[SCM] Gerris Flow Solver branch, upstream, updated. b3aa46814a06c9cb2912790b23916ffb44f1f203

Stephane Popinet popinet at users.sf.net
Fri May 15 02:56:13 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit 648858ef7c3d28704795192726baa046ff8c5e0c
Author: Stephane Popinet <popinet at users.sf.net>
Date:   Mon Feb 23 16:17:04 2009 +1100

    Wavewatch initialisation files are created in the background

diff --git a/modules/wavewatch.mod b/modules/wavewatch.mod
index 2c756d9..972ed34 100644
--- a/modules/wavewatch.mod
+++ b/modules/wavewatch.mod
@@ -16,23 +16,30 @@
  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
  * 02111-1307, USA.  
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
 #include "wave.h"
 #include "wavewatch/wavewatch.h"
 #define DEBUG 0
 /* fixme: needs to be identical to the same function in wave.c */
+#define GAMMA 1.1
+#define F0 0.04
 static double frequency (int ik)
-  double gamma = 1.1;
-  double f0 = 0.04;
-  return f0*pow(gamma, ik);
+  return F0*pow(GAMMA, ik);
+#if DEBUG      
 static double theta (guint ith, guint ntheta)
   return 2.*M_PI*ith/ntheta;
 typedef struct {
   GfsWave * wave;
@@ -103,20 +110,101 @@ static void source (FttCell * cell, SourceParams * p)
   GFS_VALUE (cell, p->fpi) = FPI;
-static void wavewatch_source (GfsWave * wave)
+static void deletedir (const char * name)
-  GfsDomain * domain = GFS_DOMAIN (wave);
-  if (wave->nk != 25 || wave->ntheta != 24)
-    g_assert_not_implemented ();
+  gchar * command = g_strconcat ("rm -r -f ", name, NULL);
+  system (command);
+  g_free (command);
+static void initialize (GfsWave * wave)
   static gboolean initialized = FALSE;
   if (!initialized) {
+    /* Creates temporary directory */
+    char template[] = "/tmp/gfswavewatch.XXXXXX", * tmp;
+    tmp = mkdtemp (template);
+    if (tmp == NULL) {
+	     "wavewatch module: could not create temporary directory\n"
+	     "%s\n", strerror (errno));
+      return;
+    }
+    /* Creates wavewatch ww3_grid.inp input file */
+    gchar * sinput = g_strconcat (tmp, "/ww3_grid.inp", NULL);
+    FILE * input = fopen (sinput, "w");
+    g_free (sinput);
+    if (input == NULL) {
+	     "wavewatch module: could not create input file\n"
+	     "%s\n", strerror (errno));
+      deletedir (tmp);
+      return;      
+    }
+    fprintf (input,
+	     "$\n"
+	     "      'Gerris wavewatch module'\n"
+	     "   %g  %g  %d  %d  0.\n"
+	     "   F F F F F T\n"
+	     "    900. 950. 900. 300.\n"
+	     "END OF NAMELISTS\n",
+	     GAMMA, F0, wave->nk, wave->ntheta);
+    /* Dummy wavewatch parameters */
+    static gchar constant_parameters[] =
+      "      3      3\n"
+      "      1000.     1000.     1.\n"
+      "     -1000.    -1000.     1.\n"
+      "     -0.1 2.50  10  -1000. 3 1 '(....)' 'NAME' 'bottom.inp'\n"
+      "  1 1 1\n"
+      "  1 1 1\n"
+      "  1 1 1\n"
+      "   10 3 1 '(....)' 'PART' 'mapsta.inp'\n"
+      "      0   0   F\n"
+      "      0   0   F\n"
+      "      0   0\n"
+      "     0.    0.    0.    0.       0\n";  
+    fputs (constant_parameters, input);
+    fclose (input);
+    /* Calls 'ww3_grid' of wavewatch to generate 'mod_def.w3'
+     * required to initialize wavewatch. */
+    char * wdir = getcwd (NULL, 0);
+    char * command = g_strconcat ("cd ",  tmp, " && "
+				  "test -f $HOME/.wwatch3.env && "
