[limereg] 09/33: Don't have to mention grayscale anymore so explicitly in V1.4.

Mattia Rizzolo mattia at debian.org
Wed May 3 16:39:34 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mattia pushed a commit to branch master
in repository limereg.

commit 79595caa2908a0d227f3ec7c561f2734b8d3630f
Author: Roelof Berg <rberg at berg-solutions.de>
Date:   Sun Jun 7 23:05:49 2015 +0200

    Don't have to mention grayscale anymore so explicitly in V1.4.
 debian/control | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index bad1faa..f9ebd88 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Multi-Arch: same
 Depends: liblimereg1 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
 Description: Library for lightweight image registration [development files]
  Liblimereg automatically aligns two images with similar content to each other.
- Given two 2D grayscale images the algorithm returns the rigid transformation
+ Given two 2D images the algorithm returns the rigid transformation
  parameters detected for the best possible alignment (shift, rotation). There
  are also functions for a rigid image transformation (shift, rotation) and
  for creating a difference image out of two images. 
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
 Description: Library for lightweight image registration
  Liblimereg automatically aligns two images with similar content to each other.
- Given two 2D grayscale images the algorithm returns the rigid transformation
+ Given two 2D images the algorithm returns the rigid transformation
  parameters detected for the best possible alignment (shift, rotation). There
  are also functions for a rigid image transformation (shift, rotation) and
  for creating a difference image out of two images. 

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/limereg.git

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