[ismrmrd] 185/281: Started to migrage ImageHeader to new style matlab api.

Ghislain Vaillant ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jan 14 20:01:12 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag ismrmrd0.5
in repository ismrmrd.

commit 52aa30eeda8e95b824241856d2c14d4642c3a057
Author: Souheil Inati <souheil.inati at nih.gov>
Date:   Fri Sep 6 16:22:50 2013 -0400

    Started to migrage ImageHeader to new style matlab api.
 matlab/+ismrmrd/AcquisitionHeader.m |   2 +-
 matlab/+ismrmrd/ImageDataType.m     |   9 -
 matlab/+ismrmrd/ImageFlags.m        |  14 --
 matlab/+ismrmrd/ImageHeader.m       | 443 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 matlab/+ismrmrd/ImageType.m         |   9 -
 5 files changed, 396 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)

diff --git a/matlab/+ismrmrd/AcquisitionHeader.m b/matlab/+ismrmrd/AcquisitionHeader.m
index e28d128..cd4e3db 100644
--- a/matlab/+ismrmrd/AcquisitionHeader.m
+++ b/matlab/+ismrmrd/AcquisitionHeader.m
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ classdef AcquisitionHeader < handle
             % create an empty acquisition header
             M = length(range);
-            hdr = ismrmrd.Acquisition(M);
+            hdr = ismrmrd.AcquisitionHeader(M);
             % Fill
             hdr.version = obj.version(range);
diff --git a/matlab/+ismrmrd/ImageDataType.m b/matlab/+ismrmrd/ImageDataType.m
deleted file mode 100644
index e231a58..0000000
--- a/matlab/+ismrmrd/ImageDataType.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-classdef ImageDataType
-    properties(Constant)
-        DATA_FLOAT = 1,
-        DATA_DOUBLE = 2,
-        DATA_COMPLEX_FLOAT = 3,
-    end
diff --git a/matlab/+ismrmrd/ImageFlags.m b/matlab/+ismrmrd/ImageFlags.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ad2b87..0000000
--- a/matlab/+ismrmrd/ImageFlags.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-classdef ImageFlags < ismrmrd.Flags
-    properties(Constant)
-        IMAGE_IS_NAVIGATION_DATA      				= 23,
-        IMAGE_USER1                   				= 57,
-        IMAGE_USER2                   				= 58,
-        IMAGE_USER3                   				= 59,
-        IMAGE_USER4                   				= 60,
-        IMAGE_USER5                   				= 61,
-        IMAGE_USER6                   				= 62,
-        IMAGE_USER7                   				= 63,
-        IMAGE_USER8                   				= 64
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab/+ismrmrd/ImageHeader.m b/matlab/+ismrmrd/ImageHeader.m
index 42f960a..a234aae 100644
--- a/matlab/+ismrmrd/ImageHeader.m
+++ b/matlab/+ismrmrd/ImageHeader.m
@@ -1,51 +1,398 @@
-function hdr = ImageHeader(imtype)
-% Return an initialized ISMRMRD ImageHeader
-% hdr = ImageHeader(imtype)
-% imtype is one of the types defined in ismrmrd.ImageType
-% example usage:
-%   hdr_c = ImageHeader(ismrmrd.ImageType.TYPE_COMPLEX)
-    % Check for a valid type
-    fnames = fieldnames(ismrmrd.ImageType);
-    b = false;
-    for p = 1:length(fnames)
-        if uint16(imtype) == ismrmrd.ImageType.(fnames{p})
-            b = true;
-            break;
-        end
+classdef ImageHeader < handle
+    properties
+        version = uint16([]);                % First unsigned int indicates the version %
+        flags = uint64([]);                  % bit field with flags %
+        measurement_uid = uint32([]);        % Unique ID for the measurement %
+        matrix_size = single([]);            % Pixels in the 3 spatial dimensions
+        field_of_view = single([]);          % Size (in mm) of the 3 spatial dimensions %
+        channels = uint16([]);               % Number of receive channels %
+        position = single([]);               % Three-dimensional spatial offsets from isocenter %
+        read_dir = single([]);               % Directional cosines of the readout/frequency encoding %
+        phase_dir = single([]);              % Directional cosines of the phase encoding %
+        slice_dir = single([]);              % Directional cosines of the slice %
+        patient_table_position = single([]); % Patient table off-center %
+        average = uint16([]);                % e.g. signal average number %
+        slice = uint16([]);                  % e.g. imaging slice number %
+        contrast = uint16([]);               % e.g. echo number in multi-echo %
+        phase = uint16([]);                  % e.g. cardiac phase number %
+        repetition = uint16([]);             % e.g. dynamic number for dynamic scanning %
+        set = uint16([]);                    % e.g. flow encodning set %
+        acquisition_time_stamp = uint32([]); % Acquisition clock %
+        physiology_time_stamp = uint32([]);  % Physiology time stamps, e.g. ecg, breating, etc. %
+        image_data_type = uint16([]);        % e.g. unsigned short, float, complex float, etc. %
+        image_type = uint16(imtype);         % e.g. magnitude, phase, complex, real, imag, etc. %
+        image_index = uint16([]);			 % e.g. image number in series of images  %
+        image_series_index = uint16([]);     % e.g. series number %
+        user_int = int32([]);                % Free user parameters %
+        user_float = single([]);             % Free user parameters %
+    end
+    properties(Constant)
+        FLAGS = struct( ...
