[SCM] Gerris Flow Solver branch, upstream, updated. b3aa46814a06c9cb2912790b23916ffb44f1f203

Stephane Popinet s.popinet at niwa.co.nz
Fri May 15 02:52:46 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit ab29b6f491c83badd1bd8381355fde5a1444ec9a
Author: Stephane Popinet <s.popinet at niwa.co.nz>
Date:   Tue Oct 4 14:37:52 2005 +1000

    Removed obsolete tests

diff --git a/configure.in b/configure.in
index e3d002f..b831059 100644
--- a/configure.in
+++ b/configure.in
@@ -421,11 +421,7 @@ src/dx3D.mdf
diff --git a/test/Makefile.am b/test/Makefile.am
index 36c2470..3b62566 100644
--- a/test/Makefile.am
+++ b/test/Makefile.am
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
-SUBDIRS = advection euler ocean
+SUBDIRS = euler
diff --git a/test/advection/Makefile.am b/test/advection/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index 0edc1ff..0000000
--- a/test/advection/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
-SUBDIRS = graphic order
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/Makefile.am b/test/advection/graphic/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index dd6702b..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
-TESTS = test.sh
-	check.sh \
-	conservation.sh \
-	report.sh \
-	tests
-test.sh: star.gts
-	@echo "#! /bin/sh" > test.sh
-	@echo "rm -f report.ps" >> test.sh
-	@echo "sh check.sh \"tests/*\";" >> test.sh
-	@chmod +x test.sh
-report.ps: report.sh timestamp
-	sh report.sh "tests/*"
-	shapes star | transform -i -s 0.9 > star.gts
-	$(RM) -f tests/*/*.eps tests/*/log tests/*/*~ tests/*/core timestamp test.sh star.gts
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/check.sh b/test/advection/graphic/check.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index d64bc62..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/check.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-if test -z "$1"; then
-    echo "usage: check.sh DIRECTORIES"
-    exit 1
-failed=0; all=0;
-startdate=`date +%s`
-for test in $1; do
-    cd $test
-    if gerris2D advection.gfs | gfsview-batch2D graphics.gfs 2> /dev/null; then
-	if sh ../../conservation.sh; then
-	    echo "PASS: `basename $test`"
-	else
-	    failed=`expr $failed + 1`;
-	    echo "FAIL: `basename $test`"
-	fi
-    else
-        failed=`expr $failed + 1`;
-	echo "FAIL: `basename $test`"	
-    fi
-    cd ../..
-    expr `date +%s` - $startdate > timestamp
-    all=`expr $all + 1`;
-if test "$failed" -eq 0; then
-    banner="All $all tests passed";
-    banner="$failed of $all tests failed";
-dashes=`echo "$banner" | sed s/./=/g`;
-echo "$dashes";
-echo "$banner";
-echo "$dashes";
-if test "$failed" -eq 0; then
-    exit 0;
-    exit 1;
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/conservation.sh b/test/advection/graphic/conservation.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index d738385..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/conservation.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-if awk '
-  mass0 = 0.;
-  if ($4 == "sum:") {
-    if (mass0 == 0.)
-      mass0 = $5;
-    if (fabs ($5 - mass0) > 1e-10)
-      exit 1;
-  }
-#  else if ($4 == "min:") {
-#    if ($5 < -1e-2 || $11 > 1. + 1e-2)
-#      exit 1;
-#  }
-}' < log; then
-  exit 0;
-  exit 1;
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/report.sh b/test/advection/graphic/report.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index f047a87..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/report.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-if test -z "$1"; then
-    echo "usage: report.sh DIRECTORIES"
-    exit 1;
-cat <<EOF > $texfile.tex
-{\bf Graphical tests of advection scheme} \\\\
-gerris2D -V 2>&1 | awk '{print $0 "\\\\"}' >> $texfile.tex
-echo "`uname -a` \\\\" >> $texfile.tex
-echo "Total running time: `cat timestamp` s\\\\" >> $texfile.tex
-cat <<EOF >> $texfile.tex
-\today \\\\
-for test in $1; do
-    name=`basename $test`
-    if test "$name" != "CVS"; then
-	cd $test
-        esname=`echo $name | awk 'BEGIN{FS=""}{for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)if($i=="_")printf("\\\_"); else printf("%s", $i);}'`
-	caption=`cat description.tex`
-	printf "Figure %2d: %s\n" $figure $name
-	figure=`expr $figure + 1`
-	cd ../..
-        cat <<EOF >> $texfile.tex
-\\psfig{file=$test/t-0.eps, width=0.45\\hsize} &
-\\psfig{file=$test/t-1.eps, width=0.45\\hsize} \\\\
-\\psfig{file=$test/t-2.eps, width=0.45\\hsize} &
-\\psfig{file=$test/t-3.eps, width=0.45\\hsize}
-\\caption{$esname: $caption}
-    fi
-echo "\\end{document}" >> $texfile.tex
-latex -interaction=nonstopmode $texfile.tex > /dev/null 2>&1
-latex -interaction=nonstopmode $texfile.tex > /dev/null 2>&1
-dvips $texfile.dvi -o $texfile.ps > /dev/null 2>&1
-rm -f $texfile.log $texfile.aux $texfile.dvi $texfile.lof
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate1/advection.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate1/advection.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index 76655b2..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate1/advection.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-1 0 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
-  Time { end = 3.14159265359 }
-  Refine 6
-  VariableTracer {} T {
-    gradient = gfs_center_gradient
-  }
-  AdvectionParams { cfl = 0.5 }
-  Init {} {
-    U = { return -8.*y; }
-    V = { return  8.*x; }
-    T = { 
-      double r2 = x*x + y*y; 
-      double coeff = 20. + 20000.*r2*r2*r2*r2;
-      return (1. + cos(20.*x)*cos(20.*y))*exp(-coeff*r2)/2.;
-    }
-  }
-  OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputSimulation { step = 0.785398 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-  EventScript { step = 0.785398 } {
-    number=`echo $GfsTime | awk '{print int($1/0.785398+0.001)}'`
-    echo "Save t-$number.eps { format = EPS width = 400 height = 400 }" 
-  }
-  OutputProgress { istep = 1 } stderr
-GfsBox {}
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate1/description.tex b/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate1/description.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e1ec7c..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate1/description.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Rotation of a smooth field (``gaussian''), no limiter, CFL of 0.5.
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate1/graphics.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate1/graphics.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index f78e1bc..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate1/graphics.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Gerris Flow Solver 2D version 0.7.0
-1 0 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge { variables = T } {
-  GfsTime { i = 0 t = 0 end = 3.14159 }
-  GfsPhysicalParams { rho = 1 sigma = 0 g = 1 }
-  GfsAdvectionParams {
-  cfl      = 0.5
-  gradient = gfs_center_gradient
-  flux     = gfs_face_velocity_advection_flux
-  scheme   = godunov
-  GfsApproxProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsVariableTracer { istep = 1 } T
-  GfsOutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputSimulation { step = 0.392699 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-GfsBox { id = 1 pid = -1 size = 4 } {
-0 -1 0.0240864
-16 -1 0.0240864
-17 -1 0.0240864
-18 -1 0.0240864
-19 -1 0.0240864
-# GfsView 2D
-View {
-  tx = 0 ty = 0
-  q0 = 0 q1 = 0 q2 = 0 q3 = 1
-  zoom = -8.01519
-  r = 1 g = 1 b = 1
-  res = 1
-  lc = 0.001
-  reactivity = 0.1
-Isoline {
-  r = 0 g = 0 b = 0
-  shading = Constant
-  maxlevel = -1
-} T {
-  amin = 1
-  amax = 1
-  cmap = Jet
-} {
-  n = 10
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate2/advection.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate2/advection.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5887be7..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate2/advection.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-1 0 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
-  Time { end = 3.14159265359 }
-  Refine 6
-  VariableTracer {} T
-  AdvectionParams { cfl = 0.5 }
-  Init {} {
-    U = { return -8.*y; }
-    V = { return  8.*x; }
-    T = { 
-      double r2 = x*x + y*y; 
-      double coeff = 20. + 20000.*r2*r2*r2*r2;
-      return (1. + cos(20.*x)*cos(20.*y))*exp(-coeff*r2)/2.;
-    }
-  }
-  OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputSimulation { step = 0.785398 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-  EventScript { step = 0.785398 } {
-    number=`echo $GfsTime | awk '{print int($1/0.785398+0.001)}'`
-    echo "Save t-$number.eps { format = EPS width = 400 height = 400 }" 
-  }
-  OutputProgress { istep = 1 } stderr
-GfsBox {}
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate2/description.tex b/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate2/description.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 9af5204..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate2/description.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Rotation of a smooth field (``gaussian''), van Leer limiter, CFL of 0.5.
