[lua-torch-graph] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 0~20160415-g34d7128

Zhou Mo cdluminate-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Aug 14 13:34:49 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

cdluminate-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository lua-torch-graph.

commit 5652716d7cd1481dd14a80010f0d09102bacb43b
Author: Zhou Mo <cdluminate at gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Jun 25 02:39:09 2016 +0000

    Imported Upstream version 0~20160415-g34d7128
 .gitignore                 |   2 +
 .travis.yml                |  64 +++++++++++
 CMakeLists.txt             |   8 ++
 COPYRIGHT.txt              |  35 ++++++
 Edge.lua                   |  10 ++
 Node.lua                   | 146 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 README.md                  |  15 +++
 graphviz.lua               | 205 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 init.lua                   | 259 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 rocks/graph-scm-1.rockspec |  28 +++++
 test/test_graph.lua        | 257 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/test_graphviz.lua     |  38 +++++++
 test/test_old.lua          |  25 +++++
 13 files changed, 1092 insertions(+)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc84959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+language: c
+  - gcc
+  - clang
+  directories:
+  - $HOME/OpenBlasInstall
+  - $HOME/GraphViz
+sudo: false
+  apt:
+    packages:
+    - cmake
+    - gfortran
+    - gcc-multilib
+    - gfortran-multilib
+    - liblapack-dev
+    - build-essential
+    - gcc
+    - g++
+    - curl
+    - cmake
+    - libreadline-dev
+    - git-core
+    - libqt4-core
+    - libqt4-gui
+    - libqt4-dev
+    - libjpeg-dev
+    - libpng-dev
+    - ncurses-dev
+    - imagemagick
+    - libzmq3-dev
+    - gfortran
+    - unzip
+    - gnuplot
+    - gnuplot-x11
+- export ROOT_TRAVIS_DIR=$(pwd)
+- export INSTALL_PREFIX=~/torch/install
+-  ls $HOME/OpenBlasInstall/lib || (cd /tmp/ && git clone https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS.git -b master && cd OpenBLAS && (make NO_AFFINITY=1 -j$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) 2>/dev/null >/dev/null) && make PREFIX=$HOME/OpenBlasInstall install)
+-  ls $HOME/GraphViz/lib || (cd /tmp/ && wget -c http://www.graphviz.org/pub/graphviz/stable/SOURCES/graphviz-2.38.0.tar.gz && tar -xvf graphviz-2.38.0.tar.gz && cd graphviz-2.38.0 && (./configure prefix=$HOME/GraphViz/ 2>/dev/null >/dev/null) && (make NO_AFFINITY=1 -j$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) 2>/dev/null >/dev/null) && make install)
+- git clone https://github.com/torch/distro.git ~/torch --recursive
+- cd ~/torch && git submodule update --init --recursive
+- mkdir build && cd build
+- export CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/OpenBlasInstall/include:$HOME/OpenBlasInstall/lib:$CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH
+- make && make install
+- ${INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/luarocks install totem
+- if [[ $TORCH_LUA_VERSION != 'LUAJIT21' && $TORCH_LUA_VERSION != 'LUAJIT20' ]]; then ${INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/luarocks install luaffi; fi
+- ${INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/luarocks make rocks/graph-scm-1.rockspec
+- export PATH=${INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin:$PATH
+- export TESTLUA=$(which luajit lua | head -n 1)
+- ${TESTLUA} -lgraph -e "print('graph loaded succesfully')"
+- cd test
+- ${TESTLUA} test_graph.lua
+- ${TESTLUA} test_graphviz.lua
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcd91a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+FILE(GLOB luasrc *.lua)
+ADD_TORCH_PACKAGE(graph ""  "${luasrc}" "General Graph Package")
diff --git a/COPYRIGHT.txt b/COPYRIGHT.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e4118c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/COPYRIGHT.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Idiap Research Institute (Ronan Collobert)
+Copyright (c) 2011-2012 NEC Laboratories America (Koray Kavukcuoglu)
+Copyright (c) 2011-2013 NYU (Clement Farabet)
+Copyright (c) 2006-2010 NEC Laboratories America (Ronan Collobert, Leon Bottou, Iain Melvin, Jason Weston)
+Copyright (c) 2006      Idiap Research Institute (Samy Bengio)
+Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Idiap Research Institute (Ronan Collobert, Samy Bengio, Johnny Mariethoz)
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+3. Neither the names of NEC Laboratories American and IDIAP Research
+   Institute nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or
+   promote products derived from this software without specific prior
+   written permission.
diff --git a/Edge.lua b/Edge.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ffd670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Edge.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+A Directed Edge class
+No methods, just two fields, from and to.
