[SCM] Gerris Flow Solver branch, upstream, updated. b3aa46814a06c9cb2912790b23916ffb44f1f203

Stephane Popinet popinet at users.sf.net
Fri May 15 02:55:43 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit e86db092773d659f85f14be6ff719029fed172e8
Author: Stephane Popinet <popinet at users.sf.net>
Date:   Sat Sep 6 08:04:37 2008 +1000

    Implicit viscosity now works for axisymmetric domains
    The explicit viscosity scheme has also been simplified.

diff --git a/doc/figures/axi.tm b/doc/figures/axi.tm
index 80a46ba..9c46fcd 100644
--- a/doc/figures/axi.tm
+++ b/doc/figures/axi.tm
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
-  <subsubsection|Advection term>
+  <subsection|Advection term>
@@ -95,12 +95,68 @@
   which is the same as in the two-dimensional case.
-  \;
+  <subsection|Implicit diffusion>
+  <subsubsection|Original implicit diffusion>
+  <\eqnarray*>
+    <tformat|<table|<row|<cell|>|<cell|c*<frac|v<rsup|\<star\>>-v<rsup|n>|\<Delta\>t>-\<beta\>*\<nabla\>s*S<rsup|\<star\>><rsup|*>=src<rsup|n+1/2>+(1-\<beta\>)*\<nabla\>s*S<rsup|n>>|<cell|>>>>
+  </eqnarray*>
+  which can be rewritten
+  <\eqnarray*>
+    <tformat|<table|<row|<cell|>|<cell|c*v<rsup|\<star\>>-\<nabla\><wide|s|^>*S<rsup|\<star\>>=c*v<rsup|n>+\<Delta\>t*src<rsup|n+1/2>+<frac|1-\<beta\>|\<beta\>>*\<nabla\><wide|s|^>*S<rsup|n>,>|<cell|>>>>
+  </eqnarray*>
+  with
+  <\equation*>
+    <wide|s|^>\<equiv\>\<beta\>*\<Delta\>t*s.
+  </equation*>
+  This finally gives
+  <\eqnarray*>
+    <tformat|<table|<row|<cell|>|<cell|v<rsup|\<star\>>-<frac|1|c>\<nabla\><wide|s|^>*S<rsup|\<star\>>=v<rsup|n>+\<Delta\>t*<wide|src|^><rsup|n+1/2>+<frac|<wide|\<beta\>|^>|c>*\<nabla\><wide|s|^>*S<rsup|n>,>|<cell|>>>>
+  </eqnarray*>
+  with <math|><with|mode|math|<wide|\<beta\>|^>\<equiv\>(1-\<beta\>)/\<beta\>>.
+  <subsubsection|Axisymmetric version>
+  To account for the axisymmetric term this needs to be rewritten
+  <\eqnarray*>
+    <tformat|<table|<row|<cell|>|<cell|c*<frac|v<rsup|\<star\>>-v<rsup|n>|\<Delta\>t>-\<beta\>*\<nabla\>s*S<rsup|\<star\>>+\<beta\>*a*2*\<nu\>*<frac|v<rsup|\<star\>>|r>=src<rsup|n+1/2>+(1-\<beta\>)*\<nabla\>s*S<rsup|n>-(1-\<beta\>)*a*2*\<nu\>*<frac|v<rsup|n>|r>>|<cell|>>>>
+  </eqnarray*>
+  which can be rewritten
+  <\eqnarray*>
+    <tformat|<table|<row|<cell|>|<cell|c*v<rsup|\<star\>>*-\<nabla\><wide|s|^>*S<rsup|\<star\>>+2*\<beta\>*\<Delta\>t*a*\<nu\>*<frac|v<rsup|\<star\>>|r>=c*v<rsup|n>+\<Delta\>t*src<rsup|n+1/2>+<frac|1-\<beta\>|\<beta\>>*\<nabla\><wide|s|^>*S<rsup|n>-2*(1-\<beta\>)*\<Delta\>t*a*\<nu\>*<frac|v<rsup|n>|r>>|<cell|>>>>
+  </eqnarray*>
+  this finally gives
+  <\eqnarray*>
+    <tformat|<table|<row|<cell|>|<cell|v<rsup|\<star\>>*-<frac|1|c>*\<nabla\><wide|s|^>*S<rsup|\<star\>>+2*\<beta\>*\<Delta\>t*\<nu\>*<frac|v<rsup|\<star\>>|r<rsup|2>>=v<rsup|n>+\<Delta\>t*<wide|src|^><rsup|n+1/2>+<frac|1-\<beta\>|\<beta\>*c>*\<nabla\><wide|s|^>*S<rsup|n>-2*(1-\<beta\>)*\<Delta\>t*\<nu\>*<frac|v<rsup|n>|r<rsup|2>>>|<cell|>>>>
