[xdmf] branch debian/master created (now 6301efe)

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Apr 1 18:23:00 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mckinstry pushed a change to branch debian/master
in repository xdmf.

        at  6301efe   one little fix to patch needed

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  f0246ed   ENH: Initial Commit
       new  b17ab6e   ENH: Added XdmfTopologyType to XdmfTopology to handle element types and associated const data like nodesPerElement and name.  This resembles "Replace subclass with fields" implementation in Refactoring and does a nice job encapsulating element type data in an enum like way avoiding unneccesary subclassing.
       new  ac19e9d   ENH: Get Python wrapping working on OS X and regenerate wrappers incorporating recent changes.
       new  6632e99   ENH: Add XdmfGeometryType to XdmfGeometry in a similar implementation as XdmfTopologyType.  Add tests for XdmfGeometry.  Add XdmfItem, an abstract class that is able to be traversed by an XdmfVisitor to write out its information to XML and HDF5 or other heavy data formats.  Modify XdmfGeometry, XdmfGrid, XdmfTopology, and XdmfAttribute to inherit from XdmfItem.
       new  c4c3800   ENH: Delete unneeded files from repository
       new  6f12cfa   ENH: Add write() method to XdmfItem and implement in subclasses.  The write() method calls the visitor on the current object which performs some predetermined acivity (writing to heavy data, writing to light data, parallel output, etc.
       new  4acdd29   ENH:  Replace old way of creating static instances of XdmfTopologyType, XdmfGeometryType, and storing them by reference in their respective topologies.  These now work by providing a specific constructor method that returns specific instances of the objects populated with correct values.  This was changed because there are some type options in Xdmf where static instances don't make sense (e.g. XdmfTopologyType Polygon can have many different values for nodesPerElemen [...]
       new  ab806f9   ENH: Allow XdmfGrids to insert XdmfAttribute elements.  Add this to the visitor logic to write to xml.
       new  250eac6   ENH: Add XdmfAttributeCenter to XdmfAttribute to specify how the attribute values are attached to the grid.
       new  46a937d   ENH: Start separating XdmfItem properties from their respective classes - XdmfAttributeType.
       new  282d5e4   ENH: Start separating XdmfItem properties from their respective classes - XdmfAttributeCenter.
       new  d9c8a53   ENH: Start separating XdmfItem properties from their respective classes - XdmfGeometryType.
       new  ed10d43   ENH: Start separating XdmfItem properties from their respective classes - XdmfTopologyType.
       new  2be47fe   STYLE: Remove const qualifier from return of printSelf() --- it is unecessary
       new  1e29d5a   ENH: Add XdmfDataItem which stores array data to write to Xdmf.
       new  95079f5   ENH: Add XdmfDataItems to XdmfTopology and XdmfGeometry and write them out correctly in the XdmfVisitor.  Verified to work with simple Hexahedron file.
       new  2922ad7   ENH: Make XdmfAttribute, XdmfTopology, XdmfGeometry inherit from XdmfDataItem.  Instead of containing a data item, each is a dataitem of a specific type.  This makes setting data items more user friendly --- e.g. once you set the number of elements and set the topology type you don't have to set the number of elements from the dataitem again.  This still needs to be figured out for composite dataitems for things like sets.
       new  195746b   ENH: Update Python Wrapping Files
       new  5c28014   ENH: Add XdmfDomain.
       new  46189e1   ENH: Add ability to write HDF5 files as part of XdmfVisitor operation.
       new  41c12c9   ENH: Add ability to set Light Data Limit for Visitor, which controls how many values there need to be in a DataItem before it writes those values to a heavy data format.  Set the default value to 100.
       new  436acbe   ENH: Allow for storage, retrieval, and output of datatypes other than int.  Incorporate into HDF5 output.
       new  c92bcfa   ENH: Use libxml2 to do construction of xml file rather than using the crude stringstream way we were using previously.  XML does not own the data, it is used to make constructing XML files easier and libxml2 will be needed eventually anyway to parse xml files.
       new  369f62e   ENH: 	Add XdmfArray to store values --- modify XdmfDataItem to contain an XdmfArray. 	Modify Tests to use new XdmfArray. 	Modify XdmfVisitor to use new XdmfArray. 	Add Python Tests and move Cxx tests to their own directory.
       new  4e98359   ENH: Add Smart Pointers to XdmfArray implementation.  Modify some method names to be more clear about whether copying is being performed when setting values in the array.  Modify tests to use new names and regenerate python wrappers.
       new  e698ae1   ENH: Remove non const getValuesPointer for now.  Rename getValues as getValuesString() and add getValues that returns a smart pointer to the internal array.
       new  91cfecb   BUG: Fix bug when trying to get a smart pointer to a vector type not stored in XdmfArray... If this is the case, just return NULL, This could potentially be very useful.
       new  6cde700   ENH: Split visitor operation into a visit and a traverse operation so that logic of how to traverse the xdmf graph is kept with xdmf objects rather than the visitor.  The visitor calls this function rather than relying on its own logic.
       new  8d06285   ENH: Modify XdmfArray to have a std::vector like interface except for inset, which is replaced in XdmfArray with copyValues (for name clarity and ability to stride) Modify tests to use new functions Significantly modify swig python wrapping to easily store values from python lists in XdmfArrays.
       new  4157e30   Merge branch 'XdmfArraySmartPointer'
       new  5220c48   ENH: Add BUILD_DOCUMENTATION flag to CMakeLists that builds doxygen documentation for the project.
       new  6ff2d20   ENH: Add CTEST to allow for submissions to the Xdmf dashboard.
       new  63368ad   ENH: Add class level documentation across the project.  Remove a couple methods that unnecessarily duplicated functionality.
       new  83237ef   STYLE: Split XdmfArray.tpp from XdmfArray.hpp --- this will hold template implementations for XdmfArray instead of stuffing them all in XdmfArray.hpp (merely a style difference).  Do some minor formatting on some other files.
       new  de6cba6   ENH: Remove unneccesary private method from XdmfArray.  Regenerate python wrappers.
       new  5e476e2   ENH: Add swap method to XdmfArray.  Swap works by swapping an XdmfArray's contents internally (no copy) between a std::vector<T>, boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<T> > or another XdmfArray.  Modify some methods in XdmfArray that did not require visitor operation but can just catch boost::bad_get exceptions.
       new  e8274ac   ENH: Add initialize() method that allows user to specify the type of data to store in an XdmfArray if desired.
       new  8e0b09f   ENH: Remove XdmfPython.cpp and Xdmf.py from repository.  Modify CMake build script to generate wrappers automagically with swig (this will ensure that users always have swig wrapper tailored to their version of python and prevents us from having to regenerate and commit every time something in Xdmf changes).  Add a couple extra methods to XdmfArray.cpp --- still need to figure out the rest of XdmfArray functionality.