+local Edge = torch.class('graph.Edge')
+function Edge:__init(from,to)
+   self.from = from
+   self.to = to
diff --git a/Node.lua b/Node.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5114495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Node.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+Node class. This class is generally used with edge to add edges into a graph.
+But, one can also easily use this node class to create a graph. It will register
+all the edges into its children table and one can parse the graph from any given node.
+The drawback is there will be no global edge table and node table, which is mostly useful
+to run algorithms on graphs. If all you need is just a data structure to store data and
+run DFS, BFS over the graph, then this method is also quick and nice.
+local Node = torch.class('graph.Node')
+function Node:__init(d,p)
+   self.data = d
+   self.id = 0
+   self.children = {}
+   self.visited = false
+   self.marked = false
+function Node:add(child)
+   local children = self.children
+   if type(child) == 'table' and not torch.typename(child) then
+      for i,v in ipairs(child) do
+         self:add(v)
+      end
+   elseif not children[child] then
+      table.insert(children,child)
+      children[child] = #children
+   end
+-- visitor
+function Node:visit(pre_func,post_func)
+   if not self.visited then
+      if pre_func then pre_func(self) end
+      for i,child in ipairs(self.children) do
+         child:visit(pre_func, post_func)
+      end
+      if post_func then post_func(self) end
+   end
+function Node:label()
+   return tostring(self.data)
+-- Create a graph from the Node traversal
+function Node:graph()
+   local g = graph.Graph()
+   local function build_graph(node)
+      for i,child in ipairs(node.children) do
+         g:add(graph.Edge(node,child))
+      end
+   end
+   self:bfs(build_graph)
+   return g
+function Node:dfs_dirty(func)
+   local visitednodes = {}
+   local dfs_func = function(node)
+      func(node)
+      table.insert(visitednodes,node)
+   end
+   local dfs_func_pre = function(node)
+      node.visited = true
+   end
+   self:visit(dfs_func_pre, dfs_func)
+   return visitednodes
+function Node:dfs(func)
+   for i,node in ipairs(self:dfs_dirty(func)) do
+      node.visited = false
+   end
+function Node:bfs_dirty(func)
+   local visitednodes = {}
+   local bfsnodes = {}
+   local bfs_func = function(node)
+      func(node)
+      for i,child in ipairs(node.children) do
+         if not child.marked then
+            child.marked = true
+            table.insert(bfsnodes,child)
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   table.insert(bfsnodes,self)
+   self.marked = true
+   while #bfsnodes > 0 do
+      local node = table.remove(bfsnodes,1)
+      table.insert(visitednodes,node)
+      bfs_func(node)
+   end
+   return visitednodes
+function Node:bfs(func)
+   for i,node in ipairs(self:bfs_dirty(func)) do
+      node.marked = false
+   end
+function Node:hasCycle()
+   local hascycle = false
+   local explorednodes = {}
+   local function pre(node)
+      -- if someone found a cycle, just back up
+      if hascycle then return hascycle end
+      -- if this node was marked during dfs, then
+      -- it is still being explored, which means we hit a cycle.
+      if node.marked then
+         -- at this point set visited to true so that Node:visit() does
+         -- not explore this node again
+         node.visited = true
+         hascycle = true
+         return hascycle
+      end
+      node.marked = true
+   end
+   local function post(node)
+      -- we are done with this node, so just remove marked info
+      node.marked = false
+      -- set visited to true flagging that this node is done.
+      -- we might hit it in the future through a separate path, but 
+      -- at that point we should not explore it, the Node:visit()
+      -- will avoid visiting any visited node.
+      node.visited = true
+      explorednodes[node] = true
+   end
+   self:visit(pre, post)
+   -- now clean-up all the nodes
+   for node, _ in pairs(explorednodes) do
+      node.visited = false
+   end
+   return hascycle
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04965aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Graph Package
+This package provides graphical computation for [Torch](https://github.com/torch/torch7/blob/master/README.md).