+  </eqnarray*>
+  Posing <math|d\<equiv\>2*\<beta\>*\<Delta\>t*\<nu\>/r<rsup|2>> then gives
+  <\eqnarray*>
+    <tformat|<table|<row|<cell|>|<cell|v<rsup|\<star\>>*(1+d)-<frac|1|c>*\<nabla\><wide|s|^>*S<rsup|\<star\>>=v<rsup|n>*<left|(>1-<wide|\<beta\>*|^>*d<right|)>+\<Delta\>t*<wide|src|^><rsup|n+1/2>+<frac|<wide|\<beta\>*|^>*|c>*\<nabla\><wide|s|^>*S<rsup|n>.>|<cell|>>>>
+  </eqnarray*>
+    <associate|auto-2|<tuple|2|?>>
+    <associate|auto-3|<tuple|2.1|?>>
+    <associate|auto-4|<tuple|2.2|?>>
+    <associate|auto-5|<tuple|3|?>>
diff --git a/src/domain.c b/src/domain.c
index c4989da..8f34bf5 100644
--- a/src/domain.c
+++ b/src/domain.c
@@ -2812,6 +2812,9 @@ void gfs_domain_solid_force (GfsDomain * domain,
   g_return_if_fail (pm != NULL);
   g_return_if_fail (vm != NULL);
+  if (GFS_IS_AXI (domain))
+    g_assert_not_implemented ();
   pf->x = pf->y = pf->z = 0.;
   pm->x = pm->y = pm->z = 0.;
   data[0] = pf;
diff --git a/src/poisson.c b/src/poisson.c
index af52f4a..2968cc6 100644
--- a/src/poisson.c
+++ b/src/poisson.c
@@ -177,6 +177,8 @@ typedef struct {
   guint u, rhs, dia, res;
   gint maxlevel;
   gdouble beta, omega;
+  FttComponent component;
+  guint axi;
 } RelaxParams;
 static void relax (FttCell * cell, RelaxParams * p)
@@ -750,7 +752,7 @@ typedef struct {
   GfsSourceDiffusion * d;
   gdouble lambda2[FTT_DIMENSION];
   gdouble dt;
-  GfsVariable * dia;
+  GfsVariable * rhoc, * axi;
   GfsFunction * alpha;
   GfsDomain * domain;
 } DiffusionCoeff;
@@ -783,15 +785,23 @@ static void diffusion_mixed_coef (FttCell * cell, DiffusionCoeff * c)
   if (GFS_IS_MIXED (cell))
     GFS_STATE (cell)->solid->v = 
       c->dt*gfs_domain_solid_map (c->domain, cell)*gfs_source_diffusion_cell (c->d, cell);
-  if (c->dia) {
-    GFS_VALUE (cell, c->dia) = c->alpha ? 1./gfs_function_value (c->alpha, cell) : 1.;
-    if (GFS_VALUE (cell, c->dia) <= 0.) {
+  if (c->rhoc) {
+    gdouble rho = c->alpha ? 1./gfs_function_value (c->alpha, cell) : 1.;
+    if (rho <= 0.) {
       FttVector p;
       ftt_cell_pos (cell, &p);
 	     "density is negative (%g) at cell (%g,%g,%g).\n"
 	     "Please check your definition of alpha.",
-	     GFS_VALUE (cell, c->dia), p.x, p.y, p.z);
+	     rho, p.x, p.y, p.z);
+    }
+    gdouble f = gfs_domain_cell_fraction (c->domain, cell);
+    GFS_VALUE (cell, c->rhoc) = rho*f;
+    if (c->axi) {
+      FttVector p;
+      gfs_cell_cm (cell, &p);
+      GFS_VALUE (cell, c->axi) = 2.*c->dt*gfs_source_diffusion_cell (c->d, cell)/(rho*p.y*p.y);
@@ -801,7 +811,8 @@ static void diffusion_mixed_coef (FttCell * cell, DiffusionCoeff * c)
  * @domain: a #GfsDomain.
  * @d: a #GfsSourceDiffusion.
  * @dt: the time-step.
- * @dia: where to store the diagonal weight.
+ * @rhoc: where to store the mass.
+ * @axi: where to store the axisymmetric term (or %NULL).
  * @alpha: the inverse of density or %NULL.
  * @beta: the implicitness parameter (0.5 Crank-Nicholson, 1. backward Euler).