+            'IMAGE_IS_NAVIGATION_DATA', 23, ...
+            'IMAGE_USER1',              57, ...
+            'IMAGE_USER2',              58, ...
+            'IMAGE_USER3',              59, ...
+            'IMAGE_USER4',              60, ...
+            'IMAGE_USER5',              61, ...
+            'IMAGE_USER6',              62, ...
+            'IMAGE_USER7',              63, ...
+            'IMAGE_USER8',              64);
+        DATA_TYPE = struct( ...
+            'FLOAT',          uint16(1), ...
+            'DOUBLE',         uint16(2), ...
+            'COMPLEX_FLOAT',  uint16(3), ...
+            'COMPLEX_DOUBLE', uint16(4), ...
+            'UNSIGNED_SHORT', uint16(5));
+        IMAGE_TYPE = struct( ...
+            'TYPE_MAGNITUDE', uint16(1), ...
+            'TYPE_PHASE',     uint16(2), ...
+            'TYPE_REAL',      uint16(3), ...
+            'TYPE_IMAG',      uint16(4), ...
+            'TYPE_COMPLEX',   uint16(5));
-    if ~b
-        error('%d is an unknown ISMRMRD image type.',imtype);
+    methods
+        function obj = ImageHeader(arg)
+            switch nargin
+                case 0
+                    % No argument constructor
+                    % initialize to a single image header
+                    extend(obj,1);
+                case 1
+                    % One argument constructor
+                    if isstruct(arg)
+                        % plain struct
+                        fromStruct(obj,arg);
+                    elseif (length(arg)==1 && ismrmrd.util.isInt(arg)) == 1
+                        % number
+                        extend(obj,arg);
+                    elseif isa(arg,'int8')
+                        % Byte array
+                        fromBytes(obj,arg);
+                    else
+                        % Unknown type
+                        error('Unknown argument type.')
+                    end
+                otherwise
+                    error('Wrong number of arguments.')
+            end
+        end
+        function nacq = getNumber(obj)
+            nacq = length(obj.version);
+        end
+        function hdr = select(obj, range)
+            % Return a copy of a range of image headers
+            % create an empty image header
+            M = length(range);
+            hdr = ismrmrd.ImageHeader(M);
+            % Fill
+            hdr.version = obj.version(range);
+            hdr.flags = obj.flags(range);
+            hdr.measurement_uid = obj.measurement_uid(range);
+            hdr.matrix_size = obj.matrix_size(:,range);
+            hdr.field_of_view = obj.field_of_view(:,range);
+            hdr.channels = obj.channels(:,range);
+            hdr.position = obj.position(:,range);
+            hdr.read_dir = obj.read_dir(:,range);
+            hdr.phase_dir = obj.phase_dir(:,range);
+            hdr.slice_dir = obj.slice_dir(:,range);
+            hdr.patient_table_position = obj.patient_table_position(:,range);
+            hdr.average = obj.idx.average(range);
+            hdr.slice = obj.idx.slice(range);
+            hdr.contrast = obj.idx.contrast(range);
+            hdr.phase = obj.idx.phase(range);
+            hdr.repetition = obj.idx.repetition(range);
+            hdr.set = obj.idx.set(range);
+            hdr.acquisition_time_stamp = obj.acquisition_time_stamp(range);
+            hdr.physiology_time_stamp = obj.physiology_time_stamp(:,range);
+            hdr.image_data_type = obj.image_data_type(range);
+            hdr.image_type = obj.image_type(range);
+            hdr.image_index = obj.image_index(range);
+            hdr.image_series_index = obj.image_series_index(range);
+            hdr.user_int = obj.user_int(:,range);
+            hdr.user_float = obj.user_float(:,range);
+        end        
+        function extend(obj,N)
+            % Extend with blank header
+            range = obj.getNumber + (1:N);            
+            obj.version(1,range)                  = zeros(1,N,'uint16');
+            obj.flags(1,range)                    = zeros(1,N,'uint64');
+            obj.measurement_uid(1,range)          = zeros(1,N,'uint32');
+            obj.matrix_size(1:3,range)            = zeros(3,N,'uint16');
+            obj.field_of_view(1:3,range)          = zeros(3,N,'single');