+## Requirements
+You need *not* `graphviz` to be able to use this library but, if you have it, you will be able to display the graphs that you have created. For installing the package run the appropriate command below:
+# Mac users
+brew install graphviz
+# Debian/Ubuntu users
+sudo apt-get install graphviz -y
diff --git a/graphviz.lua b/graphviz.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8588f75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphviz.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+require 'torch'
+local ffiOk = false
+local graphvizOk = false
+local cgraphOk = false
+local ffi
+local graphviz
+local cgraph
+ffiOk, ffi = pcall(require, 'ffi')
+if ffiOk then
+   ffi.cdef[[
+   typedef struct FILE FILE;
+   typedef struct Agraph_s Agraph_t;
+   typedef struct Agnode_s Agnode_t;
+   extern Agraph_t *agmemread(const char *cp);
+   extern char *agget(void *obj, char *name);
+   extern int agclose(Agraph_t * g);
+   extern Agnode_t *agfstnode(Agraph_t * g);
+   extern Agnode_t *agnxtnode(Agraph_t * g, Agnode_t * n);
+   extern Agnode_t *aglstnode(Agraph_t * g);
+   extern Agnode_t *agprvnode(Agraph_t * g, Agnode_t * n);
+   typedef struct Agraph_s graph_t;
+   typedef struct GVJ_s GVJ_t;
+   typedef struct GVG_s GVG_t;
+   typedef struct GVC_s GVC_t;
+   extern GVC_t *gvContext(void);
+   extern int gvLayout(GVC_t *context, graph_t *g, const char *engine);
+   extern int gvRender(GVC_t *context, graph_t *g, const char *format, FILE *out);
+   extern int gvFreeLayout(GVC_t *context, graph_t *g);
+   extern int gvFreeContext(GVC_t *context);
+   FILE * fopen ( const char * filename, const char * mode );
+   int fclose ( FILE * stream );
+   ]]
+   graphvizOk, graphviz = pcall(function() return ffi.load('libgvc', true) end)
+   if not graphvizOk then
+      graphvizOk, graphviz = pcall(function() return ffi.load('libgvc.so.6', true) end)
+   end
+   cgraphOk, cgraph = pcall(function() return ffi.load('libcgraph', true) end)
+   if not cgraphOk then
+      cgraphOk, cgraph = pcall(function() return ffi.load('libcgraph.so.6', true) end)
+   end
+   graphvizOk = false
+   cgraphOk = false
+local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- Lua52 compatibility
+local NULL = (ffiOk and (not jit)) and ffi.C.NULL or nil -- LuaJIT compatibility
+-- Retrieve attribute data from a graphviz object.
+local function getAttribute(obj, name)
+   local res = cgraph.agget(obj, ffi.cast("char*", name))
+   assert(res ~= ffi.cast("char*", nil), 'could not get attr ' .. name)
+   local out = ffi.string(res)
+   return out
+-- Iterate through nodes of a graphviz graph.
+local function nodeIterator(graph)
+   local node = cgraph.agfstnode(graph)
+   local nextNode
+   return function()
+      if node == NULL then return end
+      if node == cgraph.aglstnode(graph) then nextNode = NULL end
+      nextNode = cgraph.agnxtnode(graph, node)
+      local result = node
+      node = nextNode
+      return result
+   end
+-- Convert a string of comma-separated numbers to actual numbers.
+local function extractNumbers(n, attr)
+   local res = {}
+   for number in string.gmatch(attr, "[^%,]+") do
+      table.insert(res, tonumber(number))
+   end
+   assert(#res == n, "attribute is not of expected form")
+   return unpack(res)
+-- Transform from graphviz coordinates to unit square.
+local function getRelativePosition(node, bbox)
+   local x0, y0, w, h = unpack(bbox)
+   local x, y = extractNumbers(2, getAttribute(node, 'pos'))
+   local xt = (x - x0) / w
+   local yt = (y - y0) / h
+   assert(xt >= 0 and xt <= 1, "bad x coordinate")
+   assert(yt >= 0 and yt <= 1, "bad y coordinate")
+   return xt, yt
+-- Retrieve a node's ID based on its label string.
+local function getID(node)
+   local label = getAttribute(node, 'label')
+   local res = {string.find(label, "^Node(%d+)")} or {string.find(label, "%((%d+)%)\\n")}
+   local id = res[3]
+   assert(id ~= nil, "could not get ID from node label : <" .. tostring(label) .. ">")
+   return tonumber(id)
+--[[ Lay out a graph and return the positions of the nodes.
+* `g` - graph to lay out.
+* `algorithm` - name of the graphviz algorithm to use. (default: "dot")
+* `torch.Tensor(n, 2)` containing the resulting positions of the nodes.
+where `n` is the number of nodes in the graph.
+Coordinates are in the interval [0, 1].
+function graph.graphvizLayout(g, algorithm)
+   if not graphvizOk or not cgraphOk then
+      error("graphviz library could not be loaded.")
+   end
+   local nNodes = #g.nodes
+   local context = graphviz.gvContext()
+   local graphvizGraph = cgraph.agmemread(g:todot())
+   local algorithm = algorithm or "dot"
+   assert(0 == graphviz.gvLayout(context, graphvizGraph, algorithm),
+          "graphviz layout failed")
+   assert(0 == graphviz.gvRender(context, graphvizGraph, algorithm, NULL),
+          "graphviz render failed")
+   -- Extract bounding box.