       new  369e953   ENH: Add TestXdmfVisitorValueCounter to demonstrate how to write visitor operations over the Xdmf graph that do something other than write to disk.  Separate hexahedron grid example into a header file so that other test cases can use it for testing.
       new  395175f   STYLE: Formatting
       new  c4b66df   ENH: Make XdmfArray variant visitors private members of XdmfArray.
       new  13ce79f   ENH: Fix up some minor const-correctness issues.
       new  92702e6   ENH: Add ArrayPointer Variant to allow users to use XdmfArray merely as a "pointer holder" for output using Xdmf.  See the docs for a more clear explanation.  Modify XdmfArray methods to correctly use the ArrayPointer.
       new  364fcbb   ENH: Add transferOwnership parameter to setValues(std::vector<T> & array) to match other setValues(const T * const array) --- clarification of ownership for non-shared_ptr arrays.
       new  9eb1f0c   ENH: Add resize() method to XdmfArray.
       new  4a0e2da   ENH: Add reserve() and getCapacity() methods to XdmfArray.
       new  b5b2127   ENH: Use unsigned ints where appropriate (sizes, indices, etc.)
       new  b1ff8b8   ENH: Rename write() operation to accept() which is more consistent for the Visitor pattern.  Also, we can do much more to our Xdmf graph structure than just write it using Visitor operations.
       new  48eedaa   ENH: Remove printSelf() method as it was unnecessary.
       new  e93ca0f   ENH: Create a generic XdmfVisitor class and move writing operations to XdmfWriter.  Incorporate Loki library to perform asymmetric visitor operation (allows customizable behavior for eventual Xdmf / NetDMF library split).  Modify Loki Visitor to work happily with boost::shared_ptr and modify swig wrapping to properly handle boost::shared_ptr inheritance.
       new  08b41ff   ENH: Add XdmfItemProperty to genericize properties attached to XdmfItems.  Add a pure virtual getItemProperties() method to XdmfItem to force children to implement a way to retrieve properties.
       new  b9dd679   ENH: Add pure virtual getItemTag method to XdmfItem working to return the tag (same as in XML terminology) for the specific item.
       new  0532b59   ENH: Modift XdmfWriter to utilize new genericized getItemTag and getItemProperties methods to write out the Xdmf graph.  Modify some random include statements for style.
       new  048eaba   ENH: Split heavy data writing from XdmfWriter into XdmfHDF5Writer.  This paves the way for the possiblity of having multiple heavy data and light data writers.  Modify New() macro to accept parameters.
       new  f8cd665   ENH: Use PIMPL idiom to hide hdf5 and libxml2 includes from header files for writers.
       new  5ed3eeb   ENH: Remove getHDF5Type from XdmfArray and move into XdmfHDF5Writer so all hdf5 interaction is isolated in XdmfHDF5Writer.  Friend the XdmfHDF5Writer from XdmfArray so that it can access the variant to perform typesafe operations on the data stored.  Variable macro generation didn't work so reverted the modified code. We may just have to write ugly static New() methods when required.
       new  27e3b6e   ENH: Add tests using new XdmfHDF5Writer exclusively.  Modify some methods in XdmfHDF5Writer to get everything working as expected.
       new  a7f5d5c   ENH: Remove group creation when writing HDF5 files.  The group paths depend on how the xml was structured when the dataset was written and we want to fully separate dealing with light and heavy data when creating Xdmf files.  This will allow us to move towards complete separation of heavy and light data writing, a Create -> Write -> Release -> Create -> Write -> Release -> Write XML workflow.
       new  7a4cb5d   ENH: Add XdmfHDF5Controller so that heavy data can be written and released before light data is written. Modify XdmfWriter to accept an XdmfHDF5Writer to use for heavy data writing and allow users to specify XML file name to write to.  Add a test that performs the write release write release workflow.
       new  5e8d620   ENH: Add reading functionality to XdmfHDF5Controller
       new  b94acdd   ENH: Add ability to read XML files from disk into Xdmf structures in memory.
       new  955bbcf   BUG: Fix incorrect assert() statement causing TestXdmfArray to fail.
       new  cd0f247   ENH: Add XdmfSet.  Remove getName() method from ItemProperties.
       new  e31b3ce   ENH: Add ability to remove XdmfAttributes and XdmfSets from XdmfGrids.
       new  28e67e9   ENH: Add XdmfGridCollection and begin adding XdmfPartitioner.
       new  f5cd842   ENH: Add test for XdmfGridCollection.
       new  a1ab48d   ENH: Continue implementing XdmfPartitioner.
       new  dbee693   ENH: Split XdmfAttributes in XdmfPartitioner.
       new  0457f2e   ENH: Split XdmfAttributes in XdmfPartitioner.
       new  94f61d1   ENH: Modify ItemProperties to use shared pointers like the rest of Xdmf.  Modify swig wrapping to correctly handle both non const and const shared pointers.
       new  ef98c86   ENH: Clean up a bit of const-correctness related things.
       new  9c5aaf4   ENH: Add write modes to HDF5Writer.  It can now overwrite (write in the same location previously written to) and append (write data to end of previously written dataset).
       new  5b15354   ENH: Add XdmfArrayType to store data type / precision information which should make interaction between XdmfArray and XdmfHDF5Controller a bit more robust.
       new  e6f105c   ENH: Improve python interface by rewriting swig wrapping and moving XdmfObject destructors to be publicly accessible.  Modify tests to work with new wrapping.
       new  fcfd389   ENH: Split Xdmf into XdmfCore and Xdmf libraries in anticipation of NetDMF development.  Create a couple abstract base classes in order to support generic reading from disk.
       new  3d1e70f   ENH: Move XdmfCore into its own subdirectory.  Move XdmfCore specific tests into core subdirectory and modify swig wrapping to create two separate libraries (Xdmf and XdmfCore).
       new  cb10378   ENH: Add skeleton for XdmfTopologyConverter Util
       new  305ffbc   ENH: Make ItemTag const so it is cannot be modified.
       new  9cf33fd   ENH: Begin implementing XdmfTopologyConverter.  Fix typo in XdmfArray that incorrectly initialized UInt32() type.
       new  e7913d9   ENH: Allow XdmfArrayType to correctly read old xdmf files containing "NumberType" XML attribute, which is the same as DataType.
       new  12f100b   ENH: Add python wrapping for XdmfUtils and modify some swigisms to get reader working properly in python.
       new  68d4ee4   ENH: Add Hexahedron_64() to Hexahedron() Topology Conversion.