+				  "`grep WWATCH3_DIR /home/popinet/.wwatch3.env | "
+				  "awk '{print $2}'`/exe/ww3_grid > ", wdir, "/log_grid.ww3 && "
+				  "mv mod_def.ww3 ", wdir, " && "
+				  "rm -r -f ", tmp,
+				  NULL);
+    int status = system (command);
+    deletedir (tmp);
+    free (wdir);
+    g_free (command);
+    if (status == -1 || WEXITSTATUS (status) != 0) {
+	     "wavewatch module: error when running ww3_grid\nsee log_grid.ww3 for details");
+      return;
+    }
+    /* Initialize wavewatch */
     __gfsw3init__gfsw3_init ();
+    /* cleanup */
+    remove ("mod_def.ww3");
     initialized = TRUE;
+static void wavewatch_source (GfsWave * wave)
+  GfsDomain * domain = GFS_DOMAIN (wave);
   SourceParams p;
+  initialize (wave);
   p.wave = wave;
   p.A = g_malloc (wave->nk*wave->ntheta*sizeof (REAL));
   p.CG = g_malloc (wave->nk*sizeof (REAL));
diff --git a/modules/wavewatch/gfsw3initmd.ftn b/modules/wavewatch/gfsw3initmd.ftn
index df0b299..aa8165b 100644
--- a/modules/wavewatch/gfsw3initmd.ftn
+++ b/modules/wavewatch/gfsw3initmd.ftn
@@ -227,6 +227,9 @@ CONTAINS
       CALL W3SETA ( 1, 6, 6 )
       CALL W3SETO ( 1, 6, 6 )
       CALL W3SETI ( 1, 6, 6 )
+! Time is not set
+      TIME(1) = -1
 !/SHRD      NAPROC = 1
 !/SHRD      IAPROC = 1
@@ -240,9 +243,9 @@ CONTAINS
 ! 1.  IO set-up
 ! 1.a For shell
-      NDSO   =  6
-      NDSE   =  6
-      NDST   =  6
+      NDSO   =  20
+      NDSE   =  20
+      NDST   =  20
 !/NCO/! Redo according to NCO standard and docblock
@@ -257,10 +260,10 @@ CONTAINS
       NDS( 1) = 20
-      NDS( 2) =  6
-!     NDS( 3) =  6
-      NDS( 3) = 21
-      NDS( 4) =  6
+      NDS( 2) = 20
+!     NDS( 3) = 20
+      NDS( 3) = 20
+      NDS( 4) = 20
       NDS( 5) = 30
       NDS( 6) = 30
       NDS( 7) = 31
diff --git a/modules/wavewatch/ww3_grid.inp b/modules/wavewatch/ww3_grid.inp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c6babb..0000000
--- a/modules/wavewatch/ww3_grid.inp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-$ -------------------------------------------------------------------- $
-$ This file is a template which can be used to generate the mod_def.ww3
-$ file required when using the 'wavewatch' module of Gerris
-$ Gerris specific comments are preceded with '*Gerris*:'
-$ -------------------------------------------------------------------- $
-$ WAVEWATCH III Grid preprocessor input file                           $
-$ -------------------------------------------------------------------- $
-$ Grid name (C*30, in quotes)
-  'Gerris wavewatch module'
-$ Frequency increment factor and first frequency (Hz) ---------------- $
-$ number of frequencies (wavenumbers) and directions, relative offset
-$ of first direction in terms of the directional increment [-0.5,0.5].
-$ In versions 1.18 and 2.22 of the model this value was by definiton 0,
-$ it is added to mitigate the GSE for a first order scheme. Note that
-$ this factor is IGNORED in the print plots in ww3_outp.
-$ *Gerris*: Do not modify!!
-   1.1  0.04  25  24  0.
-$ Set model flags ---------------------------------------------------- $
-$  - FLDRY         Dry run (input/output only, no calculation).
-$  - FLCX, FLCY    Activate X and Y component of propagation.
-$  - FLCTH, FLCK   Activate direction and wavenumber shifts.
-$  - FLSOU         Activate source terms.