+   local x0, y0, x1, y1
+      = extractNumbers(4, getAttribute(graphvizGraph, 'bb'), ",")
+   local w = x1 - x0
+   local h = y1 - y0
+   local bbox = { x0, y0, w, h }
+   -- Extract node positions.
+   local positions = torch.zeros(nNodes, 2)
+   for node in nodeIterator(graphvizGraph) do
+      local id = getID(node)
+      local x, y = getRelativePosition(node, bbox)
+      positions[id][1] = x
+      positions[id][2] = y
+   end
+   -- Clean up.
+   graphviz.gvFreeLayout(context, graphvizGraph)
+   cgraph.agclose(graphvizGraph)
+   graphviz.gvFreeContext(context)
+   return positions
+function graph.graphvizFile(g, algorithm, fname)
+   if not graphvizOk or not cgraphOk then
+      error("graphviz library could not be loaded.")
+   end
+   algorithm = algorithm or 'dot'
+   local _,_,rendertype = fname:reverse():find('(%a+)%.%w+')
+   rendertype = rendertype:reverse()
+   local context = graphviz.gvContext()
+   local graphvizGraph = cgraph.agmemread(g:todot())
+   assert(0 == graphviz.gvLayout(context, graphvizGraph, algorithm),
+          "graphviz layout failed")
+   local fhandle = ffi.C.fopen(fname, 'w')
+   local ret = graphviz.gvRender(context, graphvizGraph, rendertype, fhandle)
+   ffi.C.fclose(fhandle)
+   assert(0 == ret, "graphviz render failed")
+   graphviz.gvFreeLayout(context, graphvizGraph)
+   cgraph.agclose(graphvizGraph)
+   graphviz.gvFreeContext(context)
+Given a graph, dump an SVG or display it using graphviz.
+* `g` - graph to display
+* `title` - Title to display in the graph
+* `fname` - [optional] if given it should contain a file name without an extension,
+the graph is saved on disk as fname.svg and display is not shown. If not given
+the graph is shown on qt display (you need to have qtsvg installed and running qlua)
+* `qs` - the window handle for the qt display (if fname given) or nil
+function graph.dot(g,title,fname)
+   local qt_display = fname == nil
+   fname = fname or os.tmpname()
+   local fnsvg = fname .. '.svg'
+   local fndot = fname .. '.dot'
+   graph.graphvizFile(g, 'dot', fnsvg)
+   graph.graphvizFile(g, 'dot', fndot)
+   if qt_display then
+      require 'qtsvg'
+      local qs = qt.QSvgWidget(fnsvg)
+      qs:show()
+      os.remove(fnsvg)
+      os.remove(fndot)
+      return qs
+   end
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8e5c4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+require 'torch'
+graph = {}
+Defines a graph and general operations on grpahs like topsort,
+connected components, ...
+uses two tables, one for nodes, one for edges
+local Graph = torch.class('graph.Graph')
+function Graph:__init()
+   self.nodes = {}
+   self.edges = {}
+-- add a new edge into the graph.
+-- an edge has two fields, from and to that are inserted into the
+-- nodes table. the edge itself is inserted into the edges table.
+function Graph:add(edge)
+   if type(edge) ~= 'table' then
+      error('graph.Edge or {graph.Edges} expected')
+   end
+   if torch.typename(edge) then
+      -- add edge
+      if not self.edges[edge] then
+         table.insert(self.edges,edge)
+         self.edges[edge] = #self.edges
+      end
+      -- add from node
+      if not self.nodes[edge.from] then
+         table.insert(self.nodes,edge.from)
+         self.nodes[edge.from] = #self.nodes
+      end
+      -- add to node
+      if not self.nodes[edge.to] then
+         table.insert(self.nodes,edge.to)
+         self.nodes[edge.to] = #self.nodes
+      end
+      -- add the edge to the node for parsing in nodes
+      edge.from:add(edge.to)
+      edge.from.id = self.nodes[edge.from]
+      edge.to.id = self.nodes[edge.to]
+   else
+      for i,e in ipairs(edge) do
+         self:add(e)
+      end
+   end
+-- Clone a Graph
+-- this will create new nodes, but will share the data.
+-- Note that primitive data types like numbers can not be shared
+function Graph:clone()
+   local clone = graph.Graph()
+   local nodes = {}
+   for i,n in ipairs(self.nodes) do
+      table.insert(nodes,n.new(n.data))
+   end
+   for i,e in ipairs(self.edges) do
+      local from = nodes[self.nodes[e.from]]
+      local to   = nodes[self.nodes[e.to]]
+      clone:add(e.new(from,to))
+   end
+   return clone
+-- It returns a new graph where the edges are reversed.