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate2/graphics.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate2/graphics.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index f78e1bc..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate2/graphics.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Gerris Flow Solver 2D version 0.7.0
-1 0 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge { variables = T } {
-  GfsTime { i = 0 t = 0 end = 3.14159 }
-  GfsPhysicalParams { rho = 1 sigma = 0 g = 1 }
-  GfsAdvectionParams {
-  cfl      = 0.5
-  gradient = gfs_center_gradient
-  flux     = gfs_face_velocity_advection_flux
-  scheme   = godunov
-  GfsApproxProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsVariableTracer { istep = 1 } T
-  GfsOutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputSimulation { step = 0.392699 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-GfsBox { id = 1 pid = -1 size = 4 } {
-0 -1 0.0240864
-16 -1 0.0240864
-17 -1 0.0240864
-18 -1 0.0240864
-19 -1 0.0240864
-# GfsView 2D
-View {
-  tx = 0 ty = 0
-  q0 = 0 q1 = 0 q2 = 0 q3 = 1
-  zoom = -8.01519
-  r = 1 g = 1 b = 1
-  res = 1
-  lc = 0.001
-  reactivity = 0.1
-Isoline {
-  r = 0 g = 0 b = 0
-  shading = Constant
-  maxlevel = -1
-} T {
-  amin = 1
-  amax = 1
-  cmap = Jet
-} {
-  n = 10
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate3/advection.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate3/advection.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index e53db36..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate3/advection.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-1 0 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
-  Time { end = 3.14159265359 }
-  Refine 6
-  VariableTracer {} T
-  AdvectionParams { cfl = 0.5 }
-  InitFraction {} T ../../star.gts
-  Init {} {
-    U = { return -8.*y; }
-    V = { return  8.*x; }
-  }
-  OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputSimulation { step = 0.785398 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-  EventScript { step = 0.785398 } {
-    number=`echo $GfsTime | awk '{print int($1/0.785398+0.001)}'`
-    echo "Save t-$number.eps { format = EPS width = 400 height = 400 }" 
-  }
-  OutputProgress { istep = 1 } stderr
-GfsBox {}
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate3/description.tex b/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate3/description.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index e41fadb..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate3/description.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Rotation of a sharp field (``star''), van Leer limiter, CFL of 0.5.
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate3/graphics.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate3/graphics.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5613a2e..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate3/graphics.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Gerris Flow Solver 2D version 0.7.0
-1 0 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge { variables = T } {
-  GfsTime { i = 0 t = 0 end = 3.14159 }
-  GfsPhysicalParams { rho = 1 sigma = 0 g = 1 }
-  GfsAdvectionParams {
-  cfl      = 0.5
-  gradient = gfs_center_gradient
-  flux     = gfs_face_velocity_advection_flux
-  scheme   = godunov
-  GfsApproxProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsVariableTracer { istep = 1 } T
-  GfsOutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputSimulation { step = 0.392699 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-GfsBox { id = 1 pid = -1 size = 4 } {
-0 -1 0.0240864
-16 -1 0.0240864
-17 -1 0.0240864
-18 -1 0.0240864
-19 -1 0.0240864
-# GfsView 2D
-View {
-  tx = 0 ty = 0
-  q0 = 0 q1 = 0 q2 = 0 q3 = 1
-  zoom = -11.5778
-  r = 1 g = 1 b = 1
-  res = 1
-  lc = 0.001
-  reactivity = 0.1
-Isoline {
-  r = 0 g = 0 b = 0
-  shading = Constant
-  maxlevel = -1
-} T {
-  amin = 1
-  amax = 1
-  cmap = Jet
-} {
-  n = 10
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate4/advection.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate4/advection.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8469b22..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate4/advection.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-1 0 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
-  Time { end = 3.14159265359 }
-  Refine 6
-  VariableTracer {} T {
-    scheme = vof
-  }
-  InitFraction {} T ../../star.gts
-  Init {} {
-    U = { return -8.*y; }
-    V = { return  8.*x; }
-  }
-  OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputSimulation { step = 0.785398 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-  EventScript { step = 0.785398 } {
-    number=`echo $GfsTime | awk '{print int($1/0.785398+0.001)}'`
-    echo "Save t-$number.eps { format = EPS width = 400 height = 400 }" 
-  }
-  OutputProgress { istep = 1 } stderr
-GfsBox {}
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate4/description.tex b/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate4/description.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index e3b217a..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate4/description.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Rotation of a sharp field (``star''), VOF scheme, CFL of 0.5.
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate4/graphics.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate4/graphics.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5613a2e..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate4/graphics.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Gerris Flow Solver 2D version 0.7.0
-1 0 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge { variables = T } {
-  GfsTime { i = 0 t = 0 end = 3.14159 }
-  GfsPhysicalParams { rho = 1 sigma = 0 g = 1 }
-  GfsAdvectionParams {
-  cfl      = 0.5
-  gradient = gfs_center_gradient
-  flux     = gfs_face_velocity_advection_flux
-  scheme   = godunov
-  GfsApproxProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsVariableTracer { istep = 1 } T
-  GfsOutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputSimulation { step = 0.392699 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-GfsBox { id = 1 pid = -1 size = 4 } {
-0 -1 0.0240864
-16 -1 0.0240864
-17 -1 0.0240864
-18 -1 0.0240864
-19 -1 0.0240864
-# GfsView 2D
-View {
-  tx = 0 ty = 0
-  q0 = 0 q1 = 0 q2 = 0 q3 = 1
-  zoom = -11.5778
-  r = 1 g = 1 b = 1
-  res = 1
-  lc = 0.001
-  reactivity = 0.1
-Isoline {
-  r = 0 g = 0 b = 0
-  shading = Constant
-  maxlevel = -1
-} T {
-  amin = 1
-  amax = 1
-  cmap = Jet
-} {
-  n = 10
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate_refine1/advection.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate_refine1/advection.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index 957abe0..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate_refine1/advection.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-1 0 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
-  Time { end = 3.14159265359 }
-  Refine { return x < 0.25 && x > -0.25 && y < 0.25 && y > -0.25 ? 7 : 5; }
-  VariableTracer {} T
-  AdvectionParams { cfl = 0.5 }
-  InitFraction {} T ../../star.gts
-  Init {} {
-    U = { return -8.*y; }
-    V = { return  8.*x; }
-  }
-  OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputSimulation { step = 0.785398 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-  EventScript { step = 0.785398 } {
-    number=`echo $GfsTime | awk '{print int($1/0.785398+0.001)}'`
-    echo "Save t-$number.eps { format = EPS width = 400 height = 400 }" 
-  }
-  OutputProgress { istep = 1 } stderr
-GfsBox {}
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate_refine1/description.tex b/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate_refine1/description.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index b519389..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate_refine1/description.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Rotation of a sharp field (``star''), van Leer limiter, CFL of 0.5, two levels of refinement in a square centered box.
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate_refine1/graphics.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate_refine1/graphics.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index fb08b56..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate_refine1/graphics.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Gerris Flow Solver 2D version 0.7.0
-1 0 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge { variables = T } {
-  GfsTime { i = 0 t = 0 end = 3.14159 }
-  GfsPhysicalParams { rho = 1 sigma = 0 g = 1 }
-  GfsAdvectionParams {
-  cfl      = 0.5
-  gradient = gfs_center_gradient
-  flux     = gfs_face_velocity_advection_flux
-  scheme   = godunov
-  GfsApproxProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsVariableTracer { istep = 1 } T
-  GfsOutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputSimulation { step = 0.392699 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-GfsBox { id = 1 pid = -1 size = 4 } {
-0 -1 0.0240864
-16 -1 0.0240864
-17 -1 0.0240864
-18 -1 0.0240864
-19 -1 0.0240864
-# GfsView 2D
-View {
-  tx = 0 ty = 0
-  q0 = 0 q1 = 0 q2 = 0 q3 = 1
-  zoom = -11.5778
-  r = 1 g = 1 b = 1
-  res = 1
-  lc = 0.001
-  reactivity = 0.1
-Isoline {
-  r = 0 g = 0 b = 0
-  shading = Constant
-  maxlevel = -1
-} T {
-  amin = 1
-  amax = 1
-  cmap = Jet
-} {
-  n = 10
-Levels {
-  r = 0 g = 0.0869612 b = 1
-  shading = Constant
-  maxlevel = -1
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate_refine2/advection.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate_refine2/advection.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index 72847cf..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate_refine2/advection.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-1 0 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
-  Time { end = 3.14159265359 }
-  Refine { return x < 0.25 && x > -0.25 && y < 0.25 && y > -0.25 ? 7 : 5; }
-  VariableTracer {} T {
-    scheme = vof
-  }
-  InitFraction {} T ../../star.gts
-  Init {} {
-    U = { return -8.*y; }
-    V = { return  8.*x; }
-  }
-  OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputSimulation { step = 0.785398 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-  EventScript { step = 0.785398 } {
-    number=`echo $GfsTime | awk '{print int($1/0.785398+0.001)}'`
-    echo "Save t-$number.eps { format = EPS width = 400 height = 400 }" 
-  }
-  OutputProgress { istep = 1 } stderr
-GfsBox {}
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate_refine2/description.tex b/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate_refine2/description.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 9492bbe..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate_refine2/description.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Rotation of a sharp field (``star''), van Leer limiter, VOF scheme, CFL of 0.5, two levels of refinement in a square centered box.