-$ *Gerris*: FLDRY, FLCX, FLCY flags are ignored
-   F F F F F T
-$ Set time steps ----------------------------------------------------- $
-$ - Time step information (this information is always read)
-$     maximum global time step, maximum CFL time step for x-y and 
-$     k-theta, minimum source term time step (all in seconds).
-    900. 950. 900. 300.                              
-$ Start of namelist input section ------------------------------------ $
-$   Starting with WAVEWATCH III version 2.00, the tunable parameters
-$   for source terms, propagation schemes, and numerics are read using
-$   namelists. Any namelist found in the folowing sections up to the
-$   end-of-section identifier string (see below) is temporarily written
-$   to ww3_grid.scratch, and read from there if necessary. Namelists
-$   not needed for the given switch settings will be skipped
-$   automatically, and the order of the namelists is immaterial.
-$   As an example, namelist input to change SWELLF and ZWND in the
-$   Tolman and Chalikov input would be
-$   &SIN2 SWELLF = 0.1, ZWND = 15. /
-$ Define constants in source terms ----------------------------------- $
-$ Stresses - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-$   TC 1996 with cap    : Namelist FLX3
-$                           CDMAX  : Maximum allowed CD (cap)
-$                           CTYPE  : Cap type :
-$                                     0: Discontinuous (default).
-$                                     1: Hyperbolic tangent.
-$ Linear input - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-$   Cavaleri and M-R    : Namelist SLN1
-$                           CLIN   : Proportionality constant.
-$                           RFPM   : Factor for fPM in filter.
-$                           RFHF   : Factor for fh in filter.
-$ Exponential input  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-$   WAM-3               : Namelist SIN1
-$                           CINP   : Proportionality constant.
-$   Tolman and Chalikov : Namelist SIN2
-$                           ZWND   : Height of wind (m).
-$                           SWELLF : swell factor in (n.nn).
-$                           STABSH, STABOF, CNEG, CPOS, FNEG :
-$                                    c0, ST0, c1, c2 and f1 in . (n.nn)
-$                                    through (2.65) for definition of
-$                                    effective wind speed (!/STAB2).
-$ Nonlinear interactions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-$   Discrete I.A.       : Namelist SNL1
-$                           LAMBDA : Lambda in source term.
-$                           NLPROP : C in sourc term. NOTE : default
-$                                    value depends on other source
-$                                    terms selected.
-$                           KDCONV : Factor before kd in Eq. (n.nn).
-$                           KDMIN, SNLCS1, SNLCS2, SNLCS3 :
-$                                    Minimum kd, and constants c1-3
-$                                    in depth scaling function.
-$   Exact interactions  : Namelist SNL2
-$                           IQTYPE : Type of depth treatment
-$                                     1 : Deep water
-$                                     2 : Deep water / WAM scaling
-$                                     3 : Shallow water
-$                           TAILNL : Parametric tail power.
-$                           NDEPTH : Number of depths in for which 
-$                                    integration space is established.
-$                                    Used for IQTYPE = 3 only
-$                         Namelist ANL2
-$                           DEPTHS : Array with depths for NDEPTH = 3
-$ Dissipation  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-$   WAM-3               : Namelist SDS1
-$                           CDIS, APM : As in source term.
-$   Tolman and Chalikov : Namelist SDS2
-$                           SDSA0, SDSA1, SDSA2, SDSB0, SDSB1, PHIMIN :
-$                                    Constants a0, a1, a2, b0, b1 and
-$                                    PHImin.
-$ Bottom friction  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-$   JONSWAP             : Namelist SBT1
-$                           GAMMA   : As it says.
-$ Surf breaking  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-$   Battjes and Janssen : Namelist SDB1
-$                           BJALFA  : 
-$                           BJGAM   : 
-$                           BJFLAG  : 
-$ Propagation schemes ------------------------------------------------ $
-$   First order         : Namelist PRO1
-$                           CFLTM  : Maximum CFL number for refraction.
-$   UQ with diffusion   : Namelist PRO2
-$                           CFLTM  : Maximum CFL number for refraction.
