z1) {
+	gts_file_error (fp, "z2 must be larger than z1");
+	g_free (box);
+	return;
+      }
+#endif /* 3D */
       g_free (box);
-      return;
+      gts_file_next_token (fp);
-    output->box->z2 = atof (s);
-    if (output->box->z2 < output->box->z1) {
-      gts_file_variable_error (fp, var, "box", "z2 must be larger than z1");
-      g_free (box);
+    else {
+      gts_file_error (fp, "unknown keyword `%s'", fp->token->str);
-#endif /* 3D */
-    g_free (box);
-  if (var[0].set || var[1].set)
-    output->autoscale = FALSE;
-  if (var[0].set && output->min > output->max) {
-    gts_file_variable_error (fp, var, "min", 
-	     "min `%g' must be smaller than or equal to max `%g'", 
-			     output->min, output->max);
+  if (fp->type == GTS_ERROR)
-  }
-  if (var[1].set && output->max < output->min) {
-    gts_file_variable_error (fp, var, "max", 
-	     "max `%g' must be larger than or equal to min `%g'", 
-			     output->max, output->min);
+  if (fp->type != '}') {
+    gts_file_error (fp, "expecting a closing brace");
+  fp->scope_max--;
+  gts_file_next_token (fp);
 static void gfs_output_scalar_write (GtsObject * o, FILE * fp)
@@ -1539,7 +1600,8 @@ static void gfs_output_scalar_write (GtsObject * o, FILE * fp)
     (* GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_output_scalar_class ())->parent_class->write) 
       (o, fp);
-  fprintf (fp, " { v = %s", output->v->name);
+  fputs (" { v = ", fp);
+  gfs_function_write (output->f, fp);
   if (output->maxlevel >= 0)
     fprintf (fp, " maxlevel = %d", output->maxlevel);
   if (output->box != NULL)
@@ -1557,6 +1619,14 @@ static void gfs_output_scalar_write (GtsObject * o, FILE * fp)
     fputs (" }", fp);
+static void update_v (FttCell * cell, GfsOutputScalar * output)
+  FttVector p;
+  gfs_cell_cm (cell, &p);
+  GFS_VARIABLE (cell, output->v->i) = gfs_function_value (output->f, cell, &p,
+							  gfs_object_simulation (output)->time.t);
 static gboolean gfs_output_scalar_event (GfsEvent * event,
 					 GfsSimulation * sim)
@@ -1564,13 +1634,12 @@ static gboolean gfs_output_scalar_event (GfsEvent * event,
       (event, sim)) {
     GfsOutputScalar * output = GFS_OUTPUT_SCALAR (event);
     GfsDomain * domain = GFS_DOMAIN (sim);
-    if (output->v->derived) {
-      gfs_variable_set_parent (output->v, domain);
+    if (!(output->v = gfs_function_get_variable (output->f))) {
+      output->v = gfs_div;
       gfs_domain_cell_traverse (domain,
-				(FttCellTraverseFunc) output->v->derived, 
-				output->v);
+				(FttCellTraverseFunc) update_v, output);
     if (output->maxlevel >= 0)
         gfs_domain_cell_traverse (domain,
@@ -1599,8 +1668,9 @@ static void gfs_output_scalar_class_init (GfsOutputClass * klass)
 static void gfs_output_scalar_init (GfsOutputScalar * object)
-  object->v = gfs_p;
-  object->min = object->max = 0.;
+  object->f = gfs_function_new (gfs_function_class (), 0.);
+  object->min = -G_MAXDOUBLE;
+  object->max =  G_MAXDOUBLE;
   object->autoscale = TRUE;
   object->maxlevel = -1;
   object->box = NULL;
@@ -1639,10 +1709,10 @@ static gboolean gfs_output_scalar_norm_event (GfsEvent * event,
-    fprintf (GFS_OUTPUT (event)->file->fp,
+    fprintf (GFS_OUTPUT (event)->file->fp, 
 	     "%s time: %g first: % 10.3e second: % 10.3e infty: % 10.3e\n",
-	     output->v->name,
+	     output->name,
 	     norm.first, norm.second, norm.infty);
     return TRUE;
@@ -1688,11 +1758,10 @@ static gboolean gfs_output_scalar_stats_event (GfsEvent * event,
-    fprintf (GFS_OUTPUT (event)->file->fp,
+    fprintf (GFS_OUTPUT (event)->file->fp, 
 	     "%s time: %g min: %10.3e avg: %10.3e | %10.3e max: %10.3e\n",
-	     output->v->name,
-	     sim->time.t,
+	     output->name, sim->time.t,
 	     stats.min, stats.mean, stats.stddev, stats.max);
     return TRUE;
@@ -1752,9 +1821,8 @@ static gboolean gfs_output_scalar_sum_event (GfsEvent * event,
 			      (FttCellTraverseFunc) add, data);
-    fprintf (GFS_OUTPUT (event)->file->fp,
-	     "%s time: %g sum: % 15.6e\n",
-	     output->v->name, sim->time.t, sum);
+    fprintf (GFS_OUTPUT (event)->file->fp, 
+	     "%s time: %g sum: % 15.6e\n", output->name, sim->time.t, sum);
     return TRUE;
   return FALSE;
@@ -2132,7 +2200,7 @@ static void compute_error (FttCell * cell, GfsOutputScalar * o)
   FttVector p;
   GfsSimulation * sim = gfs_object_simulation (o);
-  if (o->v->centered)
+  if (o->v->centered) /* fixme: this does not work with new scalar functions */
     ftt_cell_pos (cell, &p);
