[SCM] grounding tools for (disjunctive) logic programs branch, master, updated. 6dd3cb02ab8346ddf183ac9642f67b6ad3030b44

Thomas Krennwallner tkren at kr.tuwien.ac.at
Mon Sep 26 05:48:29 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 6dd3cb02ab8346ddf183ac9642f67b6ad3030b44
Merge: 14f61e83576afcdcecada4c51cde4f6810f7eec6 05e1342f1818b6a36b53452dae30397ab24ac4f7
Author: Thomas Krennwallner <tkren at kr.tuwien.ac.at>
Date:   Mon Sep 26 07:47:25 2011 +0200

    Merge branch 'master' of git://git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/gringo

diff --combined debian/changelog
index 62ee1ee,de57aa2..1a43b63
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@@ -1,45 -1,34 +1,45 @@@
 +gringo (3.0.3-7) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * debian/copyright: Fix comma-separated-files-in-dep5-copyright,
 +    obsolete-field-in-dep5-copyright and unversioned-copyright-format-uri
 +    lintian warnings.
 + -- Thomas Krennwallner <tkren at kr.tuwien.ac.at>  Mon, 26 Sep 2011 07:46:14 +0200
  gringo (3.0.3-6) unstable; urgency=low
 -  * control: Setup as Debian Science project.
 +  * debian/control: Setup as Debian Science project.
      - Set Maintainer to Debian Science Maintainers and Uploaders to Thomas
      - Set DM-Upload-Allowed to yes.
      - Convert bzr repository to git and use Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser
-       accourdingly.
+       accordingly.
      - Build-Depends on debhelper >= 8.0.0.
 -  * rules: Add override_dh_auto_build to get rid off
 -    gringo-makefile.patch.
 -  * patches/gringo-makefile.patch,patches/series: Remove
 -    gringo-makefile.patch.
 +  * debian/rules: Add override_dh_auto_build to get rid off
 +    debian/patches/gringo-makefile.patch.
 +  * debian/patches/gringo-makefile.patch debian/patches/series: Remove
 +    debian/patches/gringo-makefile.patch.
   -- Thomas Krennwallner <tkren at kr.tuwien.ac.at>  Mon, 05 Sep 2011 13:21:51 +0200
  gringo (3.0.3-5~natty1) natty; urgency=low
 -  * watch: Fix lintian debian-watch-contains-dh_make-template.
 -  * control: Lower Priority to extra and bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2.
 +  * debian/watch: Fix lintian debian-watch-contains-dh_make-template.
 +  * debian/control: Lower Priority to extra and bump Standards-Version to
 +    3.9.2.
   -- Thomas Krennwallner <tkren at kr.tuwien.ac.at>  Fri, 29 Apr 2011 07:11:12 +0200
  gringo (3.0.3-4) unstable; urgency=low
 -  * control: Combine gringo, clingo, and iclingo binary packages into gringo.
 +  * debian/control: Combine gringo, clingo, and iclingo binary packages
 +    into gringo.
     + Conflicts and Replaces clingo and iclingo.
 -  * copyright: Convert to DEP-5 format and add missing licenses.
 -  * rules: Add override_dh_installchangelogs for CHANGES file.
 -  * install: Install gringo, clingo and iclingo.
 -  * Refresh gringo-makefile.patch; do not install anything here.
 +  * debian/copyright: Convert to DEP-5 format and add missing licenses.
 +  * debian/rules: Add override_dh_installchangelogs for CHANGES file.
 +  * debian/install: Install gringo, clingo and iclingo.
 +  * Refresh debian/patches/gringo-makefile.patch; do not install anything
 +    here.
   -- Thomas Krennwallner <tkren at kr.tuwien.ac.at>  Tue, 22 Feb 2011 09:38:26 +0100

grounding tools for (disjunctive) logic programs

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