+-- The nodes share the data. Note that primitive data types can
+-- not be shared.
+function Graph:reverse()
+   local rg = graph.Graph()
+   local mapnodes = {}
+   for i,e in ipairs(self.edges) do
+      mapnodes[e.from] = mapnodes[e.from] or e.from.new(e.from.data)
+      mapnodes[e.to]   = mapnodes[e.to] or e.to.new(e.to.data)
+      local from = mapnodes[e.from]
+      local to   = mapnodes[e.to]
+      rg:add(e.new(to,from))
+   end
+   return rg,mapnodes
+function Graph:hasCycle()
+   local roots = self:roots()
+   if #roots == 0 then
+      return true
+   end
+   for i, root in ipairs(roots) do
+      if root:hasCycle() then
+         return true
+      end
+   end
+   return false
+Topological Sort
+function Graph:topsort()
+   local dummyRoot
+   -- reverse the graph
+   local rg,map = self:reverse()
+   local rmap = {}
+   for k,v in pairs(map) do
+      rmap[v] = k
+   end
+   -- work on the sorted graph
+   local sortednodes = {}
+   local rootnodes = rg:roots()
+   if #rootnodes == 0 then
+      error('Graph has cycles')
+   end
+   if #rootnodes > 1 then
+      dummyRoot = graph.Node('dummy_root')
+      for _, root in ipairs(rootnodes) do
+         dummyRoot:add(root)
+      end
+   else
+      dummyRoot = rootnodes[1]
+   end
+   -- run
+   -- the trick is since the dummy node does not exist in original graph,
+   -- rmap[dummyRoot] = nil hence nothing gets inserted into the table
+   dummyRoot:dfs(function(node) table.insert(sortednodes,rmap[node]) end)
+   if #sortednodes ~= #self.nodes then
+      error('Graph has cycles')
+   end
+   return sortednodes,rg,rootnodes
+-- find root nodes
+function Graph:roots()
+   local edges = self.edges
+   local rootnodes = {}
+   for i,edge in ipairs(edges) do
+      --table.insert(rootnodes,edge.from)
+      if not rootnodes[edge.from] then
+         rootnodes[edge.from] = #rootnodes+1
+      end
+   end
+   for i,edge in ipairs(edges) do
+      if rootnodes[edge.to] then
+         rootnodes[edge.to] = nil
+      end
+   end
+   local roots = {}
+   for root,i in pairs(rootnodes) do
+      table.insert(roots, root)
+   end
+   table.sort(roots,function(a,b) return self.nodes[a] < self.nodes[b] end )
+   return roots
+-- find root nodes
+function Graph:leaves()
+   local edges = self.edges
+   local leafnodes = {}
+   for i,edge in ipairs(edges) do
+      --table.insert(rootnodes,edge.from)
+      if not leafnodes[edge.to] then
+         leafnodes[edge.to] = #leafnodes+1
+      end
+   end
+   for i,edge in ipairs(edges) do
+      if leafnodes[edge.from] then
+         leafnodes[edge.from] = nil
+      end
+   end
+   local leaves = {}
+   for leaf,i in pairs(leafnodes) do
+      table.insert(leaves, leaf)
+   end
+   table.sort(leaves,function(a,b) return self.nodes[a] < self.nodes[b] end )
+   return leaves
+function graph._dotEscape(str)
+   if string.find(str, '[^a-zA-Z]') then
+      -- Escape newlines and quotes.
+      local escaped = string.gsub(str, '\n', '\\n')
+      escaped = string.gsub(escaped, '"', '\\"')
+      str = '"' .. escaped .. '"'
+   end
+   return str
+--[[ Generate a string like 'color=blue tailport=s' from a table
+(e.g. {color = 'blue', tailport = 's'}. Its up to the user to escape
+strings properly.
+local function makeAttributeString(attributes)
+   local str = {}
+   local keys = {}
+   for k, _ in pairs(attributes) do
+      table.insert(keys, k)
+   end
+   table.sort(keys)
+   for _, k in ipairs(keys) do
+      local v = attributes[k]
+      table.insert(str, tostring(k) .. '=' .. graph._dotEscape(tostring(v)))
+   end
+   return ' ' .. table.concat(str, ' ')
+function Graph:todot(title)
+   local nodes = self.nodes
+   local edges = self.edges
+   local str = {}
+   table.insert(str,'digraph G {\n')
+   if title then
+      table.insert(str,'labelloc="t";\nlabel="' .. title .. '";\n')
+   end
+   table.insert(str,'node [shape = oval]; ')
+   local nodelabels = {}
+   for i,node in ipairs(nodes) do
+      local nodeName
+      if node.graphNodeName then
+         nodeName = node:graphNodeName()
+      else
+         nodeName = 'Node' .. node.id
+      end
+      local l =  graph._dotEscape(nodeName .. '\n' .. node:label())
+      nodelabels[node] = 'n' .. node.id
+      local graphAttributes = ''
+      if node.graphNodeAttributes then
+         graphAttributes = makeAttributeString(
+         node:graphNodeAttributes())
+      end
+      table.insert(str,
+      '\n' .. nodelabels[node] ..
