[SCM] Gerris Flow Solver branch, upstream, updated. b3aa46814a06c9cb2912790b23916ffb44f1f203

Stephane Popinet popinet at users.sf.net
Fri May 15 02:53:45 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit ada9cd63a23eba38392f9a58efd5fb14a67e5c4c
Author: Stephane Popinet <popinet at users.sf.net>
Date:   Wed Nov 1 13:24:50 2006 +1100

    Bug fix for VOF advection with periodic boundary conditions

diff --git a/src/vof.c b/src/vof.c
index aea1ad8..e2e31e6 100644
--- a/src/vof.c
+++ b/src/vof.c
@@ -547,28 +547,20 @@ static gdouble fine_fraction (FttCellFace * face, VofParms * p, gdouble un)
   if (f == 0. || f == 1.)
     return f;
   else {
-    FttCell * cell = face->cell;
-    FttDirection d = face->d;
-    if (GFS_CELL_IS_BOUNDARY (cell)) {
-      cell = face->neighbor;
-    }
     FttComponent c;
     FttVector m;
-    gdouble alpha = GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->alpha->i);
+    gdouble alpha = GFS_VARIABLE (face->cell, p->alpha->i);
     for (c = 0; c < FTT_DIMENSION; c++)
-      (&m.x)[c] = GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->m[c]->i);
-    if (d % 2 != 0) {
-      (&m.x)[d/2] = - (&m.x)[d/2];
-      alpha += (&m.x)[d/2];
+      (&m.x)[c] = GFS_VARIABLE (face->cell, p->m[c]->i);
+    if (face->d % 2 != 0) {
+      (&m.x)[face->d/2] = - (&m.x)[face->d/2];
+      alpha += (&m.x)[face->d/2];
     FttVector q[2] = {{0., 0., 0.},{1., 1., 1.}};
-    (&q[0].x)[d/2] = 1. - un; (&q[1].x)[d/2] = 1.;
+    (&q[0].x)[face->d/2] = 1. - un; (&q[1].x)[face->d/2] = 1.;
     return plane_volume_shifted (m, alpha, q);
@@ -672,8 +664,15 @@ void gfs_tracer_vof_advection (GfsDomain * domain,
   par->fv = gfs_temporary_variable (domain);
   for (c = 0; c < FTT_DIMENSION; c++) {
     p.c = (cstart + c) % FTT_DIMENSION;
     gfs_domain_cell_traverse (domain, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
 			      (FttCellTraverseFunc) vof_plane, &p);
+    /* fixme: this does not work for all types of boundary conditions */
+    FttComponent i;
+    for (i = 0; i < FTT_DIMENSION; i++)
+      gfs_domain_bc (domain, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1, p.m[i]);
+    gfs_domain_bc (domain, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1, p.alpha);
     gfs_domain_cell_traverse (domain, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
 			      (FttCellTraverseFunc) gfs_cell_reset, par->fv);
     gfs_domain_face_traverse (domain, p.c,

Gerris Flow Solver

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