       new  4f65d6c   ENH: Rename get/set ItemProperties for conciseness.  e.g. getAttributeCenter ---> getCenter .  This follows what is done for XdmfArray (getType).
       new  d07ee80   ENH: Add Hexahedron() to Hexahedron_125() Topology Conversion.
       new  03c6c40   ENH: Add XdmfInformation to store key/value pairs.
       new  f6d3e7c   ENH: Modify XdmfWriter to insert XdmfArray content into most recently created child to allow for creation of multiple XdmfArray children.
       new  40a27f6   ENH: Add Name property to XdmfArray and accessor functions for getting and setting the name.  If no name is specified it is not written to XML.  Modify test to verify reading and writing is working.
       new  9f1c72b   ENH: Add Mode to XdmfWriter.  Default mode ensures that all heavy data referenced by the XML file being written exists in a single heavy data file.  A DistributedHeavyData mode can be set to allow heavy data referenced by the XML file to exist in more than one hdf5 file.
       new  e4ed9f6   ENH: Add XdmfTime and allow it to be attached to XdmfGrid.  Add some convenience functions in XdmfGrid to get and remove XdmfAttributes and XdmfSets by name.
       new  1987ebf   ENH: Remove +x permission from loki files.
       new  60362c2   ENH: Add XPath writing capabilities to XdmfWriter.  Whenever a duplicate XdmfItem is written to disk, instead of writing it twice, XPath the first.  We will hopefully mirror this behavior when reading in.
       new  326d386   ENH: First draft of xpointer respected reading.
       new  7cb7333   ENH: Clean up XInclude additions.  Verify that writing reading and writing an XPath/XInclude file produces the same file.
       new  d0b6406   ENH: Finish cleanup of XInclude/XPath additions.
       new  95c92a3   ENH: Fix Absolute/Relative path issues when reading and writing from separate directories.  Modify XML attributes to be less verbose e.g. (AttributeType --> Type).  Separate XdmfGridCollection from XdmfGrid at the XdmfDomain level.
       new  18b3ccf   ENH: Remove getLastWrittenDataSet from HDF5Writer and just get that information from the appropriate HDF5Controller attached to the Array.
       new  087b6d3   ENH: Modify all filesystem paths used in xdmf to use the absolute real path - aka "canonical path".  Modify tests to ensure this is working.
       new  63a0aff   ENH: Clean up changes to fix absolute/relative path adjustments.
       new  a34a25c   ENH: Modify reading of TopologyType to ignore case.
       new  19d96e0   ENH: Modify reading of XdmfArray dimensions to correctly calculate size for multidimensional arrays.
       new  b612722   ENH: Make XdmfGridCollection inherit from XdmfGrid and XdmfDomain, since it is really a unity of the two classes.  Modify some details in ItemFactory / Reader.
       new  860ab6c   ENH: Remove XdmfObject since it was unnecessary and broke Java wrapping for NetDMF.
       new  fa56431   ENH: Remove static New implementation from header files and move to implementation files.
       new  9c8a905   ENH: Fix up some comments, change a couple function names for consistencies sake.
       new  6985f1b   BUG: Fix Python reading with typemaps that has been broken since Xdmf/XdmfCore split.
       new  af48833   ENH: Make XdmfSet behave like a real std::set.  Modify some writing functionality to make this possible.
       new  99ace67   ENH: Rethink XdmfWriter / XdmfCoreWriter distinction and move XdmfSet to XdmfArray conversion in XdmfSet's traverse method.  If conversion is unneeded then do not traverse XdmfSet.
       new  996d9c0   ENH: Have all dataitems inherit directly from XdmfArray.  Modify writing to support this.
       new  cb1fe3d   ENH: Get Utils, Python Wrapping, and Tests working for new changes.
       new  49cd1fb   ENH: Add XdmfMap which maps nodes across partition boundaries.
       new  7a8eade   ENH: Add ability to XPath a file when opening in order to only read a part of the file.
       new  732cc4b   ENH: Add setHDF5Controllers() to XdmfMap.
       new  db5298c   ENH: Add XdmfExodusReader for reading ExodusII files into Xdmf.  Add ability for XdmfArray::initialize() to take a size value to initialize the array to.
       new  906019d   ENH: Modify several utils to take XdmfHDF5Controller as an argument so that they can write data to hdf5 as generated rather than keeping it all in memory.  This is an optional argument.
       new  ab73bf6   ENH: Add XdmfExodusWriter to utils.
       new  983479e   ENH: Commit Ken Renard's patches modifying populateItem and XdmfCoreReader to support some xpath functionality for backwards compatibility.
       new  16a914c   ENH: Revert changes to XdmfSet to go back to XdmfArray implementation.  Add Attributes to XdmfSet.
       new  259e3eb   ENH: Remove XdmfGrid inheritance from XdmfGridCollection.  If there is a need for Sets/Attributes at the "global" collection level then we can deal with it in the future.
       new  15b20fb   ENH: Begin adding install rules.  Modify bug in XdmfWriter that resulted in XdmfArrays not being written in certain cases.
       new  67bf3fe   ENH: Revert back to XdmfGridCollection inheriting from XdmfGrid - we want the flexibility to be able to add global sets (might be necessary for dft work).
       new  3613b29   ENH: Change some method names in XdmfArray to be clearer and less verbose.  Modify files for documentation clarity.  Modify some minor things to prevent -Wall warnings in gcc.  Add python install rules and rpathing.
       new  d5dced0   ENH: Add GLL Spectral Topology Types.
       new  10bb623   Added Ken Renards Java Updates from a patch
       new  6dfa309   Relocated and improved Java and Python SWIG Wrappers
       new  f5902b8   Removed the need for XDMF_SWIG_JAVA macros classpath argument
       new  a1e4069   Added better description for macro and dependencies for XDMF_SWIG_PYTHON
       new  6a10c12   FIX: Deleted duplicate ignores for SWIGJAVA
       new  5a502ae   Copied over testing suite that I made on an old Xdmf2 repo.
       new  c615f02   Added check for wrapping java to include java test directory
       new  1f35bc7   ENH: Added distinction between core and not core with testing suite.
       new  fac174c   ENH: Added CMake option to build just the core.
       new  c64ed56   ENH: Added 'make clean' support for SWIG Python and SWIG Java extra files
       new  267b0f4   ENH: Added support for 'make clean' into the Testing Suite
       new  f87db32   ENH: Clean up some formatting and ignores to use the new function names.
       new  1976fee   ENH: Modify utils testing to use new testing functionality.
       new  f617b9b   BUG: Fixed dependency issue with java tests causing parallel builds to fail.