+      '[label=' .. l .. graphAttributes .. '];')
+   end
+   table.insert(str,'\n')
+   for i,edge in ipairs(edges) do
+      table.insert(str,nodelabels[edge.from] .. ' -> ' .. nodelabels[edge.to] .. ';\n')
+   end
+   table.insert(str,'}')
+   return table.concat(str,'')
diff --git a/rocks/graph-scm-1.rockspec b/rocks/graph-scm-1.rockspec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c16b42a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rocks/graph-scm-1.rockspec
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package = "graph"
+version = "scm-1"
+source = {
+   url = "git://github.com/torch/graph",
+   tag = "master"
+description = {
+   summary = "Graph package for Torch",
+   homepage = "https://github.com/torch/graph",
+   license = "UNKNOWN"
+dependencies = {
+   "torch >= 7.0"
+build = {
+   type = "command",
+   build_command = [[
+cmake -E make_directory build;
+cd build;
+   ]],
+   install_command = "cd build && $(MAKE) install"
diff --git a/test/test_graph.lua b/test/test_graph.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f33581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_graph.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+require 'graph'
+require 'totem'
+local tester = totem.Tester()
+local tests = {}
+local function create_graph(nlayers, ninputs, noutputs, nhiddens, droprate)
+   local g = graph.Graph()
+   local conmat = torch.rand(nlayers, nhiddens, nhiddens):ge(droprate)[{ {1, -2}, {}, {} }]
+   -- create nodes
+   local nodes = { [0] = {}, [nlayers+1] = {} }
+   local nodecntr = 1
+   for inode = 1, ninputs do
+      local node = graph.Node(nodecntr)
+      nodes[0][inode] = node
+      nodecntr = nodecntr + 1
+   end
+   for ilayer = 1, nlayers do
+      nodes[ilayer] = {}
+      for inode = 1, nhiddens do
+         local node = graph.Node(nodecntr)
+         nodes[ilayer][inode] = node
+         nodecntr = nodecntr + 1
+      end
+   end
+   for inode = 1, noutputs do
+      local node = graph.Node(nodecntr)
+      nodes[nlayers+1][inode] = node
+      nodecntr = nodecntr + 1
+   end
+   -- now connect inputs to all first layer hiddens
+   for iinput = 1, ninputs do
+      for inode = 1, nhiddens do
+         g:add(graph.Edge(nodes[0][iinput], nodes[1][inode]))
+      end
+   end
+   -- now run through layers and connect them
+   for ilayer = 1, nlayers-1 do
+      for jnode = 1, nhiddens do
+         for knode = 1, nhiddens do
+            if conmat[ilayer][jnode][knode] == 1 then
+               g:add(graph.Edge(nodes[ilayer][jnode], nodes[ilayer+1][knode]))
+            end
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   -- now connect last layer hiddens to outputs
+   for inode = 1, nhiddens do
+      for ioutput = 1, noutputs do
+         g:add(graph.Edge(nodes[nlayers][inode], nodes[nlayers+1][ioutput]))
+      end
+   end
+   -- there might be nodes left out and not connected to anything. Connect them
+   for i = 1, nlayers do
+      for j = 1, nhiddens do
+         if not g.nodes[nodes[i][j]] then
+            local jto = torch.random(1, nhiddens)
+            g:add(graph.Edge(nodes[i][j], nodes[i+1][jto]))
+            conmat[i][j][jto] = 1
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   return g, conmat
+function tests.graph()
+   local nlayers = torch.random(2,5)
+   local ninputs = torch.random(1,10)
+   local noutputs = torch.random(1,10)
+   local nhiddens = torch.random(10,20)
+   local droprates = {0, torch.uniform(0.2, 0.8), 1}
+   for i, droprate in ipairs(droprates) do
+      local g,c = create_graph(nlayers, ninputs, noutputs, nhiddens, droprate)
+      local nedges = nhiddens * (ninputs+noutputs) + c:sum()
+      local nnodes = ninputs + noutputs + nhiddens*nlayers
+      local nroots = ninputs + c:sum(2):eq(0):sum()
