[r-cran-caret] 01/11: Merge tag 'upstream/6.0-73+dfsg1'

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Tue Nov 29 13:35:55 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-cran-caret.

commit da723259afd7e7c90eb3d13a74438cf91a22f26f
Merge: d5b8b59 4bd0fc5
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Nov 29 14:09:24 2016 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/6.0-73+dfsg1'
    Upstream version 6.0-73+dfsg1

 .Rinstignore                                       |    1 +
 DESCRIPTION                                        |   30 +-
 MD5                                                |  397 +++---
 NAMESPACE                                          |  952 ++++++-------
 R/BoxCoxTrans.R                                    |   85 +-
 R/aaa.R                                            |  415 +++---
 R/adaptive.R                                       |   85 +-
 R/additive.R                                       |    1 +
 R/aucRoc.R                                         |   15 -
 R/avNNet.R                                         |  110 +-
 R/bag.R                                            |  189 ++-
 R/bagEarth.R                                       |  183 ++-
 R/bagFDA.R                                         |  137 +-
 R/calibration.R                                    |  216 ++-
 R/caret-package.R                                  |  373 +++++
 R/caretTheme.R                                     |    1 +
 R/classDist.R                                      |   85 +-
 R/classLevels.R                                    |   30 +-
 R/common_code.R                                    |   25 +
 R/confusionMatrix.R                                |  729 +++++++---
 R/createDataPartition.R                            |  240 +++-
 R/createFolds.R                                    |   73 -
 R/createModel.R                                    |   54 +-
 R/createResample.R                                 |    6 +-
 R/createTimeSlices.R                               |   41 -
 R/dotplot.varImp.train.R                           |   28 +
 R/dummyVar.R                                       |  333 +++--
 R/expoTrans.R                                      |    8 +-
 R/extractPrediction.R                              |    4 +-
 R/extractProb.R                                    |   15 +-
 R/featurePlot.R                                    |   31 +
 R/filterVarImp.R                                   |  221 ++-
 R/findCorrelation.R                                |  149 +-
 R/findLinearCombos.R                               |   51 +
 R/format.bagEarth.R                                |   40 +
 R/gafs.R                                           |  848 +++++++----
 R/getTrainPerf.R                                   |    1 +
 R/ggplot.R                                         |  227 ++-
 R/heldout.R                                        |   11 +-
 R/icr.R                                            |   66 +-
 R/knn3.R                                           |  151 ++
 R/knn3Train.R                                      |   58 -
 R/knnreg.R                                         |   94 +-
 R/lattice.train.R                                  |   78 +-
 R/learning_curve.R                                 |  138 ++
 R/lift.R                                           |  255 +++-
 R/maxDissim.R                                      |   93 ++
 R/misc.R                                           |  341 +++--
 R/modelLookup.R                                    |  125 +-
 R/nearZeroVar.R                                    |  159 ++-
 R/negPredValue.R                                   |    9 +-
 R/panel.needle.R                                   |   24 +
 R/pcaNNet.R                                        |   96 +-
 R/plot.train.R                                     |   75 +
 R/plot.varImp.train.R                              |   64 +
 R/plotClassProbs.R                                 |   64 +
 R/plotObsVsPred.R                                  |   79 ++
 R/plsda.R                                          |  121 +-
 R/posPredValue.R                                   |   10 +-
 R/postResample.R                                   |  200 +++
 R/preProcess.R                                     | 1091 ++++++++++----
 R/prec_rec.R                                       |  239 ++++
 R/predict.train.R                                  |  165 ++-
 R/predictionFunction.R                             |    5 +-
 R/predictors.R                                     |   35 +
 R/print.confusionMatrix.R                          |   95 --
 R/print.train.R                                    |  273 +++-
 R/print.varImp.train.R                             |    2 +
 R/probFunction.R                                   |    6 +-
 R/reg_sims.R                                       |   32 +-
 R/resampleHist.R                                   |   38 +-
 R/resampleSummary.R                                |   27 +