@@ -810,7 +821,8 @@ static void diffusion_mixed_coef (FttCell * cell, DiffusionCoeff * c)
 void gfs_diffusion_coefficients (GfsDomain * domain,
 				 GfsSourceDiffusion * d,
 				 gdouble dt,
-				 GfsVariable * dia,
+				 GfsVariable * rhoc,
+				 GfsVariable * axi,
 				 GfsFunction * alpha,
 				 gdouble beta)
@@ -828,9 +840,10 @@ void gfs_diffusion_coefficients (GfsDomain * domain,
   coef.d = d;
   coef.dt = beta*dt;
-  coef.dia = dia;
+  coef.rhoc = rhoc;
   coef.alpha = alpha;
   coef.domain = domain;
+  coef.axi = axi;
   gfs_domain_cell_traverse (domain,
 			    (FttCellTraverseFunc) diffusion_mixed_coef, &coef);
@@ -843,24 +856,20 @@ void gfs_diffusion_coefficients (GfsDomain * domain,
 static void diffusion_rhs (FttCell * cell, RelaxParams * p)
-  gdouble a, f, h, val;
+  gdouble f, h, val;
   FttCellNeighbors neighbor;
   FttCellFace face;
   if (GFS_IS_MIXED (cell)) {
-    a = GFS_STATE (cell)->solid->a*GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->dia);
     if (((cell)->flags & GFS_FLAG_DIRICHLET) != 0)
       f = gfs_cell_dirichlet_gradient_flux (cell, p->u, -1, GFS_STATE (cell)->solid->fv);
       f = GFS_STATE (cell)->solid->fv;
-  else {
-    a = GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->dia);
+  else
     f = 0.; /* Neumann condition by default */
-  }
   h = ftt_cell_size (cell);
   val = GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->u);
   face.cell = cell;
@@ -870,9 +879,15 @@ static void diffusion_rhs (FttCell * cell, RelaxParams * p)
     face.neighbor = neighbor.c[face.d];
     gfs_face_gradient_flux (&face, &g, p->u, -1);
+    if (face.d/2 == p->component) {
+      g.a *= 2.;
+      g.b *= 2.;
+    }
     f += g.b - g.a*val;
-  GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->rhs) += val + p->beta*f/(h*h*a);
+  GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->rhs) += val + p->beta*f/(h*h*GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->dia));
+  if (p->axi)
+    GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->rhs) -= val*p->beta*GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->axi);
@@ -880,7 +895,8 @@ static void diffusion_rhs (FttCell * cell, RelaxParams * p)
  * @domain: a #GfsDomain.
  * @v: a #GfsVariable.
  * @rhs: a #GfsVariable.
- * @dia: the diagonal weight.
+ * @rhoc: the mass.
+ * @axi: the axisymmetric term.
  * @beta: the implicitness parameter (0.5 Crank-Nicholson, 1. backward Euler).
  * Adds to the @rhs variable of @cell the right-hand side of the
@@ -890,7 +906,8 @@ static void diffusion_rhs (FttCell * cell, RelaxParams * p)
  * gfs_diffusion_coefficients().
 void gfs_diffusion_rhs (GfsDomain * domain, 
-			GfsVariable * v, GfsVariable * rhs, GfsVariable * dia,
+			GfsVariable * v, GfsVariable * rhs, 
+			GfsVariable * rhoc, GfsVariable * axi,
 			gdouble beta)
   RelaxParams p;
@@ -898,13 +915,15 @@ void gfs_diffusion_rhs (GfsDomain * domain,
   g_return_if_fail (domain != NULL);
   g_return_if_fail (v != NULL);
   g_return_if_fail (rhs != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (dia != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (rhoc != NULL);
   g_return_if_fail (beta >= 0.5 && beta <= 1.);
   p.u = v->i;
   p.rhs = rhs->i;
-  p.dia = dia->i;
+  p.dia = rhoc->i;
   p.beta = (1. - beta)/beta;
+  p.component = GFS_IS_AXI (domain) ? v->component : FTT_DIMENSION;
+  p.axi = axi ? axi->i : FALSE;
   gfs_domain_cell_traverse (domain, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
 			    (FttCellTraverseFunc) diffusion_rhs, &p);
@@ -917,13 +936,9 @@ static void diffusion_relax (FttCell * cell, RelaxParams * p)
   FttCellNeighbors neighbor;
   FttCellFace face;
-  if (GFS_IS_MIXED (cell)) {
-    a = GFS_STATE (cell)->solid->a*GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->dia);
-    if (((cell)->flags & GFS_FLAG_DIRICHLET) != 0)
-      g.b = gfs_cell_dirichlet_gradient_flux (cell, p->u, p->maxlevel, 0.);
-  }
-  else
-    a = GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->dia);