-$                           DTIME  : Swell age (s) in garden sprinkler
-$                                    correction. If 0., all diffusion
-$                                    switched off. If small non-zero
-$                                    (DEFAULT !!!) only wave growth
-$                                    diffusion.
-$                           LATMIN : Maximum latitude used in calc. of
-$                                    strength of diffusion for prop.
-$   UQ with averaging   : Namelist PRO3
-$                           CFLTM  : Maximum CFL number for refraction.
-$                           WDTHCG : Tuning factor propag. direction.
-$                           WDTHTH : Tuning factor normal direction.
-$ Miscellaneous ------------------------------------------------------ $
-$   Misc. parameters    : Namelist MISC
-$                           CICE0  : Ice concentration cut-off.
-$                           CICEN  : Ice concentration cut-off.
-$                           PMOVE  : Power p in GSE aleviation for
-$                                    moving grids in Eq. (D.4).
-$                           XSEED  : Xseed in seeding alg. (!/SEED).
-$                           FLAGTR : Indicating presence and type of
-$                                    subgrid information :
-$                                     0 : No subgrid information.
-$                                     1 : Transparancies at cell boun-
-$                                         daries between grid points.
-$                                     2 : Transp. at cell centers.
-$                                     3 : Like 1 with cont. ice.
-$                                     4 : Like 2 with cont. ice.
-$                           XP, XR, XFILT
-$                                    Xp, Xr and Xf for the dynamic
-$                                    integration scheme.
-$                           IHMAX  : Number of discrete levels in part.
-$                           HSPMIN : Minimum Hs in partitioning.
-$                           WSM    : Wind speed multiplier in part.
-$                           WSC    : Cut of wind sea fraction for 
-$                                    identifying wind sea in part.
-$                           FLC    : Flag for combining wind seas in
-$                                    partitioning.
-$                           FMICHE : Constant in Miche limiter.
-$ In the 'Out of the box' test setup we run with sub-grid obstacles 
-$ and with continuous ice treatment.
-$ &MISC FLAGTR = 0 /
-$ &FLX3 CDMAX = 3.5E-3 , CTYPE = 0 /
-$ &SDB1 BJGAM = 1.26, BJFLAG = .FALSE. /
-$ Mandatory string to identify end of namelist input section.
-$ -------------------------------------------------------------------- $
-$   *Gerris* *Gerris* *Gerris* *Gerris* *Gerris* *Gerris* *Gerris*
-$   *Gerris* *Gerris* *Gerris* *Gerris* *Gerris* *Gerris* *Gerris*
-$ -------------------------------------------------------------------- $
-$ Define grid -------------------------------------------------------- $
-$ Four records containing :
-$  1 NX, NY. As the outer grid lines are always defined as land
-$    points, the minimum size is 3x3.
-$  2 Grid increments SX, SY (degr.or m) and scaling (division) factor.
-$    If NX*SX = 360., latitudinal closure is applied.
-$  3 Coordinates of (1,1) (degr.) and scaling (division) factor.
-$  4 Limiting bottom depth (m) to discriminate between land and sea
-$    points, minimum water depth (m) as allowed in model, unit number
-$    of file with bottom depths, scale factor for bottom depths (mult.),
-$    IDLA, IDFM, format for formatted read, FROM and filename.
-$      IDLA : Layout indicator :
-$                  1   : Read line-by-line bottom to top.
-$                  2   : Like 1, single read statement.
-$                  3   : Read line-by-line top to bottom.
-$                  4   : Like 3, single read statement.
-$      IDFM : format indicator :
-$                  1   : Free format.
-$                  2   : Fixed format with above format descriptor.
-$                  3   : Unformatted.
-$      FROM : file type parameter
-$               'UNIT' : open file by unit number only.
-$               'NAME' : open file by name and assign to unit.
-$ Example for longitude-latitude grid (switch !/LLG), for Cartesian
-$ grid the unit is meters (NOT km).
-$ *Gerris*: This is a dummy grid. NX and NY should always be set to 3.
-$           All the other parameters below have to do with spatial 
-$           initialisation and are ignored by Gerris (the corresponding
-$           spatial initialisations are controlled through the Gerris
-$           parameter file).