 R/resampleWrapper.R                                |    2 +
 R/resamples.R                                      |  600 +++++++-
 R/rfe.R                                            | 1489 +++++++++++++-------
 R/roc.R                                            |   21 -
 R/rocPoint.R                                       |   19 -
 R/safs.R                                           |  765 ++++++++--
 R/sampling.R                                       |   39 +-
 R/selectByFilter.R                                 | 1045 +++++++++-----
 R/selection.R                                      |  116 +-
 R/sensitivity.R                                    |  138 ++
 R/sortImp.R                                        |    3 +
 R/spatialSign.R                                    |   37 +-
 R/specificity.R                                    |    4 +
 R/splsda.R                                         |    7 +-
 R/train.default.R                                  |  413 +++++-
 R/trainControl.R                                   |  191 ++-
 R/trim.R                                           |    5 +-
 R/twoClassSim.R                                    |  173 ++-
 R/updates.R                                        |   48 +
 R/varImp.R                                         |  367 +++--
 R/varImp.train.R                                   |    9 +-
 R/workflows.R                                      |  794 ++++++-----
 build/vignette.rds                                 |  Bin 224 -> 225 bytes
 data/Sacramento.RData                              |  Bin 0 -> 23504 bytes
 data/datalist                                      |    2 +
 data/scat.RData                                    |  Bin 0 -> 5091 bytes
 inst/NEWS.Rd                                       |  184 ++-
 inst/doc/caret.R                                   |    2 +-
 inst/doc/caret.Rnw                                 |    6 +-
 inst/models/models.RData                           |  Bin 1532539 -> 2324347 bytes
 inst/models/sampling.RData                         |  Bin 0 -> 1030 bytes
 man/BloodBrain.Rd                                  |   38 +-
 man/BoxCoxTrans.Rd                                 |  121 +-
 man/GermanCredit.Rd                                |   32 +-
 man/Sacramento.Rd                                  |   37 +
 ...usionMatrix.Rd => as.matrix.confusionMatrix.Rd} |   44 +-
 man/avNNet.Rd                                      |  126 +-
 man/bag.Rd                                         |  154 +-
 man/bagEarth.Rd                                    |  106 +-
 man/bagFDA.Rd                                      |  105 +-
 man/calibration.Rd                                 |  127 +-
 man/caret-internal.Rd                              |   86 +-
 man/{rfeFunctions.Rd => caretFuncs.Rd}             |  119 +-
 man/caretSBF.Rd                                    |   60 +
 man/cars.Rd                                        |   29 +-
 man/classDist.Rd                                   |   96 +-
 man/confusionMatrix.Rd                             |  180 ++-
 man/confusionMatrix.train.Rd                       |   71 +-
 man/cox2.Rd                                        |   51 +-
 man/createDataPartition.Rd                         |  143 +-
 man/densityplot.rfe.Rd                             |   88 ++
 man/dhfr.Rd                                        |   36 +-
 man/diff.resamples.Rd                              |  118 +-
 man/{dotplot.varImp.train.Rd => dotPlot.Rd}        |   29 +-
 man/dotplot.diff.resamples.Rd                      |   74 +
 man/downSample.Rd                                  |   57 +-
 man/dummyVars.Rd                                   |  190 ++-
 man/extractPrediction.Rd                           |   99 --
 man/featurePlot.Rd                                 |   54 +-
 man/filterVarImp.Rd                                |   81 +-
 man/findCorrelation.Rd                             |  100 +-
 man/findLinearCombos.Rd                            |   45 +-
 man/format.bagEarth.Rd                             |   34 +-
 man/ga_functions.Rd                                |  111 --
 man/gafs.default.Rd                                |  180 ++-
 man/gafs_initial.Rd                                |  129 ++
 man/getSamplingInfo.Rd                             |   25 +
 man/histogram.train.Rd                             |   89 ++
 man/icr.Rd                                         |   99 --
 man/icr.formula.Rd                                 |   82 ++
 man/index2vec.Rd                                   |   34 +-
 man/knn3.Rd                                        |  130 +-
 man/knnreg.Rd                                      |  108 +-
 man/lattice.Rd                                     |   70 -
 man/lattice.diff.resamples.Rd                      |   64 -
 man/lattice.resamples.Rd                           |   95 --
 man/lattice.rfe.Rd                                 |   73 -