+  a = GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->dia);
+  if (GFS_IS_MIXED (cell) && ((cell)->flags & GFS_FLAG_DIRICHLET) != 0)
+    g.b = gfs_cell_dirichlet_gradient_flux (cell, p->u, p->maxlevel, 0.);
   face.cell = cell;
   ftt_cell_neighbors (cell, &neighbor);
@@ -932,12 +947,18 @@ static void diffusion_relax (FttCell * cell, RelaxParams * p)
     face.neighbor = neighbor.c[face.d];
     gfs_face_gradient_flux (&face, &ng, p->u, p->maxlevel);
+    if (face.d/2 == p->component) {
+      ng.a *= 2.;
+      ng.b *= 2.;
+    }
     g.a += ng.a;
     g.b += ng.b;
   a *= h*h;
   g_assert (a > 0.);
   g.a = 1. + g.a/a;
+  if (p->axi)
+    g.a += GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->axi);
   g.b = GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->res) + g.b/a;
   g_assert (g.a > 0.);
   GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->u) = g.b/g.a;
@@ -952,15 +973,13 @@ static void diffusion_residual (FttCell * cell, RelaxParams * p)
   FttCellFace face;
   h = ftt_cell_size (cell);
+  a = GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->dia);
   if (GFS_IS_MIXED (cell)) {
-    a = GFS_STATE (cell)->solid->a*GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->dia);
     if (((cell)->flags & GFS_FLAG_DIRICHLET) != 0)
       g.b = gfs_cell_dirichlet_gradient_flux (cell, p->u, -1, GFS_STATE (cell)->solid->fv);
       g.b = GFS_STATE (cell)->solid->fv;
-  else
-    a = GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->dia);
   face.cell = cell;
   ftt_cell_neighbors (cell, &neighbor);
@@ -969,12 +988,18 @@ static void diffusion_residual (FttCell * cell, RelaxParams * p)
     face.neighbor = neighbor.c[face.d];
     gfs_face_gradient_flux (&face, &ng, p->u, -1);
+    if (face.d/2 == p->component) {
+      ng.a *= 2.;
+      ng.b *= 2.;
+    }
     g.a += ng.a;
     g.b += ng.b;
   a *= h*h;
   g_assert (a > 0.);
   g.a = 1. + g.a/a;
+  if (p->axi)
+    g.a += GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->axi);
   g.b = GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->rhs) + g.b/a;
   GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->res) = g.b - g.a*GFS_VARIABLE (cell, p->u);
@@ -984,7 +1009,8 @@ static void diffusion_residual (FttCell * cell, RelaxParams * p)
  * @domain: a #GfsDomain.
  * @u: the variable to use as left-hand side.
  * @rhs: the right-hand side.
- * @dia: the diagonal weight.
+ * @rhoc: the mass.
+ * @axi: the axisymmetric term.
  * @res: the residual.
  * Sets the @res variable of each leaf cell of @domain to the residual
@@ -997,7 +1023,8 @@ static void diffusion_residual (FttCell * cell, RelaxParams * p)
 void gfs_diffusion_residual (GfsDomain * domain,
 			     GfsVariable * u,
 			     GfsVariable * rhs,
-			     GfsVariable * dia,
+			     GfsVariable * rhoc,
+			     GfsVariable * axi,
 			     GfsVariable * res)
   RelaxParams p;
@@ -1005,13 +1032,15 @@ void gfs_diffusion_residual (GfsDomain * domain,
   g_return_if_fail (domain != NULL);
   g_return_if_fail (u != NULL);
   g_return_if_fail (rhs != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (dia != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (rhoc != NULL);
   g_return_if_fail (res != NULL);
   p.u = u->i;
   p.rhs = rhs->i;
-  p.dia = dia->i;
+  p.dia = rhoc->i;
   p.res = res->i;
+  p.component = GFS_IS_AXI (domain) ? u->component : FTT_DIMENSION;
+  p.axi = axi ? axi->i : FALSE;
   gfs_domain_cell_traverse (domain, FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
 			    (FttCellTraverseFunc) diffusion_residual, &p);
@@ -1024,7 +1053,8 @@ void gfs_diffusion_residual (GfsDomain * domain,
  * @nrelax: the number of relaxations to apply at each level.
  * @u: the variable to use as left-hand side.
  * @rhs: the right-hand side.
- * @dia: the diagonal weight.
+ * @rhoc: the mass.
+ * @axi: the axisymmetric term.
  * @res: the residual.
  * Apply one multigrid iteration to the diffusion equation for @u.