       new  87c6965   ENH: Add macros to simplify adding children to an XdmfItem.
       new  c0e846f   ENH: Add XdmfGridRegular for CoRectilinear (Regular) Structured Grids.  Add test for interaction and output.
       new  8c4b7dd   ENH: Get reading of regular grids partially complete.
       new  f53c300   fixes for "transparent root" and "compare"
       new  aaf7a98   ENH: Add dimension string to XdmfArray
       new  c061208   ENH: patch to fix problem encountered with "transparent" root object.
       new  15b37b0   ENH: get numpy Array from XdmfArray (for Python)
       new  4f077f1   FIX: Handle error conditions better in XdmfArray.getNumpyArray()
       new  03208c7   ENH: XdmfArray python object will access HDF5 datasets as numpy arrays via getNumpyArray()
       new  fe1a440   Deleted TestXdmfWriterHDF5ThenXML.cxx
       new  14252b3   FIX: Updates to reflect API changes in Xdmf2Array
       new  b457fc2   FIX: Corrected SWIG overriding equals for Java and Python
       new  7503009   ENH: Renamed core/Java and core/Python Test Name
       new  31a8e05   FIX: Added renaming of XdmfSet.hpp methods for getAttribute() const
       new  c0de466   FIX: Added more SWIG overriding equals for Python
       new  86d502b   FIX: Fixed Merge Mistake
       new  43654bc   ENH: Moved the TestingSuite to more of a stand alone format
       new  62be8bc   ENH: Fix some formatting due to patches.
       new  be7a634   ENH: Finish IO of XdmfGridRegular.  Begin implementation of XdmfGridRectilinear.
       new  42286d0   ENH: Get equality functions working again, but keep it in the SWIG file rather the polluting the C++.
       new  31b424c   ENH: Get Java wrapping working again.  Add curvilinear grid.
       new  b3b0660   ENH: Get Curvilinear additions wrapped in Python and Java
       new  bddb069   ENH: Add XdmfHeavyDataController base class and make XdmfArray use it.  Add XdmfHeavyDataWriter base class and make XdmfWriter use it.  This is in preparation to add additional heavy data formats.
       new  ab5584f   ENH: Add ID for topology type to support mixed cells.  Cleanup some formatting and constness.
       new  bacda4b   Cleanup: 1. XdmfArray -- took out getElementSize() 2. XdmfArrayType -- took out IsEqual() 3. Xdmf.i -- implement IsEqual() function here for Python and Java in XdmfArrayType and XdmfItem (see #2 and #5) 4. Xdmf.i -- getNumpyArray uses getElementSize on XdmfArrayType instead of on XdmfArray (see #1) 5. XdmfItem -- took out IsEqual() 6. XdmfWriter -- made setDocumentTitle() and setCersionString() protected functions 7. Java test TestXdmfEquals -- took out test of XdmfI [...]
       new  a328765   ENH: Cleanup to merge changes with Ken Renard.
       new  6fd1903   ENH: Add DSM Support.  Update swigging procedures to current code.
       new  bc2792d   Merge to current master
       new  d6c6137   ENH: Added XdmfGridUnstructured and turned XdmfGrid into an abstract base class for all grids (both structured and unstructured).  Modified a bunch of utils and other classes to fit this new hierarchy.
       new  cf8f263   ENH: Cleanup comments and inheritance syntax a bit.  Remove unnecessary Geometry Types not needed since splitting structured and unstructured grids into separate hierarchies.
       new  8f51370   COMP: Check SWIG version to be greater than 2.0.0 and fix duplicate "BUILD_TESTING" options.
       new  e742494   ENH: Rename all subclasses of XdmfGrid to more syntactically friendly names: i.e. XdmfGridUnstructured to XdmfUnstructuredGrid.
       new  ea06eaa   ENH: Modify wrapping of XdmfArray to always use "insert" and not "copy".  Also add template specializations to allow for initialize calls.
       new  b20b648   BUG: Fix writing of single XdmfArray to a file.
       new  f3e961e   FIX: Updated Testing Suite to fix Java Parallel Build
       new  e0c4fa3   FIX: Removed dynamic cast to prevent SWIG java conversion problems
       new  d7e90ba   ENH: Added Xdmf Versioning
       new  9f46334   ENH: Cleaned up some of the CMakeLists.txt file
       new  02e1a0e   FIX: Fixed up install to add loki to core, add python core and java libraries.
       new  43de25a   FIX: Corrected a segfault when two objects are next to each other.
       new  7560d54   FIX: Corrected how xml content was gathered.
       new  413c427   FIX: Cleaned up Version Suite and added the version into XdmfWriter.
       new  913d465   FIX: Corrected possible future XdmfVersion header collision problem.
       new  1c0eff9   Testing permissions of Xdmf repository by commiting dummy change
       new  833c47a   Checking Xdmf Repository permissions on master
       new  ba87ec0   Check permissions once again.
       new  587f76b   Check permissions
       new  a2056ef   Testing permissions for Xdmf2.git
       new  30a391b   Check permissions
       new  8098dfa   Checking permissions for Xdmf master
       new  e58278d   Modified Xdmf2 to test master permissions
       new  2bc4f25   FIX: Corrected accessing Version from Python
       new  198c3f5   Merge branch 'tidyup'
       new  810800f   FIX: Added extra headerfiles to install
       new  fd40266   FIX: Added default version if Git does not exist. (2.X)
       new  4a43c7b   FIX: Added XdmfVersions to .gitignore (They will be created on build)
       new  62fe124   ENH:    Initial Windows Conversion
       new  0831d7b   FIX: Added Versioning export for windows and fixed win32 java build
       new  3614907   COMP: Fix compilation of utils tests by including missing directory.
       new  3f126cb   COMP: Mark needed variables as unadvanced before they are found. Makes identifying required variables easier for users, especially for hdf5 variables where only the C library is needed for linking.
       new  da547f3   FIX: Added more exports for Win32
       new  4d39280   STYLE: Transition to friendlier formatting style.
       new  088bda6   COMP: Fix duplicate BUILD_TESTING and XDMF_BUILD_TESTING in build script.
       new  894a861   COMP: Mark DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE as unadvanced before it is found.
       new  7844ab7   BUG: Add typemap for std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<XdmfItem > > which is a return value from XdmfReader.
       new  bc1150f   Merge branch 'master' of ssh://hsai-dev.arl.army.mil/data/Repository/Xdmf2
       new  36ed6d0   ENH: Modify documentation for completeness.
       new  e245b7f   COMP: Fix mixing CMake include preventing xdmf/exodus test from compiling.
       new  6616dd1   COMP: Add missing header files.
