[clfft] branch master updated (3ab7eac -> 7a57ae0)

Ghislain Vaillant ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Apr 26 08:34:06 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ghisvail-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository clfft.

      from  3ab7eac   adding notes and bumping version number for 2.10.2
       new  2922625   Enable support for kFreeBSD.
       new  06f2817   Merge pull request #138 from ghisvail/fix/support-gnu-kfreebsd
       new  133e957   add 1:3 1:5 inplace transpose support. Passed unit test with size 729x729x3 and 625x625x3. Need to enable pre/post callback and twiddle.
       new  de9d0e0   add intranpose transpose support(1:3 and 1:5) for planar data layout. passed unit tests.
       new  39aacc1   added some bug fixes and gtest cases; passed most single precision test. For double precison some time 2d inplace transepose are requried. And this is not passing yet.
       new  92ca0cb   add some gtest cases. note that for 1d fft if one of the dimension after breaking done is bigger than 2048(double) or 4096(single) this cannot be done inplace since we dont support 3d inplace transpose. Thus 729x729x3 can be done for single but not double
       new  9a06923   added twiddling to the end of swap kernel. passed some tests.
       new  ca209c2   add twiddling to general swap kernels.(planar and forward only for now. need to add interleaved and backward.). extended size supported for inplace transpose.
       new  4d533d8   added backward twiddling to swap kernels
       new  b7f933c   added 64 test cases related to 1:3 and 1:5 inplace transpose. inplace transpose now can be done in recusive layer. still need to modify swap line kernel in the case the each line is bigger than LDS can hold.
       new  c8e3eb4   modified swap kernel to handle really huge matrix. added 32 more test cases. passed all added test cases.
       new  de26d9a   bug fix. passed gtest *huge_1D*, *huge_sp_test* and *huge_dp_test*
       new  8c76b90   added radix-10 tests. added pre/post callback tests for 1:3 and 1:5 transpose.
       new  d2614f6   fixed pre/post callback bugs. some code cleanup
       new  de499e6   bug fix
       new  88b562d   fix another silly bug
       new  2d21382   make added huge test DISABLED by default
       new  4e67415   Merge pull request #140 from TimmyLiu/develop_inplace_tranpose_general
       new  a8240d9   adding radix 11/13 capability - first commit - 1d small sizes are working
       new  b02e894   making changes to get next stage of sizes for rad 11/13 working
       new  ee40518   fixing bug in 3-step twiddling
       new  0b16ac9   fixing bug in rad13 inverse, slight refactoring of directed tests
       new  6497cad   adding complex transforms & more choice of test lists to directed test
       new  cd15ef3   fixing gcc build break
       new  5ae2e1a   fixing unit tests testing for unsupported lengths
       new  5ad84fc   RMSE comparison changed to be adaptive to problem size, adding more directed tests
       new  0a9b911   reducing tolerance to tighten margin, fixing batch bug
       new  114b2f9   making registers native type for double precision, adding double 1d tests
       new  c165f0c   adding large 1d random tests to test 11/13 powers
       new  237f0d0   removing some unneeded comments
       new  b7da307   Merge pull request #142 from bragadeesh/develop
       new  7a57ae0   updating for release of v2.12

The 32 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 README.md                                    |   16 +-
 ReleaseNotes.txt                             |   20 +-
 src/CMakeLists.txt                           |    4 +-
 src/include/sharedLibrary.h                  |    2 +-
 src/library/action.transpose.cpp             |  236 +++--
 src/library/enqueue.cpp                      |   11 +-
 src/library/generator.stockham.cpp           |  139 ++-
 src/library/generator.stockham.h             |  393 ++++++++-
 src/library/generator.transpose.cpp          | 1196 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/library/generator.transpose.h            |    7 +-
 src/library/plan.cpp                         |  296 +++++--
 src/library/plan.h                           |   34 +
 src/library/private.h                        |    6 +-
 src/statTimer/statisticalTimer.GPU.cpp       |   13 +
 src/statTimer/statisticalTimer.GPU.h         |    4 +-
 src/tests/accuracy_test_directed.cpp         |  649 ++++++++++----
 src/tests/accuracy_test_mixed_radices.cpp    |   42 +-
 src/tests/accuracy_test_postcallback.cpp     |  293 +++++++
 src/tests/accuracy_test_pow2.cpp             |   68 +-
 src/tests/accuracy_test_pow3.cpp             |  299 +++++++
 src/tests/accuracy_test_pow3_precallback.cpp |  163 ++++
 src/tests/accuracy_test_pow5.cpp             |  651 ++++++++++++++
 src/tests/accuracy_test_pow5_precallback.cpp |  163 ++++
 src/tests/buffer.h                           |   74 +-
 src/tests/gtest_main.cpp                     |    7 +
 src/tests/test_constants.h                   |    1 +
 src/tests/unit_test.cpp                      |   18 +-
 27 files changed, 4316 insertions(+), 489 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/clfft.git

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