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate_refine2/graphics.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate_refine2/graphics.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index fb08b56..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/rotate_refine2/graphics.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Gerris Flow Solver 2D version 0.7.0
-1 0 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge { variables = T } {
-  GfsTime { i = 0 t = 0 end = 3.14159 }
-  GfsPhysicalParams { rho = 1 sigma = 0 g = 1 }
-  GfsAdvectionParams {
-  cfl      = 0.5
-  gradient = gfs_center_gradient
-  flux     = gfs_face_velocity_advection_flux
-  scheme   = godunov
-  GfsApproxProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsVariableTracer { istep = 1 } T
-  GfsOutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputSimulation { step = 0.392699 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-GfsBox { id = 1 pid = -1 size = 4 } {
-0 -1 0.0240864
-16 -1 0.0240864
-17 -1 0.0240864
-18 -1 0.0240864
-19 -1 0.0240864
-# GfsView 2D
-View {
-  tx = 0 ty = 0
-  q0 = 0 q1 = 0 q2 = 0 q3 = 1
-  zoom = -11.5778
-  r = 1 g = 1 b = 1
-  res = 1
-  lc = 0.001
-  reactivity = 0.1
-Isoline {
-  r = 0 g = 0 b = 0
-  shading = Constant
-  maxlevel = -1
-} T {
-  amin = 1
-  amax = 1
-  cmap = Jet
-} {
-  n = 10
-Levels {
-  r = 0 g = 0.0869612 b = 1
-  shading = Constant
-  maxlevel = -1
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate1/advection.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate1/advection.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index a7edd80..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate1/advection.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-1 2 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
-  Time { end = 8.94427191 }
-  Refine 6
-  VariableTracer {} T {
-    gradient = gfs_center_gradient
-  }
-  AdvectionParams { cfl = 0.5 }
-  Init {} {
-    U = { double theta = atan (1./2.); return cos (theta); }
-    V = { double theta = atan (1./2.); return sin (theta); }
-    T = { 
-      double r2 = x*x + y*y; 
-      double coeff = 20. + 20000.*r2*r2*r2*r2;
-      return (1. + cos(20.*x)*cos(20.*y))*exp(-coeff*r2)/2.;
-    }
-  }
-  OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputSimulation { step = 2.236067 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-  EventScript { step = 2.236067 } {
-    number=`echo $GfsTime | awk '{print int($1/2.236067+0.001)}'`
-    echo "Save t-$number.eps { format = EPS width = 400 height = 400 }" 
-  }
-  OutputProgress { istep = 1 } stderr
-GfsBox {}
-1 1 right
-1 1 top
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate1/description.tex b/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate1/description.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ad3206..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate1/description.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Translation of a smooth field (``gaussian''), periodic boundary conditions, no limiter, CFL of 0.5.
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate1/graphics.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate1/graphics.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index f78e1bc..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate1/graphics.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Gerris Flow Solver 2D version 0.7.0
-1 0 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge { variables = T } {
-  GfsTime { i = 0 t = 0 end = 3.14159 }
-  GfsPhysicalParams { rho = 1 sigma = 0 g = 1 }
-  GfsAdvectionParams {
-  cfl      = 0.5
-  gradient = gfs_center_gradient
-  flux     = gfs_face_velocity_advection_flux
-  scheme   = godunov
-  GfsApproxProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsVariableTracer { istep = 1 } T
-  GfsOutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputSimulation { step = 0.392699 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-GfsBox { id = 1 pid = -1 size = 4 } {
-0 -1 0.0240864
-16 -1 0.0240864
-17 -1 0.0240864
-18 -1 0.0240864
-19 -1 0.0240864
-# GfsView 2D
-View {
-  tx = 0 ty = 0
-  q0 = 0 q1 = 0 q2 = 0 q3 = 1
-  zoom = -8.01519
-  r = 1 g = 1 b = 1
-  res = 1
-  lc = 0.001
-  reactivity = 0.1
-Isoline {
-  r = 0 g = 0 b = 0
-  shading = Constant
-  maxlevel = -1
-} T {
-  amin = 1
-  amax = 1
-  cmap = Jet
-} {
-  n = 10
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate2/advection.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate2/advection.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index c2367c0..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate2/advection.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-1 2 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
-  Time { end = 8.94427191 }
-  Refine 6
-  VariableTracer {} T
-  AdvectionParams { cfl = 0.5 }
-  Init {} {
-    U = { double theta = atan (1./2.); return cos (theta); }
-    V = { double theta = atan (1./2.); return sin (theta); }
-    T = { 
-      double r2 = x*x + y*y; 
-      double coeff = 20. + 20000.*r2*r2*r2*r2;
-      return (1. + cos(20.*x)*cos(20.*y))*exp(-coeff*r2)/2.;
-    }
-  }
-  OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputSimulation { step = 2.2360679774998 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-  EventScript { step = 2.2360679774998 } {
-    number=`echo $GfsTime | awk '{print int($1/2.236067+0.001)}'`
-    echo "Save t-$number.eps { format = EPS width = 400 height = 400 }" 
-  }
-  OutputProgress { istep = 1 } stderr
-GfsBox {}
-1 1 right
-1 1 top
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate2/description.tex b/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate2/description.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 334841c..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate2/description.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Translation of a smooth field (``gaussian''), periodic boundary conditions, van Leer limiter, CFL of 0.5.
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate2/graphics.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate2/graphics.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index f78e1bc..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate2/graphics.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Gerris Flow Solver 2D version 0.7.0
-1 0 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge { variables = T } {
-  GfsTime { i = 0 t = 0 end = 3.14159 }
-  GfsPhysicalParams { rho = 1 sigma = 0 g = 1 }
-  GfsAdvectionParams {
-  cfl      = 0.5
-  gradient = gfs_center_gradient
-  flux     = gfs_face_velocity_advection_flux
-  scheme   = godunov
-  GfsApproxProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsVariableTracer { istep = 1 } T
-  GfsOutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputSimulation { step = 0.392699 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-GfsBox { id = 1 pid = -1 size = 4 } {
-0 -1 0.0240864
-16 -1 0.0240864
-17 -1 0.0240864
-18 -1 0.0240864
-19 -1 0.0240864
-# GfsView 2D
-View {
-  tx = 0 ty = 0
-  q0 = 0 q1 = 0 q2 = 0 q3 = 1
-  zoom = -8.01519
-  r = 1 g = 1 b = 1
-  res = 1
-  lc = 0.001
-  reactivity = 0.1
-Isoline {
-  r = 0 g = 0 b = 0
-  shading = Constant
-  maxlevel = -1
-} T {
-  amin = 1
-  amax = 1
-  cmap = Jet
-} {
-  n = 10
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate3/advection.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate3/advection.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index eceba15..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate3/advection.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-1 2 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
-  Time { end = 8.94427191 }
-  Refine 6
-  VariableTracer {} T {
-    gradient = gfs_center_gradient
-  }
-  AdvectionParams { cfl = 0.5 }
-  Init {} {
-    U = { double theta = atan (1./2.); return cos (theta); }
-    V = { double theta = atan (1./2.); return sin (theta); }
-    T = { return (1. + cos(2.*M_PI*x)*sin(2.*M_PI*y))/2.; }
-  }
-  OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputSimulation { step = 2.236067 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-  EventScript { step = 2.236067 } {
-    number=`echo $GfsTime | awk '{print int($1/2.236067+0.001)}'`
-    echo "Save t-$number.eps { format = EPS width = 400 height = 400 }" 
-  }
-  OutputProgress { istep = 1 } stderr
-GfsBox {}
-1 1 right
-1 1 top
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate3/description.tex b/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate3/description.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 704c79e..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate3/description.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Translation of a smooth field (``periodic''), periodic boundary conditions, no limiter, CFL of 0.5.