       new  af68e41   COMP: Fix compilation against hdf5 when built with parallel.
       new  a0fb276   FIX: Moved template(ItemVector) from Xdmf.i to XdmfCore.i
       new  7239e25   ENH: Updated Testing Suite
       new  5eecc6c   ENH: Removed test dependency for libraries in LD_PATH and PATH. Fixed Swig Parallel build issue.
       new  ecff3e6   ENH: Added some support for XdmfConfig.cmake file.
       new  0ae7134   FIX: Corrected gathering of libxml2 and python locations
       new  30a38ee   Added XdmfFunctions.cmake macro, modified XdmfConfig, Added function call and file copy for the XdmfConfig file to the CMakeLists.txt
       new  8c5c106   COMP: Fix XdmfConfig.cmake generation to install into install directory rather than copying at configure time.
       new  e924050   ENH: Add Copyright
       new  dedf4c9   COMP: Add header file to get test compiling for newest version of H5FDdsm.
       new  48abd2f   FIX: Removed some XdmfConfig.cmake variables set before Carries update.
       new  ce20ec5   FIX: Made changes for WinXP Compatability
       new  e86e334   test
       new  a6ebba8   sdf
       new  062e094   Merge branch 'master' of public.kitware.com:Xdmf2
       new  8f2dc16   BUG: Remove duplicate swig typemap for ItemVector.
       new  03fb2f8   Merge formatting changes into 'master'
       new  42147d3   COMP: Move XdmfFunctions.cmake to CMake directory.
       new  7fdf00c   FIX: Corrected an issue with the Versioning Suite and a Java formatting source code issue.
       new  ae80f9d   ADD: Included XdmfVersion.hpp in the install.
       new  dca545e   ENH: Modify HDF5Controllers to accept start, stride, and count to pull hyperslabs from hdf5 data sets.
       new  889c1c2   ENH: Add assertion to make sure start, stride, and count have the same dimension.
       new  b8ea021   ENH: Improve how array keeps track of dimensionality in anticipation of working with hyperslabs.
       new  64ae383   ENH: Modify XdmfHDF5Controller to work with new multidimensional support.
       new  b56afa1   ENH: Modify XdmfHDF5Writer to respect dimensionality in XdmfArrays. This will now be reflected in both light and heavy data.
       new  08bfa4e   ENH: Complete hyperslab reading.
       new  f46b9dc   ENH: When array is uninitialized return dimensions as [0] and "0" rather than empty array or empty string.
       new  e5f0a64   ENH: Remove trailing whitespace when convert arrays to strings in XdmfArray.
       new  f25f692   ENH: Add Python test for new multidimensional array handling. Add typemap for swig for the std::vector<unsigned int> necessary for dimensions.
       new  cd1e7ae   FIX: Changed how java builds in order to allow JDK5.
       new  0aa8831   Added in XdmfError
       new  e08245f   Added XdmfError Replaced asserts with XdmfError::messages
       new  207cdd6   BUG: Fix bug when constructing triangle topology type that caused comparisons between topology types to fail.
       new  901ed4b   BUG: Fix bug causing XdmfAttributes to not be attached to XdmfSets when read from a file.
       new  9524a6d   ENH/BUG: Get XdmfInformation to work with older style xdmf format where values could be stored as content instead of just as attributes.
       new  e7d6f95   ENH: Convert XdmfArrayType to HDF5 data type when reading rather than relying on the hdf5 data type in the file to always correspond to the XdmfArrayType. This will allow hdf5 to handle datatype conversion (e.g. from int to double) if this is required.  It also further decouples light and heavy data descriptions.
       new  403f36e   ENH: Added Java support for insertValuesAs*() to allow adding of Java arrays.
       new  bb75885   Merge branch 'java'
       new  8c860bb   ENH: Changed location of lib files during build for Windows Platforms
       new  86ae327   BUG: Fix bug found by Di when dealing with text nodes in XML.
       new  a6be5bf   BUG: Fix incorrect getNumberElements() in XdmfTopology when Mixed topology type is specified. Previously, for mixed topology types, this would return 0.0. This would result in unreadable xdmf files being written to disk.
       new  8028748   ENH: Added headers to support newer compilers.
       new  b1686a9   ENH: Fixed main's arguments for test to prevent warning in updated g++ compiler
       new  ce93f59   ENH: Enable python test for XdmfSet.
       new  52708d7   ENH: Get utils building in python.
       new  ccbfa35   ENH: Modify how XdmfMap stores data internally. It now follows a form used in other FEM codes, in a manner that makes it easy to assemble nodal forces.
       new  518b583   ENH: Add ability to ignore sets from being partitioned by the partitioner.
       new  5aa71a6   ENH: Hide use of boost::shared_ptr and boost::shared_dynamic_cast.
       new  1c814a2   BUG: Fix bug that returned wrong dimensions when array pointer is held by XdmfArray.
       new  ea5dbd1   ENH: Add XdmfDiff to compare Xdmf files for equality.
       new  c04961b   ENH: Add method to getName of XdmfArrayType as a string (useful when printing error messages in client codes).
       new  72f5461   ENH: Add option in XdmfHeavyDataWriter to release data from arrays after writing to disk.
       new  63991cd   ENH: Allow arrays to be attached to XdmfInformation (we use this functionality in client code to store input parameters).
       new  10a0025   ENH: Add option to clobber previous file in XdmfHDF5Writer.
       new  e058cc5   ENH: Add ability to write light data to a stream rather than just to disk.
       new  cd83004   ENH: Minor include changes to keep consistent style.
       new  72ba85b   ENH: Add specialized getValue in XdmfArray when getting single value.
       new  720346e   ENH: Add ability to set boundary communicator map in XdmfMap.
       new  c231d85   BUG: Fix bug introduced by new GetValue() in XdmfArray. Forgot to return value.
       new  57773d2   BUG: Fix bug preventing Hexahedron_125 topology from being partitioned.
       new  01d89e5   ENH: Updated headers to support newer compilers.
       new  8186bbf   ENH: Modify how XdmfMaps are attached to XdmfGrids by allowing more than one map to be attached.
       new  1e964a2   BUG: Fix bug that prevented empty maps from being parsed correctly.
       new  5fe29ae   BUG: Fix bug causing segmentation fault when reading empty XdmfMap from disk.
       new  f45699a   BUG: Fix bug in implementation of Polyline topology type.
       new  21b2305   BUG: Fix bug causing nodal attributes with more than one component to be partitioned incorrectly by the partitioner.