-      3      3
-      1000.     1000.     1.
-     -1000.    -1000.     1.
-     -0.1 2.50  10  -1000. 3 1 '(....)' 'NAME' 'bottom.inp'
-$ If the above unit number equals 10, the bottom data is read from 
-$ this file and follows below (no intermediate comment lines allowed).
-  1 1 1
-  1 1 1
-  1 1 1
-$ If sub-grid information is available as indicated by FLAGTR above,
-$ additional input to define this is needed below. In such cases a
-$ field of fractional obstructions at or between grid points needs to 
-$ be supplied.  First the location and format of the data is defined
-$ by (as above) :
-$  - Unit number of file (can be 10, and/or identical to bottem depth
-$    unit), scale factor for fractional obstruction, IDLA, IDFM,
-$    format for formatted read, FROM and filename
-$   10 0.2  3 1 '(....)' 'NAME' 'obstr.inp'
-$ *** NOTE if this unit number is the same as the previous bottom
-$     depth unit number, it is assumed that this is the same file
-$     without further checks.                                      ***
-$ If the above unit number equals 10, the bottom data is read from 
-$ this file and follows below (no intermediate comment lines allowed,
-$ except between the two fields).
-$  0 0 0
-$  0 0 0
-$  0 0 0
-$  0 0 0
-$  0 0 0
-$  0 0 0
-$ *** NOTE size of fields is always NX * NY                        ***
-$ Input boundary points and excluded points -------------------------- $
-$    The first line identifies where to get the map data, by unit number
-$    IDLA and IDFM, format for formatted read, FROM and filename
-$    if FROM = 'PART', then segmented data is read from below, else
-$    the data is read from file as with the other inputs (as INTEGER)
-   10 3 1 '(....)' 'PART' 'mapsta.inp'
-$ Read the status map from file ( FROM != PART ) --------------------- $ 
-$ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
-$ 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 3
-$ 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 3
-$ 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 3
-$ 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 3
-$ 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3
-$ 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3
-$ 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3
-$ 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3
-$ 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3
-$ 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3
-$ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
-$ The legend for the input map is :
-$    0 : Land point.
-$    1 : Regular sea point.
-$    2 : Active boundary point.
-$    3 : Point excluded from grid.
-$ Input boundary points from segment data ( FROM = PART ) ------------ $
-$   An unlimited number of lines identifying points at which input 
-$   boundary conditions are to be defined. If the actual input data is
-$   not defined in the actual wave model run, the initial conditions
-$   will be applied as constant boundary conditions. Each line contains:
-$     Discrete grid counters (IX,IY) of the active point and a
-$     connect flag. If this flag is true, and the present and previous
-$     point are on a grid line or diagonal, all intermediate points
-$     are also defined as boundary points.
-$      2   2   F
-$      2  11   T
-$  Close list by defining point (0,0) (mandatory)
-      0   0   F
-$ Excluded grid points from segment data ( FROM != PART )
-$   First defined as lines, identical to the definition of the input
-$   boundary points, and closed the same way.
-      0   0   F
-$   Second, define a point in a closed body of sea points to remove
-$   the entire body of sea points. Also close by point (0,0)
-      0   0
-$ Output boundary points --------------------------------------------- $
-$ Output boundary points are defined as a number of straight lines, 
-$ defined by its starting point (X0,Y0), increments (DX,DY) and number
-$ of points. A negative number of points starts a new output file.
-$ Note that this data is only generated if requested by the actual
-$ program. Example again for spherical grid in degrees. Note, these do
-$ not need to be defined for data transfer between grids in te multi
-$ grid driver.
-$     1.75  1.50  0.25 -0.10     3
-$     2.25  1.50 -0.10  0.00    -6
-$     0.10  0.10  0.10  0.00   -10
-$  Close list by defining line with 0 points (mandatory)
-     0.    0.    0.    0.       0
-$ -------------------------------------------------------------------- $
-$ End of input file                                                    $
-$ -------------------------------------------------------------------- $

Gerris Flow Solver

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