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate3/graphics.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate3/graphics.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index f78e1bc..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate3/graphics.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Gerris Flow Solver 2D version 0.7.0
-1 0 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge { variables = T } {
-  GfsTime { i = 0 t = 0 end = 3.14159 }
-  GfsPhysicalParams { rho = 1 sigma = 0 g = 1 }
-  GfsAdvectionParams {
-  cfl      = 0.5
-  gradient = gfs_center_gradient
-  flux     = gfs_face_velocity_advection_flux
-  scheme   = godunov
-  GfsApproxProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsVariableTracer { istep = 1 } T
-  GfsOutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputSimulation { step = 0.392699 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-GfsBox { id = 1 pid = -1 size = 4 } {
-0 -1 0.0240864
-16 -1 0.0240864
-17 -1 0.0240864
-18 -1 0.0240864
-19 -1 0.0240864
-# GfsView 2D
-View {
-  tx = 0 ty = 0
-  q0 = 0 q1 = 0 q2 = 0 q3 = 1
-  zoom = -8.01519
-  r = 1 g = 1 b = 1
-  res = 1
-  lc = 0.001
-  reactivity = 0.1
-Isoline {
-  r = 0 g = 0 b = 0
-  shading = Constant
-  maxlevel = -1
-} T {
-  amin = 1
-  amax = 1
-  cmap = Jet
-} {
-  n = 10
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate6/advection.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate6/advection.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d7eacd..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate6/advection.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-1 2 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
-  Time { end = 8.94427191 }
-  Refine 6
-  VariableTracer {} T
-  AdvectionParams { cfl = 0.5 }
-  InitFraction {} T ../../star.gts
-  Init {} {
-    U = { double theta = atan (1./2.); return cos (theta); }
-    V = { double theta = atan (1./2.); return sin (theta); }
-  }
-  OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputSimulation { step = 2.2360679774998 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-  EventScript { step = 2.2360679774998 } {
-    number=`echo $GfsTime | awk '{print int($1/2.236067+0.001)}'`
-    echo "Save t-$number.eps { format = EPS width = 400 height = 400 }" 
-  }
-  OutputProgress { istep = 1 } stderr
-GfsBox {}
-1 1 right
-1 1 top
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate6/description.tex b/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate6/description.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index f25b6da..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate6/description.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Translation of a sharp field (``star''), periodic boundary conditions, van Leer limiter, CFL of 0.5.
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate6/graphics.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate6/graphics.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5613a2e..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate6/graphics.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Gerris Flow Solver 2D version 0.7.0
-1 0 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge { variables = T } {
-  GfsTime { i = 0 t = 0 end = 3.14159 }
-  GfsPhysicalParams { rho = 1 sigma = 0 g = 1 }
-  GfsAdvectionParams {
-  cfl      = 0.5
-  gradient = gfs_center_gradient
-  flux     = gfs_face_velocity_advection_flux
-  scheme   = godunov
-  GfsApproxProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsVariableTracer { istep = 1 } T
-  GfsOutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputSimulation { step = 0.392699 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-GfsBox { id = 1 pid = -1 size = 4 } {
-0 -1 0.0240864
-16 -1 0.0240864
-17 -1 0.0240864
-18 -1 0.0240864
-19 -1 0.0240864
-# GfsView 2D
-View {
-  tx = 0 ty = 0
-  q0 = 0 q1 = 0 q2 = 0 q3 = 1
-  zoom = -11.5778
-  r = 1 g = 1 b = 1
-  res = 1
-  lc = 0.001
-  reactivity = 0.1
-Isoline {
-  r = 0 g = 0 b = 0
-  shading = Constant
-  maxlevel = -1
-} T {
-  amin = 1
-  amax = 1
-  cmap = Jet
-} {
-  n = 10
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate7/advection.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate7/advection.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4650047..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate7/advection.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-1 2 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
-  Time { end = 8.94427191 }
-  Refine 6
-  VariableTracer {} T {
-    scheme = vof
-  }
-  InitFraction {} T ../../star.gts
-  Init {} {
-    U = { double theta = atan (1./2.); return cos (theta); }
-    V = { double theta = atan (1./2.); return sin (theta); }
-  }
-  OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputSimulation { step = 2.236067 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-  EventScript { step = 2.236067 } {
-    number=`echo $GfsTime | awk '{print int($1/2.236067+0.001)}'`
-    echo "Save t-$number.eps { format = EPS width = 400 height = 400 }" 
-  }
-  OutputProgress { istep = 1 } stderr
-GfsBox {}
-1 1 right
-1 1 top
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate7/description.tex b/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate7/description.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index e8322d3..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate7/description.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Translation of a sharp field (``star''), periodic boundary conditions, VOF scheme, CFL of 0.5.
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate7/graphics.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate7/graphics.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5613a2e..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate7/graphics.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Gerris Flow Solver 2D version 0.7.0
-1 0 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge { variables = T } {
-  GfsTime { i = 0 t = 0 end = 3.14159 }
-  GfsPhysicalParams { rho = 1 sigma = 0 g = 1 }
-  GfsAdvectionParams {
-  cfl      = 0.5
-  gradient = gfs_center_gradient
-  flux     = gfs_face_velocity_advection_flux
-  scheme   = godunov
-  GfsApproxProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsVariableTracer { istep = 1 } T
-  GfsOutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputSimulation { step = 0.392699 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-GfsBox { id = 1 pid = -1 size = 4 } {
-0 -1 0.0240864
-16 -1 0.0240864
-17 -1 0.0240864
-18 -1 0.0240864
-19 -1 0.0240864
-# GfsView 2D
-View {
-  tx = 0 ty = 0
-  q0 = 0 q1 = 0 q2 = 0 q3 = 1
-  zoom = -11.5778
-  r = 1 g = 1 b = 1
-  res = 1
-  lc = 0.001
-  reactivity = 0.1
-Isoline {
-  r = 0 g = 0 b = 0
-  shading = Constant
-  maxlevel = -1
-} T {
-  amin = 1
-  amax = 1
-  cmap = Jet
-} {
-  n = 10
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate8/advection.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate8/advection.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index 56bacc0..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate8/advection.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-1 2 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
-  Time { end = 8.94427191 }
-  Refine 7
-  VariableTracer {} T {
-    scheme = vof
-  }
-  InitFraction {} T ../../star.gts
-  Init {} {
-    U = { double theta = atan (1./2.); return cos (theta); }
-    V = { double theta = atan (1./2.); return sin (theta); }
-  }
-  AdaptGradient { istep = 1 } { cmax = 1e-2 maxlevel = 7 } T
-  OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputSimulation { step = 2.236067 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-  EventScript { step = 2.236067 } {
-    number=`echo $GfsTime | awk '{print int($1/2.236067+0.001)}'`
-    echo "Save t-$number.eps { format = EPS width = 400 height = 400 }" 
-  }
-  OutputProgress { istep = 1 } stderr
-GfsBox {}
-1 1 right
-1 1 top
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate8/description.tex b/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate8/description.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index df57e6a..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate8/description.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Translation of a sharp field (``star''), periodic boundary conditions, VOF scheme, CFL of 0.5, adaptive mesh refinement.
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate8/graphics.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate8/graphics.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d57bac..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate8/graphics.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-# Gerris Flow Solver 2D version 0.7.0
-1 0 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge { variables = T } {
-  GfsTime { i = 0 t = 0 end = 3.14159 }
-  GfsPhysicalParams { rho = 1 sigma = 0 g = 1 }
-  GfsAdvectionParams {
-  cfl      = 0.5
-  gradient = gfs_center_gradient
-  flux     = gfs_face_velocity_advection_flux
-  scheme   = godunov
-  GfsApproxProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsVariableTracer { istep = 1 } T {
-  cfl      = 0.8
-  gradient = gfs_center_van_leer_gradient
-  flux     = gfs_face_advection_flux
-  scheme   = godunov
-} {
-  tolerance = 1e-06
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsOutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputSimulation { step = 0.392699 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-GfsBox { id = 1 pid = -1 size = 4 } {
-0 -1 0.0240864
-16 -1 0.0240864
-17 -1 0.0240864
-18 -1 0.0240864
-19 -1 0.0240864
-# GfsView 2D
-View {
-  tx = 0 ty = 0
-  q0 = 0 q1 = 0 q2 = 0 q3 = 1
-  zoom = -11.5778
-  r = 1 g = 1 b = 1
-  res = 1
-  lc = 0.001
-  reactivity = 0.1
-Isoline {
-  r = 0 g = 0 b = 0
-  shading = Constant
-  maxlevel = -1
-} T {
-  amin = 1
-  amax = 1
-  cmap = Jet
-} {
-  n = 10
-Levels {
-  r = 0.0203403 g = 0 b = 1
-  shading = Constant
-  maxlevel = -1
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate_refine1/advection.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate_refine1/advection.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e0ed88..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate_refine1/advection.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-1 2 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
-  Time { end = 8.94427191 }
-  Refine { return x < 0. ? 7 : 5; }
-  VariableTracer {} T {
-    gradient = gfs_center_gradient
-  }
-  AdvectionParams { cfl = 0.5 }
-  Init {} {
-    U = { double theta = atan (1./2.); return cos (theta); }
-    V = { double theta = atan (1./2.); return sin (theta); }
-    T = { 
-      double r2 = x*x + y*y; 
-      double coeff = 20. + 20000.*r2*r2*r2*r2;
-      return (1. + cos(20.*x)*cos(20.*y))*exp(-coeff*r2)/2.;
-    }
-  }
-  OutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } log { v = T }
-  OutputSimulation { step = 2.236067 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-  EventScript { step = 2.236067 } {
-    number=`echo $GfsTime | awk '{print int($1/2.236067+0.001)}'`
-    echo "Save t-$number.eps { format = EPS width = 400 height = 400 }" 
-  }
-  OutputProgress { istep = 1 } stderr
-GfsBox {}
-1 1 right
-1 1 top
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate_refine1/description.tex b/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate_refine1/description.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 785c2e9..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate_refine1/description.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Translation of a smooth field (``gaussian''), periodic boundary conditions, no limiter, CFL of 0.5, two levels of refinement on the half left domain.