       new  6fa7fe7   FIX: Updated Java tests for change to Polyline
       new  0a99426   ENH: Added Java Test to make sure the Garbage Collector works correctly
       new  fcf4fcc   FIX: Corrected Java issue with BaseVisitor delete() trying to delete the concrete object even though it was receiving a shared pointer. This issue would occur whenever the garbage collector would run and try to delete an old XdmfWriter object. Also hid some SWIG warning for Java.
       new  c179c4d   ENH: Fixed some SWIG warnings that appear on 2.0.4
       new  20bd7a4   ENH: Corrected library issues for Macs
       new  f0d7d68   ENH: Updated the Testing Suite for Test Dependencies. Also fixed Test Option 'dup' to not delete the rest of the arguments.
       new  c314e51   FIX: Updated Testing Suite to not escape paths with spaces.
       new  007a4a8   FIX: Fixed CMake for utils to build/install on Windows
       new  1ef7304   FIX: Corrected Spelling Error
       new  863de4f   FIX: Fixed XdmfDiff to allow unsigned int. fabs did not accept it as a param.
       new  5d35918   Added Windows Support for Utils
       new  066763b   Added support to build on Win7 VS2010
       new  5e08005   Updated XdmfUtils to work with Win7
       new  976c274   Updated DSM from Jerome Soumagne.
       new  38d4a20   Reverted changes to core/CMakeLists.txt
       new  5655c26   Need to link the directory for MPI
       new  9ec81c6   Cleaned up some of the CMake files so it should work with HDF5 1.8.5 and 1.8.7
       new  aadf2a4   Removed some cmake output
       new  0f90839   Fixed some CMake issues with linking hdf5 and h5fddsm
       new  65d1f84   Small correction to linking DSM libraries.
       new  4bb47fc   COMP: Get rid of some intel compiler warnings in XdmfArray and test.
       new  6d64b4a   COMP: Fix testing by using LDPATH = library directories rather than paths to the libraries.
       new  814a4c6   Merge branch 'master' of ssh://hsai-dev.arl.army.mil/data/Repository/Xdmf2
       new  5c05105   COMP: Fix compilation bug in XdmfSet due to moving using declarations around to prevent compiler warnings.
       new  5015de6   COMP: Make some relative paths absolute paths (HDF5, LIBXML, H5DSM Lib Dirs)
       new  360f2e5   COMP: Add cstring header to support intel compiler.
       new  3ada9fd   BUG: Fix swig wrapping problem involving using declaration. This looks like a bug in swig since the fix is not proper C++ Surrounded by a ifdef swig block. If anyone has a better fix for this I'd like to use - this is a hack.
       new  5d773b0   ENH: Add additional topology types.
       new  dc67273   ENH: Add additional typemaps for python swig for XdmfMap.
       new  c4b5ec5   Updated XdmfTopologyConverter.cpp to work on Windows
       new  42c73cf   Missed an epsilon when making changes for Windows.
       new  c8d2c32   BUG: Update XdmfTopologyConverter test for Hexahedron_64 elements after node connectivity has been changed.
       new  4388f29   Fixed Java Loading issue. You no longer need to use static { System.loadLibrary() } at the begining of java code
       new  aa04762   Fixed up some warnings found in Windows.
       new  e579eee   BUG: Add Dimensions when writing out Polyvertex topology to remain consistent with old Xdmf format.
       new  848412f   COMP: Remove some warnings.
       new  6afc622   ENH: Upgrade version of metis used by the partitioner to 5.0.
       new  86eefce   ENH: Allow arbitrary elements to be partitioned by metis.
       new  0d48e72   ENH: Add methods to get faces per element and nodes per element from XdmfTopologyType.
       new  dd6850a   ENH: Fix formatting in XdmfArray.hpp
       new  f73576e   ENH: Add unpartition method to partitioner.
       new  d11ee07   BUG: Fix infinite loop in XdmfCoreReader.cpp
       new  4fe6147   BUG: Fix bug when pulling in href'd xincludes.
       new  294c383   BUG: Fixed resolving file names with protocol added
       new  b9d23a5   ENH: Add ability to convert XdmfRegularGrid to XdmfUnstructuredGrid
       new  fa50bf2   ENH: Fix formatting.
       new  48c377c   ENH: Enable performance improving flags for SWIG wrapper generation in python.
       new  dd5eeb0   BUG: Fix bug in parse() function that only allowed correct parsing when Xdmf fragment was surrounded by an <Xdmf> tag.
       new  80c53e8   BUG: Remove --builtin swig optimization since it broke visitor operations when writing out file to disk.
       new  04f0957   FIX: Included hdf5 c include dirs during the build
       new  37844fc   COMP: Add missing include for fopen and fclose (cstdio)
       new  4537750   ENH: Add ability to convert Hexahedron to Hexahedron_27 in topology converter.
       new  32ae603   ENH: Add Fortran updates into trunk.
       new  51b36c5   COMP: Fix some gcc warnings.
       new  decc7dd   ENH: Improve performance of hdf5 writes.
       new  d5ebbc9   ENH: Performance improvements for HDF5 writer.
       new  3eb2d34   ENH: Simplify XdmfArray class.
       new  0dee627   COMP: Fix a few intel compiler warnings.
       new  ae42e9d   ENH: Add ability to unpartition partitioned meshes from command line.
       new  8c27cc2   ENH: Add ability to repartition partitioned meshes from command line.
       new  7bcbfe7   ENH: Performance improvements for large reads/writes
       new  895f33c   ENH: Add methods in Fortran interface to reuse previously added data.
       new  71b4e1a   Added the pass through of MPI libs in CMake
       new  c728834   ENH: Commit Pat's changes for Fortran interface.
       new  fcb4261   BUG: Fix bug in parse caused when xml is parsed from string rather than disk.
       new  7b0f5e8   ENH: Add method to Fortran interface accepting light data limit.
       new  9c1652a   BUG: Fix previous commit which committed incorrect changes!
       new  ab7e226   creating branch with full Python example code
       new  7c2cfcc   testreadme
       new  63798d2   ENH: Commit some Fortran tests.
       new  0803282   Cleaned with full Python example
       new  3a71f5d   removing readme
       new  de5d523   Merge branch 'ajb-dev' of /data/Repository/Xdmf2 into ajb-dev
       new  752922c   C++ full examples added
       new  db80e15   add readme
       new  f709ab4   remove readme
       new  804c9d8   full C++ examples added to documentation
       new  bef0a66   cleaning up files
       new  eee28dc   more example files added, DSM example created but currently being debugged.
       new  521435d   ENH: Add ability to write in parallel to hdf5 file.
       new  7755f6b   DSM example working for previous version of DSM, need to adjust for newer version
       new  b08e567   Merge branch 'master' of /data/Repository/Xdmf2 into ajb-dev
       new  c5929b5   ENH: Add string array type
       new  d85b477   DSM working with mpich2-1.5
       new  f91048a   Merge branch 'master' of /data/Repository/Xdmf2 into ajb-dev
       new  ef76d17   BUG: Fix precision of values when written to XML.
