[sagenb] 145/157: Updated Release Manager Instructions

felix salfelder felix-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Dec 22 16:52:02 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

felix-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository sagenb.

commit 09f0d1c82aacb8dd84b936b0c7c70350e92a232f
Author: Punarbasu Purkayastha <ppurka at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Nov 6 16:24:39 2014 -0500

    Updated Release Manager Instructions
 ReleaseInstr.md | 134 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 134 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ReleaseInstr.md b/ReleaseInstr.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c097051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ReleaseInstr.md
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+## Steps to create a Sagenb package
+Throughout the steps below, replace `<version>` with the actual version,
+for example, ``. Also, we will assume that
+`github.org/sagemath/sagenb` is present as `upstream` remote repository
+in your local `SAGENB_ROOT`.
+1. Change into the sagenb git directory, and update to the latest
+   `upstream/master`. We assume that all the required merges to the
+   `upstream/master` have happened already and that your master is
+   at a previous or current commit (same hash) of `upstream/master`;
+   if not, use `git merge upstream/master` instead of `git rebase`.
+    ```sh
+    git checkout master
+    git fetch upstream
+    git rebase upstream/master  
+    ```
+1. Edit `Changes` file to highlight the main changes. Edit `setup.py` to
+   update the version for Sagenb (this is *important*). Example diff:
+    ```diff
+    --- a/setup.py
+    +++ b/setup.py
+    @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
+             distutils.log.set_threshold(distutils.log.DEBUG)
+         code = setup(name = 'sagenb',
+    -          version     = '',
+    +          version     = '',
+               description = 'The Sage Notebook',
+               license     = 'GNU General Public License (GPL) v3+',
+               author      = 'William Stein et al.',                      
+    ```
+1. Commit the updated version change.
+    ```sh
+    git add Changes
+    git add setup.py
+    git commit -m "Update Sagenb version to <version>"
+    ```
+1. Create the dist directory with all the included packages.
+    ```sh
+    ./dist.sh
+    ```
+1. (Optional) If the above command was already run once, then to avoid
+   downloading all the dependencies all over again, and to just repackage
+   only sagenb, the following command can also be run:
+    ```sh
+    rm -f dist/sagenb*
+    ./dist.sh -s
+    ```
+1. Create the sagenb tar file for inclusion into Sage.
+    FIXME - probably the dist is actually the right one
+    ```sh
+    mv dist sagenb-<version>
+    tar cf sagenb-<version>.tar sagenb-<version>
+    mv sagenb-<version>.tar SAGE_ROOT/upstream
+    ```
+1. Let Sage know about the new sagenb and update its checksums, and then
+   try out the new sagenb and test it.  Here we are not yet committing,
+   in case of any errors.
+    ```sh
+    cd SAGE_ROOT
+    echo "<version>" > build/pkgs/sagenb/package-version.txt
+    ./sage -sh -c sage-fix-pkg-checksums
+    ./sage -tp --long --sagenb  # test sagenb
+    make ptestlong              # test sage
+    ```
+1. (Optional) If you encounter errors or realize there was a mistake,
+   you can try to fix them back in sagenb, after reverting the last
+   change (the updated sagenb version).
+    ```sh
+    git reset --mixed  HEAD^
+    <fix whatever needs fixing>
+    <perhaps run tests again, from SAGE_ROOT>
+    git commit -m 'Fix doctests' # or whatever is appropriate
+    <edit Changes and setup.py again if necessary>
+    git add Changes
+    git add setup.py
+    git commit
+    ```
+   Now return to the previous step (in `SAGE_ROOT`) as needed,
+   and then proceed.
+1. Now we can create a branch for the ticket `<ticket>`, commit our changes,
+   and push to Trac.  Warning: do not use `git commit -a`
+   unless you are sure (see `git status`) that you don't have anything else
+   in your directory that shouldn't be added; otherwise do `git add` the
+   correct files first.
+    ```sh
+    git checkout develop -b ticket/<ticket> # or "git trac create" or "git trac checkout", etc
+    git commit -a -m "Upgrade sagenb to version <version>"
+    ./sage -tp --long --sagenb  # test sagenb again
+    make ptestlong              # test sage again if need be
+    git trac push <ticket>
+    ```
+   You will want to upload the sagenb tar file somewhere convenient and
+   put a link to it on the appropriate Trac ticket as well.
+1. Now that everything is fine, update the sagenb in Github with the new
+   changes.
+    ```sh
+    git tag <version>
+    git push upstream master
+    git checkout release
+    git merge <version>
+    git push upstream release
+    git push upstream --tags  # This will automatically create sagenb.tar.gz in Github
+    ```
+1. If you encounter any difficulties, you can also look at the
+   [work flow](https://gist.github.com/kini/5852091) that was shown by
+   @kini long ago or see the older release instructions in README.rst

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/sagenb.git

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