@@ -1043,7 +1073,8 @@ void gfs_diffusion_cycle (GfsDomain * domain,
 			  guint nrelax,
 			  GfsVariable * u,
 			  GfsVariable * rhs,
-			  GfsVariable * dia,
+			  GfsVariable * rhoc,
+			  GfsVariable * axi,
 			  GfsVariable * res)
   guint n;
@@ -1054,11 +1085,10 @@ void gfs_diffusion_cycle (GfsDomain * domain,
   g_return_if_fail (domain != NULL);
   g_return_if_fail (u != NULL);
   g_return_if_fail (rhs != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (dia != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (rhoc != NULL);
   g_return_if_fail (res != NULL);
   dp = gfs_temporary_variable (domain);
-  dp->component = u->component;
   /* compute residual on non-leafs cells */
   gfs_domain_cell_traverse (domain, 
@@ -1072,7 +1102,9 @@ void gfs_diffusion_cycle (GfsDomain * domain,
   p.maxlevel = levelmin;
   p.u = dp->i;
   p.res = res->i;
-  p.dia = dia->i;
+  p.dia = rhoc->i;
+  p.component = GFS_IS_AXI (domain) ? u->component : FTT_DIMENSION;
+  p.axi = axi ? axi->i : FALSE;
   for (n = 0; n < 10*nrelax; n++) {
     gfs_domain_homogeneous_bc (domain, 
@@ -1106,7 +1138,7 @@ void gfs_diffusion_cycle (GfsDomain * domain,
 			    (FttCellTraverseFunc) correct, data);
   gfs_domain_bc (domain, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1, u);
   /* compute new residual on leaf cells */
-  gfs_diffusion_residual (domain, u, rhs, dia, res);
+  gfs_diffusion_residual (domain, u, rhs, rhoc, axi, res);
   gts_object_destroy (GTS_OBJECT (dp));
diff --git a/src/poisson.h b/src/poisson.h
index f26e5d9..900782b 100644
--- a/src/poisson.h
+++ b/src/poisson.h
@@ -77,18 +77,21 @@ void                  gfs_poisson_cycle              (GfsDomain * domain,
 void                  gfs_diffusion_coefficients     (GfsDomain * domain,
 						      GfsSourceDiffusion * d,
 						      gdouble dt,
-						      GfsVariable * dia,
+						      GfsVariable * rhoc,
+						      GfsVariable * axi,
 						      GfsFunction * alpha,
 						      gdouble beta);
 void                  gfs_diffusion_rhs              (GfsDomain * domain,
 						      GfsVariable * v,
 						      GfsVariable * rhs,
-						      GfsVariable * dia,
+						      GfsVariable * rhoc,
+						      GfsVariable * axi,
 						      gdouble beta);
 void                  gfs_diffusion_residual         (GfsDomain * domain,
 						      GfsVariable * u,
 						      GfsVariable * rhs,
-						      GfsVariable * dia,
+						      GfsVariable * rhoc,
+						      GfsVariable * axi,
 						      GfsVariable * res);
 void                  gfs_diffusion_cycle            (GfsDomain * domain,
 						      guint levelmin,
@@ -96,7 +99,8 @@ void                  gfs_diffusion_cycle            (GfsDomain * domain,
 						      guint nrelax,
 						      GfsVariable * u,
 						      GfsVariable * rhs,
-						      GfsVariable * dia,
+						      GfsVariable * rhoc,
+						      GfsVariable * axi,
 						      GfsVariable * res);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/source.c b/src/source.c
index 94b02e7..8fa4941 100644
--- a/src/source.c
+++ b/src/source.c
@@ -119,6 +119,9 @@ GfsVariable * gfs_domain_variable_fluxes (GfsDomain * domain,
   g_return_val_if_fail (domain != NULL, NULL);
   g_return_val_if_fail (v != NULL, NULL);
+  if (!v->sources)
+    return NULL;
   GSList * i = GTS_SLIST_CONTAINER (v->sources)->items;
   while (i) {
     if (GFS_SOURCE_GENERIC (i->data)->flux) {
@@ -892,6 +895,65 @@ GfsSourceGenericClass * gfs_source_diffusion_explicit_class (void)
 /* GfsSourceViscosity: Object */
+typedef struct {
+  GfsSourceGeneric * s;
+  GfsVariable * v, * sv, * tv;
+  gdouble dt;
+} FluxPar;
+static void add_viscosity_transverse_flux (FttCell * cell, FluxPar * p)
+  FttCellFace f;
+  FttCellNeighbors n;
+  gdouble transverse = 0.;
+  f.cell = cell;
+  ftt_cell_neighbors (cell, &n);
+#if FTT_2D
+  FttComponent ortho = (p->v->component + 1) % FTT_DIMENSION;
+  for (f.d = 2*ortho; f.d <= 2*ortho + 1; f.d++) {
+    f.neighbor = n.c[f.d];
+    transverse += (FTT_FACE_DIRECT (&f) ? 1. : -1.)*
+      gfs_face_weighted_interpolated_value (&f, p->tv->i);
+  }
+  g_assert_not_implemented ();
+  GfsFunction * alpha = gfs_object_simulation (p->s)->physical_params.alpha;
+  gdouble h = ftt_cell_size (cell);
+  GFS_VALUE (cell, p->sv) += (alpha ? gfs_function_value (alpha, cell) : 1.)*transverse/h;
+static void compute_transverse (FttCell * cell, FluxPar * p)