       new  275c67a   ENH: Make Spectral Topologies have their own type.
       new  15d33cb   BUG Added header to fix cout not a member of std with gcc 4.1.2
       new  4b1c1d0   changes for hdf5 file splitting and combining xmf files
       new  4084f4e   Merge branch 'ajb-dev', remote-tracking branch 'origin' into ajb-dev
       new  62b1231   BUG: Fix bug in hdf5 chunking mechanism for multi-dimensional datasets.
       new  734d4cf   ENH: Avoid use of boost::get for isInitialized()
       new  0cb8d44   BUG: Fix bug causing nested xincludes to not work properly.
       new  0382f13   File splitting optimized more
       new  88ed353   fixed some file output issues
       new  d51c5f3   ENH: Add graphs to Xdmf.
       new  b76c0b7   COMP: Remove unused arguments from functions.
       new  c7fdba2   fixed controller addition issue during append
       new  76a9b91   BUG: Fix XdmfTopologyConverter to perform node insertion solely based on connectivity.
       new  158f4ab   COMP: Add support for newer versions of boost.
       new  456d231   COMP: Get things working again with Intel compiler.
       new  26bed71   COMP: Get rid of some GCC compiler warnings.
       new  87bb27a   merging from master
       new  f386e63   function reading capabilities
       new  df13c70   changes to array to allow for functions
       new  8858e32   Revert "changes to array to allow for functions"
       new  cf18fe6   Revert "function reading capabilities"
       new  f1f7237   ENH: Add topology setters for polyline and polyvertex.
       new  1133c56   changes to file splitting, hyperslab not completely working yet. changes to Fortran to allow for polylines and releasing data after standard write
       new  73ceb40   removed debug statements
       new  d28d761   fixed some issues with adding to previously created files
       new  b8e830b   removed debug statements
       new  4f7ac2f   BUG: Fix off by one error when partitioning graph on one processor.
       new  1c4b3e2   changes to fortran for polylines and file splitting works for single dimensional arrays
       new  98c7f46   BUG: Fix insert stride issue with XdmfArray found by Andrew.
       new  861177e   minor changes to ensure OutputTestXdmfFortran works properly
       new  f5c88a9   Improved backwards compatibility and Fortran interface with file splitting functions
       new  19c5991   ENH: Try to improve performance from Fortran interface.
       new  6748b23   ENH: Add ability to set heavy data writer in writer after initialization.
       new  d860685   changes for file splitting and functions along with assorted changes to XdmfFortran for possible speed increases
       new  c24e1ba   merging in from main branch
       new  897473c   Fixed merge issue, class was not defined in header file
       new  d7626db   was missing header reference for set heavy data writer
       new  5006a19   Adjusted python interface to properly support XdmfGraph
       new  0b37c6e   Fixing improper merge with XdmfFortran header
       new  af08f05   fixed test errors and added new version of XdmfError
       new  f23f1be   Fixed python wrapping for XdmfGraph and XdmfSparseMatrix
       new  b5dd776   changes to suppress warnings when using -Wall
       new  273290a   taking care of the intel compiler warnings
       new  6699fb8   added tests for functions and removed warnings during splitting algorithm
       new  03e031e   hdf5 write efficiency changes to XdmfFortran and added a test for functions
       new  817cd64   BUG: Fix bug in xpointers when writer is used multiple times.
       new  c804396   COMP: Fix boost shared_dynamic_cast test for clang compiler.
       new  70882ed   COMP: Fix a couple tests so that they compile with clang compiler.
       new  a72f400   Formatting changes and removing warnings
       new  5d41d4c   Merge branch 'master' of /data/Repository/Xdmf2 into ajb-dev
       new  e5f83ed   ENH: Modify when to retrieve number of datasets from file.
       new  5bae079   ENH: Store array type precision in string form.
       new  004113f   BUG: Add typemap for std::vector<shared_ptr<XdmfItem> >
       new  9075be3   added nonthreaded DSM, inter program connection hasn't been tested
       new  25380d0   merged from master
       new  75b28f5   resoving merging conflicts
       new  058ce90   made some fixes to the documentation
       new  7ea61be   BUG: Fix bug in python for casting of XdmfGridCollections
       new  3249266   Merge branch 'master' of /data/Repository/Xdmf2 into ajb-dev
       new  317d6f8   cosmetic changes to comments
       new  3bce6df   some cosmetic changes to line length in XdmfArray
       new  11e9f68   made changes for preparations to push to master; still need to finish documentation changes and line length changes
       new  a5f74bf   removed warnings
       new  ae817cd   ENH: Add executable for conversion between exodus and xdmf.
       new  dc686f8   Finished converting documentation to tag-based version; adjusted line length where possible
       new  6db38e9   ENH: Merge minor performance improvements.
       new  5e38d23   Update to function code. Added error suppression.
       new  101ba7b   added XdmfSubset
       new  8a80f9a   Added subset; modified Array's interaction with Function; added new functionality to XdmfInformation subarrays; adjusted documentation to make more uniform
       new  6e0d6c9   Added DSM capabilities to Fortran interface, simple array passing; Also added test for Fortran DSM
       new  e8b8549   changed tabs to spaces and pulled dsm to a separate folder under core
       new  59106d9   fixed documentation to account for new dsm folder; adjusted the test for XdmfError; disabled the WriteHugeArray test
       new  1a27ab8   wrapped function and subset into superclass XdmfArrayReference to allow for easier implementation of new array references
       new  65d2636   removed old function code from main xdmf folder, now placed in core
       new  03fc01b   ensured hdf5 parallel dependancy
       new  31b11e1   small bit of cleaning up in the swig wrapping
       new  a3f4e1d   removed test files
       new  82a7a83   added include that is not done automaticly in certain versions of cxx compliers
       new  c6357a2   fixing boost includes in Cmake
       new  d0cfaf9   correcting conversion of int to MPI_Comm in DSM
       new  0590766   moved includes around for compatibility with hdf5 1.8.11
       new  9998cb0   adjusted for compatibility with standard hdf5 in addition to hdf5vfd
       new  053a30b   changed Python Bindings to ensure all of Xdmf is imported
       new  8e14630   Merge branch 'master' of ssh://hsai-dev.arl.army.mil/data/Repository/Xdmf2
       new  261e07a   changes to allow for openmpi use
       new  dda62b5   Update XdmfPartitioner to more efficiently handle element sets.