+      local nleaves = noutputs + c:sum(3):eq(0):sum()
+      tester:asserteq(#g.edges, nedges, 'wrong number of edges')
+      tester:asserteq(#g.nodes, nnodes, 'wrong number of nodes')
+      tester:asserteq(#g:roots(), nroots, 'wrong number of roots')
+      tester:asserteq(#g:leaves(), nleaves, 'wrong number of leaves')
+   end
+function tests.test_dfs()
+   local nlayers = torch.random(5,10)
+   local ninputs = 1
+   local noutputs = 1
+   local nhiddens = 1
+   local droprate = 0
+   local g,c = create_graph(nlayers, ninputs, noutputs, nhiddens, droprate)
+   local roots = g:roots()
+   local leaves = g:leaves()
+   tester:asserteq(#roots, 1, 'expected a single root')
+   tester:asserteq(#leaves, 1, 'expected a single leaf')
+   local dfs_nodes = {}
+   roots[1]:dfs(function(node) table.insert(dfs_nodes, node) end)
+   for i, node in ipairs(dfs_nodes) do
+      tester:asserteq(node.data, #dfs_nodes - i +1, 'dfs order wrong')
+   end
+function tests.test_bfs()
+   local nlayers = torch.random(5,10)
+   local ninputs = 1
+   local noutputs = 1
+   local nhiddens = 1
+   local droprate = 0
+   local g,c = create_graph(nlayers, ninputs, noutputs, nhiddens, droprate)
+   local roots = g:roots()
+   local leaves = g:leaves()
+   tester:asserteq(#roots, 1, 'expected a single root')
+   tester:asserteq(#leaves, 1, 'expected a single leaf')
+   local bfs_nodes = {}
+   roots[1]:bfs(function(node) table.insert(bfs_nodes, node) end)
+   for i, node in ipairs(bfs_nodes) do
+      tester:asserteq(node.data, i, 'bfs order wrong')
+   end
+function tests.test_topsort()
+   local n1 = graph.Node(1)
+   local n2 = graph.Node(2)
+   local n3 = graph.Node(3)
+   local n4 = graph.Node(4)
+   local g = graph.Graph()
+   g:add(graph.Edge(n1, n2))
+   g:add(graph.Edge(n1, n3))
+   g:add(graph.Edge(n2, n3))
+   g:add(graph.Edge(n2, n4))
+   g:add(graph.Edge(n3, n4))
+   local sorted = g:topsort()
+   tester:assert(sorted[1] == n1, 'wrong sort order' )
+   tester:assert(sorted[2] == n2, 'wrong sort order' )
+   tester:assert(sorted[3] == n3, 'wrong sort order' )
+   tester:assert(sorted[4] == n4, 'wrong sort order' )
+   -- add an extra root
+   local n0 = graph.Node(0)
+   g:add(graph.Edge(n0, n2))
+   local sorted2 = g:topsort()
+   tester:assert(sorted2[1] == n1 or sorted2[1] == n0, 'wrong sort order' )
+   tester:assert(sorted2[5] == n4, 'wrong sort order' )
+   -- add an extra leaf
+   local n5 = graph.Node(5)
+   g:add(graph.Edge(n3, n5))
+   local sorted2 = g:topsort()
+   tester:assert(sorted2[1] == n1 or sorted2[1] == n0, 'wrong sort order' )
+   tester:assert(sorted2[6] == n4 or sorted2[6] == n5, 'wrong sort order' )
+   tester:assert(sorted2[5] == n4 or sorted2[5] == n5, 'wrong sort order' )
+   tester:assert(sorted2[6] ~= sorted2[5], 'wrong sort order' )
+   -- add a bottleneck and a new set of nodes
+   local n11 = graph.Node(11)
+   local n12 = graph.Node(12)
+   local n13 = graph.Node(13)
+   local n14 = graph.Node(14)
+   local n15 = graph.Node(15)
+   local n16 = graph.Node(16)
+   g:add(graph.Edge(n4, n11))
+   g:add(graph.Edge(n5, n11))
+   g:add(graph.Edge(n11, n12))
+   g:add(graph.Edge(n11, n13))
+   g:add(graph.Edge(n12, n13))
+   g:add(graph.Edge(n13, n14))
+   g:add(graph.Edge(n14, n15))
+   g:add(graph.Edge(n12, n15))
+   g:add(graph.Edge(n13, n16))
+   local sorted3 = g:topsort()
+   -- check all the first 6 sorted elements have data <= 5
+   for i=1, 6 do
+      tester:assert(sorted3[i].data <= 5, 'wrong sort order')
+   end
+   tester:assert(sorted3[7] == n11, 'wrong sort order')
+   tester:assert(sorted3[8] == n12, 'wrong sort order' )
+   tester:assert(sorted3[9] == n13, 'wrong sort order' )
+   tester:assert(sorted3[11] == n16 or sorted3[12] == n16, 'wrong sort order')