diff --git a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate_refine1/graphics.gfs b/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate_refine1/graphics.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index a6d6cff..0000000
--- a/test/advection/graphic/tests/translate_refine1/graphics.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-# Gerris Flow Solver 2D version 0.7.0
-1 0 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge { variables = T } {
-  GfsTime { i = 0 t = 0 end = 3.14159 }
-  GfsPhysicalParams { rho = 1 sigma = 0 g = 1 }
-  GfsAdvectionParams {
-  cfl      = 0.5
-  gradient = gfs_center_gradient
-  flux     = gfs_face_velocity_advection_flux
-  scheme   = godunov
-  GfsApproxProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsProjectionParams {
-  tolerance = 0.001
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsVariableTracer { istep = 1 } T {
-  cfl      = 0.8
-  gradient = gfs_center_van_leer_gradient
-  flux     = gfs_face_advection_flux
-  scheme   = godunov
-} {
-  tolerance = 1e-06
-  nrelax    = 4
-  minlevel  = 0
-  nitermax  = 100
-  GfsOutputScalarStats { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputScalarSum { istep = 1 } stderr { v = T }
-  GfsOutputSimulation { step = 0.392699 } stdout { variables = T binary = 1 }
-GfsBox { id = 1 pid = -1 size = 4 } {
-0 -1 0.0240864
-16 -1 0.0240864
-17 -1 0.0240864
-18 -1 0.0240864
-19 -1 0.0240864
-# GfsView 2D
-View {
-  tx = 0 ty = 0
-  q0 = 0 q1 = 0 q2 = 0 q3 = 1
-  zoom = -8.01519
-  r = 1 g = 1 b = 1
-  res = 1
-  lc = 0.001
-  reactivity = 0.1
-Isoline {
-  r = 0 g = 0 b = 0
-  shading = Constant
-  maxlevel = -1
-} T {
-  amin = 1
-  amax = 1
-  cmap = Jet
-} {
-  n = 10
-Levels {
-  r = 0 g = 0.0852064 b = 1
-  shading = Constant
-  maxlevel = -1
diff --git a/test/advection/order/Makefile.am b/test/advection/order/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d1b078..0000000
--- a/test/advection/order/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
-TESTS = test.sh
-	order.sh \
-	check.sh \
-	order.par \
-	report.sh \
-	tests
-test.sh: Makefile.am
-	@echo "#! /bin/sh" > test.sh
-	@echo "rm -f report.ps" >> test.sh
-	@echo "sh check.sh \"tests/*\" 1.9" >> test.sh
-	@chmod +x test.sh
-report.ps: report.sh timestamp
-	sh report.sh "tests/*"
-	$(RM) -f tests/*/result.* tests/*/*~ tests/*/core timestamp test.sh
diff --git a/test/advection/order/check.sh b/test/advection/order/check.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 327f926..0000000
--- a/test/advection/order/check.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-if test -z "$1"; then
-    echo "usage: check.sh DIRECTORIES ORDER"
-    exit 1
-failed=0; all=0;
-startdate=`date +%s`
-for file in $1; do
-    sname=`basename $file`
-    if sh order.sh 3 8 $file/advection.gfs $2 > $file/result.xmgr; then
-	all=`expr $all + 1`;
-	echo "PASS: $sname"
-    else
-	all=`expr $all + 1`;
-	failed=`expr $failed + 1`;
-	echo "FAIL: $sname"
-    fi
-expr `date +%s` - $startdate > timestamp
-if test "$failed" -eq 0; then
-    banner="All $all tests passed";
-    banner="$failed of $all tests failed";
-dashes=`echo "$banner" | sed s/./=/g`;
-echo "$dashes";
-echo "$banner";
-echo "$dashes";
-if test "$failed" -eq 0; then
-    exit 0;
-    exit 1;
diff --git a/test/advection/order/order.par b/test/advection/order/order.par
deleted file mode 100644
index cd6913c..0000000
--- a/test/advection/order/order.par
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,885 +0,0 @@
-# ACE/gr parameter file
-version 40102
-page layout free
-ps linewidth begin 1
-ps linewidth increment 2
-hardcopy device 1
-page 5
-page inout 5
-link page off
-default linestyle 1
-default linewidth 1
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-default char size 1.000000
-default font 4
-default font source 0
-default symbol size 1.000000
-timestamp off
-timestamp 0.03, 0.03
-timestamp linewidth 1
-timestamp color 1
-timestamp rot 0
-timestamp font 4
-timestamp char size 1.000000
-timestamp def "Thu Oct 25 22:15:10 2001"
-with g0
-g0 on
-g0 label off
-g0 hidden false
-g0 type logy
-g0 autoscale type AUTO
-g0 fixedpoint off
-g0 fixedpoint type 0
-g0 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
-g0 fixedpoint format general general
-g0 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
-    world xmin 3
-    world xmax 8
-    world ymin 0.0001
-    world ymax 1
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-    view xmax 0.475000
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-    view ymax 0.475000
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-    legend string 1 "second"
-    legend string 2 "infinite"
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-    legend string 4 "second (new)"
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-    frame fill off
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diff --git a/test/advection/order/order.sh b/test/advection/order/order.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 7c8237a..0000000
--- a/test/advection/order/order.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-	cat <<EOF
-Generates an xmgr file for the order of convergence of simulation FILE.
-	exit $1
-if test $# -lt 4; then
-	usage 1 1>&2
-if for level in `seq $1 1 $2`; do
-  sed "s/LEVEL/$level/g" < $3 | gerris2D -
-done | awk -v order=$4 '
-BEGIN { n = 0 }
-  l[n] = $1
-  l1[n] = $2
-  l2[n] = $3
-  li[n++] = $4
-END {
-  print "@target G0.S3"
-  print "@type xy"
-  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
-    print l[i] " " l1[i];
-  print "@target G0.S4"
-  print "@type xy"
-  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
-    print l[i] " " l2[i];
-  print "@target G0.S5"
-  print "@type xy"
-  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
-    print l[i] " " li[i];
- print "@target G1.S3"
-  print "@type xy"
-  for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
-    print l[i] " " log(l1[i-1]/l1[i])/log(2);
-  print "@target G1.S4"
-  print "@type xy"
-  for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
-    print l[i] " " log(l2[i-1]/l2[i])/log(2);
-  print "@target G1.S5"
-  print "@type xy"
-  for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
-    print l[i] " " log(li[i-1]/li[i])/log(2);
-  if (log(l1[n-2]/l1[n-1])/log(2) < order || 
-      log(l2[n-2]/l2[n-1])/log(2) < order || 
-      log(li[n-2]/li[n-1])/log(2) < order)
-    exit (1);
-  else
-    exit (0);  
-}'; then
-    exit 0
-    exit 1
diff --git a/test/advection/order/report.sh b/test/advection/order/report.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 94e579f..0000000
--- a/test/advection/order/report.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# $1: test files
-if test -z "$1"; then
-    echo "usage: report.sh DIRECTORIES"
-    exit 1;
-cat <<EOF > $texfile.tex
-{\bf Tests of spatial order of advection scheme} \\\\
-gerris2D -V 2>&1 | awk '{print $0 "\\\\"}' >> $texfile.tex
-echo "`uname -a` \\\\" >> $texfile.tex
-echo "Total running time: `cat timestamp` s\\\\" >> $texfile.tex
-cat <<EOF >> $texfile.tex
-\today \\\\
-for file in $1; do
-    xmgrace -hardcopy -noask -hdevice EPS -printfile $file/result.eps -p order.par $file/reference.xmgr $file/result.xmgr
-    echo "\\begin{figure}" >> $texfile.tex
-    echo "\\begin{center}" >> $texfile.tex
-    echo "\\psfig{file=$file/result.eps, width=0.8\\hsize}" >> $texfile.tex
-    echo "\\end{center}" >> $texfile.tex
-    esname=`basename $file | awk 'BEGIN{FS=""}{for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)if($i=="_")printf("\\\_"); else printf("%s", $i);}'`
-    echo "\\caption{$esname: " >> $texfile.tex
-    cat $file/description.tex >> $texfile.tex
-    echo "}" >> $texfile.tex
-    echo "\\end{figure}" >> $texfile.tex
-    echo "\\clearpage" >> $texfile.tex
-echo "\\end{document}" >> $texfile.tex
-latex -interaction=nonstopmode $texfile.tex > /dev/null 2>&1
-latex -interaction=nonstopmode $texfile.tex > /dev/null 2>&1
-dvips $texfile.dvi -o $texfile.ps > /dev/null 2>&1
-rm -f $texfile.log $texfile.aux $texfile.dvi $texfile.lof $texfile.tex
diff --git a/test/advection/order/tests/rotate1/advection.gfs b/test/advection/order/tests/rotate1/advection.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index 15c15e5..0000000
--- a/test/advection/order/tests/rotate1/advection.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-1 0 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
-  Time { end = 0.785398 }
-  Refine LEVEL
-  VariableTracer {} T {
-    gradient = gfs_center_gradient
-  }
-  AdvectionParams { cfl = 0.5 }
-  Init {} {
-    U = -8.*y
-    V = 8.*x
-    T = {
-      double r2 = x*x + y*y; 
-      double coeff = 20. + 20000.*r2*r2*r2*r2;
-      return (1. + cos(20.*x)*cos(20.*y))*exp(-coeff*r2)/2.;
-    }
-  }
-  OutputErrorNorm { start = end } { awk '{ print LEVEL " " $5 " " $7 " " $9}' } { v = T } {
-    s = {
-      double r2 = x*x + y*y; 
-      double coeff = 20. + 20000.*r2*r2*r2*r2;
-      return (1. + cos(20.*x)*cos(20.*y))*exp(-coeff*r2)/2.;
-    }
-  }
-GfsBox {}
diff --git a/test/advection/order/tests/rotate1/description.tex b/test/advection/order/tests/rotate1/description.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e1ec7c..0000000
--- a/test/advection/order/tests/rotate1/description.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Rotation of a smooth field (``gaussian''), no limiter, CFL of 0.5.