       new  2c8248a   removed unneeded references
       new  9499b32   fixed dependancy on using core 0 for accept/connect
       new  c8b356a   Merge branch 'ajb-dev' of /data/Repository/Xdmf2
       new  e3018ed   Fixed Python wrapping on Linux for SWIG version >= 2.0
       new  aa51d51   BUG: Restore correct parsing of relative file paths for heavy data files.
       new  0453f9d   fixed interlace algorithm for unequal sizes
       new  f4adbc2   fixed Python DSM bindings to wrap MPIComm correctly
       new  ae10af4   fix for compatibility with Swig 2.0.11, manually defining the missing object type
       new  56bdaad   removed unneeded references
       new  c873ea1   fixed dependancy on using core 0 for accept/connect
       new  c67ebed   BUG: Restore correct parsing of relative file paths for heavy data files.
       new  65e96db   fixed interlace algorithm for unequal sizes
       new  550c1aa   fixed Python DSM bindings to wrap MPIComm correctly
       new  b233dc7   fix for compatibility with Swig 2.0.11, manually defining the missing object type
       new  9bc2ad7   Merge branch 'master' of ssh://hsai-dev.arl.army.mil/data/Repository/Xdmf2
       new  e08cae0   COMP: Fix visitor to not return void - necessary for MSVC compiler.
       new  5269a83   removed duplicate delarations
       new  d0bc892   COMP: Fix compiler errors on clang.
       new  3f9f3c6   fixed maps so that they automatically read from hdf5 when needed
       new  bfdf7d5   Merge branch 'master' of /data/Repository/Xdmf2
       new  1d618f9   fixed default write mode for hdf5 writer when writing to single file
       new  3d85b62   Merge branch 'master' of ssh://hsai-dev.arl.army.mil/data/Repository/Xdmf2
       new  8df5716   ENH: Enable unpartitioning of files containing temporal collections.
       new  354c9ad   Adjusted Method by Which MPI4PY was included, separating from python proper.
       new  891463d   Merge branch 'master' of /data/Repository/Xdmf2
       new  1f57c1b   fixed typographical error in XdmfFortran header
       new  df2dcfc   Edited Fortran Include file for Fixed Form compatibility
       new  7e2f2a9   ENH: Translate element blocks correctly back to exodus.
       new  0483f8b   BUG: Fix bug in conversion of blocks back to exodus.
       new  7c111ef   ENH: Adjust exodus writer to utilize material blocks.
       new  95ad91e   added include required for newer versions of gcc
       new  7231f8a   Merge branch 'master' of /data/Repository/Xdmf2
       new  89a31eb   Added include for linux sleep command, it isn't automatically included in newer versions of gcc
       new  eb3575d   added controller multi-open, dsm tests, and fortran tests
       new  366b7b3   Added Fortran bindings for multiopen code
       new  39a4f8e   ENH: Initial commit of binary heavy data file support.
       new  3e4a11f   ENH: Support default attribute values for ArrayType (Float32) and AttributeType (Scalar). Also enable parsing of deprecated DataStructure tag, synonym of DataItem.
       new  65ac92d   ENH: Trim whitespace of XML content - to be friendlier to hand-edited files.
       new  4117b09   ENH: Parse with XML_PARSE_NOENT to resolve XML entities.
       new  55717ca   ENH: Actually commit binary reader test.
       new  dc68e15   ENH: Remove unneccesary try catch blocks.
       new  06c633a   BUG: Fix parsing of nested xincludes.
       new  0e3f8a5   ENH: Relax requirement for XdmfSet to contain Name attribute.
       new  975536e   ENH: Enable flexibility in specifying dimensionality of light data description.
       new  7f5d700   Rework of HeavyDataController and HDF5Controller to remove extra code and move HeavyDataController away from being too dependent on hdf5 style XdmfFunction now supports negative numbers in addition to the - operator Reworked the interaction between array references and reading Cleaned up some warnings that showed up in pedantic Adjusted mpi tests to test against the MPIEXEC variable as opposed to hard calling mpirun Still needs to be changed to work better with Cray  [...]
       new  ce12619   bug fixes for merge
       new  d46a7a6   added include for PGI compatibility
       new  5f4fe7f   Merge branch 'master' of /data/Repository/Xdmf2
       new  a3cefa8   fixed an issue with CMake lists and fixed Fortran bindings to work with intel style booleans
       new  d663dd9   refining CMake to convert install prefix to absolute path and to add some variables to the config file for FindXdmf
       new  09136d0   removed unreachable code
       new  6a2647c   Merge branch 'master' of hsai-dev.arl.army.mil:/data/Repository/Xdmf2
       new  da24996   XdmfFunction read legacy files, small fortran changes
       new  caf2954   Improving the auto detection for MPI4PY and HDF5
       new  d4babe1   added FindMPI4Py link
       new  d61eee2   fixed unistd include guarding
       new  b92bfe9   fixed sleep command include
       new  7863e93   Merge branch 'master' of hsai-dev.arl.army.mil:/data/Repository/Xdmf2
       new  db257fe   Improving test output
       new  939ff6c   cleaning up code
       new  fa4993f   minor bug fixes
       new  96f6b25   COMP: Fix includes in tests for iostream.
       new  643784c   fix for version 1.8.x of OpenMPI
       new  05106ef   fixing type comparisons for python wrappers
       new  6fe7f5d   Merge branch 'master' of hsai-dev.arl.army.mil:/data/Repository/Xdmf2
       new  76260f7   fixing version check as newer versions of OpenMPI output to stdout instead of stderr
       new  1d1a19a   fix for CMake 3.0.0
       new  94e66e0   adjusted for mpi other than openmpi
       new  5c29c74   fixed python linking error due to changes for CMake 3.0.0
       new  4548469   fixed installation of Python libs and took care of polymorphism issue with std::floor
       new  7cd7798   fix for polymorphism on std::log for pgi compiler
       new  12cdf56   Fixing issues with arrays not currently read to disk when dealing with functions
       new  5aef23f   debugging function changes
       new  43e68a4   Fix for Set compatibility with functions while having child Attributes
       new  bf7182d   Fixed child Attributes not getting added to parent
       new  06d2b52   BUG: Fix bug causing missed shared vertices in topology converter.
       new  1524081   xdmf-2.1.dfsg.1
       new  2db2f8e   Debian 2.1.dfsg.1-11
       new  b9d2419   * Build against hdf5 for 1.8.15 transition
       new  37a3a92   Add missing files
       new  b1e155c   Remove kernel version from header  for reproducibility
       new  ca1ed86   SV : 3.9.7
       new  3b5c937   Fix for c++11 compilation
       new  6301efe   one little fix to patch needed

The 527 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/xdmf.git

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