+            obj.channels(1,range)                 = zeros(1,N,'uint16');
+            obj.position(1:3,range)               = zeros(3,N,'single');
+            obj.read_dir(1:3,range)               = zeros(3,N,'single');
+            obj.phase_dir(1:3,range)              = zeros(3,N,'single');
+            obj.slice_dir(1:3,range)              = zeros(3,N,'single');
+            obj.patient_table_position(1:3,range) = zeros(3,N,'single');
+            obj.average(1,range)                  = zeros(1,N,'uint16');
+            obj.slice(1,range)                    = zeros(1,N,'uint16');
+            obj.contrast(1,range)                 = zeros(1,N,'uint16');
+            obj.phase(1,range)                    = zeros(1,N,'uint16');
+            obj.repetition(1,range)               = zeros(1,N,'uint16');
+            obj.set(1,range)                      = zeros(1,N,'uint16');
+            obj.acquisition_time_stamp(1,range)   = zeros(1,N,'uint32');
+            obj.physiology_time_stamp(1:3,range)  = zeros(3,N,'uint32');
+            obj.image_data_type(1,range)          = zeros(1,N,'uint16');
+            obj.image_type(1,range)               = zeros(1,N,'uint16');
+            obj.image_index(1,range)              = zeros(1,N,'uint16');
+            obj.image_series_index(1,range)       = zeros(1,N,'uint16');
+            obj.user_int(1:3,range)               = zeros(8,1,'int32');
+            obj.user_float(1:3,range)             = zeros(8,1,'single');
+        end
+        function append(obj, head)
+            Nstart = obj.getNumber + 1;
+            Nend   = obj.getNumber + length(head.version);
+            Nrange = Nstart:Nend;
+            obj.version(Nrange) = hdr.version;
+            obj.flags(Nrange) = hdr.flags;
+            obj.measurement_uid(Nrange) = hdr.measurement_uid;
+            obj.matrix_size(:,Nrange) = hdr.matrix_size;
+            obj.field_of_view(:,Nrange) = hdr.field_of_view;
+            obj.channels(Nrange) = hdr.channels;
+            obj.position(:,Nrange) = hdr.position;
+            obj.read_dir(:,Nrange) = hdr.read_dir;
+            obj.phase_dir(:,Nrange) = hdr.phase_dir;
+            obj.slice_dir(:,Nrange) = hdr.slice_dir;
+            obj.patient_table_position(:,Nrange) = hdr.patient_table_position;
+            obj.average(Nrange) = hdr.average;
+            obj.slice(Nrange) = hdr.slice;
+            obj.contrast(Nrange) = hdr.contrast;
+            obj.phase(Nrange) = hdr.phase;
+            obj.repetition(Nrange) = hdr.repetition;
+            obj.set(Nrange) = hdr.set;
+            obj.acquisition_time_stamp(Nrange) = hdr.acquisition_time_stamp;
+            obj.physiology_time_stamp(:,Nrange) = hdr.physiology_time_stamp;
+            obj.image_data_type(Nrange) = hdr.image_data_type;
+            obj.image_type(Nrange) = hdr.image_type;
+            obj.image_index(Nrange) = hdr.image_index;
+            obj.image_series_index(Nrange) = hdr.image_series_index;
+            obj.user_int(:,Nrange) = hdr.user_int;
+            obj.user_float(:,Nrange) = hdr.user_float;            
+        end
+        function fromStruct(obj, hdr)
+            %warning! no error checking
+            obj.version = hdr.version;
+            obj.flags = hdr.flags;
+            obj.measurement_uid = hdr.measurement_uid;
+            obj.matrix_size = hdr.matrix_size;
+            obj.field_of_view = hdr.field_of_view;
+            obj.channels = hdr.channels;
+            obj.position = hdr.position;
+            obj.read_dir = hdr.read_dir;
+            obj.phase_dir = hdr.phase_dir;
+            obj.slice_dir = hdr.slice_dir;
+            obj.patient_table_position = hdr.patient_table_position;
+            obj.average = hdr.average;
+            obj.slice = hdr.slice;
+            obj.contrast = hdr.contrast;
+            obj.phase = hdr.phase;
+            obj.repetition = hdr.repetition;
+            obj.set = hdr.set;
+            obj.acquisition_time_stamp = hdr.acquisition_time_stamp;
+            obj.physiology_time_stamp = hdr.physiology_time_stamp;
+            obj.image_data_type = hdr.image_data_type;
+            obj.image_type = hdr.image_type;
+            obj.image_index = hdr.image_index;
+            obj.image_series_index = hdr.image_series_index;