diff --git a/test/advection/order/tests/rotate1/reference.xmgr b/test/advection/order/tests/rotate1/reference.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index ba58591..0000000
--- a/test/advection/order/tests/rotate1/reference.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,805 +0,0 @@
-# Grace project file
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- at r3 off
- at link r3 to g0
- at r3 type above
- at r3 linestyle 1
- at r3 linewidth 1.0
- at r3 color 1
- at r3 line 0, 0, 0, 0
- at r4 off
- at link r4 to g0
- at r4 type above
- at r4 linestyle 1
- at r4 linewidth 1.0
- at r4 color 1
- at r4 line 0, 0, 0, 0
- at g0 on
- at g0 hidden false
- at g0 type XY
- at g0 stacked false
- at g0 bar hgap 0.000000
- at g0 fixedpoint off
- at g0 fixedpoint type 0
- at g0 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g0 fixedpoint format general general
- at g0 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
- at with g0
-@    world 3, 0.0001, 8, 1
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-@    subtitle color 1
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-@    yaxes scale Logarithmic
-@    xaxes invert off
-@    yaxes invert off
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-@    xaxis  label color 1
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-@    xaxis  tick on
-@    xaxis  tick major 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor ticks 1
-@    xaxis  tick default 6
-@    xaxis  tick place rounded true
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major size 1.000000
-@    xaxis  tick major color 1
-@    xaxis  tick major linewidth 1.0
-@    xaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    xaxis  tick major grid off
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    xaxis  ticklabel formula ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    xaxis  ticklabel place normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel offset auto
-@    xaxis  ticklabel offset 0.000000 , 0.010000
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  label place auto
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-@    yaxis  tick on
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel font 4
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-@    altyaxis  off
-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    s0 avalue color 1
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-@    s0 avalue format general
-@    s0 avalue prec 3
-@    s0 avalue prepend ""
-@    s0 avalue append ""
-@    s0 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
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-@    s0 errorbar place both
-@    s0 errorbar color 1
-@    s0 errorbar pattern 1
-@    s0 errorbar size 2.000000
-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1.0
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-@    s1 type xy
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-@    s1 symbol fill pattern 1
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-@    s1 symbol char font 4
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-@    s1 avalue char size 1.000000
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-@    s1 avalue rot 0
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-@    s1 avalue prec 3
-@    s1 avalue prepend ""
-@    s1 avalue append ""
-@    s1 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
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-@    s1 errorbar place both
-@    s1 errorbar color 1
-@    s1 errorbar pattern 1
-@    s1 errorbar size 2.000000
-@    s1 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-@    s1 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0
-@    s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s1 errorbar riser clip off
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-@    s1 legend  "second"
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-@    s2 type xy
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-@    s2 symbol pattern 1
-@    s2 symbol fill color 1
-@    s2 symbol fill pattern 1
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-@    s2 avalue off
-@    s2 avalue type 2
-@    s2 avalue char size 1.000000
-@    s2 avalue font 4
-@    s2 avalue color 1
-@    s2 avalue rot 0
-@    s2 avalue format general
-@    s2 avalue prec 3
-@    s2 avalue prepend ""
-@    s2 avalue append ""
-@    s2 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
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-@    s2 errorbar place both
-@    s2 errorbar color 1
-@    s2 errorbar pattern 1
-@    s2 errorbar size 2.000000
-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser clip off
-@    s2 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000
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-@    s2 legend  "infinite"
- at g1 on
- at g1 hidden false
- at g1 type XY
- at g1 stacked false
- at g1 bar hgap 0.000000
- at g1 fixedpoint off
- at g1 fixedpoint type 0
- at g1 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g1 fixedpoint format general general
- at g1 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
- at with g1
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-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0
-@    znorm 1
-@    view 0.129310, 0.575000, 0.614224, 0.950000
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-@    title font 4
-@    title size 1.500000
-@    title color 1
-@    subtitle ""
-@    subtitle font 4
-@    subtitle size 1.000000
-@    subtitle color 1
-@    xaxes scale Normal
-@    yaxes scale Normal
-@    xaxes invert off
-@    yaxes invert off
-@    xaxis  on
-@    xaxis  type zero false
-@    xaxis  offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-@    xaxis  bar off
-@    xaxis  bar color 1
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-@    xaxis  bar linewidth 1.0
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-@    xaxis  label layout para
-@    xaxis  label place auto
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-@    xaxis  label color 1
-@    xaxis  label place normal
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-@    xaxis  tick major 1
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-@    xaxis  tick place rounded true
-@    xaxis  tick in
-@    xaxis  tick major size 1.000000
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-@    xaxis  tick major linestyle 1
-@    xaxis  tick major grid off
-@    xaxis  tick minor color 1
-@    xaxis  tick minor linewidth 1.0
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-@    xaxis  tick minor grid off
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    xaxis  ticklabel formula ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    xaxis  ticklabel angle 0
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel place normal
-@    xaxis  ticklabel offset auto
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-@    xaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
-@    xaxis  ticklabel stop type auto
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-@    yaxis  label layout para
-@    yaxis  label place auto
-@    yaxis  label char size 0.600000
-@    yaxis  label font 4
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-@    yaxis  tick on
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-@    yaxis  tick in
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel format general
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prec 5
-@    yaxis  ticklabel formula ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel append ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel prepend ""
-@    yaxis  ticklabel angle 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel skip 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel stagger 0
-@    yaxis  ticklabel place normal
-@    yaxis  ticklabel offset auto
-@    yaxis  ticklabel offset 0.000000 , 0.010000
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel start 0.000000
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-@    yaxis  ticklabel font 4
-@    yaxis  ticklabel color 1
-@    yaxis  tick place both
-@    yaxis  tick spec type none
-@    altxaxis  off
-@    altyaxis  off
-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
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-@    frame background pattern 0
-@    s0 hidden false
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-@    s0 symbol fill pattern 1
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-@    s0 avalue off
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-@    s0 avalue char size 1.000000