+  GfsVariable ** v = GFS_SOURCE_VISCOSITY (p->s)->v;
+  gdouble h = ftt_cell_size (cell);
+  GFS_VALUE (cell, p->tv) = gfs_center_gradient (cell, 
+						 p->v->component, 
+						 v[(p->v->component + 1) % FTT_DIMENSION]->i)/h;
+static void source_viscosity_transverse_flux (GfsSourceGeneric * s, 
+					      GfsDomain * domain, 
+					      GfsVariable * v, GfsVariable * sv, 
+					      gdouble dt)
+  FluxPar p;
+  gfs_diffusion_coefficients (domain, GFS_SOURCE_DIFFUSION (s), dt, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1.);
+  p.s = s;
+  p.v = v;
+  p.sv = sv;
+  p.dt = dt;
+  p.tv = gfs_temporary_variable (domain);
+  gfs_domain_traverse_leaves (domain, (FttCellTraverseFunc) compute_transverse, &p);
+  gfs_domain_bc (domain, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1, p.tv);
+  gfs_domain_traverse_leaves (domain, (FttCellTraverseFunc) add_viscosity_transverse_flux, &p);
+  gts_object_destroy (GTS_OBJECT (p.tv));
 static void source_viscosity_read (GtsObject ** o, GtsFile * fp)
   GfsSourceViscosity * source;
@@ -906,10 +968,10 @@ static void source_viscosity_read (GtsObject ** o, GtsFile * fp)
   source = GFS_SOURCE_VISCOSITY (*o);
   domain =  GFS_DOMAIN (gfs_object_simulation (source));
   if (GFS_IS_AXI (domain) && !GFS_IS_SOURCE_VISCOSITY_EXPLICIT (source)) {
-    gts_file_error (fp, 
-		    "GfsSourceViscosity does not work for axisymmetric flows (yet)\n"
-		    "Use GfsSourceViscosityExplicit instead\n");
-    return;
+    GfsSourceGeneric * s = GFS_SOURCE_GENERIC (source);
+    s->mac_value = NULL;
+    s->centered_value = NULL;
+    s->flux = source_viscosity_transverse_flux;
   if (!(source->v = gfs_domain_velocity (domain))) {
     gts_file_error (fp, "cannot find velocity components");
@@ -975,6 +1037,7 @@ static void source_viscosity_init (GfsSourceGeneric * s)
   s->mac_value = source_viscosity_value;
   s->centered_value = source_viscosity_non_diffusion_value;
+  s->flux = NULL;
 GfsSourceGenericClass * gfs_source_viscosity_class (void)
@@ -1000,31 +1063,6 @@ GfsSourceGenericClass * gfs_source_viscosity_class (void)
 /* GfsSourceViscosityExplicit: Object */
-static void gfs_source_viscosity_explicit_destroy (GtsObject * o)
-  GfsVariable ** v = GFS_SOURCE_VISCOSITY_EXPLICIT (o)->v;
-  if (v[0]) {
-    FttComponent c;
-    for (c = 0; c < FTT_DIMENSION; c++)
-      gts_object_destroy (GTS_OBJECT (v[c]));
-  }
-  (* GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_source_viscosity_explicit_class ())->parent_class->destroy) (o);
-static void gfs_source_viscosity_explicit_read (GtsObject ** o, GtsFile * fp)
-  (* GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_source_viscosity_explicit_class ())->parent_class->read) (o, fp);
-  if (fp->type == GTS_ERROR)
-    return;
-  FttComponent c;
-  for (c = 0; c < FTT_DIMENSION; c++)
-      gfs_temporary_variable (GFS_DOMAIN (gfs_object_simulation (*o)));
 static gdouble source_viscosity_stability (GfsSourceGeneric * s,
 					   GfsSimulation * sim)
@@ -1038,44 +1076,11 @@ static gdouble source_viscosity_stability (GfsSourceGeneric * s,
   return 0.1*par.dtmax;
-static void compute_transverse (FttCell * cell, GfsSourceViscosityExplicit * s)
-  GfsVariable ** v = GFS_SOURCE_VISCOSITY (s)->v;
-  gdouble h = ftt_cell_size (cell);
-  FttComponent c;
-  for (c = 0; c < FTT_DIMENSION; c++)
-    GFS_VALUE (cell, s->v[c]) = gfs_center_gradient (cell, (c + 1) % FTT_DIMENSION, v[c]->i)/h;
-static gboolean gfs_source_viscosity_explicit_event (GfsEvent * event, GfsSimulation * sim)
-  if ((* GFS_EVENT_CLASS (GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (gfs_source_viscosity_explicit_class ())->parent_class)->event) (event, sim)) {
-    FttComponent c;
-    gfs_domain_cell_traverse (GFS_DOMAIN (sim), FTT_PRE_ORDER, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
-			      (FttCellTraverseFunc) compute_transverse, event);
-    for (c = 0; c < FTT_DIMENSION; c++)
-      gfs_domain_bc (GFS_DOMAIN (sim), FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1,
-		     GFS_SOURCE_VISCOSITY_EXPLICIT (event)->v[c]);
-    return TRUE;
-  }
-  return FALSE;
 static void source_viscosity_explicit_class_init (GfsSourceGenericClass * klass)
-  GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->destroy = gfs_source_viscosity_explicit_destroy;
-  GTS_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->read = gfs_source_viscosity_explicit_read;