+            obj.user_int = hdr.user_int;
+            obj.user_float = hdr.user_float;
+        end
+        function hdr = toStruct(obj)
+            %warning! no error checking
+            hdr = struct();
+            hdr.version = obj.version;
+            hdr.flags = obj.flags;
+            hdr.measurement_uid = obj.measurement_uid;
+            hdr.matrix_size = obj.matrix_size;
+            hdr.field_of_view = obj.field_of_view;
+            hdr.channels = obj.channels;
+            hdr.position = obj.position;
+            hdr.read_dir = obj.read_dir;
+            hdr.phase_dir = obj.phase_dir;
+            hdr.slice_dir = obj.slice_dir;
+            hdr.patient_table_position = obj.patient_table_position;
+            hdr.average = obj.average;
+            hdr.slice = obj.slice;
+            hdr.contrast = obj.contrast;
+            hdr.phase = obj.phase;
+            hdr.repetition = obj.repetition;
+            hdr.set = obj.set;
+            hdr.acquisition_time_stamp = obj.acquisition_time_stamp;
+            hdr.physiology_time_stamp = obj.physiology_time_stamp;
+            hdr.image_data_type = obj.image_data_type;
+            hdr.image_type = obj.image_type;
+            hdr.image_index = obj.image_index;
+            hdr.image_series_index = obj.image_series_index;
+            hdr.user_int = obj.user_int;
+            hdr.user_float = obj.user_float;            
+        end
+        function fromBytes(obj, bytearray)
+            % TODO: physiology_time_stamp should be 3. So size will change
+            % from 214 to 194;
+            if size(bytearray,1) ~= 214
+                error('Wrong number of bytes for AcquisitionHeader.')
+            end
+            N = size(bytearray,2);
+            for p = 1:N
+                obj.version(p)                  = typecast(bytes(1:2,p),     'uint16');
+                obj.flags(p)                    = typecast(bytes(3:10,p),    'uint64');
+                obj.measurement_uid(p)          = typecast(bytes(11:14,p),   'uint32');
+                obj.matrix_size(:,p)            = typecast(bytes(15:20,p),   'uint16');
+                obj.field_of_view(:,p)          = typecast(bytes(21:32,p),   'single');
+                obj.channels(p)                 = typecast(bytes(33:34,p),   'uint16');
+                obj.position(:,p)               = typecast(bytes(35:46,p),   'single');
+                obj.read_dir(:,p)               = typecast(bytes(47:58,p),   'single');
+                obj.phase_dir(:,p)              = typecast(bytes(59:70,p),   'single');
+                obj.slice_dir(:,p)              = typecast(bytes(71:82,p),   'single');
+                obj.patient_table_position(:,p) = typecast(bytes(83:94,p),   'single');
+                obj.average(p)                  = typecast(bytes(95:96,p),   'uint16');
+                obj.slice(p)                    = typecast(bytes(97:98,p),   'uint16');
+                obj.contrast(p)                 = typecast(bytes(99:100,p),  'uint16');
+                obj.phase(p)                    = typecast(bytes(101:102,p), 'uint16');
+                obj.repetition(p)               = typecast(bytes(103:104,p), 'uint16');
+                obj.set(p)                      = typecast(bytes(105:106,p), 'uint16');
+                obj.acquisition_time_stamp(p)   = typecast(bytes(107:110,p), 'uint32');
+                obj.physiology_time_stamp(:,p)  = typecast(bytes(111:122,p), 'uint32');
+                                    ... %   TODO: the C header has a bug.  3 is correct                
+                obj.image_data_type(p)          = typecast(bytes(143:144,p), 'uint16');
+                obj.image_type(p)               = typecast(bytes(145:146,p), 'uint16');
+                obj.image_index(p)              = typecast(bytes(147:148,p), 'uint16');
+                obj.image_series_index(p)       = typecast(bytes(149:150,p), 'uint16');
+                obj.user_int(:,p)               = typecast(bytes(151:182,p), 'uint32');
+                obj.user_float(:,p)             = typecast(bytes(183:214,p), 'single');
+            end              
+        end
+        function bytes = toBytes(obj)
+            % Convert to an ISMRMRD AcquisitionHeader struct to a byte array.