 man/learing_curve_dat.Rd                           |   81 ++
 man/lift.Rd                                        |  177 ++-
 man/maxDissim.Rd                                   |   78 +-
 man/mdrr.Rd                                        |   63 +-
 man/modelLookup.Rd                                 |   98 +-
 man/models.Rd                                      |  505 ++++++-
 man/nearZeroVar.Rd                                 |  110 +-
 man/nullModel.Rd                                   |   79 +-
 man/oil.Rd                                         |   40 +-
 man/oneSE.Rd                                       |  140 ++
 man/panel.lift.Rd                                  |   64 -
 man/panel.lift2.Rd                                 |   69 +
 man/panel.needle.Rd                                |   65 +-
 man/pcaNNet.Rd                                     |  154 +-
 man/plot.gafs.Rd                                   |   72 +-
 man/plot.rfe.Rd                                    |   79 +-
 man/plot.train.Rd                                  |  136 +-
 man/plot.varImp.train.Rd                           |   52 +-
 man/plotClassProbs.Rd                              |   56 +-
 man/plotObsVsPred.Rd                               |   53 +-
 man/plsda.Rd                                       |  105 +-
 man/postResample.Rd                                |  147 +-
 man/pottery.Rd                                     |   26 +-
 man/prcomp.resamples.Rd                            |  118 +-
 man/preProcess.Rd                                  |  247 +++-
 man/predict.bagEarth.Rd                            |   52 +-
 man/predict.gafs.Rd                                |   47 +-
 man/predict.knn3.Rd                                |   47 +-
 man/predict.knnreg.Rd                              |   35 +-
 man/predict.train.Rd                               |  131 ++
 man/predictors.Rd                                  |   65 +-
 man/print.confusionMatrix.Rd                       |   38 +-
 man/print.train.Rd                                 |   64 +-
 man/recall.Rd                                      |  138 ++
 man/resampleHist.Rd                                |   42 +-
 man/resampleSummary.Rd                             |   50 +-
 man/resamples.Rd                                   |  121 +-
 man/rf_seq.Rd                                      |   43 -
 man/rfe.Rd                                         |  162 ++-
 man/rfeControl.Rd                                  |  237 ++--
 man/sa_functions.Rd                                |  117 --
 man/safs.Rd                                        |  147 ++
 man/safs.default.Rd                                |   97 --
 man/safsControl.Rd                                 |  246 ++--
 man/safs_initial.Rd                                |  157 +++
 man/sbf.Rd                                         |  128 +-
 man/sbfControl.Rd                                  |  194 +--
 man/sbfFunctions.Rd                                |   50 -
 man/scat.Rd                                        |   25 +
 man/segmentationData.Rd                            |   54 +-
 man/selection.Rd                                   |   88 --
 man/sensitivity.Rd                                 |  179 ++-
 man/spatialSign.Rd                                 |   39 +-
 man/summary.bagEarth.Rd                            |   41 +-
 man/tecator.Rd                                     |   67 +-
 man/train.Rd                                       |  226 +--
 man/trainControl.Rd                                |  257 +++-
 man/twoClassSim.Rd                                 |  262 ++--
 man/update.safs.Rd                                 |   60 +-
 man/update.train.Rd                                |   59 +-
 man/varImp.Rd                                      |  387 ++---
 man/varImp.gafs.Rd                                 |   56 +-
 man/var_seq.Rd                                     |   41 +
 man/xyplot.resamples.Rd                            |  139 ++
 tests/testthat/preProcess_methods.R                |  323 +++++
 tests/testthat/test_BoxCox.R                       |   31 +
 tests/testthat/test_Dummies.R                      |  117 ++
 tests/testthat/test_bad_class_options.R            |   46 +
 tests/testthat/test_confusionMatrix.R              |    2 +-
 tests/testthat/test_glmnet_varImp.R                |   24 +
 tests/testthat/test_mnLogLoss.R                    |   29 +-
 tests/testthat/test_models_bagEarth.R              |    1 +
 tests/testthat/test_nearZeroVar.R                  |   23 +
 tests/testthat/test_sampling_options.R             |   86 ++
 tests/testthat/test_twoClassSummary.R              |   35 +
 vignettes/algorithm.tex                            |   22 +
 vignettes/caret.Rnw                                |    6 +-
 226 files changed, 20334 insertions(+), 8859 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/r-cran-caret.git

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