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-@    s0 avalue color 1
-@    s0 avalue rot 0
-@    s0 avalue format general
-@    s0 avalue prec 3
-@    s0 avalue prepend ""
-@    s0 avalue append ""
-@    s0 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
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-@    s0 errorbar place both
-@    s0 errorbar color 1
-@    s0 errorbar pattern 1
-@    s0 errorbar size 2.000000
-@    s0 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-@    s0 errorbar linestyle 1
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-@    s0 legend  "first"
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-@    s1 symbol fill color 1
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-@    s1 baseline off
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-@    s1 fill type 0
-@    s1 fill rule 0
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-@    s1 fill pattern 1
-@    s1 avalue off
-@    s1 avalue type 2
-@    s1 avalue char size 1.000000
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-@    s1 avalue color 1
-@    s1 avalue rot 0
-@    s1 avalue format general
-@    s1 avalue prec 3
-@    s1 avalue prepend ""
-@    s1 avalue append ""
-@    s1 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-@    s1 errorbar on
-@    s1 errorbar place both
-@    s1 errorbar color 1
-@    s1 errorbar pattern 1
-@    s1 errorbar size 2.000000
-@    s1 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-@    s1 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s1 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0
-@    s1 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s1 errorbar riser clip off
-@    s1 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000
-@    s1 comment "/tmp/toto"
-@    s1 legend  "second"
-@    s2 hidden false
-@    s2 type xy
-@    s2 symbol 4
-@    s2 symbol size 0.340000
-@    s2 symbol color 1
-@    s2 symbol pattern 1
-@    s2 symbol fill color 1
-@    s2 symbol fill pattern 1
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-@    s2 baseline off
-@    s2 dropline off
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-@    s2 fill rule 0
-@    s2 fill color 1
-@    s2 fill pattern 1
-@    s2 avalue off
-@    s2 avalue type 2
-@    s2 avalue char size 1.000000
-@    s2 avalue font 4
-@    s2 avalue color 1
-@    s2 avalue rot 0
-@    s2 avalue format general
-@    s2 avalue prec 3
-@    s2 avalue prepend ""
-@    s2 avalue append ""
-@    s2 avalue offset 0.000000 , 0.000000
-@    s2 errorbar on
-@    s2 errorbar place both
-@    s2 errorbar color 1
-@    s2 errorbar pattern 1
-@    s2 errorbar size 2.000000
-@    s2 errorbar linewidth 1.0
-@    s2 errorbar linestyle 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser linewidth 1.0
-@    s2 errorbar riser linestyle 1
-@    s2 errorbar riser clip off
-@    s2 errorbar riser clip length 0.100000
-@    s2 comment "/tmp/toto"
-@    s2 legend  "infinite"
- at g2 on
- at g2 hidden true
- at g2 type XY
- at g2 stacked false
- at g2 bar hgap 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint off
- at g2 fixedpoint type 0
- at g2 fixedpoint xy 0.000000, 0.000000
- at g2 fixedpoint format general general
- at g2 fixedpoint prec 6, 6
- at with g2
-@    world 3, 0.0001, 8, 1
-@    stack world 0, 0, 0, 0
-@    znorm 1
-@    view 0.743534, 0.100000, 1.228448, 0.475000
-@    title ""
-@    title font 4
-@    title size 1.500000
-@    title color 1
-@    subtitle ""
-@    subtitle font 4
-@    subtitle size 1.000000
-@    subtitle color 1
-@    xaxes scale Normal
-@    yaxes scale Logarithmic
-@    xaxes invert off
-@    yaxes invert off
-@    xaxis  off
-@    yaxis  off
-@    altxaxis  off
-@    altyaxis  off
-@    legend on
-@    legend loctype view
-@    legend 0.788793103448, 0.25
-@    legend box color 1
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-@    legend char size 0.460000
-@    legend color 1
-@    legend length 4
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-@    legend hgap 1
-@    legend invert false
-@    frame type 0
-@    frame linestyle 1
-@    frame linewidth 1.0
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-@    frame pattern 1
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-@    frame background pattern 0
- at target G0.S0
- at type xy
-3 3.284e-02
-4 3.442e-02
-5 1.961e-02
-6 5.639e-03
-7 1.213e-03
-8 2.709e-04
- at target G0.S1
- at type xy
-3 5.236e-02
-4 6.530e-02
-5 3.836e-02
-6 1.115e-02
-7 2.477e-03
-8 5.785e-04
- at target G0.S2
- at type xy
-3 1.718e-01
-4 2.831e-01
-5 1.796e-01
-6 5.452e-02
-7 1.249e-02
-8 2.898e-03
- at target G1.S0
- at type xy
-4 -0.067793
-5 0.811658
-6 1.79808
-7 2.21686
-8 2.16275
- at target G1.S1
- at type xy
-4 -0.318618
-5 0.76748
-6 1.78256
-7 2.17038
-8 2.09821
- at target G1.S2
- at type xy
-4 -0.720582
-5 0.656524
-6 1.71993
-7 2.12601
-8 2.10764
diff --git a/test/advection/order/tests/translate1/advection.gfs b/test/advection/order/tests/translate1/advection.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fdb029..0000000
--- a/test/advection/order/tests/translate1/advection.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-1 2 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
-  Time { end = 2.236067 }
-  Refine LEVEL
-  VariableTracer {} T {
-    gradient = gfs_center_gradient
-  }
-  AdvectionParams { cfl = 0.5 }
-  Init {} {
-    U = { double theta = atan (1./2.); return cos (theta); }
-    V = { double theta = atan (1./2.); return sin (theta); }
-    T = { 
-      double r2 = x*x + y*y; 
-      double coeff = 20. + 20000.*r2*r2*r2*r2;
-      return (1. + cos(20.*x)*cos(20.*y))*exp(-coeff*r2)/2.;
-    }
-  }
-  OutputErrorNorm { start = end } { awk '{ print LEVEL " " $5 " " $7 " " $9}' } { v = T } {
-    s = {
-      double r2 = x*x + y*y; 
-      double coeff = 20. + 20000.*r2*r2*r2*r2;
-      return (1. + cos(20.*x)*cos(20.*y))*exp(-coeff*r2)/2.;
-    }
-  }
-GfsBox {}
-1 1 right
-1 1 top
diff --git a/test/advection/order/tests/translate1/description.tex b/test/advection/order/tests/translate1/description.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ad3206..0000000
--- a/test/advection/order/tests/translate1/description.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Translation of a smooth field (``gaussian''), periodic boundary conditions, no limiter, CFL of 0.5.
diff --git a/test/advection/order/tests/translate1/reference.xmgr b/test/advection/order/tests/translate1/reference.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index 0354651..0000000
--- a/test/advection/order/tests/translate1/reference.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,751 +0,0 @@
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- at target G0.S0
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-8 1.057e-03
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- at type xy
-3 6.661e-02
-4 7.357e-02
-5 6.878e-02
-6 3.104e-02
-7 8.430e-03
-8 2.122e-03
- at target G0.S2
- at type xy
-3 2.328e-01
-4 3.899e-01
-5 4.140e-01
-6 1.790e-01
-7 4.760e-02
-8 1.183e-02
- at target G1.S0
- at type xy
-4 0.345996
-5 0.0243954
-6 1.20369
-7 1.88625
-8 1.99076
- at target G1.S1
- at type xy
-4 -0.143379
-5 0.0971285
-6 1.14786
-7 1.88052
-8 1.99011
- at target G1.S2
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diff --git a/test/advection/order/tests/translate3/advection.gfs b/test/advection/order/tests/translate3/advection.gfs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3eb89b4..0000000
--- a/test/advection/order/tests/translate3/advection.gfs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-1 2 GfsAdvection GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
-  Time { end = 2.236067 }
-  Refine LEVEL
-  VariableTracer {} T {
-    gradient = gfs_center_gradient
-  }
-  AdvectionParams { cfl = 0.5 }
-  Init {} {
-    U = { double theta = atan (1./2.); return cos (theta); }
-    V = { double theta = atan (1./2.); return sin (theta); }
-    T = { return (1. + cos(2.*M_PI*x)*sin(2.*M_PI*y))/2.; }
-  }
-  OutputErrorNorm { start = end } { awk '{ print LEVEL " " $5 " " $7 " " $9}' } { v = T } {
-    s = { return (1. + cos(2.*M_PI*x)*sin(2.*M_PI*y))/2.; }
-  }
-GfsBox {}
-1 1 right
-1 1 top
diff --git a/test/advection/order/tests/translate3/description.tex b/test/advection/order/tests/translate3/description.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 704c79e..0000000
--- a/test/advection/order/tests/translate3/description.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Translation of a smooth field (``periodic''), periodic boundary conditions, no limiter, CFL of 0.5.