-  GFS_EVENT_CLASS (klass)->event = gfs_source_viscosity_explicit_event;
   klass->stability = source_viscosity_stability;
-typedef struct {
-  GfsSourceGeneric * s;
-  GfsVariable * v, * sv;
-  gdouble dt;
-} FluxPar;
 /* Defining this will use the divergence-free condition to decouple
    the diffusion equations for each component. This only works of
    course for constant viscosity and does not work for axisymmetric flows. */
@@ -1086,7 +1091,7 @@ static void add_viscosity_explicit_flux (FttCell * cell, FluxPar * p)
   FttCellFace f;
   FttCellNeighbors n;
   GfsGradient g = { 0., 0. };
-  gdouble v0, h;
+  gdouble v0;
   if (GFS_IS_MIXED (cell)) {
     if (((cell)->flags & GFS_FLAG_DIRICHLET) != 0)
@@ -1110,7 +1115,6 @@ static void add_viscosity_explicit_flux (FttCell * cell, FluxPar * p)
     g.a += e.a;
     g.b += e.b;
-  h = ftt_cell_size (cell);
   gdouble transverse = 0.;
@@ -1119,19 +1123,8 @@ static void add_viscosity_explicit_flux (FttCell * cell, FluxPar * p)
   for (f.d = 2*ortho; f.d <= 2*ortho + 1; f.d++) {
     f.neighbor = n.c[f.d];
-#if 0
-    transverse += (FTT_FACE_DIRECT (&f) ? 1. : -1.)*
-      p->dt*
-      gfs_source_diffusion_face (GFS_SOURCE_DIFFUSION (p->s), &f)*
-      gfs_domain_face_fraction (p->v->domain, &f)*
-      gfs_face_interpolated_value (&f, GFS_SOURCE_VISCOSITY_EXPLICIT (p->s)->v[ortho]->i);
-#elif 0
-    transverse += (FTT_FACE_DIRECT (&f) ? 1. : -1.)*GFS_STATE (cell)->f[f.d].v*
-      gfs_face_interpolated_value (&f, GFS_SOURCE_VISCOSITY_EXPLICIT (p->s)->v[ortho]->i);
     transverse += (FTT_FACE_DIRECT (&f) ? 1. : -1.)*
-      gfs_face_weighted_interpolated_value (&f, GFS_SOURCE_VISCOSITY_EXPLICIT (p->s)->v[ortho]->i);
+      gfs_face_weighted_interpolated_value (&f, p->tv->i);
   g_assert_not_implemented ();
@@ -1139,6 +1132,7 @@ static void add_viscosity_explicit_flux (FttCell * cell, FluxPar * p)
   GfsFunction * alpha = gfs_object_simulation (p->s)->physical_params.alpha;
+  gdouble h = ftt_cell_size (cell);
   GFS_VALUE (cell, p->sv) += (alpha ? gfs_function_value (alpha, cell) : 1.)*
     ((g.b - g.a*v0)/h + transverse)/h;
@@ -1162,17 +1156,19 @@ static void source_viscosity_explicit_flux (GfsSourceGeneric * s,
   FluxPar p;
-  gfs_diffusion_coefficients (domain, GFS_SOURCE_DIFFUSION (s), dt, NULL, NULL, 1.);
+  gfs_diffusion_coefficients (domain, GFS_SOURCE_DIFFUSION (s), dt, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1.);
   gfs_domain_surface_bc (domain, v);
   p.s = s;
   p.v = v;
   p.sv = sv;
   p.dt = dt;
+  p.tv = gfs_temporary_variable (domain);
+  gfs_domain_traverse_leaves (domain, (FttCellTraverseFunc) compute_transverse, &p);
+  gfs_domain_bc (domain, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1, p.tv);
   gfs_domain_traverse_leaves (domain, (FttCellTraverseFunc) add_viscosity_explicit_flux, &p);
-#if 1
   if (GFS_IS_AXI (domain) && v->component == FTT_Y)
     gfs_domain_traverse_leaves (domain, (FttCellTraverseFunc) add_axisymmetric_term, &p);
+  gts_object_destroy (GTS_OBJECT (p.tv));
 static void source_viscosity_explicit_init (GfsSourceGeneric * s)
@@ -1189,7 +1185,7 @@ GfsSourceGenericClass * gfs_source_viscosity_explicit_class (void)
   if (klass == NULL) {
     GtsObjectClassInfo source_viscosity_explicit_info = {
-      sizeof (GfsSourceViscosityExplicit),
+      sizeof (GfsSourceViscosity),
       sizeof (GfsSourceGenericClass),
       (GtsObjectClassInitFunc) source_viscosity_explicit_class_init,
       (GtsObjectInitFunc) source_viscosity_explicit_init,
diff --git a/src/source.h b/src/source.h
index b373a49..660b0f7 100644
--- a/src/source.h
+++ b/src/source.h
@@ -262,19 +262,6 @@ GfsSourceGenericClass * gfs_source_viscosity_class  (void);
 /* GfsSourceViscosityExplicit: Header */
-typedef struct _GfsSourceViscosityExplicit         GfsSourceViscosityExplicit;
-struct _GfsSourceViscosityExplicit {
-  /*< private >*/
-  GfsSourceViscosity parent;
-  /*< public >*/
-  GfsVariable * v[FTT_DIMENSION];
-					         GfsSourceViscosityExplicit,\
-					         gfs_source_viscosity_class ())
 #define GFS_IS_SOURCE_VISCOSITY_EXPLICIT(obj) (gts_object_is_from_class (obj,\
 					       gfs_source_viscosity_explicit_class ()))
diff --git a/src/timestep.c b/src/timestep.c
index ac17ce5..001c90f 100644
--- a/src/timestep.c
+++ b/src/timestep.c
@@ -580,7 +580,8 @@ void gfs_predicted_face_velocities (GfsDomain * domain,
  * @par: the multilevel parameters.