+            N = obj.getNumber;
+            % TODO: physiology_time_stamp should be 3.
+            %bytes = zeros(194,N,'int8');
+            bytes = zeros(214,N,'int8');
+            for p = 1:N
+                off = 1;
+                bytes(off:off+1,p)   = typecast(obj.version(p)                 ,'int8'); off=off+2;
+                bytes(off:off+7,p)   = typecast(obj.flags(p)                   ,'int8'); off=off+8;
+                bytes(off:off+3,p)   = typecast(obj.measurement_uid(p)         ,'int8'); off=off+4;
+                bytes(off:off+5,p)   = typecast(obj.matrix_size(:,p)           ,'int8'); off=off+6;
+                bytes(off:off+11,p)  = typecast(obj.field_of_view(:,p)         ,'int8'); off=off+12;
+                bytes(off:off+1,p)   = typecast(obj.channels(p)                ,'int8'); off=off+2;
+                bytes(off:off+11,p)  = typecast(obj.position(:,p)              ,'int8'); off=off+12;
+                bytes(off:off+11,p)  = typecast(obj.read_dir(:,p)              ,'int8'); off=off+12;
+                bytes(off:off+11,p)  = typecast(obj.phase_dir(:,p)             ,'int8'); off=off+12;
+                bytes(off:off+11,p)  = typecast(obj.slice_dir(:,p)             ,'int8'); off=off+12;
+                bytes(off:off+11,p)  = typecast(obj.patient_table_position(:,p),'int8'); off=off+12;
+                bytes(off:off+1,p)   = typecast(obj.average(p)                 ,'int8'); off=off+2;
+                bytes(off:off+1,p)   = typecast(obj.slice(p)                   ,'int8'); off=off+2;
+                bytes(off:off+1,p)   = typecast(obj.contrast(p)                ,'int8'); off=off+2;
+                bytes(off:off+1,p)   = typecast(obj.phase(p)                   ,'int8'); off=off+2;
+                bytes(off:off+1,p)   = typecast(obj.repetition(p)              ,'int8'); off=off+2;
+                bytes(off:off+1,p)   = typecast(obj.set(p)                     ,'int8'); off=off+2;
+                bytes(off:off+3,p)   = typecast(obj.acquisition_time_stamp(p)  ,'int8'); off=off+4;
+                % TODO: physiology_time_stamp should be 3.
+                % but the C struct has a bug, so convert to padding.