+function tests.test_cycle()
+   local n1 = graph.Node(1)
+   local n2 = graph.Node(2)
+   local n3 = graph.Node(3)
+   local n4 = graph.Node(4)
+   local cycle = graph.Graph()
+   cycle:add(graph.Edge(n1, n2))
+   cycle:add(graph.Edge(n1, n3))
+   cycle:add(graph.Edge(n2, n3))
+   cycle:add(graph.Edge(n3, n2))
+   cycle:add(graph.Edge(n2, n4))
+   cycle:add(graph.Edge(n3, n4))
+   tester:asserteq(cycle:hasCycle(), true, 'Graph is supposed to have cycle')
+   local n1 = graph.Node(1)
+   local n2 = graph.Node(2)
+   local n3 = graph.Node(3)
+   local n4 = graph.Node(4)
+   local nocycle = graph.Graph()
+   nocycle:add(graph.Edge(n1, n2))
+   nocycle:add(graph.Edge(n1, n3))
+   nocycle:add(graph.Edge(n2, n3))
+   nocycle:add(graph.Edge(n2, n4))
+   nocycle:add(graph.Edge(n3, n4))
+   tester:asserteq(nocycle:hasCycle(), false, 'Graph is not supposed to have cycle')
+   local function create_cycle(g, node0, length)
+      local node1, node2 = node0, nil
+      for i = 1, length-1 do
+         node2 = graph.Node('c' .. i)
+         local e = graph.Edge(node1, node2)
+         g:add(e)
+         node1 = node2
+      end
+      g:add(graph.Edge(node1, node0))
+   end
+   local bigcycle = graph.Graph()
+   local n1 = graph.Node(1)
+   local n2 = graph.Node(2)
+   local n3 = graph.Node(3)
+   local n4 = graph.Node(4)
+   bigcycle:add(graph.Edge(n1, n2))
+   bigcycle:add(graph.Edge(n1, n3))
+   bigcycle:add(graph.Edge(n2, n3))
+   bigcycle:add(graph.Edge(n2, n4))
+   bigcycle:add(graph.Edge(n3, n4))
+   create_cycle(bigcycle, n2, 5)
+   tester:asserteq(cycle:hasCycle(), true, 'Graph is supposed to have cycle')
+return tester:add(tests):run()
diff --git a/test/test_graphviz.lua b/test/test_graphviz.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d344a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_graphviz.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+require 'totem'
+require 'graph'
+require 'torch'
+local tester = totem.Tester()
+local tests = {}
+function tests.layout()
+   local g = graph.Graph()
+   local root = graph.Node(10)
+   local n1 = graph.Node(1)
+   local n2 = graph.Node(2)
+   g:add(graph.Edge(root, n1))
+   g:add(graph.Edge(n1, n2))
+   local positions = graph.graphvizLayout(g, 'dot')
+   local xs = positions:select(2, 1)
+   local ys = positions:select(2, 2)
+   tester:assertlt(xs:add(-xs:mean()):norm(), 1e-3,
+   "x coordinates should be the same")
+   tester:assertTensorEq(ys, torch.sort(ys, true), 1e-3,
+   "y coordinates should be ordered")
+function tests.testDotEscape()
+   tester:assert(graph._dotEscape('red') == 'red', 'Don\'t escape single words')
+   tester:assert(graph._dotEscape('My label') == '"My label"',
+   'Use quotes for spaces')
+   tester:assert(graph._dotEscape('Non[an') == '"Non[an"',
+   'Use quotes for non-alpha characters')
+   tester:assert(graph._dotEscape('My\nnewline') == '"My\\nnewline"',
+   'Escape newlines')
+   tester:assert(graph._dotEscape('Say "hello"') == '"Say \\"hello\\""',
+   'Escape quotes')
+return tester:add(tests):run()
diff --git a/test/test_old.lua b/test/test_old.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17ae596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_old.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+require 'graph'
+dofile 'graphviz.lua'
+nend = graph.Node(20)
+local i = 0
+print('======= BFS ==========')
+root:bfs(function(node) i=i+1;print('i='..i);print(node:label())end)
+print('======= DFS ==========')
+i = 0
+root:dfs(function(node) i=i+1;print('i='..i);print(node:label())end)
+print('======= topsort ==========')
+s,rg,rn = g:topsort()
+graph.dot(g, 'g', 'g')

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/lua-torch-graph.git

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