diff --git a/test/advection/order/tests/translate3/reference.xmgr b/test/advection/order/tests/translate3/reference.xmgr
deleted file mode 100644
index d44e6ad..0000000
--- a/test/advection/order/tests/translate3/reference.xmgr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,751 +0,0 @@
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- at target G0.S0
- at type xy
-3 1.453e-01
-4 4.368e-02
-5 1.114e-02
-6 2.788e-03
-7 6.981e-04
-8 1.755e-04
- at target G0.S1
- at type xy
-3 1.728e-01
-4 5.053e-02
-5 1.274e-02
-6 3.179e-03
-7 7.953e-04
-8 1.999e-04
- at target G0.S2
- at type xy
-3 3.309e-01
-4 9.400e-02
-5 2.304e-02
-6 5.703e-03
-7 1.424e-03
-8 3.577e-04
- at target G1.S0
- at type xy
-4 1.73399
-5 1.97122
-6 1.99845
-7 1.99772
-8 1.99196
- at target G1.S1
- at type xy
-4 1.77389
-5 1.98777
-6 2.00272
-7 1.999
-8 1.99222
- at target G1.S2
- at type xy
-4 1.81566
-5 2.02852
-6 2.01435
-7 2.00177
-8 1.99313
diff --git a/test/ocean/Makefile.am b/test/ocean/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index ebc0b16..0000000
--- a/test/ocean/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
-TESTS = energy.sh waves.sh geo.sh
diff --git a/test/ocean/energy.sh b/test/ocean/energy.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index e611df4..0000000
--- a/test/ocean/energy.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# !/bin/sh
-param=`mktemp /tmp/energy.XXXXXX`
-geom=`mktemp /tmp/energy.XXXXXX`
-energy=`mktemp /tmp/energy.XXXXXX`
-points=`mktemp /tmp/energy.XXXXXX`
-points1=`mktemp /tmp/energy.XXXXXX`
-awk 'BEGIN {
-  for (x = -0.51; x <= 0.51; x += 0.01)
-    for (y = -0.51; y <= 0.51; y += 0.01)
-       print x " " y " " 1.*exp(-100.*(x*x)) - 0.5001;
-}' > $points
-echo `wc -l $points | awk '{print $1}'`" 0 0" > $points1
-cat $points >> $points1
-$delaunay < $points1 | transform --revert > $geom
-rm -f $points $points1
-cat <<EOF > $param
-1 0 GfsOcean GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
-  Time { end = 10 dtmax = 1e-2 }
-  Refine 5
-  GtsSurfaceFile $geom
-  ApproxProjectionParams { tolerance = 1e-9 }
-  AdvectionParams { scheme = none }
-  Init {} { P = { return 1e-3*cos (2.*M_PI*x); } }
-  OutputProgress { istep = 1 } stderr
-  OutputEnergy { istep = 1 } $energy
-GfsBox {
-  front = Boundary
-gerris2D3 $param
-if awk '{
-  if ($5 + $7 > 5e-7)
-    exit 1;
-}' < $energy; then
-  status=0;
-  status=1;
-rm -f $param $geom $energy
-exit $status
diff --git a/test/ocean/geo.sh b/test/ocean/geo.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e1b195..0000000
--- a/test/ocean/geo.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# !/bin/sh
-error=`mktemp /tmp/geo.XXXXXX`
-cat <<EOF | gerris2D3 -
-1 0 GfsOcean GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
- # dt = 1000 s
- Time { iend = 1580 dtmax = 0.10285 }
- Refine 6
- # Lx = Ly = 1000 km
- # H0 = 1000 m
- # g = 0.01 m/s^2
- PhysicalParams { g = 9.4534734306584e-4 }
- ApproxProjectionParams { tolerance = 1e-6 }
- AdvectionParams { scheme = none }
- Init {} {
-   # e-folding radius = 100 km
-   # umax = 1 m/s = sqrt(200)*exp(-1/2)
-   U = { return   5.667583815e-4*200.*y*exp (-100.*(x*x + y*y)); }
-   V = { return - 5.667583815e-4*200.*x*exp (-100.*(x*x + y*y)); }
-   P = { return   5.667583815e-4*exp (-100.*(x*x + y*y)); }
- }
- # f0 = 1.0285e-4 s-1
- SourceCoriolis {} U 1
- OutputErrorNorm { istep = 10 } { awk '{print \$3/1.0285e-4/3600./24. " " \$9*1000e6*1.0285e-4*1.0285e-4/0.01;}' > $error } { v = P } {
-   s = { return 5.667583815e-4*exp (-100.*(x*x + y*y)); }
-   unbiased = 1
-   v = E
- }
- OutputProgress { istep = 10 } stdout
-GfsBox {
-  front = Boundary
-if awk 'BEGIN{emax=0.}{if ($2 > emax) emax=$2;}
-  print "maximum geostrophic error: " emax;
-  if (emax > 0.015)
-    exit 0;
-  else
-    exit 1;
-}' < $error; then
-  rm -f $error
-  exit 1;
-cat <<EOF | gerris2D3 -
-1 0 GfsOcean GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {
- # dt = 1000 s
- Time { iend = 1580 dtmax = 0.10285 }
- Refine 6
- # Lx = Ly = 1000 km
- # H0 = 1000 m
- # g = 0.01 m/s^2
- PhysicalParams { g = 9.4534734306584e-4 }
- ApproxProjectionParams { tolerance = 1e-6 }
- Init {} {
-   # e-folding radius = 100 km
-   # umax = 1 m/s = sqrt(200)*exp(-1/2)
-   U = { return   5.667583815e-4*200.*y*exp (-100.*(x*x + y*y)); }
-   V = { return - 5.667583815e-4*200.*x*exp (-100.*(x*x + y*y)); }
-   P = { return   5.667583815e-4*exp (-100.*(x*x + y*y)); }
- }
- # f0 = 1.0285e-4 s-1
- # beta = 1.607e-11 m-1s-1
- SourceCoriolis {} U { return 1. + 0.156246961595*(y + 0.5); }
- OutputEnergy { istep = 10 } { awk '{print \$3/1.0285e-4/3600./24. " " (\$5+\$7)/(1.009e-06+5.002e-06)}' > $error }
- OutputProgress { istep = 10 } stdout
-GfsBox {
-  front = Boundary
-if awk 'BEGIN{emin=1.}{if ($2 < emin) emin=$2;}
-  print "minimum geostrophic energy: " emin;
-  if (emin < 0.96)
-    exit 0;
-  else
-    exit 1;
-}' < $error; then
-  rm -f $error
-  exit 1;
-rm -f $error
diff --git a/test/ocean/waves.sh b/test/ocean/waves.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 753821f..0000000
--- a/test/ocean/waves.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-if test -f basin.gts; then
-    :
-    shapes ellipse -n 500 | transform -s 1.999 -i > basin.gts
-cat <<EOF
-Level		angle of maximum C	maximum C
-wave=`mktemp /tmp/wave.XXXXXX`
-for l in 5 6 7; do
-  cat <<EOF > $wave
-1 0 GfsOcean1 GfsBox GfsGEdge { variables = H } {
- Time { end = 37.80501984 dtmax = 0.1 }
- PhysicalParams { g = 5.87060327757e-3 }
- Init {} {
-   P = {
-     #include <gsl/gsl_sf_bessel.h>
-     #link -lgsl -lgslcblas
-     double theta = atan2(y,x);
-     double r = sqrt (x*x + y*y);
-     double D = 8.83906519983e-2;
-     double k = 3.;
-     double A = 1./2555510.;
-     return A*cos (k*theta)*gsl_sf_bessel_Inu (k, r/D);
-   }
-   U = {
-     #include <gsl/gsl_sf_bessel.h>
-     #link -lgsl -lgslcblas
-     #define Ik(k,r,D) (gsl_sf_bessel_Inu ((k) - 1., (r)/(D))/(D)\
-                         - (k)/(r)*gsl_sf_bessel_Inu ((k), (r)/(D)))
-     double theta = atan2(y,x);
-     double r = sqrt (x*x + y*y);
-     double D = 8.83906519983e-2;
-     double k = 3.;
-     double sigma = 0.4986;
-     double A = 1./2555510.;
-     double ur = -A*D*D/5.87060327757e-3*sin (k*theta)*(sigma*Ik (k, r, D) - 
-       	                                               k/r*gsl_sf_bessel_Inu (k, r/D));
-     double vt =  A*D*D/5.87060327757e-3*cos (k*theta)*(Ik (k, r, D) - 
-       	                                               k*sigma/r*gsl_sf_bessel_Inu (k, r/D));
-     return ur*cos (theta) - vt*sin (theta);
-   }
-   V = {
-     #include <gsl/gsl_sf_bessel.h>
-     #link -lgsl -lgslcblas
-     #define Ik(k,r,D) (gsl_sf_bessel_Inu ((k) - 1., (r)/(D))/(D)\
-                         - (k)/(r)*gsl_sf_bessel_Inu ((k), (r)/(D)))
-     double theta = atan2(y,x);
-     double r = sqrt (x*x + y*y);
-     double D = 8.83906519983e-2;
-     double k = 3.;
-     double sigma = 0.4986;
-     double A = 1./2555510.;
-     double ur = -A*D*D/5.87060327757e-3*sin (k*theta)*(sigma*Ik (k, r, D) - 
-       	                                               k/r*gsl_sf_bessel_Inu (k, r/D));
-     double vt =  A*D*D/5.87060327757e-3*cos (k*theta)*(Ik (k, r, D) - 
-       	                                               k*sigma/r*gsl_sf_bessel_Inu (k, r/D));
-     return ur*sin (theta) + vt*cos (theta);
-   }
-   H = 1
- }
- Refine $l
- GtsSurfaceFile basin.gts
- AdvectionParams { scheme = none }
- ApproxProjectionParams { tolerance = 1e-9 }
- SourceCoriolis {} U 1.
-  for a in `awk 'BEGIN{
-                        for (x = -30; x <= 0.; x += 1.) print x;
-                        for (x = 0.1; x <= 4.9; x += 0.1) print x;
-                        for (x = 5.; x <= 30.; x += 1.) print x;
-                      }'`; do
-cat <<EOF >> $wave
- EventScript { start = end } { echo -n "$a " }
- OutputCorrelation { start = end } stdout { v = P } {
-   s = {
-     #include <gsl/gsl_sf_bessel.h>
-     #link -lgsl -lgslcblas
-     double theta = atan2(y,x) + $a*M_PI/180.;
-     double r = sqrt (x*x + y*y);
-     double D = 8.83906519983e-2;
-     double k = 3.;
-     double A = 1./2555510.;
-     return A*cos (k*theta)*gsl_sf_bessel_Inu (k, r/D);
-   }
-   unbiased = 1
- }
-  done >> $wave
-cat <<EOF >> $wave
-  OutputProgress { istep = 1 } stderr
-GfsBox {}
-  gerris2D $wave | awk '{ print $1 " " $5}' > waves-$l
-  if awk -v l=$l 'BEGIN { min1 = 0. } {
-    if ($2 > min1) {
-      theta = $1;
-      min1 = $2;
-    }
-  } END {
-    printf ("%d\t\t%g\t\t\t%g\n", l, theta, min1);
-    if (l == 5 && (theta > 4. || min1 < 0.953))
-#      exit 0;
-    else if (l == 6 && (theta > 1. || min1 < 0.995))
-#      exit 0;
-    else if (l == 7 && (theta > 0.6 || min1 < 0.998))
-#      exit 0;
-    exit 1;
-  }' < waves-$l; then
-    rm -f $wave
-    exit 1;
-  fi
-rm -f $wave

Gerris Flow Solver

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