+                bytes(off:off+11,p)  = typecast(obj.physiology_time_stamp(:,p) ,'int8'); off=off+12;
+                off = off+20; % Discard 5*uint32;
+                bytes(off:off+1,p)   = typecast(obj.image_data_type(p)         ,'int8'); off=off+2;
+                bytes(off:off+1,p)   = typecast(obj.image_type(p)              ,'int8'); off=off+2;
+                bytes(off:off+1,p)   = typecast(obj.image_index(p)             ,'int8'); off=off+2;
+                bytes(off:off+1,p)   = typecast(obj.image_series_index(p)      ,'int8'); off=off+2;
+                bytes(off:off+31,p)  = typecast(obj.user_int(:,p)              ,'int8'); off=off+32;
+                bytes(off:off+31,p)  = typecast(obj.user_float(:,p)            ,'int8');
+            end
+        end
+        function ret = flagIsSet(obj, flag, range)
+            if nargin < 3
+                range = 1:obj.getNumber;
+            end
+            if isa(flag, 'char')
+                b = obj.FLAGS.(flag);
+            elseif (flag>0)
+                b = uint64(flag);
+            else
+                error('Flag is of the wrong type.'); 
+            end
+            bitmask = bitshift(uint64(1),(b-1));
+            ret = zeros(size(range));
+            for p = 1:length(range)
+                ret(p) = (bitand(obj.flags(range(p)), bitmask)>0);
+            end
+        end
+        function flagSet(obj, flag, range)
+            if nargin < 3
+                range = 1:obj.getNumber;
+            end
+            if isa(flag, 'char')
+                b = obj.FLAGS.(flag);
+            elseif (flag>0)
+                b = uint64(flag);
+            else
+                error('Flag is of the wrong type.'); 
+            end
+            bitmask = bitshift(uint64(1),(b-1));
+            alreadyset = obj.flagIsSet(flag,range);
+            for p = 1:length(range)
+                if ~alreadyset(p)
+                    obj.flags(range(p)) = obj.flags(range(p)) + bitmask;
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        function flagClear(obj, flag, range)
+            if nargin < 3
+                range = 1:obj.getNumber;
+            end
+            if isa(flag, 'char')
+                b = obj.FLAGS.(flag);
+            elseif (flag>0)
+                b = uint64(flag);
+            else
+                error('Flag is of the wrong type.'); 
+            end
+            bitmask = bitshift(uint64(1),(b-1));
+            alreadyset = obj.flagIsSet(flag,range);
+            for p = 1:length(range)
+                if alreadyset(p)
+                    obj.flags(range(p)) = obj.flags(range(p)) - bitmask;
+                end
+            end
+        end
-    hdr.version = uint16(0);                          % First unsigned int indicates the version %
-    hdr.flags = uint64(0);                            % bit field with flags %
-    hdr.measurement_uid = uint32(0);                  % Unique ID for the measurement %
-    hdr.matrix_size = zeros(3,1,'uint16');            % Pixels in the 3 spatial dimensions
-    hdr.field_of_view = zeros(3,1,'single');          % Size (in mm) of the 3 spatial dimensions %
-    hdr.channels = uint16(0);                         % Number of receive channels %
-    hdr.position = zeros(3,1,'single');               % Three-dimensional spatial offsets from isocenter %
-    hdr.read_dir = zeros(3,1,'single');               % Directional cosines of the readout/frequency encoding %
-    hdr.phase_dir = zeros(3,1,'single');              % Directional cosines of the phase encoding %
-    hdr.slice_dir = zeros(3,1,'single');              % Directional cosines of the slice %
-    hdr.patient_table_position = zeros(3,1,'single'); % Patient table off-center %
-    hdr.average = uint16(0);                          % e.g. signal average number %
-    hdr.slice = uint16(0);                            % e.g. imaging slice number %
-    hdr.contrast = uint16(0);                         % e.g. echo number in multi-echo %
-    hdr.phase = uint16(0);                            % e.g. cardiac phase number %
-    hdr.repetition = uint16(0);                       % e.g. dynamic number for dynamic scanning %
-    hdr.set = uint16(0);                              % e.g. flow encodning set %
-    hdr.acquisition_time_stamp = uint32(0);           % Acquisition clock %
-    hdr.physiology_time_stamp = zeros(8,1,'uint32');  % Physiology time stamps, e.g. ecg, breating, etc. %
-    hdr.image_data_type = uint16(0);                  % e.g. unsigned short, float, complex float, etc. %
-    hdr.image_type = uint16(imtype);                   % e.g. magnitude, phase, complex, real, imag, etc. %
-    hdr.image_index = uint16(0);					  % e.g. image number in series of images  %
-    hdr.image_series_index = uint16(0);               % e.g. series number %
-    hdr.user_int = zeros(8,1,'int32');                % Free user parameters %
-    hdr.user_float = zeros(8,1,'single');             % Free user parameters %
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab/+ismrmrd/ImageType.m b/matlab/+ismrmrd/ImageType.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f16274..0000000
--- a/matlab/+ismrmrd/ImageType.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-classdef ImageType
-    properties(Constant)
-        TYPE_MAGNITUDE = uint16(1);
-        TYPE_PHASE     = uint16(2);
-        TYPE_REAL      = uint16(3);
-        TYPE_IMAG      = uint16(4);
-        TYPE_COMPLEX   = uint16(5);
-    end

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/ismrmrd.git

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