  * @v: a #GfsVariable.
  * @rhs: the right-hand side.
- * @dia: the diagonal weight.
+ * @rhoc: the mass.
+ * @axi: the axisymmetric term.
  * Solves a diffusion equation for variable @v using a Crank-Nicholson
  * scheme with multilevel relaxations.
@@ -593,7 +594,8 @@ void gfs_diffusion (GfsDomain * domain,
 		    GfsMultilevelParams * par,
 		    GfsVariable * v,
 		    GfsVariable * rhs, 
-		    GfsVariable * dia)
+		    GfsVariable * rhoc,
+		    GfsVariable * axi)
   guint minlevel, maxlevel;
   GfsVariable * res;
@@ -602,7 +604,7 @@ void gfs_diffusion (GfsDomain * domain,
   g_return_if_fail (par != NULL);
   g_return_if_fail (v != NULL);
   g_return_if_fail (rhs != NULL);
-  g_return_if_fail (dia != NULL);
+  g_return_if_fail (rhoc != NULL);
   res = gfs_temporary_variable (domain);
@@ -610,14 +612,14 @@ void gfs_diffusion (GfsDomain * domain,
   if (par->minlevel > minlevel)
     minlevel = par->minlevel;
   maxlevel = gfs_domain_depth (domain);
-  gfs_diffusion_residual (domain, v, rhs, dia, res);
+  gfs_diffusion_residual (domain, v, rhs, rhoc, axi, res);
   par->residual_before = par->residual = 
     gfs_domain_norm_variable (domain, res, NULL, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1);
   gdouble res_max_before = par->residual.infty;
   par->niter = 0;
   while (par->niter < par->nitermin ||
 	 (par->residual.infty > par->tolerance && par->niter < par->nitermax)) {
-    gfs_diffusion_cycle (domain, minlevel, maxlevel, par->nrelax, v, rhs, dia, res);
+    gfs_diffusion_cycle (domain, minlevel, maxlevel, par->nrelax, v, rhs, rhoc, axi, res);
     par->residual = gfs_domain_norm_variable (domain, res, NULL, FTT_TRAVERSE_LEAFS, -1);
     if (par->residual.infty == res_max_before) /* convergence has stopped!! */
@@ -719,19 +721,22 @@ static void variable_diffusion (GfsDomain * domain,
 				GfsVariable * rhs,
 				GfsFunction * alpha)
-  GfsVariable * dia;
+  GfsVariable * rhoc, * axi;
-  dia = gfs_temporary_variable (domain);
+  rhoc = gfs_temporary_variable (domain);
+  axi = GFS_IS_AXI (domain) && par->v->component == FTT_Y ? gfs_temporary_variable (domain) : NULL;
-  gfs_diffusion_coefficients (domain, d, par->dt, dia, alpha, d->D->par.beta);
+  gfs_diffusion_coefficients (domain, d, par->dt, rhoc, axi, alpha, d->D->par.beta);
   gfs_domain_surface_bc (domain, par->v);
-  gfs_diffusion_rhs (domain, par->v, rhs, dia, d->D->par.beta);
+  gfs_diffusion_rhs (domain, par->v, rhs, rhoc, axi, d->D->par.beta);
   /* fixme: time shoud be set to t + dt here in case boundary values are
      time-dependent in the call below */
   gfs_domain_surface_bc (domain, par->v);
-  gfs_diffusion (domain, &d->D->par, par->v, rhs, dia);
+  gfs_diffusion (domain, &d->D->par, par->v, rhs, rhoc, axi);
-  gts_object_destroy (GTS_OBJECT (dia));
+  if (axi)
+    gts_object_destroy (GTS_OBJECT (axi));
+  gts_object_destroy (GTS_OBJECT (rhoc));
diff --git a/src/timestep.h b/src/timestep.h
index db11a99..a10e118 100644
--- a/src/timestep.h
+++ b/src/timestep.h
@@ -65,7 +65,8 @@ void          gfs_diffusion                   (GfsDomain * domain,
 					       GfsMultilevelParams * par,
 					       GfsVariable * v,
 					       GfsVariable * rhs, 
-					       GfsVariable * dia);
+					       GfsVariable * rhoc,
+					       GfsVariable * axi);
 void          gfs_centered_velocity_advection_diffusion (GfsDomain * domain,
 							 guint dimension,
 							 GfsAdvectionParams * apar,

Gerris Flow Solver

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