     gfs_cell_cm (cell, &p);
@@ -2178,7 +2246,7 @@ static gboolean gfs_output_error_norm_event (GfsEvent * event,
     fprintf (GFS_OUTPUT (event)->file->fp,
 	     "%s time: %g first: % 10.3e second: % 10.3e infty: % 10.3e bias: %10.3e\n",
-	     output->v->name, sim->time.t,
+	     output->name, sim->time.t,
 	     norm.first, norm.second, norm.infty, norm.bias);
     return TRUE;
@@ -2232,7 +2300,7 @@ static void compute_correlation (FttCell * cell, gpointer * data)
   FttVector p;
   GfsSimulation * sim = gfs_object_simulation (o);
-  if (o->v->centered)
+  if (o->v->centered) /* fixme: this does not work with new scalar functions */
     ftt_cell_pos (cell, &p);
     gfs_cell_cm (cell, &p);
@@ -2278,7 +2346,7 @@ static gboolean gfs_output_correlation_event (GfsEvent * event,
 			      (FttCellTraverseFunc) compute_correlation, data);
     fprintf (GFS_OUTPUT (event)->file->fp,
 	     "%s time: %g %10.3e\n",
-	     output->v->name, sim->time.t, sumref > 0. ? sum/sumref : 0.);
+	     output->name, sim->time.t, sumref > 0. ? sum/sumref : 0.);
     return TRUE;
   return FALSE;
diff --git a/src/output.h b/src/output.h
index b7111f8..3067bc6 100644
--- a/src/output.h
+++ b/src/output.h
@@ -157,11 +157,12 @@ typedef struct _GfsOutputScalar         GfsOutputScalar;
 struct _GfsOutputScalar {
   /*< private >*/
   GfsOutput parent;
   gboolean autoscale;
+  GfsFunction * f;
   /*< public >*/
   GfsVariable * v;
+  gchar * name;
   gdouble min, max;
   gint maxlevel;
   GtsBBox * box;
diff --git a/src/utils.c b/src/utils.c
index cbddcfa..a84c8fb 100644
--- a/src/utils.c
+++ b/src/utils.c
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
 #include <sys/wait.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <signal.h>
 #include <math.h>
 #include "config.h"
-#include "utils.h"
 #include "solid.h"
 #include "simulation.h"
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ static gdouble cell_fraction (FttCell * cell)
 GfsDerivedVariable gfs_derived_variable[] = {
-  { "Vorticity ", gfs_vorticity },
+  { "Vorticity",  gfs_vorticity },
   { "Divergence", gfs_divergence },
   { "Velocity",   gfs_velocity_norm },
   { "Velocity2",  gfs_velocity_norm2 },
@@ -485,6 +485,39 @@ static gdouble interpolated_value (GfsFunction * f, FttVector * p)
+ * gfs_function_description:
+ * @f: a #GfsFunction.
+ *
+ * Returns: a newly allocated string describing @f concisely.
+ */
+gchar * gfs_function_description (GfsFunction * f)
+  gchar * s;
+  g_return_val_if_fail (f != NULL, NULL);
+  if (f->s)
+    s = g_strdup (f->sname);
+  else if (f->v)
+    s = g_strdup (f->v->name);
+  else if (f->expr) {
+    gchar * c = s = g_strdup (f->expr->str);
+    guint n = 0;
+    while (*c != '\0' && !isspace (*c))
+      c++;
+    while (*c != '\0' && n < 3) {
+      *c = '.';
+      c++; n++;
+    }
+    *c = '\0';
+  }
+  else
+    s = g_strdup_printf ("%g", f->val);
+  return s;
  * gfs_function_value:
  * @f: a #GfsFunction.
  * @cell: a #FttCell or %NULL.
@@ -579,6 +612,20 @@ gdouble gfs_function_get_constant_value (GfsFunction * f)
+ * gfs_function_get_variable:
+ * @f: a #GfsFunction.
+ *
+ * Returns: the variable containing the value of @f if @f is a simple
+ * variable, NULL otherwise.
+ */
+GfsVariable * gfs_function_get_variable (GfsFunction * f)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (f != NULL, NULL);
+  return f->v;
  * gfs_function_read:
  * @f: a #GfsFunction.
  * @domain: a #GfsDomain.
diff --git a/src/utils.h b/src/utils.h
index e23325c..887732f 100644
--- a/src/utils.h
+++ b/src/utils.h
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ struct _GfsFunctionClass {
 GfsFunctionClass * gfs_function_class       (void);
 GfsFunction *      gfs_function_new         (GfsFunctionClass * klass,
 					     gdouble val);
+gchar *            gfs_function_description (GfsFunction * f);
 gdouble            gfs_function_face_value  (GfsFunction * f,
 					     FttCellFace * fa,
 					     gdouble t);
@@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ gdouble            gfs_function_value       (GfsFunction * f,
 void               gfs_function_set_constant_value (GfsFunction * f, 
 						    gdouble val);
 gdouble            gfs_function_get_constant_value (GfsFunction * f);
+GfsVariable *      gfs_function_get_variable (GfsFunction * f);
 void               gfs_function_read        (GfsFunction * f, 
 					     gpointer domain,
 					     GtsFile * fp);

Gerris Flow Solver

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