[opengm] 224/386: reimplement mll

Ghislain Vaillant ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Aug 31 08:37:54 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to branch debian/master
in repository opengm.

commit 136364c97072231b10620463602998acaf86da09
Author: joergkappes <kappes at math.uni-heidelberg.de>
Date:   Tue Jan 13 09:28:20 2015 +0100

    reimplement mll
 .../learning/maximum_likelihood_learning.hxx       | 153 +++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 153 insertions(+)

diff --git a/include/opengm/learning/maximum_likelihood_learning.hxx b/include/opengm/learning/maximum_likelihood_learning.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b34d29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/opengm/learning/maximum_likelihood_learning.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <vector>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <opengm/graphicalmodel/graphicalmodel.hxx>
+#include <opengm/inference/messagepassing/messagepassing.hxx>
+#include <opengm/functions/view_convert_function.hxx>
+namespace opengm {
+   namespace learning {
+      template<class DATASET>
+      class MaximumLikelihoodLearner
+      {
+      public:
+         typedef DATASET                     DatasetType;
+         typedef typename DATASET::GMType    GMType;
+         typedef typename GMType::ValueType  ValueType;
+         typedef typename GMType::IndexType  IndexType;
+         typedef typename GMType::LabelType  LabelType;
+         typedef typename GMType::FactorType FactorType;
+         typedef Weights<ValueType>          WeightType;  
+         class Parameter{
+         public:
+            size_t maxNumSteps_;
+            Parameter() : maxNumSteps_(100) {;}
+         };
+         class WeightGradientFunctor{
+         public:
+            WeightGradientFunctor(DatasetType& ds) : dataset_(ds) { gradient_.resize(ds.getNumberOfWeights(),0.0);}
+            void setModel(size_t m) { modelID_ = m; } 
+            void setMarg(typename GMType::IndependentFactorType* marg){marg_= marg;}
+            double getGradient(size_t i) {return gradient_[i];}
+            template<class F>
+            void operator()(const F & function ){
+               std::vector<LabelType> labelVector(marg_->numberOfVariables());
+               for(size_t i=0; i<marg_->numberOfVariables(); ++i)
+                  labelVector[i] = dataset_.getGT(modelID_)[marg_->variableIndex(i)]; 
+               for(size_t i=0; i<function.numberOfWeights();++i){
+                  size_t wID = function.weightIndex(i);
+                  gradient_[wID] -= function.weightGradient(wID, labelVector.begin());
+               } 
+               opengm::ShapeWalker<typename F::FunctionShapeIteratorType> shapeWalker(function.functionShapeBegin(), function.dimension());
+               for(size_t i=0;i<function.size();++i, ++shapeWalker) {                   
+                  for(size_t i=0; i<function.numberOfWeights();++i){
+                     size_t wID = function.weightIndex(i);
+                     gradient_[wID] += (*marg_)(shapeWalker.coordinateTuple().begin()) * function.weightGradient(wID, shapeWalker.coordinateTuple().begin() );
+                  }
+               }              
+            }
+         private:
+            DatasetType&                            dataset_;
+            size_t                                  modelID_;
+            std::vector<double>                     gradient_;  
+            typename GMType::IndependentFactorType* marg_;
+         };
+         MaximumLikelihoodLearner(DATASET&, const Parameter&);
+         void learn();
+         const opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType>& getModelWeights(){return weights_;}
+         WeightType& getLerningWeights(){return weights_;}
+      private:
+         DATASET&     dataset_;
+         WeightType   weights_;
+         Parameter    param_;
+      }; 
+      template<class DATASET>
+      MaximumLikelihoodLearner<DATASET>::MaximumLikelihoodLearner(DATASET& ds, const Parameter& param )
+         : dataset_(ds), param_(param)
+      {
+          weights_ = opengm::learning::Weights<ValueType>(ds.getNumberOfWeights());
+      }
+      template<class DATASET>
+      void MaximumLikelihoodLearner<DATASET>::learn(){
+         typedef typename opengm::ExplicitFunction<ValueType,IndexType,LabelType>                                                    FunctionType;
+         typedef typename opengm::ViewConvertFunction<GMType,Minimizer,ValueType>                                                    ViewFunctionType;
+         typedef typename GMType::FunctionIdentifier                                                                                 FunctionIdentifierType;
+         typedef typename opengm::meta::TypeListGenerator<FunctionType,ViewFunctionType>::type                                       FunctionListType;
+         typedef opengm::GraphicalModel<ValueType,opengm::Multiplier, FunctionListType, opengm::DiscreteSpace<IndexType,LabelType> > GmBpType;
+         typedef BeliefPropagationUpdateRules<GmBpType, opengm::Integrator>                                                          UpdateRules;
+         typedef MessagePassing<GmBpType, opengm::Integrator, UpdateRules, opengm::MaxDistance>                                      BeliefPropagation;
+         bool search = true; 
+         //Parameters for inference
+         const IndexType maxNumberOfIterations = 40;
+         const double convergenceBound = 1e-7;
+         const double damping = 0.5;
+         typename BeliefPropagation::Parameter infParam(maxNumberOfIterations, convergenceBound, damping);
+         std::cout << std::endl;
+         double eta   = 0.001;
+         size_t count = 0;
+         while(search){
+            if(count>=param_.maxNumSteps_) break;
+            ++count;
+            std::cout << "\r Progress :  " << count << "/"<<param_.maxNumSteps_ <<" iteration     0/"<< dataset_.getNumberOfModels() << " models "<< std::flush;
+            typename GMType::IndependentFactorType marg;
+            WeightGradientFunctor wgf(dataset_); 
+            for(IndexType m=0; m<dataset_.getNumberOfModels(); ++m){ 
+               std::cout << "\r Progress :  " << count << "/"<<param_.maxNumSteps_ << " iteration     "<<m<<"/"<< dataset_.getNumberOfModels()<<" models "<< std::flush;
+               dataset_.lockModel(m);
+               wgf.setModel(m);
+               //*********************************
+               //** Build dummy model and infer
+               //*********************************
+               GmBpType bpModel(dataset_.getModel(m).space());
+               for(IndexType f = 0; f<dataset_.getModel(m).numberOfFactors();++f){
+                  const typename GMType::FactorType& factor=dataset_.getModel(m)[f];
+                  typedef typename opengm::ViewConvertFunction<GMType,Minimizer,ValueType> ViewFunctionType;
+                  typedef typename GMType::FunctionIdentifier FunctionIdentifierType;
+                  FunctionIdentifierType fid = bpModel.addFunction(ViewFunctionType(factor));
+                  bpModel.addFactor(fid, factor.variableIndicesBegin(), factor.variableIndicesEnd());
+               } 
+               BeliefPropagation bp(bpModel, infParam);
+               bp.infer();
+               for(IndexType f=0; f<dataset_.getModel(m).numberOfFactors();++f){
+                  bp.factorMarginal(f, marg);
+                  wgf.setMarg(&marg);
+                  dataset_.getModel(m)[f].callFunctor(wgf);
+               }
+               dataset_.unlockModel(m);
+            }
+            //*****************************
+            //** Gradient Step
+            //************************
+            for(IndexType p=0; p<dataset_.getNumberOfWeights(); ++p){
+               dataset_.getWeights().setWeight(p, weights_.getWeight(p) + eta * wgf.getGradient(p));
+               weights_.setWeight(p, weights_.getWeight(p) + eta * wgf.getGradient(p));
+            }  
+         }
+         std::cout << "\r Stoped after "<< count  << "/"<<param_.maxNumSteps_<< " iterations.                             " <<std::endl;
+      }
+   }

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